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This article, Lure and Calm, is property of User:Galbadiaprjt which cannot be reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the User:Galbadiaprjt.

Lure and Calm
Parent Magic

Illusion Magic


Manito Doufu

Lure and Calm is a Caster-Type branching out from Illusion Magic. It is a quicken, enchantment spell that forces all creatures except the caster in an area of effect to redirect their attention to something else while being made calm.


A type of Magic that enchants all creatures (except the caster) within a 100' radius where the caster is the center-point. Once enchanted, the affected creatures are unable to fight for 20 seconds and at the same time, the affected creatures are forced to protect the caster. When the 20 seconds are up, the enchanted creatures are forced to attack particular creatures of the caster's choice(s). When the enchantment ends, the affected creatures are unable to remember the duration of their actions since the time of casting. However, they are able to remember if the ones they've attacked is a loved one.

A visible, green-like ray of waves instantly burst forth from the user once the spell is casted.

When protecting, the enchanted creatures will chat with the caster as if they were best friends since grade school, advise with wisdom and truth towards the caster, offer aid to the fullest of their capabilities to the caster such as healing, support, and attacking, and advocates the needs and wants of the caster for the benefits of political and economical purposes. However, enchanted creatures will not fight to the death for the caster nor will they use themselves as "human" shields for the caster.

As a quicken spell, the user may choose to have this spell's effect take place before any other effect.
