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Solid Script



Caster Magic


Levy McGarden
Taiyou Araki
Shelly Vamiro
Shamus Marchyone
Naomi Charity
Boo Drollinger
Valentine Shiramizu
Niklas Thoth

Solid Script (固体文字(リッドスクリプト) Soriddo Sukuriputo) is a Caster Type magic utilized by several mages. It allows her to make words solid and then throw them at her opponent. For instance, if the word "fire" were to be thrown at their opponent the victim would feel as if he were hit by a fireball. The words also appear as their actual substance but still maintain the actual word form. The words that they produce actually mimic the properties of the aspect they were based from. For example, Gajeel was seen being able to consume the word 'iron' that Levy supplied him to regenerate himself. Her magic style can also be used to counter similar types of magic, as Levy has been able to disrupt Freed's runes and Yomazu's Orient Solid Script skill.


Levy's Spells[]

  • Solid Script: Silent (固体文字静寂(ソリッドスクリプトサイレント) Soriddo Sukuriputo Sairento): Levy writes "Silent" in midair and launches it at the enemy. This word can be used to cancel sound-based attacks.
  • Solid Script: Fire (固体文字炎(ソリッドスクリプトファイア) Soriddo Sukuriputo Faia): Levy writes "Fire" on air and words begins to burn.
    • Heat Spell (ヒートスペル Hīto Superu): After using Solid Script: Fire, Levy summons blue fire from the word.
  • Solid Script: Iron (固体文字鉄(ソリッドスクリプトアイロン) Soriddo Sukuriputo Airon): Levy writes the word "Iron" in the air, causing the word to materialize into iron.
  • Solid Script: Guard (固体文字衛兵(ソリッドスクリプトアガード) Soriddo Sukuriputo Gādo): Levy writes the word "Guard" in the air. The word then transforms into a barrier that protects the user from their opponent's attacks.
  • Solid Script: Hole (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) ホール Soriddo Sukuriputo Hōru): Levy writes the word "Hole" on the ground, which acts as a pitfall, causing anyone who steps on it to fall down the hole. This spell also help drain any overflowing particles, in this variant however the O becomes the hole itself instead of the entire word.
  • Solid Script: Storm (固体文字暴風雨(ソリッドスクリプトストーム) Soriddo Sukuriputo Sutōmu): Levy brings her right arm in front of herself with the palm of the left hand behind the elbow, and then brings her arms to the other side of her body. Levy then incants the word "Storm", and subsequently a tornado is produced that can damage the opponent.
  • Solid Script: Oil (固体文字油(ソリッドスクリプトオイル) Soriddo Sukuriputo Oiru): Levy writes the word "Oil" in the air, producing extensive amounts of sticky black oil out of the word. This spell can be used to immobilize an opponent as large as an ordinary room.
  • Solid Script: Stone (固体文字結石(ソリッドスクリプトストーヌ) Soriddo Sukuriputo Sutōnu): Levy generates the word, "Stone" in midair and throws it towards the enemy.
  • Solid Script: Air (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) 空気(エア) Soriddo Sukuriputo Ea): By writing the word "air" midair, Levy creates a bubble from which air manifests itself, allowing those deprived of it to breathe with ease.
  • Solid Script: Markings (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) Soriddo Sukuriputo ): Levy materializes a luminous path which allows them to determine their location if they are to get lost. The markings resemble a pattern of encircled V's followed by several periods. The markings remain and will not vanish if Levy is knocked unconscious.
  • Solid Script: Water (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) Soriddo Sukuriputo ): Levy writes the word 'Water' in the air and sends an orb of light towards the enemy. The orb then turns into the word covered in water.
  • Solid Script: Thunder (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) Soriddo Sukuriputo ): With two outstretched fingers, Levy points upwards and shoots the word "Thunder" into the air. Bolts of lightning erupt from the user's fingers and rains down onto Levy's multiple enemies.
  • Solid Script: Drill (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) Soriddo Sukuriputo ): Levy holds out her hand and releases the word "Drill" . The word starts to spin towards the intended target, emanating drill-like sounds as it digs itself into rock tunnels.
  • Solid Script: Bullet (固体文字弾丸(ソリッドスクリプトブレット) Soriddo Sukuriputo Buretto): Levy waves her arm and releases a continuous outburst of energy pellets from the word "Bullet" to her target. Levy can also hold out her hand and releases multiple words of "Bullet" in the air and aiming it onto her target.
  • Solid Script: Shine (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) シャイン Soriddo Sukuriputo Shain): Levy spreads her arms and creates the word "Shine" in the air that generates a bright shining light around them. It is said to have holy properties.
  • Solid Script: Mask (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) マスク Soriddo Sukuriputo Masuku): Levy generate the word "Mask" on her mouth that can be used to protect herself from inhaling any air pollutants.
  • Solid Script: Sword (固体文字剣(ソリッドスクリプトソード) Soriddo Sukuriputo Sōdo): Levy writes the word "Sword" in the air, using an appendage to hurl the word at their target in order to slice it. This spell has cutting properties strong enough to cut through solid rocks.
  • Solid Script: Wood (固体文字木材(ソリッドスクリプトウッド) Soriddo Sukuriputo Uddo): Like the name, Levy conjures the word "Wood" that is made from a wooden material in the air.
  • Solid Script: Carriage (固体文字馬車(ソリッドスクリプトばしゃ) Soriddo Sukuriputo Basha): Levy holds out her hand and creates a carriage with a body made up of the word "Carriage", and its wheels are made up of the word "Wheel" under her target and have it drive away carrying its passenger.
  • Solid Script: Heal (立体文字(ソリッドスクリプト)「HEAL」(ヒール) Soriddo Sukuriputo Hīru): Levy writes the word "Heal" in the air in front of her, healing herself in the process.
  • Solid Script: Ice (固体文字(ソリッドスクリプト) 「ICE」(アイス) Soriddo Sukuriputo Aisu): Levy writes the word "ICE" in the air, which solidifies itself into actual ice. The word then falls down on the target, freezing them.