Time to freeze up!
Don't get in my way!
My winter will decompose you faster than a bullet
Don't test me human!
I'm not going to hurt you ( when she found Shimo)
Don't give up you can do it. (giving shimo encouragement)
Are you certain this is the right thing to do,
Are we making the right choice igneel?
Now that's a beautiful night sky. (Glacarora having a moment with Igneel)
I never asked you you big Fireball. (Glacarora playfully teasing Igneel after he puts his wing on top of her back and snuggle with her)
I know Natsu will forgive you I know he'll understand. (Glacarora comforting Igneel)
How's that for a ice dragon's touch? (Glacarora teasing igneel after winning a sparring match pinning him on his back)
I was not blushing!!! (Glacarora face is blushing after Grandeeney teases her about her Crush)
No one hurts my children and gets away with it. (Glacarora saying this with a very angry Erza like face)
I'm glad that a part of you is still with me. (Glacarora crying with tears of joy after Frost blazes hatching)