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Dākunesu Meiku


Caster Magic
Molding Magic
Darkness Magic
Black Arts


Alyssa Lucifuge
Asada Tetsuya
Akrowm Hemera

Darkness-Make (闇の造形魔法(ダークネス・メーク), Dākunesu Meiku lit. Darkness Molding Magic) is a Caster Magic and a subspecies of Darkness Magic of the Molding Magic brand; as the name may or may not suggest, Darkness-Make involves the creation of objects involving the element known as darkness, which is the polar opposite to brightness, the result of the condition of a very small amount or even an absence of visible light; beings are incapable of distinguishing colours in conditions of either high brightness or darkness, and in conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black; not only this, Darkness-Make encompasses shadows, which is a space where light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object, occupying all of the three-dimensional volume behind an object with light in front of it. Like most other forms of Molding Magic, Darkness-Make is something of an oddball amongst the various other forms of Elemental Magic and their subspecies, as while more often than not, Darkness-Make lacks sheer power, it more than makes up for it in the incredible amount of options at hand which can be brought out by the caster's imagination – indeed, while it is underrated among the variety of obscure magic such as the infamous Slayer Magic, including Dragon Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic and similar Lost Magic, it can be considered one of the most versatile forms of magic in existence.


As mentioned above in the opening paragraph, Darkness-Make is a type of Molding Magic, which itself is an Elemental Magic that's focused almost entirely around the shaping of the caster's element into numerous shapes and figures in order to suit the situation, taking the concept of "Shape Transformation" to its absolute zenith; in the case of Darkness-Make, it utilizes an in-born Darkness Magic, the Elemental Magic that revolves around the manipulation and generation of darkness as its catalyst – indeed, just like most other forms of Molding Magic, Darkness-Make and Darkness Magic can be considered akin to any Bethesda Softworks game and game mods – you can't have one without the other; speaking of which, rip in pasta-sauce mod support for Fallout 4 and Skyrim for Playstation 4, you were too pure for this world, otherwise the bare-bones tool you do have is as useless as anti-corruption efforts in the government. Since Darkness Magic provides the caster with the ability to generate the darkness and focus it rather minutely into all sorts of spells, one would need Darkness-Make to get the most out of the element of darkness in general. Thus, any sane user of Darkness-Make can be considered to have their version of this Molding Magic exist as a permanent Combination Spell, which is, well, a combination between two magics, not dissimilar to that of a Unison Raid; fusing Darkness-Make and Darkness Magic. Indeed, when inducing the activation sequence for any darkness-based supernatural power, the caster is capable of invoking the power to shape the demonic element produced simply by mentally commanding it or using the incantation of "Darkness-Make...[insert spell name here]"; though in the case of the stronger wielders of Darkness-Make, they can simply snap their fingers as to induce the transmogrification and convergence of all necessary particles of the activation sequence, not requiring any prior motions to invoke this unholy, demonic power.

In order to harness Darkness-Make, the user makes the usual Molding Magic pose, placing their right arm down next to their abdomen, with an open palm, and from here, the caster places their closed right fist on the face of their palm – while the caster induces the usual elemental formation process by pulsing the magical energies dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the immediate area in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion, this dynamic pose enables the user to tap into alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics as a major proponent of the sequence as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to harness the principles of going by the opposite of the 'magic = feelings' concept—by fuelling their magic with negative feelings, the user is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, manifesting pure darkness, which is the polar opposite to brightness, the result of the condition of a very small amount or even an absence of visible light. However, unlike regular Darkness Magic, in the case of Darkness-Make, during the activation sequence, the caster only manifests this darkness lightly, that is to say, that they simply project the darkness one or two feet ahead of themselves. However, that is where Darkness-Make's full power comes into play— if the user understands the inherent structure of the properties about to be reproduced in their mind; including the flow and balance of magical energy within, they can use the darkness in order to perfectly replicate the structure of the identified material, using the darkness to cause the manifested item in a more malleable state, completely unlike its regular version, as to allow it to be easily reshaped into a new form, reforming the material into a new shape. During this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning the creation of their choice and drawing power from the atmosphere as to scan the vicinity for all negative feelings and absorb it; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of black and purple energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling torrent of inky blackness.

But, of course, no matter the activation method for Darkness-Make, the end result is always the same in that it sets up a perfect stage for the user to manipulate the shape of the darkness and shadows that the stray eternano and other molecules within the atmosphere is transformed into in any way that they deem to be suitable at a whim through the process of expanding, shaping, and solidifying the darkness, whether it be weapons for certain offensive measures for both close-range and long-range combat; also, the caster can manifest all sorts of creatures that function in a similar manner to Celestial Spirit Magic or Familiars, armour to bolster defensive capabilities, body parts, or even for more miscellaneous purposes such as more mundane, everyday items such as chairs and tables, as well as this, Darkness-Make has some strategic element to it in regards to espionage and the like, as the user is capable of creating exact replications of keys or scanners in order to access previously unavailable areas; the caster can form almost anything, whether said objects formed happen to be living or not. With Darkness-Make, the user is able to draw any darkness or shadow from any source, including the night sky and their own shadow; though they able to manifest darkness from their own magical power, but this is relatively taxing on their body and magic reserves, which is why it is preferable to draw their element from natural sources. Like regular Darkness Magic, Darkness-Make's substance is known to be extremely destructive, capable of obliterating almost anything in its path as the eternano composing the darkness accelerates the moment of contact with a physical being, causing it to explode momentarily, before reverting to its previous state and continuing to travel forward. As the user is capable of molding darkness from the night sky, Darkness-Make becomes exponentially more powerful at night—making a user of the magic considered nearly invincible, with only a few weaknesses to exploit. With high-level Darkness-Make, it is possible to manufacture an exact replica of objects using darkness as the primary material.

Just like most other forms of Molding Magic such as Ice-Make and Lightning-Make, there are currently two known methods in which to harness the power of Darkness-Make; both with their own pros and cons. The first one is called Static Darkness-Make. This type of Darkness-Make is characterized by the creation of inanimate objects, such as weapons of both close-range and long-range capabilities, or by affecting the very environment around them in a similar manner to terraforming. The second type is called Dynamic Darkness-Make. This type of Darkness-Make focuses on creating animate sculptures of blackness, usually in the form of creatures no matter if they're mundane or classified as legendary creatures; though human body parts and the like can also be formed. Generally, Dynamic Darkness-Make is said to be more quickly cast than Static Darkness-Make, though the effort to maintain these dark familiars can oftentimes be extremely taxing mentally upon the wielder. Of course, as mentioned previously, since both styles of Darkness-Make have their own pros and cons, there is no clear "superior", leaving the matter of which style is "stronger" up to the individual user. Despite all of its near invincibility as darkness can be procured from nearly everything and anywhere, Darkness-Make's greatest weakness is that by drawing upon the element of the night sky; darkness, the user subjects themselves to the full brunt of the negative emotions that compose Darkness Magic and Shadow Magic and as well as their respective subspecies magics. This, in turn, will slowly corrupt the user by negatively influencing their personality to become a twisted mirror of their former self, causing a regular magician to eventually become a dark magician, and it is because of this that a practitioner must be careful when utilizing this magic.


Alyssa Lucifuge's activation method for Darkness-Make.

To immediately get down to business, Alyssa Lucifuge is highly proficient in regards to utilizing Darkness-Make, and no matter which form she harnesses, she can switch various constructs that she has manifested with faster than the speed of thought, even shifting between countless tools in the heat of battle with a skill level that rivals or even possibly exceeds that of the fearsome Titania; indeed, Alyssa is known to form numerous appendages out of stygian energies with her expertise in Darkness-Make in order to assault her enemies with impunity; casually reshaping items even after they've been created to keep a certain level of unpredictability with her attacks, shifting a black sword that's used to slash at her opponent into a shield to defend herself instantly as the foe launches a counterattack at her. While in flight, lances of darkness transmogrify into a plethora of black dragon that rush forth and overwhelm her opponent through sheer force, and many more miraculous feats that are unheard of by most wielders of Molding Magic as she is able to call upon any spell of the three forms of Darkness-Make methods, whether it be Static Darkness-Make, Dynamic Darkness-Make, or even Darkness-Make Unlimited without said spells being directly listed within her bucket capacity, revealing a capacity for creation that's virtually unmatched as she treats the dark manifestations as an extension of her own body.

Interestingly, Alyssa's Darkness-Make takes upon a form that's unique to her usage of the magic alone – the darkness she creates with this type of Molding Magic takes upon the visage of blackened feathers, which are epidermal growths that form the distinctive outer covering known as plumage on birds which she is capable of shaping and manipulating in any way she deems to be suitable. The feathers of dark energy that Darkness-Make never-endingly generates are as black as the stygian night in texture, and it is said that even in the face of a light beyond limit, these dark feathers would not display even the slightest of hints of having a lighter texture underneath those infinite layers of darkness; due to the composition of the plumage, they are said to defy the Laws of Physics. When Alyssa isn't displaying the full potency of the Darkness-Make, the feathers that shroud her sword enhance its sharpness tenfold, enabling her to use her Archenemy to slice through anything in her way, even if the obstruction in her way was composed of high-density eternano particles. This grants her Archenemy blade an edge over most regular swords, something which Alyssa with her fighting style can exploit rather mercilessly. In conjunction with her fighting style, Alyssa mainly harnesses her Darkness-Make to launch countless feather attacks with powerful aftereffects to quickly gain an advantage; harnessing several tricky abilities in order to protect herself from being hampered and negated so she can continue her onslaught. This property of her Darkness-Make does not solely revolve around the idea of "generating feathers" per-se, but rather, Alyssa's Darkness-Make is capable of being harnessed for all sorts of purposes, with almost countless results all stemming from two simple words—"manipulate feathers".

Because it does not specify any real limits or any really well-defined explanation as to what "manipulate feathers" does, Arc of Blackfeathers is open to a vast amount of interpretation, and it is an extremely rare and powerful type of subcategory of magic known as a Semantic-Type (意味型, Imi-gata), meaning that it is a supernatural power that can be defined solely by Alyssa's interpretation of what it governs over, all depending on her wording rather than anything logical, effectively granting her the ability to do anything with feathers that she can think of. As such, her Darkness-Make transforms her thoughts and ideas of how the ability to "manipulate feathers" would function in any situation into an actual power. This alone makes Alyssa's Darkness-Make frightfully powerful despite the ability to manipulate feathers seeming quite boring on paper to other magic abilities, and anything that Alyssa could imagine her feathers doing is rendered capable of becoming a possibility; indeed, this simple concept can be applied to a near countless multitude of unconventional uses, meaning that while seeming quite useless, Alyssa's form of Darkness-Make is easily one of the most versatile magics in existence as its powers are only limited by Alyssa's imagination. Generally, Alyssa harnesses the broad definition of "manipulating feathers" in order to generate countless feathers from her very existence at a rapid rate of formation, and then shape them according to her will in order to have these pitch-black down take upon numerous forms all according to the situation at hand. One of the more common uses of Darkness-Make is to manifest a multitude of feathers and then launch them as a hail of arrows; because feathers brought into existence by Darkness-Make for the purpose of offense generally serve as mono-molecular blades, this makes them exceptionally deadly as they have shown to be capable of bursting straight through stone and tempered alloys without losing any of their momentum while in motion.

Even so, despite Alyssa's skill in shaping and creating dark constructs to serve a myriad of purposes in the heat of battle, Darkness-Make more often than not plays second fiddle to Alyssa's Gravity Spirit Slayer Magic, harnessing the Darkness-Make in a manner not dissimilar to how Ice-Make is automatically infused within Ice Devil Slayer Magic and used in conjunction with that magic to serve a similar purpose as the Photonic Forge power of Photon Dragon Slayer Magic and Crystallos Forge of Crystal Dragon Slayer Magic – while normally, Darkness-Make would go with the likes of a darkness-element Slayer Magic such as Black Dragon Slayer Magic for Dragon Slayer Magic or Night God Slayer Magic for God Slayer Magic, because it is nigh-impossible to mold gravity as it's a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other and does not possess a tangible form unless influenced by an outside source, since darkness and gravity are generally associated with one another in regards to the various forms of Elemental Magic, Gravity Spirit Slayer Magic and Darkness-Make go hand-in-hand, enabling Alyssa to casually merge the shaping properties and tangibility of this Molding Magic with her Spirit Slayer Magic by means of a Combination Spell, resulting in a self-Unison Raid that fuses certain aspects of both as to shape her gravity into a wide variety of constructs, incidentally bestowing both components of this ability the properties of each other.

Casting Methods

  • Static Darkness-Make (具鍛・闇の造形魔法(スタティック・ダークネス・メイク) Sutateikku Dākunesu Meiku lit. Tool-Forging Darkness Molding Magic): Static-Darkness Make is known as one of two mainstream methods with which to utilize the power of Darkness-Make; as one may suspect by the prefix, "Static" referring to how once created, it does not change unless through the interference of an outside source, Static Darkness-Make is characterized by the creation of inanimate objects that can be considered to be tools, physical items that can be used to achieve a goal, especially if the item is not consumed in the process; this usually consists of various forms of weapons of both close-range and long-range capabilities that suit the situation at hand. Static Darkness-Make is by far the most common method of harnessing Darkness-Make, not only out of lack of skill on the part of many molding magicians, but because they're relatively simple to maintain when compared to the numerous shadowy beasts created through its sister method; obviously, a sword composed from the element of darkness doesn't need further instructions once created as all the caster would need to do is use it to stab all kinds of things, whereas a tiger forged from darkness would require mental commands and directions to make the most out of it. Indeed, because of how basic their composition is, Static Darkness-Make also has a greater amount of customization without the need to create entirely new spells and it's less of a hassle to manifest and keep in-action for long periods of time in contrast to the summoning constructs of the Dynamic version of the magic. Generally, each construct is capable of matching a real steel weapon blow-for-blow without shattering – Static Darkness-Make can be utilized to form almost any weaponry at all; an expert wielder is capable of conjuring anything from nothing. While close-combat weapons such as swords and spears are capable of being created effortlessly as can shields, but due to the intricate workings of existences such as most projectile-type weapons such as guns, they are slightly more difficult as they also require ammunition to be created alongside the launcher.
  • Dynamic Darkness-Make (実降・闇の造形魔法(ダイナミック・ダークネス・メイク), Dainamikku Dākunesu Meiku lit. Entity-Summoning Darkness Molding Magic): Dynamic Darkness-Make is the second method in which to harness the might of Darkness-Make; the prefix of "Dynamic" refers to how something is always in motion once created, and indeed, Dynamic Darkness-Make involves the user creating various animate objects forged from darkness and shadows in order to assist them in battle, whether it be for backup, or for other purposes. These inanimate objects are known to be formed when the caster focuses more magical energy into the formation of their Darkness-Make magic seal while envisioning a proper 'guardian', at which point, the user can manifest them from their magic seal – these shadowy beings take upon a purple and black colouration and emit harsh pulses of dark purple. What a wielder is capable of manifesting is highly variable, even moreso than Darkness-Make usually is – this usually takes upon the form of numerous creatures, including vertebrates such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals as well as invertebrates such as mollusks, arthropods, annelids, cnidarians, and sponges; of course, at greater levels of skill, phantasms which are universally a cut above the rest, legendary creatures, can be manifested, two notable examples being dragons and phoenixes. While Dynamic Darkness-Make focuses on shadowy animals, human body parts and the like can also be formed; skilled users can manifest full humanoid beings which can serve the purpose of a distraction or just assist the caster in battle. Once brought into the current plane of existence, the creatures forged through Dynamic Darkness-Make function in a similar manner to Celestial Spirits and Familiars, as they're directed by the caster's mental commands and have their own abilities that are bestowed upon them by the wielder's thoughts. Dynamic Darkness-Make is said to be cast at a quicker pace than the shadowy weapons of Static Darkness-Make; though they generally cost more magical power to maintain due to Dynamic Darkness-Make summoning beings which more often than not requiring the user to direct and command them. With Dynamic Darkness-Make and a good memory, the user has the ability to summon avatars of the foes that they've defeated in a manner not dissimilar to Historia of the Dead, the stronger they are the better.
  • Darkness-Make Unlimited (黄泉無明長夜・闇の造形魔法(ダークネス・メイク・アンリミテド), Dākunesu Meiku Anrimiteddo lit. The Underworld's Long Night of Spiritual Darkness Darkness Molding Magic): Darkness-Make Unlimited is the third and final mainstream method in which Darkness-Make is capable of being used – of course, as one may have noticed by the name of the style, which has a suffix instead of a prefix, Darkness-Make Unlimited is vastly different than both Static Darkness-Make and Dynamic Darkness-Make; "unlimited" referring to infinite capabilities – indeed, its activation process allows for infinite possibilities. Instead of an ordinary casting method, Darkness-Make Unlimited can be considered to be Darkness-Make's equivalent of the Dragon Slayer's Secret Arts of Dragon Slayer Magic in that Darkness-Make Unlimited encompasses the strongest spells of the magic.


Static Darkness-Make Spells

  • Darkness-Make: Sword (闇の造形魔法・変形剣(ダークネス・メーク・ソード), Dākunesu Meiku: Sōdo lit. Darkness Molding Magic: Variable Form Sword): Darkness-Make: Sword is an Darkness-Make spell of the Static Darkness-Make method – touted to be one of the most basic spells of the Static Darkness-Make line, Darkness-Make: Sword involves the caster creating a sword composed entirely from darkness and shadows for close-range combat. In any case, when performing Darkness-Make: Sword, the caster makes the usual Molding Magic pose, placing their right arm down next to their abdomen, with an open palm, and from here, the caster places their closed right fist on the face of their palm – while the caster induces the usual elemental formation process by pulsing the magical energies dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the immediate area in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion, this dynamic pose enables the user to tap into alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics as a major proponent of the sequence as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to harness the principles of going by the opposite of the 'magic = feelings' concept—by fuelling their magic with negative feelings, the user is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, manifesting pure darkness, which is the polar opposite to brightness, the result of the condition of a very small amount or even an absence of visible light - while doing so, they induce the Static activation sequence by shaping the darkness and shadows manifested in accordance to their will, expanding and thinning said dark elements into the form of a relatively simple-looking western short sword composed entirely out of darkness and shadows. Of course, a wielder of Darkness-Make is capable of altering the composition and thus the appearance of said sword; while normally, it appears as a black and purple sword with a crossguard that points upwards on both sides to resemble extra blades, it can be modified into alternate forms as long as it still counts as a "sword", such as a katana, a rapier, a longsword, a cutlass, a zweihänder, a jian, and many more; as Darkness-Make: Sword is known to be capable of taking any form, as long as it is sword-related, the sword of dark energy has multiple options and the ability to keep the opponent guessing, also keeping them on their toes at all times. In any case, no matter the form that Darkness-Make: Sword takes upon, like most molding-type bladed weapons, it's known to be highly sharp and durable, capable of slicing through bog-standard Defenser barriers, and its slashes are capable of trailing large amounts of darkness in its wake which act in a manner not dissimilar to a slightly weaker Sword Beam, able to damage the opponent simply through the pressure released by the swings of the sword of solidified darkness. The moment that the weapon makes contact with the foe whether it's slashing or stabbing, the composition of the weapon is automatically altered to cause additional, smaller blades to protrude from the bladed weapon inside of the foe's body, drastically increasing the number of wounds dealt to the foe while engulfing the opponent through the incredible quantity of darkness and shadows that were utilized to forge the Darkness-Make: Sword. The blade expanding and contracting in accordance to the wielder's whims, Darkness-Make: Sword is capable of accelerating forth like a supersonic bullet at velocities that are close to speed of sound, approximately moving at three hundred and fourty point three miles per second, which is one thousand, two hundred, and twenty five kilometers per hour, the Darkness-Make: Sword pierces everything in its path and bursting through any attempts of defense against this demonic blade. While extending, the Darkness-Make: Sword possesses enormous force behind its motion, pushing anything in the vicinity of its movements away as to prevent any obstruction to its incredible movements. Mid-flight, the Darkness-Make: Sword is able to veer off wildly in accordance to the caster's whims, even splitting into multiple blades as to fly in different directions, homing in on different targets in order to attempt to take out multiple opponents at once. When extending forth, while in motion, the Darkness-Make: Sword seems to take upon the form of two thin black and red beams with a pointy tip; one remains straight while the other coils around the straight beam. Darkness-Make: Sword is known to be extremely quick and effective for dealing massive and widespread accumulations of damage to the wielder's opponents. However, while Darkness-Make: Sword is powerful, it's also very draining on the user's magical level. However, once the user gains enough power, they will be able to avoid the magic drainage effects of this technique.
  • 300px-BlackwingArmorMaster-PGLD-EN-GUR-1E

    Darkness-Make: Armour being manifested.

    Darkness-Make: Armour (闇の造形魔法・全体黒羽鎧(ダークネス・メーク・アーマー), Dākunesu Meiku: Āmā lit. Darkness-Molding Magic: Āmā lit. Darkness-Molding Magic: Full-Body Black Feather Armour): Darkness-Make: Armour is an Darkness-Make spell of the Static Darkness-Make method and perhaps the most powerful Darkness-Make spell that an ordinary user is capable of accessing – with Darkness-Make: Armour, the wielder of Darkness-Make equips themselves with a black, crow-styled armour that massively enhances their power. In any case, when performing Darkness-Make: Armour, the caster makes the usual Molding Magic pose, placing their right arm down next to their abdomen, with an open palm, and from here, the caster places their closed right fist on the face of their palm – while the caster induces the usual elemental formation process by pulsing the magical energies dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the immediate area in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion, this dynamic pose enables the user to tap into alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics as a major proponent of the sequence as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to harness the principles of going by the opposite of the 'magic = feelings' concept—by fuelling their magic with negative feelings, the user is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, manifesting pure darkness, which is the polar opposite to brightness, the result of the condition of a very small amount or even an absence of visible light - while doing so, they induce the Static activation sequence by shaping the darkness and shadows manifested in accordance to their will as the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning the creation of their choice and drawing power from the atmosphere as to scan the vicinity for all negative feelings and absorb it; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of black and purple energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling torrent of inky blackness - what emerges upon their body is a full set of relatively stylized medieval suit of armour, specifically that of gothic plate armour, made completely from darkness - this armour of darkness resembles a crow tengu of Japanese mythology. The Darkness-Make: Armour while it also hardens the caster's muscles to the level of iron, the actual material that it is composed of is one-of-a-kind, dampening the effects and knockback of powerful kinetic energy-based attacks as metallic weaponry that can pierce and crush, as everything thrown the way of the user is reduced to nothing but raindrops haphazardly and harmlessly rolling off of the caster's body, robbing anything sent in their direction of all of their momentum, with all sorts of projectiles simply falling to the ground as if they had been dropped casually; this effect is quite similar to the super-armour theory as seen in a multitude of fighting games, resulting in the caster's senses of pain and seeming weakness of their body being removed for as long as the Darkness-Make: Armour is active- this enables the user to endure damage without suffering from recoil, being stunned, or flinching which would normally interrupt their actions, such as attacking both with physical and supernatural moves, meaning that Darkness-Make: Armour being invoked results in the user being incapable of being stopped simply by attacking the caster, effectively rendering them an unstoppable juggernaut. With Darkness-Make: Armour active, the caster has the ability to manipulate the atomic structure of their physiology at will, allowing them to form their limbs into weapons composed completely out of darkness. Every attack that the user launches is capable of breaking down all forms of darkness at the molecular level, causing no defense to be safe from the reach of the user; using the power of Darkness-Make: Armour, the caster is capable of exerting incredible power and even the weakest of their attacks are able to cause exceptional devastation. When punching and kicking while covered in this armour, the caster is capable of creating powerful gusts of wind through mere kinetic force; massively bolstering their power in close-combat. This armour is strong enough to withstand even some high-tier spells; being even harder than all forms of metal, making the user function as a makeshift battering ram or cannonball; their strikes are strong enough to shatter bone and rock alike, are resilient against regular flames, and upon coming into contact with opposing sources of metal, Darkness-Make: Armour takes control of the source.

Dynamic Darkness-Make Spells

  • 300px-GimmickPuppetNightmare-NUMH-EN-SR-1E

    Darkness-Make: Nightmare Puppet being summoned.

    Darkness-Make: Nightmare Puppet

Darkness-Make Unlimited Spells

  • Darkness-Make

    Darkness-Make Unlimited: Dragons of the Darkness Flame being unleashed.

    Darkness-Make Unlimited: Dragons of the Darkness Flame (黄泉無明長夜・闇の造形魔法・邪王炎殺黒龍波(ダークネス・メイク・アンリミテド・ドラゴンズ・オフ・ザ・ダークネス・フレイム), Dākunesu Meiku Anrimiteddo: Doragonzu Ofu Za Dākunesu Fureimu lit. The Underworld's Long Night of Spiritual Darkness Darkness Molding Magic: Wicked King Immolation Black Dragon Wave): Darkness-Make Unlimited: Dragons of the Darkness Flame is one of the rare Molding Magic Unlimited spells, specifically and obviously, that of the Darkness-Make Unlimited branch. When performing Darkness-Make Unlimited: Dragons of the Darkness Flame, the user fuels their magic with negative feelings, fusing eternano and magical power, creating pure darkness, before using the darkness to perfectly replicate the form of a multitude of dragons which are then launched forward at extreme speeds. The dragons seek out the opponent's attack, taking ahold of its "essence" and targeting their weak point; charging forward with high speeds. They have been shown to be immensely powerful, devouring large fragments of rocks and erasing extremely high powered spells with ease. The dragons carves a violent trail of destruction wherever they move, destroying everything in a straight line as a tornado trails around them as they completely overwhelms all they devour, as by colliding with most structures and opponents, grinding into the opponent like a powerful drill that is capable of piercing through any and every defense; striking them with such incredible power that the sheer force of the attack is enough to upturn steel, and wipe the user's enemies away with a force akin to an inferno. The dragons are capable of blasting through even magical forms of defenses, as the dragons' movements swaths through the barriers, and supernatural defenses erected in vain to protect them, striking the foe formidable might, dealing physical damage. The dragons completely burn all they devour, as by colliding with most structures and opponents, they are able to incinerate anything in their path. However, for all of this spell's might, the user is known to be physically exhausted after casting it just once.