"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Property: Capitalism 101." |
Quelda | |
Kanji |
クエルダ |
Rōmaji |
Kuereda |
Location |
Quelda (クエルダ, Kuereda; lit. Queldan "Star People") is a race originating in the world of Iluyón. Known as elves to residents of Earth Land, they are well-regarded for their intuitive grasp of magic, longevity, and beauty. Simultaneously, they are derided for their supremacist attitudes, fighting a number of wars with the Niräle in their home world, while also drawing the ire of humans, dragons, and demons in EL. Hence, it's common to see them keep to their selves, creating Queldan exclusive settlements which grow into kingdoms over time.
Relationships With Other Races[]
Unsurprisingly, due in part to their conceit, and in part to trauma, they tend to have poor standing with other races. The greatest (and at times mutual) hostility is reserved for demons and descendant/related races. Said acrimony, bordering on hatred, stems from the eventually repressed invasion of Iluyón by demons and other Tehomian inhabitants. Despite the event and repression occurring millennia ago at this point, for a long-lived race like the quelda, it might as well have been yesterday. The result? Most quelda viewing even demons who had nothing to do with the war with suspicion, if not contempt. At best. As for the Niräle, the threat of conflict is constant, though usually instigated by hostile quelda keen on removing the "blight of a race" from their world. In terms of Earth Land, they tend to view most races, especially humans, as their inferior. However, they will extend grudging respect to those who can better them, namely dragons, while equals are tolerated. As for half-bloods, most are tolerated at best, and at worst ridiculed and ostracized. One notable exception are Velicëlda (, lit. Queldan "Great Elf, sometimes translated as Demigod"), who are actively celebrated and coveted for their divine lineage. They're often seen as a means of taking the race to new heights, ensuring its superiority over others.
Appearance & Physiology[]
One of their main traits are delicated pointed ears, varying in length. Most quelda are blondes, with the occasional brunette, redhead, or even pink haired quelda. Eye colors reflect the gods which contributed to the race's creation, alternating between shades of aqua, green, blue, and brown. Purple is also seen on occasion. Perhaps their greatest point of pride, however, is their fair skin tone, neither too pale as to be "ghastly", nor too dark as to be "swarthy". All too aware of their attractiveness in the eyes of other races, when combined with their own pride, strict miscegenation laws have come into play, preventing interaction with most races they deem Nurmea (ニャーミア, Nyaamia; lit. Queldan "Subordinate").
Because the race was created by the hands of not one, but three Táaino, they are considered rather powerful. Queldan magic reserves are enough to not only top the terrestrial races of earth land, but also rival earth land deities; in the case of quelda from Iluyón, they may even exceed majority of earth land gods. Such power also lends itself to an innate understanding of ethernano; as a result, Queldan tend to make up a disproportionate amount of leading scholars on magic theory. Likewise, these magic reserves also lend themselves to a potent life force, with queldans on average living five hundred to a thousand years; one high elf lived to see their six thousandth birthday. Naturally, there are trade-offs. While magically gifted, quelda tend to be physically lacking; they often weaker than the average human. Additionally, fertility among the quelda is low, with few conceiving more than one or two children in their lifetime, forcing them to seek other avenues to continue their race's proliferation. Likewise, their very high magic power makes them vulnerable to forms of anti-magic and magic barrier particles.