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Memorī Meiku


Caster Magic
Elemental Magic
Molding Magic
Ancient Spell


Persephone Tray
some loser

Memory-Make (記憶の造形魔法(メモリー・メイク), Memorī Meiku lit. Memory-Molding Magic) is a Caster Magic and a subspecies of Memory Control of the Molding Magic brand; as the name may or may not suggest, Memory-Make involves the manipulate and creation of objects involving the pseudo-element known as memories, which is the process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved as well as dreams, which are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur usually involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Like most other forms of Molding Magic, Memory-Make is something of an oddball amongst the various other forms of Elemental Magic and their subspecies, as while more often than not, Memory-Make lacks sheer power, it more than makes up for it in the incredible amount of options at hand which can be brought out by the caster's imagination – indeed, while it does lack power when compared to the infamous Slayer Magic, including Dragon Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic and similar Lost Magic, it can be considered one of the most versatile forms of magic in existence; memories can be said to encompass all life, and because of this, Memory-Make has been given the designation of Ancient Spell, making it the only member of the Molding Magic line to be classified as a form of Lost Magic.


As mentioned above in the opening paragraph, Memory-Make is a type of Molding Magic, which itself is an Elemental Magic that's focused almost entirely around the shaping of the caster's element into numerous shapes and figures in order to suit the situation, taking the concept of "Shape Transformation" to its absolute zenith; however, aside from the classification of Molding Magic as indicated by the suffix of "-Make", this is where the similarities between Memory-Make and other forms of Molding Magic ends. For one, unlike more "standard" forms of Molding Magic, which are related to a preexisting Elemental Magic which generally represent the classical elements, which are the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which nature consists and were proposed to explain the nature and complexity of all matter in terms of simpler substances and their various alternate forms such as obtaining Sand-Make from Earth-Make, Memory-Make revolves entirely around an organism's ability to store, retain, and recall information in many forms; while Memory-Make does have an "ordinary" form known as Memory Control, which itself is a Caster Magic that uses the control over memories, the two are only scarcely related; thus, unlike other forms of Molding Magic, where one would need the Molding Magic and corresponding Elemental Magic to get the most out of both, and thus could be considered akin to Skyrim and game mods – you can't have one without the other, otherwise the bare-bones tool you do have is as useless as anti-corruption efforts in the government, Memory-Make doesn't require another magic to utilize beforehand, and thus can't be considered to be a permanent Combination Spell, which is, well, a combination between two magics, not dissimilar to that of a Unison Raid – just possessing Memory-Make is all that a potential wielder would require.

The aspect of power that Memory-Make revolves around isn't something that could be considered to be tangible, nor couldn't be used for remotely useful purposes in the heat of battle, even in a supplementary manner, or even be interpreted as an element; even a way, Sound Magic counts as an element before memories, as evidenced by Sound-Make – the idea that Memory-Make encompasses is known as thoughts, which can refer to the ideas or arrangements of ideas that result from thinking, the act of producing thoughts, or the process of producing thoughts. Although thought is a fundamental human activity familiar to everyone, there is no generally accepted agreement as to what thought is or how it is created. Thoughts may or may not arise in the mind from the product of subconscious brain processing. Since thoughts are capable of being interpreted in countless ways, this gives Memory-Make a wide variety of what it's capable of affecting as an organism is capable of making sense of, interpreting, representing or model the world they experience, and to make predictions about that world through thought alone. It is therefore helpful to an organism with needs, objectives, and desires as it makes plans or otherwise attempts to accomplish those goals. Indeed, it can be said that Memory-Make is a power that encompasses the mindscape, not only affecting memories in general, but also dreams. Similar to "normal" magics such as Illusion Magic, which allows the user to cast all sorts of illusions, and Historia of the Dead, a magic that allows the user to materialize the histories of their targets' past, and Arc of Embodiment, a magic which enables the caster to materialize something from nothing, indeed, Memory-Make can be considered to be a Combination Spell of these pre-established magics, all brought together in a similar manner to a Unison Raid to become an overwhelming power without equal said to be the greatest achievement in Molding Magic.

In any case, when performing Memory-Make, the caster focuses intently; but once more, to further differentiate Memory-Make from other forms of Molding Magic such as Wood-Make and Ice-Make, instead of taking upon a particular pose, the wielder of this magic does not need to place their hands into complex positions but merely places their fingers on the temples of their heads as a focus point and a chain of memories could be seen visible behind the user; this stance channels magic into the brain, allowing the user to visualize the memories they wish to recreate, and allows them to do so with ease and speed – through an intensification of the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin, the user of Memory-Make pulses their magical energies outwards into the immediate area in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion, this dynamic pose enables the user to tap into alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics as a major proponent of the sequence as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to put all energies in the immediate vicinity under their very thrall. From here, projecting their Magic Seal outwards as a catalyst for the transformation about to occur, the caster's sigil acts as a vector, which is a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, especially as determining the position of one point in space relative to another with the memories of those in the vicinity, as well as the caster themselves, being superimposed upon the affected supernatural particles as they're transmogrified into anything that the user of Memory-Make deems to be suitable in accordance to the situation at hand. Indeed, as Memory-Make involves the manipulation of memories at their base form in order to create a variety of visibly disconnected effects that can be traced together to form a single root, it has countless effects.

This root is the fact that all the thoughts, memories, and dreams that can be manipulated by this magic are all sensations that can be felt and visualized by every person; essentially, they each correlate to one or more of the five staple senses, which are a physiological capacity of organisms that provides data for perception, such as olfaction (smell), audioception (hearing), ophthalmoception (sight), gustaoception (taste), and tactioception (touch) – thus, Memory-Make can be considered to be dramatically different than other forms of memory-controlling magics such as, obviously, Memory Control, as Memory-Make relies completely upon physical memory rather than emotional memories, such as bonds with other people. To summarize, Memory-Make revolves around the use of magical energy by the user as a medium to visualize anything that can be interpreted as a "thought", such as memories and dreams, and subsequently manipulate them in order to achieve a variety of effects. Just like ordinary Molding Magic, this allows the caster to materialize anything that they deem suitable on a whim, whether it be weapons for certain offensive measures for both close-range and long-range combat; the caster can manifest all sorts of creatures that function in a similar manner to Celestial Spirit Magic or Familiars, including vertebrates such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals as well as invertebrates such as mollusks, arthropods, annelids, cnidarians, and sponges; of course, at greater levels of skill, phantasms which are universally a cut above the rest, legendary creatures, can be manifested, two notable examples being dragons and phoenixes. The caster can manifest armour to bolster defensive capabilities, body parts, or even for more miscellaneous purposes such as more mundane, everyday items such as chairs, tables, and for espionage purposes like creating exact replications of keys or scanners in order to access previously unavailable areas; the caster can form almost anything, whether said objects formed happen to be living or not.

Of course, as everything is made manifest through inducing tangibility upon memories, these constructs are forged entirely from any memories that the caster is capable of getting ahold of, allowing them to recreate phantasms that were once thought to be lost, such as an assortment of items found in mythology, legend, folklore and religion from across the world; for example, the caster is capable of manifesting King Arthur's legendary sword Excalibur, which is attributed with magical powers and is associated with the rightful sovereignty of Great Britain is said to constantly emit a blinding light that can distract the opponent from the user's attacks as well as unleash enormous waves of golden light akin to crescents of energy, while Excalibur's scabbard ensures that any wounds that the wielder suffers will not kill them, no matter the quantity of blood lost. Additionally, as one may have gathered from the term "memory-make", all sorts of spells, no matter their tier or casting methods, are capable of being replicated and merged in a manner not dissimilar to a Combination Spell through one's precise control over the magical power they're replicating. In this case, Memory-Make allows the user to combine two or more spells together in order to create rather unique effects, each of which hold an extraordinary amount of power. This is generally due to the inability of the user to perform a spell directly at the level of power that the original magician might have possessed, as seen in the fight with some loser and Gray Fullbuster, where Gray had been capable of navigating through his Karma of the Burning Land without an extraordinary amount of effort; however, said loser belongs to a bigger group of losers, and many other users have displayed the ability to surpass the power level of the original caster. Interestingly, Memory-Make has no "methods" such as Static _-Make and Dynamic _-Make; rather, as it is loose and unrestrained, everything that it is capable of is classified as Memory-Make.

Also, Memory-Make has the ability to recreate physical sensations of individuals in a mirage-like manner, simply through projecting one's magic at the area which they noticed the memory came from; this involves an extremely high sensory perception and ability to memorize even the small nuances of an individual, such as heartbeats, footsteps and the like, something which the user trains in while learning this magic. Finally, the user has the ability to "forget" magic that has been memorized by the user, and formed by another individual. This is done by, again, the formation of magical energy within the spell and tampering with it in a similar way that the user can construct memories. However, instead of constructing the spell, they completely destroy the formation of the spell in question, therefore allowing them to easily negate assaults on their person. Doing so can neutralize defenses created by the opponent, and make useless any memorized spell. While with the first user of the magic, it couldn't be utilized against offensive techniques, any other user of the magic is capable of negating both offensive and defensive measures. As that which is categorized as "thoughts" and memories are closely associated with a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation, afterimages and the like tie in heavily with Memory-Make, allowing the caster to deceive their enemies relatively easy, as well as combining this with their master over memories as to create a replica of the deceased of those in the individual's past that made a lasting impact upon them, be it as a result of hard-fought combat, love, or simply immense respect in a manner not dissimilar to Historia of the Dead; essentially, Memory-Make has infinite potential in the hands of an incredibly creative user. Of course, with great strengths, comes glaring weaknesses, which not only apply to the magic's replication process, but also the memorization aspects of the magic. If a spell's formation is fast enough, or requires more power than the user of Memory-Make contains, it is unable to be successfully replicated or forgotten, therefore causing the user to, generally, fail in evading or blocking the assault at hand.


Whatshisface's Spells

Better Spells

Basic Spells

  • Memory-Make: Spell Absorber (記憶の造形魔法・魔子と魔力全収陣(メモリー・メイク・スペル・アブソーバー), Memorī Meiku: Superu Abusōbā lit. Memory-Molding Magic: Magic Particles and Magical Energy All-Absorption Circle): Memory-Make: Spell Absorber is a Memory-Make spell which enables the caster to drain the energies that constitute enemy spells as to negate any effects they would have, absorbing their energies for the caster's own counterattack. In any case, when performing Memory-Make: Spell Absorber, the caster focuses intently, placing their fingers on the temples of their heads as a focus point and a chain of memories could be seen visible behind the user; this stance channels magic into the brain, allowing the user to visualize the memories they wish to recreate, and allows them to do so with ease and speed – through an intensification of the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin, the user of Memory-Make pulses their magical energies outwards into the immediate area in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion, this dynamic pose enables the user to tap into alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics as a major proponent of the sequence as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to put all energies in the immediate vicinity under their very thrall. From here, projecting their Magic Seal outwards as a catalyst for the transformation about to occur, the caster's sigil acts as a vector, which is a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, especially as determining the position of one point in space relative to another with the memories of those in the vicinity, as well as the caster themselves, being superimposed upon the affected supernatural particles as they're transmogrified into anything that the user of Memory-Make deems to be suitable in accordance to the situation at hand - in the case of Memory-Make: Spell Absorber, the caster calls upon memories of Absorption Magic, a magic that enables the user to absorb their opponent's Magic by eating said opponent and Disassembly Magic, a magic which involves the separation of objects, fusing the mechanics and effects of both skills through the power of Memory-Make as the caster combines these arcane effects and projects them outwards through their memories, into the form of a Magic Seal which appears as a a cross with a ring surrounding the intersection; this glyph begins to emit a suction-like effect that could be described as a miniature black hole, which specializes in gathering and condensing energies —nothing is safe from the hunger of this seal when anything that could be considered to be a "supernatural power" approaches it - the energies that compose this arcane glyph become concentrated to a single point as to take upon a nullifying effect; upon contact with the cross-like sigil, the opposing spell is quickly subjected to an chemical decomposition, with a barely visible net-like pattern extending from the seal that quickly takes apart the opposing supernatural power, prying it apart particle by particle by using a larger wire to hold the magical energy that serves as the fusion catalyst and siphon its power, drawing it back into the caster's projected Magic Seal; the entire process mimics the separation of a chemical compound into elements, with the opponent's spell being run through and assimilated into the Magic Seal; this sigil is capable of affecting all forms of supernatural powers, whether they be Caster Magic, Holder Magic, Lost Magic, Slayer Magic, and even Curses; as long as it is classified as supernatural or uses supernatural energies as its primary component, no matter if it is tangible or intangible, it is capable of being subsumed and absorbed into the Magic Seal; at this point, these energies come under the caster's thrall and are able to be used in any manner that they deem to be sufficient, the caster can also integrate the assimilated energies into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source; either temporarily or permanently. With Memory-Make: Spell Absorber, a user of Memory-Make is able to use these gathered energies to imitate Healing Magic in order to regenerate their magical energies and stamina, or for the purposes of offense by releasing the captured energies in the form of an arcane blast not dissimilar to Magic Ray at varying magnitudes to blast their opponents; with enough knowledge of what they're up against, the caster is able to fire the absorbed attack back with amplified speed and power. Despite being a very powerful spell, it is noted that Memory-Make: Spell Absorber's single weakness is it's inability to absorb anything stronger than the user. Memory-Make: Spell Absorber can only absorb attacks in proportion to the user's maximum magic level. If the limit is exceeded, the seal will only absorb what it can take, and the user must either deflect the remaining attack or take the damage. If this is avoided, the sigil will fade away and all the energy absorbed will be released, multiply massively in strength, and quite possibly kill everyone caught in the blast, including the user, causing them to become hoist by their own petard.
  • Memory-Make: Rapid Cancel (記憶の造形魔法・現指令強再持ち場(メモリー・メイク・ラピッド・キャンセル), Memorī Meiku: Rapiddo Kyanseru lit. Memory-Molding Magic: Current Directive Forceful Re-Routing): Memory-Make: Rapid Cancel is a Memory-Make spell which enables the caster to cancel the preparation of any other Memory-Make spell in their arsenal and use the activation sequence for another one of their attacks. In any case, when performing Memory-Make: Rapid Cancel, the caster focuses intently, placing their fingers on the temples of their heads as a focus point and a chain of memories could be seen visible behind the user; this stance channels magic into the brain, allowing the user to visualize the memories they wish to recreate, and allows them to do so with ease and speed – through an intensification of the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin, the user of Memory-Make pulses their magical energies outwards into the immediate area in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion, this dynamic pose enables the user to tap into alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics as a major proponent of the sequence as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to put all energies in the immediate vicinity under their very thrall. From here, projecting their Magic Seal outwards as a catalyst for the transformation about to occur, the caster's sigil acts as a vector, which is a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, especially as determining the position of one point in space relative to another with the memories of those in the vicinity, as well as the caster themselves, being superimposed upon the affected supernatural particles as they're transmogrified into anything that the user of Memory-Make deems to be suitable in accordance to the situation at hand - in the case of Memory-Make: Rapid Cancel, the caster calls upon memories of High Speed, a magic which grants the user the ability to move at, well, high speeds, and Arc of Time, a Lost Magic that allows the caster to alter the time of objects. Derived from the medium known as video games, specifically that of 2D fighting games and various bugs that tournament-level players exploit in them, through applying Arc of Time to their own magical prowess and installing High Speed within their reflexes, the caster is capable of reproducing an effect similar to move-cancelling as seen in fighting games, which is defined as breaking out of a current animation or move by inputting another move that cancels the previous one. Normally, such a feat is incapable of being achieved through ordinary human bodies as doing so would place an enormous amount of strain upon the humanoid body and possibly tear limbs as well as drain the magical energies dwelling within their frame relatively swiftly, but as Memory-Make effectively encompasses everything that can be considered to be a thought, it enters the realm of possibility for somebody whom wields the power of Memory-Make. With Rapid Cancel active, all of the caster's attacks have an 'insta-fire' effect that disregards the influence of nature and assorted things in order to launch their attacks instantly without any prior requirements or preparations, using their body's own kinetic energy and magical energies in order to bring the required powers into the current plane of existence, and they are capable of aborting any maneuver process in progress, automatic or otherwise, in order to perform a more favourable maneuver as required during the flow of battle. In terms of how Rapid Cancel affects a user's combat prowess, a caster can launch hundreds upon thousands of strikes, unarmed or not, per second, eliminating any need to pull their fist back after a strike through magical energy manipulation, resulting in an unrelenting barrage of blows that rains down upon the enemy- however, in terms of their named techniques, a user with Rapid Cancel active is capable of switching the technique used to another one instantly, for example, they can use the "preparation sequence" for a Fire Bullet spell as the "preparation sequence" of an Abyss Break without modifying anything visually. However, switching so hastily and launching never-ending strikes towards their opponent without rest can put a noticeable amount of strain on their body; because of this, if the caster is low on magical energies, Memory-Make: Rapid Cancel is used sparingly.
  • Memory-Make: Pyroclasm (記憶の造形魔法・覇道滅封(メモリー・メイク・ピロクリスム), Memorī Meiku: Pirokurisumu lit. Memory-Molding Magic: Supreme Road Destroy Seal): Memory-Make: Pyroclasm is a Memory-Make spell which enables the caster to release a beam of intensely-hot red light that deals damage in a chain of hits. In any case, when performing Memory-Make: Pyroclasm, the caster focuses intently, placing their fingers on the temples of their heads as a focus point and a chain of memories could be seen visible behind the user; this stance channels magic into the brain, allowing the user to visualize the memories they wish to recreate, and allows them to do so with ease and speed – through an intensification of the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin, the user of Memory-Make pulses their magical energies outwards into the immediate area in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion, this dynamic pose enables the user to tap into alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics as a major proponent of the sequence as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to put all energies in the immediate vicinity under their very thrall. From here, projecting their Magic Seal outwards as a catalyst for the transformation about to occur, the caster's sigil acts as a vector, which is a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, especially as determining the position of one point in space relative to another with the memories of those in the vicinity, as well as the caster themselves, being superimposed upon the affected supernatural particles as they're transmogrified into anything that the user of Memory-Make deems to be suitable in accordance to the situation at hand - in the case of Memory-Make: Pyroclasm, the caster calls upon memories of Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, a Dragon Slayer Magic that revolves around the consumption, generation, and manipulation of fire, and Fairy Law, one of the Three Great Fairy Magics that releases an immense quantity of light to annihilate anything that the caster deems to be their enemy; the user fuses the mechanics and effects of both skills through the power of Memory-Make as the caster combines these arcane effects and projects them outwards through their memories in the form of a burning golden and crimson wave of energy that flies forward at high speeds, the front of which resembles a draconic head with cool azurite eyes and its snout pointed forward, fangs bared for the world to witness. Shooting through the atmosphere at incredible speeds, the projectile released constant emits a large amount of heat, which is more than enough to release a continuous volley of explosions that are formed through the projectile's motion and make any form of water which is the immediate vicinity reach scalding temperatures – this effect isn't limited to rivers and the like, as if the caster is going up against a water-element magician, the sheer heat of Memory-Make: Pyroclasm will immediately render any and every effect that the spells would have upon the caster null and void by causing it to reach scalding temperatures which the spell is then able to absorb in a similar manner to the elemental consumption method ever-so-associated with Dragon Slayer Magic, bolstering its speed and strength by a relatively large amount. Upon contact, Memory-Make: Pyroclasm causes a resonance with the foe's own magical energy, causing both to spike exponentially and smash together in a similar manner to a nuclear reaction, causing a decently-sized explosion that can do heavy damage to an opponent; the contact with the earth and spreads the flames and light outwards in the form of a blazing dome of fire which expands outwards swiftly for several meters; the surging radius seems to hit a wall; as if the explosion is contained somehow in a giant glass sphere. The light rebounds inward, sharpening, rippling across itself as the wave appears to have reached a predetermined diameter and hovered there. The blast radius looks like a huge sphere of negative space fifteen hundred feet across, with neat slices taken out of surrounding buildings, pavement, cars, hillsides, et cetera; there appears to have been no actual heat, let alone shockwaves, emanating from the explosion at all - the only result is that a massive spherical section of the city appears to be missing.

Advanced Spells


  • Even though the author wrote the Memory-Make page, this version is an expansion for their own characters.
  • That loser in Sabertooth has said to be incapable of harnessing the full potential of Memory-Make.
  • It's rumoured that when merged with the likes of Archive or Enchantment, a user of Memory-Make becomes completely invincible.
  • Originally, this magic was a fanon version of Historia of the Dead, but the author also wanted to redo Arc of Embodiment and make their own Requip style around Arthurian Legends, but ever since the author had to spend less and less time on the fanon, they decided 'why the hell not' and combined most of them into one.