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"I'm not dealing with your bullsh!t right now."

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Gai Diyos
"Rejected by my the ones who birthed me, a childhood of torture and change, feared as a weapon against a country's own people. All my life as Gai Diyos was one painful moment after another. Yet I still stand here, a new name and body, to protect the very world that had tortured me this whole time. The only way that this world will ever be saved, is for a new world order to take place, with me at the very top. "
— Diocletian.
"Misanthropic asshole."
— DWG.

ゲー ディーオス


gee diiosu


The King of the Spirits (ス キング オフ ス スピリツ su kingu ofu su supiritsu)
The Civic Advantage (ス シビク アドバンテージ su shibiku adobanteeji)
Diocletian (ディオクレティアン diokuretian)


Deceased (Legal Records)


Spirit-Infused Being


22 December


Kabisara, Mys


Male Male


30 (Chronologically)
25 (Biologically)

Blood Type




Hair Color


Eye Color


Skin Tone



185 cm


62 kg

Tattoos and Unusual Features

Magic Seal Tattoo

Professional Status
Previous Affiliation

Herborensymbol Herboren
UnitedNagalogo Mystan Government
SNlogo Stellara Nocte
Parthenon - Emblem Parthenon


Spirit Slayer

Previous Occupation

Mystan Governor (9th Seat)
Legal Mage
Guild Master of Stellara Nocte

Previous Partner(s)

The Black Spirit (Mentor)
Fuyu Kaen (Teacher)
Autumn Diyos (Student)
Jin Ryuzaki
Nero Atosaki
Sakura Xavier


Asshats and Nero (Formerly)

Base of Operations

Stellara Nocte Guild Hall (Formerly)
Kabisara, Mys

Personal Status


Marital Status



Herboren (Formerly)
House of Hogi
Parthenon (Formerly)
The Black Spirit


Tulin Diyos † (Father)
Maganda Diyos † (Mother)
Mary Grace Diyos (Adoptive Sister)
Analyn Diyos (Sister)
Anak Diyos (Cousin)
Autumn Diyos (Niece)

Powers & Equipment

Black Spirit Slayer Magic
Barrier Magic
Dispelling Magic (Basic)
Requip (Basic)

Signature Skill

Vile Black Tempest


Angels and Spirits: Tristan vs Gai

Gai Diyos (ゲー ディーオス gee diiosu) was the co-founder and former guild master of Stellara Nocte, former mage of Herboren, and a former Ninth Seat of the Mystan Government. Born a human, Gai is the second eldest child in a wealthy family and the first one of the four siblings who pursued a pathway of magic, due to how ethernano manipulation is such a taboo in the country. Because of the House of Hogi's rise to power and the birth of their empire, Gai was donated by his parents to Mystan scientists after their wealth was drastically brought down. Submitted to experiments on his body throughout his childhood, Gai was deprived of a childhood in order to appease The Black Spirit, a spirit working with humans who had personally chosen Gai as his student, someone who would continue the practice of Black Spirit Slayer Magic.

After his supposed death at the hands of Nero Darius, Gai chose to escape the life of a legal mage and delve into one that he had fought against for so long. Going by the name Diocletian (ディオクレティアン diokuretian), Gai's activity is currently unknown. Becoming the so called "boogeyman" of Ishgar, theorists speculate that Gai's new persona has been the one responsible for several disappearances all over the continent. Evading the public eye even more, Diocletian's motives are undefined, and so make his presence something of a threat to those that believe in his existence. Whilst he can be seen wandering around by himself, by those who are lucky enough to catch a glimpse, there are at times where he is travelling with another person.

During his life, Gai was known for being a talented mage, but not due to hard work but because of his modified body. This body allowed him to wield magics with ease, and with the enhancement of the Spirits, only furthered Gai's ability. Known as The King of the Spirits (ス キング オフ ス スピリツ su kingu ofu su supiritsu), Gai's use of his Spirit Slayer Magics allowed him to dominate over any hostile Spirits that he came across. As he is more Spirit than human, Gai's use of the magics have taken its toll on his body as he loses his humanity as the days go by, becoming more enveloped in the magic energy his spiritual kin are made from. Also known as The Civic Advantage (ス シビク アドバンテージ su shibiku adobanteeji), Gai was someone who could memorise the paths of a city or town, making him a hard mage to run from within these kinds of areas.



Normal appearance.

Gai is a fairly young adult with tanned skin, standing at about average height for a human being. Wearing clothes that hide the scars of his past, Gai can be very protective of his bare body, making it rarely seen by other people who he is not close to. Underneath the attire is a collection of notable scars collected from fights and the experiments that have been implemented onto his body. These scars serve as a reminder for what Gai was destined to be, and what he could have become if not the circumstances of that very day. One noticeable mark is a slash going from back of his left shoulder to the bottom of his right side. Small circular punctured scars can be seen around his abdominal area, one of the many marks left from the experiments. Gai has very dark hair, that almost looks like dark grey hair from an angle, with fair bodied eyebrows. His bright red eyes come to be a sort of deterring feature of Gai's look, and is hard to miss among a crowd of people. Despite his alcoholic nature, Gai retains a formal and straight posture, even when drinking, which may not match up to his facial expressions at the time. He has come to hold a very neutral face when it is around other people, only expressing real emotion when with people such as Nero or Sakura.


As Diocletian.

His usual attire follows a personal conventional colour scheme of maroon and black, however, this could change depending on the circumstances. He is fitted with a maroon robe that is worn over a black top and pants. This robe is worn loosely around his body, and is held by a belt made from the same fabric as the attire. It has a rustic look, with a weaven texture that is somewhat rough to the touch. On special occasions concerning the magic society and his guild, Gai takes on a similar outfit, but one that is lined with gold threading. Gai's appearance as Diocletian resembles that of a skeleton cloaked in ripped royal garments. With a maroon cloak with black fur lining, the large appearance almost floats in the wind as there is no visible body underneath. His skeletal appearance is something quite sinister as the permanent grin on his face is enough to send chills through those who see him. He is decorated in golden jewellery, most notably the rigid crown that sits on top of his head, embedded with dark rubies. The golden piece held by bone like bands in the middle of his body holds a large green emerald in the centre, with the whole piece resembling that of an eye.


Spirit Force appearance.

In his Spirit Force form, which is the advanced and powerful form that many Spirit Slayers can reach once they have controlled their Spirit Slayer Magic, Gai is transformed into a smaller scaled version of his teacher and mentor, the Black Spirit. Standing at ten feet tall, Gai's Spirit Force form resembles a minotaur, the half man half bull being that stands on two hind hoofs. Starting from the top, the head resembles a normal bullhead but with the snout of a canine, bearing rows of sharp snow white fangs that can chew through solid metal and rock, being strong enough to deflect blades and such. His ears are pierced with two gold earrings that are born from Gai's own golden earrings that he wears on his normal body and stick out from his enormous mane that covers his neck and underneath his head though going up the back of it just a bit. From Gai's golden locks is black strands that quickly grow on the back of his neck, magically altering the colour. From the top of his head, there are two curved golden horns that can bash and cut things at the very tip of the horns but are mainly there for his power. Made of pure bone, the horns are there to prove Gai's enhanced bone density and strength as not even blades can be able to cut through his mighty horns. Another colour that changes from his normal form to Spirit Force mode is his eye colours, turning from blue innocent eyes to blood red as the nature of his power takes effect on him. The upper body is a muscular structure just like his normal body and is coloured the same colour as his dark blue coat. The body is decorated with golden armour imbued with gems and things as the golden pieces of armour, despite how little there is on the body, protects these parts quite well as they will deflect most of whatever comes near the body. This armour will come naturally and not really have any source material to grow from when the transformation begins. A long purple snake that is commanded by Gai's mind has two large fangs and can deliver harsh whipping attacks and intense bites that are enough to put down any being that it strikes at, serving the tail of the body at Gai's disposal. His lower body half is covered with black hair that acts like natural hair pants.


"All humans are pretty stupid to be honest. "
— Gai on humans.

Gai in his earlier years.

A somewhat lowkey misanthropist, Gai has a strong distaste and distrust for human kind as he has seen the many flaws and imprfections that have made up the human society, feeling sick at the thought that these behaviours is what shaped mankind all these years. With an ironic hate for humans even though Gai was born a human himself, Gai sees only the bad in mankind, from it's wealthy and corrupted politicians to the savage and mongrel like criminals that stalk the streets at night, Gai has never really seen the light of what humanity has done as a positive impact on the enviornemnt around them. What started off as an innocent and misguided perception on the people around him, who he had thought had hated Gai due to his difference around other people and his shy attitude around others, grew into a great wariness and negative outlook on the human world he lives in as time went on as he was left to continue building that thought to his perspective. On many occassions, Gai has used his business partner and friend Roman Plenari as a major example of the downfalls and cons of human kind, recognising the injustice and immoral actions that Roman has done to boost his career. Though his time with humans has sort of healed his outlook, Gai is still a full grown misanthropist who chooses to side with the inhuman, the alien races of Earth Land even though he may not be too alien himself. This misanthropy behaviour has sort of contributed to Gai's true nature as a hateful being, with the most powerful form of hate being that of hate against your own race if not life in general. Misanthropy has been one of the leading factors in Gai's power, and forces him to rely on his hate for mankind and the human race as a whole to fuel his power as a mage and his Black Spirit Slayer Magic, which feeds off his negative energies and emotions.


But with the public alone, his hate and uncomfort with humanity is still at an unhealthy level as he still finds flaws in the general public as well besides from their superiors like the businessmen and the politicians. Many hidden and disturbing quirks can easily get to Gai, creeping him out in an appropriate way relating to the situation. Many of these things include dark and gritty themes of violence and gore that could be associated with some of the most innocent looking people in the community, or anything that does not match up to what Gai sees. Gai sees the human populace of Ishgar as annoying and only canon fodder that can be disposed of without a problem and care. His hate for humans is only furthered by his behaviour during battle with them as he can find the battle boring and uneventful despite the amount of action that may be going on around. On many occasions, Gai has shown that he finds no problem in taking the life of another human being, almost as if he is entertained by it especially when he may carry out the action himself. However his job as a guild master and a legal mage restricts and suppresses this sadistic and psychopathic attitude and behaviour to actually commit the deeds. Though when given the opportunity, where there are no consequences to his actions and is allowed by his superiors, Gai will not give up the chance to brutally take down and maybe kill a specific target. By taking bounties for the job board at Stellara Nocte, Gai uses these as excuses to violently take out targets under the pure and genuine law and allowance of the Magic Council and Ishgardian governments. Be it man, woman, child, adult, old or young, Gai will not hesitate to beat down any when given the opportunity.

Obviously Gai's view on humans has defiently changed over time, to where he is willing to participate and cooperate with other human mages to where he himself has made friends and formed a team known as Asshats and Nero, made up of Nero Atosaki, Sakura Xavier and himself. In this three man group, Gai is uniquely defined by his primary magic as a Black Spirit Slayer and acts as the annoying child and self entitled older brother, having a rivalry with Sakura which causes much annoyance to older Nero most of the time. Gai finds it particularly hard to make friends, though when you may live in a land civilised by humans it can be quite the task to find someone you may actually like. Despite being higher ranked than the other two, Gai usually stays back behind Sakura and Nero who can be considered the faces of Asshats and Nero. Even though he may not agree or like the other Parthenon guild masters due to most of them being human mages, Gai has come to respect them as fellow powerful beings who are in full control of their power, being willing to work with them and even describing them as a force that should not be taken lightly. He has noticeable trust issues with everyone around him, being quite nervous and suspicious when people may offer him things and can be rather rude when talking to strangers on matters of business besides his guild. This can be applied to just about anyone even if they are family members such as Anak Diyos or Autumn Diyos, showing that he doesn't like leaving personal objects to other people to keep watch on. He is an indiviudal that would rather complete a task by himself without the need for other people to get in his way, but he can recognise if he does require another one's aid if the task is too difficult for him to handle by himself.

A flawed man mainly in his personality and attitude to the environment around him, Gai's biggest downfall has to be his insomnia and constant sleep deprivation that makes most days difficult for him to work through due to the lack of sleep he gets everyday. This weakness of his makes things such as Sleep Magic notably more effective on him as he can instantly succumb to the effects of the magic without warning and notice. Having insomnia, Gai barely goes to sleep and is usually kept up by either late night thoughts or communication with others overseas which he talks to through the use of lacrima communication. Gai will often sleep throughout the whole morning and only operate within the late hours of the afternoon and the whole of the evening to the dark morning times, which is really only the times that one can come into contact with Gai. He also becomes predominately more aggresive and more violent when sleep deprived, and will instantly go to attack the person that had woken him up no matter their relationship to Gai. Gai is weaker when he is sleep deprived as his motivation and coordination has been severely depleted, similair to his behaviour when he is also drunk as shown by him stumbling around and usually missing his target with attacks. But then again, this is also where Gai is at a strong points by the negavtive emotions flooding into his flow, powering his Black Spirit Slayer Magic and making his attacks a lot more destructive. Staying up late at night does have it's perks however, as Gai is wide awake when the rest of the land is fast asleep, allowing him to detect crime easier and to also use his Black Spirit Magic to it's full potential by the darkness of the night.

When Gai goes to sleep however, the sleep period can range from six to eleven hours of a deep slumber. This can be quite troublesome to those that seek his attention as he will often sleep when he is going on about during the light of day. When he is asleep, he will not wake up until his body is ready to, making any attempt at waking up Gai nearly impossible. There will be the occasional instance in where Gai may wake up from his slumber before he feels rested but this can only happen when he truly does feel a sense of danger within a situation that does need his help. When sleeping, Gai explains that majority of his dreams tend to be lucid dreams and that he can also wake himself up without any permission from the body. Gai also doesn't seem to want to wake up from the dreams though and leaves it all up to his body's decision. Gai can sleep almost anywhere as he has shown to comfortably sleep within hot climates of deserts, sub zero temperatures of the arctics and even the ruined grounds of an ongoing battle. This can also apply to when Gai passes out from his drunken habits, leading it to happen more commonly during daytime than one may assume.

His antics are widely recognised by the Magic Council on several occasions, all ending with the threat of resignation of Guild Master status. But Gai usually works around these antics to make sure that they do not go totally out of hand and are manageable to a degree. Though clumsy he can be very careful when he wants to and will hide his tracks to make sure that any unwanted attention does not follow his direction. His behaviour as noted by other guild masters such as Idosole Swift condemn Gai on his behaviour during battle, with even threats recorded to have been aimed at fellow guilds as a method to get things going his way. With that, it is unknown to how Gai is still maintaining his Guild Master rank but it is for sure that there is just not enough proof against him to kick him down. Some of his tactics and methods are what some would consider similar to how a Dark Mage would act, though within the legal mage standards. From openly "attacking" ongoing spectators as a way to drive them off to safer distances, and threatening a mage's guild for a quick surrender, Gai isn't afraid to tread near the edge of immorality to do some good. This has made it quite difficult for other legal mages who disagree with Gai's morals and principles to work with, even though Gai does not fondly enjoy working with others at the same time.


Despite this, he still holds aspects of nobility within his actions, as he has since helped protect hundreds of lives from within the shadows and out of the public eye. Most of the press and other legal mages that have denounced and shamed Gai for his lack of public contribution seems to remain blind from Gai's true action. Really, Gai operates 'within the darkness' to secretly apprehend and suppress any hostilities that haven't made themselves known yet. He finds that this line of work is very fitting to his magic and that he doesn't need the public's approval to continue working, but rather he finds joy in just doing it. He is but a humble man who despite the numerous criticisms having weakened his reputation and career, pushes through without care in the world. He is strong willed as words will not seem to hold him down, as the irony of working one of the more dangerous jobs could earn him the most hate entertains him. He refuses to disclose any information on his operations or involvement with his work, and leaves the praise for other people to take care of. He withholds information from reaching even his fellow Guild Masters of Parthenon which has left him with a reputation for being lazy and irresponsible. This secret work makes him a common target for suspicion as many people have come to believe that Gai is cooperating with dark mages. His bad name in the press has forced Gai to stay mostly secluded during the day only to come out when it is night time, as his face showing up in public places may stir up angry citizens. Gai even chooses to support a negative look on his person without even trying to fight for some sort of acceptance. He finds that the more distance he puts between himself and the public, the more space he will have to complete his work.


Early Life[]

Gai was born in X774, 3 years before the disappearance of Dragons from the face of the world. The second eldest son of Tulin and Maganda Diyos, the current head and matriarch of the Diyos Family, Gai was left to wait his turn as his older brother trained to become patriarch. Unfortunately, Gai spent most of his childhood during the conquering of the country Mys, his birthplace by the esteemed and prestigious House of Hogi, led by generals Ulo and Multo Hogi. As his family was discreet about their opposition against the House of Hogi, they were not entirely recognised as rebel threats against their rule, but certainly didn't mean that they would be immune from any sort of impact. As a result of the House of Hogi assuming power, the Diyos Family faced a great impact on their wealth and so were forced to sell off many of their properties in order to come back on track; one of the things they sold was a young Gai. To make ends meet, the family sold Gai off to Mystan scientists under the employment of the House of Hogi, working alongside a strange Spirit that was aligned to Ulo's allegiance. Unknown to the Diyos Family or the world outside the newly formed Mystan Government, these scientists were tasked with creating a weapon for Mys to use against the countries of Ishgar, a place Ulo is known for opposing.

Taken under the care and tutelage of The Black Spirit, Gai undertook and learned the art of the Black Spirit Slayer Magic. Unconsciously aiding the Mystan Government with their plans, Gai spent most of his time learning and perfecting the magic in order to meet their standards. Gai was contained in an underground lab underneath the capital of the country, with the closest thing to being cared for was the simple meals of bread and tap water he was served. He was subjected to harsh treatment by the scientists all by the orders of the Black Spirit, powering his magic greatly and making him as strong as they want him to be. As he saw the Black Spirit as a father figure of sorts, Gai would only develop the grudge against the human scientists that he primarily saw carry out the abuse. The scientists put Gai through hell as he has come close to death several times under their methods, slowly descending him into madness and growing his hate intensely. In the span of a few years, Gai was the weapon that they had hoped to create, and with Gai's lessons of his Slayer Magic coming to an end, the Black Spirit disappeared in turn without a trace. With his power so dangerously developed and placed in the hands of an unstable being, the attention of the Elder Spirit Kuro was caught.

Visiting Gai who was just being ready to be released into the world, Kuro imbued the Black Spirit Slayer with the power of the Spirits. To fight fire with fire was something that intrigued Kuro, and saw that Gai might be something of importance in the future. His last words to the mage prompted Gai to escape the facility and take his own destiny with the powers that he was given. Kuro's advice encouraged Gai and filled him with drive, causing him to break free from his container and kill the Mystan scientists with the hate that prospered over the years of torture. Making short work of the secret group, Gai had left no survivors by the end of it and left the facility in a bloody mess. He was confronted by the Prince Mago Hogi and a group of soldiers outside the facility entrance only to be welcomed by the Prince into the Mystan Government. This strange and suspicious offer made Gai truly hesitate for the first time, but reluctantly accepted and joined as the Ninth Seat of the Mystan Government.

Mystan Government[]

Departure to Ishgar[]

Stellara Nocte[]

Magic Abilities[]

Black Spirit Slayer Magic[]

Black Spirit Slayer Magic (黒人精神殺人者 Kokujin seishin satsujin-sha) or more easily known as simply Darkness Spirit Slayer Magic (ダークネススピリットスレイヤーマジック Dākunesusupirittosureiyāmajikku) is a Caster Magic, Lost Magic and Spirit Slayer Magic that utilises the two combined elements of Darkness Magic and Shadow Magic collectively to be able to rise the Spirit Slayer's capabilities to matching a Spirit, beings known to utilise great amounts of power that the race have the right to be able to be compared to the likes of Gods and Dragons. Being a Spirit Slayer Magic, which are known to be rarer than Devil Slayer Magic, Dragon Slayer Magic and even the notorious God Slayer Magic, Black Spirit Slayer has only ever been utilised by two known beings that are known for their use of the mysterious magic. Black Spirit Slayer Magic is probably one of the more rarer types of Spirit Slayer magics there is, as the only known Spirit of this ancient magic mysteriously vanishing with many saying that it was it's own student that committed the deed, leaving them as the only known living user of this elusive mage. Once another spirit that is able to utilise this strange magic as well comes along, Black Spirit Slayer Magic will remain as one of the most rarest types of Spirit Slayer Magic there is. As said, Black Spirit Slayer Magic utilises the aspects of Darkness Magic and Shadow Magic to match the grand power of the spirits, allowing the user of Black Spirit Slayer to defeat and even kill these strange creatures that have mistakenly taught their own magic to the human race. With this magic in their arsenal, users of Black Spirit Slayer magic will be able to generating, manipulating and consuming the elements that the magic is based around in order to strengthen and further their power to become even stronger than they were before. As this is said, Black Spirit Slayers will have total control of anything black such as shadows and such, sucking in the black aspects around them in the environment to gain extra power for their abilities. To add to this even further, Black Spirit Slayers also have the extreme ability of using their negative emotions which they can naturally generate to strengthen the power instead, with many utilising both ways at the same time so that they can cast even stronger spells that are said to bring massive amounts of damage. Black Spirit Slayer magic can be considered one of the more easier Spirit Slayer magics to strengthen due to the natural tendency for humans to always feel some sort of negative emotion, which will then power up the Black Spirit Slayer Magic power. Gai's knowledge of Black Spirit Slayer Magic has been sealed for a period of time that allowed Gai to concentrate on his other main magic Guns Magic, which explains why Gai is both skilfully capable in both his Spirit Slayer Magic and Guns Magic. Only having just released and returned to practising Black Spirit Slayer Magic, Gai skilfully uses Black Spirit Slayer Magic and Guns Magic equally.

Just like all Spirit Slayer magics, Black Spirit Slayer gives the user of this magic total control and manipulation over the base element that the Spirit Slayer Magic is formed upon, which in this case is the element of Black such as Darkness and Shadows, which can be very deadly and powerful in their own way when they are used right by the capable users, who have total dominance over the element that they can make it do whatever the user wants, provided that the user is capable with the magic themselves. Users who have learnt a Spirit Slayer Magic are more than capable of and even entitled to defeating and killing spirits than any other kind of Elemental Slayer Magic user there is, even though one would not really need to have Spirit Slayer Magic to do such an act as there have been several accounts of many kinds of Slayer Magic users that have been able to take down beasts that are not the sole being that they were trained to kill, meaning that also can apply to Spirit Slayer Magic users who can be capable of slaying Demons, Gods and maybe even Dragons but their main focus is to take down the dangerous race of Spirit beings. Spirit Slayer Magic was taught to humans by the Spirit race themselves, and with many variants of Spirits out there in existence, there are tens to hundreds of Spirit Slayer Magics that are currently practised all over the universe and many realms connected to here. With very few Spirits willing to teach their magic to the humans of Earth Land and beyond, it has made it difficult and almost extremely rare to find a mage who has learned and fully mastered the art of Spirit Slayer Magic, as to top things off as well there have been very little humans who have been willing to work with these open spirits to learn the deadly magic for themselves. Humans or beings who have been able to finally learn and practise the Spirit Slayer Magics are referred to as Spirit Slayers (滅霊魔法使いスピリット・スレイヤー, Supiritto Sureiyā lit. Spirit Destroying Magician) and Spirit Charming Magicians (霊使いの魔導士, Reitsukai no Madōshi) in recognition of their rare talent and capability for matching the supreme power of the Spirit race. Compared to other Slayer Magics, it seems that the only way to attain the magic is to learn it through a Spirit who knows the magic, making this magic type seem to only produce what would normally be called First Generation Spirit Slayers. The thing with Black Spirit Slayer Magic however, is that the only known spirit that had brought up a student and taught them it's ways has now seemingly disappeared meaning that the art of Black Spirit Slayer Magic is truly lost to the times, even though strangely the human user of Black Spirit Slayer Magic operates as if their spirit was still alive, meaning that this magic has the ability to seal and contain their victims into other planes of existence which only the darkness can reach, showing that this spirit is still alive for many to learn. In this Spirit Slayer Magic, emotions is one of the biggest factors in using one's power which is due to the fact that Black Spirit Slayer Magic utilises the negative emotions in order to fuel their power, but with the natural edition of the Pendulum of Souls (振子の魂, Furiko no Damashī) which is described as their Magic Origin is swinging back and forth like a pendulum, as magic is fuelled by the thoughts and feelings of the wielder, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is known to have their emotions affect their elemental power on a much greater level and scope, emotions is definitely the Black Spirit Slayer Magic user's most powerful weapon when using this magic. Strong emotions power the abilities of the spells being used and even allow Black Spirit Slayers to unlock new and improved abilities that they haven't found before due to lack of correct experience and strength of the user's will to do so. Speaking of negative emotions powering up the Spirit Slayer's power, the natural automatic trigger of a Spirit Slayer's enhanced biology which does not need the use of sucking in the element around them as they can just absorb it without effort into their body, users of Black Spirit Slayer Magic can not only produce negative energy from their negative emotions which in turn powers them from the inside but this added automatic absorption can allow the Spirit a slayer to consume anything black around them as well as the negative emotions from people or beings in general that are near the Spirit Slayer, meaning that if there was an angry person right next to the Black Spirit Slayer, the Spirit Slayer is constantly getting stringer and stronger just being near them, making them the very deadly foe to deal with. Users of Black Spirit Slayer Magic tend to be more of someone who can trigger the negative emotions of another person, such as killing a close one to them, taunting them to demean them or just plain trigger them in general anyway they can, these Spirit Slayers are probably one of the most dangerous Spirit Slayers that one could be able to encounter. The more power that the user is able to get, the more that their Pendulum of Souls will proceed to match and surpass it's own power, becoming ever more powerful than it used to be as well as adjusting to the power of the user them-self and adapt to their ways and can even evolve into incredibly lethal attacks and spells that represent the caster's power and skill with the Spirit Slayer Magic art. Some say the only way to be able to defeat a Black Spirit Slayer is to constantly keep calm with their mind clear so that emotions do not get the better of them, but to most of the humans and beings on Earth Land, this is incredibly difficult to even do due to the natural habit of the human or said race. Depending on who the Black Spirit that is the one teaching, it is said that once the Black Spirit has contained themselves into their student's body, the student will proceed to feed off the negative energy off the contained spirit within them, just adding to this whole mess of powering up.

The appearance of the spells is similar to how all Spirit Slayer Magics are, and this being Black Spirit Slayer Magic the magic energy that makes up these spells is the combination of a strong bold black with the mixture of silver following alongside it, matching how all Spirit Slayer Magic spells are meant to look like. Just like how Lightning Slayers and Fire Slayers have their respective element as the excess energy that is used up when casting the spell like how lightning sparks will buzz around attacks involving Lightning attacks and such, Black Spirit Slayer Magic attacks will involve black smoke drifting off the energy attacks just as how fire will spark up during Fire Slayer attacks. The Black Spirit Slayer element attacks are actually very, very dark compared to others such as Darkness Dragon Slayer Magics, Darkness Devil Slayer and maybe even Darkness God Slayer if powerful enough. One can actually utilise the darkness of these spells as the more that the user masters the art, the better and better that the spells of Black Spirit Slayer Magic become extremely useful against users of Light Magic due to the darkness of the black having absorbed the light touching it. Supposed users of Black Spirits Slayer Magic will attain the ability for their Black Spirit Slayer Magic to absorb 0.035% of the light emitted onto them, but the actual Spirit teacher and it's student have been describe to completely absorb any light touching the spell, meaning that their Black Spells have been able to soak up the element of the Light attack making the spell useless against the caster. Like said before, the more emotions that the user can generate the more powerful the spell will become depending on the strength on the emotion, but how this effect and status can be seen is through the spells themselves as they will become darker and darker the more the user becomes better at the magic, and looking more and more brutal as well. Being the element that is without the heat of light and similar like heat, Black Spirit Slayer Magic spells can cause the temperature of the spells to drop to numbers such as −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F; 184.0 K), even going further to match the blistering cold temperatures of other Cold related elemental magics. This makes it almost as an Ice Slayer Magic however just without the freezing and ice aspect, as well as it being darkness and not icy blue, still putting some difference between it and Ice Spirit Slayer Magics and related. There is millions of possibilities that users of Black Spirit Slayer Magic can do with the magic, ranging from blinding people, sneaking attacks on enemies and even using the shadows and darkness to solidify and turn into dangerous obstacles, Black Spirit Slayer to many is the bane to of many Spirit Slayer Magics and a special Lost Magic that many people have wished to be il-legalised as soon as it was discovered, many governments from all around the world having labelled the special Spirit Slayer Magic as Forbidden to be used within the country's ground though still remaining unknown to other governments from all around Earth Land. Like all good Spirit Slayer Magics, the power and knowledge of the Slayer Magic forces the body of the student learning the Ancient Magic to slowly change their biology in order to adapt to these special enhancements that appear to the user of the magic, things such as Enhanced Senses that include extremely well done Olfaction that can smell the scent of blood or any other scented liquid on a shirt, which like again said before can even be smelt if the shirt was recently cleaned to perfection as if it wasn't damaged at all, even having the capability to catch the scent of a forest fire that could be kilometres away from the Spirit Slayer's position. Audioception, which grants them a minor form of extra-sensory perception that allows them to detect movements through a form of clairvoyance, and ophthalmoception, bestowing upon the wielder of Phoenix Slayer Magic the ability to see things with pin-point accuracy even if it's a fair distance away are more special talents that the Spirit Slayer acquires when having learnt the magic but what is more unique to the Black Spirit Slayer even though it is already mentioned elsewhere, is that Black Spirit Slayers are totally invulnerable to darkness, such as having the ability to see into pitch black rooms with ease which makes sneaking up on targets easier. Black Spirit Slayer Magic also makes the user totally resistant against Black attacks such as Darkness Magic attacks and Shadow Magic attacks, leaving them unscathed and even powered up due to the Spirit Slayer's tendency to absorb the magic energy with their presence rather through their mouths like consuming it. Now being a Black Spirit Slayer Magic, anything Black is fair game for consumption and invulnerability to the Black Spirit Slayer, even going as to withstand some of the effects of the Black Arts, which to many Lost Magics is a taboo capability but to Black Spirit Slayer is not thanks to how powerful the whole Spirit Slayer Magic tree is, as the Black Spirit Slayers have been known to withstand even the deadly and incredible effects of Death Wave from Death Magic from the Black Arts, though they would describe the taste and feel of this magic to be unnatural and tend to try and stay away from this mysterious magic even though they can literally absorb it like Natsu Dragneel's dragon scale scarf had down with Zeref Dragneel's own Death Predation. Another ability that Black Spirit Slayer Magic users can inherit is the ability to a use sort of like a Shadow Form that allows them to sink and swim with the shadows, as they effortlessly glide through the area as a shadow free from any magical attacks and physical attacks that anyone might use against the swimming shadow, based of Shadow Magic's own Shadow Form, who are able to enter a strange void known as the Shadow Space, a pocket dimension that users who use their Shadow Magic capabilities to merge their shadow with another actually enter to travel through without coming into the actual contact with anything else. Though the Shadow Space is still relatively mysterious to even the smartest of Earth Land's theorists and magical experts, there are some who have used this pocket dimension to their advantage as many have begun using their Shadow Magic spells to drag unweary civilians into the black world of the Shadow Space, with no way of leaving they are trapped to spend the rest of their days in a dark empty void. In the Shadow Space, all Shadow Magic users can reach their ultimate potential as all the void really is, is just shadows everywhere so the many possible things that they can do here is endless. Though in order to travel through the Shadow Space for this transport that many Shadow Magic users do by merging their shadow, they will have needed to train their body under massive amounts of pressure, as not many mages can be able to survive long periods of time within the Shadow Space. Though users such as the Black Spirit Slayers who has trained their body intensely to survive the harsh conditions of the Shadow Space are able to stay as long as they like as their bodies have adjusted to the critical yet bland environment that the Shadow Space has to offer.


Abilities that involve the Black Spirit Slayer to train their body and magic even more seem to be the more useful and powerful displays of what they can really do as a Black Spirit Slayer, with more advanced abilities coming to those who slowly progress their skill as they rise up on the talent ladder. The abilities that have been mentioned before hand are the unnatural abilities that all Spirit Slayers get when they learn the magic, and so all Black Spirit Slayers are able to utilise these capabilities, and further their effectiveness as time goes by. But those who finally grasp the basics of the Black Spirit Slayer Magic are able to use abilities such as generating shadows to suddenly coat him in distorting black shadows that effectively conceal any part of their body, using this capability to hide their identity and when becoming more talented with the art can conceal their whole body and outfit so that they remain concealed entirely. When Black Spirit Slayers improve their ability with the magic, they can also preform this distortion appearance to other people around them, with the number of people they can cast it on increasing as they become more and more power and skilled the Black Spirit Slayer becomes. Progressing through the skills and abilities that the Black Spirit Slayers can do, advanced Black Spirit Slayers can have the ability to sort of use the shadows as portals that can transport them all over the place if they must. This alludes to the Magic Phenomenon of the Shadow Space where users of Black Spirit Slayer Magic can actually use the Shadow Space to teleport between shadows, sinking into one shadow and appear on another, as if they actually teleported or it was just a portal connection between the two. Any shadow is fair game for the Black Spirit Slayers as they can also jump right out of shadows that appear on a victim's body, adding to the colossal power that the Black Spirit Slayer can have. Mode advanced users of Black Spirit Slayer have this very unusual ability that most Spirit Slayers don't, or any Lost Magic has either which is the ability shrink the Black Spirit Slayer into a miniature size as well as create this extremely black lacrima around them as they contain themselves within the crystal ball, which is also highly indestructible and can withstand any amount of force up against it that it could be used to defend the Black Spirit Slayer from any attack. However, the catch with using this ability is that once the user has suddenly used this ability, they will have to remain there for a total of five days or more depending on when the Black Spirit Slayer will choose, having no way os escaping their lacrima cell unless the five days is up or more in which the ball will explode with a blast of darkness, allowing the Black Spirit Slayer's size to enlarge and go back to normal. This ability was made for the use of meditation and quiet asylum from the outside world, but protection and infiltration is a pretty good way of using it provided that the user of this ability is very patient. Black Spirit Slayer is possibly at the same level of rarity as the Dragon Slaying magics, due to the fact that the only known Black Spirit had disappeared and left only it's student to carry on developing it's work, making them the only known user of the magic yet their name is lost to the ages as they remain a mystery to records of the world that mention the famous Spirit Slayer Magics. As one could have guessed by now, Black spirit slayers are more powerful when in black areas such as pitch black rooms, caverns, and even the outside world at night, making this the suitable magic for those who are active during the night time hours. Masters of Black Spirit Magic have the ultimate power of moving the shadows around them, in order to make the room black even if it is lit up, giving them a power source to power up with though this is only done by those who are spiritually connected to their Black Spirit Slayer Magic and have become one with the shadows. The limit to doing this is that humans who try and attempt this ability will receive large amounts of pressure on their body the more that they continue doing this ability, however they can't do this forever unless they are capable of continuously regenerating their body, high immense durability to withstand the damage that they are putting onto their body or if they are a spirit themselves, but if someone of not those capabilities preform this for too long they will be sure to be crushed and die. But the endless possibilities that they can do are just amazing, using the shadows to spawn armies of soldiers that will charge out simultaneously as they head for the target, to giant black beasts capable of obliterating large structures and the such. Even creating tentacles and whips to lash out to attack numerous opponents and protect the Black Spirit Slayer, similar to Black Spirit Slayer Magic's Trance, this is the best way of being able to use a Trance like ability but moving around as well, though less powerful than what Trance can really do. As the opposite of light and all it's sources, Black Spirit Slayer has the ability to wipe out any light source around them with just the flick of their wrist, and if they are matching or surpassing the power of another such as a Light Magic user of Fire Magic user, can be able to distinguish the source and cause them to become defenceless without their magic as the Black Spirit Slayer carries on with their attack. This has what made Black Spirit Slayer one of the more evil magics in the world, from it's dark and evil base magics, it's association with black, the evil characteristics of the Black spirit Slayer Magic users, the ability to take out the light from the world and bring forth darkness, it is a wonder to why Black Spirit Slayer is not banned from the entire world. Though only time will tell if the last Black Spirit Slayer Magic user will change the world's view on this evil magic and show the hidden but absent light that dwells within the Black Spirit Slayer Magic itself.

  • Black Spirit's Harangue (ブラックスピリットハラング Burakkusupirittohar) As all Slayer Magics have their own unique named roar, so does the Spirit Slayer Magics which are called Harangues, with Black Spirit Slayer Magic's own Black Spirit's Harangue and is the most basic out of all the Spirit Slayer magics in the whole magic type, as all Black Spirit Slayer users are able to cast this all mighty spell, which requires the magic user to build up the energy within themselves in order to "roar" at the direction of their target, sending mass amounts of strong built up energy towards the target like a scream in the form of a giant black beam lined with silver. Before the user can do anything they must collect a certain amount of ethernano from their ethernano magic supply in order to power up the spell for it to work, concentrating on moving the ethernano within themselves to their throat as the magic from there begins building up the more the user waits to let out that energy. As the energy within their throat really does build up the ethernano begins taking an change on itself as the less space that the ethernano has the more pressure there is on the magic particles as it strives to get released out from their container as there are repelling ethernano particles also building up underneath them, and when activated allows the magic user to effectively push the built up energy within their throat just enough to send it propelling through the air as it cuts and smashes through the atmosphere to get to the target. With just a simple open of the jaw and the exertion and powering or activating of the repelling magic particles, the caster of Black Spirit's Harangue lets out the iconic roar of a beast like how a Dragon Slayer does as a Dragon does as the built up pressure of the ethernano quickly and violently pushes the ethernano out their throat and out of their mouth, somehow holding the ethernano together as it is pushed out in a specific location which the ethernano keeps together by pushing it into a blast of Darkness magic energy, leaving a devastating effect on human life forms as the built energy and the combined collision of the constructed Dragon roar solidifies itself into a physical material as it swiftly and violently crushes the target from the front. The strength of the Black Spirit's Harangue is nearly unmatchable due to the power that the Black elements have and the combined energies that it contains, from energies sourcing from negative emotions to anything thing that is black for the Black Spirit Slayer to absorb into their body and use it for their spells. The iconic move of the Spirit Slayers, the Black Spirit's Harangue is like said before the easiest and most basic move for the Black Spirit to learn due to it's simplicity and the amount of effort it would need to execute compared to others. Basic learners who utilise Black Spirit's Harangue usually have to summon forth a black seal before their mouths as they cast but more experienced Slayers are able to do it from within their own jaw without the need for a magic seal.
  • Black Spirit Fist (ブラックスピリット・フィスト Burakkusupiritto fisut) Another one of the most basic spells that a Black Spirit Slayer can learn from their teacher, Black Spirit Fist is an attack that is casted by the fist of the Spirit Slayer and can be done with one or two at the same time to execute this spell. The spell starts off with the user concentrating and thinking on their hands which somehow commands the magic particles from her magic supply to flow through their body but this time now into their hands which have special areas for the magic particles to build up in order for those that unluckily have to battle against them, the special area in their hand allows the built up magic to take effect as it escapes their hand with every collision that it does in order to resemble the famed Spirit Fist attack. Black Spirit Fist hardens the energy so that when built up it will start radiating the particles that were used to create the Black Spirit Fist as it slowly and individually drops out from their hand and back into the atmosphere for mages to absorb from the sky. This combination of seeping powerful Darkness magic energy as well as the raw strength of the fused spirit fist with the user's strength, creates a lethal weapon at the user's disposal as the radiation from the Spirit Fist leaves grievous and very dangerous marks on their opponent as the fist collides with the target, hurting them greatly if they were not very prepared for such a collision. But one can also cause the energy to remain in tact with the hand and allow continuos strikes with their fist against the opponent, as black and silver smoke radiate off their hands and into the air. The Black Spirit Fist is like a skeleton key to open any door that the Black Spirit Slayer sees fit, as the Black Spirit Fist is fully capable with it's strength to deal mass amounts of power with just a single hit, as shown when it was used to fully unhinge and massively dent a thick metal door that was nearly ten times the height of the user. Unlike some other Slayer's Fist attacks however, Black Spirit Fist has the incredible ability of using the magic within their fist to shoot it outward in a beam of black energy, kind of like Black Spirit's Harangue except more narrow and a little less powered, but still powerful nonetheless. The user does this by pointing their fist towards a target and violently exerting the energy within their fists to shoot outward in the direction of their target.
    • Black Spirit Charged Palm ( ブラックスピリットチャージド・パーム Burakkusupirittochājido) A special variant and enhancement to the Black Spirit Fist attack, this attack involves exerting all the power from that attack right into the palm side of the hand, making their palm extremely powered up with so much force that it could smash through rock with ease. Since in Black Spirit Fist, the power had been evenly distributed around the arm to give it that powerful punch, since all the power is within the user's palm now, just the slap can create 5200 lbs of force, higher than both Black Spirit Fist and Black Spirit Metal Hoof. However this much power is harder to control, as it is very hard to slap someone during combat without having to concentrate on everything around them, giving this attack it's major con. But many do not actually use Black Spirit Charged Palm to attack but more of a defensive kind of method to dealing with incoming hand attacks from enemy mages, shown by the Black Spirit's student who used Black Spirit Charged Palm to block the path of an incoming fist attack, which upon collision violently forced the attacker back hundreds of metres with great strength, showing just how much energy is actually being used in the spell. This spell can be used to force back anything with extreme power, such a placing the palm onto a door, sending the door backwards at an amazing speed as well as breaking it with it splitting where the palm was placed, or even can be used with rocks and boulders as the spell when touching the rock will break it and send it flying a certain direction, as many pieces of rubble now turned into sharp pieces of rock shrapnel come shooting towards the target. If you didn't guess it by now, Black Spirit Charged Palm is basically an overpowered bitch slap that could break your knee with even the slightest touch. With Black Spirit Slayer's magic and properties, one can actually upgrade the power of the slaps to reach unbelievable levels such as the maximum power of the slap reaching 10,400 lbs of force which not even the Black Spirits student's own power could reach. When a person goes to feel the palm from a closer distance, they will be able to sense this strong and intense feeling around them, all produced by the palm of the Black Spirit Slayer's Black Spirit Charged Palm.
  • Black Spirit Metal Hoof (ブラックスピリットメタルフーフ Burakkusupirittometa) This Black Spirit Slayer attack now involves the foot of the Black Spirit Slayer as all the magic goes down to the foot and sole of the magic user, effectively powering it up just the same as the Black Spirit Fist but with more capabilities this time. The spell begins with the user thinking and concentrating on the thought of exerting their inner magic force to their lower legs and feet, as they travel down the body of the user's and start to enhance the mages body's feet and legs as they begin radiating and burning off a dark smoke that flickers in the wind as it radiates intensely but doesn't effect them at all. The mage can see when the spell is being prepared and ready as the fire at their feet become extremely intense as they can now feel some sort of sense from below their waist as they await the next part of their plan which mainly should be her striking the opponent with their now magical enhanced feet which now delivers extreme blows from every kick that the user does to their opponent, taking more and more effect the more that the mage continues kicking their opponent. Just like Black Spirit Fist, Black Spirit Metal Hoof delivers strikes that can reach around 5000 lb of force, with the student's own kicks of Black Spirit Metal Hoof reaching around 8000 lb of force and maybe even higher, which is quite powerful compared to Black Spirit Fist attacks. Just like the Dragon Slayers however, Black Spirit Metal Hoof can be used to propel the user by exerting the magic within their feet downward and lifting the Black Spirit Slayer off, sort of like a rocket missile and the Black Spirit Slayer can also control the speed and what not that they can go with. Black Spirit Metal Hoof's strength is shown numerous of times when the user stomps their charged foot on the ground, causing the ground underneath them to immediately break and crack.
  • BSSImageLongSword
    Black Spirit Reaching Blade (ブラック・スピリット・ブレード Burakku supiritto burēdo) Another type of attack that involves the hand and arm regions of the Black Spirit Slayer, Black Spirit Reaching Blade sort of mimics the Iron Dragon's Club except for this spell, instead of blunt attacks the user actually attacks with razor sharp limbs that replace the arms of the Spirit Slayer. This danger makes it extremely dangerous alongside the fact that Black Spirit Reaching Blade can extend it's length up to as long as the caster wants provided that the caster has enough magic energy within themselves to make the blade arm longer. With razor sharp edges, the Black Spirit Reaching Blade can be used to deflect and even slash through swords with ease if the the targeted blade is weaker than the Black Spirit Reaching Blade itself. When forming, there is no change to the hand wear of the user and when reverting back to a normal human hand will show that the hand hasn't changed at all, even the clothing. Even just standing near the blades, one can be able to feel the piercing presence of the blade even if they are just a metre away from them, just showing how dangerous that the Black Spirit Reaching Blade can be. Activated with one or even two hands if the user is feeling a bit dangerous, Black Spirit Blade can be single or dual wielded thanks to it's properties and even though it is the limbs it actually isn't very hard to manoeuvre despite how tricky it looks. Despite being blades and swords, Black Spirit Reaching Blade cannot in fact cast Sword Spells such as Sword Pressure or Sword Beam, but nonetheless is still pretty advantageous in it's own way. Advanced users of Black Spirit Slaying Magic can make more blades shoot out from the original blade made from the mage's arm, which can be utilised to take out more foes or have more of a chance to hit their opponents.
  • Shadow Clones (シャドークローン Shadōkurōn) Manipulating the shadows around the user, the Black Spirit Slayer will force the shadows to coat themselves in the black eerie element that will perfectly layer their bodily figure, as if it seems that their whole body was just painted black without any sign of natural outlining and such. From here, numerous clones depending on how much power the Black Spirit Slayer has will immediately run out of the pitch Black Spirit Slayer as they will perfectly mirror the original source and caster, looking as if the caster mage had duplicated themselves over and over again as the clones will only come out one at a time, but at a fast pace. The clones and their creator will look exactly the same, and will utilise the same magic capabilities as the caster themselves such as preform the same abilities with the same flair and power, which can be used to confuse the target on who the real mage is as well as create an army of sorts that are capable of producing the same effect due to having the same knowledge. These clones are both physical and magical and will count as a magical entity which means spells that disable magical created beings such as shades and these clones will reveal who the real pitch black figure is. They can in fact be hurt through physical means meaning that the Shadow Clones can literally be used as foot soldiers and fight just like real human beings, however there is one downside to it besides the fact that magical powers that can disable magical created beings, as the Shadow Clones can only be made whilst the source is powered in this activity, with the only way of stopping these magical entities is to defeat the user themselves. Once deactivated the clones will rise and explode into a cloud of smoke as they reveal who the true fighter was this whole time. This move is perfect for any kind of fighters as it can confuse the shit out of anyone due to combining themselves with the darkness and multiplying hundreds of the user's own shape and such, that not even illusion masters could be able to tell who the real one is.
  • Spirit Eater (スピリットイーター Supirittoītā) A spell for Black Spirit Slayer Magic, Spirit Eater is a spell that involves the Spirit Slayer pointing their fingers towards the target if the spell and shooting numerous black bullets from each finger point that when upon contact will spread over the target's body and encase them in a thick sludge that hardens up seconds after having hit the target, sort of like a quick cooling concrete. Movement is limited when being hit by this, as the strange substance that quickly spreads will restrict nearly anything from moving, though there is a limit to how much distance that the spread of the black sludge can reach. For example, when the Spirit Eater shot hits the hand of a target, the target's hand as a whole will be covered and stuck in place until they are able to successfully remove the black through pure strength if they are strong enough that is, or if the caster of Spirit Eater has been defeated. The reason to why it is called Spirit Eater is because when the spell is used against a Spirit or a being of spirit origin such as Half-Spirits a single shot will be enough to cover the whole body of the targeted spirit, which explains why this spell is in the Spirit Slayer Magic. When enough of the shots have hit the targeted person, they will be frozen in pace and since being unable to move can only rely on other people to defeat the Black Spirit Slayer who casted the spell or until the Black Spirit Slayer disables the spell and returns them back to normal. Victims will be frozen in place until this time and will proceed to die from hunger and thirst but actually do have the ability to breathe thanks to the substance's special aspects.
  • Vile Black Tempest (卑劣な黒い嵐 Hiretsuna kuroi arashi) By manipulating the closest shadow or area of darkness to their target, the Black Spirit Slayer will create a swirling tornado of black energy swiftly making it's way to the target which can crush and push the target with massive amounts of powerful force, although one should keep in mind that the Vile Black Tempest can only go one direction so depending on the direction of the shadow it will go the way that the Vile Black Tempest was originally going. One can also see that the size of the typhoon created also depends on the skill and mastery of the Black Spirit Slayer as beginner Black Spirit Slayers will only be able to produce a narrow and weaker version of Vile Black Tempest. But the Black spirit and their student are maybe the only capable ones of creating large typhoons that can lift up a whole house. Being a whirlwind as well, the Vile Black Tempest will also drag in anything around it such as debris, dirt, rocks and other people if close enough. Vile Black Tempest can only be casted when there is a shadow which is where it gets it's power from originally, so the spell can only brought forth when there is actually a shadow there for the cyclone to come, which is one of Vile Black Tempest's greatest flaws. To activate the spell, the Black Spirit Slayer will hold out their palm in the direction of the shadow that they want the Vile Black Tempest to rise from, using their magic capability to form the shadows from that area to form and begin moving at rapid speeds to create this strong force that the Vile Black Tempest is known for. If the strength if the Vile Black Tempest is toned down, it can be used to force back things and even lift people into the air so that they may get to hard to reach to places as they use the Vile Black Tempest as a support. With both hands open, the Black Spirit Slayer can use two Vile Black Tempests at the same time to crush targets in the middle.
  • Black Tentacle (黒い触手 Kuroi shokushu) This spell literally makes large black tentacles shoot out from the shadows and attack at the caster's will, who can simply use their own mind to control the tentacles in any way that they want, and have mass amounts of power depending on the mastery that the Black Spirit Slayer has over their magic. As there is not really any action to commence this attack, the special way that one may choose to cast Black Tentacle is that a black and silver seal will appear in front of an opened palm which the caster will do by holding out their palm in front of them, as shadows in the area immediately erupt with long black, dangerous looking tentacles reach out to follow their summoner's command. These tentacles are capable of immense strength as they are strong enough to knock back huge opponents with a single flick, though this is because the mage using the black tentacle at the time is quite skilled in the art. Black Spirit Slayers are also able to customise the size of the tentacles erupting from the shadows, with larger tentacles taking more space than smaller tentacles, which means more smaller black tentacles can be summoned from one area than a larger one which can be limited down to a certain number. Numerous black tentacles can also be casted at the same time with a single hand, no matter what size the tentacles are casted to be as what really matters is the magic that is inputted into the attack of the mage. Emotions also tend to have a strong effect on the appearance and capabilities of the tentacles, such as the user getting more angry will cause the tentacles to look more ferocious with horns spiking out as black smoke drifts off more of the tentacle appendage.
  • Abyssal Arrow () Gai forms a black flaring arrow in one hand, that is moulded from Dark Matter that is pulled forth and stored into Gai's and the negative energies that supply Gai's magic, having the ability to touch it with his bare hands before throwing it towards a target. The Abyssal Arrow is meant to be feared, as the negative enrgies have been formed and configured in order to become something deadly, with them taking a sort of corrosive effect that will melt down obstacles in it's way as soon as it touches something. A simple offensive attack, the manipulation and handling of dark matter as a physical energy with destructive purposes can only be handled by advanced users of Black Spirit Slayer Magic, and so can only be learned once the user has expert training in the art, where they have learned how black matter can be turned into dangerous substances and energies as well as forming darkness into what the Abyssal Arrow is. The Abyssal Arrow is commonly used to tear through barriers and blocks that are shielding opponents, with enough power to tear through several 3.5 inch thick walls and still attack the person on the other side. Upon contact with a person's skin, the Abyssal Arrow will deliver a sharp and stinging pain that will irritate and slightly burn the skin of the person, having a sort of program within it's internal coding and structure that supressses the effect of the acidity and corrosiveness upon contact with a being's skin. It seems to only burn the material away when it is made of something other than human skin or any other sentient being's skin all together.
  • Abyssal Whip () manifesting the energy to create that of a black whip, this whip is strong enough to smash through rock when provided enough strength. It radiates black particles every second it is manifested, giving it an ominous look. Control over the whip is important as it could easily entangle its user if they haven't practised enough. Abyssal Whip focuses more on the pure strength of the weapon, used more so for grabbing and holding onto, whilst also delivering strong, hard attacks to those that get in the way. It is also useful for binding enemies in as the strength makes it hard for the victim to break free. The whip itself is not too long, as it can reach around quite a bit depending on how much magic is used to summon the spell.
  • Spriggan Eyes ()
  • Mephisto ()
  • Repelling Evil ()
  • Deliver Us From Evil ()
  • Black Spirit's Mane ()
  • Seventh Sense ()
  • Purgatorial Justice ()
  • Minos Grasp ()
  • Black Spirit's Jaw ()
  • Black Spirit's Sins (黒人の精神の罪 Kokujin no seishin no tsumi) A special spell to the Black Spirit Slayer Magic that causes the user of Black Spirit's Sins to summon this effect on them which allows seven different enhancements on the user's body, but with these enhancements doing their own special little ability to further the power of the Black Spirit Slayer. As they cast this ability, a black seal will appear underneath the Black Spirit Slayer as it's black smoke will drift and rise into the Black Spirit Slayer's body, causing the Spirit Slayer's body to have this layer of a transparent aura that perfectly fits his body as like air with black spoldges drifting around his body aimlessly as he continues to move around. The Black Spirit's Sins can be switched around at a moment's notice and can be easily unequipped to equip to a different effect, sort of like how a master Requip user can switch their armours during the middle of the battle without a problem, meaning that the Black Spirit Slayer can switch from one effect to another to survive incoming attacks. Based on the famed Seven Deadly Sins, all seven sins of the Black Spirit's Sins have a core ability relating to the sin that they are named after, with some abilities including faster absorption of larger amounts of energy to power up the attacks and the magic supply of the user, to even powering up the attacks at massive numbers that they can be seen as legendary. Only known by the Black Spirit and it's student, Black Spirit's Sins takes after the negative energies as it too becomes more and more powerful whenever the user of the Black Spirit's Sins feels an emotion relating to the Sin if there even is one, such as Wrath relating to anger, Sloth feeling lazy and tired, Pride feeling pride etc etc.
    • Wrath (怒り Ikari) When activated, the attacks of the Black Spirit Slayer become more powerful and energised that they deliver harder, more lethal strikes with any offensive attacks that are used within the Black Spirit Slayer's arsenal, matching the theme of wrath and anger and such. The Wrath mode should obviously be more powerful when the user is under the emotional effect of anger and all emotions related to hate, though is more stronger with the emotion that the sin is named with. It can be pretty obvious that the Wrath mode is activated as the attacks will look more dangerous due to the rise and increase of black smoke that drifts off from the attacks. However during this mode, the energy that focuses more on offensive other than defensive isn't there to protect the Black Spirit Slayer, as the Black spirit Slayer will therefore receive twice the damage than they would from attacks, so when one must use the mode of Wrath, they will really have to go all out on the attacks to decrease the chance of getting hit and receiving large amounts of damage from a single strike. Spirit Slayers who are smart with their attacks can manipulate the way that attacks can work such as seen with the Black Spirit's student having used an enhanced version of Vile Black Tempest to lift up a whole group of people to help them get to high ground that they wouldn't have reached in time, as well as using the enhanced version of Black Tentacle to block passage ways due to the increased natural size of the mysterious black tentacles. When it comes to it, Wrath can be one of the modes that Black Spirit Slayers can get creative with as well as one of their most powerful modes due to the enhanced capabilities that the offensive spells of the Black Spirit Slayer has.
    • Gluttony (貪食 Donshoku) In this mode, the Black Spirit Slayer will absorb and contain more ethernano energy than the average human mage, by absorbing five times more than one can be able to do as they store majority of the magic within the aura that sticks around them, with the more energy they are taking in the more fiery the aura will be. This energy can be used to power up and generate more and more attacks for the Black Spirit Slayer. Due to the massive consumption of the ethernano energy from the environment around them, the energy will remain in the aura until a new mode is equipped by the Black Spirit Slayer, who will exert all the energy from the aura into the form of a shockwave pulse that will knock down anything that is around the Black Spirit Slayer, giving the mode a more offensive attack rather than just a simple support ability. The Gluttony mode can be used for the Black Spirit Slayer mage to acquire more and more magic and even rejuvenate themselves if they have lost huge amounts of magic power throughout the fight. A Black Spirit Slayer can use this to heal themselves fi their magical container by sitching to Gluttony mode with what magic they have and become battle ready once again in terms of magic energy. Side effects from using Gluttony Mode during a battle more than three times can result in the caster mage's attacks using more ethernano power than normal, as the spells and capabilities of the mage will slowly adjust themselves to the power and amount of power that the Black Spirit Slayer has in order to equalise themselves with the mage, meaning if the user uses Gluttony too much they will have to deal with using more magic power than usual until the spells naturally return to using their normal energy consumption. This mode has no prime emotion that can power it except negative ones since they are the ones that power up the magics anyway.
  • Spirit Force (霊の力(スピリット・フォース), Supiritto Fōsu lit. Spirit's Power) Is a form that more advanced users of Spirit Slayer Magic achieve and is the Spirit Slayer Magic equivalent to the Dragon Slayer Magic abiltiy of Dragon Force, where the users of Spirit Force will transform their bodies into smaller scaled versions of the spirits that taught them, in this case Gai will turn into his mentor known as The Black Spirit, a minotaur like being that stands higher than some of the highest mountains and more frightening than the demons that hide under your bed. It being the same as Dragon force, Spirit Force also transforms the user's body into the creature that their Magic specialised in killing and matching. This kind of physiological change to the body is something that shouldn't be taken for granted as the ability as the Spirit Slayer will gain nearly all traits straight from the spirit that they taught, but with Gai he will literally turn into his spirit mentor but as a miniature form due to having the power to br able to achieve such a form, which is considered one of the greatest feats that a Spirit Slayer can reach. In this state, all of their physical attributes are bolstered enormously, making them far stronger, more resistant to damage, and faster which is just the tip of the iceberg when talking about Spirit Form, as when they are detailed for those to understand, things such as catching swinging blades that will do absolutely no damage to the Spirit Slayer but the enviornment around them instead, as well as being capable of smashing an Etherious demon with a single hit that will break them into pieces, at just a small amount of effort to do so. The sudden boost in strength upon activating the form allows the caster to break free of binding-type spells which would normally restrict their bodies and impair their movements through nothing but sheer force of will, meaning that things such as Fortification Magic's Halt and other binding spells will be able to be broken from and so forth. In addition, their endurance has been upped significantly; enabling them to receive damage like it was nothing and ignore all senses of pain—though it should be noted that this varies on the factor of how powerful the blow is. Finally, the user's naturally immense swiftness is augmented to the point that they can forgo any need for speed-enhancing techniques, enabling them to outstrip almost anyone in a contest of pure speed. These kinds of capabilities are definetly something to fear as those using Spirit Force become a near unstoppable force of power, capable of nearly anything. As the Spirit Slayer Magic user's entire body turns into their element, after activating Spirit Force they are virtually immune to physical harm; they can allow any attack to simply pass through them or simply absorb the attack. Activating Spirit Force also allows the user to constantly absorb magical energy and ambient eternano suspended within the atmosphere and convert it into their element, further boosting their power- this ability also works on the foe's magical power and element, but only if it is the same type of element in the latter case. This body is the ultimate body for a Spirit Slayer and those who come face to face with the user of Spirit Force should consider handing in the towel as these capabilities have already explained the pure strength and power of a Spirit Slayer and their magic. Also in this mode, Gai's sword called Black Death reaches it's maximum potential as it is enlargened and can also preform unique spells that can only be preformed by the Black Spirit Slayer and his weapon eqipped.

Barrier Magic[]

Barrier Magic (バリアの魔法 Baria no Mahō)

  • SimpleShield
    Simple Magic Shield (シンプルマジックシールド Shinpurumajikkushīrudo) like it says in the name is the most basic of Barrier spells a user is able to learn, although it does take some magic depending on how big one would want the magic barrier to be in order to protect more area. A Simple Magic Shield has the ability to successfully block both magic attacks as well as physical weaponry to ensure that those behind it do not get hit by the used item, as the shield is programmed to instantly harden up upon impact of a magic projectile or physical weapon on contact with the magic. The tint of the Simple Magic Shield can depend on what kind of skill and technique the user of the barrier magic has, represented such as Gai using a near transparent shield that is extremely difficult to see from a distance, and there have been mages who were able to conjure up orange and even red barriers which are mostly unheard of within the community of users. The magic that is projected into the shield blast apart upon contact as the fall off the shield with ease, where as a physical weapon attacking the shield would simply be knocked back forcing the wielder to bounce off from the shield. Simple Magic Shield can also depend on the magic inserted into the spell though however, users do not put large quantities into the shield due to the limit of how big and thick the shield can get. Simple Magic Shields are recommended to be used against short bursts of projected magic such as Bullet magic projectiles and similar to them as the density of the shield is only able to withstand smaller projectiles and normal physical slashes, stabs, thrusts and what not. To advance to a higher tier of the Magic Shield spells, one must have been able to exert a lot more ethernano and magic power into the spell as well as having a good amount of experience with the magic.

Dispelling Magic (Basic)[]

Dispelling Magic (ディスペルマジック deisuperu majikku) Is a Caster Magic that

Requip (Basic)[]

Requip (換装魔法レキップ, Rekippu lit. Express Equipmentary Magic), also known as Ex-equip, is a Caster Magic and a type of Spatial Magic related to the summoning of various types of equipment. This Magic allows the user to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. It is said that the user summons the items from a pocket dimension; the notional place that things come from when they are needed, and where they go back to when not. The actual location of where they summon the items is very hard to determine. It contains only a few things, not because it is limited in capacity, but because that is all it is ever used for - for example, this is where the user normally summons the armour and their equipment; withdrawing things even during battle, which gives her a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. Requip can be used for simple or for combat-related purposes; and the user may just choose to use it to change their clothing, capable of using it in the midst of battle. The user would often pull any items that they had collected out of nowhere and then they would just vanish without any physical means of transporting them. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store. It is also to be noted that Requip users can mix-match any and all equipment or weapons they store in this pocket dimension. Gai never really uses Requip at all for combat per say due to having basic knowledge of the art and as he only utilises Requip in order to change between outfits, as shown when before important meetings or other special occasions that Gai switches from his normal attire to the suited ones in order to tidy his appearance up for the situation he finds himself in.


Anti-Manipulation Chip (アンチマニピュレーションチップ Anchimanipyurēshonchippu) An experiment by the organisation Anfang's Reikokuna to test his capability of using technology and stuff to be able to keep up with the times, the Anti-Manipulation Chip allows the user to actually become immune to all forms of mind manipulation such as Figure Eyes, Human Subordination and Memory Control, etc etc. sort of like creating this huge bubble over the user's head, the user instantly becomes defended from any manipulation magic that tries to take over their body, which always goes for the head as the brain is where the body gets it's commands to move the body parts. The chip is implemented deep into the user's neck and to leave no evidence of it ever being there, the scar is magically eased down and vanished to allow no trace of there ever being an Ainti-Manipulation Chip ever entering the user's neck in the first place. However, one should note that the Anti-Manipulation Chip is only held by very few users, as many other users who have tried to get the chip into their neck were accidentally killed during the operation of implementation, forcing many to reconsider getting the chip and leaving only the fee people who had ever received the chip in the first place. One of these members were Gai Diyos, who uses the chip, in order to make sure that no information is able to escape him if he is ever captured by people looking for answers, and those that use the latter spells that were mentioned before in this paragraph. Made from a non magnetic material, Gai is nearly safe from anyone who is able to manipulate metal easily such as Metal Magic users and even Earth Magic users due to the metal aspect being in them rocks of Earth. The Anti-Manipulation Chip does have one work around: that it can only take on two forces of manipulation at a time, where a third effect can be applied normally as the chip does not have enough programming to focus on three effects.

Throwing Knives (スローイング クニブス surooingu kunibusu) A ranged weapon in Gai's arsenal, these throwing knives are usually kept on the back of his belt underneath his coat so that other people cannot see them, a good weapon for when taking out opponents discretely and quickly depending on the throwing arm of the person using them. These throwing knives are basic, a metal hilt with a razor sharp double sided blade for increased accuracy and a higher rate to hit the target, making them quite the weapon for decided single shot attacks. These throwing knives can also be used for melee options even though it isn't really recommended, mainly because ranged weapons were built for ranged attacks and melee weapons were built for melee attacks, but nonetheless can still be used as daggers to take down opponents up close and personal. These throwing knives are special in a way as well, as being combined with one of the four elemental magics can give these daggers different effects depending on the element used to power up the throwing knife, such as fire to set these daggers alight as well as making them explode on impact, wind magic to make the daggers fly even faster to the enemy and with much force, acting as like a powerful bullet as it shoots straight through the target and even lightning magic which conducts through the metal of the blade and gives a horrendous shock when the blade has been plunged into the enemie's body. This elemental effect can only be done if the element touches the blade, making them perfect for unison attacks as they can hold up to three elements at the same time, such as holding the elements of Fire, Air and Light which makes the blade extremely bright that the opponent wouldn't be able to see, hot to the touch and will explode on impact as well as going at super fast speeds that it gives little to no reaction time of the projectile.


Black Death (黒死病 Kokushibyō) One of Gai's first weapons, the Black Death blade was a gift bestowed upon him by his teacher and mentor, the Black Spirit, who personally crafted and enhanced the blade to fit with Gai's capabilities as a Black Spirit Slayer. The Black Death blade is considered an extension to Gai's offensive attacks and can even do it's own unique attacks that require it to be wielded by the Black Spirit Slayer himself as it is where it gains it's power from. Made with a long hilt, the blade is meant to be equipped with two hands if the user is in a human form but can be easily used with a single hand if the user is in a strong enough Spirit Form, which Gai gets from his Spirit Force. Black Death's blade is sharp enough to smash through solid rock and armour, as shown by Gai easily slicing through several boulders that were thrown at him as well as slicing through a heavily armour knight whilst Gai was in his Spirit Force. When swiping the sword with slashes and things in any direction, a black smokey trail will always follow after the blade, and the more energy that is put into the strike, the more fearsome the smoke becomes as large amounts of smoke will follow after the blade if the user is a powerful mage. Like some blades, Black Death can change it's size depending which form the user is in, as it adjusts itself to the caster's body for better attacking. When Gai is in his normal human form the blade stands as tall as himself, and would require two hands to wield whilst in his Spirit Force form it is nearly just as big as him once again but can be wielded with one hand only. Since it was meant to be wielded by the Black Spirit Slayer, it will only work with Black Spirit Slayer Magic, and so people who do not wield Black Spirit Slayer Magic will not be able to use it's special capabilities and only use it as a blade. Black death like any sword can use Sword Magics such as Sword Beam and Sword Pressure that produce large scaled attacks due to the size of the blade.

Judgment Field (ジャッジメント・フィールド Jajjimento Fīrudo) Is an A Class treasure item that Gai was able to get his hands on during adventuring somewhere in Ishgar. A Magic Item that appears to be a small transparent cube with a strange green light emitted from the centre of said form, the Judgement Field item doesn't appear to have much of a use until the person finds out how to activate it. When having found out how to activate the Magic Item, the light orb of the centre of the transparent cube will create a spherical barrier made of the same light of the orb that will span around a five metres radius around the one who activated it. The Judgement Field is actually a Magic Item that is capable of detecting lies that is said within the barrier and is primarily used by people for either interrogations or just fun little party games. Not even answers to questions that the person doesn't know will still count as a lie a they too don't know what the proper answer to the question is. When a truth is told within the barrier the barrier will remain to glow green as no lie has been said just yet to taint it's clean presence, but when a lie is told the barrier will glow red as to identify the lie said by the person and by the additions added to Gai who had tampered with the Magic Item after claiming the item with his hands, made it so that the liar will get a painful shock of lightning when they do so as to add more pressure. A fun little game with this can turn into an electrifying game which Gai enjoys to do with this item. Always kept on his person, Gai is able to interrogate and torture anyone he crosses though that would be illegal and Gai would get in very big trouble with the others.

Eye of Mercury ():

Physical Abilities[]

Magical Prowess[]

Substantial Ethernano Capacity: Due to having blood relations to the mystical race of the Spirits, Gai has inherited the Spirits' most dangerous aspect; their advanced and almost limitless magical energy supply that lets these Spirit beings cast spells to their heart's content, as they will easily outlast the normal human mage if the two were to consistently cast spells. This Spirit enhancement also allows the user to cast spells that not even the most power fullest mages on Ishgar could do, as most of these dangerous magics require mass amounts of concentration and vast quantities of magic energy, some of which these wizards do not utilise or are unable to attain. As another strength to this attribute Gai is able absorb massive amounts of Ethernano quickly to replenish his huge magic capacity, as his body keeps up with the standard time for ethernano replenishment but three times the energy consumption due to the sheer size of Gai's magic capacity. In order for his magic origin supply to function properly thanks to how big it has increased by the Spirit genes in his genetics, his body has naturally adapted to these changes and so made the necessary body enhancements to fit. Because of having this unholy and cursed gene in his veins, Gai can execute several powerful attacks without suffering fatigue making him the challenging opponent that many mages dare think of fighting. Instead of really counting on the strength through the power of his magic, Gai sees this as a strength through numbers and in this case is a lot of numbers of ethernano to be stored within his body to be used in combat and whatever. Probably the most notable advantage that a Spirit has against the human population and whatever, their substantial ethernano capacity remains as their biggest weapon as they literally have magic on their side of a battle, with those being that of master ethernano manipulation having the full advantage.


There is however a limit which is explained by Gai, that the Spirit-Infused beings also have to be in-tune with their magic power and Magic Origin as to make sure that the ethernano within them is absorbed at a safe pace in which the magician's body and internal organs do not accidentally shatter due to the rate that ethernano energy is taken into the magic origin. For those that have not built up a great endurance and strength which is two notable aspects of the body to have so that one could withstand the pressure of ethernano that is rushing in according to the size of one's Magic Origin, there is a way that can help overcome this problem. Such ways is to regulate the flow naturally by constantly putting time and effort into sessions where on can meditate their mind and so meditate on the way that their body works, giving an insight to their bodily functions and is where one will be able to access the configurement of their body. Another way however and a more quicker solution is to get a tattoo made from ink with magical properties to them in the shape of the design shown. This is the iconic symbol for 'calm' and 'tranquility' in a mysterious race that had come up with the idea, and so have passed it among their people who have shared it amongst the other human populations of the world. The calming of the body and so is the main objective of the said tattoo, and will make sure that the ethernano flow will be regulated to a safer pace in which the mage's body will not shatter into pieces or overwork itself that it tires itself out and dies. Contrary to many beliefs, this does not mean that the whole body will be affected and so meaning that only the flow of magic energy inside the person's body is configured. There is however one downside to this method of regulation: The body is therefore only intaking the same amount of energy that a normal human mage would generate putting them in the same place as the normality, only just with a bigger Magic Origin to fill. This will force the mage with the tattoo to wait even longer before the Magic Origin is full and will be downgraded to where they can actually tire out from using way too much magic power at once instead of easily regenerating without a sweat. Gai has chosen to take the tattoo option and so suffers these consequences of taking the shorter route instead of patiently and determined to fix the flow of his magic power intake.

Combat Prowess[]


Master Swordsmanship:

  • Kenjutsu (ケンジュ Kenju) Is the traditional Japanese sword fighting art that relies mostly quick movements and complete concentration on the fighter's opponents, which is mostly used to keep track and acknowledge sudden movements made by the opponent. Kentjutsu is primarily a pattern of attacks that aim to strike the opponent's head, throat and chest region with the throat being the most dangerous as a slash or stab from the blade whilst in Kenjutsu can fatally wound the target as their breathing becomes cut off so one should be sure before they simply strike. The art form is simply about attacking the enemy with quick movements towards their head region whilst also dodging their attacks with minimal movement as much as possible, as the fighter can expertly flick his blade at the opponent with such speed that they wouldn't have enough time for the enemy to react to block and such. A dueling art Kenjutsu only seems to be effective in one against one combat so using this against a group of enemies that may try to attack from many directions would not be recommended based on the nature of the fighting style. The art of Kenjutsu though formerly a practice of sword techniques to kill armoured soldiers now is really only used during self defence classes and tournaments but this doesn't mean that it's old purpose has ben forgotten. Gai was able to learn Kenjutsu from some old swordsmen located back at his home at Mys in the capital, and so has known the great and sophisticated culture for as long as he can remember, with it being one of the earliest forms of combat that Gai ever knew before delving into the arts of magic. When not using Sword Magic to make use of his weapons, Gai utelises the art of Kenjutsu in it's place in order to quickly and expertly take down foes of many shapes and sizes with ease, as shown by outclassing several swordsmen in a tournament after having misjudged the marksman for his only use for a firearm.
  • Sword Pressure (剣圧, Ken'atsu): When performing the Sword Pressure technique, the user swings forward with their sword, swinging the blade so swiftly that it seems that the user is able to utilise air itself to slice enemies, focusing a current of wind to the point where it takes on a sharp edge, which the user launches at foes; sending it through the air towards the user's enemy. It is a powerful blade of pressure that appears as faint ripples of wind that is launched towards the foe at high speeds; this attack enables the user to assault things which are out of their sword's range, sending slashes which fly through the air itself; and can even remain floating in it until the right moment to slash. The person struck by the sword pressure is assaulted by countless invisible blades which happens so fast that they would normally be unable to properly react in time, carving up their body. Also, the strong wind power will blow away all incoming projectile weapons and will even make the opponent unable to stay on their feet; this technique possesses enough power to slice down many trees in a forest. This technique can deflect both physical and sound wave attacks and attack at the same time, making it both an offensive and defensive technique. These blades of wind possess incredible range and devastating power; and at its highest level of mastery, the sword pressure is capable of cutting through barriers of magical energy; and they can even remain floating within the air until the right minute to slash.
  • Heaven-Shaking Slash (動天斬, Dōtenzan) is a Sword Magic spell of considerable destructive power. The Heaven-Shaking Slash lives up to its name quite clearly; its a slash so powerful everything trembles in its wake. Unlike several Sword Magic spells, it can be utilized with any sword so long as the user is capable of manifesting the required energy to make use of it properly. The Heaven-Shaking Slash works by concentrating an excess of magical power into one's blade, creating surges of magical energy leaking out of the medium which the spell is being used from. From therein, the user makes a slash, generally vertical, against the opponent in question. The slash builds up an extraordinary amount of momentum from the movement that goes behind it, therefore releasing destructive shockwaves of kinetic energy which can slice through inanimate objects such as trees and even steel with some effort. While the spell is very powerful and effective, inappropriate use can easily lead to fatigue and unwanted destruction of the surrounding environment.
  • Arnis is a Southern-East Asian style of fighting that highlights the use of weapons such as sticks, blades and many other improvised weapons which gives more range to the style of Arnis. It is not just limited to as weapon-based fighting as Arnis also includes hand-to-hand combat and other unarmed actions like grappling, locks and holds. People who have chosen to practise and use Arnis are reffered to as 'arnisador' (which is used by makes) and 'arnisadora' (which is used by females). Also called Kali or Eskrima, Arnis is a fighting style that is quite dependent on factors that are brought to the attention of the user, such as the measurement of distance that is between the fighter and their combatant and the weapon that is being used during the encounter. One would require a fair amount of footwork to take place, which is usually completed in the form of a triangle to reach their target: when moving in a general direction the combatant's two feet will be in two corners of the triangle where the third step to move will be where the third corner of the triangle is. No leg is to be crossed at any time during this manoeuvre and the shape and size of the triangle must be adjusted to the user's current situation to be able to match and easy the heat of the fight. Though in reality much of the techniques to Arnis depend greatly on where you learn it as many practitioners can learn Arnis differently to others as there isn't one way to complete the fighting style. Things such as having one knee to the ground in a very low stance and careful, precise cross-steps which is used when tackling a larger number of people. Although Arnis is generally used to take on a single opponent within a duel, it is an old fighting style that has been designed and configured to handle more than a single target as this was a fghting style brought up to be used against enemy tribes and kingdoms. But there is one thing for sure when learning Arnis which brings all kinds of variants and practices of Arnis into one label, as the fighting style focuses on defending against and the reaction of one to the angles of attack. Many of the techniques used can be used in very similair circumstances, such as when a right overhead strike can be blocked wether the attacking weapon is bare hands, blades or what not. Being in the land of magic and all, the art form of Arnis can be enhanced with the used of ethernano powered strikes and can even be furthered with the use of such magics like Strengthening Magic.

Expert Hand-to-hand Combatant:

  • Jujutsu (柔術 Jūjutsu) is a Japanese martial art in which up close unarmed combat is used to take down armed and armoured opponents if the practiser is limited to short weaponry or even no weaponry at all, defying the odds of power as it is entertaining to see what may look like the weakest in the fight victor over the strongest looking, all like a theatrical play of some sort. Jujutsu gives a higher value to the use of pinning, throwing and joint-locking procedures which is highly different to other martial arts such as the Japanese martial arts of Karate, which is much more focused on the use of strikes on the opponent to take them down. A little but of history reasons to why Jujutsu does not focus more on striking techniques, as during the time that Jujutsu was being developed, strikes with the unarmed fist would do nearly nothing to the armour of the samurai, forcing those practising Jujutso to resort to using other techniques from hand strikes and the such. The translation of Jujutsu translates to 'Gentle Art' or 'Soft Technique', and and was made to represent to persuading the opponent's force against themselves instead of using the practisers, as they use the enemy's own weaknesses against, such as their heavy armour. Jujutsu has been known to have many of it's students practise with many potential lethal moves which can almost certainly end in a fatality of the victim receiving the move, showing that even the practise of Jujutsu is still dangerous as well as actually preforming it for real life situations. Methods that Jujutsu uses involve the attacks of things such as throwing, trapping, joint locks, holds, gouging, biting, disengagements, striking, and kicking, all the good stuff you know. Being associated with the art of Kenjutsu, Gai was able to learn this fighting style from his father and mother combined, gaining multiple tips and tricks to perfect his fighting style and furthering his talent.

Manus Prowess[]


Manus Pressure Blast (マヌス圧迫 Manusu appaku) A technique perfected by few from the land of Mys, with majority being Mystan Monks, the Manus Pressure Blast is a somewhat magical capability that utelises the user's Manus energy to create a powerful blast of energy that is capable of shattering foes into pieces, let alone create massive gaping crevices in the ground. An advanced ability of the Art of the Mystan Monks, the Manus Pressure Blast is only known by few and practised by less due to the amount of power that it wields and the damage that it alone will deal to targets of the practitioner. Also known as Manus Compression, the user of this ability transfer and stream their Manus energy into a exertion point on their body, mainly the areas of the hands, of the feet and more skilled users with their head to deliver deadly headbutts. When enough Manus energy has been transmitted into the focal point where the enegy is stored, the user uses their muscles and what not within that point to compress and tighten the energy in order for it to charge up and strain against eachother, as the particles of Manus energy become more and more violent the longer it is held for. This means that the longer that the user prepares this spell, the more dangerous the outcome will be once the energy is released out onto the field. When ready to execute Manus Pressure Blast, the user simply lets go and relaxes their body as the compressed Manus energy will erupt in the form of an invsible shock blast that will affect anything near and most certainly anything infront of it's way. This is strong enough to send opponents flying into buildings and crash through the other side, as well as shatter the ground underneath them as cracks and crevices will be the product of using this on the floor, but the most terrifying thing about this is that it it strong enough to shatter a human or any other kind of being's body into pieces as they are torn to shreds by the sheer power of the Manus Pressure Blast.

  • Focused Manus Release

    A user violently releasing their Manus energy through their elbow.

    Focused Manus Release (焦点を絞ったマヌス放出 Shōten o shibotta manusu hōshutsu) Just like how Manus Pressure Blast is released through the form of a shockwave capable of shattering human bodies into pieces with ease and released through an exertion point on the body. Focused Manus Release is a similair technqiue except this attack involves using the Manus energy from the user's body to be exerted through specific exertion points that allow the user to sort of shoot their manus energy where it acts like a point blanc gun, and when it says gun it really means a heavy powered shotgun. A more controlled technique of Manus Pressure Blast also known as Manus Compression, advanced users who are able to control their Manus Pressure Blast skillfully are able to use their Focused Manus Release in a way that it can cause a more controlled kill and exertion of energy. By striking the exertion point into an enemy target, the user will continue to build up and exert Manus energy into the focal point, with the more energy built up the heavier and more powerful the shot will be. After making contact with the target, the user will immediately 'fire' their Manus energy into the target and right through their body to be burst by the Manus attack. Beginners of Focused Manus Release are only able to exert such attacks from lager areas such as their elbows, feets and palms but those who become more and more skilled in the art can be able to shoot the Manus energy through their fingers and even their head, making them look badass as they simply kill and immobilize enemies with the simple touch of their finger. This attack can also be used to drain the target's stamina and Manus energy of their own, which is considered similar. When not touching the target body, the Focused Manus Release will act like a bullet that will simply shoot out of the focal point and into the enemy, though does push them back with an mass amounts though isn't as powerful as the Manus Pressue Blast.
  • InternalEchoeBlast
    Internal Echo Blast (内部エコーブラスト Naibu ekōburasuto) A stronger version of the basic Manus Pressure Blast shockwave, the Internal Echo Blast attack allows the user to use the Manus Pressure Blast the same way except this time casue the blast to enter into the inside of the body of the target. This attack's name comes from the way that it damages it's

Physical Prowess[]

Sub-par Slayer Strength: The practitioners of Slayer Magic are renowned for their incredible strength that they inherit when slowly learning the art, as they are becoming and manipulating their body in order to match the species that they are meant to slay. This is usually based on the spirit that they are learning from and to this, Gai Diyos is not really known for his incredible strength which he may have developed from both in the unequal training of spending more time on his magic ability than his physical body's capabilities. This has given Gai a weakness to his abilities as a mage, as for now his strength his something he cannot always rely on during a fight and forces him to usually resort to either counter-attacking with his magic or simply dodging with his notable agility. Even though Gai's strength does not match up to the likeliness of other Slayers of other kinds of magic, he is still a bit more stronger than the average human. This is still because Gai is taking and evolving his body to match the biology of that of a Spirit which is still known for some bit of strength that outnumbers a human's. To put this into statistics, Gai's punches can average around 1,200 pounds which is pretty substantial compared to the average human punch of 325 pounds though this can always still be outclassed depending on the enemy that Gai is facing. Despite all this, Gai's sub-par slayer strength has just been enough to help him climb out of complicated situations even though it's weak statistics to the average slayer's strength.


Superhuman Agility: Being capable of fantastic agility (which is basically a term combined of both Gai's speed and flexibility), Gai is pretty fast all by himself without the need for speed enhancing magics that could greatly boost the movement of his attacks and such. Having inherited the body from his father, who was also known for having great speed which he combined with his swordsman skills, Gai makes use of the body he was given by also enhancing it when it came to evolving his body of that to match a Spirit's. This final upgrade allowed Gai to match that of his Spirit Mentor's who was not really known for his strength despite his appearance and more for his movement speed. Being in possession of such speed, Gai can quickly deflect incoming hand strikes with his arms thanks to the amazing flexibility he has depended on. This flexibility would give Gai more than enough time to come up with a counter-attack on the enemy and land it on the target with the probability of quality depending on the environment around them. This is especially helpful with his martial arts and other fighting techniques for his hits become more aggressive and dangerous due to the speed that they are travelling by when going to hit the enemy. The thing about this however is that his strength is not something he could quite use with his agility most of the time, even though this would be highly effective against normal human beings that use pretty normal powers. But when matched up with another mage with power that matches or surpasses Gai's then this must be combined with another aspect in order for him to have at least some chance of succession.

Immense Stamina: Along with his infinite like magic supply, that stops Gai from going tired too quickly Gai also has an increase in stamina, making him less tired from a constant use of physical activity. With this enhancement Gai can outlast a standard melee fight against his opponents, without getting tired from throwing punches and dodging throws from the challenger.

Extreme Endurance: Gai can take in several hits and strikes to body as much as he wants as due to intense training that Gai had put himself through, he can take nearly anything to his body without reacting in pain, which he has shown countless times during many battles. From both Magical and Physical strikes, Gai can go one fighting whilst still receiving strikes from left, right and centre all at the same time as he makes his way to the enemy, but attacks that prove to be far too deadly for Gai do seem to be the only attacks that get through and actually hurt him, though Gai does try his best instead to show no pain even if it is going past his limits of excruciating. Gai is able to show that he can catch a strengthen punch with one hand, a feat accomplishable to many extreme wizards who have trained their body enough to face such matters.

Hawk-Eyes: When he isn't suffering from the consequences of his insomnia, Gai is known for his incredible eyesight that not only helps with his Guns Magic and firearm usage but also helps him look around the environment to spot things and aspects that not may people would notice on their first go. His 'hawk-eyes' helps him notice changes in the field such as objects that have been moved from their original place and even things like feint footprints in the ground, having such ability to see feint footprints within dense grounds like packed sands, dirt and even dusty floorboards. The only way for this to be overcomes is that the target is walking on concrete which barely leaves any sort of footprint. His hawk-eyes helps him also identify the number of enemies coming his way in a brief amount of seconds, which he usually estimates according to his sight and concludes with the number of 'alot'. But besides that, when paired with his gun usage his aim is incredible from having the ability to perfectly shoot directly at things with whatever gun he is using without the need for an attached aim on the weapon. A drawback to this eyesight is that it becomes completely useless when Gai is suffering from sleep deprivation in which his aim becomes sloppy and he cannot be bothered to even try with aiming at an object. The eyes isn't too perfect as to say that he cannot see objects flying through the air at bullet speed making incoming bullets that do not have an apparent aura around them or human mages using magics that greatly enhance their speed and so on.


Immense Durability: Besides his immense strength and stamina, Gai's most identifiable aspect is his immense durability which allows him to take in several hundred hits to his body before breaking down in pain, allowing him to last longer in fights and outmatch his opponent must they share the same pain. This immense durability allows Gai to easily stop incoming missiles of magic with just his body as well as high speed projectiles which he can stop with just the catch of his hand, creating the appearance of a god-like figure that is immune to pain. With this aspect Gai can fall from several feet from the air and get back up as if nothing happened, allowing him to get back into the fight quickly as he brushes himself off from the fall. This Immense Durability can allow even all mighty powerful attack beams collide into his hand continuously as he carried on to stand firmly on the ground against the powerful attacks, even going as far as to stand well against the mighty force of a Dragon Roar, only having been pushed back a few steps before gaining footing, showing how well Gai has trained his body to be able to cope with situations like this.


"Well let's see, he's drunk pretty much twenty percent of the time, sleep deprived eighty percent and a cunt at all times."
Sakura Xavier.


Author's Notes[]

  • I guess if you couldn't tell, this character is meant to be named after the author and somewhat reflect him a bit.
  • The main character.
  • Character appearance is Seishu Handa from Barakmaon.

Character Details[]

  • He is a Chaotic-Neutral character.
  • His favourite colour is red.


  • Intro Theme (Unknown - Big Green Tractor Remix)
    • Intro Theme V2 (886Beatz - Little Einsteins Remix)
  • Battle Theme (Tech N9ne ft. Serj Tankian - Straight out the Gate)
  • Sad Theme (Unknown - Cash Me Outside Trap Remix)
  • Casual Theme (Unknown - SPONGEBOB TRAP REMIX! "KRUSTY KRAB" [Vine Remix]

