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Heroic Chronicles EC Gilvan
"It's best if you keep your nose out things, young prince. It'll prevent you from getting hurt in the near future. Take the warning to heart, lest you regret it later on." — Gilvan Astraius
The following article contains content exclusive to the Heroic Chronicles universe. Thus, this article may not be used by any other user unless permission is acquired from the creator. In such an event, they would need to explain their reasoning for using it outside of the author's A.U.; however, in most cases this doesn't mean that it will be used.
This page, God Slayer Magic (Alpha), is currently under construction. Please bear with the changes made by the author.
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God Slayer Magic (Alpha)
God Slayer Magic



Metsujin Mahō


Caster Magic
Lost Magic
Slayer Magic
Subspecies Magic
Elemental Magic
Forbidden Magic
Fighting Style
Ancient Spell


God Slayers

God Slayer Magic (滅神魔法, Metsujin Mahō) is a heretical and forbidden Ancient Spell that's existed sometime after the "Age of the Gods" (神代, Jindai) — a period where Gods had supreme authority over all creation, all forms of energy were in abundance on Earthland, and humanity lived in fear of those greater than them in this "eternal paradise". Interestingly enough, it's this magic that nearly all Gods fear the most despite their almighty bearing — perceiving it as the embodiment of "heresy" and "treachery".

It's revealed to be one of the six known forms of Slayer Magic alongside its brethren: the corrupt Devil Slayer Magic, the religious Spirit Slayer Magic, the rather obscure Phoenix Slayer Magic, and Dragon Slayer Magic — the latter of which is considered to be the most well-known and commonly employed in the modern era. Typically, this would also classify it as a form of Caster Magic, Lost Magic due to its rarity even amongst its kind, and one of the many Subspecies Magic — weaponizing the natural forces to their utmost for effectiveness.

Of all the magics created by humanity, this one has remained to be the most powerful — unsurpassed by any other; it's said to, in the words of some, "steal the principles of domination and weaponize the divine energies of heaven", which would later serve as the source of its incredible capabilities. In addition, this form is considered to be the most difficult to control, with those that have innate talent for it "Gods among Mages"; typically, it holds the title of "Strongest Slayer Magic" (最強滅魔法, Saikyō Metsu Mahō) — outclassing its brethren by many milestones.

Harnessers of this potent magical form are referred to and feared as "God Slayers" (滅神魔導士(ゴッド・スレイアー), Goddo Sureiā; lit. "God-Destroying Magicians"); alternatively, as the magic is abhorred by most of the general public, they're slandered as "Offenders of Heaven" (天国の犯人, Tengoku no Han'nin), said to invoke the wrath of the divine for simply wielding the magic's power, thus threatening their ironclad rule. As a counter, they dubbed themselves as the "Horsemen of Ragnarok" (神執行裁判所の審判官(ホースメン·オフ·ラグナロク), Hōmensu Ofu Ragunaroku; lit. "Ordained Judges of the Divine Execution Court"), some arrogantly claiming to be the personification of both worldly and divine justice alike, thus not truly heretical. They're few in number and scattered across Earthland, usually residing in small villages near landmarks dedicated to various divinities and supernatural beings, reducing themselves to being "watchers" of the world and mitigating justice on heaven's stead when necessary.



Divinity Seed[]

Kannagi Busō[]

Common Abilities[]

God Slayer Power-Ups[]

Subspecies Type Users Creator Free Use

List of Known Styles[]

Name Magic Knowledge Source Affiliated God


  • While this was created because of the author retconning both Devil Slayer Magic and Dragon Slayer Magic for the Heroic Chronicles storyline, the magic doesn't have a significant importance and its users are very rare; this is because the author doesn't particularly care for such a branch, as Gods have yet to become important in the canon FTVerse, sans two particular ones. Even though Gods exist in Heroic Chronicles, they are mainly neutral beings — malignant ones making lesser appearances and are more manageable, thus the magic is for decoration if anything; ironically, as Gods are worshipped with such vigor, this type of magic is abhorred even more than Devil Slayer Magic — seen as clear treachery against the divine; wielders are often ostrachized from society as a result, even by their fellow Slayers. This slightly makes reference to how the magic and its wielders are treated in canon, delegated as non-factors to boost the importance of those they face.