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Heroic Chronicles EC Gilvan
"It's best if you keep your nose out things, young prince. It'll prevent you from getting hurt in the near future. Take the warning to heart, lest you regret it later on." — Gilvan Astraius
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Senritsuyagami Hakkajiten 2 (2015 05 17 15 38 20 UTC)
Cryptic Memories of Akasha



Kuripputikku Memorisu Offu Akasha


Ancient Magics of the Thirteen Otherworldly Virtues
Holder Magic
Subspecies Magic
Ancient Spell


Senritsuyagami Hakkajiten (w/the use of the Sage's Archive)

Cryptic Memories of Akasha (偉大惑星知識源の隠謎(クリップティック·メモリス·オッフ·アカシャ), Kuripputikku Memorisu Offu Akasha; lit. "Hidden Mysteries of the Greatest Planetary Knowledge Source") is one of the most valued magics in the Heroic Chronicles, as it pertains to the knowledge of all creation; it's such that it's alternatively known as "Universal Archive" (ユニバーサル·アーカイブ, Yunibāsaru Ākaibu) — having more capabilities of storing and accessing information than any known method or technique seen. As one of the Ancient Magics of the Thirteen Otherworldly Virtues, aspects of the Supreme God himself, it justfully represents Knowledge (知識, Chishiki).

This is one of the known magics of the aforementioned group that's classified as a Holder Magic, usable through the famed Sage's Archive (哲人の史料館, Tetsujin no Shiryōkan) — an indestructible ethereal scroll that's forged with the very purpose of containing said magic, as no person is able to house such vast power. For some reason, it's also counted as a Subspecies Magic — derived from the principles of Super Archive, even though this magic predates it and can be considered its rightful ancestor. Typically, it's an Ancient Spell, being much older than nearly every other magic outside its group.

The magic is currently used by Senritsuyagami Hakkajiten, the current bearer of the Sage's Archive — having been chosen by said object. One of the reasons she's valued by the Magic Council, aside from her incredulously high magical and combat capabilities, is the use of said magic. It's said that her usage led to her current moniker , "Ordained Bearer of Worldly Knowledge" (叙階器の俗知得, Jokaiki no Zokuchitoku), amongst the general populace.


"Everything that happens in the world is record; even the most insignificant events are captured and stored. It's unknown why this is, but all I know is that I can access such data for my usage at any given time. It's one of the reasons I'm highly-valued by the Magic Council."
— Senritsuyagami's explanation of her magic and its importance to her current position.


  • While this was inspired by many things in general, the author got the idea for this magic via. Anthology of Tales from Eternity, created by Ashers for his character, and the mythological Akashic Records talked about in various anime and manga. The latter is obviously more notable, as its in the name of this article.