@Zet I get it, I do. As I said I get the reason. I'm not trying to sound ignorant to the reasoning behind this. It's simply a no brainer so long as you read the site rules is all.
I get the reason for this post, but still, this is a no brainer.
Hey Ash, mind if I create an apostle. I need a little time to touch up the details, but I'm hoping that you will reserve a spot for me. Thanks.
Japan stopped making anime forever.
Wife's pregnant. So are you.
That is a tough one. I've watched a truly ass load of anime, haven't read as many manga though.
That's just a sample of them as I have two many to think of, considering that I have at least 1000+ hours of anime watch time.
Well me and Mang are done. Who won, and what's next?
Sounds like a plan, just hope it has the kind of support from us as the characters you used to convey the idea.
I'll go with two weeks cause I currently have a limited degree of availability for being online at any one time. Plus with people that are in highly varied time zones makes editing tricky, and I believe that two weeks would greatly help with that. This is my opinion upon the matter at least.
Vance's power-up's include
And his secondary magic is Explosion Magic. And basic usage of Requip.
Also like Dazz asked how did our characters get to the underground arena's, and when are we going to see your into chapter for the DSR, just wondering?
Ok, thanks Per. I just wanted to get that clear. But if in an instance that it does occur, and if it was consensual between both players will it be ruled as a strike against whoever?
I do have a couple of questions Per, mostly regarding the auto-hit policy. Now, I know that it's completely against the rules in general, but, for example, the spell Fire Dragon's Grip Strike is in essence a auto-hit attack- how would that be ruled, and how would it wrote out in an RP?
Second: using my applicant in this example because it does pertain to him, one of his spells has a slight amount of auto-hitting in it; now in the last DSR RP I wrote it out when he used it that out of a flurry of punches only a few landed, or even grazed my opponent, is that allowed?
Lastly: the wiki's auto-hit policy doesn't cover aspects such as these. From what I can tell a auto-hit is confirmed if one character attacks, it lands, the opponent takes damage and is given no chance to avoid said hit, correct? Here is an example I would like you to mull over as to if it's an auto-hit or not, I'm going to use my DSR applicant in the example:
Vance launched himself at his opposition, disappearing from sight. He appeared again behind his opponent, and grabbed them by the back of their head and forced it towards the ground.
This example shows auto-contact but doesn't describe any damage being done and still offers the opposition the chance to counter. Is this kind of writing acceptable, or does it constitute auto-hitting?
I'm only asking these question for my own sake so that I don't have a repeat from last year. Thanks Per.
I'm entering Vance Kervic. His reasons for entering are: 1. He'd like another chance in the Royal after his defeat the year before. 2. He's also heard the rumor circulating about the defeat of the current King and ascension of the new one and would like a chance to at least meet, and ultimately fight the new king. 3 He would also like to prove that not all of the modern Dragon Slayers have become arrogant and power mad by their magic. At the moment I'm in the process of basic additions and tweaks to Vance, but as it is he's more or less done.