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Heroic Chronicles EC Gilvan
"It's best if you keep your nose out things, young prince. It'll prevent you from getting hurt in the near future. Take the warning to heart, lest you regret it later on." — Gilvan Astraius
The following article contains content exclusive to the Heroic Chronicles universe. Thus, this article may not be used by any other user unless permission is acquired from the creator. In such an event, they would need to explain their reasoning for using it outside of the author's A.U.; however, in most cases this doesn't mean that it will be used.
This page, Blessings of the White Knight, is currently under construction. Please bear with the changes made by the author.
White Knight Magic Pro
Blessings of the White Knight



Shirokishi no Yokei


Caster Magic
Lost Magic
Subspecies Magic
Magic Skill

Parent Ability

White Arts
Light Magic


Arturia Pendragon

Blessings of the White Knight (白騎士の余慶, Shirokishi no Yokei), also referred to as "White Knight Magic" (白馬の騎士の魔法, Hakubanokishi no Mahō) and "Holy Magic of Destined Warrior" (聖魔法の命武者, Seimahō no Atemusha), is a one-of-a-kind Caster Magic and Magic Skill that's passed down from generation-to-generation; it can be only inherited by one who's said to be the transmigrant of a legendary white knight — said to appear once every few centuries, not unlike another known magic. It's also considered to be a form of Holder Magic, being able to utilize the abilities of this potent magic through various forms of weaponry — specifically holy swords and armors, while having the possibility of unlocking new ones.

The magic's origins are like what the name & given titles imply — it was born from the intentions of saving those around them while mediating justice to those who would seek to harm others; it's a form of Subspecies Magic, born from the element of light — the personification of goodness & austerity. In fact, the element is found in most of the magic's given abilities, thus classifying it as one of the many forms of the White Arts. It's said that the magic will take on its true form when its current wielder is of a "holy lineage". The implications behind such a phrase are unknown, but it may hit its relation to a certain species — revered by many as one of the two most divine races known throughout creation.

Currently, this magic is used by Arturia Pendragon — man known for his valor and recognized the modern era's incarnation of a white knight. It's rumored by various individuals that he's the only one capable of unlocking the full powers of this magic — something that most of the previous incarnates are unable to do, due to the hidden lineage of his biological family.



  • This magic is meant to be used for storyline purposes only, being one of the factors that fully explain backgrounds of certain found within. It's also meant to help the author get a full-grasp on the concept of a "white knight" while trying not to turn him into a cheesy sue.
  • This magic also finds inspiration from the series, Avatar: The Last Airbender & Avatar: The Legend of Korra, specifically in the utilization of previous lives & the Avatar State.