Magic Guns, commonly utilized as a form of Holder Magic, are specialized artillery that've been enchanted to produce specific phenomena with each firing.
One of several offshoots of Weapons Magic, Magic Guns are a noted "child" discipline of the more traditional Archery Magic. Over the years, it has seen its popularity skyrocket as more and more sharpshooters have made the switch from the use of bows and arrows, to the streamlined guns and bullets.
As the name would imply, Guns Magic are used to enhance and amplify their shooting. Be it turning one shot into a round that can shoot a dozen, producing concussive blasts, or even bringing someone back from the brink of death. It is undoubtedly a versatile and incredibly potent form of magic. Like its parent, this magic encompasses all forms of guns and artillery. As such, anyone who calls themselves a gunner is capable of calling upon this magic.
Guns and Bullets[]
Notice: While some of these spells come from our mother site, others are entirely fanon. To put it simply, they are collaborative, user-submitted spell by the writers of Fairytail Fanon. As such, any spell that you see listed is completely Free Use! If used, the FTF Administration encourages you to customize the spell description to your character.
- Amplified Shot (破魔の矢, Hama-no-Ya}}: A basic spell and a staple of the Guns Magic discipline, by channeling ones magical energy and focusing it into their guns, they are able to charge the power of the bullets the fire. Coming in a variety of molds, while a "normal" magical bullet is not very strong in of itself, a gunner is able to give them enhanced power. Said enhancements can range anywhere from simple extra piercing power, to carrying explosive effects.
- Much like the Sacred Arrow utilized by archers, the Amplified Shot should not be underestimated. Fully capable of punching through trees and even solid stone with concussive effects, a truly seasoned gunner with enough power is capable of shattering the average barrier with only a couple of shots.
- Tornado Shot (竜巻射撃, Tatsumaki Shageki): A basic spells that has the user use one or two guns to shoot two bullets infused with Wind Magic simultaneously, which merge together to form a moderately large tornado that attacks the target. The moment the two bullets are fired, they begin to spin around one another, creating a powerful air vacuum that begins to expel large volumes of air outward, generating a violent hurricane that rips whatever it touches apart, drilling its way inside the designated target. Although an offensive spell, the number of additional uses it has provides the caster a greater range of methods in which they can use these bullets aside from simply attacking others. It should be noted that while firing two bullets does produce its standard attack, simply using a single bullet produces a similar effect without producing a torrent of wind; when a single round is released, a concentrated burst of air materializes with a given capacity to knock holes into walls similar to an air gun. Aside from attacking, the tornado shot has many beneficial uses that makes it more versatile for support, such as using the torrent of wind to propel oneself forward at large velocities, navigating oneself by repeatedly firing numerous shots in different directions, making in much easier for the user to navigate in all manner of positions, even in mid-air. Additionally, while a moderately large tornado can be produced by simply using two bullets, the range and overall size/intensity that the body of air takes can be adjusted to encompass a larger space rather than simply concentrate its efforts on a single point, swallowing a wider radius of the environment instead.
- Spark Shot (スパークショット, Supāku Shotto): A spell in which the user shoots multiple bullets towards that have been electrified with Lightning Magic the enemies at once, making them collapse to the ground, numb, from being electrically shocked. The exact charge produced by the bullets is dependent on the amount of magic being used to produce them, effectively sending a voltage charge running down whatever they hit with the added bonus of continuously sending a steady stream of electricity the longer it makes contact. As a result, the energy coursing through it can have a wide range of effects thanks to the fact that it takes on the properties of a metallic bullet, facilitating the function of lodging itself into whatever it hits, be it an inanimate object or a living person. When the bullet does become wedged inside an actual living being or successfully lands a hit, the spark shot can constantly shock the affected individual for a prolonged series of times that causes muscle tremors that triggers a paralyzing effect that renders the target immobile. Given the element's nature, the relative force and speed in which it travels is equal to a lightning bolt, making it extremely difficult to dodge or evade the moment it starts flying through the air. Interestingly enough, each bullet retains the conductive nature that electricity has, such as electrifying various metals or liquids once they connect, making them dangerous to interact with while at the same time spreading out the user's range of attack by interacting with these materials.
- Sunlight Shot (太陽光ショット, Taiyōkō Shotto): The user fires a bullet that creates a large flash of light, disintegrating any and all surrounding targets. Much like the name suggests, these bullets carry the same properties of Light Magic, producing bullets that shine with such a brilliant shine that they can easily dispel most opposing Darkness Magic spells they may encounter. The degree of light produced can be used for all manner of purposes when in the hands of the caster, either for offensive or defensive means of combat, such as blinding the enemy by increasing the luminosity it can exhibit when fired. When used for attacking, the intense light and heat it produces can cause severe burns and melt through conventional materials like a plasma cutter, making it rather versatile. However, since the light it produces is much more malleable in comparison to the other elemental-type rounds the caster can produce via Guns Magic, the number of attack variations it has is much larger, such as enabling them to create spells that fire the light in different directions that can reflect off the reflective surfaces of objects or create more rays of light rather than a single one. In capable hands, the light can be adjusted in terms of intensity and form, from simply illuminating the surrounding area to outright reforming the light into multiple beams of energy that scatter. Due to the properties it has, the Sunlight Shot can be considered to move much faster than the Spark Shot due to light being able to travel at greater speeds that lightning.
- Hyper Shot: Another basic spell, and a substitute for the traditional Amplified Shot. Using the gun itself as a medium, the user is able to fire bullets of raw magical energy from their barrels. While they do not always carry the additional effects of the original, instead being simple raw power, they are notably several times faster: easily outpacing enhanced and high-speed movements with ease. Additionally, the bullets can be fire at a rapid pace: requiring no "reloading" like the bullets used in an Amplified Shot.
- Blast Bullet (爆発ショット, Bakuhatsu Shotto): The user uses their weapon to fire multiple bullets, which are composed of a blue-colored flames, at the opponent. The blast bullet in on itself is at all that remarkable in comparison to the rest of the bullets in the roster, mainly due to the fact that it simply incorporates the use of Fire Magic, increasing the heat it would normally produce when fired to much higher degrees. When leaving the gun’s barrel, the burst of fire emerges, coating the round in a shell of concentrated heat in order to burn or incinerate any targets the user chooses to dispose of by dealing out severe burn-based damage. Depending on the amount of magic used to trigger the spell, the heat itself can possesses a core temperature ranging between being able to cancel out ice-based magic spells to outright melting metal at the point of collision. It should be noted that in most cases, the fire is conjured in the form of fireballs or large bodies of fire that are launched in the shape of orbs, triggering all manner of explosions the moment they make contact with the opponent. On the other hand, when the heat is compressed inside the gun’s inner chamber, the built up energy is released in a much more concentrated manner, transforming the orbs into condensed beams of unrestricted fire, similar to a high intensity blow torch. Much like the name suggest, the blast bullet is known primarily for the force and relative power each bullet can direct toward a given target, pushing back objects or enemy spells with the simple blunt force it has, quite efficiently producing shockwaves or “blasts” of high caliber momentum. Interestingly enough, a side benefit of using flames as the primary means of firing is the uniquer of effect of enabling the user to propel themselves like a rocket by firing numerous shots of highly compressed fire toward the opposite direction, giving the them sufficient lift and thrust to move faster and navigate in the air.
- Homing Shot (ホーミングショット, Hōmingu Shotto): After locking onto their target with their Magic Sniper Rifle, the user charges up a shot which homes in on the target(s) and explodes upon contact. Although best suited for long-ranged weapons, the stinger shot is compatible with smaller grade firearms, such as pistols or shotguns—when fired, the homing shot, like its name implies, is capable of following the target while on the move, chasing them down in a manner very reminiscent to a blood hound. While travelling through the air, the shot will follow the target in whatever direction they choose to go, taking the same route as them as they draw closer to their prey. It should be noted that the longer they remain active, the faster they move while in hot pursuit, making it much more difficult to shake off. Once they do make contact, they riddle the target with explosions, each growing larger the more bullets land on them. The power produced by these rounds on their own are enough to knock down walls or leave craters on the ground, but when added together with multiple shots, the destructive capacity it has is great enough to leave severe injuries capable of incapacitating the enemy. As an added benefit, the homing shot can be fused with another Guns Magic spell, giving a specific type of attack a tracking effect rather than simply inflict explosive damage, destroying the fatal weakness it has when facing surrounding obstacles or objects that obscure their path.
- Bullet Storm (): The user shoots at enemies in front of them with a barrage of Magic Bullets. Considered the direct opposite of the Wide Shot, Bullet Storm focuses on firing as many bullets as possible in the least amount of time, completely riddling a single target with hundreds of magic-infused bullets. An added advantage that this spell has is the capacity to spread out the caster's own spells on a massive scale when it comes to the number of times they can fire it in the spam of minutes, greatly increasing the chance of hitting their target. With the number of attacks they can launch, the user can combine other Guns Magic spells in order to fire a barrage belonging to specific attack they wish to expand upon. One should take into consideration that in return for a higher rate of gunfire, the expense of magic is much higher as a result, making it an advanced spell.
Advanced Spells[]
- Omnidirectional Expansion (無指向性拡張, Mu Shikō-Sei Kakuchō): A rather advanced spell involving the use of caster’s own gun rather than the type of bullets it can fire, the user surrounds the target with numerous floating guns that appear to be replicas of their own firearm, circling around the target in the form of a large dome and shoots them from every possible direction. The sheer number of guns that appear tends to range between dozens upon dozens of firearms that surrounds the target with the intention of overwhelming them with a hailstorm of magic bullets that rain from all possible directions, making evasion nearly impossible through conventional means. The greatest advantage found with using this spell is the simple fact that the caster can choose which spell(s) they desire to use in tandem with the spell, effectively firing hundreds of bullets belonging to that spell in massive volumes directly on top of their opponent. While in effect, the numerous guns summoned can be moved or rearranged into different positions or locations near the caster aside from simply ordering them to to form around the target. From simply forming an entire wall of guns that shoot everything in front of them in the form of a firing squad, or just casually dispersing them toward every direction, casually having them hover near themselves as a safety precaution from any incoming enemies.
Ultimate Technique[]
Notes & Trivia[]
- Produced by King Arthur, this article also takes information from different Gun magic articles on the wiki.
- This was done because the administrative team felt it was silly to have multiple versions of the same magic when they're all the same. As such, this article is meant to consolidate all of the pages together.
- Feel free to submit spells to be added to this page, although they will be free to use and perhaps subject to grammatical and syntax correction by fellow users.