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Fairy Tail Fanon Wiki

Scorpius woke up suddenly with a cold sweat. I wonder what that dream was about Scorpius asked himself. Whatever I feel like training a bit. I wonder who would want to. So he got up and went into the main hall of the guild, got a drink of water and asked loudly, "Anyone want to spar?".

Niklas turns around and looks at Scorpius like everyone else. Most people don't say anything, and knowing that to Scorpius sparring is fun, Niklas knew it wouldn't be nice to deny a favor. "I'll spar, bud", Niklas calls out.

"Alright sweet! I'll meet you in the training area." Scorpius said jogging to get ready.

Once Niklas arrived, "So shall we start?" Scorpius asked.

"Sure", says Niklas, putting up his hands in a fighting position.

"Alright" Scorpius said also in a fighting stance. "I'll start with Torrent! Water Pistols!" Suddenly a large typhoon like storm kicked up above the two, while Scorpius started shooting towards Niklas with bullets of water.

Niklas flips backwards to dodge the bullets. "Nice! Now I'm going to show you something that Arthur taught me how to do!". Niklas grabs one key from the golden gate keys he so dearly held on too and then also held out his other hand. "Figured it out yet?", says Niklas smirking.

"I'm guessing you are going to summon a celestial spirit to face me? Well bring it on. They can't be too tough to fight." Scorpius said, now with a storm in his eyes that matched the intensity of the storm above.

"Not just a celestial spirit", Niklas smirked. "You met this guy indirectly in training. So to make sure I still lose magic energy but you get your days worth out of this, I'll summon my strongest bear spirit AND a celestial spirit every time you defeat one.". "Summon the Banished Bear God......Open Gate of the Paired Fish......Bjorn! Pisces!". Bjorn and Pisces appear. Bjorn gets his 20 ft large axe into position while Pisces swirls in circles. The bear and spirit charge Scorpius. One on the right one straight towards him.

"Not bad. Impressive you can keep a gate and summon open at the same time. But it won't be enough, since I have yet to go full force against you Niklas." Scorpius said before he grabbed Vainglorious. He shouted "Spike fall!" Causing shots of water to be fired in quick succession from the tip of his staff. As the shots closed in, they hardened into spikes and needles of ice, piercing and cutting into both Bjorn and Pisces.

Bjorn doesn't seem to be affected by the hits and charges even further. Pisces however seems to harden there scales, breaking the ice. "Ah, using my previous Magic I see. It's bad technique, let your arms flow in a movement similar to the water you bend." Niklas winks. Pisces swirls in a circle again and shoots water from behind to boost them toward Scorpius for a direct hit while Bjorn brings down his axe upon the water mage.

Quickly, Scorpius dodged the falling axe, while getting grazed by Pisces attack. "You can do better than that" A voice said in Scorpius head. Damnit woman get out of my head. Scorpius yelled out "Geyser!" causing superheated water to launch up from the ground and hit Niklas, Bjorn, and Pisces.

The water swirls around Niklas and Bjorn as Pisces absorbs the water to create a shield around them by swirling in circles once more. Niklas smirks. "Come on Scorpius! You know Pisces is a water spirit!". Bjorn launches out of the shield and brings down his axe once more onto Scorpius.

"Tick tock Scorpius. My knight should easily tear their throats out. You can do that for me can't you?" A seductive undertone was heard in the voice. "Leave... Me...Alone!!" Scorpius yelled as he condensed all of the water in the room around himself to where everything was arid as a desert. "Is that all you can do? Please win for me Scorpius." "Like hell I will do what you want." Scorpius said angrily. His aura started to glow as the water around him blasted outward violently in Scorpius' Whirlpool attack, causing the whole room to flood to the brim, cycling around quickly dragging Niklas, Bjorn, and Pisces with it.

Pisces dives underwater and is unseen for a time, while Niklas is almost swallowed by the swirling water. "Bjorn *gasp* help me!",Niklas shouts. Bjorn grabs Niklas and his big hands and holds him gently as Niklas coughs out water. "Throw me at him", Niklas is able to say. Bjron nods and throws Niklas at Scorpius. Niklas flat in the air and readies his fist for impact. Niklas gets closer  closer until he is just inches away from Scorpius' face.

Scorpius melted away into his water form, appearing behind Niklas. He then shouted "Scattershot!" Causing all of the water in the room to shoot at Niklas.

Niklas grabs his staff, Arbre d'étoiles and stabs it into the ground. Trees grow around Niklas creating a dense shield of trees to protect him from the attack. The water makes impact with the trees and dissipates.

"Come on Scorpius. You can do better than this. This guy is a pushover." the voice in Scorpius' head said. Leave me alone already witch. "I am not a witch. I am a demigoddess and your master. Now kill him!" "NO!" Scorpius stopped his attack for a moment to rest. He sighed and said, "Okay Niklas. You have gotten faster which is good. Come at me."

The trees clear showing Niklas kneeling down. "You know, this isn't training Scorpius. You can come at me with your full force. And are you ok? Your sweating like a Magnolian Fire Pig."

"It...it's nothing. Alright I will come at you with my all. Take this! Acid Rain! Aqua Blades!" Scorpius said through gritted teeth.

Niklas smirks. All of a sudden Bjorn comes out of nowhere to block Niklas while Pisces washes away the water with a beam of heated water. They then start to transform into there human form. Niklas puts his hand in an X. "Toy Bear Shot!". 2 dozen heads shoot towards Scorpius, surrounded in a green aura.
