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Lesser Key of Solomon
Lesser Key of Solomon



Ressā Kī Ofu Soromon


Holder Magic
Subspecies Magic
Black Arts
Ring Magic
Lost Magic
Forbidden Magic
Ancient Spell


Kurenai Sarutobi

The Lesser Key of Solomon (専制魔王の神秘学(レッサー・キー·オフ·ソロモン), Ressā Kī Ofu Soromon; lit. "Occultism of the Tyrannical Demon King") is considered to be something legendary, its existence known throughout creation — seen and validated throughout various points in history. The magic is highly-feared amongst various races, especially those of demon kind — seeing how its affects are mainly aimed at them; it's considered to be on-par with the Ancient Magics of the Thirteen Otherworldly Virtues, as it's one of the few things that's derived from God himself — a personification of his "justice over all forms of evil".

As one of the oldest magics in creation, it's a form of Holder Magic — usable through its signature ring, a form of Subspecies Magic as it's derived from Ring Magic, and dubbed as a Lost Magic due to its age and power. Various historians, rulers, and government officials recognize this as an obscure form of the Black Arts, its effects being apparent and fairly potent — even amongst its kind. This branded it also as a Forbidden Magic, its use said to have brought extreme amounts of havoc — especially when in the hands of impure. Like some known magics, this magic is known by many names — its most common one being "Devil's Sovereignty Magic" (閻魔の支配権魔法, Enma no Shihaiken Mahō).

One of the most interesting things about this magic is that it can't naturally be learned, as the ring itself chooses the wielder — most of whom were those "born out of vice"; this gives it a sentient nature, something that's only seen in the most powerful of magics and magical tools. Bearers of the ring are referred by the title of "Solomon" (罪悪の最高峰(ソロモン), Soromon; lit. "Highest Chief of Vice") — named after its first user and denoting to their rightful ownership of the item along with all that it encompasses. It's current user is Kurenai Sarutobi — one of the oldest and most powerful users to-date; this magic, along with use of his Take-Over are some of the few reasons that he's feared by various individuals and hunted down by Angels and Devil Slayers alike.


Lesser Key of Solomon - History

The ring's first user being given to Solomon by a Seraphim on Yhwach's orders, acting as a sign of trust between the two.

Lesser Key of Solomon - Enthrallment

Solomon using the power of the ring to "subjugate" a demon, making him into his servant.


Lesser Key of Solomon - Item

The infamous ring that holds the power to subjugate all evils freely, its appearance perfectly matching its affinity.

Lesser Key of Solomon - Utter Annihilation

A demon being utterly annihilated by the ring's incredulous power, despite him being more powerful than its bearer.

Lesser Key of Solomon - Eventual Fate

The eventual fate that befalls all users who in possession of such an item, varying from individual to individual.

Relationship with Black Magic & Curses[]

Lesser Key of Solomon - Akuryo Taisen

The ring nullifying the effects of an "evil attack" made against the user, a sign of its "authority" over all evils.

General Powers & Abilities[]

Lesser Key of Solomon - Evil Aura

The accumulated evil aura trapped within the ring taking on a physical form; its creation was the end result of the ring assimilating the innumerous powers of the various demons under its enthrallment.

Lesser Key of Solomon - Demonic Subjugation

One of the previous users using the ring's power to utterly subjugate a horde of demons opposing him.

  • Ars Theurgia Crowley (堕救世主の儼然制圧(アルス·トールジャイア·クローリー), Arusu Tōrujia Kurōrī; lit. "Grave Oppression of the Fallen Messiah"):

Lesser Key of Solomon - Repulsion

The ring's repelling effect whenever someone other than its chosen bearer tries to get a hold of it; it's considered to be a defensive mechanism, ensuring its safety.

  • Black Witness (邪評議会の異端外罰(ブラック·ウィットネス), Burakku Wittonesu; lit. "Heretical Judgment of the Evil Council"):

  • Hades Nox Onmia (冥道朔積尸気塊破(ハデス·ノクスオ·ムニア), Hadesu Nokusu Omunia; lit. "Dark Path, New Moon Praesepe Cluster Wave"):

Lesser Key of Solomon - Ancestral Knowledge

Knowledge of the previous users being passed down to its current one; it's manifested as the visage of the ancestor(s) in-question.

  • Greater Keys of Solomon (先魔王の先祖伝来知見(グレーター·キース·オフ·ソロモン), Gurētā Kīsu Ofu Soromon; lit. "Inherited Knowledge of the Past Demon Kings"):


  • This is somewhat based on a similar concept from the anime/manga series, Makai Ouji: Devil and Realist — something the author took a liking too mainly because of its character designs and concepts.
  • The Lesser Key of Solomon is actually an obscure book of demonology that's split into five sections — each one listing a certain amount of demons and occult manners; it's considered to be based on Solomon — the King of Israel, the wisest man during his time and son of previous King, David. It's believed that he was also able to subjugate many demons through his ring (seen in modern occultism, acting as one of its primary symbols) and wisdom — both of which were given unto him by God, which served as one of the many reasons for his downfall.

See Also[]
