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Elemental Soul



Erementāru Sōru


Caster Magic
Take Over


Orion Houdini

Elemental Soul (エレメンタール・ソウル, Erementāru Sōru) is a Caster Magic and a form of Take Over. Its current user is Orion Houdini.


Elemental Soul is a form of Take Over that allows one to utilize the power of the beings known as Elementals. Unlike others of its kind, however, it is not a Magic that requires an individual to reign supreme over the being's power borrowed. If anything, it is a contractual Magic on a similar basis to God Soul. The individual employing these powers are being used as a vessel. Further differentiating itself from the likes of its brethren Magic, those making use of Elemental Soul are capable of communicating with the borrowed Elemental's power at any point, enabling for greater synchronization and, to an extent, less consumption of the Magic Power of both parties.

To make contracts with the Elementals, one must first possess an innate sensitivity towards the Ethernano in the world, extending to that of the Ley lines. Thereafter, one must connect their essence through the Ley lines and reach out towards the ethereal existence of the Elementals. In the case of Orion, he seeks out the Elemental that represents an entire country for the sake of being able to wield a single Elemental's power per country. Should communication be successful with the Elemental, it will channel its power into the practitioner and use it as a vessel. This channeling is imprinted onto the practitioner's body in the form of a tattoo representing their bond.

Upon successfully becoming the Elemental's vessel, one's appearance will change in according to the element being channeled into their body. Because the connection between Elemental and the practitioner is fueled through the Ley lines, the amount of power channeled at one time is less than the majority of Take Over forms. However, this consistent connection enables the power to be accessible for far longer periods of time, meaning that the practitioner can very easily win in a contest of endurance.

The individual abilities available to a practitioner will depend on the Elemental that is employing their body as a vessel. Normally, to Take Over a specific Elemental, one must be in a "domain" where their influence stretches across the Ley lines. However, there are certain points where Ley lines converge. At these areas, a practitioner of enough skill can choose to partially Take Over multiple Elementals, or actually be capable of switching between them. Although the process of doing so takes more power than channeling the power of a single Elemental, and thus must be used with caution. Overlap of two Elementals in a single vessel has the potential to destroy the vessel as well, and thus the practitioner must exercise the greatest of care when harnessing such power.



This article was created with the permission of Perchan.
