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This article Slow Magic, has content directly taken from our mother site. All credit of the content goes to the respective authors of the content, the original article may be read here: "Fairy Tail Wiki".
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Slowing Magic-1
Slow Magic



Caster Magic
Time Magic


Feng Long
Magnus Octavian
Chronos Suima
August (via Copy)

Slow Magic (遅いの魔法(スローマジック) Surō Majikku) is a Caster Magic and type of Time Magic that slows down time in the area around the caster.


Slow Magic is an area-effect Magic that allows the user to slow down whatever they wish within a certain radius of themselves; doing so makes themselves appear as if they are moving much faster than they actually are. Should anyone be outside of the area of effect and be viewing the caster's performance, they appear to be moving at their usual, normal speed. This Magic also only works on sentient, living beings, as the original caster, Sawyer wasn't able to slow down Gray's arrow when it entered his sphere of influence.


Racer's Spells[]

  • Motor (モータ Motā): Combining hand-to-hand combat with Slow Magic, the user rushes towards their opponents and then jumps into the air upside down and starts rotating, beating everything around them with their legs.
  • Gear Change: Red Zone (ギアチェンジレッドゾーン Gia Chenji: Reddo Zōn): The user's Magic seal becomes red and they can travel at their maximum speed; in other words, they delay the rate of how others perceive time even further, allowing them to "move faster".
  • Nitro (ニトロ Nitoro): The user uses Slow Magic to slow down targets in front of them before dashing forward and delivering a punch.
  • Rocket (ロケット Roketto): The user slows down targets above them and then charges at them.
  • Zeroyon (ゼロヨン Zeroyon): With a knife in hand, the user slows down their target with Slow Magic, then rushes at them, slashing the target with said knife multiple times.