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Fairy Tail Fanon Wiki




Additional Information
Primary Ability

Plant Anatomy
Plant Physiology

Located In Earthland
This article, Dryad, can be used freely without the creators explicit permission.

Dryad (ドライアド Doraiado) is a race of plant-like humanoids who are capable of magic.


Dryads - like humans - vary greatly in appearance, from skin colour, body size and shape, height, gender and hair, eye colour etc. They appear vastly humanoid and may not demonstrate any plant like traits at all, however, others may possess various botanic features such as leaves, vines or even small plants emanating from their person.


Dryads are an integrative species who live among humans and live in various biomes and ecosystems. Some may form their own communities in either urban or rural/forest environments and this preference is particular to the individual dryad's preference. They are very similar to humans from a sociological perspective and only differ biologically.

Magic and Abilities[]

Magic (魔導(マジック), Majikku lit. Magic Arts): Dryads - like humans and other magical species - are capable of magic. The type of magic used by dryads varies greatly and is not limited to plant and nature based magic, as typically thought by humans.

Plant Anatomy & Physiology: Dryads possess organs, vasculature and a skeleton based on various forms of plant tissues and organs. They are noted to have phloem and xylem vessels in lieu of arteries and veins and durable but malleable endoskeletal system. Dryads - like plants - are able to photosynthesise, reducing the need to eat food - although some dryads may prefer to eat cooked meals over photosynthesis. Dryads can also oxygenate rooms due to this photosynthetic ability, root their bodies into the soil in order to absorb water and nutrients and also dryads are noted to have a constant botanic or floral fragrance. Dryads also regenerate rapidly and even regrow lost limbs - seemingly by absorbing plant matter from the surroundings quickens this process even further.

