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Demon Mask



Youkai Masuku


Caster Magic
Holder Magic
Magic Mask


Ludius Grande Di Tetsuya
Nicolas Reynard

Demon Mask (妖怪妖怪マスク Youkai Masuku) is an exclusive variation of Magic Mask, also acting as both a Caster Magic and Holder Magic, that allows Corrupted Humans to use their magic power to manefist a demonic mask to amplify both their physical and magical capabilities significantly. This unique form of magic can only be utilized by humans that possess any inkling of demon blood, no matter how small. 


Due to the biology of those who carry demon blood within their veins, the inborn ability to manifest a demonic mask made completely of Ethernano is granted to Corrupted Humans. Demon particles, which are usually found only within full blooded demons, are present within Corrupted Humans and as a result, those particles cause a shift in the nature of that mage's magical alignment. When the blood of a mage becomes tainted as an after effect of possessing demon particles, the possibility of forming a Demon Mask becomes available and with enough training and focus, a mage is able to summon the mask at will. The main factor that allows corrupted humans to produce the demon masks is the ability to channel their dark magic through a conduit, which in this case takes the form of the mask as the mask is a clear representation of the mage's demonic blood that has fully become a part of them.

The power the mask brings the user is directly proportional to how much demonic blood they possess and the more of their blood is tainted by demonic presence, the stronger the power the mask brings. Users of the Demon Mask are capable of wielding a specialized form of Darkness Magic that, when activated, takes the distinct form of a black and red aura.



  • Anyone can use this magic as long as they are of demon blood, more specifically, they need to be a Corrupted Human