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Fairy Tail Fanon Wiki
Heroic Chronicles EC Gilvan
"It's best if you keep your nose out things, young prince. It'll prevent you from getting hurt in the near future. Take the warning to heart, lest you regret it later on." — Gilvan Astraius
The following article contains content exclusive to the Heroic Chronicles universe. Thus, this article may not be used by any other user unless permission is acquired from the creator. In such an event, they would need to explain their reasoning for using it outside of the author's A.U.; however, in most cases this doesn't mean that it will be used.
This page, Festival of the Ugly Sprite, is currently under construction. Please bear with the changes made by the author.
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Festival of the Ugly Sprite
Festival of the Ugly Sprite



Shūkai Yoseisa


Caster Magic
Subspecies Magic
Fairy Magic
Fighting Style


Kamael Uterich Spriggan
Past "Emperor Spriggans"

Festival of the Ugly Sprite (醜怪妖精祭, Shūkai Yoseisa)


Festival of the Ugly Sprite - Original Ugly Fairy

Spriggan, the grotesque being both the royal family and the magic is based off of.

Festival of the Ugly Sprite - Metamorphesis

The first king of the Alveraz Empire using the magic.

Festival of the Ugly Sprite - Inheritance

The powerful magic being passed down from the prior ruler to their successor.


Festival of the Ugly Sprite - Kamael Skill

Kamael employing one of the various abilities associated with the magic.

Dance of the Fairy Abominations[]

Festival of the Ugly Sprite - Corrupted Creations

The fairies created through the machination of the magic, said to be one of the most dangerous creatures in existence.

"Emperor Spriggan"[]

Festival of the Ugly Sprite - Emperor Spriggan

The ugly fairy as he appears in Kamael's mindscape; his current appearance is counterproductive to his given stature in mythology.


  • In a sense, this article was inspired by the Wendigo Magic article created by HB; all credits go to him.
  • According to the author, this magic is limited to inheritor of the Alveraz Throne, thus can't be learned by any other individual. It's also the only known magic in the series that's inherited and passed down from generation-to-generation, done through an arcane ritual when one becomes the ruler, and by extension, the "Spriggan". This makes it similar to the Kekkei Genkai from the anime/manga series, Naruto.
  • Much of the abilities are derived from various mythology and lore concerning fairies. Also, some aspects are tied to Fairy Magic — which the child magic is derived from.