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"I'm not dealing with your bullsh!t right now."

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Nobya Hogi
女の子 意志
on'nanoko ishi
Final Card (決勝カード Kesshō kādo)
The Wandering Heart (放浪の心 Hōrō no kokoro)
The Kind Princess (親切な王女 Shinsetsuna ōjo)
Kabisara, Mys
Gender Identity
11 (X794)
22 (X805)
Private Education
Hair Color
Eye Color
Skin Tone
176 cm
49 kg
Professional Status
Princess of Mys
Legal Mage
Base of Operations
Galdrabók Guild Hall
Personal Status
Marital Status
Powers & Equipment
Art of the Mystan Monks
Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic
(Light Darkness Dragon Mode)
Teleportation Magic
Summoning Magic (Beast Summoning Magic)
Barrier Magic

Nobya Hogi (女の子 意志 heddo ishi) is the biological daughter of Ulo Hogi and the sister to the independent mage Mago Hogi, occupying herself as a member of the guild Galdrabók as a way to distance herself from her family after her father's dissapointment and anger at the abandonment of her older brother who had left Mys and his ascendance to the throne to become a powerful mage in Ishgar. Nobya is the second youngest member of the family and shares a close sibling relationship with her sister ___, though however this bond has been weakened and thin the more Nobya would spend more time in Ishgar as the two siblings could not travel in and out of the country together, out of kindess not to leave her second older brother alone with their mother and father as they busied themselves with ruling over the kingdom. She is one of the only people to ever know about her eldest brother Mago's Elder Magic spell Regium, which allows Mago to summon a dragon where he could then become one himself, and so as a way to counter him in that form as well a control action against her brother learned and expertised herself in the art of Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic

Very loyal to her friends and family Nobya will do whatever she can to make sure that they are safe in her attention, protecting her family and friends with her life if she must just to be sure that they will be ok in her sight, stressing out on the wellbeing of her accomplices. Nobya though not very tactical as she sometimes prefer to work alone, follows orders as carefully as she can as she aims to please and impress her fellow peers as they shoot out plans and tactics for thier mates to follow, being careful to follow it down to smallest detail. She is extremely friendly towards anyone she meets though can definetly sense wether a person can either be a friend or foe towards Nobya's wellbeing, as she can use this advantage to prepare herself for battle before her future opponent may realise it, giving her an immense valued opportunity as she is thrown into the heat of combat, also sensing the capabilities and aspects of her oppenent's weapons and abilities which also help her during the fight due to her heavy education the mechanics and basics of magic. Nobya isn't scared to hide her true thoughts on things and can be ignorant as she reveals out loud about the people around her.

Unlike her brother who shares the natural views of a political leader such as her father, though both of them are very much at odds against eachother which has caused great strife and conflict within family activity, Nobya respects and incoporates the three main aspects into her personal views of "Commitment, Friendship and Independency". Even though Nabyo and her siblings were disconnected from the other children of her country, disabling connection between the children to the outside world Nabyo never had childhood friends except other royal princeses and princesses that had visited the glory of Mys witht their visiting parents who were most likely having a meeting with the emperor of Mys and the empire. Nabyo even though prefers to work indepedntly she accepts the offer of assistance in her tasks and is not afraid to offer others the same way, showing her sociability despite her confined childhood without the touch and communication of real people to help her cope through her early years. Called The Kind Princess (親切な王女 Shinsetsuna ōjo) by others who have experienced her kind generostiy and caring behaviour to strangers who pass her randomly to have fortunatley cross her path on the roads.

Having been named Final Card (決勝カード Kesshō kādo) and The Wandering Heart (放浪の心 Hōrō no kokoro) by the members of the Mystan Government and the Mystan Monks who share the same view on Nobya's role in a mysterious sinister plan that seems to may have a grand attempt on the wellbeing of the world, Nobya is either a powerful threat or a useful advantage to the plans to further to future of Mys' population and life which would have a massive affect on the world. Nobya is infact another piece of the Elder Spirit Kuro's plan for his reemergence into the atmosphere of Earth Land which would cause great destruction and devastation to the wellbeing of the surface of the world, ending the reign of Humans of Earth Land as they become insects in the world of the Elder Spirit. Unaware of her role in such a mastermind plan, Nobya unknowingly continuous to preform and complete major steps in Kuro's plan as she helps the Spirit from his below prison. Not even a Spirit herself or having her blood infused with any Spirit blood at all unlike her older siblings Nobya is the only human participant of Kuro's plan as he has been forced at birth to help Kuro escape, as she was unknowingly promised a place alongside Kuro as he reigned over the world.


Nabyo is a young teenager who never seems to be seen without a simple, bright smile that is attached to her face, staying close by her even through the times of great strife and stress that Nabyo goes through as she permanently affixes it to her bright and beautiful face. Resembling a nineteen year old nearly into the ages of her twenties Nabyo is still young and tries everyday to retain a calm and relaxed state of mind whcih greatly keeps her normal looking and sane as she takes good care of her pale smooth skin, with little to no signs of scar, bruising or any damage at all present, showing how careful Nabyo is and how untouched in combat she shows herself to be, as hard training fighters cannot come out of battles without a scratch unless their enemy was a bug. On her face she has a small nose that goes down her long face, where her organic brown eyes are situated as a difference to many members of the House of Hogi where they mostly have black hair and eyes, where she stands out as brown. Her soft hands are not battle worn despite her use for Dragon Slaying magic, where it utelises damage to the hands or a certain elemnt to wear down the skin of one's hand during the performance of such Lost Magic, though Nabyo like her skin chooses to,take extra good care and be extra careful whenever casting these spells, just to ensure that they remain royal and regal for her family's status as the head organisation and royal family of the kingdom of Mys, as Nabyo must fit in the role as princess of the family much to the standards of her mother and father. However, Nabyo does have a single scar that was given to her by an accidental strike from Mago whilst they were young, having the scar strike against the whole right side of her body underneath her arm, which she constantly tries to conceal from the peering eyes of the Mystan and Ishgarian public.

Her standard outfit of clothing consists of a white dress shirt accessorised with a blue and white stripped tie, that are worn underneath a heavy brown coat that warms up the upper body of her torso. The coat has a total of six buttons on the front that allow Nabyo to easily adjust it to her size as well as easy access to the various pockets that are stiched within the coat's inside, along with many material handles on various parts of the coat for Nabyo to grab hold of the coat with suitable grip. The pockets inside her coat hold various gimmicks and tools at Nabyo's disposal which lie in the pockets within as she eaily pulls her hand into the coat and backout with the required item for her to utelise during a certain situation. Nabyo also has a black skirt that doesn't even reach her knees which disappoints her brother Mago who is extremely caring and protective of his little sister, getting her scold at for such articles of clothing yet it never seems to be changed ever on her attire. In this outfit her long black hair drape down and even past her shoulders as the hang freely without limit and resistance which can be quite the advantage and disadvantage for when combating, as the hair can be helpful for agility as it is lightweight despite it's size and position but can also get into her face as she would get temporarily blinded by the fluster of black hair strands that is thrown into her face. She also wears magic headphones which are pink with white tuffs of material that point out resembling both headphones and ear warmers in the cold weather, which is very useful whenever Nabyo must travel into the barren wastelands of the country Iceburg. Nabyo also bears normal brown leather school shoes acquanted with high socks that reach towards the halfway of the calf part of her leg.

When Nabyo becomes an older version of herself she once again goes through many other channges to her figure which are very apparant even to those that have not familiarised themselves with her yet, showing how different Nabyo has become for her age and former appearance. Still having her black silky hair drape down to and below her shoulders just as she did when she was young as well as the small nose she retained whilst still young, Nabyo now has more woman-like features as she nears the age of her twenties although her real age is unknown, already having born a child though has lost much of the wight due to constant excerise and a healthy diet which she enjoys to take in much of the time. Her soft skin that she had back as a teenager is now a bit weared down from a powerful magic which involved her several years ago as well as having various scars and bruises that had not healed since then as she has gained much more damage to her physique as they dot around her body from the attacks she had messed around with since then. She also has womanly lips that is always going to be coloured in with the latest design of lipstick makeup, for as a royal she must always have the most latest and most fashionable gear that is available to her as she no longer partakes in fighting anymore after giving up her occupation as a mage after, relaxing her body as she is still able to preserve her agile and fit body whoch she rarely uses for activity anyway, jsut to fit the persona of a citizen's view on the royal family. Having experienced the fright of war Nabyo has now expressed several other emotions after losing the thought of happiness to the tragedy that the family faced during their time in Mys, expressing emotions such as drepressed, neutral and a state without emption more than her former happy self who used to always wear a bright smile on her beautiful face.

As an adult Nabyo dons a bright pink suit jacket in place of her old brown large coat which had stored several useful items for Nabyo to utelise during combat with ease, though now with a smaller scaled jacket compared to her old coat, there are still pockets there on the inside though some less than before forcing Nabyo to make choices in what she can carry and what she can leave thus making her more mature as she decides on needs and wants, though this doesn't help very much if Nabyo always carries around her favourite blood red satchle/purse which she holds numerous amounts of items and gadgets she uses during her time in both Ishgar and Mys. Nabyo also wears black, high leg stockings as they reach all the way to underneath her dress and are only the slightest bit transparent as one could faintly tell the colour and details of her leg as she walks around the streets, which is also added with the fasion of black high heels which also render Nabyo vulnerable as they are not suitable for moving around very quickly during combat, however Nabyo finds no problem as she has shown to be quite capable using stilletos while free running. Her outfit is not complete with a white blouse underneath her bright pink suit jacket as it replaces the old dress shirt that Nabyo had worn preciously as well as a pink dress that matches the same colour as her pink suit jacket, though this time when comparing her older appearance to her latest one Nabyo's dress reaches nearly straight down towards her knees whilst her old one had barely even touched the mid point of her thigh, which also tells us how mature Nabyo has become after aging from her immature self. Also should be noted that Nabyo has also ditched her magic headphones due to how childlike they were when she had wore them, resorting to miniture earpieces invented by a friend's company in order to focus less on her head pieces and more on her royal attire.



Just as how her siblings were born and fed into the lifestyle of luxury Nabyo was no different as she was fed food that laid on golden platters, with countless amounts of butlers and maids at her disposal to do so much as she could wish as they were paid to make life just as easy for all of Ulo's children whilst he works. Although however Nabyo has not even once had the thought of mercilessly working her servants and assistance out of pure laziness much like older brother Mago, as she treated them with an equal view and right to their wellbeing, offering to help them with tasks whenever she could've and making sure that they were always fit and ready to work, training herself to cook and clean as she helped around the family's manor and castle which they could afford due to being the head royal family in the whole empire. This is how she is able to expertise her capability in cooking grand feasts and meals for herself as well as properly taking care of her accomodation whilst she was staying over in Ishgar, with many noting how well prepped her room and vicinity always is despite no maid to ever clean up around her. Because of her high class status in the population of Mys many people oblivious to her would presume that she was snobby, greedy and lazy just as how many royal families around Earth Land are seen as by the common folk but Nabyo is always sure to die down the presumptions. She is infact maybe the opposite of what a pretigous princess may be as she is always very kind,very selfless as she enjoys giving gifts to others especially on holidays and stays strong as an independent woman who displays the need for no man in her life as she his very capable in taking care of herself and maybe others if need be.

In combat Nabyo is always laid back and relaxed whenever battling her opponent as it seems to serve two advantagous things in the eyes of Nabyo, with one being that she may seem as if she isn't taking the battle as seriously as she should causing many of her opponents to become displeased with her attentivness and cooperation into making the fight a moment for both fighters to remember, though many other opponents may become laid back which serves another great purpose to Nabyo's battle scheme. Whenever in battle she expects nothing but the full determination and potential of her opponent as she would rather be beaten by someone who has worked hard into such attacks than one who hasn't put any effort at all just to lose at the end unsurprisingly, having honour and dignity in a fight as she knows her limits when combating, stopping herself and persuading others to stop must they become to heavily damaged to the point where they won't be able to function again. The second reason to showing no stress or problems with fighting to cause her opponent to become laid back is to help her study her opponent even more just to see what they can do without a devastating amount of magic that should be forced to strike Nabyo down, only hoping that after Nabyo has finished studying everything she could about her opponent whilst they hve been relaxing their enegry within combat that they may soon enter a state where their full determination and attention is the focused on attacking Nabyo with their potential unlocked. Also in battle Nabyo likes to follow the orders of higher ups as well as extremely smart accomplices where she serves as a loyal method executioner as she completes each task given to her to impress all that see his feat as well as having followed the method down to even the smallest bit of detail given just so that it may conclude with a result that the requester must be happy and satisfied with.

Nabyo is intelligent thanks to her education under the eye of her private tutor whilst she was young, becoming a highly capable leader and thinker just as how the other members of the Hogi family are, though instead of learning politics and economy like her siblings and parents Nabyo preffered to learn businesss and art, though did not disappoint the family at all after displaying what she was able to accomplish with such knowledge. With learning business Nabyo is able to function and run an entire company by herself as she has found her self fully capable to do so alongside her natural talent at being a leader, choosing proper business decisions as well as assisting other business leaders out of the kindness and goodness of her heart. Nabyo has been able to work nearly every business located in Mys as she was appointed by her father to become a potential member of the Mystan Government thanks to her training, but refused to thinking that she knew her limit would be working all businesses set up in Mys. She doesn't mind to kill when need be and can accomplish it in a second must she be forced to attack with such lethal force, which may seem easy for a Dragon Slayer like herself, as Dragon Slayers litrelly have the power of a dragon within them, though having a lacrima implanted into her, she has been limited many specialisations in many aspects of the Dragon Slayer technique. Nabyo's acceptance of the Dragon Slaying art in her arsenal was a pure choice and nature in order to keep her brother Mago, a Spirit Infused Human under control due to his Elder Magic ability to not only summon a dragon to serve him but as well as fuse himself together with the dragon to temporarily become one himself, which is where her Darkness Dragon Slayer ability comes in handy. Using such force to subdue Mago, Nabyo will refuse everytime to kill her brother whilst he is in Dragon Form with her capabilities to do so, knowing that it was not his fault that he was granted this blessing to his power and turning to blame another for her brother's curse.

Her care for her guild is extremely prominent in her personality as she cares deeply for everyone that associates with her alongside her outside friends and family, usually helping any way she can with her guild mates as best as she could, putting alot of effort into helping other accomplish their tasks and goal. Galdrabók has been more than welcome to Nobya and she has been forever grateful to their kindness, knowledge and hospitality to the wandering princess after her decision to join the legal guild in hopes that she may lead another life other than the one back home, one she dreams she may restart after the recent troubles that have happened within the family. Although Galdrabók may seem to be the closest thing to a family for her she cannnot deny biological blood and will always run to the aid of her family members no matter what reputation they may have towards her or to others, as she sees that family will always be there for you as friends will always move on. This has shown predominantly with her relationship with her eldest brother Mago who has done some very questionable decisions in his life wuch as leaving the family and joining and serving under a dark mage who plans to destroy and rule the world. Though despite all these situations Nobya can still acept her older brother and will always side with him no matter what, even if it has to be against her own friends which she vastly hopes it doesn't come to, exspecially if it must involve any sort of physcial violence that could easily hurt the wellbeing of her fellow relations. Though it is family arguments that she siffers from the most and is always broken as her view on staying and siding with her members of the family is always splitting her apart during these times of distress.


Magic Abilities[]

Art of the Mystan Monks[]

Art of the Mystan Monks (Mystan僧侶のアート Mystan sōryo no āto) is primarily a Caster Magic that is taught exclusively to the monks and their pupils in the land of Mys, who train and practise through intense sessions on the hills of Mount Katiwala, one of the biggest and tallest mountains in the continent. This kind of art requires, determination, experience and extreme focused concentration which is very vital to the execution of tthese many spells that are powerful if they are used correctly in the right situation, proving useless to others as they have been designed specifically for them. The Art of the Mystan Monks does not require Etheranno magic energy, infact the whole art of this magnificent style of magic doesn't base it's attacks or power it's attacks with magic at all, making it a humungous advantage when in an enviornment where magic has been wiped out of the magic particles such as the world when activate by the Face weapon. By concentrating an internal power that resides within all human beings named by the Mystan monks as Manus (手 Te), extreme focus and concentration is required here as Manus in the body hasn't been converted into the proper powe source for the art of combat yet, so through the mage concentrating on transforming and mutating their Manus into Ethernano, they are able to unlock it's capabilities when finished allowing the mage to finally start casting the Art of the Mystan Monks. Nabyo just like her siblings have learnt this special form of magic, however not like her elder brother Mago who has mastered several techniques of the art Nabyo has only been able to utelise just few variants of the magic, which the monks use to both as a way of praising and worshiping their deities as well as fight in the name of their gods to please them.

  • Seraphic Darkness (セラフィック闇 Serafikku yami) A parralel to Divine Light (神の光 Kami no hikari), this subvariant of the Art of the Mystan Monks unlike Mago's was actually the second magic that was offered the Nabyo after failing to cast Divine Light after taking it up, learning this mysterious and opposite spell making her the opposite araenal to her brother. This magic variant involves and starts off with Nabyo concentrating hard on her Manus to start building up within her hands though hence as an opposite to light, a mixture of dark and purple start to feintly glow from within her hands which gets more intense as Nabyo claps her hands colliding them together, with the echoes and vibration from the clap activating the sleeping Darkness Manus as it now glows fiercly within her arms and hands just as how a Divine Light causes their mages to glow with a blinding light that only their user is able to see normally around, but the darkness is not like that at all, as the darkness seems to absorb light as there seems that light does not shine upon the strange element. Seraphic Darkness seems to utelise the properties of both Darkness and Shadow elements that have been converted to fit with the Manus capabilities though still achieve the same devastating results when used correctly against his situations, and also allows Nabyo to defend quite resiliently and durably against Darkness and Shadow attacks done to her by other mages. Despite being a powerful asset to her arsenal of magical spells and weapons at her personal disposal, Serahic Darkness is also used to see clearly through pitch black areas which she cannot tell apart from it being lit up or dark, giving her the upper hand whenever battling an opponent in just darkness, where she can clearly see and study her opponents whilst they are blinded by the pitch black darkness of their field.
    • Night's Presence (夜のプレゼンス Yoru no purezensu) Possibly Nabyo's most powerful and most complicated spell for her Art of the Mystan Monks selection, in this spell Nabyo calls upon the darkness and power of the night at whatever time she may be in inorder to plague the sky with pure black in the form of a massive cloud, giving off the appearance that the land below it is pledged into a temporary night which lets Nabyo upgrade her capabilities as well as using the night around her unlocking most of her ability as a mage. After having activated Seraphic Darkness with her groundbreaking clap that would've most likley have grabbed the attention of several other members of the field around her, Nabyo pressures the concentrated Manus as it intensifies within his arms and hands except with out the powerful glow it is known for giving off whenever put under heaps amount of power like that as she nears the next step for Night's Presence. To release this spell Nabyo pulls her upper body to the side as one arm is pointed straight out in the opposite direction Nabyo is currently facing with the other arm arched infront of her face as she tucks her head into such arm, powering the spell as a notification for the Manus within her to start releasing such power from within her body. It is extremely important that Nabyo knows what she is doing here as one wrong move can result in the massive cloud to explode within her as her internal organs cannot function with such a foreign energy cloud that has somehow grew within her body, leading to her unfortunate demise. Nabyo will then proceed to swing her arms to the otherside as her face no longer concealed by her arms faces the opponent straight into their soul as the cloud now takes effect first transparently, though the sky will continue to form a massive black cloud that covers an extreemly wide distance around Nabyo, plunging the area into a temporary noght where Nabyo is more stronger.
    • Underworld Knuckle (アンダーワールドのナックル Andāwārudo no nakkuru) After Nabyo has activated her powerful Seraphic Darkness, she is able to conjure up the Manus energy within her hands to start solidifying as well as concentrating the mystical energyinto something that can become much more powerful in the atmosphere of Earth Land, as the Manus begins changing her hards to start colourising itself as a pure black surface, causing both hands to become rock solid as the Darkness Manus inside the hands harden up in order to relieve the pain and feeling from her hands though making them impenetrable. The most basic spell in Seraphic Darkness, Underworld Knucle's strength and durability depends on the user's experience and mastery over the specific art, which Nabyo excels in as a mage and can be her most used magic other than Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic. Underworld Knucle is extremely useful and protective to Nabyo, as not only strikes from Nabyo will leave devastating effects on an opponent's body after colliding with the dangerous punch but since the Underworld Knuckle is vastly durable Nabyo can deflect incoming bullets and stikes from various blades as well as stopping incoming magical projectiles with just her bare hands which gives her much of an upper hand in battle. With all these advantageous in hand there are many weaknesses to Underworld Knuckle than one may see, such as Underworld Knuckle cannot deflect or stand against powerful Light Magic attacks even though it can sometimes extinguish it, and also not provide much strength to Nabyo's body as the fists are there just to enhance the punch and not her muscles, leaving her to rely on her strength in order to provide the extra lift to her Underworld Knuckle punches.
    • Unforgiving Force (容赦のない力 Yōsha no nai chikara) Relieving any sort of emotion of pity or regret that may cause Nabyo to restrict herself from casting this powerful magic, Unforgiving Force is only known by Nabyo and her teacher out of all the Mystan Monks that have ever lived, due to the amount of power one would need and the determination and focus it requires to cast for it to be conjured up for the mage to utelise, as many Mystan Monks fear the rremendous power that users of this spell can cause with just the flick of their wrist. Once Seraphic Darkness is activated for the Manus to begin operating as the energy needed for this magic, the user proceeds to clasp her hands together as the energy within her hands joins up and builds within the concealment of her grabbed palms in order to hide and contain the amount of power that is soon to burst and destroy many things in it's path. When Nabyo has been satisfied with the amount of Manus that has built up within her hands she quickly unlocks her fingers from eachother as she swiftly oulls her arms apart to reveal nothing but a wave of darkenergy that surrounds her as it shoots out and spreads towards the enemies around her, destroying nearly any life in it's path as it kills off living forces such as human life and electricity that powers up mechanics and technology around her. Unforgiving Force does no discriminate in who it attacks as not only enemies who get in the oath of Unforgiving Force are greatly affected by colliding with the powerful energy spell but friends and family who are rcognised by Nabyo's heart are not affected AS much as the enemies that have to face the final punishment of Unforgiving Force, as they feel that their magic ethernano and stanima are vastly drained from their body, leaving themweak and vulnerable to those that want to strike them, but this doesn't affect friends and family just as bad as it simply pushes them down and can drain a good amount of both energies from their body.
  • Divine Penance (神の贖罪 Kami no shokuzai) Formerly a way of suicide after having desecrated sacred orders of the Mystan Monks during the old days, Divine Penance has been reformed by the current and latest magicians and members of the Mystan Monks that specialise in still harming the user of the magic, but in the aid of another of who that mage may decide helping with, giving up their comfort so that others may be comfortable, reflecting on Nabyo's behaviour to other wizards around her in Ishgar. Divine Penance involves concentrating the emotion of regret and charity within one's heart in order to concentrate such powerful and heavy emotions with her Manus energy in order to conjure up the magic spells associated with this magic variant. This magic involves the mage of this dangerous magic type to start expressing remorse and charity whilst they flow their Manus energy into their veins and hands, allowing the Manus to freely flow without interuption as Divine Penance does not include specifically harming an opponent but helping another team mate in order to use the energy sacrificed by Nabyo for them to utelise. After having exerted the energy this time into their mind and soul along with hands if need be, the user activates the Divine Penance after specifically harming themselves usually in a designated spot on their body, with Nabyo her unqiue spot for activation of Divine Penance is the same spot of her scar that lies underneat her right arm, as she only needs the slightest slit of her skin in order to operate Divine Penance. This prevents Nabyo from dying as she can finally act on Divine Penance which allows her to transfer different types of energy within her body to regenerate another. Unlike other spells, Divine Penance requires a phrase to be said by the user as they picture the person they wish to aid, speaking the phrase put clearly as the magic Manus and Emotions start taking effect on her wellbeing.
    • "Give them more power." (彼らに多くの電力を与えます Karera ni ōku no denryoku o ataemasu) When Divine Penance is activated all that Nobya needs to do is to say the simple phrase of "Give them more power.", in order to activate the phase of this spell, which indeed does what it basically says, as this phrase transfers whatever amount of ethernano or manus power that another needs in order to replenish them with enough power for them to carry on fighting, whilst Nobya stays back behind the lines. This magic can fully drain Nobya from all her power so it must be wise that she uses this only at the right time for another to be at the upper hand of their strength, as by the time she slits her arm and comments the phrase there is no turning back, as both mages feel the effects of the latter spell, with the recieveing mage feeling an intense tightning in their muscles as they accept the incoming energy into their streams powering the mage up physically and mentally in order to use thisgiven magic to enhance their skill and fight for them, while the giving mage will feel a painfully draining in her magic supplies as the energy escapes from her body making her more and more weak as she becomes more tired and vulnerable to the enmey as she relies on the mage she sacrificed her energy to to protect her from the inco,ing attacks that may be coming her way. His is very dangerous as if Nobya is nearing the final capacity of her Energy supply and has not much to offer to a recieving mage, and can cause her to fall into a deep sleep if she ever has exceeded the minimum capacity of her magic supplies whoch her body needs in order to replenish her magic as well as fix damage to her body internally caused by the excess and surplus magic used to give to another.
    • "Take another's pain." (別の痛みを取ります,Betsu no itami o torimasu) Just like how "Give them more power." was cast with the simple phrase of the latter, "Take another's pain." is activated the same way through the use of exerting their Manus energy aswell as speaking the certain phrase of the spell of their Divine Penance. Exerting the magic into their mind and soul as well as their hands this phrase unlocks the connecting abilities as well as the swapping technique of nervous systems that are within the bodies of all sentient beings in Earth Land, with both techniques doing an important role in giving the aspects of the "Take another's pain." skill. First the user must choose a target as they first speak the phrase whilst they are thinking amd concenttrating on the person that they want to swap nerves with in order for the spell to be used. This allows the spell to know what is happening and who to do it to, as the Manus energy that is suitably prgrammed to follow the strict orders given by the thoughs and commands of the activated spell seep out of her hands as they travel from Nobya to her chosen target who, will instantly feel the effects of the connection. Though the person chosen for this spell can still feel their bodily functions and act as if nothing is happening, they won't be able to feel pain and such as the nerves' feelings have been transferred to Nobya, feeling any pain and taking it upon herself to deal with it. By transferring their pain Nabyo protects them as she can also take in the injury of the other person by using and taking it through their internals, protecting the other as they will not be even slightly in pain due to switching it Nabyo, allowing them to continue fighting without a problem.
    • "Bless them my health." (私の健康それらを祝福 Watashi no kenkō sorera o shukufuku) Sort of like "Take another's pain.", "Bless them my health" still conects the nerves and gives Nobya the feeling of pain and internal damage from one to herself but this time Nobya scrifices a large quantity of her life force in order bring back life into the dying before they are fully dead, as she takes on their virus or disease on herself as they are finally free from this infection, however Nobya is not and must face the consequences and punishment of taking on another's disease by herself. Her greatest sacrifice in order to heal those close to her Annbyo causes her Manus and emotions to combine in order to make these connections between herself and the other's body in order for the connection to transfer every bit of the virus or disease within her body as it travels up from the connection and into Nobya herself who instantly faces the disease or virus almost immediately after casting the spell, going through what her patient had orginally gone through as she will now face the conclusion of permanent damage or death itself which nearly all diseases and virus effects humans with. There is no way to deactivate the spell once it has already cast so this leaves a big choice on Nabyo if she would risk her wellbeing in order to save another one's life, which is a very big responsibility and a vastly superior act of kindness which Nobya is very familiar with in doing. This spell doesn't effect all diseases and viruses on the sentient body which may cause Nobya to feel useless at most times because of the limitations that the spell has been restricted with and so must force Nobya to begin learning about this peculiar magic spell in order to see what it can and can't do when summoned. This spell can cost Nobya her life so it is very important that she makes the right decision whenever casting this life threatening spell.

Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic (冥の滅竜魔法, Yami no Metsuryū Mahō) is variant of the powerful Dragon Slayer Magic as well as being a form of Lost Magic which is also another Caster Magic that utilises the aspects and the elements of Darkness Magic within it's spells in order to match the great power of the legendary avian reptilian species of the Dragons, beasts that had ruled over the lands back in the old days, in order to devastatingly damage them or if possible slaughter them. This form of Dragon Slayer Magic involves the mage utilising and empowering their ethernano magic particles within them to mimic the spells that dragons had used to dominate the world, effectively matching their skill to the dragons as many of these attacks when done correctly at the right time can prove to be quite deadly, leaving grievous damages on a human body due to the power the attacks hold within them. Since this magic gathers power from the use of Darkness Magic's elements, negative feelings are the power source for all of Darkness Dragon Slayer attacks such as sadness, grief, anger, disappointment, etc. But even though Dragon Slayer Magic involves the consumption of physical materials in order to power up these attacks, with Fire Dragon Slayers eating fire, Metal Dragon Slayers eating metal, etc. Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic users still can get this power though with their main source of power they consume it through absorbing the Darkness energy from negative emotions of others as they can "eat" the energy just by standing next to someone who would be currently under the experience of negative emotions. Nabyo herself is a Second-Generation Dragon Slayer due to having a strange Dragon Slayer lacrima implanted into her, giving her the ability and strength to cast many of these magics in order to slay dragons, however her inability to fall into a Dragon Drive and her cosmetic use for Dragon Force can make her seem inferior to the other generations of Dragon Slayers, however this doesn't speak for her way of casting these magics which definitely exceeds this false appearance.

  • Darkness Dragon Roar (闇竜の黒怒気 Yamiryū no Kurodoki) is the most basic out of all the Dragon Slayer magics in the whole magic type, as all Dragon Slayer users are able to cast this all mighty spell, which requires the magic user to build up the energy within themselves in order to "roar" at the direction of their target, sending mass amounts of strong built up energy towards the target like a scream. Before the user can do anything they must collect a certain amount of ethernano from their ethernano magic suppl in order to power up the spell for it to work, concentrating on moving the ethernano within themselves to their throat as the magic from there begins building up the more the user waits to let out that energy. As the energy within her throat really does build up the ethernano begins taking an change on itself as the less space that the ethernano has the more pressure there is on the magic particles as it strives to get released out from their container as there are repelling ethernano particles also building up underneath them, and when activated allows the magic user to effectively push the built up energy within their throat just enough to send it propelling through the air as it cuts and smashes through the atmosphere to get to the target. With just a simple open of the jaw and the exertion and powering or activating of the repelling magic particles, the caster of Darkness Dragon Roar lets out the iconic roar of a dragon as the built up pressure of the ethernano quickly and violently pushes the ethernano out her throat and out of her mouth, somehow holding the ethernano together as it is pushed out in a specific location which the ethernano keeps together by pushing it into a blast of Darkness magic energy, leaving a devastating effect on human life forms as the built energy and the combined collision of the constructed Dragon roar solidifies itself into a physical material as it swiftly and violently crushes the target from the front.
    • Black King Shout (ブラックキングシャウト Burakkukingushauto) this Dragon Slayer roar is a unison raid compromised of Nabyo's Darkness Dragon Roar combined with her brother Mago Hogi's Forbidden Regium Dragon Roar when both elements combined together must work on the field, creating this enormous blast of opposite elements combined into on that creates this blast made up of contradiction and opposite that the power that lies within is far too great for some of the greatest minds of Earth Land to comprehend. For the unison raid to work both Forbidden Regium Dragon must be present as well as Nabyo Hogi herself as they both power up their roar at the same time as each other before pointing it at the same target for them to destroy, letting out the immense energy as the two elements combine into one concentrated blast as it hurls towards the target, becoming a long streak of black and white light as it shoots through the sky and straight at the target of the two mages. To be on the other side and the target of this blast is something a human wouldn't be able to handle, as the collision and impact of the blast is very peculiar on how it is described, as it is detailed as being hit with something that is extremely hot but at the same time something that is vastly cold, creating more opposite and contradiction in the blast as it breaks all laws of nature and science within the world. The only way that this blast can work or even exist is that there is somehow some ancient working to it or it's the fact that this is just magic and anything can happen honestly. Though the blast is not as strong as the Etherion blast used by the Magic Council, it is still something to be feared when two members of the House of Hogi unite in order to destroy a target when resorting to using their trump care: Black King Shout.
  • Darkness Dragon Fist (闇ドラゴンフィスト Yami doragonfisuto) One of her most capable spells Nabyo is able to greatly enhance her skill as a Darkness Dragon Slayer by building up the required ethernano magic particles within her hand in order to leave devastating attacks and damages on her targets all done through the simple task of a punch, just now with a lot of powerful energy built up within. The spell starts off with Nabyo concentrating and thinking which somehow commands the magic particles from her magic supply to flow through her body but this time now into her hands which have special areas for the magic particles to build up in order for those that unluckily have to battle against her, the special area in her hand allows the built up magic to take effect as it escapes her hand with every collision that it does in order to resemble the famed Dragon Fist attack. Darkness Dragon Fist hardens the energy so that when built up it will start radiating the particles that were used to create the Darkness Dragon Slayer Fist as it slowly and individually drops out from her hand and back into the atmosphere for mages to absorb from the sky. This combination of seeping powerful Darkness magic energy as well as the raw strength of the fused dragon fist with Nabyo's strength, creates a lethal weapon at Nabyo's disposal as the radiation from the Dragon Fist leaves grievous and very dangerous marks on their opponent as the fist collides with the target, hurting them greatly if they were not very prepared for such a collision. Just like Darkness Dragon Claw, Darkness Dragon Fist doesn't last too long but just long enough or it to be done for a good combination and flurry of moves combined with Darkness Dragon Claw which surprisingly, when combined with one of Nabyo's weaker spells prove to be one of her strongest techniques in the Dragon Slaying art, as the pure strength and force put into the combination somehow make it stronger as even though the magic has split into the four points of her body, they have increased in damage and impact as a result of such an enhancement.
  • Darkness Dragon Claw (闇ドラゴンクロー Yami doragonkurō) Despite it's name being claw and that claws are usually weapons that are associated with the hands of a being, this is not the case with Darkness Dragon Slayer magic as well as other Dragon Slayer Magic types as this spell utelises magic that is concentrated on the user's feet which gives them more power and enhancing the strength of their kicks as well as producing a mass amount of magical energy that is capable of propelling Nabyo to any direction she so wishes or use them to shoot the magic energy from her feet which may prove to be useful for scaling tall buildings and mounds to get on top of. The spell begins with Nabyo thinking and concentrating on the thought of exerting her inner magic force to her lower legs and feet, as they travel down the body of Nabyo's and start to enhance the mages body's feet and legs as they begin radiating and burning off a dark light that flickers in the wind as it burns brightly but doesn't effect her at all. Nabyo can see when the spell is Italic textbeing prepared and ready as the fire at her feet become extremely intense as she can now feel some sort of heat from below her waist as she awaits the next part of her plan which mainly should be her stroking the opponent with her now magical enhanced feet which now delivers extreme blows from every kick that Nabyo does to her opponent, taking more and more effect the more that the mage continues kicking her opponent. The flame that has been brought on to enhance her legs will not last too long and should last her long enough to send out a flurry of leg strikes which can quite easily kick out a tree that will be sent flying in the opposite direction just from a simple collision with the mage's foot. Darkness Dragon Claw even though might be her less powerful spell, this spell of her Dragon Slaying arsenal can be quite deadly when combined with her Darkness Dragon Fist as many hits from this combination and flurry of attacks will be one of her deadliest and most lethal aspect to her capabilities as a mage.
  • Darkness Dragon Hardened Scales (闇ドラゴン硬化スケール Yami doragon kōka sukēru) This defensive spell was perfected by Nabyo that she was able to do over the time that she had been learning and expertise herself with the arsenal of spells that Nabyo could do due to being a Dragon Slayer herself. She does this by concentrating her ethernano magic particles within her supply to spread throughout her body freely without restriction though does internally program them to start making changes on her outside form, causing herself to grow these black and purple scale-like skins that protrude from her arms that are extremely dense and vastly durable, allowing her to avoid incoming strikes that are easily deflected when colliding with the large scales. Though Darkness Dragon Hardened Scales are primarily used for defensive operations, Nabyo can use these scales for offensive when need be as well, all thanks to the density and crushing ability that one can utilise the scales for. The strength and compatibility of the scales also depend on how much magic energy is used to exert these scales from Nabyo's body which seems to leave no mark despite how painful and damaging the scales protrude from her skin like that, no evidence of the summoning at on her body. These scales are so strong that they can protect Nabyo from even the most deadliest of attacks the with exception of strikes from the Etherion of course, but strong attacks that can penetrate and destroy walls or buildings in a single blast can protect Nabyo from such, even if she utilises the smallest amount of magic energy available or required. The shape of the scales can also depend on her emotions as well, as the more fear that Nabyo experiences the more that the scales become more useful for protection as they can take different forms, with a normal scale only reach from the bottom of her torso all the way up to her mouth but when at the highest point of fear, Nabyo can grow her scales in order to protect her whole body from the front, as a way to deal with her fear of being damaged.
  • Dragon Pulse (ドラゴンパルス Doragonparusu) Basically all this spell is, is just the expulsion of excess magic energy that was originally used for Nabyo's Darkness Dragon Slayer magic, however is now used in something much more deadly than a single strike of Nabyo's hands, as this pure blast of magic energy can force back multiple opponents as the wave of magical energy comes rushing towards them, only to feel the rage and in-discrimination of the powerful blast. Nabyo begins the spell by looking for how much surplus energy she has left from her Dragon Slayer spells or any spell in that matter as she scours from her magic supply to any magic energy left within her body after using them to enhance her skills and body to cast many of these Dragon Slayer spells. This magic energy is then converted back into it's pure state of magic energy ethernano as it is kept hold within Nabyo's body, which is highly uncomfortable due to how raw and pure the ethernano within herself is, as bodies that take in the magic energy convert the ethernano magic particles in order for it to comfortably cope with the body as the body of the mage recognize it as a friendly immigrant into their magic particles supply within her internals. With keeping in the raw energy Nabyo can now choose when to release such power as the raw energy is actually repelled by the body's presence inside, as the ethernano is only attracted by an unknown element of the body that resides on the outside which then absorbs and converts the collected ethernano magic particles. As Nabyo finally releases the built up energy the raw magic finally escapes violently out of her body as it shoots out colliding anything and all around Nabyo as nothing around her position is safe, not even friends and allies will be safe from this massive blast as it comes to destroy them. Due to being let out the raw energy cannot be consumed by other mages despite it's true purpose however, if one was to somehow be able to manipulate built up forces of energy they wouldn't be able to handle it due to the extreme amounts of magic that is contained within the blast.
  • Darkness Dragon Horn (闇ドラゴンホーン Yami doragonhōn) This attack involves Nobya arching her hand to resemble a curved like horn that is capable of crushing and smashing through solid objects with ease due to how much magical energy particles are currently help within her arms allowing her to accomplish this strike. Nobya begins by concentrating and transferring magic within her arm in order to get this magical power which would be immense strength for that period of time, collecting and enhancing the magical particles within her arms in order to solidify as well as dense her arms into a numb state where they become permanently arched for the time being so that she cannot feel the pain of breaking through the solid surface. Nabyo then proceeds to finally intense the magic particles so that they can finaly radiate showing that the spell is ready and that if she is able to move her horn arms just quick enough she is able to cause an excess amount of magic left behind to start glowing around her arm as they leave traces in the air after Nabyo has done a powerful and swift swing, giving off the appearance of a black Darkness arch that follows behind Nabyo's arm. Darkness Dragon Horn though one of her most powerful attacks also consumes the most energy so Nabyo must resort to using this rarely in-case she might lose too much eternano for her not to get too tired out from fighting, using this only when needed such as battling bigger and tougher enemies as the other spells in her magical arsenal should just be powerful enough to take down smaller or weaker opponents compared to giants or even dragons themselves. Not many Dragon Slayers are able to learn of their Darkness Dragon Horn variant due to how complicated the steps in getting to actually accomplishing the sell itself, showing how capable Nabyo is with her Darkness Dragon Slayer as she can use this during combat whilst concentrating, converting as well as intensifying the magic at the same time.
  • Darkness Dragon's Blessing (ダークネスドラゴンの祝福 Dākunesudoragon no shukufuku) Powering up the ethernano inside her body this Dragon Slayer spell is solely for powering up her magic power as it magnifies the damage of a single attack of the Dragon Slayer magic which Nobya uses to her advantage to be able to bring down more opponents with much more ease in just a short amount of time. Dragon's Blessing is an ability that all Dragon Slayers have though it is only accessible to Dragon Slayers who have acknowledged the spell's existence as well as having the proper skill and also natural ability to concentrate on meditating which Dragon's Blessing will only become available to the magic user. To activate Darkness Dragon Blessing, Nobya must concentrate on the ethernano magic particles around her body as he intensifies the energy within their energy so that these ethernano particles begin taking over her body's functions and look, making her skin go darker and darker till the point that it reaches a full state of black with nothing but glowing brown eyes as a black fiery aura surrounds her position, used to defend her during the transformation from any incoming magical and physical projectiles and even slashes coming her way. As the aura keeps on deflecting it'll start to fade meaning the transformation's process is nearly done, with it totally disappeared leaving Nobya as a pitch black entity now with enhanced skills and capabilities that only few could wish to get. The transformation into Darkness Dragon Blessing vastly increased her damage as well as making her abit more quicker and more aware than usual which also helps in the execution of her attacks. Thought this is very powerful it doesn't un-restrict her from other things, as other magics are not enhanced by the Blessing which if used during this period of time they will remain the same as if she was normal and it also has no effect on the motion sickness that all Dragon Sayers suffer though Nobya tries not to show this iconic weakness of her kind.
  • Darkness Drive (暗闇のドライブ Kurayami no doraibu) An ability that involves the lacrima implanted inside her body in order to give her the abilities and capability to cast Dragon Slayer magic, Nobya utelises the crystal so that it somehow evenly distributes mass amounts of ethernano magic particles around her body in order to greatly enhance most of her abilities just like Darkness Dragon Blessing however the differences between Darkness Drive and Darkness Dragon Blessing include that Darkness Dragon Blessing turns Nobya fully black as she appears as a moving realistic silhouette of her appearance, it is more powerful than Darkness Drive as it enhances the skills greater than Darkness Drive can but requires the user to meditate on finding he skill as well as using an ample amount of magic to cast as well as time in which Dragon Drive excels as it uses less magic particles than Blessing as well as the fact that it can be summoned in just an instant, giving it a very good use must Nobya find herself where she will need quick actions to get herself out of a certain situation. During Darkness Drive, Nobya is able to notice things more quickly as well as having her strength and speed enhanced which allows her to strike more aggressive with more damage though a little less than Blessings but still quite ample more. Nobya's go to choice whenever transforming between Drive and Blessing, Drive has become one of her most used spells when ever combating stronger opponents such as wyverns and bigger reptilian lizards (maybe even dragons) as she saves her normal form for beings such as Vulcans and Humans which would be easily taken out by her normal self as a means to save valuable ethernano magic particles in order to cast spells such as Darkness Dragon Blessing. As with all Dragon Slayers, a black tinged aura surrounds Nobya whenever casting this enhancement which resembles the one in Blessing however is a little less intense and fiery than the ultimate Dragon Slaying form that is available to Nobya.
    • Dark Elegance (ダークエレガンス Dākueregansu) One of the most useful spells available, this magic spell lets Nobya temporarily separate her body into minuscule bits of energy that allows physical objects to simply pass through with ease provided that they are thin bladed as to not lose much of the particles when she reverts back to a normal form, effectively making her some sort of ethereal. Nabyo does this when ever she is in Darkness Drive or in Darkness Dragon Blessing due to their involvement with spreading ethernano magic particles around the body which start to unite themselves with the skin cells of Nobya's body as she becomes one with these magic particles. By exerting force on the magic particles that are now infused with her body she can slowly and only just separate the cells apart from eachother as they make small gaps for things such as blades and arrows to pass through with ease as they will always miss the particles, not disrupting them as they allow Nobya to reform by letting go of the pressure on her skin and reverting back to a physical form. The time that she is in Dark Elegance depends on how long she can withstand the pressure of separating her body apart to allow physical objects to pass through, and also on the note of physical objects passing through it is not recommended that a blunt weapon such as a hammer or mace should be hitting Nobya during Dark Elegance as they will for sure disrupt the particles as hey separate the energy from the others which would cause that area of the body that those cells made up to be separated, so when Nobya reverts back she will be missing a piece of the flesh which may be fatal in some cases. Also, magic should be avoided as such as they for sure will massively disperse the cells away from eachother causing large chunks of Nobya's body to separate from eachother will will most likely result in Nobya's death, so it is only recommended and seen that one should see this when facing the strike of a sword.
  • Darkness Camouflage (暗闇のカモフラージュ Kurayami no kamofurāju) By exerting her Darkness Dragon Slayer magic particles to escape from her muscles and create a very thin layer of pure black magic skin, that Nobya utelises to blend in with the shadows as an alternative to weilding Shadow magic, a magic that is similair to Darkness magic which is what this Dragon Slayer variant is based upon. The magic particles used to concentrate on such a powerful performance can prove to be quite a handful for Nobya but this spell has been able to be proving worthy for such effort as her complete and perfect campuflage with the darkness has been able to provide the needed support for taking down enemies that Nobya comes across in her travels. Darkness Camouflage requires precise and devoted energy in order for the layer to work because as she builds up the darkness energy underneath her skin and muscles they will slowly rise outwards from their careful placing which Nobya has mentally controlled that spread the energy out across her body because the energy will start to protrude and become as sort of a second skin to Nobya. As they rise Nobya must now again retain the black shell of her body so that it is exactly just off her by a few millimetres, as to allow her skin underneath to breathe as she continues fighting. However this effort is all worth it as when used under the darkness of night or when standing underneath shadows Nobya is practically invisible, and since it is too dark the shell basically absorbs light that shines upon it making it useful for stealth attacks during night and moon periods though however there is one restriction to the magic spell. Only movements such as running, jumping and walking etc. are the only kind of movements Nobya is able to preform during this state of camouflage and if she were to begin striking the opponent, Nobya breaks out of her shell instantly as she is then revealed to the outisde eyes.
  • Black Swim (影の泳ぎ Kage no oyogi) Another alternative to Shadow magic which still has the use and enrollment of Darkness magic applied into the spell, Black Swim is a special ability to both Shadow Dragon Slayers and Darkness Dragon Slayers that gives both variants the ability to "swim" amongst the shadows, fitting to the fact that both Dragon Slayer types revolve around the absense of light as areas shaded by over hanging blocks that are in the way of the sun make this small area of shadow that allows Shadow and Darkness Dragon Slayers space to "swim" around with effortlessly. The users of this magic do this by spreading around their respective elemtnal magic energy around the body as so to encase the inside of the body with large amounts of ethernano magic particles, which proceed to double as they take over the user's body quite quickly in order to prepare them for swimming inside these shadows. Though it may not look like there has been no effects of the spell only the Dragon slayers using this spell can sense when it is ready as their is no visible sign of the spell being activated or even working, that is until the Dragon Slayer of Darkness and or Shadow step into the shaded area, which they will appear to fall inside into the shade where they become one with the absense of light and so move around gracefully along the darkness. Although this can work with any shadow that the user fonds themselves encountering there are a bit of flaws that must come with this extraordinary ability: such as the fact that the absence of sunlight at night does not count and shadows from the moonlight still count, though the users cannot move around the darkness of night which many Dragon Slayers mistake this ability to do. Also once light is casted upon the shadow entirely Nobya will be spat straight out from the shadows were she will be visible again and will have had Blck Swim deactivated, causing her to cast the spell once again.
  • Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Raging Blast (ドラゴンスレイヤーシークレットアート:レイジングブラスト Doragonsureiyāshīkurettoāto: Reijinguburasuto) Extremely powerful, Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Raging Blast is the pinnacle and symbol of how powerful Nobya can get just with a single move. Since it is her most powerful spell in the Dragon Slayer offensive is requires mass amounts of ethernano magic particles for the spell to be activated and work, though the end results of a target meeting the end of the Raging Blast is catastrophic, as due to the amount of power locked within the blast has the chance of completely obliterating the body of a normal human being, which is why Nobya refuses to use this spell until she will be up against the toughest of the tough such as Wizard Saints and those that have neared their achievement and status of strength. By forcing and pressuring the ethernano particles into and within her hand she concentrates massively on the properties of Raging Blast as she can command the particles within the energy build up to do as she sees after they have been violently released from her hand, which she always casts with her right hand for better aim. Raging Blast when finally satisfied with the amount of power and the configurations done to the magic energy Nobya proceeds to hold out her hand as the palm faces the enemy's body where the power begins building up even further to the point where it cannot be held in for much longer and must be let out, where thanks to the build up of pressure alongside the ethernano particles, bursts out violently with such force that it will guarantee blast through any surface material in it's way as it goes to meet it's target. This is special as she can choose whether or not Raging Blast becomes fatal to human contact as, and the true might of Raging Blast's power is shown when not even Nobya can handle such force as she must stabilize the magic by gripping on tightly to her right arm's wrist, despite this having no help at all as she can be pushed back by the blast as it shoots to it's opponent.
  • Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Black Rose (ドラゴンスレイヤーシークレットアート:ブラックローズ Doragonsureiyāshīkurettoāto: Burakkurōzu) This Dragon Slayer Secret Art involves Nobya using her Darkness Dragon Slayer magic to
  • Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Seventh Anger (ドラゴンスレイヤーシークレットアート:第七の怒り Doragonsureiyāshīkurettoāto: Dainana no ikari)
  • Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Third Depression(ドラゴン・スレイヤー・シークレット・アート:第3の憂鬱 Doragon sureiyā shīkuretto āto: Dai 3 no yūutsu)

Light Darkness Dragon Mode[]

Light Darkness Dragon Mode (ライトダークネスドラゴンモード Raitodākunesudorago) After having consumed the energy after accidently eating a burst of released Light Dragon Slayer magic from another fellow Dragon Slayer, Nobya has gained the ability to convert that Light magic energy particles within her body so that it may be triggered whenever she may experience a specific emotion, effectivly giving her the abilities of a Light Dragon Slayer mage. With these combined elements that are seen to be exact opposites of eachother, Nobya uses this powerful contradiction to take down her foes with such ease and elegance though must suffer the consequences for using a foreign Dragon Slayer element that has now resided within her body, though she will not be able to use Light Dragon Slayer magic seperately from her original magic Darkness Dragon slayer magic. With these combined forces as well Nobya is also invulnerable to the harsh elements of Light and Dark which gives Nobya the ability to still retain clear vision whether it be too bright or too dark Nobya uses these advantages in order to take down blinded opponents who may be vulnerable to the harsh affects of these lightings. When displayed for power, the magic particles radiating off her figure and off her magic spells is the combined colours of both yellow-white that intertwine with green-black which represents the original look of these elements respectively, as it is very frightening for enemies to see a burst of black and white streams heading for their position. Along with this Nobya is able to consume both elements for more power, so alongside the fact that she can consume Darkness magic spells as well as negative feelings right next to her, when Light Darkness Dragon Mode is activated Nobya is able to consume positive feelings such as happiness and care from standing next to those who express it along with consuming the enegrgy from Light magic spells.

  • Light Darkness Dragon Roar (ライト・ダークネスドラゴン・ロア Raito dākunesudoragon roa) is the extreme combination of a Light Dragon Roar combined with a Darkness Dragon Roar, something that proves to be most deadly when used properly. Before the user can do anything they must collect a certain amount of ethernano from their ethernano magic suppl in order to power up the spell for it to work, concentrating on moving the ethernano within themselves to their throat as the magic from there begins building up the more the user waits to let out that energy. As the energy within her throat really does build up the ethernano begins taking an change on itself as the less space that the ethernano has the more pressure there is on the magic particles as it strives to get released out from their container as there are repelling ethernano particles also building up underneath them, and when activated allows the magic user to effectively push the built up energy within their throat just enough to send it propelling through the air as it cuts and smashes through the atmosphere to get to the target. With just a simple open of the jaw and the exertion and powering or activating of the repelling magic particles, the caster of Light Darkness Dragon Roar lets out the iconic roar of a dragon as the built up pressure of the ethernano quickly and violently pushes the ethernano out her throat and out of her mouth, somehow holding the ethernano together as it is pushed out in a specific location which the ethernano keeps together by pushing it into a blast of Light Darkness magic energy, leaving a devastating effect on human life forms as the built energy and the combined collision of the constructed Dragon roar solidifies itself into a physical material as it swiftly and violently crushes the target from the front.
  • Light Darkness Dragon Fist (ライト・ダークネスドラゴン・フィスト Raito dākunesudoragon fi) Aswell with the roar, Light Darkness Dragon fist is once again another combination of both opposite energies due to Nobya having boacquired both the elemnts of Light magic and Darkness magic. The spell starts off with Nabyo concentrating and thinking which somehow commands the magic particles from her magic supply to flow through her body but this time now into her hands which have special areas for the magic particles to build up in order for those that unluckily have to battle against her, the special area in her hand allows the built up magic to take effect as it escapes her hand with every collision that it does in order to resemble the famed Dragon Fist attack. Light Darkness Dragon Fist hardens the energy so that when built up it will start radiating the particles that were used to create the Light Darkness Dragon Slayer Fist as it slowly and individually drops out from her hand and back into the atmosphere for mages to absorb from the sky. This combination of seeping powerful Darkness magic energy as well as the raw strength of the fused dragon fist with Nabyo's strength, creates a lethal weapon at Nabyo's disposal as the radiation from the Dragon Fist leaves grievous and very dangerous marks on their opponent as the fist collides with the target, hurting them greatly if they were not very prepared for such a collision. Just like Light Darkness Dragon Claw, Light Darkness Dragon Fist doesn't last too long but just long enough or it to be done for a good combination and flurry of moves combined with Light Darkness Dragon Claw which surprisingly, when combined with one of Nabyo's weaker spells prove to be one of her strongest techniques in the Dragon Slaying art, as the pure strength and force put into the combination somehow make it stronger as even though the magic has split into the four points of her body, they have increased in damage and impact as a result of such an enhancement.
  • Light Darkness Dragon Claw (ライト・ダークネスドラゴン・クロー Raito dākunesudoragon kurō) Just like the two other basic moves of Light Darkness Dragon Mode, Light Darkness Dragon Claw is no different as it too has the properties of both the elemnts of Light magic and Darkness magic. Light Darkness Dragon claw although has more properties besides the Light Darkness Dragon Roar and Fist, as it greatly enhances the distances Nobya can cover with the increase of power when using claw as sort of apropeller into the sky. The spell begins with Nabyo thinking and concentrating on the thought of exerting her inner magic force to her lower legs and feet, as they travel down the body of Nabyo's and start to enhance the mages body's feet and legs as they begin radiating and burning off a dark light that flickers in the wind as it burns brightly but doesn't effect her at all. Nabyo can see when the spell is being prepared and ready as the fire at her feet become extremely intense as she can now feel some sort of heat from below her waist as she awaits the next part of her plan which mainly should be her stroking the opponent with her now magical enhanced feet which now delivers extreme blows from every kick that Nabyo does to her opponent, taking more and more effect the more that the mage continues kicking her opponent. The flame that has been brought on to enhance her legs will not last too long and should last her long enough to send out a flurry of leg strikes which can quite easily kick out a tree that will be sent flying in the opposite direction just from a simple collision with the mage's foot. Light Darkness Dragon Claw even though might be her less powerful spell, this spell of her Dragon Slaying arsenal can be quite deadly when combined with her Light Darkness Dragon Fist as many hits from this combination and flurry of attacks will be one of her deadliest and most lethal aspect to her capabilities as a mage.
  • Polar Lily: Black Burst (ポーラー・リリー:ブラック・バースト Pōrā rirī: Burakku bāsuto) Sort of like a Light Darkness Dragon Fist where it involves building up energy within Nobya's arm inorder to power up the strength of that limb when she comes in contact with thembody of her target, Black Burst is something of an upgrade as it not only delivers quite a punch when hitting someone but it also explodes on impact as Nobya releases the enrgy within, as it effectively repels all built up energy wothin the powered fist in order to force the enemy even more back with more damage due to the sudden burst of Light and Darkness element energy combined. Nobya begins this just as how she would start off a Light Darkness Dragon Fist move by gathering amounts of energy of both elements into a fist or even two depending on how much ethernano magic particles Nobya wants to use up, exerting the magical energy into the limb as the pressure and tight compactness of the space for the ethernano magical particles begin closing into the spaces, becoming more and more cramped unlike the other spells as this special method helps in the burst part of the Secret Art. Nobya then proceeds to punch her fist or fists into a specific target with great raw strength and force, which can be aided if Nbya was to have a run up to her target, which the velocity and speed can help enhance her raw strength which is extremely valuable to the execution of her Black Burst. When enough strength is used and the fist finally collides with a spot of the target the energy not only radiates of her hand as the fist suddenly becomes extra solid thanks to the Light Darkness Dragon Fist but on command with excessive force and hard concentration on the magic inside her fist just before it fades out, Nobya can violently release the contained energy within her hand to explode on impact as it meets the surface, where the energy from Light and Darkness magic violently and substantially decimate anything it meets contact with.

Teleportation Magic[]

Teleportation Magic (瞬身の魔法 Shunshin no Mahō) is a primarily Caster Magic that allows the user of the special magic to teleport and transport themselves along with others providing that his accomplices are solid objects and are also in physical contact with the user to what ever location the user of the Teleportation Magic wishes, provided that the limit for their teleportation is just enough distance away from them as well as the user of the magic can remember what the area that he wants to teleport to looks like in order for the spell to work. Users of the teleportation magic can teleport however they wish and can use this special magic in combat as well besides its transportaion abilities as a magic, no matter where they teleport to they will always somehow get there due to the teleportation process of the mage's thought which is a key factor in teleportation and the transportation of subjects to and from a location with the use of their magical energy. To begin this spell users of the teleportation mahic must concentrate magic to spread across their body which shows as the mage starts glowing or fading depending on how strong your magic is to cast this spell, with Nabyo's being that she will glow intensely before bursting in a small explosion of bright light as she disappears from the scene. If joining someone through the teleportation, the magic would then proceed to go through that person's body just as it does the caster, however it is only temporary and doesn't give the other person the same magicka for them to cast teleportation, along with weapons and other solid objects that the user of the magic holds with them. The magic within their bodies begin breaking apart as the break down the mage's form as they transfer to another location, building the mage back up as they take their form once again after the magic particles have bonded back together as the user's body has finally regained their physicality from the magic particles regenerating his body muscles once again.

Summoning Magic[]

Summoning Magic (召しの魔法, Meshi no Mahō) is primarily a Caster Magic and sometimes Holder Magic that allows the mages utelises Summoning Magic to bring forth and summon up other things from a compltely different location, maybe dimension even, from just thin air combined with their magic particles. Summoning Magic is a magic that can be catalyzed by two different sources: a magical item such as a scepter, or one's own magical energy. By using one's magical power and subjugating an animate or inanimate object (animals and weapons, per-say), one highlights a seal of sorts onto them. This seal connects the two users magically, and when an individual has recited an incantation or gone through a simple process, they may transport the object from somewhere else to their own location. Several individuals utilize this magic to summon beasts that they have subjugated, in a similar manner to Take Over. However, unlike Take Over spells, the beasts use their own powers in combat. However, dependent on the summoner, the attitude of the beast may go haywire and attempt to overwhelm the summoner instead. Also, summoning inanimate objects such as weapons or large objects is easier, as they do not have a conscious to act upon. This can make it similar to Requip, in a way, except without the hundred-items limit. With Nabyo most of her summoning magics involve the summoning subjects to be in another realm or dimension from Earth Land where they are contained by Nabyo through a special kind of spell used to collect the beings and weapons for her summoning spells. Though many of these summoning creatures are not as strong as Celestial beings of any kind they are still very dangerous and threatening to one's wellbeing, as these creatures were caught by Nabyo from other lands as they now serve her till the very end.

  • Beast Summoning Magic (野獣召しの魔法, Yajūmeshi no Mahō) is very similar to Summoning Magic in the fact that this magic allows the user to bring forth objects from another dimension, or point in space, and have them appear in the space where they place a magic circle. However, this particular type of magic require the user to make a contract with a creature with whom they can use in combat. In order to make a contract with a beast and have them be summoned into the caster's dimension, a caster must create a magical seal unique to said beast. By concentrating magical energy into the palm of the hand, the caster can create a unique magic circle that can be "tattooed" or "stamped" onto the body of the beast; similar to the process of receiving a guild mark. This summoning seal connects the users magic with that of the beasts; allowing the beast to appear when their particular magic seal is drawn by the caster on the battlefield. This seal also allows the user and the beast to communicate with one another through the process of sending the user's ethernano in unique pulses to that of the creature's brain, allowing them to process speech, even if the species themselves is unable to reciprocate. The beast themselves to not rely on the casters magical energy, like that of a Celestial Spirit, and are free to use their own magical power during a fight. However, in order to be summoned, the caster must use the magical energy equal to at least 60% of the creatures magical energy. This means that the more powerful the beast that is being summoned, the more magical energy must be used by the caster to get the beast to their own point in space. This rule is easy to overcome when the beast being summoned is not of the magical nature, and relies on brute force or innate abilities like flying, but when calling upon a creature with whom holds a great deal of spells at their disposal, a mage will have to have an exceptional amount of skill to bring forth the creature to the battlefield. It is possible to summon more than one creature to the battlefield as long as the combined power of the two beasts do not exceed that of the caster, if so, the caster will be drained of energy immediately.
    • Gozu and Mezu, The Underworld's Guardians (ゴズとメズ、アンダーワールドのガーディアン Gozu to mezu, andāwārudo no gādian) is the name of the two underworld guardians that guard the gates of the afterlife as the spirits find their way to eternal piece within it's premises, though must face punishment and judgement by both the dark spirits, the brother and sister Gozu and Mezu, also known as the Horse and the Ox. These two are always summoned together no matter what as they are bound together by thr forces of magic in order to keep the balance and peace of the gates, resulting them in sharing multiple powers as well as learning how to cooperate skillfully in order to execute several unison raids between them perfectly on the first go. Even though both share many powerful magics between them, they also have their own unique magics from eachother just for the difference betwen the partnership and bounding of the two, such as Gozu the Ox-man utelising Strengthening Magic and Earth Magic where as his sister Mezu the Horse-woman casts magics based in types such as High Speed as well as using Wind Magic that their magics can somehow relate to their animal base. Serving under Nabyo the two spirits are more than capable to use their brute strength and power to fight off enemies but both lack coordination and commands from a higher up in order for them to properly use these magics in order to help Nabyo win her fights, where Nabyo proves to be the commanding force for the two siblings, following the orders down to the smallest detail as they complete their tasks with no failure. Both spirits utilise alongside eachother Barrier Magic, Rift Action and Magical Aura.
    • Satori
      Satori (悟り Satori) is one of Nabyo's earlier summoning spirits and one of the closest things to family besides Mago whilst she lives within Ishgar alongside her guild, seeing the spirit as a father figure compared to her real father Ulo as the two try to protect each-other as best as they can. Satori is one of Nabyo's more powerful summons due to his use for Telepathy, Telekinesis, Strengthening Magic and Nullification Magic though he would only learn the basics for these magics because he is also well equipped with powerful raw strength and expertise in hand to hand combat, which Satori was actually Nabyo's teacher in the hand to hand combat arts that Nabyo has learned to day all thanks to her closest summon. Extremely loyal to the safety and well being of Nabyo, Satori will do anything he can to make sure that him and Nabyo are safe whenever he is summoned forth to her side, as the two can cooperate very clearly and expertly thanks to the many training sessions that Satori had spent with Nabyo during her young age of being a wizard. He is recognized by the House of Hogi and is also considered as a member of the grand royal family due to his association and relationship with Nabyo much to the pleas and demands of the young daughter as she has tried very hard for the family to accept Satori as one of them. Capable in fighting by himself, Satori does sometimes exclaim for assistance in fighting when he knows that he must and is highly intelligent where he can think up small plans that may just work well enough for them to achieve the victory that they are working for. Being the adviser for Nabyo, Satori assists Nabyo with reminding her several notifications as he also serves her as her personal butler and server wherever she goes whenever in Ishgar due to not having any servants with her in the other continent.
    • Manda01
      Manda, The Manananggal (マンダ、クリーチャー Manda, kurīchā) is a demon spirit that serves underneath the commands and authority of her current summoner Nabyo, as it utilises it's pure strength and inhuman ruthlessness to combat against opponents though can be calmed down by Nabyo if the goal is to not mercilessly slaughter her opponent. Taking the form of a bat-winged woman with pale white skin, Manda the Manananggal is a true force to be reckoned with due to her utilization of Shadow Magic, Aera and Darkness Magic to take down her opponents with ease whilst also using her sword which comes along with her summoning from the different plane of existence that Manda resides whilst not needed for battle. A soul purely for the love of war and the addiction to killing, Manda is strictly an offensive strategy when devising and executing plans for her extreme capability with a blade as well as having full knowledge of how to do these magics in order to serve Nabyo willingly as she takes out her enemies. Driving on an endless bloodlust Manda will strike heavily against her opponents no matter their strength compared to Manda's as she only cares for the death of others as well as completing the tasks appointed to her by her master whilst on the plane serving on in the world of Earth Land. Able to work any days due to being a summoning spirit of Nabyo's and not really a Celestial Spirit, Manda does get bored due to how less that she is called upon due to her only use for violence and war though when she is summoned however, Manda is extremely loyal and doesn't disappoint as she never fails to complete an objective willingly. Manda also has the strange ability to split her body in half as it greatly increases her strength though it does leave her lower body vulnerable to attacks, which it needs so that it can stay on the land but if it was to somehow get destroyed then she would be immediately sent back to her own plane of existence in order to grow back new legs which until then cannot be called upon for another three months, which is an unbearable amount of time for both Manda and Nabyo alike. Manda to Nobya was more of a childhood friend than a contract, as both beings shared the feelings of care belonging to eachothers as they have spent a close bond since Nobya was a child.

Physical Abilties[]

Magical Aura (魔力の霊気, Maryoku no Reiki) A Magical Aura is a common term given to the exertion of magical energy into a form outside of Nabyo's body that isn't used in the formation of spells. It has been demonstrated by various mages of varying potency, and is a common means of intimidation. A magical aura is created when the body's container of Eternano particles exceeds the limits of what it contains, or is purposefully released by Nabyo. Upon doing so, the magical energy surges around the body and is exerted outwards in the form of an aura, which holds considerable pressure surrounding it. Depending on the level of magical power one possesses and the control behind it, it can be used as a means to intimidate another individual, or as a preparation for a powerful spell. A single magical aura can have a wide variety of effects dependent on the power an individual exerts, which will be outlined in the following sections. A standard aura is produced by mages with a moderate level of magical power within their body. By exerting it outward, it forms a thin layer of pressure that can cause one to be intimidated if they aren't a mage, or if they are a rather weak mage. This is generally demonstrated by individuals of S-Class strength when they are holding back, or when standard mages are showing that they are entering their full reserves of power. It should be noted that the density of this aura, by a S-Class mage, can cause physical attacks to be repelled with notable ease.

Ki no Michi (木の道, Ki no Michi lit. "The Way of the Tree") is a martial arts style created by the monks of the Minstrel Mountains. It is said that the monks created it to be an integration of their martial arts practices and the personal expression of their philosophy to "live like that of a tree. Staying sturdy with deep roots, even in the face of a growing storm or scorching sun." This fast paced, flexible style of martial arts focuses on neutralizing an attack early on or using Nabyo momentum and predicted trajectory to dodge said attack for a counter. It emphasizes a majority of throwing techniques and joint manipulations, although the use of a mages Ki, later realized to be eternano, is of great importance when delivering an effective block or counter. Also of particular importance is the timing of a defensive technique, either to blend or to neutralize an attack's effectiveness and to use the force of the attacker's movement against him. This means that a mage must be of fast body and mind in order to read an opponents intentions and movements in order to effectively block.

  • God Cedar Cranial Descent (神杉頭蓋降下, Kamisugi Tōgai Kōka): Working best as in immediate counter move to follow an opponent's momentum, however, this move does require a great deal of strength to aid in the execution. As an opponent comes in for an attack, the mage will target the leading foot and scoop one the opponents thighs with their free hand. Using the opponents momentum to aid in their ascension, the mage will lift their opponent upside down so that their head is the closest point of contact to the earth. The mage will then proceed to drop to their side or back, driving the opponent into the earth on their neck and shoulders, or on the top of their head. If executed properly this move will follow one fluid motion and can leave the opponent with severe dizziness, a concussion, cracked cranium, paralysis, or even death if the opponent happens to land in such a way.
  • Great Banyan Dance (大きなガジュマルの踊り, Ōkina Gajumaru no Dansu): Beginning with an ethernano pulse from a low rise kick to the opponent's sternum, a mage is effectively knocked up into the air. Afterwards, the practitioner's moves will differ based on the opening they see. They will typically swivel gracefully to land a kick to the left side of their opponent. This will shift the opponents center of gravity on their fall to cause them fall on their side. On the opponents decent, a backhand strike to the face will shift the opponent's body to be parallel with the ground. It finishes with a ethernano infused punch to the gut upon the opponents impact with the ground. This final blow has been seen to break ribs, and never fails to knock the wind straight out of their lungs. Mages have been seen infusing their own magic into the hits to make this dance much more lethal and powerful.
  • Jaya Sri Maha Kick (ジャヤスリマハキック, Jayasurimahakikku): Once the practitioner is able to see an opening, they focus a great deal of ethernano into their leg for power, while also maintaining their center of balance and delivers a kick at the opponent's weak spot. The only major weakness of this technique is that Nabyo has to focus a great deal of ethernano into their legs, forcing them to lower the power given to their arms; this can be covered by an X guarded stance, or use the free leg to block as well. With the swiftness and power concentrated into the leg, this is easily break bones if an opponent holds no defensive protection. This is also a versatile skill that can be used to launch a practitioner into the air with a vertical distance of 45 feet.
  • Jōmon Sugi Thrust (縄文杉の推力, Jōmon Sugi no Suiryoku): This technique begins with an open palm uppercut to the opponent's chin at close range. Once the hand is placed against the opponent's chin, the free hand is then used to strike the connected elbow. The force created from both hands is now behind a single point that's in contact with the opponent's chin. Since the hand is already in contact with the opponent's chin, they won't be able to evade the second hit. This is a skillful move to evade a grasp, as your opponent is within range and would not be able to stand the backward force to their spinal column without releasing their hold.
  • Chankiri Revenge (チャンキリ復讐, Chankiri Fukushū): With one arm cocked back, and the other extended forward, the practioner throws a punch from the drawn-arrow stance. The mage delivers an swift punch forward to the chest, using a pulse of ethernano to knock the wind out of the chest. A swift turn of the hips will send the other hand to dig into the heart with wrist bent and elbow facing downward. The end result can lead to cardiac arrest from blunt trauma to the heart. This move does take a great skill of precision to deliver the second blow through the spacing of the ribs.So a mage must practice on a multitude of targets before delivering such a fatal blow.
  • Kannimara Chord Cut (カニマラコードカット, Kanimara Kōdokatto): while in a fighting stance, the lead fist is thrown straight ahead and the arm is fully extended. With fingers extended outward, Nabyo covers their hand in a coat of ethernano; at the moment of impact, the pronated hand is generally held in a horizontal orientation with the palm facing the ground. The power of this attack comes from it's ability to cut the vessels of it's opponent when executed with enough force. Using two fingers can cut off blood flow until the pressure is released, three can cause severe bruising, four fingers can cut superficial nerves and vessels, and 5 finger can damage muscle fibers.
  • Tembusu Mania Blitz (テンブスブリッツマニア, Tenbusu Burittsumania): This strike follows a downward push of the target's own strike by applying fierce pressure to the joint's of the target's striking limb and causing it to lose it's consecutive momentum. Afterwards, fighter had to stiff his body to it's utmost limits on the moment of impact. When the practitioner uses it at the right moment in a strike, all of his joints will be fixed. Although difficult, if done correctly,they will strike with the weight of their whole body. When the strike is covered in ethernano, and comes in contact with the water that makes up the human body, it sends a shock wave through the body that can temporarily paralyze the target.

Piguàquán (, Piguakuan lit. Chop-Hanging Fist), also referred to as Piguàzhǎng (, Piguachan lit. Chop-Hanging Palm) is the name of a form of martial arts which is focused around the use of palm strikes and explosive, long-range power. Piguàquán is a martial art which revolves around the use of palm strikes. Piguàquán is more often than not initiated by the martial artist whom wields its power assuming particular fighting stances, such as bending their knees and diagonally stretching their arms upwards, allowing them to assault foes with great force and accuracy with whipping motions from their heavy hands which are augmented by using all of the body's mass. The majority of the power of Piguàquán is derived from the forward surging kinetic forces produced by the user's arms as they accelerate forth while rotating – the user allows the laws of the world, such as gravity and momentum lead their hands forwards, keeping their arms relaxed while striking as to give the user the feeling of being light as a feather whereas their hands are as heavy as steel. As a martial art, Piguàquán's main purpose is that of unbalancing, throwing the opponent off-guard and open to attacks through strikes, locks, grappling, throws, and takedowns – however, striking is more often not the best "weapon" in a user's arsenal.

  • Dān Pī Zhǎng (, Danpaichan lit. Single Splitting Palm): Dān Pī Zhǎng is a basic Piguàquán technique which involves the user lashing out with a single palm strike. When performing this technique, the user focuses for the briefest of moments, before striking outwards with an open palm that shoots forth like a bullet with a relaxed motion that's also quite limited as to ensure that the movement of the palm packs such a velocity that very few indicators of it beginning can be perceived even by the keenest of eyes; and while being launched towards the opponent, the user's arm rotates rather swiftly, generating a powerful force that grants the user's arm incredible penetrative and destructive power while still deceiving the enemy through its movements being as free as a river, giving off the visage of a lashing whip speeding towards the opponent. The motion also causes a rather prominent upsurge of gravel and the like from below the user as an exemplary trait of its incredible power and speed – with the force produced by the technique focused upon the striking open palm of the user, the attack connects with the user's target, producing incredible power that deals an enormous amount of damage, commonly winding the opponent if not straight-up blowing them away. The Dān Pī Zhǎng, as a Piguàquán technique, is capable of being utilized in various methods, such as the stationary manner, when the user is advancing, throwing the opponent alongside the move, bolstering the move with an uppercutting motion, evading and then striking, and stepping around the enemy before striking.

Reduced Earth (縮地, Shukuchi) is a basic high-speed movement technique, developed long before magic became commonplace; effectively, through the user slamming their foot upon earth ten times in a split second, they are capable of kicking off the ground in the blink of an eye and live up to the technique's name of "reduced earth" as the technique shrinks the distance between the user and their target in a split second. When performing Reduced Earth, the user focuses the majority of their body weight to one of their legs of the briefest of moments, before stomping the foot where most of their weight is focused upon the solid surface of where the user is standing at a rapid velocity before shifting the weight back to the rest of their frame, generating enough thrust to propel the user forward at incredible speeds, at least akin to a master of High Speed and defying the abilities of Slowing Magic; accelerating at velocities that are almost untraceable to reach short or long distances near instantaneously- it should be taken into consideration that in order to perform the technique at all, the user requires a solid surface to kick into and thus produce enough thrust.

  • Afterimage Reduced Earth (残像縮地, Zanzō Shukuchi): A variant of the bog-standard Reduced Earth high-speed movement technique- Afterimage Reduced Earth, as the name would suggest, it allows the user to produce various afterimages while in motion. When performing Afterimage Reduced Earth, the user increases the amount of times they slam their foot down upon a solid surface from ten times in a row to fifteen- this produces much more thrust, which, while it doesn't increase the user's speed when inducing the technique as it logically should, it does have an arguably more useful function-the sheer thrust produced results in the user's swift physical movements instead form an intangible and transparent distorted decoy-like doppelganger of the user that follows their movements in accordance, remaining behind them at varying distances for the duration of the Reduced Earth technique. By themselves, the afterimages produced by this iteration of the high-speed movement are incapable of acting out of their own "will" autonomously, but rather, are an indication of the velocity that the user is moving at despite no real change in movement speed- however, that's where its true utility lies at. The afterimages produced by Afterimage Reduced Earth are capable of confounding opponents who are unable to follow the user's movements; often, it is common for an opponent to attack an afterimage in the belief that the decoy is the real deal and they are about to land a killing blow, only for it to vanish and scatter harmlessly to the winds, whereas the actual user appears somewhere else, commonly flanking the enemy's side while giving no indication of their movements, allowing the user to counterattack instantly with very little opportunity for the opponent to evade the incoming strike.

Expert Swordsman Her time training under both the military in both Fiore and Mys has served Nabyo well as she is more than capable when wielding blades of her own, from the intense drills and training that they had put her through in order for Nabyo to achieve expertmanship in swordsmanship, giving Nabyo the cutting edge when battling opponents with swords.

  • Sword Pressure (剣圧, Ken'atsu): When performing the Sword Pressure technique, the user swings forward with their sword, swinging the blade so swiftly that it seems that the user is able to utilize air itself to slice enemies, focusing a current of wind to the point where it takes on a sharp edge, which the user launches at foes; sending it through the air towards the user's enemy. It is a powerful blade of pressure that appears as faint ripples of wind that is launched towards the foe at high speeds; this attack enables the user to assault things which are out of their sword's range, sending slashes which fly through the air itself; and can even remain floating in it until the right moment to slash. The person struck by the sword pressure is assaulted by countless invisible blades which happens so fast that they would normally be unable to properly react in time, carving up their body. Also, the strong wind power will blow away all incoming projectile weapons and will even make the opponent unable to stay on their feet; this technique possesses enough power to slice down many trees in a forest. This technique can deflect both physical and sound wave attacks and attack at the same time, making it both an offensive and defensive technique. These blades of wind possess incredible range and devastating power; and at its highest level of mastery, the sword pressure is capable of cutting through barriers of magical energy; and they can even remain floating within the air until the right minute to slash.

Immense Durability: Besides her immense strength and stamina, Nabyo's most identifiable aspect is her immense durability which allows her to take in several hundred hits to her body before breaking down in pain, allowing her to last longer in fights and outmatch her opponent must they share the same pain. This immense durability allows Nabyo to easily stop incoming missiles of magic with just her body as well as high speed projectiles which she can stop with just the catch of his hand, creating the appearance of a god-like figure that is immune to pain. With this aspect Nabyo can fall from several feet from the air and get back up as if nothing happened, allowing her to get back into the fight quickly as she brushes himself off from the fall.
