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Heroic Chronicles EC Gilvan
"It's best if you keep your nose out things, young prince. It'll prevent you from getting hurt in the near future. Take the warning to heart, lest you regret it later on." — Gilvan Astraius
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This page, Gladius Demolition, is currently under construction. Please bear with the changes made by the author.
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Gladius Demolition
Gladius Demolition



Guradiusu Demorijon


Caster Magic
Subspecies Magic
Black Magic
Forbidden Magic
Ancient Spell
Magic Skill



Gladius Demolition (蛮外力合計消滅(グラディウス·デモリジョン), Guradiusu Demorijon; lit. "Total Annihilation from a Brute External Force"), often referred to as Ruination Magic (覆滅魔法, Fukumetsu Mahō) for simplicity, is a highly-potent and very destructive form of Caster Magic that invokes raw magical power in its highest power — eclipsing the likes of the Magic Ray (which was used as a basis for its conception, subsequently making it a Subspecies Magic), Magic Ball, and every other Elemental Magic respectively while rivaling other powers such as Abyss Break, Storm Magic, Nullification Magic, and Crash — all of which are known to be incredibly powerful and difficult to control, even when mastered by the most skilled of mages. It's derived from Black Magic — as its side-effects from its usage are barely lethal, even for beginners.

Due to the sheer power its possesses and having a variety of things it can affect without fail, killing even the most powerful of foes with sheer ease, it's classified as a Forbidden Magic by the Magic Council — fearing that its usage will lead to the total annihilation of most forms of life in Earthland, especially in the wrong hands. Like the Black Arts, it's also called the "Magic of Demons" to the point where its referred to as the "Primal Incarnation of Demonic Nature" (悪魔の原化身, Akuma no Genkeshin) — alluding to Demon's natural impulses to annihilate everything around them without mercy, establishing themselves as the dominant beings. Typically, most Demons are shown to have some skill in the magic, acting as natural extensions of their very being; in a sense, this is more of a Magic Skill rather than a simple magic.


"Death is a painful thing to experience, especially if it's done by the hands of this magic; once the victim is afflicted, they will suffer an unimaginable pain unlike any other as the slowly succumb to the Grim Reaper's grasp. It can be compared to being killed a thousand times over, acting as a form of punishment for one's sins against the caster. There's nothing that's safe from the magic's wrath, as it annihilates all things the user deems an enemy, even if they happen to be extremely powerful in their own right. That's the absolute nature this magic holds, indisputable by any outside force."
Appoloin Lovegood's overall explanation of Gladius Demolition's nature.
Gladius Demolition - Overview

The destructive energies of this magic on the environment, slowly breaking down and utterly annihilating everything.

Gladius Demolition - Overview II

The user employing the magic's vast powers to hollow out a mountain side, displaying its effectiveness and their respective mastery.

Persenkatos Scale[]

The Persenkatos Scale (合計消滅測定式(ペールセンカトス·スケール), Perusenkatosu Sukēru; lit. "Total Annihilation Measuring Formula") is a method used to measure one's skill with Gladius Demolition and the potent effects it has on the surroundings when invoked, said to have been named after the magic's first user — still considered to be its most powerful, revered as a "God of Destruction" for his skillful usage.....

Level Destructive Capabilities Known Achievers Image


  • This is the author's version of Destruction Magic, created with the permission of Per — the aforementioned article's owner, to be used in the author's own story. Thus, certain elements found in her article will be found here, but altered to make it original.