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Animal Transformation

アニマル トランスフォーマティオン


Animaru Toransufoomation


Caster Magic

Animal Transformation is an unnamed Caster Type magic that allows the caster to turn the target into animals. The target can become any animal that the caster thinks of, excluding sentient creatures.


Selecting a target, the caster is able to transform people into animals. The affected targets still retain various parts of their human appearance, such as hair or piercings, however the affected person may also adopt mannerisms of whatever animal they turn into; those affected may still access their Magic, but it is proportioned to their current bodily size. When the caster is defeated, the transformations cease functioning and those affected revert to their original forms.

The animal forms given can be used to enhance the skills of the caster's comrades - for example, turning a physically weak teammate into a Polar Bear, for the strength boost. The magic requires creative thinking on the caster's part, and extensive knowledge of the animal kingdom. The more animals you know, the more animals you can turn people into.

In addition, this magic is incredibly easy to Unison Raid with, due to the fact that any mages can still use their old magic in their new form. Specifically, magic that involves close range fighting combined with this magic can create some incredible combos.


  • Transform: Basic spell, turns the target into an animal of the casters choice.
  • Self-Shift: Transforms the caster into an animal of their choosing.
    • Rapid Morph: Constantly switch from one form to another, using the skills one after the other to create combos.
  • Chimeric Touch: A touch only spell, it only partially transforms the target, trapping them in a - admittedly temporary - were-beast-like form.