Yay for another month delay because I'm a disorganized mess that doesn't know how to remind himself of probably important things.
Like the other months, this time we'll have a theme. In this case, it's befitting of the season: Halloween! Anything you believe is suited to Halloween, whether it be zombies, mummies, Pumpkins, witches, black cats, sexy costumes of everything ever, you name it!
Now, this is nominations, in other words we are not voting. Please only nominate an article once. If you see the articles you want to nominate (they can't be your own, obviously), you have no need to comment the same article. On October the 10th (Australian time, probably the 9th for the majority of you), we'll close this thread and have a new thread for voting. Simple? Hope so.
In other news, if anyone would like to volunteer for a self-formed "Featured Article" committee that takes it upon themselves to do these threads every month and then inform me to add the tags and whatnot on articles and change the main page then I'd love you very much for doing so and taking away a big burden from my hands.
Begin nominations!
Much love, Ashy.