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"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars."

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Constellation Magic



Mahou no Seiza


Holder Magic


Hoshiko Von Hoff

Constellation Magic (まほうのせいざ, Mahou no Seiza) is an ancient Holder Magic that revolves around the use of an object to draw various constellations that will activate different spells.


Constellation Magic has three requirements to activate each spell. First, the user recites the name of each star within the constellation while simultaneously drawing the shape of the constellation in the air which fulfills the second requirement. The third piece actually releases the spell when the name of the constellation is called. If a user cannot memorize the constellations and the stars within them, they can find a book copy that contains every known spell. The downside to this book is that it is very large considering the information it contains. Each of these books are hand-written which makes them quite rare and adds to the connection between mage and magic. To draw the star shapes the wielder can use something as simple as their finger to something as decorative as a light pen or a wand. Granted the latter do not add much beyond visual aesthetic, but sometimes the beauty of the tool makes this celestial inspired magic more captivating.

Each spell requires a certain amount of star names to be recited before activation. If the user adds more than the requirement of stars within the constellation the spell receives an extra boost. The maximum amount able to be called and add to the power behind the spell is ten names, from there any after have no addition to the spell. Not all constellations are spells themselves and some are just boosters or special effects to add on to actual spells.

(Hoshi learned from grandfather's old books)


Andromeda (アンドロメダざ, Andoromedaza) This spell is based off the legend of a woman so vain, she caused her own daughter to be chained to a rock as a sacrifice to the gods for offending them. To activate this spell, the user draws the shape of the Andromeda constellation and is required to recite the four main stars of Mirach, Almach, Alpheratz, and M31. While doing so they draw they trace the triangular shape of the stars alignment. From the new shape come a barrage of chains that the user is able to manipulate for a short time, giving commands like Whip, Trap, or Connect, the final either used to connect the chains together to do something like wrapping around an object.

Aquarius (みずがめざ , Mizugameza)

Aquila (わしざ, Washiza)

Aries (おひつじざ, Ohitsujiza)

Draco (りゅうざ, Ryuuza)

Lyra (ことざ, Kotoza)

Orion (オリオン , Orion)


  • Many of the spells abilities (to be added soon) are based off what their star legends are, though some vary. In those cases I picked one that I thought could be used as a spell.