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Chastity, belongs to Kasumi12346
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Haruhi awakened (1)
Uriel Lychnus

Lychnus Uriel


Archangel of Chastity
Captain (By Heavenly Virtues)
She Who Must Not be Named (By demons)
Pure Mother (Lychnus)
Malka Mashiach (Haruhiists)




Unknown (God Slayer, Seven Heavenly Virtue)






Female Female



Blood Type


Hair Color


Eye Color





5 ft 1 in


110 lbs.

Professional Status

Seven Heavenly Virtues


White Mage
Traveling Mage
Leader of the Seven Heavenly Virtues
Head Agent of Azoth


Haruhi Kaneko

Previous Partner(s)

George Lydda (Briefly)
Hitomi Keikain (Briefly)


Seven Heavenly Virtues

Base of Operations

Earth Land

Personal Status


Marital Status



Achilles Lychnus (Foster Father)
Selána Selinofoto (Cousin)
Unnamed Foster Child
Kirin (Descendants)
Centaur (Descendants)
Nymph (Descendants)
Uthra (Descendants)

Powers & Equipment

Holy Magic
Divine God Slayer Magic
Sealing Magic




Unrivaled Holiness


Key of Heaven

Image Gallery

Chastity secret real name Uriel Lychnus is a First-Generation God Slayer and the captain of the highly respected Seven Heavenly Virtues with many people worshiping her. In the world of Lychnus she is known as the Pure Mother rather than Chastity. Her nearly unrivaled level of benevolents has given her a fearsome reputation among demons. The smallest chance of Uriel being in an area is enough to send entire armies of demons running with their tails between their legs. Her name is what demons use to frighten their children into obeying them.

After gathering the people and resources needed to give Azoth an avatar to move around in she began traveling with Azoth.


In truth no one quite knows what Uriel looks like. The depiction demons would give is as varied as what they can be afraid of. However, considering it is potentially deadly just for a weak demon to be near her due to her purifying presence they can't be relied on for the information. Humans and non-malevolent creatures are not reliable either because of how she will often use her illusion abilities to disguise herself.


Chastity is truly a good person. She has spent her over 6000 years of life doing nothing but helping and protecting people. She hates violence, but will do what she must to defend the weak. It appears she especially hates the idea of power equaling destruction. Humans and the innocent flock to her; demons and evil flee from her and many see her as a bastion of hope. The light that never goes out and can always be counted on to be there no matter how dark it gets or how bad things are. Humans and other creatures may be vulnerable to moral corruption, but Chastity can always be relied on to be good. People don't just view her as a good person, but purity incarnate. This is the initial reason why people stopped using her name and instead began using her title. It was out of respect for the person she is.

In truth, Uriel is a bit more complex then what most people think and she isn't some emotionless robot. She may be incorruptible and will always do the good thing, but she is flawed in other areas. Best example of this is her height which is very unsatisfied with. She is famous for having a scowl on her face when someone is talking about her height. She will never act or speak on her displeasure, but one look at her when someone mentions it makes it clear that she is very touchy about the subject.

Another example is how while she is an eternally good person her personality will shine in less important situations by how she does her good deeds. As a haruhiist would put it, "Journey before destination." Her most recent example is how she is managing Haruhiism for Azoth until Azoth can obtain a physical avatar. Uriel could have done it and not made a big deal about it so only haruhiists know about it. Instead she made her role in the religion very public tightly tethering herself to Azoth. In time most people will probably stop worshiping her as a goddess and start worshiping her as Azoth's prophet and head agent in the hopes that her followers begin worshiping Azoth as their goddess instead. This demonstrates that like Haruhi, Uriel finds the idea of being worshiped uncomfortable. In Uriel's case it is because she secretly isn't a true goddess and thus feels unworthy despite how many people she has helped. She doesn't outright forbid people and keeps worshiping as an option as like Haruhi feels free will to be very important and just isn't that type of person. She was going to help the religion of Haruhiism anyway so by making her actions blatantly obvious she makes Azoth impossible to ignore to her own followers. Knowing full well there are some among her followers that will switch to Haruhiism. All of this done without forcing people or being manipulative and remaining mindful of other people's emotions and beliefs.

One could consider this a casual act of presenting a new option to a group of people who will likely convert. She now works under Azoth and her followers are not dumb. They would have learned about Chastity's relationship with Azoth eventually. Uriel is simply speeding up this process. This same act also seems to suggest Uriel likes playing playful jokes on her closest friends. However, she will never play a joke on a friend unless it doubles as a way to help them. It is only prank if you only focus on the small picture. It is a helpful maneuver if you look at the larger picture. She knows Haruhi dislikes being worshiped as well, which is why it can be considered a prank. However, she initiates the prank in a way where she isn't fully pushing her followers onto Haruhi so it doesn't bother her friend too much especially since by doing this she is at the same time helping her friend. There are many haruhiist who have never worshiped Chastity, but now will as Azoth's head agent. Allowing Chastity to share in a burden that Haruhi clearly finds uncomfortable. In some ways nothing has changed and many people will probably not think much of it. Her followers are still worshiping her as they always have, but there is now just someone they view as above Chastity.

While Chastity is perfectly good who cannot be corrupted not just anyone will find it easy being Uriel's friend. Those who find it difficult to look at the bigger picture will likely find her prankster tendencies annoying as they miss the good these so called pranks do to the person she is pranking. On the other hand those who can only think of the bigger picture will miss the joke and will probably think her emotionless just like everyone else. To be her friend one has to be able to see the larger and smaller picture with equal ease and not tire from switching between pictures constantly.


Erebus Nightwielder[]

Haruhi Kaneko[]

Before her ascension Chastity and Haruhi's relationship was something akin to teacher and student. Chastity is the one who helped her most in aiding fully realize her true power as an azoth mage. Things changed when she ascended. Now that Haruhi was no longer a white mage, but White Arts itself Chastity returned as the strongest White Arts user making her Azoth's foremost agent who enacts her will because she doesn't yet have a body. While she doesn't worship Azoth she does refer to her in a similar fashion as how deities will refer to the primordial of their domain. Complicating things further, after Haruhi's ascension a strong feeling of friendship as surfaced in their relationship. Since Uriel was the only person Haruhi personally knew strong enough to withstand her own thoughts she often would communicate to relieve loneliness and give Chastity suggestions that Chastity interpreted as orders. Azoth tried to do the same with Kaine Bridgefoster, but stopped when he got a supernaturally bad headache. Uriel views Haruhi as a former student, close friend, and as a superior. At times they go so far as treat each other as siblings. What way Uriel views Haruhi in any given moment depends on what name she uses to refer to her as. She uses the name Azoth in serious settings to indicate she will carry out Azoth's will while she uses the name Haruhi in more casual settings. Haruhi seems to do the same for Uriel. Using the title Chastity in serious settings and the forgotten name Uriel in casual settings.


Next to nothing is known about Chastity not even her original race. The only thing known is she was raised and trained by the God of Light. Most assume Achilles adopted her, but even that is not known for certain. As far as anyone knows, Chastity could be his biological daughter. There are no records of at all for the first 20 years of her life, which might mean she was raised in the realm of the gods. At some point Chastity left her father's care to start her life. The first few reports of her describe a short woman wandering Earth Land helping whoever she finds. At some point she is acknowledged for her holiness and made the first of the Seven Heavenly Virtues. She was given the title Chastity because of the purity of her magic and actions as well as her restraint and will power. Shortly after being named one she had her first encounter with the infamous Primordial Devil Slayer where she protected a town by managing to drive him off. This was a huge deal at the time for many believed him to be unbeatable due to how before this point there were no reports of anyone doing so.

Uriel's life didn't change after becoming a Heavenly Virtue and she continued wandering in search of people to help for thousands of years. Some of the most noteworthy events in her life are creating Commandment, creating the first saint, and the emergence and encounters with the other Heavenly Virtues who she would lead. As time passed though her real name was lost in history with people only knowing her by her title of Chastity. At an unknown date most likely before the creation of Commandments her power subconsciously created living manifestations of her ideals through a similar process to the creation of magic power causing her to become pregnant with quadruplets. Nine months later she would secretly give birth to the quadruplets who would later become known as the ancestors of Four Sacred Races. This virgin birth is the primary reason for why the Four Sacred Races refer to her as the Pure Mother. Taking time off from her duties she stayed on the island she was hiding on to raise her children to adulthood before allowing them to leave to explore the world. As time would pass the origins of the four sacred races would remain a secret and many religions would form around the quadruplets and the four races descended from them.

In recent years she played a huge role in the events surrounding Avalon, which includes finishing the Azoth Mage's training and keeping Erebus occupied during the final battle. The moment Avalon was freed from Sekai Sayomi, Uriel left to resume seeking those in need of her help.



  • Key of Heaven: The Key of Heaven is a magic item able to open an inter-dimensional Gate to the realm of the gods. She rarely uses it for that purpose, but instead simply uses her Empowerment to transform it into a scythe.
  • Light Pen: The light pen is a magic item that takes the form of a normal-looking, light-colored pen with an arched clip. This magic item allows Uriel to write in the air. Due to how Uriel is unable to speak without letting the overwhelming pressure of her magic power leak out the light pen has become her main way to communicate. The pen is made by the company for Chastity in mind and unlike others of its kind Chastity's light pen can be recharged by simply flowing magic power into it.

Magic and Abilities[]

Holy Magic[]

Holy Magic is a powerful form of Caster Magic that serves as the supplementary variant of Kamiyonanayo and just like the magic it is one she invented for public use. This magic allows Uriel to increase the benevolents of her already incredibly holy magic power to make it even more lethal and for the purposes of combating demons and aiding allies. In addition to that, by doing so she is able to draw strength from the positive emotions around much in the same way Curses are fueled by negative emotions. After obtaining a level of benevolents required to create anti-demon magic power, Holy Magic became mostly useless to her because her magic power inherently possesses all of the abilities Holy Magic provides. Occasionally she does use it to make her magic more lethal for demons.


Divine God Slayer Magic[]

Divine God Slayer Magic is a form of Caster Magic, Lost Magic, and God Slayer Magic that was taught to Uriel by her foster father: the God of Light himself. This fact has given her an especially powerful form of God Slayer Magic, being leagues above normal God Slayer Magic. The form of God Slayer Magic that Uriel uses revolves around light. As a form of God Slayer Magic, this magic gives her the ability to produce light within her body and then expel it from any part of her body or create it from afar. This magic gives her godlike control over the light she produces as well as the light of other mages.

When Uriel's physiology was changed into that of a "Goddess of Light" she obtained the biological and natural traits and abilities of such a deity. Her physical prowess and senses were heightened to great lengths allowing them to achieve an ascended level and match that of a God and her mind was augmented to comprehend the new information. In her final spar with her father, Uriel was able to match the God's strength blow for blow and keep up with his speed. Her senses also helped her keep up with her father because of how they were heightened to become supernaturally acute. She can pinpoint a specific scent from miles away, pick up even the slightest vibrations through physical contact with the ground, see across great distances and in great detail, hear over incredible distances and a large range of frequencies, and she was granted a sixth sense in the form of a minor form of extrasensory perception that allows her to detect movements.

Similarly to a Goddess of Light, Uriel's body is immune to all the direct and indirect effects of light and heat as well as can't be harmed by holy items or powers. In addition, she is highly resilient to darkness and the Black Arts. No light or heat no matter how powerful it is or where it comes from has any chance of hurting Uriel and if a darkness of Black Art is weak enough her body is capable outright negating it. Since she has the lungs and stomach of a Goddess of Light she is capable of consuming all forms and types of light, heat, or holy powers or items including her own to heal her body, restore some of her magic power, and improve her Magic and physical capabilities.

Uriel's God Slayer physiology allows her to transform her body into her element or infuse her element with her body. The former allows her to become invulnerable to most physical attacks for they will harmlessly pass through her body when she is in this state. In addition, having a body of made of light allows her to dart around at light speeds. The ability to infuse her body with light allows her to strengthen her body with light just like Strengthening Magic does with magic power.


Uriel's skin reacting to the nearby presence of a deity

One other trait Uriel obtained from the change to her physiology is one that is very similar to Devil Slayers and one that is rooted in how she is a first-generation God Slayer. Uriel has obtained the ability to passively sense deities. When she is near a deity, markings will start to appear on her body starting on her face and then spreading depending on the power of the deity. Once these markings appear Uriel is able to obtain a wide array of information about the powers and abilities of the deity she is facing through extrasensory means. In addition, they make Uriel very resilient to the powers and abilities of the deity, which turns her into a very effective living weapon against deities.

Her new physiology has made her body operate kind of like an Etherious in that her body and Magic can evolve in the presence of emotions, in this case positive emotions. The more positive emotions that are in the area the larger the boost Uriel receives.

This is partially related to the final change in her physiology. The one related to the main application of Divine God Slayer Magic: the creation and manipulation light. In order to change Uriel's Magic Origin into that of a Goddess of Light Achilles imbued it with the attribute known as Viriditas. This attribute made her Magic Origin not just holier but made it a source of holiness just like how the sun is a source of heat. This can be seen in how the things and people around her become holier and cleansed just by being close to her and gives Uriel her Purifying Presence. Not surprisingly, this makes her presence very uncomfortable and terrifying to demons and evil creatures. The divine air about her that comes from this attribute can make it hard for some low-level demons to comprehend her existence in a similar way to how some believe it to be hard to comprehend deities. This makes Uriel appear as a mass of light to those weak demons or some other appearance depending on what part of Uriel their minds can comprehend.

When she is using Divine God Slayer Magic she uses this attribute to influence her magic power while at the same imbuing it with the power of her foster father. She then uses this sacred energy to create her dark colored God Slayer element known as Aether's Light by infusing her piece of azoth with it. This light is very holy, so holy that its level of holiness is often quoted to be beyond comprehension. This amount of benevolents makes any light she produces a very dangerous substance to demons in addition to deities because of how it is first and foremost a God Slayer Magic.

Uriel is able to give Aether's Light countless abilities since she is able to modify light's very essence. The abilities are separated into forms: one that represents the physical realm, one that represents the metaphysical realm, and a form of light that represents what is beyond. The first form is known as shifting light, which represents the physical realm. Uriel is able to influence the physical properties of this form of light in anyway she chooses. Among many other things, this allows her to change its state of matter, temperature, or make it explosive. This makes Uriel a lot more versatile and than most Slayers because of the many things she can accomplish. The second form, god light, is the form of aether's light that represents the metaphysical realm so it embodies the conceptual side of light. The light that is associated with healing and assisting, destroying impurities and only impurities, spreading hope, negating darkness, creating illusions, etc. The last form of aether's light, ascending light, represents what is beyond. Uriel is able to use it to amplify nearly anything she wants whether it be an ally's physical or mental traits or something like the speed of the wind, making it a great supplementary tool.

As a first-generation God Slayer who has had many centuries to master her magic Uriel has a level of control over her element that can only be described as transcendent. She has limitless control over her own or any other light-based element regardless of whether it is her own or not. She finds performing basic tasks with her element to be second nature to her and requiring very little or no mental effort. She is able to unleash a blinding light that envelopes a vast area or have the holiness of an area grow exponentially with a snap of her fingers. She can send powerful blasts or other kinds of basic attacks of light at her opponents with small gestures or defend herself with effective barriers of light by simply looking at the attack. When she is using shifting light she can change where it is on the electromagnetic spectrum, influence its other physical attributes, or enchant it so easily and quickly that it seems like it is an afterthought to her. On higher levels, Uriel can have an animate or inanimate construct made of light at a moments noticed so as to make Molding Magic appear to be the easiest thing in the world to her. On higher levels of her control, she is able to use light to teleport just by willing to be somewhere and to use light for other complex tasks. When she is using her full power the things she can do appear to be countless.

The power of her light should not be underestimated because it is just as impressive. Early in her career as a Heavenly Virtue she ran into the user of Void Devil Slayer, Erebus Nightwielder. When both of them unleashed their breath attack Uriel's light was able to keep up with the immense power of Erebus's Void Devil Slayer Magic and eventually overpower it. In a show of the power of her light, as a Heavenly Virtue she has had to face countless demons and in these fights her light was able to utterly overpower the Curses the demons tried to use against her. Naturally, this level of power can be even more overwhelming against mages considering most Curse users find trouble with it. This level of power naturally gives it godly destructive potential. The level of power comes from how her light exists on a higher plane of existence and as such gives it a transcendent priority that will prove difficult to overcome for most Curses and Magic and hard to withstand attacks from it. Only the strongest curses that come from a primordial demon stands a chance of overpowering her magic.

Healing thousands of people is easy for Uriel as she can do it with a flick of her wrist that causes god light to envelop a large area. According to those who have been healed by Uriel her healing capabilities are not just effective, but the bring about a sensation beyond compare as if they are touched by the grace of a god and all their worries and doubts are wash away filling them with determination. The feeling is so wonderful that many view the chance of being healed by Uriel a high honor that they will do anything for the chance and due to how her voice can heal just getting the chance to hear her speak is just as high an honor.

Indeed, Uriel is known far and wide for being the greatest healer with her unrivaled healing capabilities. She has reached the very pinnacle of what healing-based spells have to offer. She knows hundreds upon thousands of different healing spells leading people to believe that there is nothing she cannot heal or cure no matter how great. Her healing prowess is so great that it had put to shame the current Azoth Mage until her ascension. She doesn't even need to put conscious thought into the act in order to heal a person. She can passively heal anyone she touches by having positive emotions about that person. Her very presence can sometimes heal the small wounds of her allies around her. Her ability to heal people passively is known as her "Divine providence."

Her power and skill as a God Slayer have given her quite a reputation among God Slayers and other mages. Throughout her life there have been many God Slayers who have searched for and asked her to complete their training, which suggests she is viewed by the public as a mage who is no longer a God Slayer, but a goddess. There is a rumor that stems from this view that claims that Uriel took in a child and trained him to become a God Slayer.

Of course as a type of God Slayer Magic Divine God Slayer Magic has the ability to slay gods though in a twist of irony this God Slayer Magic has never been used to slay gods, but only demons. If its power is anything to go by it should be able to kill gods, high gods, titans, and maybe even the tier of god just above that. This is very odd since Uriel's foster father is an ordinary god and shouldn't have in his possession such a powerful form of God Slayer Magic. Indeed, Achilles form of Divine God Slayer Magic is drastically weaker than Uriel's in every way imaginable which makes this the odd case of the student far surpassing the teacher. Achilles could even get stronger if Uriel turned around and taught him his own magic. The reason for why Uriel has far surpassed her parent is wrapped in the truth behind what she is. Uriel's teacher may have been an ordinary god and his magic in his hands might have been nothing special by God Slayer standards, but Uriel herself is another matter entirely.

Subspecies Abilities[]

  • Light Manipulation:
    • Illusion Manipulation:
  • Azoth Sense: Azoth sense is an ability that allows Uriel to sense those around by detecting what white mages would refer to as a living creature's piece of azoth. This grants Uriel the ability to detect life around her as well as their intentions, goals, and how they wish to improve. It is an ability usable only by white mages of the highest caliber as it requires a high degree of mastery over White Arts to use.
  • Holy Voice: Uriel possesses the voice box of a Goddess of Light granting her very voice a lot of benevolents and those who have heard her voice have said she has a voice of an angel. She can use this holy voice of hers to heal her allies simply by uttering their name one, rid them of impurities such as mind control or Magical Barrier Particles with a second utterance of their name, enhance their mind and body by the third, and increase their lifespan by 20 years by the fourth. It is unknown if she prolongs life by expanding the person's life-force or lengthening their telomeres with her voice. When she is talking to demons or other unholy creatures her voice can operate like constant and passive exertion of power of a powerful mage's magic power to make it harder for them to withstand her company because the discomfort and fear her voice can induce in demons. Her holy voice is why Uriel is always keeping the tone of her voice in check. The smallest ounce of anger creeping into her voice can make it hard for anyone who isn't as holy as her to withstand her company not just demons. One person once described the fear instilled by the anger in Uriel's voice as being at the mercy of a wrathful God and how the fear he felt caused him to do nothing but remain paralyzed in fear. The fear was so intense that he forgot to breathe for awhile and he wasn't even a demon and couldn't experience the full effect of her anger as a result of that fact.
    • Enochian:
      Screen Shot 2017-11-23 at 10.58

      Uriel preparing to speak the word for "metal" in the Enochian language in order to transmute it

      Enochian is a sacred archaic-sounding language taught to Uriel by Achilles who described it as the "language of the gods." The language has to mystical characteristics. The first is the evocation and commanding of various holy spirits. The second is how with this language she is able to speak the true name of various particles, energies, and matter nearby allowing her to bestow and affix her Magic onto it. This grants her great amount of power over it that can be used to bring about an effect just by speaking its named followed by the effect in the form of an order in the language. This form of Enchantment called Harut or Enochian Magic is very versatile with endless possibilities that make it seem like some form reality warping ability. The effects Uriel can bring about range anywhere between basic manipulation, to transmutation, to affixing it with supernatural effects. She can even enchant people provided she knows their true name. The only downside to the abilities of this language is more of a ceremonial magic, which means preparation is usually required to use the language for enchantment or for summoning and commanding spirits, which makes it hard to use its powers in the heat of battle. This usually involves drawing a magic circle, but the preparation requirements can become much more complex depending on the task.
  • Kiraman Katibin: Kiraman Katibin is an ability derived from her clairvoyance that allows Uriel to read minds and record what is going on in their minds.
  • Angurvadal:
    Divine God Slayer Magic-aether light
    Angurvadal is a form of divine light that is very potent against malevolent forces such as demons and similar in function to the Flames of Emotion used by Fire Dragon Slayers. Unlike normal aether light, Angurvadal has the normal color of light, albeit its color is more intense, instead of the usual black color of God Slayer Magic. It is tied directly to Uriel's magic origin and as a result grows stronger in accordance to the amount of sin or malevolent forces like darkness or Curses that are around her, but grows dim and weak in peaceful areas. Angurvadal is generated by intensifying the benevelonts and destructive power of her magic power with the Viriditas attribute of her Magic Origin. Once created the power of the light will decrease or increase depending on the amount of sin or malevolent forces like darkness or Curses that are around Uriel. It appears that the intensity of the sin or malevolent forces themselves can influence the power of the light as shown by how it grows a bit stronger when Uriel is close to an archdemon as opposed to when she is around an ordinary low-level demon. Its power can range from anywhere between being a weak glow too weak to do anything to light that is extremely powerful and so overwhelming that very few are able to stand up to.
  • Purifying Skills:
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    Purifying Skills is the name of a set of spells that are Divine God Slayer Magic unique form of Magic Skills. It uses sacred energy to expand on her purifying abilities to apply and use them in unique ways that are far beyond the norm for her. To understand these spells one must first understand Uriel's natural purification prowess. Uriel's magic power is naturally very holy allowing her to flow it into creatures or things without modifying it in any way for purification purposes, which is the process of removing or converting darkness or evil from objects or people. Her ability to purify is very high and even primordial demons like Orthrus and Cerberus's parents are wary of it. As a result, Uriel is able to purify many things with very little difficulty.
    • Sacred Energy Manipulation:
    • Holy Seal: Holy Seal is a spell where Uriel channels sacred energy to her fingers and uses the sacred energy to inscribe a holy seal on to a demon. The seal seals away their curse power to prevent them from using Curses until the seal is broken. The holy seal can also be placed on creatures who are not demonic in nature as a way of removing all the effects of Curses from their body.
      • Demon Binding Arrow: Demon Binding Arrow is spell that uses sacred energy in tandem with bows and arrows or other projectiles. She draws an arrow back while turning a mass of magic power into sacred energy by using the Viriditas attribute of her Magic Origin to purify the magic power to a very high degree while at the same imbuing it with the power of the deities. The sacred energy runs along the arrow and cloaks itself around the arrowhead where its power will be intensely focused around. If the arrow manages to pierce straight through the demon and pin itself to a surface behind them when it was fired the sacred energy will begin to flow itself into the demon. The increase of its intensity allows the sacred energy to bind the demon to the surface through an intense yet controlled process of purification and put them into a deep slumber to effectively seal the demon away provided enough sacred energy has been used. How long the demon is sealed depends the demon's power, stronger demons are able to resist or break the seal more easily than weaker ones, and how much sacred energy was used. She can seal them for a few minutes by using a little to help people run away from a weak demon like what she once did to a young Orthrus or seal away a very powerful demons for centuries by using an enormous amount of sacred energy.
    • Demon Barrier:
      Demon Barrier

      A demon trying in vain to cross the barrier

      Demon Barrier is a Purifying Skill spell that allows Uriel to create barriers made out of sacred energy that can stop demons from passing beyond or leaving. When a demon touches it the demon barrier releases a short burst of sacred energy that causes great pain and discomfort. The barrier is strong enough that it can ward off or contain archdemons, which makes it rare to come across a demon capable of breaking through it.
    • Divine Grace: Divine Grace is the Purifying Skills variant of a Magical Aura. It is used by simply coating oneself in sacred energy as a means of intimidation. Using more sacred energy will improve the effectiveness of the aura. Regardless of the amount, Uriel's Divine Grace is very powerful because of how her natural presence is intimidating enough to demons. With the added intimidation factor of the Divine Grace even a small-scale Divine Grace can strike fear in powerful demons.


  • Divine God's Healing Spell: Divine God's Healing Spell is a healing spell that allows Uriel to use the Viriditas attribute of her Magic Origin to purify her some of her magic power to a very high degree while at the same imbuing it with the power of the deities. She then uses this sacred energy to create god light by by infusing her piece of azoth with it. that she then cloaks over her hands. She then lays her hands over the wounds and allows the god light to soak into the wound and heal it. Uriel's grandmastery over the spell allows her to use the spell to heal even the most severe and life threatening wounds with ease.
    • Divine God's Restoration: Divine God's Restoration is a more effective form of Divine God's Healing Spell. It allows Uriel to use god light to completely restore any living thing she touches back to normal.
    • Divine God's Sacrifice: Divine God's Sacrifice is a healing spell is one of Uriel's greatest healing spells. It is performed by creating god light through the normal sequence and coating two people, usually herself and the patient, in the god light. Uriel uses the god light to shift mental and physical damage from the patient to the other person, which heals the patient as the other person is given their wounds. What makes it so effective is that Uriel is able to pass over all wounds allowing her to bring people back to life, but this is usually at the cost of the other person's life unless they can withstand the wounds.
    • Divine God's Power Price: Divine God's Power Price is a spell that allows Uriel to coat both hands in a mass of magic power. Uriel to use the Viriditas attribute of her Magic Origin to purify the two masses of magic power to a very high degree while at the same imbuing it with the power of the deities. This causes one mass to be turned into god light while the other is turned into ascending light when the sacred energy is infused with her piece of azoth. She brings her hands together to merge the two types of aether light and places her hands on the wound of the patient. The aether light mixture with the abilities of the two types of aether light is able to convert a person's damage into power to heal them and enhance their mind and body and to restore a bit of their magic power reserves at the same time. Naturally, the more wounds that Uriel that Uriel uses this spell to heal the stronger the patient becomes.
    • Divine God's Prevention:
    • Divine God's Sacred Grounds: Divine God's Sacred Grounds is a powerful healing spell that allows Uriel to make her allies nigh invincible. Uriel releases a Magical Aura and uses the Viriditas attribute of her Magic Origin to purify the Magical Aura to a very high degree while at the same imbuing it with the power of the deities. She then turns the sacred energy into god light through the normal method and she soaks into the environment. This restores the environments back to its original state by undoing its damage, cleansing it of harmful elements like pollution or Magical Barrier Particles, and reversing the effects of Magic like Terrain Effect Magic. Once restored, the god light passes on its healing capabilities allowing it to continuously heal all of Uriel's allies that are in it. Its healing capabilities so effective that severe wounds can be healed in moments, which means that the only way to kill her allies is to obliterate their body entirely with one attack.
  • Divine God's Curing Spell: Divine God's Curing Spell is a variant of Divine God's Healing Spell. Just like with Divine God's Healing Spell, Uriel coats her hands in god light and touches the patient. However, instead of healing wounds the god light is used to remove various conditions from the patient. It can be used to cure people of a vast number of things including, but limited to illnesses, diseases, spells or Magic that weaken a person like Law of Retrogression, or mind control.
  • God's Salvation: Concentrating on her purifying presence, Uriel uses the ascending light to increase the range and efficiency of the presence. This causes the body of any ally within a half a mile radius to be in a constant state of high-speed regeneration, making it nearly impossible to kill her allies. What makes this spell very useful is that it takes no effort on her part to use it.
  • Protection from Sin: To perform this spell, Uriel flows a small amount of ascending light into the body and distributes it evenly throughout the body. The ascending light is used to greatly increase the number of benevolent of the body to temporarily increase the target's holiness by at least five divinities. This allows Uriel to give the target a temporary immunity to substances like darkness and Magic Barrier Particles.
  • Heavenly Host: With a single touch, Uriel is able to use ascending light and god light to modify a person's body to grant them the the ability to use the highly exclusive power of Commandment among other abilities. The length of time the modification lasts can be controlled by Uriel, allowing her to make the boost permanent if she so chooses. Those who receive a permanent boost are referred to as Saints or Uriel's contractees.
  • Heavenly Assistance:
  • Divine God's Heavenly Suggestion: This spell is performed by releasing a surge of magical sub-particles from her body. Once released, Uriel combines the magical sub-particles with the light particles in the surrounding area. From here, she uses the magical sub-particles in the light particles to choose which light particles the target's eye picks up. This allows her to choose what the target's brain focuses on. By doing so she is able to plant a mental suggestion in the mind of anyone she chooses.
  • Divine God's Heavenly Eyes: To use this spell, Uriel flows her magic power to their eyes before achieving eye contact. Once eye contact is made Uriel uses the magic power to alter how quickly light reaches the foe's eyes and how quickly the foe's eyes process the light. This allows her to throw the opponent's sense of time into complete chaos. She can do things like speed up an opponent's time perception or slow it down.
  • Divine God's Bellow:
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    The after effects of Uriel's Divine God's Bellow on a large area. A forsaken, desolate, and barren landscape was instantly returned to its original splendor and filled with life and potential

    Divine God's Bellow is the trademark breath attack of Divine God Slayer Magic. It allows her to expel the divine nature in its purest state from her mouth to affect the area in front of Uriel. Uriel must take a deep breath and purify her magic power with her Magic Origin in order to cleanse the air and increase its benevolents exponentially by filling her mouth with her magic power and letting it freely interact with the ethernano and other particles in the air within her mouth. From here she lets out a loud bellow to expel only the air from her mouth and when her breath makes contact with the air outside it starts a chain reaction that cleanse and purifies anything in front of Uriel to a very high degree. In other words, Divine God's Bellow is a spell that unleashes a blast of growth, renewal, and redemption. It may be called a blast, but it is better described as a series of reactions whose radius happens to take on the shape of a typical breath attack. This is because it lacks a physical form of its own and the closest it has to a physical form are the changes it brings about. This of course means it has next to no offensive power or combat potential in most situations. Whatever is affected by the "blast" experiences an exponential increase in benevolents resulting in whatever it touches returning to its most optimal state.
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    Flowers reacting to Divine God's Bellow

    On living creatures this means that their wounds will heal to the point where people who once were on the brink of death will be healed completely, any contaminates such as seals or Magic Barrier Particles will be removed and destroyed, and they will feel stronger than they ever have in a long time. For mages the "wave of purification" may even have their magic power reserves partially restores. Plant life caught in the "blast" will grow out of control. They will grow to extreme lengths to entangle anyone in its path and become supernaturally healthy, which makes it hard to free oneself from it. Anything and everything the "blast" touches benefits from this level of healing, growth, and renewal including the ethernano. It is the ethernano that is affected the most. The atmosphere becomes rich in ethernano and the quality of the ethernano becomes absurd. The power of magic used in the area is increased several times over while Curses will find it harder to handle the enhanced ethernano and will weaken considerably. Divine God's Bellow is a supplementary spell and potentially the only supplementary breath attack that exists, but when facing impure substances or beings it can obtain a more offensive nature. It's power against the unholy is great enough to allow it to overwhelm some of the most powerful Curses or Black Arts demonstrated by how it once overpowered a breath attack from Void Devil Slayer Magic. As for the unholy or evil creatures the heat of blast to them will be equivalent to that of the sun. Low level weak demons like those who are summoned may be incinerated on the spot while more powerful demons will suffer from severe burns and potential permanent blindness.
    • Divine God's Logos:
      Divine God's Logos

      Uriel using Divine God's Logos

      Divine God's Logos is a variant of Divine God's Bellow and it is much more like a traditional breath attack than Divine God's Bellow, which is the true breath attack of Divine God Slayer Magic. It allows Uriel to expel Angurvadal from her mouth.

  • Divine God's Karmic Justice:
    Divine God's Fist

    God light spreading over the area

    Divine God's Karmic Justice is Divine God Slayer Magic's "fist" spell and it is both a supplementary spell and an offensive spell. It often goes hand in hand with Divine God's Sacrifice because of how it is described. First, Uriel infuses magic power with her right fist as she closes her eyes in deep concentration. She creates sacred energy and uses that sacred energy to combine with her inner azoth to create god light. The god light is released from her fist in pulses and spreading over the land as she begins to chant the incantation. As it passes over the land it completely heals everything it touches except for the opponent by passing on their damage onto Uriel. Once she has been given the wounds, she creates the base form of aether light, divine light, and coats her fist in it as the god light returns to her fist and infuses itself with the divine light. Finally, Uriel opens he eyes punches the opponent with the fist as the wounds and damage from all around to her is converted into power enhancing the power of the punch. The power of the spell is connected to how much damage there is in the area because the more damaged or injured there are the more damage Uriel is able to gather and the stronger the punch becomes. This in turn means the more damage that is transferred to the opponent.
    • Incantation: "Oh blessed individuals who have suffered much there is no need to avenge yourselves for I am here. The sins made onto you will be made mine and thus relieve you of them. From these sins that have suppressed you will come a great power with which will strike down your suppressors by the wrathful fist of god. Fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Just as you have been injured, so it shall be done to your oppressor. Divine God's Karmic Justice!"
  • Divine God's Holy Burst: This spell can only be used when an opponent consumes or absorbs ascending light. Once absorbed or consumed Uriel uses it to amplify how much magic power the opponent has at a very fast rate. Within minutes, the opponent's body won't be able to contain anymore magic power, causing their body to explode. It usually takes around two minutes for Uriel to increase their magic power to this dangerous level, giving the opponent a chance to escape this horrible fate.
  • Divine God's Photonic Beast:
    Divine God Slayer Magic - Spell

    Uriel using Divine God's Photonic Beast

    This basic spell allows Uriel to release a very intimidating beast-like creature that is made of shifting light from the blade of her scythe. As it approaches the target it will grow a little bit in both size and power as it draws in some of the ethernano in the atmosphere to empower itself. Upon contact, the beast will bite into the target before releasing a large explosion. The combination of the size and power of the explosion will cause it to leave a large crater in its wake.
  • Divine God's Nova:
    Divine God's Nova

    Uriel using Divine God's Nova

    Uriel starts off by surging her magic power outward coating herself in a very dense Magical Aura and cups her hands near her side. She uses the godly attributes in her magic power to draw in the light from the area and absorb it into the aura. The aura draws in all types of light including sunlight, light from magic, light from flames, and from any other light source. The aura concentrates the power of the light into a focused point between her cupped hands between her hands to amplifying all of its attributes and characteristics. Uriel thrusts her hand forward to release all the power at once to unleash a powerful beam of multiple forms of light. The beam is extremely bright and just looking it can hurt the eyes forcing the opponent to try to track it through some other method. The power of the beam varies depending on how much light was drawn in and drawing in more light takes more time. In the past Uriel has been able to inflict devastating damage with the spell and overpower other powerful spells like a breath attack from Slayers. It once even overpowered an Abyss Break. The best advantage this spell possesses isn't its immense power, but magic power cost. The magic power cost is very low and remains low regardless of its power and size because of how its power and size comes from preexisting light sources allowing Uriel to cast this spell at any time without worrying much about her remaining reserves.
  • Divine God's Hyperion:
    Divine God's Hyperion

    Divine God's Hyperion

    Divine God's Hyperion is a Law-like spell and it is known to be as powerful as the famous magic. In order to use it Uriel brings her hands in front of her and makes a circle with hands. She then fills the space in-between her hand with god light. The internal pressure of the god light is increased dramatically. Once the internal pressure of the god light has reached its peak Uriel claps her hands causing the god light to radiate outward. The high-level internal pressure of the god light makes it very destructive, capable of being large enough and destructive enough to easily level a large town. Due to the nature of the god light, the light only harms those who Uriel deems as a foe while she fuels the god light with her magic power to heal all those who deems as an ally.
  • Divine God's Luster Ray: Divine God's Luster Ray is a variation of Divine God Slayer Magic's breath attack. To perform it, Uriel must take a deep breath and gather an enormous amount of shifting light in the pit of her stomach. Using the abilities of the shifting light, Uriel dramatically increases the temperature of the shifting light before expelling it from her mouth. The amount of shifting light that is expelled is enough to allow Uriel to completely level a forest, which can make it difficult to dodge. When it connects with the foe it will hit the enemy forcefully enough to launch across great distances. Its intense heat of the shifting light is enough to leave the enemy with third degree burns.
  • Divine God's Pyramid of Light:
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    Divine God's Pyramid of Light

    Uriel makes a triangle with her hands then extends her arms so that she can see her opponent through the space in her hands. Once the foe is in her sights shifting light that has been molded into the shape of a pyramid of appears around the opponent. The shifting light is quickly solidified to prevent the opponent from escaping. This pyramid can be used in many ways as it is made of shifting light. She can make the pyramid explode to severely injure the enemy, drain the opponent of their magic power, lower the temperature of the air inside the pyramid to freeze the opponent instantly, etc. She can influence the pyramid only twice, which allows her to set up for a dangerous combination such as weakening the foe by draining them of their magic power before making the pyramid explode.
  • Divine God's Blind Rage: This spell is shown to be very similar to Giant Wrath. It allows Uriel to continuously release a powerful surge of aether light from her body. The light is capable of not only destroying most things in Uriel's path, but also reflect any magic-based attack that hits the light. This makes this spell far more useful than Giant Wrath as it can be used for both offense and defense.
  • Divine God's Eye of Providence: Divine God's Eye of Providence is a spell that allows Uriel to create a large eye made of shifting light that releases powerful rays of divine light in all directions to attack with.
  • Divine God's Abaddon: Divine God's Abaddon or Divine God's Smite is a spell that mimics the function of Crash that allows her to destroy all obstacles by striking them with divine light with tremendous force.
  • Divine God's Arariel: Divine God's Arariel is a spell that allows Uriel to release shifting light that has taken on a liquid form from her body and use it to flood the area around her and wash away almost anything it comes into contact with.
  • Divine God's Barachiel: Divine God's Barachiel is a spell that allows Uriel mimic Lightning Magic by releasing powerful arcs of electrified shifting light.
  • Divine God's Jehoel: Divine God's Jehoel is a spell that uses ascending light to raise the heat of everything in the vicinity until it all ignites at once allowing Uriel to attempt to burn down anything within its range in fire.
  • Aether's Salvation: Gate of Redemption: Aether's Salvation: Gate of Redemption is an unusual Secret Art because it is not an offensive spell. To perform the spell, Uriel gathers large amount of shifting light in the palm of her right hand and ascending light in the palm of her left hand. She then brings her wrists together and flows the ascending light into the shifting light. As a magic-based attack approaches her, Uriel will separate her wrists and extend her arms to either side. This will cause the shifting light to grow, solidify, then mold itself into the shape of a giant gate. Upon contact with the giant construct, the magic-based attack will be absorbed into the gate made of light. The substance that was absorbed will be quickly transformed into divine light that is just as powerful as the attack that was used. Using the ascending light, Uriel will be able to increase the quantity and destructive power of the divine light by seven fold before firing it at the foe in the form of a giant blast. The divine light can also be released and directed to allies to use the power of the divine light to heal them, being capable of completely rejuvenating those at the brink of death.
  • Aether's Salvation: True Cross:
  • Genesis: Garden of Eden: Garden of Eden is the ultimate spell of Divine God Slayer Magic and the strongest healing spell currently known surpassing the likes of Law of Absolute Curing when not used by a grandmaster and Panacea. To begin, Uriel interlocks her fingers in front of her in a praying posture and begins to recite the required incantation in an archaic language that has long since been forgotten. The incantation usually takes 30 seconds to complete and when done she thrusts her arms out to either side while declaring the spell's name. Immediately a massive garden made of Aetheron stretches on for miles and miles making it impossible to see where the garden ends for those in the center of it with Uriel. There are numerous plants and animals with great variety made of the two lights that can move an act as though they were alive. Those who have been in the garden can typically only think of one way to describe it: as a utopia. The garden continuously flows anyone in it with ascending light, opponent's included, which dramatically increase everyone's physical abilities as well as enhance everyone's magic origin to enhance the power of everyone's magic and allow their magic origin to generate magic power at such a fast rate that the magic reserves of mage's are replenished soon after a spell is used. In addition, the ethernano in the garden is modified to be more like god light that instantly heals and cures everyone the instant they are injured, infected, or cursed. The healing is so quick that the body doesn't have time to register it has been injured which makes people not only immortal so long as they are in the garden, but also incapable of feeling pain. There is no way to prevent the healing or get around it making people truly incapable of being killed. This as a result makes fighting pointless. At least fighting anyone, but Uriel who is the only one incapable of gaining any of the positive effects the garden provides and so remains the same. To further convince enemies to target Uriel there are only two ways to get rid of the spell. The spell can be dispelled by Uriel whenever she wishes it and the spell goes away when she dies. There is a catch to all the benefits the spell provides though. The moment someone sins the ascending light that has been pouring into them is converted into Aetheron to obliterate the sinner instantly. This spell defines sinning by using any evil power like using a Black Art, Devil Slayer Magic, Curse, etc instead of the normal definition. The garden has one more danger: a massive tree made of light that appears next to Uriel with a single apple made of light on a branch. Anyone can consume the apple and whoever does is granted Uriel's magic, but at the cost of dying when the spell is deactivated. Anyone who manages to survive when the spell is deactivated is made into Saints by the ascending light within them.
  • Throne of God: Throne of God is one of the first forbidden spell that Achilles taught Uriel. Due to the usage of Aetheron instead of normal light, the spell is a lot stronger than other versions of the spell. However, in return for this power, Uriel will enter a month and a half long slumber instead of just a month in the hospital.


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Uriel easily using Empowerment on her Key of Heaven

Empowerment is a God Slayer ability that revolves around weapons. In a nutshell, it allows Uriel to give a weapon a kinship with her Divine God Slayer Magic. The ability is used by flowing aether light into the weapon. The divine aspect of the element significantly enhances the qualities and traits of the weapon as well as give it a variety of abilities. First and foremost, the weapon gains the ability to injure and slay deities. How easily it can kill a deity depends on how strong the deity is, but for the most part it just takes a normal fatal strike like cutting of their head or piercing their heart. The aether light that is flowing through the weapon greatly increases the level of holiness of the weapon. This allows it to not just be immune to malevolent forces like Curses, but can outright negate them. In some cases it can go far as to purify them and turn them into light so it can be absorbed by Uriel. The high-level of holiness also can be used in combination with aether light to create a connection between the angels under Yahoel and herself to allow her to summon angels to fight for her. The weapon can also do the exact opposite: banishing demons back to their own world. This is done by expressing the aether light that is in the weapon in the form of bright light. When the weapon pierces the demon's skin it ejects the demon from the world it is in to send it back to The Void. Uriel is shown to have a considerable level of mastery over this ability. She has mastered it so much that she uses it subconsciously whenever she touches a weapon.

  • God Pressure:


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Consecration is a God Slayer ability that gives Uriel the godly power of power granting. This ability allows her to transfer a small fraction of the purified magic power in her body to another person. Upon doing so, the divine aspect of within her magic power alters their magic origin to grant them a single or multiple God Slayer ability of Uriel's choosing. This allows the subject to use a single spell. What spell they gain access to will depend on the wishes of Uriel and the ability she inscribed to them. However, if Uriel were to be weakened or killed the subject will lose access to the ability that was given them. Lastly, the subject can become more powerful through unification with the God Slayer ability. This power comes with a huge cost because it makes them something less human every time they unify with the ability.

Sacrament Incarnation[]

Episode 3 - Screenshot 29

Uriel using Sacrament Incarnation to summon her Sacred Animal Obelisk

At an unknown date Uriel made a contact with his rebellious Sacred Animal Obelisk after it deemed Uriel to be superior to his old teacher. After making this declaration Achilles reluctantly allowed it to do what it wanted at which point their contract ended and Obelisk's contract with Uriel began. Obelisk was originally just like other members of his unknown species. However, when he was chosen by Achilles he was given a portion of his magic power. This dramatically increased his physical and mental abilities, gave him the ability to use magic, and changed the composition of his body so that it is made of entirely magic power. When Uriel made the contact Obelisk was sealed in her body where he remains until he is needed.

Divine God Slayer Magic

Uriel using Armament

The first ability is Armament (歊装,Busō). In a similar fashion as Molding Magic Uriel will gather and focus Obelisk's magical essence to a single point so she can merge it with her own. This allows Obelisk to surge out from Uriel's body form around Uriel's body as a gigantic figure that acts as an extension of her will. In this form Obelisk's body acts as an extremely hard outer shell that protects Uriel from oncoming attacks. This outer shell is quite an effective form of defense and can become even more effective by flowing aether light into it. Obelisk's body isn't only for defense, but for offense as well. As stated before in this form Obelisk becomes an extension of Uriel's will allowing her to move Obelisk's body around as if it was her own. She can only use her spells through Obelisk's body to dramatically increase its power.

The second ability is known as Incarnation (具珟,Gugen). This ability allows her to use something akin to the methods employed by Take Over to pull out Obelisk's energy to connect it with her own. This allows her to obtain Obelisk's various abilities and even partially or fully transform into him. The only drawback this ability has is that she cannot maintain it for long and once she and Obelisk are disconnected they cannot reconnect for quite some time.

Sacred Animal Skills[]

Obelisk doesn't use any form of magic, but instead relies on using his very chaotic and destructive magic power for offense and defense. These spells are known as his Sacred Animal Skills. These spells are exponentially powerful, but lack control without Uriel's assistance. In addition, there isn't much variety to them, which makes it somewhat easier to deal with them.

Ascended Master[]

God Force[]

Uriel's God Force new

Uriel's God Force

God Force is an ability that allows Uriel to enter an advanced state. Due to Chastity's fame and long she has been around this form has come to define what it means to look holy for a majority of people. It is used further imprinting the divine attribute into her body to enter a pseudo-god form by influencing the ethernano of her body with the Viriditas attribute of her Magic Origin. The transformation that occurs from this turns her hair white with a halo over head from the dramatic increase of benevolents, her height is increased by several inches, golden glowing tattoos will appear around her body, and a radiating body armor made of viriditas power that is very realistic, despite this will form around her body.

In this form Uriel is granted a wide array of abilities. The first of them is how she isn't just immune to Black Arts and Curses, but is able to convert any Black Art including Devil Slayer Magic or curse within a large radius into viriditas power and draw it to her to absorb it. This immunity to all evil influences like corruption comes from her dramatic increase of benevolents. The increase in benevolents also increases the potency of her purifying presence making it so even devil gods are at very high risk of death just by being close to her. She will remain unaffected by any direct and indirect effects of Black Arts and evil influences, which allows her to become a powerful force against evil. The natural divine practices that she can use her magic power for like purification, resistance to Curses, blessing objects or people with holy properties, exorcism, or save beings from sins or malevolent forces like Magical Barrier Particles becomes a lot more potent adding to how dangerous she is against evil. This enables her to use Enochian without a ceremony and combined with her ability to use every Commandment dramatically increases her versatility.

Divine Overdrive[]

Sealing Magic[]


Uriel's Physiology[]

  • Enhanced Physical Prowess: Uriel's tiny figure belies her physical prowess. She has made the physical abilities of devil gods seem child-like when compared to Uriel's.
    • Heightened Senses:
    • Very Holy Body Uriel possesses a very holy body allowing her body to nearly anything that just so happens to be strong enough to prevent itself from being purified by her presence. This combined with her presence makes her immune to any impure substance or power except those belonging to a primordial demon. Even those coming from a primordial demon are often weaken enough to be easily dealt with. In addition to protecting her against impure power and substances, Uriel's holy body makes her very body dangerous to demons. She can kill demons with her bare hands that would require the highest level Devil Slayer Magic to kill due to her body's unheard-of levels of benevolents.
    • Immortality and Regeneration:
      • Weakness: Paradoxically that which Uriel is strong against is also her one weakness thus is the eternal struggle between the light and dark. The problem is most Curses and evil powers are far too weak to exist near her let alone hurt her and even if they do hit her most curses are rendered useless by her holy body. As a result the only thing capable of killing her are Curses from primordial demons or creatures as strong as them. Neutral powers like ordinary elemental magic can hurt her if they are strong enough to overcome her durability, but they won't be able to stop her from healing herself. One can try to neutralize her ability to heal before attempting to kill her with something that isn't inherently evil, but with her skill in purification she can easily rid her body of any aliments not caused by a primordial demon, which renders the tactic useless.
  • Holy Manipulation:
  • Purifying Presence: As a heavenly virtue, Uriel's very presence and can purify the area, people, and objects around her. This makes it very difficult for impure substances to come close to her, especially curse power and Magic Barrier Particles as her presence can purify it into ethernano. The only impure things that can resist the purification must come from a high class devil god-level creature. Even then the creature doesn't inflict a great deal damage because of her high resistance to such things which stems from their pure heart. In addition, this presence allows her to heal those around them with a mere touch and strike great fear into the hearts of impure creatures by only standing next to them and potentially make her very presence deadly to weak demonic creatures. Anything demon lower than a devil god will die after being close to her for 20 seconds and the average lowest ranked demon summoned by magic is killed instantly when coming close to her. She is able to prevent her presence from killing demons as shown when she was treating Kira Sepid. Her purifying presence seems to be great enough that every demon in any give country is able to tell the moment she steps foot in that country in the same way some animals know when a story is coming. In many ways Uriel is like a storm to any demon weaker than a primordial demon and one doesn't fight storms. You either hide from them or pray you are strong enough to survive them.
  • Very Pure Heart: Despite popular belief, being pure of heart doesn't mean being absent of all negative emotions. Instead, it relates to having the ability to prevent one's negative emotions from effecting the world around oneself. Through this prevention Uriel is capable of minimizing how much outer impurities affect her. She is capable of being exposed to very high amounts of Magical Barrier Particles with very little to no side-effects, normal Darkness Magic can barely harm, Curses are almost useless against her, etc.
    • Negative Emotion Sensing:
  • Magic Intuition:
  • Enhanced Mental Prowess:
    • Indomitable Will: As her the name Chastity suggests, Uriel has an indomitable will. Her body may have a breaking point, but her mind doesn't. No amount of pain can stop her and no torture can break her; she still feels pain but it is as if she doesn't care. She is able break through the effects of magic like Charm Magic and Subordination Magic through sheer willpower in order render mind control useless against her. Chastity's good nature is the one constant in the world. It is impossible to corrupt her in any way and time will end before Chastity becomes a dark mage or does a single evil deed.
    • Master Tactician:
  • Light Manipulation:
    • Illusion Manipulation:
  • Absolute Domain Control: Absolute Domain Control is an ability few know Uriel have people next to no one knows what she truly is. Uriel possesses two domains. The first one being Commandments with the lesser known one being the world of Lychnus. Due to how her children were created when they created the world they made. She serves as Lychnus's sole primordial and her power helps maintain the world even though she rarely visits Lychnus.

Anti-Demon Magic Power[]

As a Seven Heavenly Virtue it should come as no surprise that Uriel does possess anti-demon magic power better known as divine power. The level of benevolents in her magic is so high it is as close as anything can come to Absolute Divinity. Her incorruptible magic power is known to be the bane of all impurities. In Uriel's case her magic power is holy enough to make her all of her spells capable of killing a primordial demon making a casual touch as lethal to normal demons as magical barrier particles are for normal mages. Her holy magic power isn't just great for fighting demons. The high level of benevolents makes it remarkable for healing and purifying corrupted people in an instant. While curse power is a manifestation of human's negative emotions Uriel's magic power can be considered a manifestation of positive emotions. This is shown by how when creating magic power Uriel's body draws in positive emotions as well as ethernano to generate her magic power allowing it to grow stronger in the presence of positive emotions much in the same way curses can be empowered by negative ones.

There are not many words that can fully describe Uriel's magic power because of how impressive it is. Words like "godly", "divine", and "transcendent", are among the few. The latter of which seems to apply mostly to her reserves. Uriel possesses an enormous amount of magic power. Her large reserves make it quite easy for her to cast very large and powerful spell with ease and without showing the slightest bit of exhaustion shown by her ability to heal or enhance thousands of people at once with a swipe of her hand. As expected of reserves this high, the amount of magic power she has is intimidating by itself. This is because her enemies will quickly feel overwhelmed by the many large scale spells she seems to be whimsically throwing around.

The potency and destructive power of her magic power is just as impressive as the amount she has. This is seen in the passive exertions of its power and how it can be felt for miles. Uriel doesn't need a magical aura for her magic pressure to be felt. It is a very good thing that Uriel is able to suppress these passive exertions. When Uriel allows them to leak out, they make her presence very hard to withstand. Only a handful of people have been able to tolerate her magic pressure so far without trembling in fear. Her passive exertions also give her presence a mesmerizing feel to it, which adds to the divine air about her.

The answer to how she is able to suppress the exertions lies in the question of why Uriel doesn't talk and acts mute. It appears that her magic power is so potent that not talking is all that she can do to suppress its power. When she does speak the magical pressure that leaks out can instill enough fear to force whoever hears who is not as strong as her to obey her words kind of like a very powerful form of suggestion. If she isn't careful with her words she can easily cause someone to die shown by how she carelessly once said "Stop" and a person's very heart stopped for a moment before Uriel corrected her mistake. Due to this, Uriel has found it better just not to speak at all instead of risking the lives of those around her. That being said some scientists claim that this compulsion isn't rooted in magic pointing to how no magic pressure can be sensed beyond her normal levels when she does speak. Some claim then that this compulsion might be a natural ability with no basis in magic. If so it must be an extraordinarily powerful compulsion for Uriel to still lack control over it despite how long she has been alive assuming of course it is a matter of control and not a matter of excess power of some kind.. A compulsion ability so powerful that it can possibly affect gods. Considering Elizabeth Báthory couldn't withstand the compulsion it must take an extremely powerful person indeed to withstand the very power of her voice. Interestingly despite how powerful her compulsion currently is it was even more potent prior to her creation of Commandment giving more credit to the idea that it is simply excess power of some kind seeking an outlet.

  • Self-Purification:


  • "Yes, I am short. The great and powerful leader of the Seven Heavenly Virtues is a shorty. Now can we please move on," - Uriel
  • "It is harder to repair than it is to destroy. True power is healing not destroying." - Uriel's ideals.

