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This article, Human (Zico), is property of Zicoihno.

Z Humans

A mass gathering of humans.





Additional Information
Primary Ability


Located In Earth Land
"An essentially good people marred by the chaotic few. "

Humans (人間的, Ningenteki) are the dominant, sentient species of Earth Land, as well as the most populous. Humans are seen all across the planet, as they have made the continents their dominion, making a home wherever possible. While they have historically been plagued by war, disease, poverty, political strife, and violence of many shades, humans are also a vibrant, innovative, and determined race that can easily adapt no matter the odds. About 10% of the human population is magically capable, or in layman's terms, able to use magic and become a mage. Humanity's history is long and complicated, full of division that persists into the current day and age, but above all else, they have accomplished wonders.

Recent History[]

Era of Dragons[]

While the facts of the matter are essentially hazy, it is known that over four hundred years ago, it was the dragons that stood at the top of the world not mankind. Humans, and other intelligent beings, were seen as inferiors and food all the same as the lesser animals in Earth Land. This is not public knowledge, and the mystery surrounding the true situation of this past era continues to persist into the current age. Who or what has ensured this, and those few knowledgeable of this reality, remain unseen and unknown. As it stands, the people of Earth Land mostly see dragons as long gone and some, even as a myth. However, this time of dragon dominance would come to an ultimately violent and bloody end when one dragon decided to reject the notion of unquestioned superiority over their human counterparts.

Fall of the Dragons, Rise of Mankind[]


Modern Times[]


Magic and Technology, a Harmony[]

"Humans are interesting. They use magic for such meager things, for their own convenience. Though I suppose it is better than when they kill each other like animals, that's a trend that needs to die out."
— Anonymous giant upon seeing Gale-Force Reading Glasses for the first time.

Relationship with Earthland's Other Intelligent Races[]

Magic and Abilities[]

Special Traits[]

Whilst humans do not normally possess any inherently special traits in comparison to other high level beings such as Dragons, Giants, Elves, or Demons, there are like with any rule, exceptions to be recognized.

