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Heroic Chronicles EC Gilvan
"It's best if you keep your nose out things, young prince. It'll prevent you from getting hurt in the near future. Take the warning to heart, lest you regret it later on." — Gilvan Astraius
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Dichronia Mirror
Dichronia Mirror



Dikuronia Miraa


Ancient Magics of the Thirteen Otherworldly Virtues
Caster Magic
Subspecies Magic
Ancient Spell
Mirror Magic


Astarte Neuran

Dichronia Mirror (外国神々の幻夢正反射(ディクロニア·ミラー), Dikuronia Miraa; lit. "Mystical Dream Mirror Reflection of the Foreign Gods") is considered to be the "ultimate defense" in the Heroic Chronicles series, impenetrable by any other means; due to this, it's considered to be the "sturdiest" of its kind — capable of fending off even the fiercest of techniques, regardless of its nature. Due to this, it's earned the epithet "Extreme Reflection of the Watery Moon" (極反の水月, Kyōhan no Suigetsu), alluding to its mysteriously godlike nature in the face of all things "mundane" and "materialistic".

A member of the Ancient Magics of the Thirteen Otherworldly Virtues — aspects of the Supreme God himself, it represents the concept of "Force" (勢力, Seiryoku) — specifically, all the forces that help the universe function in one way or another; it should be noted that this is a Caster Magic, an Ancient Spell due to it preceding nearly all other forms of magic outside its group, and somehow counted as a form of Subspecies Magic — utilizing the principles of Mirror Magic, Reflector, and all other defensive magics in existence, though it's correct to say that the opposite is more accurate, it being the primary foundation for the aforementioned.

It's currently used by Astarte Neuran, serving as the sole reason for her epithet "Queen of the Dichroic Reflection" (二色反射の女王, Nishiki Hansha no Joō), amongst the Spriggan Twelve.


"When you look at someone or something, what do you normally perceive? Is what you perceive true or some preconceived notion you've made up on instinct? We live day-by-day doing this at a constant, which leads up to define the standards that we vehemently follow or break. It's such a thing that causes misunderstandings or creates long-standing bonds. However, in my opinion, all of this is ephemeral. It's just another way of making us blind. Only through the mirrors of my magic that we are able to find truth in all things we perceive....."
— Astarte's perception of reality influenced by the nature of this magic.


  • This magic was inspired by the various mirror-based spell and trap cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, specifically — the Mirror Force archetype, said to be one of the strongest in the game for multiple reasons.