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This article, Saeunn Wikström, belongs solely to The Great Swordsman and cannot be utilized without his permission. Otherwise, you'll find yourself in pieces. If you wish to use the contents of this article, make a concise request on his page.
Saeunn Wikström



Wikusutorumu Seūn


Pink Jester (淡紅色道化者, Tankōshoku Dōkemono)
Hanami Kurokami (黒髪花見, Kurokami Hanami)


Kitsune-Angel Hybrid


Argonauts Ship


Female Female




5'7 ft.


127 lbs.

Professional Status

GA - Argonauts - Symbol Argonauts


Sielle Wikström

Personal Status

Akira Sakamoto (Mother)
Klara Wikström (Mother)
Sielle Wikström (Half-Sister)
Syrin Wikström (Half-Sister)

Saeunn Wikström (ウィクストルムセウーン, Wikusutorumu Seūn) is a member of the Argonauts. Born to one of the crew's captains and a playful kitsune, she was conceived during a night of raucous lust; with the help of a little magic of course. Made without a biological father, she sees the crew's second captain as fulfilling that role. Fondly known as the Pink Jester (淡紅色道化者, Tankōshoku Dōkemono) among her shipmates, she is commonly found playing pranks and cracking jokes, ranging from the harmless to the wicked and vulgar.


GA - Saeunn W - Typical App

Exuberant from day one.

GA - Saeunn W - Human Appearance

Here she comes.




Physical Prowess[]

Fused Physiology: One might call her existence a bit of an anomaly, though they wouldn't realize how true that is. Conceived via Enchantment, she was designed to be a meticulous blend of her mothers' lineages. This was done for two purposes; one, to give her the strength she would need with countless enemies, known and unknown, on the horizon. Secondly, it was to generate a healthy baby; mixing yōkai and angel blood, while not nearly as perilous as combining lines with two different energy sources, was still not ideal. It ultimately required finding commonalities between the two; angels and yōkai both use magic, and both belong to the divine/spiritual realm, marking the yōkai departure from demonhood. Building upon this sorely needed commonality, Saeunn would be meticulously woven even as she grew in her mother's belly, any inconsistencies monitored and gently corrected over time. Such a process included its fair share of long nights, Akira intent on making her love child as wondrous it could be.

GA - Saeunn Wikström - Seraphim Form

Wings of freedom.

The result: a figure who takes the some of the best parts of both worlds. From her kitsune mother she inherited both potent and plentiful magic power, her ethernano as eager to play as the woman it resides in. Likewise, she possesses the lineage's shapeshifting prowess. Unfortunately, she isn't quite that skilled, barely managing to hide her kitsune features and change traits such as hair or eye color. Should she be distracted for too long, her ears will pop out, followed by her tail. More promising, however, is her angelic heritage. When activated, her hair takes on a feather like pattern, almost downy in its softness, while her eyes become a crystalized blue. As a nod to the ones who come before her, six wings stretch from her back, shimmering shades of blue giving them an ethereal quality. Sae has a tendency to switch the number, typically donning two in order to hide her true power. As with all angelic descended beings, she gains a layer of divine protection from corruption, as well as the ability to smite adversaries and effectively slay demons. Nonetheless, these abilities are considerably weaker than her mother's to her young age and halfling ancestry.



GA - Saeunn W - Her and Her Bro

Two peas in a pod.

