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Crimson Hair





Caster Magic


Flare Corona

This article Crimson Hair, has content directly taken from our mother site. All credit of the content goes to the respective authors of the content, the original article may be read here: "Fairy Tail Wiki".

Crimson Hair (赤髪 Akagami) is a Caster Magic which utilizes hair and is a variation of Hair Magic.


Being a variation of Hair Magic, the user can manipulate the length of the hair and transform it to attack their opponent. The user can even raise the temperature to make it hot enough to burn one's skin, supposedly permanently.Another use of Crimson Hair is actually transforming the shape of the user's hair; it can be transformed into something simple as a guild mark or as complex as a live animal, namely a beast.


Hair Shower: Wolf Fang (髪しぐれ狼牙 Kamishigure Rōga): The user elongates their hair in spirals and shapes it into the front half of a large, furry wolf, complete with clawed forelegs, blank eyes, a canine nose, pair of ears and a mouth full of massive sharp teeth, which is sent at the user's target.

Hair BrandThe user manipulates their own hair, forming it into a burning hot shape that can then be branded onto a surface to leave the desired mark. When used on the skin, this mark is said to be permanent, much like in real human branding.

Hair Shower: Firefly Flame (髪しぐれ蛍火 Kamishigure Hotarubi): The user uses small pieces of their own hair in the air, sets them on fire and makes them explode.

Hair Shower: Thousand Birds (髪しぐれ千鳥 Kamishigure Chidori): The user elongates their hair and fires several bundles of hair straight at the target.
