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Dragon Gunfire Mark Image By Dragon Gunfire/Othrys Genre Rating Reviews Updates
More from Dragon Gunfire/Othrys Action-Adventure PG--13 No update page
Othrys Arc: The City on the Mountains is the extensive property of Black Dwarf Star. This is my property which means no touching, no referencing and no alteration whatsoever. You wanna show your grammar skills? Good. Go somewhere else. But seriously, edit this and there will be consequences. Peace!

Othrys Image
Othrys Arc: The City on the Mountains



Crocus, Fiore

Main Character

Dragon Gunfire

Theme Song

Silhouette by KANA-BOON

A storyline pitting the resident guild of Crocus, Fiore, Dragon Gunfire, against the powerhouse hidden in Caelum, Othrys.


Everything had been going fine in Dragon Gunfire, until one fateful day.  Two men attacked Crocus, killing many civilians and deliver a message: they are two members of the Six Titans of War of Othrys (a city hidden in Caelum), and they've captured Dragon Gunfire Mage, William Harrison.  The full force of Dragon Gunfire must come together to rescue their comrade, and destroy Othrys once and for all.  But it's easier said than done, as Othrys not only employs the Titans, but the four Cardinals as well; the highest ranking military members in the city.  And on top of that, their power still pales in comparison to that of the country's leader: Lord Cronus Saturnalia, the Man that's Lived 5 Lifetimes.  Can Dragon Gunfire surmount the odds and defeat this nation, or will they be the first casualties in Othrys' war on Ishgar.


Guild Members
Dragon Gunfire Mark Image

Aether head Miriam Cade Image William Harrison Image Serr Theia timeskip Chase head Sykushi K3 V1 Timothy Futuro1 Lucian New

Othrys Image

Cronus Saturnalia Image N1eoiQo Hyperion Lucis Image Saiga kin Rhea tat Hyouka pic 1 Blaine Pheles Image Herald Protista Image Chi Yagami Renzo Eleanor(MSE) Gundahar 00 Darius Xerxes Image Ryuichi God Slayer Mode Fragor Image Mareko head


Neptunia-08-05 Oscar Miles Image Black Knight Image Janus Saturnalia Image Natalia(MSE) Colt(MSE)


