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Constellar Summon

it's time to d-d-d-d-duel




Konsutera Samon


Caster Magic
Lost Magic
Chaos Arts
Summoning Magic


Lisette Aznable

Constellar Summon (天空の降魔術(コンスステラ・サモン), Konsutera Samon lit. Aether Demon Invocation) is a Caster Magic, Lost Magic, and of course, a member of the Chaos Arts which revolves around the manifestation of beings which are hewn from the caster's imagination and the aether generated by the Chaos Arts – these beings are capable of acting as per the caster's orders for all sorts of purposes, acting as a guardian for the wielder.


Constellar Summon is special among the basic Chaos Arts in that instead of serving the purpose of offense, defense, and supplementary capabilities or a mish-mash of the two, it instead does all three at once – but not by granting the wielder of the Chaos Arts these powers. When invoking the Constellar Summon, the caster surges their magical energies within their frame outwards briefly, putting ambient particles of eternano suspended within the atmosphere under their thrall while siphoning the essence of their magical power into the environment in order to have that's classified as the properties of their energy hewn from their soul interact with the masses of magical particles in the vicinity as well as their own magical energy, and from here, through mental commands alone, the caster focuses, installing within these energies their thoughts of what lies beyond the earth, space, and everything detailed within that region, enabling them to shift their own magical energies and other particles into the primary energy of Chaos Arts, Sacred Aether – from here, user raises their magical power to its utmost limit, gathering eternano within the atmosphere and adding it to their magical total; until their power level has surpassed almost over the regular limit of nine thousand, nine hundred, and ninety-nine to twenty-thousand. From there, the caster perform a swift hand movement with their hand, instantly expelling all of their magical energy alongside the Sacred Aether before projecting their Magic Seal outwards, which acts as a medium between the caster's own thoughts and the mortal plane – their imagination is the catalyst for the formation of the being, with the user's thoughts and feelings resonating with the Magic Seal in order to shape it into a form that's most desirable while the aether grants the being physical sustenance as the Sacred Aether spirals around, using the ambient eternano to "solidify" and stabilize, hardening and forming – upon the final steps of creation, the being brought to life by Constellar Summon steps out of the Magic Seal.

Since these ethereal beings are forged through the application of the aether generated by the Chaos Arts in conjunction with the caster's willpower in a process suspiciously similar to Arc of Embodiment, the organisms brought to life through Constellar Summon come in all shapes and sizes, each possessing various properties that make them completely different from another being summoned by the magic – this also ensures that no two organisms manifested through the Constellar Summon are alike, as it's extremely unlikely that more than one magician would think of the same general concept and exact same shape while bringing their summoned spirit to life. The organisms that are given life through this magic can be referred to as "Summon Beasts" (召喚獣, Shōkanjū) in a similar manner to that of the Celestial Spirits brought from the Celestial Spirit World to the current dimension through Celestial Spirit Magic and other summoning magics such as Lemegeton Spirit Magic and Familiar Spirit Magic in that they are placed under the command of the caster upon manifestation yet retain a certain semblance of free will which enables them to make pivotal decisions in the heat of battle; however, unlike Summon Spirit Magics in general, Constellar Summon does not use any tool of choice for a medium – the beings, as mentioned above, are forged through the caster's imagination, making it infinitely more versatile. Typically, as the Summon Beast generated through Constellar Summon is forged from Sacred Aether, it is nigh-indestructible as its "armour" is reinforced by the user's magical energy that is invincible as long as the forger constantly supplies magical energy to reinforce its structure, meaning that as long as the user has enough energy to feed the Summon Beast, it is theoretically invulnerable. However, despite their wildly varying appearances due to being given material consistency through the caster's thoughts and feelings, the Summon Beasts generated through Constellar Summon do possess one consistent trait – patterned upon their body somewhere is that of the chaosphere, the symbol for the Chaos Arts.

Whether forged from scratch or not, the summon spirits generated by the power of Constellar Summon are capable of forming their own personality and will be capable of reasoning and acquiring experience which the creator does not have access to while sharing the same knowledge as the creators need something that has about the same level of rationale and reasoning, but can think independently; sometimes using their powers without any orders to protect the caster and themselves. When given life, the exact details and everything about the summon spirit just created is recorded within the summoner's Magic Origin, meaning that once recalled, they are capable of summoning them once more without any hassle. Each of these familiars are capable of all sorts of abilities, and some are created solely for combat to serve as the magician's bodyguard, though most are simply used to assist their masters in various tasks, be used for information gathering and relaying messages, as well as perform any other odd jobs that their masters could think of; though they are commonly utilized to gather information or carry messages. Unlike most magical constructs, a Constellar Summon being is able to fix and restore itself after being damaged or broken, in reflection to how much the user has healed. Just like their summoner, each and every summon spirit which is given life through Constellar Summon is capable of utilizing magic and as ethereal beings, they possess physical might beyond regular humanoids. Typically, a being manifested through Constellar Summon hovers around the summoner, more often than not staying behind them at all times and floating in various directions in order to perform various maneuvers, though, as mentioned above, they can be directed to act independently – however, larger Constellar Summons anchor the caster to the ground, leaving them effectively immobile for the duration of its time in the mortal plane.

Typically, each Constellar Summon is of a different category that influences how the Summon Beast acts and functions, adding a bit more variety to the magic other than just "summon big spirit that's incredibly powerful". Firstly, there's the Close-Range Combat Type (近距離戦型, Kinkyōrisen-gata), which, as the name would indicate, are explicitly geared towards the concept of dealing powerful close-range damage either through weaponry, hand-to-hand combat, or unleashing short-range bursts of their magical power – however, they are incapable of moving long distances away from the summoner with a short area-of-effect, meaning that they are only really useful if the caster gets up-close and personal. Secondly, there's the Long-Distance Manipulation Type (遠隔操型, Engakusō-gata), which are focused almost entirely upon combat from a distance, being capable of movement for at least fifty meters away from the summoner. Their attacks are typically ranged such as waves of energy and bullets, but on the flip side, they are generally incapable of handling well in close-range combat. Finally, there is the Wearable Type (装着型, Sōchaku-gata), which is more akin to equipment than anything else as the Summon Beast covers the summoner like armour, essentially shrouding their form in power. This provides a significant increase in speed, strength, and durability, in addition to the ability to use the Summon Beast's personalized abilities to a smaller extent; however, because it's just armour, the range of a Wearable Type is extremely short unless projectile attacks are used.

It is well-documented that the power and magical energy output of a Constellar Summon being is equivalent to their range-of-operation, and a clear connection between the caster's mind and the existence of a Constellar Summon must always be properly established – meaning that in most cases, the further away from the summoner the Constellar Summon is, the greater the reduction in its power becomes; while typically, a Constellar Summon is at its strongest while linked to the caster's own existence, there are a few exceptions, such as flying types. Additionally, upon being defeated, a Constellar Summon either dies or it returns to the caster's Magic Origin and mind. Typically, a user of the Chaos Arts is only capable of storing four Summon Beasts generated through Constellar Summon within their Magic Origin at once, and can only have two out in the open simultaneously – any more than that, for both conditions, is often too much for a magician as their magical reserves would be incapable of handling it, siphoning more magical power than the other Chaos Arts on the base level; this is due to the magic summoning beings which more often than not require the user to direct and command them for a while. However, in accordance to the caster's willpower, a Summon Beast is able to "evolve" through becoming a new form with greater powers and abilities of sorts, somewhat mitigating this little drawback – overall, Constellar Summon is an extremely versatile magic that can suit almost any situation.

Powers and Abilities

Magic (魔法, Mahō): Like most, if not all mystical beings, the Summon Beasts brought into the current plane of existence are capable of utilizing magic, the arcane force which the world revolves around, manifested completely through the fusion of Eternano and the caster's own Magical Power released from their Magic Organ, a special organ within each and every being that is only awakened in ten percent of humanoids. But to go onwards, according to the imagination of the caster of Constellar Summon, the summon spirits forged through the magic are capable of casting all sorts of magic and in theory can learn any magic short of the Black Arts, the White Arts, and all forms of Slayer Magic – however, there's a limitation to this in that the summon spirits can only utilize magics which could be considered similar to the various magics associated with the Chaos Arts; for example, a summon spirit would be capable of harnessing the power of Gravity Magic due to its similarities to the Black Orbiter Chaos Art. Typically, the list of equivalents is the same as the ordinary Chaos Arts, with Light Magic and Light-Make replacing Aether Forge, Teleportation Magic mimicking Aetherial Translocation, Requip imitating Divine Armament, and as mentioned above, Gravity Magic replaces Black Orbiter – however, there are no alternate forms for the Heavenly Arts and upwards. Even so, some Constellar Summon beings have shown abilities which are exclusive to the race that they were fashioned in the shape of, such as Wyrm's Breath for wyrms, and Fairy Magic for Fairies. However, the magic reserves and system of a Constellar Summon are slightly different than regular beings who can perform the art – for one, their magical levels are charged by giving and taking damage in battle, or avoiding an attack. After the respective spirit's magic is launched, the magic levels returns to the state it was in prior to the summon, meaning if the level was full before the spirit was summoned, the spirit can launch two spells in a row; of course, whenever a Constellar Summon being is defeated and is forcibly returned to the caster's Magic Origin, the magic level is reset to zero.

Physical Prowess: Naturally, as they are brought to life through the thoughts and feelings of the wielder of the Chaos Arts and their magic, the physical prowess, including strength, speed, and durability of a being manifested through Constellar Summon is entirely dependent upon the caster's own imagination. As such, they are capable of all sorts of abilities, and because they are spiritual bodies given physical form, the Constellar Summon spirits are capable of impressive displays of physical might and speed far beyond that of regular beings- indeed, this is the same kind of power which is displayed with Summon Spirits such as the Celestial Spirits and the Familiar Spirits. Typically, any Summon Beast brought to life through the magic is much, much stronger than any human; moving as fast as a magician whom wields High Speed while their punches are as powerful as a user of Crash and surviving assaults that would normally penetrate Barrier Magic and land a clean hit – these are just the capabilities of a Constellar Summon being at the most basic of power levels. Obviously, a Constellar Summon being is able to achieve even greater levels of might quite easily; it is said that at its strongest point, a Constellar Summon being could quite possibly be more powerful than a Gold Key Celestial Spirit.

Feedback (状態合併(フィードバック), Fīdobakku lit. Bodily Fusion): Upon exiting the Magic Seal that serves as the medium for their transference from the caster's mind into the mortal plane, the magician whom summoned them and the Summon Beast have their bodies (but not their Magic Origins) tethered to one another in a state known as Feedback, which puts the Constellar Summon being and the caster in direct contact with one another, greatly increasing the destructive power, physical prowess, and range of both existences, overall bolstering their fighting capabilities significantly through merging the two into one consciousness, completely removing the delay between command and action for the caster and Constellar Summon respectively. When in this state, the Constellar Summon can even move and fight like the user as well, with the similar amount of strength as the user if they had their power multiplied tenfold. While this does enhance their power, it only reinforces the fact that the Summon Beast generated through this magic is a part of the caster, and with the activation of Feedback, it synchronizes the damage received between the two, meaning that if the Summon Beast loses a hand, then so will the caster – if the Constellar Summon being isn't humanoid in appearance, then Feedback will cause a reflectance to the summoner's body which is relative to the area – for example, a draconic Constellar Summon getting its wing damaged will also result in the caster's arm and shoulder being damaged. However, some Constellar Summon beings, such as heavily armoured beings, have displayed that any damage they take does not have to be reflected to their summoner.


  • Summon (召喚, Shōkan): Not really a spell per-se, but rather, the basic incantation of sorts that the user of Constellar Summon declares in order to activate the magic; it is similar to the "Summon" command of Celestial Spirit Magic and other Summoning Magics. When performing "Summon", the caster announces "Resound, light of the stars" (鳴る, 星の輝き, Naru, Hoshi no Kagayaki) as they induce the usual activation sequence for the Chaos Arts; this provokes the visual appearance of shining golden orbs which float out from the magician's Magic Origin and encircle them preceding the selected summon's appearance, as they converge into the form of their Magic Seal, which brings the Constellar Summon beings from their imagination into the mortal plane using the glyph as a medium, allowing the Summon Beast to step out of the Magic Seal, ready for the purpose that they were born for, whether it be for battle or other purposes, such as doing chores. Upon manifestation, the mere presence of the Constellar Summon begins to slowly but surely drain the summoner's magical energy reserves while the Summon Beast assists them in any way possible; and depending on how much magical energy that the caster expunges into the formation of the Summon Beast, the being attacks the foe a few times before returning to the caster's mind, or it will stay and continue to attack until defeated or its time runs out. In addition, summoning more than one Constellar Summon uses up a lot of the summoner's magical energies which may even lead to their death if they keep the multiple Summon Beasts around for too long in their current realm. Alternatively, the caster is capable of just summoning the powers and abilities of a Constellar Summon instead of the entire being; when performing this variant, the user only performs half of the physical motions required to summon their Constellar Summon being of choice; this, in turn, sends a notification to the Constellar Summon which resides within their mind as to simply not appear, but send their power instead. In an instant, the Magic Seal will manifest out of thin air, but when it opens, the Constellar Summon being does not leap out—instead, a powerful spell of the Summon Beast's choice will burst out, aimed at the enemy. This ability grants a user with low magical power more choices in battle, as the magical power cost is reduced to a quarter of the original cost, allowing them to summon multiple attacks at once. Interestingly, this ability can be combined with any other type of summoning, and the Magic Seal used to bring the Constellar Summon to this world, when summoned by this ability, can be strategically moved telekinetically by the magician, allowing them to be used as makeshift shields or even battering rams.
  • High Manifest (究極天空召喚(ハイ・マニフェスト), Hai Manifesuto lit. Ultimate Aether Summon): High Manifest is a group of Constellar Summon spells which are effectively more powerful versions of the standard Summon spell that's utilized to begin the Constellar Summon magic. A "High Manifest" is essentially any type of generation method other than the ordinary Summon spell, and unlike the regular Summon spell, there is no real restriction on how many times a wielder of the Chaos Arts can invoke a High Manifest as they generally cost the same quantity of magical energy as a standard Summon spell – however, in some cases, depending on how much energy the caster puts into the generation of a Constellar Summon through a High Manifest, it can drain more magical energy than the ordinary method. Alternatively, if the caster invokes a High Manifest upon one or more of their already summoned Summon Beasts, it does not cost any more of their magical energy unless the method specifies otherwise. There are three types of High Manifest, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
    • Overlay Summon (双闘同期召喚(オーバーレイ・サモン), Ōbārei Samon lit. Paired Battle Synchronization Summon): Overlay Summon is a High Manifest which involves the caster superimposing the powers and abilities of one or more of their Constellar Summons within their mind over one or more of the Summons Beasts about to be manifested in a spell that works similarly to Unison Raid, enabling the user to overlay the powers of their Summon Beasts to a single Summon Beast as to boost their powers in order to augment their capabilities. When performing an Overlay Summon, the caster performs the usual activation sequence for Constellar Summon, which provokes the visual appearance of shining golden orbs which float out from the magician's Magic Origin and encircle them; however, mentally, the magician about to generate a Summon Beast focuses their mind, choosing one or more spirit to bring into the mortal plane; but at the same time, they tap into the powers of the other Constellar Summon beings, and with permission, the other Summon Beasts send their physical and supernatural might to the Summon Beast(s) about to be brought to life, creating a network formed from pure willpower that chains between numerous individuals; linking the Magic Origins of all Summon Beasts involved together in order to drastically enhance the attributes of the manifested being. This is visually represented by streaks of energy flowing from the caster's Magic Origin which represent those who are linked to the Constellar Summon being; the textures of these energies match the colours of the Summon Beast synched. A glowing portal forms in front of the caster that is simply a modified version of their Magic Seal, as the energies quickly enter and then a drastically superior version of the Constellar Summon steps forward from the glyph which acts as a medium from the magician's mind to the mortal plane. The Summon Beast(s), bolstered tremendously by the energies – both physical and supernatural – of their companions, has the physical might and magical energies of their allies stacked on top of their own, dramatically increasing their power all across the board; this also allows the Summon Beast(s) to use the powers and abilities of their companions as though they were their own and even combine said spells together in order to form even greater spells. However, performing an Overlay Summon means that the power between all involved must be distributed equally, and as such, it is at its strongest while the caster summons a single Summon Beast and overlays the powers of its three companions upon it – inversely, superimposing the power of a single Summon Beast over three others results in only a small boost of power.
    • Convergence Summon (鵺合同召喚(コンバージェンス・サモン), Konbājensu Samon lit. Chimerical Fusion Summon): Convergence Summon is a High Manifest which involves the caster merging two or more Constellar Summon beings into one, forming a newer, more powerful Summon Beast. When performing a Convergence Summon, the caster performs the usual activation sequence for Constellar Summon, which provokes the visual appearance of shining golden orbs which float out from the magician's Magic Origin and encircle them – however, from here, through mental commands, the caster causes two or more of their Summon Beasts inside their mind to flare their Magical Auras up as they themselves focus their minds as their magical powers surge exponentially; as they rise into the skies of the caster's mental world before combining their energies, causing an amazing fusion to allow them to fight better than before. It can increase the power, strength, and speed of the two beasts, sometimes adding a new skill, such as flying, or swimming- additionally, their magics are fused for the duration of the combination, resulting in each and every one of their spells becoming a Combination Spell of sorts, granting them massively boosted speed and scope in comparison to what the two Summon Beasts could do by their lonesome beforehand. The combined monster is much stronger than the two individual monsters, as it generally merges the physical prowess and abilities of both beasts to provide a terrifying horror that can devastate much of what it stands in its way. This results in a chimerical mish-mash of the spirits, possessing all of their magic with enhanced speed, strength, and durability—however, obviously, as a severe drawback, the resulting spirit won't be too happy with the summoner, thanks to forcibly jumbling their original forms together without a care in the world.
    • Arcing Summon (天空虹彩召喚(アーキング・サモン), Ākingu Samon lit. Arc of Aether Summon): Arcing Summon is the last of the three High Manifest methods – it is more focused on utility than power, as it grants the caster the ability to bring out multiple Constellar Summon beings simultaneously. When performing an Arcing Summon, the caster performs the usual activation sequence for Constellar Summon, which provokes the visual appearance of shining golden orbs which float out from the magician's Magic Origin and encircle them – however, at the moment of activation, the caster focuses their mind, signifying their four Summon Beasts to leave their mental world and emerge in the physical realm; from Sacred Aether, the magician expends these miraculous energies outwards which are then shaped into the form of a "band" of light that waxes and wanes, extending in front of the user for as long as they wish—the "band" is completely composed of Sacred Aether, glittering like the light of the stars. When the Arcing Summon is manifested, the user generates up to four Magic Seals which become transfixed at the each end of the "band" of light, before surging the magical energies of all of them—the "band" acts as a conduit for the Magic Seals, and seems to be from the caster's mental world, meaning that it costs the caster absolutely zero percent of their own magical power. In any case, when the Arcing Summon is activated, the user summons as many of their Summon Beasts of any kind as they wish for which is represented as streaks of light shooting down from the band of light, the textures are the same colour as that of the Summon Beasts, overwhelming the enemy through strength in numbers. However, this does have one tiny drawback—the Magic Seals which are used in the "band" of light on the far left and far right hand sides absolutely have to be that of a Magic Seal generated at the top of the caster's power, or else the Arcing Summon will not work as a powerful presence can only uphold said Sacred Aether.


  • The Constellar Summon beings are derived from the concept of thoughtforms, being a manifestation of mental and spiritual energy of an individual into a semi-sentient and existent being.