I'm going to try to be rather indulgent. For the groups: Deva, Phoenix Fireheart Guild,The Unorthodox, and The Tripedal, you may add any character you desire to the listing, without having to consult me first (Yes, this counts as me giving approval, so you don't need to freak out when you see the Property Template on top, lol). As well I'm not going to limit the number you can add to these(Just please steer clear of changing the main content). For other groups such as Seven Primordia Mages, you can request permission to add one (and only one) character to the list (I most likely will not say no :) ). For any Magic that doesn't have "My Cake" on the page and is not a Lost Magic, you may add your character to the list if you want (Again, i'm giving approval in this statement). For any Lost Magic that doesn't have "My Cake" you can request permission to add your character to that list.
Atrax Noctua -
Chaos Arts -
The Unorthodox -
Arcanum Phoenix Guild -
Seven Primordia Mages -
Rebirth -
Izanagi Magic Seals
All items (33)