This article, Antimatter Magic, is property of Rozeluxe. |
The following article, Antimatter Magic, is a storyline specific article. As such it cannot be used in any collaborations or further works relating outside of the storyline. Thank You. |
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反物質魔法 |
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Morgiana Kurokami |
Antimatter Magic (反物質魔法, "Tanmonoshitsu Mahō") is a powerful Caster Magic that is utilized primarily by Morgiana Kurokami that is capable of large scale destruction.
Antimatter Magic is potentially one of the strongest Magics in existence as it allows the user to create, control, and manipulate the substance known as "antimatter". The antimatter produced by this magic is composed of anti-particles that will react with its equivalent particle when the two come into contact, resulting in their simultaneous annihilation. Due to this, the user can absorb physical matter and attacks of any type by negating the attacking body with antimatter, often causing the user to be almost completely untouchable by physical attacks. Antimatter Magic is especially effective against elemental magic users, as the user of Antimatter Magic can annihilate the opponent's elemental attacks completely by responding with anti-particles.
However, it is this Magic's great strength that is also its weakness as to properly negate an attack, its exact opposite must be created in order to cancel it out. Also, energy-based magic, such as Wave or Heavenly Body Magic can still affect users of Antimatter Magic, as pure energy is not affected by antimatter. At the same time the annihilation of matter and antimatter releases tremendous amounts of energy and this energy can just as easily harm the user as it does to their opponent.