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"This city, known as the city where the water runs through the streets, that's the home of the Blue Wolves, and I think I like that I did the guild proudly. Yet why is the city surrounded by water? It's a question that even I don't know, as the history of it is lost to time. But who knows, maybe the city is founded by a group of refugees fleeing from something, or just a lucky group of people... Either way, this place has always been my home. And the home of many citizens of this grand city!"
— Caracalla Flavius
Acacia city
Acacia City




Location Statistics
Located In


Controlled By

Caracalla Flavius (Current Mayor)


BlueWolvesSymbol Blue Wolves


990,000 (population increases depends on the trade seasons )

Acacia City (アカシア市. Akashia-Shi) or also known as "The City Surrounded by Water" (水に囲まれた街. Mizu Ni Kakoma Reta Machi), "King of the River" (川の王. Kawa No Ō), and the "Floating City of the Kikagome" (キカゴメの浮かぶ街. Kikagome No Ukabu Machi) is a city located in Fiore, where it is best known for its waterways and being in a lagoon.


Having a population of about 990,000 citizens, it is described as a merchant city where merchants and travelers throughout Fiore and even the entire world can gather to buy and sell their products. Gaining prosperity through trade, it has become a city of traders and sailors with the mayor himself controlling the trade routes through the waterways. Such reputation is supported by the fact that it is home to their famous guild, the Blue Wolves guild, where many people come to simply join the guild. Through this, the city has experienced an increase in commerce and travel so the money that the mayor is going to get can be best described as enormous in the amount of wealth.

Surrounded by water and in a lagoon, the city has adapted to the river and it has since grown into a city that prospered through the trade routes around the waterways. This can increase the trade in the city as the waterways have an advantage of being a major trade hub in Fiore, where many merchants come to stop by for resupply and the overall trade.


How many waterways are there

"Welcome to Acacia, where we literally live a city above a lagoon."

Near Scabisoa City, and north of Wingnut Town, lies Acacia City. The city itself is located in the east of the northwestern parts of Fiore, near to where the sea should be located. Linked by sea travel and/or a railroad, it is located by the Kikagome River and by a lagoon.


Acacia processes a large built-up area, extending over a lagoon that is near the Kikagome River. Many of its buildings range from modern buildings to the old buildings of the day when it was founded. Over at the entrance to the city, lies a golden statue of the legendary founder of the city, Chadmus Flavius. The statue is erected by the people in honor and respect for their founder.

Right towards the forested area, if one gets close enough, can see the Blue Wolves guild building, where they might join the guild. If they can just at least find where the guild building lies, they shall join with the highest honor.


Relying on sea trade and fishing, the city prospers in the sea trade, where traders would occasionally stop by to rest or to trade with other people. Other than that, tourism seems to be more popular as the city has many tourists coming by to visit the city, and as such, would increase the cities need to expand their housing and hotels to house even more tourists. In fact, there seem to be more tourists than the actual citizens living there.

From the city itself, it mostly relies on the sea trade, where many merchants trade in fish and salt, but it seems they've also traded in grain as it played a major part in the economy of the city. It also comes with the best shipbuilders in the whole kingdom (mainly because the population has to repair a lot of ships that usually come here), services, and their industrial exports of highly-priced glass, steel, and lacrima crystals. Acacidian Glass production in particular, are well-known for their artistic-fame and considered the finest glass in Fiore, making it very important for the city's economy.

Other than the exports, Acacia City is the most-used location for lacrima films and as such, many of the locations throughout the works of art are usually the setting and or chosen place of Acacia.


If one wishes to go to the city, then if one goes by sea, it is recommended that the visitor must hop on board a boat or a ship to enter the city through the waterways. But there's an alternative which is taking the train to the city. To use the train however, it would mean trying to cross over the bridges that connect the city to the other parts of Fiore.


Founding of the City[]

It is unknown when the city was first founded, but it is said (according to a myth) that the lagoon was once created by a god of the earth who had a quarrel with the god of the waters. After their little "arguments", both of them decided to stop their fighting, but their damages is what made the lagoon. Whatever the case, when the first settlers came to this lagoon, running away from a flood that devastated a far-away land, a man named Chadmus Flavius, who was the leader of this group, looked at the ground, and thought to himself if he can make a village there.

And so Chadmus did just that, seeing this land as safe for his people, telling that this is where they will live there, away from the flood. The people rejoiced, finally having a place to stay after so many weeks of walking from the north, and Chadmus was made the first head of their new village. There, the Flavius family would take over the newborn village, not knowing that this village would evolve into a city.

As the village is starting to expand, they would start to form their own faction, with the Flavius family on top, but that didn't last that long, as the new kingdom of Fiore would soon came across this city disguising itself as a nation. At first, there would be peaceful negotiations with the Kingdom and the this faction, however, war would soon spread, leading to the city state and Fiore being at war with each other. It didn't take that long for Fiore to conquer Acacia City, but instead of decimating the population and destroying their city, the king recognize their economic benefit and thus allowed the city to be spared, with the bonus of being taxed in a very high price. At the cost of having to pay higher taxes, the city people agreed, along with the approval of the mayor, but in secret however, the Flavius family is able to negotiate the King of Fiore at the time, Gaiseric Fiore, to let the city be spared but in exchange, the family would still keep their power. The king agreed, and thus allowed the city to be the economic center of Fiorean might while under the watchful eye of the Flavius family.

Flavian Rule[]

Under the rule of the Flavius family, the city would be put under construction as this new city is currently being repaired from the amount of skirmishes that had happened. Whilst this is happening, a local gang has been forming up under someone simply known as the "Blue Wolf". This gang leader would bring up people to join his gang for protection, however, this also meant that the citizens would have to pay for the gang's protection against bandits. It is during this time when a mage named Buji Lupis entered the city. At the time, the mayor of Acacia City Argus Flavius have been paying off Blue Wolf and his gang from attacking the city, but now the city is starting to run out of money and even with the revenue coming from merchants, he fears that the city would prove dangerous for any merchants to come in.


Acacia City Locations
What is more of a chad move than this
Statue of Chadmus Flavius
Grand tree of sulimeng
Grand Tree of Sulimeng
Church of saint nickolai
Church of Saint Nickolai
Train go choo choo
Acacia Station
Golden path park
Golden Path Park
Fargo Hospital
Fargo Hospital
Acacia Markets
Bell tower
Saint Marcis Tower


Acacia City Events
Celebration day
Firework Festival
Carnival of acacia
Carnival of Acacia
Mountain climbing festifal
Mountain Climbing Festival
Horse archery festival
Horse Archery Festival


  • Much like many of Fiores' cities and towns, it is named after a flower (or a tree if you're running out of ideas like me), specifically, the Acacia tree.
  • I based this city off of Venice.