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Fairy Tail Fanon Wiki
Das Geisterhaus

"For all of the happiness that you wish for one person, another person gets cursed with an equal amount of misery...so don't touch my stuff!!!"

You have stumbled upon Amenominakanushi, which is a barrier of the Das Geisterhaus. Interfere with his scheme and his familiars will see to it that your very soul is claimed as recompense!

Amenominakanushi Magic Circle





Caster Magic
Divine Authority Magic Seal Arts
Black Art


Luisa Godmother

Amenominakanushi (Kanji: 天御中主) is a Caster Magic and a Divine Authority Magic Seal Art which allows its caster to use a formula of mudra as a means of generating a magic seal with the ability to be detonated into an empyrean.


Like the spells of most of the Divine Authority Magic Seal Arts, the spells of Amenominakanushi are cast by performing gestures which are each referred to as a Mudra in patterns which are each referred to as a Formula. And also like the spells of most of the Divine Authority Magic Seal Arts, each of the spells of Amenominakanushi are cast with a specific formula. However, unlike the spells of most of the other Divine Authority Magic Seal Arts, it is not possible to cast the spells of Amenominakanushi without performing all of the mudra in the spell's formula. As such, even for the most experienced and most powerful casters of Amenominakanushi, one can not master Amenominakanushi without remembering the effect and mudras of each and every formula! Thus, in order to master Amenominakanushi, one must exhibit a large degree of dexterity and memorization.

In stark contrast to the rest of the Divine Authority Magic Seal Arts, the magic seals that are generated and utilized by Amenominakanushi are of divine origin. For the magic seals of Amenominakanushi are the magic seals of the gods themselves! As a result, when a magic seal of Amenominakanushi is detonated, the magic seal does not detonate into an explosion. But rather, the magic seal is detonated into an empyrean. Which is a wellspring of divine and primordial fire beyond the capabilities of even the most powerful explosions of draconic fire! For this reason, many have come to regard Amenominakanushi as an upgrade of Amaterasu. However, unlike Amaterasu, to cast Amenominakanushi is to trespass into the domain of the divine. It is a sin of the highest order that few of the gods are willing to allow one to commit without grave punishment. As such, though Amenominakanushi may not be a Black Magic, it is a Black Art which most shun as a magic of hubris and sacrilege.



