What's on your mind?
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Off-Topic Shenanigans
Off-Topic as hell, but YOLO
What's your favorite Pokemon(s) and why? I'm curious.
This can include Fakemon, UBs, Mega Evos, the whole nine. I mean, you can even post pictures if it makes you feel comfortable. I know for a fact that most, if not all of us grew up with Pokemon, so I'm curious to see what you prefer.
Yo, just gonna post this here so that everyone can vent their frustrations, whatever they may be. It's okay, no one's gonna chastise you for it. It can be about anything, and I do mean anything. This is so that we can help each other out outside of the wikia field. However, if you don't feel like sharing for one reason or another, it's okay. Just know we're here for you :P
Also, it's to see how everyone else is doing irl, basically.