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Esoterology (通中天命の学習, エソテロロジ, Esoteroroji; English for "Study of Understanding by an Enlightened Inner Circle", Japanese for "Study of the Understanding within God's Will") is one of the most popular aspects of study among Earth Land at large due to the recent surge in those who have attained the status of a Mage, as well as associated figures. This makes it vital that individuals delve into the theoretical aspects of Magic that can be seen, and therefore identify portions of the unique natural phenomenon that are predictable enough to the point where society at large can make solid conclusions about the subject. The name appeared to be coined by Angelica Howard several years ago on her first advents in the Magic Council, later becoming the primary name for this field of study, which has since grown in several directions.

General Theories[]

Specific Theories by Type[]

Caster Magic[]

Holder Magic[]

Lost Magic[]

Ancient Spell[]

Black Arts[]

Invention of Magic[]

List of Invented Magic[]

Name Inventor Classification
Titanic Compression Angelica Howard Caster Magic
Remote Vision Angelica Howard Caster Magic
Dragon Possession Angelica Howard Caster Magic
Sight Stealer Exodus Caster Magic
Youth Magic Marlon Cheshire Caster Magic
Psychesfairó̱n Suoh Aogami (technically, credited as re-discoverer & first user of the current era) Caster Magic
Divine Tempest Miyuki Hirano Caster Magic

Notable Esoterologists[]

*People who don't have the actual classification of an Esoterologist due to timeline complications, but possess the attributes that make them equivalent to one in the timeline that the term was invented.

Name Affiliation Status
Angelica Howard Herself Active
Giselle Mercury* Herself Active
Gratiz Mek Himself Active
Exodus Himself Active
Miyuki Hirano Herself Active
Dorothy Woodrow Herself Active

