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Fairy Tail Fanon Wiki

This article, Benny Kahn, is property of Ibrahim I.

Benny Kahn
Name Benny Kahn
Kanji N/A
Rōmaji N/A
Race Human
Birthday October 23rd
Age 19
Gender male
Height 5' 9"
Weight 130 pounds
Eyes blue
Hair blonde
Blood Type A
Unusual Features none
Professional Status
Affiliation Toy Box
Previous Affiliation none
Occupation mage
Previous Occupation none
Team none
Partner none
Base of Operations Toy Box guild building
Personal Status
Marital Status none
Alias "The Kahn"
Magic Embers
"I like to burn things. As the flames consume anything it touches, I feel a sense of joy."
—Benny Kahn

Benny Kahn, is a mage who is a member of the notorious legal guild known as "Toy Box". He gets along well with his guild mates but is incredibly hostile to anyone from another guild. He seems to have the best friendship with Axel Sarapan. He was given the nickname "The Kahn" by the guild master, Cocoon, and Benny eventually made it his last name. His true name is Benjamin but he thought it was "uncool" so he changed it to Benny.


Benny is a blonde haired individual wearing a black jacket that has no sleeves. In his original appearance in Toys Can't Die, he appears differently. He has blue eyes and is of medium height and often wears cargo shorts although he has been known to wear any random clothes he can find.


Benny, in general, is a very cocky indivdual. He will openly mock opponents in battle and will taunt them with anything he can. However, around friends, Benny is sensible although he is a Pyromaniac. He cares for his guild mates and he would do anything to save them. He believes that his guild is the absolute best and that Toy Box could easily overpower any that stand in their way. He shows his anger when his guild building burns down and vows with his guild mates to destroy whoever burned the guild down.


Like all the members of Toy Box, Benny's history is largely unknown. The only piece of information available is that he was the 4th to join Toy Box.


Benny appeared in Fatherfail's story "Toys Cant't Die" and was defeated by the combined efforts of the Rune Knights and Natsu from Fairy Tail


Magic and Abilities[]

Because Benny is a Pyromaniac, he uses fire based magic. His most prominent magic is Embers. (link to be added)


I could not find any pictures that really gave the look of Benny so I chose the one that fit him best. I cant exactly remember what he actually looked like though.
