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This article, Blue Magic, is property of Alohakeoni33.

Blue Magic
ブル メージク
Buru Meejiku

Blue Magic (ブル メージク Buru Meejiku) is a powerful Caster Magic, Holder Magic, that enhances the users physique and fighting ability drastically. It can also be used as pure energy and released as energy attacks.


Blue Magic is primarily an enhancing magic that gives the user an incredible boost in physical abilities. It can greatly enhance endurance, stamina, strength, speed, reflexes, coordination, physique, and all of your senses. The extent to which these abilities are amplified depend on how much magic energy you use. You can get a massive boost and have your magic deplete fast or a subtle boost that lasts a long time.

There is also a sense of tranquility to blue magic that gives you great control over your own body. While it may help you as a fighter it will not make you a good fighter. Martial Art experience is required in order to truly use Blue Magic to it's full potential. Anyone with martial arts experience can add Blue Magic to make them that much better. It also helps you to remain in calm and not get out of control with all of the new magic power but this takes time to learn. Controlling Blue Magic takes a long time because it becomes part of you.

While it's primary function is to enhance abilities some are capable of using Blue Magic as tangible energy. They are able to use the magic that flows through them and manifest it into attacks. This takes a long time due to it being such a naturally calm magic. Bringing in an element of instability to Blue Magic gives the user the ability to utilize it as manifestable energy. This is extremely difficult and very few people are capable of doing this with Blue Magic. The resulting energy from this destructive form of Blue Magic is very powerful and dangerous. Without proper control and understanding of the magic one can get themselves very injured or even killed in attempting to use it's destructive properties. The perfect balance between your soul, your body, and your magic is required for this and it takes large amounts of training to gain it's expertise.
