She didn't mention anything specific such as "A single sword", she just said "a sword" which implies there could be many.
She liked referred to how Wendy could enchant DS magic into her own sword.
She mentioned a Sword with Dragon-Slayer abilities, the "Dragon Cry" was a mistranslation.
Character: Wren Llewellyn.
Magic: Already nominated as Blood Dragon Slayer Magic.
That's understandable Ash, no one can blame any lack of drive either, things happen, and I can't say you guys ought to be too apologetic.
Anyway, congrats Queen!!! I'm so happy for you :D
Yet another good analysis! Nice job Asherino~ AND IT'S ABOUT BAAAAAE
Yeah, why she joined and why she keeps it up wasn't really brought up in canon >_< I find it intriguing the way you look at her bipolar thing, I never thought of something so deep and went with "I'm alone and this is MY world" which is why no one could really get on it.
I think to build upon the source of their relationship can be quite tricky. No glimpse at all why Dimaria holds Brandish in such high regard...though, I think it's likely Dimaria's been allied with the Empire since she was a kid, due to whatever her country truly is, so she's been in contact with Randi since then.
About the way she acts, it's so vague. Like, no hint was given at all about a sad part of her life or something.
If I had to say so myself, I think Hiro made her personality a bit dependable on Brandish? Um, so I would say her character arc would largely involve Randi. I think making her interact with other characters can largely stall this.
Well, looking forward for the rest, kudos!
Davide Yamazaki wrote: I would like to nominate Jazz Adams and Plant-Make
"The nomination period will end on May 26th at midnight"
Well, now the time limit is greatly reduced.
Well, it's Article of the Month, of course it lasts a month. But you have to remember the ones responsible sometimes may be busy? I know it can irking, but it's what it is.
7 days for nominating and voting this time, so it should be fine. If anything, maybe next time it gets decreased. It's not about questioning things, it's about giving suggestions.
The process doesn't go on for a month, it barely stands for a week.
People nominate, we have options, people choose in-between the options.
Yo guys, remember that this is just the Nomination Phase, so try to put in here different articles if there are any.
Character: Artemis Reznik, he secretly fits the criteria and is very well done~
Magic: Gaia's Blood heavily reminds me of "Spring".
Congrats once again Aru :D I'm very happy for you!
He's asleep, just wait for now.
Gotta' agree, Ajeel is the Zancrow...the Jackal...BASICALLY the first guy to be taken out and the one without much to him other than hot-headness 'n shit. You summed it up, he is a walking cliche, but I think it's dependant on those who write him out...if that cliche will be good or bad.
I don't think Ajeel would need anything solely focused on him...but some moments, probably for his own reflection. Plus, you certainly had a good idea with the royalty thing, can't say it will be extremely difficult to take advantage of that (if you don't mind).
I myself was thinking of a Prince who had been taken advantage of by other Royalty Members, since he was so naive and gullible and didn't even recognize the sacrifices made by the many soldiers during the Wars he "orchestrated".
I thank you again for your input about the character Ashu, it certainly helps! It was a nice analysis even for a flat character like him.
No one ever said END could beat Acnologia though? Fans hyped him up more than the own series.
Also, yeah, that's fair.
He already said that it's the final arc on Volume 60, why would he even just go for the lulz and say that it ends on Ch. X? Well, okay, just ignore it then.
Hey, at least it makes sense and he is not getting defeated off-screen or in a way deemed as bullshit so people will hate on it.
As I said, you have to refer to the fact he is mainly talking about the message, it's not EXPLICITLY left that the SERIES itself ends.
Also, rushed? Why's that? It happened at its own pace despite some off-screen things and disappointments (which become null once you're sadly accostumed to it, with many fans clearly not being). PLUS, I don't think a mangaka simply announces his manga is ending, Hiro himself admitted he does most things as he goes on.