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This article, Archery Magic, can be used freely without the creators explicit permission.
Archery Magic
Twilight Devil Slayer Magic
Kanji 弓の魔法
Rōmaji Kyū no Mahō
Parent Ability Artisan Magic
Type Holder Magic

Archery Magic (弓の魔法, Kyū no Mahō) is a Holder Magic and type of Weapons Magic that revolves around the use of bows & arrows; projectiles fired from a weapon with an elastic string. Although popularity has waned with the turn of the century, becoming antiquated in comparison to its sister and more industrial Magics, it still remains a discipline worthy of both fear and respect.


Also referred to as Hunting Magic, Archery Magic is a subcategory of Weapons Magic that focuses on the use of projectiles. Unique in its own right, it is the sister of Sword and Polearm Magic, possessing similar functions and abilities. Typically performed with a short or longbow, it can be used to enhance the speed and accuracy of one’s arrows, imbue them with elemental might, and more. Uniquely, this magic can even be used to create bows and arrows from their own magical energy, albeit with the aide of conduits and mediums. This makes it incredibly versatile in comparison to its sister magics, with it’s only true limits being the user themselves and the bow or arrow they’re using.

True to its name, this magic, like all other types of weapon magic, encompasses all forms of archery, be it traditional or of the newer era. This means not only can Long and Shortbows be used, but Crossbows and even Compound Bows can be as well. This makes it a magic that any who call themselves an archer can use.

Bows & Arrows[]




Notice: The spells listed here are entirely fanon: each is collaborative, user-submitted spell by the writers of Fairytail Fanon. As such, any spell that you see listed is completely Free Use! If used, the FTF Administration encourages you to customize the spell description to your character.


Sacred Arrow (破魔の矢, Hama-no-Ya}}: One of the most rudimentary spells in an Archery Magic user’s arsenal, by channeling their power they are able to utilize arrows that are enhanced with magic power. Serving as the primary method of combat by archers, these arrows come in a variety of shapes and forms: from simple traditional wood with metal tips, to Orichalcum, to even being crafted entirely by lacrima. It is the equivalent to the tried and true Spellblade: channeling one’s magical power into an arrow to amplify its overall piercing power. However, unlike its sister spell, the Sacred Arrow is noted as requiring a fair deal of magical control: the user must funnel exactly the right amount of ethernano to make sure that the arrow will keep its “charge” while flying through the air.
On its own, it is noted that the Sacred Arrow possesses such power that it can quite easily shatter punch through trees in a combustible manner and shatter rock formations. However, no two Sacred Arrows are exactly the same, and their strength and overall potential greatly vary from user to user. In the hands of a sufficiently powerful mage, these magical arrows can have truly devastating effects that allows them to destroy buildings and even create deep craters in the ground.

Spirit Arrow: Another basic spell, and a substitute for the traditional Sacred Arrow. Using their bow as a conduit, the user gathers ambient ethernano from the environment; shaping them into arrows of pure magic energy. Said projectiles can then be launched single-handedly, without need to knock the arrow first. In this regard, they are an easy replacement Sacred Arrows. Likewise, these arrows are noted as being five times as fast: easily keeping up with accelerative magics that allow for high speed movements. Additionally, they are noted as possessing concussive force to push their targets back upon impact. For this reason and more, the spell has been made an easy favorite among the general amount of New Age archers.
However, for all of its ease, the Spirit Arrow does one glaring weakness. Perhaps as a result of their lack of physical conduit for power, these arrows of ethernano lack the power of the tried and true Sacred Arrow, requiring further “charging” to replicate its same force. Nonetheless, Spirit Arrow remains a simplistic and uncomplicated spell that can be cast at any level. This makes it a more than worthwhile addition to the inventory of an Archery mage.


Spurning Bow: A defensive maneuver wherein a practitioner of Archery Magic is able to neutralize an incoming attack. This is done by first analyzing the opponent’s energy signature, and how it is projected in the form of a technique. Following this, the user must then concentrate their own magical power into their bow: perfectly matching their opponent’s energy output. From here, they create a concentrated barrier around the bow that rapidly expands upon the moment of contact: dispersing its power and canceling it out.


Sacred Bow: A technically uncategorized spell wherein the user manifests a bow made up entirely of magical energy. To start, the user must first use a medium as a focused: this can be anything from a stick, a strand of hair, or even their own blood. In any case, this medium is used as a focuser to harness ethernano: wrapping it around the object in question and manipulating concentration of energy to take the form of a bow. These objects are made entirely of magic power: given and maintaining a tangible form by the user’s aura. Through this, they are able to use them as makeshift bows should the genuine object not be around.
Rooted in the magic of conjuration, these bows are able to be used to knock and launch regular Sacred Arrows, or the more mainstream Spirit Arrows. The overall appearance and size of the Sacred Bow can also be modified to be given more personal designs. However, much like the Sacred Arrow, this spell greatly depends on the user in question and their overall power. A novice mage with average power will only be able to manifest a mass of energy in the form of a bow, while more experienced and skilled mages can conjure bows that can pass for the genuine object.

Trick Arrow: Much like Spellblade, skilled and experienced users of Archery Magic have been shown to be able to imbue their bows and arrows with additional effects, namely that of the elemental variety. This allows for them to launch projectiles that range from a flaming arrow, to those that carry an electrical charge. Likewise, they can be given properties such as heatseeking, homing in on a specific energy signature, and even phasing through solid objects, making it an incredibly versatile spell

Advanced Spells[]

Ultimate Technique[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Written by King Arthur, this article also takes information from the Bow and Arrow Magic pages.
    • This was done because the admin felt it was silly to have three different pages for a magic that was more or less the same. As such, Thsi page is meant to encompass the use of all archery-based magics
  • Feel free to submit spells to be added to this page, although they will be free to use and perhaps subject to grammatical and syntax correction by fellow users.