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Lupin Arsene Schwartz II (ルパンアルゼンシュワルツ2世, Rupan 'Aruzen Shuwarutsu 2-Sei), or simply Lupin Schwartz for short, was once a famous stage magician known for his incredible shows and performances while working in his family's circus as a knife thrower, trapeze artist originally, only to later move up to being the head stage magician shortly afterwards, attaining a great reputation as a professional illusionist by selling out more shows than any other entertainer in the region. Orphaned and abandoned at a young age, he was born in the town of Lupinus, growing up on his own until eventually being adopted by a wandering circus, with his new caretakers inevitably giving him the name of "Lupin", a name that was ironically based on town where they found in.
Inspired to become a stage performer during his childhood while growing up in the circus, Lupin took on the practice of magic, demonstrating an astounding gift at card tricks and misdirection, eventually becoming a master in the use of stage magic in order become a professional entertainer, doing so while under the stage name as The Great Lupini (偉大なルピーニ, Idaina Rupīni). Recently choosing to retire from the limelight, Lupin chose to apply his skills at magic toward a career as a wizard, possessing an incredible gift in the use of Illusion Magic, mastering it to an extraordinary degree, a trait attributed to his years as a professional magician and experience in stage tricks.
Given the nature of his magical abilities, the notable top hat/suit he uses when taking on his responsibilities as a wizard, and his personality, Lupin winded up earning his trademark epithet as Dark King Joker (ダークキングジョーカー, Dāku Kingu Jōkā) as a result pf his particular choice in magic, more than finding it to be a suitable title that befits his own sense style and personal opinion that he has for himself. Aside from his unique background and stage life, Lupin is also a licensed guild wizard and a recent addition to the Reminiscence guild, willingly choosing to join their group mainly because Lupin finds their particular way of doing things to coincide with his own.

Lupin's tuxedo outfit.
Growing up in the southern region of Earth Land, particularly in the Fiore sect, Lupin is naturally light skinned, although hinting at possessing small tan that is attributed from his numerous excursions around the region. Given his personality, most of his show a mixture of mellowness that gives off a relaxed atmosphere around him — in comparison to most other wizards, Lupin’s choice of clothing and relatively simple appearance gives him a rather normal looking appearance, making him rather bland but at the same time unique in his own right. Overall, Lupin doesn’t come off as being that special in terms of appearance or attire, purposefully ditching the need for over accessorizing by wearing a simple suit and top hat. Lupin comes of as a rather handsome and charming looking person, possessing exceptionally compelling features, such as being rather tall and broad shouldered, with hard flat stomach and perfectly proportioned limbs that only exposes the lean muscles of his chest and lower abdomen that is obscured by his tightly pressed wardrobe. He has perfectly symmetrical features, coming equipped with an intense scarlet eyes that seemed to draw others in when looked upon, but were on occasion obscured by his large top hat and overshadowing hair that falls over his forehead. As another interesting factor, Lupin carries a black guild insignia of Crashing Wave directly over his right hand.
With a rather athletic build, Lupin comes off as rather noticeable person, easily being picked out from a crowd by others. For the most part, Lupin has sharp long brown hair that extends a little over the lower end of his neck, obscured only by his long black jacket. With the way it is stylized, keeping it grown out and spiked along the farthest ends, giving him a rather wild and unkempt look that gives off the impression him being a weary traveler or wandering vagabond. As a young man in his mid twenties, Lupin rarely focuses on keeping a hygienic look in terms of his physical appearance, as seen by the small stubble of facial hair he has along his upper lips and chin that spreads across his cheeks. Whenever he’s out and about in his normal clothes, Lupin is usually wearing a normal white shirt and black slacks, with the complete absence of his traditional attire, with the exception being his top hat, being ever present regardless of what he’s wearing in whichever occasion he’s in. However, when taking on his responsibilities as a wizard, Lupin’s most predominant outfit consists of him wearing what appears to be tuxedo or hosts suit, commonly used for formal acquaintances, more specifically being a double-breasted dinner suit.
Being custom tailored specifically for him, the suit on the surface consists of a black jacket that he holds over his torso, with the front of his jacket’s chest area styled with a notched lapel, personally sewn to the collar at an angle, creating a step effect that holds it in place, with two buttons being placed on the right side for extra measure. Underneath the jacket, Lupin wears a single black vest, with a white pleated tuxedo shirt covered underneath, coming designed with pleats that run down the front of the shirt with a total of 10 pleats located on each side of the shirt, and a fused placket in the center. Along his lower torso, he wears matching black pants to go with the rest of his dark attire, with the only exception to this rule being a bright red bow tie tied along his shirt’s collar. The most notable feature on his person however, is the large top hat he is always seen wearing wherever he goes; the hat in general bears a striking resemblance to those used by professional magicians, made from same silk material that makes up his entire suit. In general, the top hat’s crown region appears very large, giving off the illusion that Lupin is much taller than he really seems, with a noticeable red hat band encircling the base of the hat, perfectly matching his bow tie in color.

Lupin refusing to take part in another person's fight.
Lupin fashions himself gentleman, in and outside of work, but at the same time, he tends to be rather sarcastic and full of himself, very often getting himself in trouble because of the way he runs his mouth at times, whether it be to blurt out jokes, downright blatantly insult others near him without any regards for their feelings, or simply speaking the truth from his own point-of-view, doing so with an oddly-placed sense of honesty about it. However, Lupin passes this off as him being brutally honest that more often than not tends to pass him off as an eccentrically rude, yet odd kind of person with an unconventional and slightly strange personality. Lupin spends most of his time laying around reading magazines or simply going off on his own to do his own thing, choosing to take it easy rather than bother himself with getting too heated up in the moment. While passively keeping himself on friendly terms with others, Lupin dislikes the entire notion of “competition” or “honor”, primarily due to the degree in which most people go in order to win or uphold their own personal values, which in contrast to him, isn’t that important to him. As a result, his wants and desires are relatively simple by comparison, causing him to base his actions solely on what he likes or dislikes, if nothing else. With such a neutral stance, Lupin tends to stay out of the way or out of sight, mainly do to his preference of purposefully standing by the sidelines until he is needed rather than needlessly having to dirty up his own hands with grunt work.
As such, he commonly keeps himself away from picking fights with others unless he has a good enough reason to do so or in order to break his own boredom. However, as plain as he may seem, Lupin mainly plays himself off as a rather simple-minded person, downplaying his true talents by taking on the supportive role in the group so as to fly under the radar rather than be the center of attention. For the vast majority of the time, Lupin can be rather immature or annoying whenever he gets his way, which ends up in him trying to feign ignorance by playing coy in a conversion at times, such as being secretive about what he knows or pretending he doesn’t know anything at all so that he can get under his opponent's skin. As an average wizard, his personality stems from the fact that he isn’t as physically strong or powerful in comparison most other mages, often relying more on his wits and street smarts to protect himself by carefully choosing his battles wisely, and winning through a combination of charisma and quick thinking. Choosing to fight more oftenly with words, Lupin’s most common method of dealing with his problems is by simply dodging around topics and unfavoring situations with his odd mannerisms and speaking skills, showing a side of him that favors compromise over actually exerting himself physically by pointlessly having to fight, thus exhausting himself in the process.
When simply acting in a normal fashion, Lupin is surprisingly lively when he isn’t lounging around, dedicating most of his off hours by living it up to the fullest. This attitude to take life by the reigns is also mirrored when he fights, spending the greater part of a fight messing around or simply asking his opponents a series of questions so as to gain a greater, using his magic to add some flare to his evening as a bonus. When interacting with others, he displays a keener sense of goodwill and benevolence, giving him a very friendly and approachable demeanor while still withholding a mysterious ambiance around him. This is naturally seen when interacting with his fellow wizards at his guild building, always preferring to mess around with his friends and have a good time, but at the same time keeping them at arm's length so as to keep an eye on them. This naturally makes him somewhat compassionate when it comes to other people, but at the same time rather relaxed and accepting to the type of nature that most people have in the way they interact with others, simply skipping the need to comprehend why they do the things they do and just accept things for what they are.
His tendency to simply go with the flow and look at the glass half full makes him too lenient when it comes to his responsibilities, preferring to play it cool instead of putting on a serious face to deal with his problems. Rather than stress himself and panic, Lupin chooses to simply relax and accept a situation for what it is, rather than focus on trying to alter or control it, doing what he can to manage it but responding in a way that occurs after it happens. Being it his way of seeing how things unfold before stepping in, he does so in order to see whether or not it'll have a negative or positive effect, always thinking before needlessly jumping the gun on a situation he doesn't fully understand. This stems for the fact that Lupin is a very cautious and adventurous individual, enjoying himself whenever he get's a chance to observe something new such as an unidentified style of magic or combating a strong enough opponent that peaks his interest, being one of the main reasons as to why he’s so impressionable. With such a calm disposition about him, he seldom gets worked up or surprised by anything not directly involving him or his allies, rarely finding himself afraid at the prospect of losing of failing when the there is very little in the balance or at risk. Aside from his odd personal traits, he's rather charismatic due his accepting nature, scarcely judging others based on anything superficial such as appearances, only taking into consideration their intentions and personal history into account, being the main factors into determining whether they'll be potential allies or another pain for him to deal with.

For someone of his particular standing in the wizard community, Lupin is very down to earth in comparison to other mages, as he has no visions of grandeur or desire to pursue greater power, or any greater purpose other than to simply do what he wants to do without being told otherwise. His most interesting trait can be found in the performer's side of him, manifesting itself in his constant need to entertain others with magic tricks and performances, partially doing it out of the simple desire of having a fun time doing it over doing it out of necessity. He typically uses most of his magical abilities and tricks to catch the attention of those around him, doing so by cracking jokes or puns at the events unfolding before him, reveling in his sense of humor by mocking or exploiting the mistakes of others. Interestingly enough, the way he speaks and acts is also an allusion to this — Lupin speaks in a rather informal, casual manner that passes off as being relatively, skipping the high and mighty tone most people take and simply speaking with a more realistic tone. Not only that, but Lupin does demonstrate a severe annoyance for people that bother him or complicate his affairs with their meddling by making things unnecessarily difficult for him, being one of the few things that actually does test his temper. Oddly enough, Lupin's manner of speaking can be rather discouraging and "weird" when starting a conversation, often speaking with odd metaphors and synonym to refer to other people, doing so in order to remember others by a name he chooses rather than bother to memorize any actual names. Taking it even further, he tends refer to himself in the third at times, becoming obvious when using soliloquies to express himself and his distaste in front of others, demonstrating no fear or shame when speaking his mind aloud for everyone to hear.

Lupin's numerous cards.
Although being a prominent user of Card Magic, Lupin always carries a standard 52-card deck for personal use whenever he's bored or needs to kill time on his own, saving the need to use his magic to conjure magical cards. Although rather plain, the cards in question are common cards found in any casino or local store, rendering them of any actual special purposes aside from playing with other people as per its intended use. However, the ones in his possession have been significantly altered to a certain extent so as to become compatible with his recent change in profession. As a game of luck, it is the most common deck of playing cards used by most gamblers or card players. It includes thirteen ranks of each of the four French suits: clubs (♣), diamonds (♦), hearts (♥) and spades (♠), with reversible "court" or face cards. Each suit includes an ace, depicting a single symbol of its suit; a king, queen, and jack, each depicted with a symbol of its suit; and ranks two through ten, with each card depicting that many symbols (pips) of its suit, having anywhere from one to six joker cards in his deck. Interestingly enough though, although the cards themselves are normal, Lupin himself has transcribed multiple magic sigils and symbols over the back of his cards, making them very compatible with his magical abilities. When used offensively, his cards become charged with magical energy that forms miniature magic circles whenever he throws or uses them as a weapon, giving them a higher capacity for projectile purposes. For the most part, Lupin's playing cards serve as an emergency source of magic weaponry whenever his abilities become compromised or is lacking any substantial energy in order to cast a spell — since every card carries a small degree of magic energy, they don't necessarily count as spells but rather magical items with the capacity to inflict damage when thrown, thus making them an independent source of attack that isn't so closely tied to his reserves of energy.
With the tremendous compatibility the cards have, given the nature of his magic and general personality, his capacity to fight with them is significantly higher than most other wizards. On the other hand, aside from these simple cards, Lupin also carries with him a set of tarot cards alongside his playing cards, carrying them with him with the intention of using the more complex aspects of his Card Magic aside from simply attacking. In addition, the tarot cards he has are separated into 21-card trump suits and a single card known as the Fool. Divided into two subset categories, each card serves a specific function when used with his Card Magic; the Major Arcana (greater secrets) that comprise the dominant aspect of the deck, consists of 22 cards without suits that numbered in Roman numerals from I to XXI, while The Fool tarot card is the only unnumbered card, sometimes placed at the beginning of the deck as 0, or at the end as XXII. On the opposite end, the Minor Arcana (lesser secrets) consists of 56 cards that make up the vast majority of his deck. Divided into four suits of 14 cards each; ten numbered cards and four court cards, with the rest of them being comprised of cards that depict swords, batons/wands, coins and cups. For the most part, Lupin carries these particular cards primarily to use for divinatory purposes, although serving more for the purpose of entertaining someone rather being used for combative means. However, because of the special properties that these cards hold in terms of occultism and mysticism, they are most commonly used when casting higher end spells of significant power.
Throwing Knives[]
As a professional knife thrower, Lupin always carries with him a series of throwing knives that were specially designed and weighted so that it can be thrown effectively through the air, being outfitted with a light-weighted blade and handle. Throwing knives are commonly made of a single piece of steel or other material, without handles, unlike other types of knives. As such, his brand of weapons are rather ordinary looking and are simply made of steel, with the knives main body simply consisting of a simple metal edge and a black wooden handle in which he sheaths them into. As a metal weapon, his knives have a single body that has two sections, the 'blade' which is the sharpened half of the knife and the 'grip' which is not sharpened that is used to hold unto. In typical style, his brand of knives were carefully crafted with balance being in mind, as his knife was constructed in such a way that the center of gravity is focused at the center of the knife rather then being spread out so as to facilitate him in the action of throwing his knife. As a balanced knife, it follows a near circular trajectory while in flight, which is attributed by the knife's handle being heavier, thus enabling it to circle around in through the air, making the trajectory less predictable and quick moving. On his person, he carries different knives of adjustable weights in which he can slide on the length of the blade with his hand, adorning the inner areas of his tuxedo so as to remain out of sight. The weight of the throwing knife and the throwing speed that they have is rather well-balanced, holding a perfect dualism with speed and power the moment they are thrown the moment they impact his target. Since they are lighter knives, he can throw them with relative ease without them simply bouncing back or failing to penetrate his target.
Combat Knife[]
Phantom Knife (ファントムナイフ, Fantomu Naifu): Among the numerous objects in his possession, a single on of them is perpetually different from the others, being much more than a simple weapon in order to defend himself with. Unlike his throwing knives, this particular compact knife is several times larger in terms of the blade's length, carrying a chipped-like ragged edge at the base of the knife for sawing things, making it much more versatile aside from simple cutting. With the degree of sharpness it has and overall shape it has, stylized with an unusual curved edge, it makes it more prone toward inflicting lethal injuries in a physical confrontation between two or more individuals at very short range. For the most part, Lupin's combat knife exists primarily as an additional means of fighting, mostly due to the fact that he isn't that powerful or strong enough to strike at his opponent with physical attacks, choosing to rely on weapons and misdirection to connect body blows given his level of skill with knives. As a fighting knife, Lupin only carries for the sake of defending himself from other armed forces and opponents, intended solely for personal or hand-to-hand combat. Unlike traditional knives, his own variation of said weapon takes on a variety of characteristics from various other bladed weapons of portable size, such as daggers, hunting knives, and stilettos, reflecting the acutely tapered, sharply pointed blade by choosing to make it a double-edged blade in favor of responding with improvements made with his light frame and the need to exploit weaknesses in armor protection and larger enemies.
With an elongated blade reminiscent to a dagger, his knife creates a small gap of distance between himself and the target of his attacks, utilizing the very sharp point of the tip for thrusting or stabbing gestures while remaining safely from a short distance, away from grabs or quick punches. Featuring a full crossguard near the handle and base of the blade so as to keep his hand from riding forwards onto the sharpened blade edges, it also offers a greater degree of defense when facing enemies using swords or weapons, offering to stop their incoming attack by stopping them headfirst. With small indentations alongside the edge of the blade, its cutting power, when making contact unto the surface of whatever it touches, embeds itself deeply into it's target, purposefully leaving a large gashing wound that cuts deeply into multiple layers materials, making it much more painful when someone is cut by his knife. Although sadistic, it is for this primary reason that his weapon's odd, misshapen form looks the way it does, serving its primary purpose of tearing pieces of his opponent off with every strike and slash, so as to incapacitate them with damage it gives — with two jagged edges located along both sides of the blade, his knife main method of injuring his opponent is by ripping apart the various muscles, tendons, and blood vessels on the point of impact, tasking itself with causing his opponent to bleed profusely
However, as uniquely designed as it may be, the knife itself is special due to the fact that it is enchanted with his Illusion Magic, hence earning itself the name of "phantom" knife. With such a peculiar choice of magic being imbued inside the knife, it gives it a rather interesting set of abilities that perfectly fits with his own fighting style and spells, making it an ideal tool that helps him extend his ability to fight even further than to simply swing it for the sake of stabbing or cutting his opponent. With his genuine skill with the same magic fueling his knife, Lupin can manipulate the properties of his knife in the same manner he does with his illusions, giving him a greater sense of freedom when it comes to customizing the size, shape, and form it naturally has. Additionally, the knife is very compatible with most of his other spells, serving as a personal item in which he can fire out his spells in a manner very reminiscent to a stave, helping to weave illusions together by using the knife as a conduit for him to cast spells. Although possessing very little physical power, the phantom knife makes up for it in terms of versatility, easily being able to embody the vast majority of Lupin's roster of illusion spells, enabling it to repair itself should it be broken, change weapon types, or downright disappear out of sight by applying different spells unto it.
Magic and Abilities[]
Average Strength: Although possessing a rather fairly decent build, Lupin was born as a genuinely average person, even considering the fact that he is a wizard and has the ability to channel magic energy inside his body. However, although he does keep in shape with a regular training regimen, Lupin doesn't focus too much on building muscles or growing stronger in terms of physical power, focusing more on abilities that help him avoid physical confrontations due to the handicap he has in comparison to other wizards. As such, Lupin can lift at a objects that weigh a minimum of 176 lbs, enabling to hold his own to a certain degree against most other opponents before resorting to use other defensive tactics. Considered rather normal in most circumstances, Lupin does channel most of his magic into his own body, a factor thanks to him being a wizard, in order to bolster his strength to a small degree, mostly with the purpose of enabling him to handle most uncommon situations whenever he encounters them, such as blocking magically charged blunt attacks, handling rather large obstacles such as boulders as a minimum. Seen as rather week at times, Lupin is still a wizard, meaning that he is much stronger in comparison to ordinary non-magic users, meaning that the vast majority of the time, Lupin mostly has to worry about facing wizards that focus on hand-to-hand combat, knowing full well that he lacks the physical power to take on wizards that fuse magic and physical moves head-on.
Above Average Durability: Unlike his physical strength, his body is rather resistant to physical attacks and magic damage, if only to a slightly larger degree, mostly attributed to the fact that he has to spend most of his time defending rather than attacking. As a result, Lupin can take a good pummeling before being knocked out or injured too severely, demonstrating an above average tolerance to pain that at the very least helps him fight without downright feinting after a single, powerful blow connects with his body. When it comes to actual attacks of a magical nature, he take several direct shots without collapsing, enduring the relative impact from several low to mid-level spells, often having to use some form of defense stance or move to successfully block them, more often than not having to resort himself to use the environment for evasive maneuvers or several tricks to focus on evasion instead of tackling attacks face-to-face.
Immense Speed: Unlike the other factors of his physical abilities like strength and durability, in which they are significantly much weaker in comparison to most other fighters in his class, Lupin's more dominant skill is found in his ability to maneuver at a much quicker pace than most common opponents due to his tendency to run and dodge more oftenly than most common wizards, building up a tremendous level for movement. Skipping the need to focus on muscle building and physical strength but rather keeping himself fit by elevating his stamina and capacity to move in contrast to that fact. With a significantly honed speed-based prowess, Lupin's overall endurance spreads out along most of his muscles around his body, especially around his arms and legs, which entitles him to move and react with a tremendous sense of accuracy during a split-second moment, making most of his movement incredibly difficult to follow through ordinary means. In terms of moves, Lupin mostly uses this speed when handling his knives, swinging and throwing them at tremendous speeds while when used with his cards, he switches between them by quickly shuffling them at blinding speeds, making it nearly impossible for others to keep track with his hand gestures. While on the defensive, Lupin drifts into different positions and stances in rapid succession without leaving any type of opening for his opponents to take advantage of, quite agily focusing on using simple ground work to put himself on step ahead of his enemy with the intention of dodging by simply outpacing others — when on the move, Lupin has been known to evade attacks coming from multiple angles, easily able to navigate past them and directly assault his assailants by quickly offering up his own counter-attack.
Immense Agility: When first starting out at the circus, Lupin spent most of his childhood working as a trapeze artist, spending most of his days practicing and training into maneuvering in mid-air through a series of spinning, swinging and flying unto tight ropes or swings. Later in his life, he would practice tight rope walking, developing his sense of balance and coordination to the point of easily walking on top of extremely thin surfaces without so much as losing his center of equilibrium while doing so. Possessing an incredible combination of natural reflexes and dexterity, Lupin's ability to change his body's position during one of his maneuvers gives him the capacity to dodge an even wider arrange of attacks without losing an ounce of focus when performing tasks that require these skills. With the years of exercise and training drilled into his body, Lupin's ability to react involuntary to most forms of physical stimulus gives him an incredible response time, capable of feats such as catching an arrow after being fired, effortlessly performing do back-flips and numerous other gymnastic or physical moves with little effort. His mind, honed and hardened after spending most of his time in the circus, has taught him to focus in on using his senses to process information at faster speeds in order to take action quickly before he misses his window of opportunity. With a sense of balance and body pushed near it's peak, he can position his limbs and center his balance in order to control the direction in which he's heading to, a combination that makes him rather difficult to be knocked down or imbalanced, making it nearly impossible for him to be overwhelmed by obstacles without simply darting around the openings.
Master Card User: Fashioning himself as an entertainer first and a wizard second, Lupin's very own choice of weaponry reflects this choice, demonstrating an uncanny skill when it comes to using cards for various different tasks aside for simple games. One of these notable skills being found in his capacity of using them as weapons or projectiles, throwing them with such a level of force and accuracy that rivals that of knives or bullets. This can be attributed to the simple fact that Lupin has spent all of his life around using cards in most of his magic acts on stage, back when he was a performer, effectively making him on of Earth Land's fastest card dealers when it comes to the speed, accuracy and number of cards he can launch in a single minute. Generally, Lupin always includes the use of cards in every show he performs, mostly due to the mystifying nature they have when it comes to magic, as they tend to feature a combination of optical illusions, mystical images, and sense of wonder. Being hailed as a master in card-related arts, his deadly accuracy applied from a distance and the amount of force behind a card makes him both a threat and an interesting combatant to face. With his technique, which requires giving both lateral speed and angular momentum along its z-axis, Lupin can curve his throws or have them return to his side after a simple lunge by producing a spinnin motion with his hand. The spin itself creates gyroscopic stabilization so that the card's flat profile remains mostly parallel to the direction of travel and thus suffers the least possible air resistance. And when combined with his Card Magic, result in them slicing through most objects they come across in one fell swoop.
Almost always gripping the middle area of the card horizontally between his thumb and middle finger, Lupin also locks it in with his index finger so that it rests on the corner of the card nearest his hand and away from his body. With such a form lock on his cards, it ensures that they remain firmly grasped in his hand, making it difficult for him to be disarmed from an enemy attack. When throwing, his wrist is cocked inward at a 90 degree angle, then flicked briskly outward, propelling the card. forward through the air. Although applied for offensive purposes, Lupin mainly adds a little flair while on the attack as well rather than to simply do so in such a boorish fashion. He accomplishes this by utilizing various card tricks that were designed by him personally to not only impress others with his talent in the field, but work on a common theme in stage magic: the illusion of danger. While the illusion of danger is achieved by Lupin through the application of outright deception, another method is for him to play on people's popular misconceptions, using their ignorance to further elevate the level of winder his tracks have on them. In the case of card throwing, he achieves this effect by throwing his cards at fragile targets and leave signs of damage or harm being embedded over the surface in the form of a gaping slash, giving off the illusion of a weak item bolstering significant power. His main focus in using this kind of illusion is for counting on most audience members to think that they actually are comparable to the very objects he destroys with such simple cards, and therefore creating the illusion that Lupin has turned harmless playing cards into a deadly projectile.
Aside from simple magic tricks, Lupin does use his gifts for more intricate purposes outside of his performances, primarily in his ability to alter and manipulate cards when playing games or gambling. Being an expert when it comes to deception, his proficiency toward manipulating cards goes even further at to affect the way in which a poker deck deals out cards or the order that the cards appear when dealing out a hand, demonstrating a talent for cheating when necessary or simply changing the odds to suit his favor. With a single shuffle, Lupin can rearrange the entire structure of a deck by simply switching the location in which certain cards are located at, applying a series of techniques in order to broaden the way he can give cards. With the level of finesse and discretion he exhibits, Lupin has mastered all manner of genuinely adept skills as well as underhanded tactics, showing an openness toward using both aspects of his gift in order to get what he wants and live comfortably.
- Card Manipulation: A branch of magical illusion that deals with creating effects using sleight of hand techniques involving playing cards, it is often his most preferred application of his abilities primarily due to how close it stays faithful with his original card playing style. With the presentation and context that he offers, his main purpose with manipulating his cards with the intention of Lupin misleading his audience with account for many of the variations. Card manipulation, in one form or another, is compared to sleight of hand, in which he uses flair and fancy hand work to move his cards around to different parts along his body while at the same time performing various ocular illusions with the cards in his hand by using multiple techniques (or sleights). The intention for performer such sleights is mainly so that Lupin can add additional cards or move them around his person in a way that is undetectable to the audience—with any onlookers, it would make it appear as if Lupin himself were pulling cards out of thin air. In terms of combat, this single skill used to switch between different magical cards while holding unto various other types at the same time, drawing the attention of his opponent away from his actions by performing several type of throws, quick switches, and replacing his spells moving key cards around his deck without giving away his intentions. Combined with his experience, Lupin can maneuver around getting the card he wants while hiding behind a sense of deception to create a false sense of ambiance behind his actions, making it extremely difficult to read his hand gestures and intentions when on the offensive.
- Cardistry: In normal circumstances, cardistry is a name given to the performance art of card flourishing, purposefully using actions that emphasize of dramatic tricks and overall stylish moves to show off rather than to actually do magic. Unlike his previous skill when it comes to manipulating them, cardistry is meant to be visually impressive and appear very hard to execute, making Lupin appear as an expert card thrower of immense skill. For the most, cardisty is applied by Lupin in the form of him using his hands to create cuts, displays, fans, patterns and sequences through the use of playing cards in order to create complex assembly of card-related constructions, such as stacking them on top of one another or simple create a wall that holds itself in place. The primary intent of using such a style of cardistry is to create a captivating motion and beautiful display that catches the attention of others while fluently moving around, with the only kind of limit he has being his own imagination, and the degree of manual dexterity ohe has, which can be considerably vast. The presentation is typically neither “illusionary” nor purportedly “magic”; rather, it is more like juggling, mime, or similar entertaining activities that involves the act of performing card twirls that combine many small motions with a single card that; when used in unison with his Illusion Magic, Lupin can allow the card to appear and disappear in rapid succession as twirles from finger to finger. These flourishes are generally accomplished by combining small movements of his fingers with a larger motion of his wrist moving to allow the card to "spin" faster than it normally would by simply twirling the card with a still wrist.
- Card Sharp Expert: When out gambling or playing cards games with other people, Lupin doesn't necessarily play by the rules when it comes to card games, fashioning himself a expert in the field of all card-related activities. One said profession is Lupin being a well renowned card sharp, a person who uses skill and/or deception to win at poker or other card games. An extremely infamous practitioner at card gambling, he tends to take of less-skilled players by overpowering them through sheer skill rather than actually having to resort to cheating at cards, intending to recognize himself as talented player rather than a cheater or swindler. By his very nature, as a rather playful individual, Lupin categorizes himself as a "rounder" who travels around Earth Land in his free time seeking out high-stakes games in which to gamble in, causing him to disappear from days on end. This application of his skill in cards allows Lupin to disguise his true abilities behind the facade of being a casual player, giving off the sense of him being a generally weak gambler, so as to heighten his chances of winning. However, whenever he does need to cheat, he does so by deliberately performing tricks to keep control of the order of the cards or sometimes to control one specific card with the intention of dealing out in a player's hand. Many of these methods employ a combination of his sleight of hand and natural talent for misdirection, effectively demonstrating techniques that allows him to perform false shuffles and false cuts that appear to mix the deck but actually leave the cards in the same order. More advanced techniques include culling (manipulating desired cards to the top or bottom of the deck), and stacking (putting desired cards in position to be dealt). Dealing the cards can also be manipulated by quickly using hand gestures to deal a different card instead of giving the top card from the deck, quickly sliding the card underneath without others noticing. Once a desired card or cards have been located, he can then control and deal it however he wishes.
Sleight of Hand: Regarded as his single-most greatest strength in his arsenal, most, if not all of his skills and talents are connected with his talent for manual dexterity and gambits when typically in performing tricks up close. On its own, sleight of hand can be described as fine motor skills that are used when used in different art forms to entertain or manipulate certain objects with his hands. Associated with the use of close-up magic, card cheating, card flourishing and stealing, doing what he can from allowing his audience from catching on to the secret behind of his tricks by using deception to redirect their focus elsewhere. Most commonly described as the latent talent of using one's dexterity or cunning so as to deceive others, Lupin shows the greatest ability to lie to others through his actions rather than with words, which in normal instances would be his forte. The phrase sleight of hand means "quick fingers" or "trickster fingers" — the way he manages moving his hands around to there they need to be is done in a careful manner, gently moving around his fingers without disturbing or moving the surrounding objects, ensuring they get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible without anyone noticing it happening. Famously compared rhetoric techniques and illusionist techniques, the aim he has when using this aspect of his abilities is to set perform magic close-up in front of others, giving them a first-hand look at his tricks without giving up the secret behind them, thus eliminating the of Lupin using a fake audience members and the use of gimmicks to achieve his feats.
In terms of equipment, Lupin only uses what he has on his person or anything near, such as applying the use of everyday items as props, such as cards, coins, paper, phones and even saltshakers to add a genuine feel of authenticity to his performances. When acting on the fly, each and every one of his well-performed sleight actions looks like an ordinary, natural and completely innocent gesture, such as a simple change in hand-position or body posture. In addition to manual dexterity, sleight of hand in close-up magic uses a combination of psychology, timing, misdirection, and natural choreography in accomplishing a magical effect directly in front of others without looking like a charlatan by using special effect to do so. Interestingly enough, his sleight of hand is more commonly used when it comes to thievery and stealing, combining his nimble skill at secrecy to sneak around the background take something without alerting others to his presence. A common example of this is his adeptness at pickpocketing other people with a level of quickness and accuracy that requires only an instant of contact for him to do so without the victim noticing his actions, rising to a degree of skill and finesse that makes him much more elusive than an average thief. This also extends to him dealing with objects or locations that are kept behind doors, safes and locks, easily able to unlock and deactivate most traps/systems of security with relative ease.
However, from combative standpoint, sleight of hand serves as a method for him to slip by noticed while planting his attacks ahead of time, doing so by planting certain items on his opponents or simply stealing their equipment before they can react. This especially works well when casting spells that fall under the illusionary style, taking the time to confuse and disorientate his foes so that he can make it much more difficult for them to keep up with his complex moves, almost to the point of tripling the degree in which he can complicate his already intricate system of techniques. His main focus when it comes to sleight of hand it to get into his opponent's pockets as quickly as possible and gaining access to the contents inside, or is most other cases, to broaden the scope of his magical abilities — with Lupin's know-how on the intricacies on performing magic tricks, totaled with his innate skill set to generate near unnatural results of extraordinary prowess when it comes to performing his routines, incorporating numerous types of attacks, techniques, spells, weapons, and tactics, assimilating them all into his own brand of performances designed to torture or assail his opponents with a bizarre brand of attacks that Lupin himself is capable of generating. While infusing his talent for deception through the use of props or simple everyday equipment, doing so with the intentions of performing magic spells.
- Misdirection: A form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another, Lupin does so by managing the using the theatrical version of magic to throw off the focus of others from what he is doing to somewhere else. For any good magician, misdirection is the central secret of all magic, in which they use all in their power to transfer the victim's focus on an unimportant object or his sleight of hand, commonly using his silver tongue to create it, purposefully aimed with the intention of misleading the spectator's senses. Nearly the whole art of sleight of hand depends on this art of misdirection in order to make the majority of his moves work in combat, with the entire central act of conjuring such a complex art being the manipulation of interest. In terms of application, there are two basic ways that Lupin "misdirects" his entire audience during his so called "acts" whilst confronting others. For the most part, the first method is for Lupin to encourage his audience to look away for a fleeting moment, so that the sleight or move he is performing can be accomplished undetected, away from prying eyes. His other approach has much to do with re-framing the audience's perception, where the minds of the audience members are distracted into thinking that an extraneous factor has much to do with the accomplishment of the feat, whereas in reality it has no bearing on the effect at all. The point behind him doing this to exhibit the action of influencing the mind of his spectators before him, with the very nature of secrecy and confidentiality being the very foundation in which he creates his arsenal of magic tricks. As the cornerstone of nearly all his magic, taking advantage of the limits of the human mind in order to give the wrong picture and memory, thus causing most audience members to only concentrate on one thing at a time. Lupin uses this to manipulate the audience's ideas, or, perceptions of sensory input, leading them to draw false conclusions.
Skilled Gambler: Beyond being a simple magician, his talent with reading people and sleight of hand combined with his knowledge of card handling has given rise to his talent in gambling, demonstrating a great level of skill in order to thrive in such an environment where high stakes are often bet on. His mastery with card tricks has allowed him to manipulate the outcome of cards dealt to players, proving that he is more than capable of controlling all variables in any card game. He is capable of taking these skills even further by using his great ability to memorize the exact number of cards left in the deck. His abilities of speed and Card Magic gives him the capability of precisely foresee multiple the variables in most situation and accurately predicting the outcome of the choices he could make in order to obtain any result he desires. However, his utmost desire to win and keep himself busy in order to drive away boredom will sometimes cause him to gamble on almost recklessly without stopping to think about the consequences, doing so mostly to see who breaks the surface tension first between himself and his opponents. It could be said that this habit stems from the fact that it plays a large part of his own personal addiction to these games, enjoying a good high-stakes game with everything on the line and finding great amusement when two players gamble their very lives on a simple game of chance.
In terms of his own personal track record, Lupin has rarely, if any, lost when it game to gambling hinting that he demonstrates a great understanding at the concepts inmost games he participates in, learning all the rules in mere minutes and then devising strategies shortly afterwords. This indicates that his ability to adapt to new environments and situations, like those in a gambling room and on the battlefield, is what differentiates him from normal people and puts him on his own league. Aside from gambling, he is extremely proficient at manipulating and controlling the decision-making and choices of those he chooses, in an unconventional way. His skills at reading the body language of others has allowed him the ability to anticipate the movements and choices that an individual would make based on eye-movement, posture, facial expressions, breathing rate, perspiration, involuntary gestures, all to pinpoint an individuals "ticks," or better known in poker as a "tells." By doing so, their general behavior or habits gives Lupin information about their hand. When Lupin does drives his opponent to the very edge and applies the right amount of pressure in his moves, he can read his opponents so well, he is able to anticipate their movements ahead of time and create specific scenarios that forces his opponent to use specific actions and strategies that enables him to respond and counter with a technique suitable to counter-balancing their own moves.
Ways of Combat[]
Knife Dueling[]
Master Knife Duelist: During his time in the circus, Lupin was primarily a knife thrower, simultaneously learning how to use them for tricks and also for defense. Over his years, Lupin has picked up many methods of using the knife, making him quite skilled. When fighting, he is seen using three grips: The first holding the knife forward for a longer reach. The second, with his thumb placed directly on top of the handle, for more speed. Thirdly, holding it in a reverse grip for more power in direct assault. Unlike most combatants, his strengths like in his footwork and defensive bodily movements. His ability in knife throwing is also quite fearsome, throwing them into targets with great force. His accuracy is incredible, with a high percentage in direct hits from mid-range distances of around ten to twenty feet. The key to knife throwing is in the flick of one’s wrist, and Lupin, having mastered this technique has deadly accuracy and strength behind every throw. As a practitioner of Arnis, Lupin is accustomed to rapid changes in movement and style, switching from hand to hand combat to knife fighting within an instant. It has taught him a number of techniques to maximize the impact his attacks have on his foes, both in techniques and footwork as well as the location and power behind his attacks. Overall, Lupin’s ability and grasp over knife fighting is impressive, and is a threat to all in his general vicinity should they manage to force him into a fight. Unlike the majority of armed combatants, his greatest strengths lie in his skills in footwork and rapid defensive body movements that is offset depending on the danger he's in, choosing to move closer to his opponent with the reach of his blade.
On the other hand, due to the general disadvantages he faces when throwing his knives (i.e. disarming himself), he focuses more on hand-to-hand combat rather than simply staying from a distance unless he has to. Employing the same defensive technique found in the use of a daggers, Lupin generally focuses on quick dodges and leaps to evade the enemy’s blade or attack rather than parry or block that could resulting in him receiving a small amount of the force being exerted by doing so. As person skilled in the use of a knife, as well as the unique shape it has, Lupin chooses to thrust his knife deeply into his victim, then twists said blade sharply in various directions before retracting it, causing the sharp point to inflict severe internal damage not readily apparent when examining the entrance wound. Although rather strict on him using a single hand for attacking, Lupin uses his extra hand to fight on a separate front, doing so by trapping or disarming his foes with his the live hand. Being careful and self-disciplined in his method of attack, the way he moves and attacks changes in turn to the type of opponent he fights, altering the distance between himself and his opponent with various types of dodges or strides by applying good footwork that is based on a very low combat stance that has him keep one knee on the ground that that allows him to use different maneuvers involving many careful cross-steps to allow him to cope with multiple opponents at the same time, putting less stress on his legs while on the move.
High Magic Reserves: Although very weak in terms of physical strength, Lupin more than makes up when it comes to the amount of magic energy he has in his own magic origin. Considered to be above average in comparison to ordinary wizards, possessing a much greater ability to store and absorb ambient ethernano particles from the atmosphere at a much faster pace, reducing the time he needs to recover from expending his magic. As a result, Lupin can last a while longer than most other wizards when it comes to prolonged battle with spells, an advantage attributed by the the simple fact that he can carry a larger quantity of magic inside his body despite his relative size and mass compared to other hulking wizards, a fact that is only reinforced by his rather ordinary looking body and outrages choice of attire. Given his history and natural life style he lives by surrounding himself with magic, constantly practicing and training, Lupin possess a higher degree of natural affinity toward the magic arts, making him a much more efficient fighter and magic-user than most other adversaries who focus on the more "physical" aspects of magic — given his own style and take on the matter, he is much more spiritually attuned to the forces of magic, developing his skill based around control and discipline so as to better enable himself to absorb a greater amount of energy without injuring himself in the attempt. Much like his own personality, Lupin mostly keeps his magic reserves in check by carefully keeping in account the amount of energy he expends per every spell he uses, tending to stick toward casting low-class attacks so as to save his strength.
- Magical Aura: Magical Aura (魔力の霊気 Maryoku no Reiki; Literally meaning Aura of Magical Power) is a common term given to the exertion of magical energy into a form outside of the user's body that isn't used in the formation of spells. It has been demonstrated by various mages of varying potency, and is a common means of intimidation. A magical aura is created when the body's container of the ethernano particles exceeds the limits of what it contains, or is purposefully released by the user. Upon doing so, the magical energy surges around the body and is exerted outwards in the form of an aura, which holds considerable pressure surrounding it. Depending on the level of magical power one possesses and the control behind it, it can be used as a means to intimidate another individual, or as a preparation for a powerful spell. A single magical aura can have a wide variety of effects dependent on the power an individual exerts, which will be outlined in the following sections. Lupin tends to use his magical power to scare off opponents by elevating the power and radius it has, doing in order to frighten thugs and robbers, or opponents which he considers too much of a pain to fight.
- Fortune Telling: A rather unusual style of magic used to predict the future, the accuracy of fortune telling changes without telling the exact way something is going to happen, making them rather vague and up to interpretation on the listeners part. Whether the accuracy of fortune telling is based on the Mage's Magic Power, or based on the time when the prediction will come true, is unknown. However, Given Lupin's relative skill in Card Magic, and his magic energy, he is rather adept at it's use — while in use, his fortune telling abilities tend to take on the form of cartomancy, an ancient fortune-telling trick that uses various deck of cards that enables a fortune teller read the future. Widely considered one of the oldest of the more common forms of fortune-telling, Lupin uses Fortune Telling in tandem with his tarot cards. It should be noted that Lupin rarely uses this ability for offensive or combative means, but rather for personal use and divination purposes aimed to help/warn others, using this ability in order to gain vague impressions of events before they occur in real time. For the most part, Lupin's fortune tellings are rarely, if ever wrong, as his tarot cards provide incredibly detailed hints that help him predicting the probable outcome of a specific course of action, such as choosing a road or direction to follow, testing his luck in games by offering a sample on the result, or simply finding objects that are lost, being the primary reason as to why Lupin never finds himself lost. As a general rule of hand toward casting it, the readings they offer can be rather "odd" or "strange" when it comes to the prediction itself, more often than not forcing Lupin to utter a combination of words or key phrases that have some type of correlation with his target, either involving their personal life or current events.
Ways of Combat[]
Illusion Magic[]
Illusion Magic (錯覚魔法, Sakkaku Mahō) is a form of Caster Magic employed by Lupin to manipulate and distort the perception of perceived reality through the use of illusions and hallucinations, warping what others regard to being "real" while he himself sees it as nothing but a bad "dream". Considered as an unconventional ability a wizard can learn, masters of this power are said to be gifted with the distinct potential to manipulate specific aspects and elements that comprise illusions as a whole, giving them absolute liberty to control and alter any of these factors however they see fit. As an ability induced through magic, Illusion Magic can unhinge his opponent's grasp on reality by creating, shaping, and manipulating illusions to the point of overshadowing the real world with fake imagery or textures in regards to it, such as causing those targeted by it to lose the use of all five of their senses to the point of forcing them to experience things that don't actually exist to the point of causing them to perceive things differently, such as injuries, attacks, or physical/magical sensations that allows the caster to throw of their abilities to perceive their presence. Unlike most other wizards, Lupin's unique application mainly focuses on manipulating or altering the way his targets or he himself to perceive things through the use of their five senses, tending to warp their sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch through intricate illusions. Interestingly enough, depending on the potency of the illusion, the overall impact it has can be magnified to considerable levels, such as transforming a simple whisper into a thunderous roar, making it appear louder than it actually to the point of causing a ringing to their ear.
However, although that does serve as a basic example of producing sensory illusions, Lupin focuses more on complicating his attacks, such as hiding his moves behind fake copies of himself, duplicating his attacks with illusionary ones, or simply distorting his opponents sense with the intentions of keeping them distracted. Interestingly enough, his style of Illusion Magic differs greatly when it comes toward the use against others, demonstrating a much greater basis that focuses mostly on control and misdirection that is very much in character with his own personal skills and fighting style that places heavy emphases on discretion and deception. This is typically achieved by including the full scope of illusions producible by the mind, such as hallucinations or dreams, triggering real life effects by allowing the target to experience them in real time through the use of an illusion. In typical fashion, his main aim is to cause both physical and mental distortions to take place in the absence of an outside stimulus, triggering misinterpretations to occur when it comes to experiencing true sensations when they make contact with an individual. As a rule of thumb, Lupin requires him to envelop a certain range with his magic in order to produce a desired on his surroundings, acting as the catalyst for Lupin to produce a variety of effects. Although rather large when it comes to the field of effect, even when his enemies are outside his range, the outside appearance or general effect still remains very present from an a far away onlooker, achieving a cosmetic impact on his vicinity that is both a powerful hallucination and optical illusion.
Given his relative mastery with this particular ability, Lupin can fool or deceive most guild master level wizards with his illusions by producing intricately devised illusions that capture the exact details of his intended vision he aims to project, misleading entire groups of people into believing what they are currently seeing is the truth. However, his single-most greatest talent is his ability to fool most magic-based sensory abilities, such as a Dragon Slayer's nose ability to smell him, even taking it so far to hide his own magic energy behind a series of illusions so as to throw off any pursuers from sensing his presence. By placing specific illusions on his own body, Lupin can become invisible to a particular sense he wishes to avoid, or simply trigger special effects whenever he gets closer to his intended target. What truly distinguishes him out of most other users is the simple fact that Lupin is one of the rare few wizards with the sufficient talent to brew an illusion of such concentrated magnitude, that they possesses their own degree of physical influence on the environment or opponent, treating them as if they were actually there.
- Extreme Duplication (極端な複製, Kyokutan'na Fukusei):
- Six Paths Demotion (6つの経路の降格, Muttsu no Keiro no Kōkaku):
- Sight:
- Hearing:
- Touch:
- Taste:
- Smell:
- Magic:
- Chronos Time ():
- Clock Stopper (クロックストッパー, Kurokku Sutoppā):
- Grand Mirage (グランドミラージュ, Gurando Mirāju):
- Daydreamer (空想家, Kūsō-Ka):
- Blind Man's Camouflage (盲人の迷彩, Mōjin no Meisai):
- Pain Demolition (痛みの解体, Itami no Kaitai):
- Lost Man's Body (失われた男の体, Ushinawareta Otoko no Karada):
- Motion Commotion (動揺, Dōyō):
- Counterbalance (釣り合い, Tsuriai):
- Hypnos Sleepwalker (催眠術師, Saimin Jutsushi):
- Reality Checker (リアリティチェッカー, Riariti Chekkā):
- Chameleon Changer (カメレオンチェンジャー, Kamereon Chenjā):
- Hypnosis (催眠, Saimin):
- Null Zone (ヌルゾーン, Nuru Zōn):
- Reverse Echo (リバースエコー, Ribāsu Ekō):
- Double Decoy (二重囮, Nijū Otori):
- Phantasmagoria (ファンタスマゴリア, Fantasumagoria):
Card Magic[]
Card Magic (カードマジック, Kādo Majikku) is a Holder Magic ability that is used by Lupin to use the various different type of card in his possession as deadly magical weapons for him to cast in battle, triggering all manner of effects depending on the type of cards being thrown by him personally. Being his signature and most favored way of fighting, Lupin does so by magically charging all of his cards whenever he is holding unto them, imbuing them with a certain degree of energy in with the intention of assaulting his opponents with a flurry of flying cards. Whether Lupin creates his own cards or utilizes a pre-existing poker deck or tarot cards, each every one he throws carry within themselves their very own innate abilities that his magic gives, producing a wide range of abilities during battle. On his own, Lupin can simply produce numerous cards out of thin air, saving him the need to expending his own precious cards, consuming a small degree of his magic energy each time a card is created as a result, requiring extremely little effort to do so mainly due to the relative size and potency they have. Once in his hands, Lupin can alter and manipulate the contexts of his cards, molding the way they can be used in battle by either producing more versions of the same card, strengthening the durability of the card, controlling amount of magic energy it has and can unleash, or determining the degree of impact it has when making contact with another object, such as slicing directly through targets or simply using them as portable weapons to be used at any moment's notice. Be it through physical contact or from a short distance, Lupin tends to use most of his cards combination with most of his other magical abilities, combining them together to produce extremely variable effects, from obscuring them with darkness or making them harder to detect with illusions, or simply outright navigating their movement with simple mental commands.
With a talent for throwing objects, the level of accuracy he has enables him to curve them in the air by simply adjusting the magic stored inside each card he throws, safely moving them to the intended target from different angles. It is primarily through this effect that Lupin throws his most of his cards 80% of the time whenever he fights, acting as powerful projectiles with the sufficient power to match most razor sharp swords or knives in terms of cutting power, with the added bonus of the cards being much smaller and harder to hit while in mid-flight and their movements being directly influenced by Lupin himself at all times. With his general mastery with his knife, he tends to keep five cards on his person for close quarter combat, swinging the cards in hand in order to slash at his opponent from a close enough distance by charging them with sufficient magic, sharpening them to a significant degree In his hands, Lupin more than makes up for Card Magic's fatal flaw of limited attack patterns by simply adjusting the spells in his cards to fill in the gaps in his defense and offense to incorporate a wide arrange of abilities from a multitude of different spells belonging to other branches of magic. Achieved by replicating the power that a specific spell has, Card Magic can recreate other and or different magical arts in anyway that best suits the user’s needs and desires, doing so at a much smaller degree however. This can be contributed by the fact that the requirement to apply the distinct nature of a particular spell and the nature of the casting style is very dissimilar to the way they are naturally produced, making it much more difficult to imitate much more complex types of magic that demand a particular requirement for use.
Magic Cards[]
- Hand Dealer (): Considered the most basic application of Card Magic, it is a spell that involves Lupin simply throwing any number of cards at his target that multiply in number once in mid-flight, that causes them to act as a powerful set of projectiles. Although being simply loaded up with only magic energy,
- Card Trail Tracker (カードトレイルトラッカー, Kādo Toreiru Torakkā):
- Elemental Cards (要素カード, Yōso Kādo):
- Flare Burn (フレア・バーン, Furea Bān):
- Lightning Shock (雷撃, Raigeki):
- Terra Firma (テラ・ファーマ, Tera Fāma):
- Frost Force (霜の力, Shimo no Chikara):
- Air Blitz (エアブリッツ, Ea Burittsu):
- Flash Shine (フラッシュ輝き, Furasshu Kagayaki):
- Dark Eruption (暗い噴火, Kurai Funka):
- High Card Combo (): The high card, also known as no pair or simply nothing, is a poker hand containing five cards not all of sequential rank or of the same suit, and none of which are of the same rank. While in battle, Lupin uses this kind of hand to throw a total of five different Card Magic spells at once,
- One Pair Combo (): One pair, or simply a pair, is a poker hand containing two cards of the same rank and three cards of three other ranks
- Two Pair Combo (): Two pair is a poker hand containing two cards of the same rank, two cards of another rank and one card of a third rank
- Three Kind Combo (): Three of a kind, also known as trips or a set, is a poker hand containing three cards of the same rank and two cards of two other ranks
- Four Kind Combo (): Four of a kind, also known as quads, is a poker hand containing four cards of the same rank and one card of another rank
- Straight Flush Combo (): A straight flush is a poker hand containing five cards of sequential rank, all of the same suit.
- Royal Flush Combo (): An ace-high straight flush, commonly known as a royal flush or royal straight flush and is the best hand possible in high games when not using wild cards. In Card Magic, it is typically achieved by the user
- Edge Saber (エッジサーベル, Ejji Sāberu): Rather than simply throw magically charged cards at the opponent, the Lupin keeps a set of five magic cards in between his fingers to use as claws, magically charging them to use as a three-paired sword on his hand. Keeping them clutched in his hand, typically doing so with a single hand or at rare times using both, it serves as one of the few spells at his disposal that doesn't have him part with his cards, choosing to keep them on him at all times in order to defend himself in close-quarter combat against enemies that use weapons or hand-to-hand situations. With the general magic energy being used to charge them, they have a tremendous capacity to cut through objects that would normally be too difficult through ordinary means, such as most kinds of metal or armors, compensating for the fact that most of his equipment lacks the power to slice other spells or equipment when they come across it. Aside from transforming his cards into viable magic blades for personal use, the degree in which how durable they are is also increased in a rather significant manner, transforming every card at his disposal into a an extremely powerful sword for him to wave around for attack. Given the near non-existent weight behind the cards, Lupin can quite easily swing his arms around effortlessly without being hindered by the spell, enabling him to deflect or block incoming projectiles with minimal ease, be it physical in nature or magic spells. This spell in certain ways tends to bear a resemblance to Sword Magic, in which both use magic to sharpen their respective tools, only in Lupin's case, it serves to heighten the base traits of whatever card he touches. As a side benefit, while active, Lupin can attack or interact with most other spells that would normally be dangerous to handle with his bare hands, entitling him to stave off attacks or various types of magic using his cards as a physical means to engage them.
- Grand Bomber (壮大な爆撃機, Sōdaina Bakugeki-Ki):
- Card Guard ():
- Card Dimension ():
- Burst Seal ():
- Deck Jumper ():
- House of Cards ():
Poker Cards[]
Tarot Cards[]
Darkness Magic[]
Darkness Magic (闇の魔法 Yami no Mahō) is a Caster Type magical ability which utilizes the element of darkness to cast spells or attack others with, conjuring different forms of the same element to suit his needs in battle. While in use, Lupin tends to bend both the various forms of this element to his whim in order to hide or assault others from different ranges, often conjuring shadows or reducing the light in a given location to zero for different purposes which more often than not serve to help him avoid complex attacks that he can't easily avoid. In terms of personal use, it serves as Lupin's main method of defense or an even balanced mix between offense and evasion by building up walls of obstacles by engulfing his surroundings with total darkness, obscuring himself and his actions from sight. Fore the most part, he tends to release his magic in the form of a dark miasma, floating around him in order to defend himself by using it as a cushion or shield, but whenever he needs to fight in a more direct manner, Lupin applies his magic toward his own shadow, manipulating it so as to suit his needs in a similar fashion to Shadow Magic. By constantly covering the surface of his body with a layer of Darkness Magic, it serves as a sponge to absorb the vast majority of his injuries, compensating for the fact that he isn't at all that physical strong, effectively boosting his baser abilities to a small extent. On his own, Lupin can take control of any surrounding dark areas or shadows in order to add unto his own, increasing the mass and volume of his own spells, only to give him full use of this element to use as a weapon.
Much like water being able to exist in various forms, darkness itself also has different solid states in which it can exist — by eliminating the tangible state it has as a solid object, Lupin can reduce it to the form of cloud-like entity, giving it the power to expand and swallow other objects whole. By solidifying it even further, it attains a solid mass capable of being used as either a blunt object or a physical weapon to verbally assault others in a more efficient manner. On the other hand, when Lupin reduces the physical properties it has while still retaining some semblance of tangibility, his darkness reduced to a liquid-like state akin to a shadow, moving and functioning in a manner very similar to water, making extremely difficult to destroy of stop due to near nonexistent density it has, making whatever it touches to sink through. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, when Lupin reinforces the degree of solidity his darkness has, he can increase its durability as solid matter, making it as hard as steel, enabling it to tackle other weapons of similar hardness without giving way. On his own, Lupin can produce his own supply of darkness by using his own body as the prime source, doing so by radiating it in the form of magical aura that seeps from the deepest regions of his magic origin, giving him a near limitless capacity to produce darkness depending on the amount of magic energy he has at a given moment.
Additionally, when used in a more complex manner, he can use his darkness to affect his environment in various different ways not commonly seen with other types of magic while at the same time replicating the special characteristics belonging to other abilities. One such example is using Darkness Magic to influence gravity, as commonly seen in one particular spell, typicaly done so by compressing the mass of his darkness into a single focal point, effectively duplicating Gravity Magic's Black Hole by creating an uneven distribution of mass/energy to the point of sucking in everything nearby. This gives Lupin some manner of control on the gravitation around him and those that are under its influence, such as giving weight to a physical object either by increasing it or repelling it in one general direction of his choosing, most commonly being up, down, back, or forward. It should be noted however, that the greatest application Darkness Magic has is the simple fact that it has a rather high degree of destructive power and versatility to match, giving him the capacity to manipulate and control destructive Dark Magic, giving it a physical form well-suited for destroying objects, blocking enemy attacks or picking up objects by simply extending his darkness near them.