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Spirit Slayer Magic



Metsurei Mahō


Lost Magic
Caster Magic
Slayer Magic
Elemental Magic
Spirit Summoning Magic


Spirit Slayers

Spirit Slayer Magic (滅霊魔法, Metsurei Mahō) is a Caster Magic, Lost Magic, and finally, a subsection of the Slayer Magic line that grants the wielders of its power the ability to transform the physiology of their body into a spirit, an extremely powerful type of legendary creature that's classified non-corporeal substance contrasted with the material body; this includes those brought into the physical realm through the power of other magicians such as Celestial Spirits, Familiar Spirits, Planetary Spirits, Elemenian Spirits, Virago Spirits, and possibly many more that can be categorized as belonging to the definition of Spirit Summoning Magic and are of an ethereal composition, but also encompasses a wide variety of terms, including ghosts and sprites. Spirit Slayer is known to be a rare magic even for Lost Magic standards, perhaps even rarer than Devil Slayer Magic, or God Slayer Magic at least on par with Dragon Slayer Magic in terms of elusiveness.

Following the closure of the Dragon Civil War that was waged between Dragons and Humans, along with the reign of the Black Wizard ending, a select few wielders of Spirit Summoning Magic of all kinds wished to take over the world with their relatively unknown power being reportedly superior to that of others. To this extent, these magicians had begun to conjure spirits themselves using their own magic to do so. Sensing this uneven distribution in supernatural entities, the Celestial Spirit King, along with the ruler of the Familiar Spirits and other spiritual entities began to, in a similar manner to Dragons, teach Humans their ways of combat in order to neutralize this uprising; because of this, Spirit Slayer is one of the "newer" types of Slayer Magic. Just like how users of Dragon Slayer Magic are referred to as Dragon Slayers, the wielders of Spirit Slayer Magic, trained to hunt and destroy these otherworldly beings, are referred to as Spirit Slayers (滅霊魔法使い(スピリット・スレイヤー), Supiritto Sureiyā lit. Spirit Destroying Magician) and Spirit Charming Magicians (霊使いの魔導士, Reitsukai no Madōshi).


In order to learn the power of Spirit Slayer Magic in the first place, the beginning stages of obtaining its power takes place in a similar manner to a wielder of First Generation Dragon Slayer Magic; being taught by a spirit itself; of course, it doesn't matter what kind of spirit it is, as long as it can be classified as "an incorporeal body with an existence composed entirely out of energy" as per most forms of spirits. A willing user can learn Spirit Slayer Magic from almost any type of spirit, as long as the spirit in question has the methods in order to teach the magician; though "Spirit Kings"; leaders of a spirit race cannot teach a magician, as if they were to attempt to teach a human their magic, they would be unable to accept the force of their magic - however, some exceedingly rare exceptions exist to this. Once a hopeful wielder of this incredible power has decided what spirit to have them teach this magic, the caster must forge a contract with spirits of any type, even ghouls hailed as Summon Spirits which are located within the world of Earth Land —usually one per town. These beings are part of a set created by the 'higher spirits' for the sole purpose of keeping order within Earth Land. First, the foremost requirement is to locate a spirit. Finding one isn't a walk in the park, that's for sure- the user must be knowledgeable in its habitat, its favorite kind of food, and what it wishes to make out of the contract. From here, the spirit and the caster work out a suitable deal with the target commonly asking for their heart's desire and the user asking for something important to the target in return; but once the deal has been completed, the spirit expels their supernatural energies outwards, engulfing the target in their malefic supernatural powers which seep into the target's body, reaching their soul itself in a ritualistic process. From here, the spirit utilizes their mastery over the arcane and the supernatural particles that are strewn about through this world of whimsy and wonder, engulfing the hopeful wielder with their arcane energies as they seep inside of the target's body, with the spirit reaching inside the humanoid's soul, searching for that otherworldly organ referred to as a Magic Origin and from there, making a few changes here and there as to alter the process of how the Magic Origin functions and its properties, therefore transmogrifying their Magic Origin into a strange hybrid between that of a spirit's Magic Origin and a humanoid Magic Origin, possessing the traits of the former but the arcane storage capacity of the latter, effectively causing their body to be bestowed with the magical powers of a Spirit - otherwise known as Spirit Slayer Magic. Continuing with this process, this magical power acts alongside the energy of the body in order to catalyze a variety of bodily processes, therefore allowing the morphing of their physiology to a point where the individual has adopted some physical traits, a myriad of abilities also shared with their teacher, as well as the element from the said spirit, which can be conjured from the magician's body for countless purposes; upon teaching the magician their form of Spirit Slayer Magic, the spirit enters the caster's soul in a manner not dissimilar to the Dragon Soul Seal and engraves their powers within the wielder, constantly boosting Spirit Slayer Magic to a level akin to Primal Dragon Mode. As one may notice, Spirit Slayer's mechanics are extremely similar to that of any other Slayer Magic; however, there's more than meets the eye.

However, as well as what's detailed below, what sets Spirit Slayer Magic apart from other forms of Slayer Magic, including Dragon Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic, Devil Slayer Magic, and Phoenix Slayer Magic is that the installment process of the user's spirit teacher's magical energies and subsequent change in their physiology results in an exceedingly beneficial mutation alongside the regular boosts in bodily properties a wielder of Slayer Magic receives during the learning process. Indeed, the Magic Origin of a Spirit Slayer becomes transmogrified into what can be semi-accurately described as a "pendulum", the caster's Magic Origin serving as the weight while their thoughts and feelings fulfilling the purpose of a pivot. Referred to as the Pendulum of Souls (振子の魂, Furiko no Damashī) once Spirit Slayer Magic has finally become integrated within the caster's existence, the user's Magic Origin, just like a pendulum when it's displaced sideways from its resting position is subject to a restoring force due to gravity that accelerates it back towards the resting position, seemingly bounds around the caster's body while dramatically enhancing their particle draw far beyond the likes of fellow Slayer Magics, swinging back and forth, this results in a greater output of magical energy at the wielder's beck and call, effectively enabling the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic to manifest a multitude of high-level spells and power-ups at once. While this does result in the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic having to charge their power up to enable this effect by invoking Trance, the ability to manifest countless varying-levelled spells and power-ups all at once still proves to be a powerful force in a battle, especially since this effect extends to other magics the caster possesses, and thus makes extremely powerful abilities such as Abyss Break and World Reconstruction Magic: Universe One far easier to pull off and can be unleashed in quick succession without any rest in-between their casting sequences, whereas even the most skilled of magicians would be exhausted from utilizing their power. Because their Magic Origin is swinging back and forth like a pendulum, as magic is fuelled by the thoughts and feelings of the wielder, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is known to have their emotions affect their elemental power on a much greater level and scope than ordinary forms of Slayer Magic, continuously surpassing itself as the user fights and progresses in power, adapting and evolving through a wielder's emotions, gaining certain abilities and qualities as the caster becomes stronger.

Going forward, the changes in their biological traits and structure range from rather unnoticeable things such as enhanced senses, which are a physiological capacity of organisms that provides data for perception, such as olfaction to the point that they can smell blood on a shirt even if it's been through the dry-cleaners or discover a forest fire even from several thousand kilometers away, audioception, which grants them a minor form of extra-sensory perception that allows them to detect movements through a form of clairvoyance, and ophthalmoception, bestowing upon the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic the ability to see things with pin-point accuracy even if it's a fair distance away and gain a form of night vision, allowing them to see in low light conditions. While this is all standard for a Slayer Magic, Spirit Slayer Magic also bestows upon its wielder the perpetually available ability of channeling the powers of other spirits, with the caster working as a medium, which is the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings; this allows them to not only talk to souls which wander around the world in a manner not dissimilar to Legend of City and gain their strength, but also, by voluntary choice, allow others to do so as well as long as the third party is in direct contact with the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic. Through their connection with the spirits, they are capable of summoning various spirits to do their bidding, with their ethereal beings acting as spirit guides. Despite the boons bestowed upon the user, those traits above can be said to simply be side-effects of having the physiology of a spirit; indeed, the greatest ability of a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is also its signature power – calling upon the assets of a spirit even if their bodily structure isn't one-hundred-percent the same as the beings from which this magic originated, the caster is capable of inducing a metamorphosis of their body structure as to take upon traits of a spirit instantaneously which is done in conjunction with the activation sequence of their particular element, bestowing upon the user of Spirit Slayer Magic; spiritual lungs and enhanced vocal folds that are capable of spewing elemental energies, a corporal body that's laced with elemental energies as to provide protection against said element, and fierce limbs, whether prehensile or not which are enshrouded with elemental energies, specifically attuned to dealing incredible amounts of damage; though unlike most forms of Slayer Magic, these traits are highly variable depending on the spirit whom taught the wielder, as spirits come in all shapes and sizes.

All of this combined, results in the physiology of a Spirit Slayer transforming their entire existence into that of a make-shift weapon whose ownership is unique to them and them alone, wielding the element harnessed by their spirit and passed down to them alongside the natural physical superiority of a spirit in combat, utilizing offensive ability, stamina, and vitality, to transmogrify themselves into the greatest weapon of all, thus dramatically increasing the damage inflicted upon anything that they come into contact with using the sheer force of their strikes in all ranges – however, as one may have suspected, close-combat is where Spirit Slayer Magic usually shines thanks to the overwhelming physical might of a spirit. The form of Elemental Magic that the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic commands, whether it be one of the classical elements, which are the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which nature consists and were proposed to explain the nature and complexity of all matter in terms of simpler substances or something more abstract is theirs to command and at its absolute strongest when harnessed by a Spirit Slayer. Unlike its cousin, Dragon Slayer Magic, Spirit Slayer Magic is not the only known way to slay a spiritual being, though it is, without a doubt, the most effective method as it turns the spirit's advantages on them. Unlike other forms of Slayer Magic, while Spirit Slayer styles are indeed classified as elements, Spirit Slayer Magic has yet another function- certain spirits can teach the user more abstract concepts which naturally accompany the element - ranging from phenomenon such as sound waves to abstract powers such as emotions. This is not solely restricted to elements though, as not only elemental-oriented spirits can teach it; meaning that there are many possibilities for the style, as even unorthodox aspects can be manifested, such as emotions and mimicry. These traits don't encompass full magics by themselves, but rather, they're part and parcel of the powers bestowed upon the Spirit Slayer by their spirit; thanks to a highly variable interpretation of what it is to be a spirit, a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of becoming intangible, elemental-wise or not, for brief periods of time, effectively inducing invisibility that far outclasses the likes of Invisibility Magic, which is the state of an object that cannot be seen. Additionally, a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is able to shape their element in a manner akin to Molding Magic by using Shape Transformation on the element manifested as to forge it in the shape of constructs, which can be utilized in various manners, these tools and familiars used for offense and defensive maneuvers to keep the opponent on their feet - more is elaborated upon in the Element Shaper section below.

As per its nature as a Slayer Magic, a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic has absolute dominance over any form of their element, and as such, a wielder can control their respective elements that are not generated from their own Magic Origin, but are already preexisting within the environment; this is achieved through intense mental focus and the mere act of having the element that's brought into existence through their magic wash over the preexisting source, causing the affected area to have its coding modified to obey the will of the caster, thus bolstering their already incredible power to higher and more versatile levels – a good example of this is how a user of an air-inclined Spirit Slayer Magic if geared towards offense like its subspecies, is able to shift the atmospheric air in order to suffocate their opponents. Not only this, any other form of the wielder's specific Elemental Magic, if it isn't from another user of Slayer Magic or a greater magic manipulator than the Spirit Slayer whom would naturally take precaution and add in countermeasures, is immediately put under their thrall, and even if the user simply doesn't absorb it, a Spirit Slayer Magic is able to smother the elemental energies and using their eternano and magical makeup in order to increase the speed, power, and scope of the currently manifested spell. To the extremes, a Spirit Slayer is capable of incorporating the activation sequence of Elemental Body ability of Elemental Magic into their form of Spirit Slayer Magic, integrating their element into their very existence, absorbing their element into their flesh and fusing it with their body as to undergo a full-body transformation into said element; they can change their physiology into their element either partly, or completely. Doing so offers the user of Spirit Slayer Magic something akin to nigh-invulnerability, as they can be damaged in almost any way imaginable such as being shattered, split into numerous pieces or dissipated - but as long as the user of Spirit Slayer Magic is in their elemental form, they are capable of reforming their bodies without injury with physical-based attacks simply passing through their corporal form. A Spirit Slayer's Magic Origin automatically and unconsciously draws in elemental energy of the user's attuned power with every second that it is active, effectively rendering elemental magicians useless; in addition, it also absorbs natural sources of their element, with a Water Spirit Slayer Magic user being capable of absorbing small lakes and a Fire Spirit Slayer can put out fires simply by walking into the source; though, in more extreme cases, a Spirit Slayer is incapable of absorbing too much of their element at a time due to risk of magic overload. As a side-effect of Spirit Slayer Magic predominantly dealing with anything that could be classified as a spirit, not dissimilar to how a Devil Slayer whom wields Devil Slayer Magic can harness both Curse Power and Magic Power, a Spirit Slayer is capable of manipulating, generating, and absorbing spirit power (霊力, Reiryoku), which is not only said to be the matter that composes the bodies of all sorts of spirits such as those manifested through Spirit Summoning Magic, but also encompasses a myriad of paranormal phenomena. Utilizing it alongside their Magic Power, a Spirit Slayer is capable of intermingling both energies while using spirit energy to fight using a power from the outside in order to overwhelm their opponent easily, taking them by surprise as rapidly switching between both forms of energy makes it extremely difficult to counter.

Indeed, as one may have guessed from the name of this Slayer Magic, the purpose of Spirit Slayer Magic is to slay the existence referred to as spirits, and thus, the absolute greatest advantage that Spirit Slayer Magic has over the other Slayer Magics is that, unlike many other Slayer Magics, Spirit Slayer Magic can be utilized to kill all sorts of spirits, whether they be "summon beasts" (召喚獣, Shōkanjū), such as Celestial Spirits and its accompanying magic, Elemenian Spirits, Virago Spirits, Shikigami and its accompanying magic, Different Dimension Demons, Planetary Spirits, Familiars, embodiments of the four fundamental elements, spirits who dwell in the atmosphere, souls of the departed whether reanimated or not, sprites, and even some demons and countless others as the term "spirit" is known to encompass a wide variety of terms, only loosely categorized as "doesn't fit in other races but definitely isn't human, also ghost as fuck". Thus, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic has their attack and defensive power massively boosted against everything that can be considered to belong to the race of spirits - indeed, as the term "spirit" is open to a vast amount of interpretation, in a manner similar to Devil Slayer Magic, Spirit Slayer Magic could be considered a rare gem in that it can be categorized as an extremely rare and powerful type of subcategory of magic known as a Semantic-Type (意味型, Imi-gata), meaning that it is a supernatural power that can be defined solely by the caster's interpretation of what it governs over, all depending on their wording rather than anything logical—because of this, Spirit Slayer Magic can theoretically affect anything that constitutes a "spirit", allowing for a great deal of stretching of what it is capable of. In that manner, Spirit Slayer Magic could be considered a power akin to that of Memory-Make or Arc of Embodiment, in all three heavily rely on the caster's imagination in order to bring out its full potential- while the former two are simply confined to using the power of creation to forge objects and attacks from the magician's thoughts to do battle, Spirit Slayer Magic is only limited by the creativity of the caster, as mentioned before, anything that can be referred to as a "spirit" causes their maneuvers to power up; indeed, this simple concept can be applied to a near countless multitude of unconventional uses as to almost give a Spirit Slayer a distinct advantage in any situation. However, despite all these overwhelming advantages that Spirit Slayer Magic has over the others, it more than makes up for these disadvantages with a rather awkward set-up. By itself, at the start of a battle, Spirit Slayer Magic has little to no offensive pressure and not much in the defense department either; while Spirit Slayer does function in a similar manner to that of a normal Slayer Magic, a fair amount of their moves are situational at best; and they cannot activate their stronger forms and abilities from the get-go. However, with every usage of their magic, the spirit-modified Magic Origin of the user fills up, whether it be from landing a successful hit or from absorbing/negating a foe's attack; once it is completely filled, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of activating Trance; which drastically increases the power of their attacks, slowly regenerate their stamina and magical power, and grants them an enormous boost in power. However, the Magic Origin empties gradually as the user fights, lasting ten minutes; and accessing their full power also decreases the amount of magical power within the Magic Origin as while also emptying naturally; making this a difficult to master magic, but devastating when applied correctly.

Through an ingrained part of Spirit Slayer Magic that's something unlike any other form of Slayer Magic known as Slayer Imitation (霊性・滅法複製(スレイヤー・イミテーション), Sureiyā Imitēshon lit. Spirit Property: Slayer Magic Replication) depending on the spirit that taught the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic their particular magic, a wielder of Slayer Magic is capable of inducing a peculiar style of mimicry, which is a similarity of one species to another that protects one or both in evolutionary biology, with the arcane patterns of the caster's Spirit Slayer Magic evolving to share perceived characteristics with another Slayer Magic by copying the processes and mechanics of another form of Slayer Magic perfectly. However, as one may have guessed, Slayer Imitation only applies to select forms of Spirit Slayer Magic that have an association with particular spirits - for example, the Silver Key Celestial Spirit known as Draco, whom represents the same-named constellation in the far northern sky, if teaching a hopeful wielder of the magic their Spirit Slayer Magic, since "Draco" is Latin for "dragon" and thus heavily associated with dragons, a legendary creature that's scaled or fire-spewing; with serpentine, reptilian and avian traits, the Spirit Slayer Magic will contain a single property of Dragon Slayer Magic that depends on the spirit's whims; this sole property will be permanently active and accessible along the numerous other properties of Spirit Slayer Magic, giving this form of Spirit Slayer Magic a little extra oomph when compared to other forms of Spirit Slayer Magic. Another example of this is a theoretical Spirit Summoning Magic that represents the Eastern Zodiac, a classification scheme that assigns an animal to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle, with its dragon teaching the user the Spirit Slayer Magic. It's said individual properties from all forms of Slayer Magic are capable of being replicated with this trait of Spirit Slayer Magic, leading to countless options. Because of this, it's generally recommended that a hopeful wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic chooses the spirit to learn their magic from wisely as some forms of Spirit Slayer Magic are inherently stronger than others. Going by the interpretations of what Spirit Slayer Magic is known to be able to effect, it's said that as long as it's classified as a "spirit", the caster is capable of learning their magic from it. On a completely unrelated note, a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic possesses a constantly-activated ability that's referred to as Icon (眼魂(アイコン), Aikon lit. Eye Soul), which is a special insignia that's engraved within one of the eyes of the Spirit Slayer upon obtaining their magic, enabling them to perceive the "fault lines" in anything that they observe while enabling them to selectively insert minute traces of their element within these lines to tear them asunder.

Like all Slayer Magics, the spells of Spirit Slayer Magic follow a specific naming pattern; it is formatted "[Element] [Spirit]'s [Attack Name]" (_霊の, _rei no_). These "normal" spells more often than not have the caster inducing their spirit teacher's power by integrating it into their body in order to bolster their close-combat abilities with some mid-ranged attacks thrown into the mixture, forming a powerful "spear and cannon" combo, granting them notable versatility. Generally, a Spirit Slayer's arsenal of spells varies from user to user, as even though some Spirit Slayers have the same element, their spirit teacher is more often than not a being different than another magician's, resulting in a completely different fighting style; because of this, the variations are known to be almost endless. Once a Spirit Slayer activates the magic-amplification technique known as Trance, it becomes certain that Spirit Slayer is on a completely different level than other Slayer Magics. When the Trance spell is engaged, the user gains access to a fiery aura and more importantly, completely new spells that blow the previous ones out of the water. These spells, while still focused around the Spirit Slayer's element, have been intensified to the point that they cannot be devoured by another Slayer Magician of any kind unless certain, vaguely-defined precautions are taken, and even then, more often than not, consuming the user's element in this state is ill-advised as it tends to explode if others try. The spells that the user is capable of harnessing do not follow the normal Slayer Magic naming pattern; instead, their titles vary from user to user. Of course, like every other Slayer Magic, a Spirit Slayer has access to "finishing moves", the advanced spells of a Spirit Slayer are known as Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts (滅霊奥義, Metsurei Ōgi); which are generally much more powerful than basic techniques. All Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts boast overwhelming power, being dubbed the "ultimate spear" of a Spirit Slayer; however, they usually cost a large amount of magical energy to properly cast. However, in addition to these "finishing moves", when in any powered up state, a Spirit Slayer can harness Oversoul Arts (滅霊奥義・改(オーバーソウ・アート), Ōbasōru Āto lit. Spirit Slayer's Revised Secret Arts), which are further enhanced to the point that it is said that even the weakest spell can smash through anything unfortunate enough to be in its path.

Normally, as mentioned above, there's only a single method in which a hopeful wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic procures the needs and knowledge that's necessary for utilizing the power of this magic, one can gain more power through a relatively complex and rather dangerous surgical implantation process that can only be successful if a potential wielder has an incredible quantity of magical energy dwelling within their body, a user's body is able to accept a Rei no Lacrima (霊の魔水晶(レイ・ノー・ラクリマ), Rei no Rakurima lit. Magic Crystal of Spirits) which is a rare and extremely expensive Lacrima; a magic crystalline substance found in both Earth Land and Edolas; this Rei no Lacrima gives individuals artificially increased spiritual powers when implanted into their body; unlike Ryū no Lacrima, these Rei no Lacrima do not have Spirit Slayer Magic captured within, but rather, these Rei no Lacrima are actually the postmortem remains of a spirit, their essences crystallized within these magic stones. This means that unlike the the Dragon Slayer equivalent, this does not make a hopeful user of this power a wielder of Second Generation Spirit Slayer Magic, but rather, it can be considered akin to stacking Arc of Embodiment on top of Memory-Make, only bolstering the user's power but not really making any noticeable changes to their power-set; in the case of a non-Spirit Slayer, implanting a Rei no Lacrima would not grant them the power and knowledge necessary to use an artificial form of Spirit Slayer Magic, meaning that Spirit Slayer Magic is only available to those whom have learnt this unfathomable power from an actual spirit. However, a mutation that's inherent within one in a million magicians, the Hybrid Origin, is capable of taking the idea of implanting a Slayer Magic Lacrima within the user's body up to eleven and perhaps even further. Through said mutation, a magician is granted a unique physiology which enables them to bond more easily with Lacrima that is implanted within their body, the user's organs and the like synchronizing with the energies flowing throughout her dainty frame to have their body function as an organic adapter, a device that converts attributes of one electrical device or system to those of an otherwise incompatible device or system, with this adaptability tied to the separation of the power stored within the magical crystals, essentially making them a walking Lacrima in the vein of the strongest of the Four Gods of Ishgar, God Serena - up to a triad of Rei no Lacrima are capable of being installed within the user's frame, and upon the completion of the process, the remains of the spirits stored within the Rei no Lacrima awaken and attune themselves to the arcane frequencies of the user's original Spirit Slayer Magic, forming a "Spirit Resonance" in order to create something considered to be one-of-a-kind - a "Divine Exorcist" (数要素世滅霊魔法・転移無法の霊極み(ディヴァイン・エクソシスト), Divain Ekusoshisuto lit. Multi-Element Generation Spirit Slayer Magic - The Pinnacle of Spiritual Perfection) a one-of-a-kind Spirit Slayer with four elements at their every beck and call. Normally, a Divine Exorcist is incapable of utilizing two elements at the exact same time, but they can use them subsequently rapidly, though, serving as an on-and-off process that reduces the strain on their body slightly. However, by inducing a rapidity in the casting sequence by beginning to activate one or more of their Spirit Slayer Magics at once, they can harness a flurry of Combination Spells, which are, well a combination between two magics, not dissimilar to that of a Unison Raid, effectively combining two or more elements through a swift casting sequence and move-cancelling theory as seen in fighting games, which is defined as breaking out of a current animation or move by inputting another move that cancels the previous one, merging various elements to produce a variety of powerful spells.

Indeed, Spirit Slayer Magic has virtually unlimited customization options in regards to the element formed through simple magical manipulation and reinforced through the power of a spirit – the colour of the element is able to be altered freely, its properties which aren't limited to but include temperature, the smell that it emits, its taste, and overall "feel" is capable of being modified to the user's liking for countless different effects and powers, more often than not being attuned to the user's own personality and ambitions; the type of damage that the element inflicts upon anything that it comes into contact with is able to be changed at will such as a fire-inclined Spirit Slayer Magic changing from inflicting "blunt" damage that feels like being hit with a sledgehammer to a stream that burns anything in its path through inducing a minor form of phase transition as to grant it corporality and switch back. Of course, as the highest form of elemental manipulation around, a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of harnessing their magic in any manner that they deem to be suitable, commonly changing between offensive, defensive, evasive, or supplementary potencies in accordance to the situation at hand; but generally, as long as the Spirit Slayer is able to imagine their element being used in a particular manner and it doesn't break the laws of physics or conflict with any established limitations, then the sky is the limit, more or less. As per the nature of Slayer Magic, a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is known to be immune to the effects of their own element, and can consume external sources of their element to replenish their strength, both stamina-wise and magic-wise. They are also naturally immune to the effects of their own element that came from both their own person and to those from other sources, but must consume it through their mouths if they are to actually absorb it into their bodies - a Spirit Slayer cannot consume the element that they produce themselves; however, unlike other Slayer Magics, a Spirit Slayer's magic shall absorb any trace of that element in the immediate vicinity, and/or use the correct chemical reactions in order to produce the element continuously. It should be taken into consideration that Spirit Slayer Magic also bestows upon the wielder immunity to effects related to their elements as well. For example, a user of a fire-inclined Spirit Slayer Magic is unaffected by various temperatures as their body heat is constantly regulated thanks to their magic.

Common Subspecies Abilities

  • SpiritSlayerShaper

    A wielder of a light-inclined Spirit Slayer Magic manifesting swords composed completely out of light.

    Element Shaper (偽性・素子の造形滅霊術(エレメント・シェイパー), Eremento Sheipā lit. Pseudo-Element Forging Spirit Slayer Skill): Element Shaper is one of the most common – if not the most common – forms of Subspecies Abilities capable of being manifested by a Spirit Slayer Magic; in essence, Element Shaper is considered to be extremely similar to the likes of Molding Magic – other than simply using their element to bolster their capabilities in close-range combat, a user of Spirit Slayer Magic is able to shape their element into the form of a variety of structures and familiars in order to assist them in battle; as one may or may not be able to tell, Element Shaper is virtually identical to the version of the ability referred to as Element Forge as harnessed by Dragon Slayer Magic. In any case, when harnessing Element Shaper, the caster focuses for the briefest of moments, pulsing the magical energies dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the immediate area in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion, this portion of the sequence enables the user to tap into alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics as a major proponent of the sequence as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to harness the principles of convergence, with the caster inducing the activation sequence of their specific element, all factors working in accordance with their imagination as the user's thoughts help their energies arrange their element into a form that's suitable to the situation at hand – the process in which this takes place is oftentimes less than a second, and the element can be formed into any object of the user's choosing: the only limitations are their own imagination, and occasionally, outside factors such as air temperature for Fire Spirit Slayer Magic and a potential ice-based Spirit Slayer Magic determines how long their formed spell will stay functional- though the latter can be nullified slightly through liberal application of magical power manipulation. Unlike most forms of Molding Magic, the user does not have to hold the element physically with their hands in order to shape it; making them a cut above most other forms of structure-creation magic; indeed, the only limitations are the user's own imagination, and it requires no prior movements which are all in-born with Molding Magic, instead, the user can form countless items simply by shaping their magical power and thinking about it, not even using the proper modification technique known as Shape Transformation in order to bring their thoughts into reality; for this reason, it can be said that Element Shaper is far more effective than bog-standard Molding Magic or powers similar to it; indeed, a skilled user is capable of creating countless amounts of objects for a multitude of uses, granting the user of Spirit Slayer Magic a capacity to create that is virtually unmatched. Just like Molding Magic, there are known to be two types of Element Shaper, each distinct from one another. The first one is called Static Element Shaper. This type of Element Shaper is characterized by the creation of inanimate objects, such as all sorts of weapons, or by affecting the environment around them. The second type is called Dynamic Element Shaper. This type of Element Shaper focuses on creating animate elemental sculptures, usually in the form of animals which act in a similar manner to that of familiars; though human body parts and the like can also be formed; in the case of Dynamic Element Shaper when used by a Spirit Slayer with a Legion, the sequence is able to empower their Legions in order to invoke a wide variety of effects. Dynamic Element Shaper is said to be more quickly cast than Static Element Shaper. While both styles of Element Shaper have their own pros and cons, there is no clear "superior", leaving the matter of which style is "stronger" up to how much both versions evolve. Like its original iteration, Element Shaper is known to be completely unrestrained as to enable ultimate creativity, with the shapes created reflecting the personality of the user. Therefore, the elemental creations tend to be different from user to user, even if the users happen to be proficient in the same element. Interestingly, unlike ordinary forms of Molding Magic but also like many forms of Slayer Magic equivalents, Element Shaper does not possess an Element Shaper Unlimited option; the reason for which is that the Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts effectively act as an equivalent. However, if one had utilized a form of Molding Magic before obtaining their Spirit Slayer Magic, for example, with a wielder of an ice-based Spirit Slayer Magic once wielding Ice-Make, then Element Shaper Unlimited will be available, albeit without any discernible differences to an ordinary Spirit Slayer's Secret Art.
  • Switch: Spiritmorph (滅霊禁内魔導・数要素代霊力形態変化(スイッチ・スピリットモーフ・コンバイナ), Suitchi: Supirittomōfu lit. Spirit Slayer's Forbidden Internalized Magic Art: Multiple Elements Spirit Power Altering Morphology): Switch: Spiritmorph is an exceedingly rare and overwhelmingly powerful subspecies ability for Spirit Slayer Magic; to put it as simple as possible, Switch: Spiritmorph allows a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic to shift the properties of their element in order to take upon characteristics of other elements; in a way, Switch: Spiritmorph can be said to be Spirit Slayer Magic's equivalent of Dragon Slayer Magic's Illegal Change: Multiscale in that it can be considered something that's similar to an "altmode" demonstrated by Iron Dragon Slayer Magic and its Steel Mode or Fire Dragon Slayer Magic's Black Fire Dragon Mode, yet at the same time, it can't really be placed within the same classification as those forms. Illegal Change: Multiscale is sometimes referred to as the "Forbidden Move" (禁手, Kinjite) as it is indeed akin to the various fouls that a sumo wrestler might commit that will cause him to lose the bout; exceedingly dangerous to the caster yet exceptionally beneficial if managed to be pulled off just right. Shift: Spiritmorph is something that has been highly sought after, but even so, very few are capable of obtaining such an incredible surge of strength. It is said that no two forms of Shift: Spiritmorph are the same due to very few people who obtain this type of ability handing it down to possible successors or releasing details about it to the public. Thus, it is something that can definitely and accurately be referred to as "one in a million". In order to utilize Shift: Spiritmorph in the first place, the user is required to concentrate; momentarily shutting out the interference of anything else that could be considered a 'distraction', and focus solely on the elemental attack in front of them; which is normally unleashed by the opponent; It should be noted that this is a 'high risk, high reward' type of power — it's both dangerous to the user and their opponent. Working through the concept of symbolism and placing a large emphasis upon scientific methods in regards to how the power that kills spiritkind is handled as a contrast to the "pure will and design" that regular usage of magic runs off of, Shift: Spiritmorph incorporates alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics, in order to function properly, Shift: Spiritmorph requires the Spirit Slayer to have a high level of skill in and use a transmutation-type magic (preferably Enchantment upon their element while exploring the scope and limitations of what their element is capable of achieving, not only turning to alternative forms of fiction, but searching for any meanings their element would have in different beliefs in order to transmogrify the core aspect of their power to an extent that fantasy undergoes the shift to reality; this ability can only be used by a Spirit Slayer whose physiology is similar to an organic adapter, a device that converts attributes of one electrical device or system to those of an otherwise incompatible device or system, but instead of allowing the Spirit Slayer's body to bond more easily with Lacrima when implanted within themselves in the vein of the strongest of the Four Gods of Ishgar, God Serena, the shifting of elements allows their Magic Origin to properly adjust to the switch in properties of power. Because the method of activation can effectively be referred to as a Combination Spell, which is, well, a combination between two magics, not dissimilar to that of a Unison Raid; however, it is notably somewhat weaker than a Unison Raid thanks to the user being the only magician who unleashes the spell. Indeed, Shift: Spiritmorph is somewhat of a paradox in that it both is and isn't a Spirit Slayer Magic skill. Referred to as a bug, Shift: Spiritmorph upsets the balance between the different elements of Spirit Slayer Magic; whereas previously, there was no "superior" form of Spirit Slayer Magic as all elements were equal, when Shift: Spiritmorph came into the picture, certain types of Spirit Slayer Magic began to dominate all others - indeed, Shift: Spiritmorph is known as the most powerful manifestation of all Spirit Slayer Magics and its ultimate form of a Spirit Slayer Magic. Through Shift: Spiritmorph, the wielder is capable of shifting the properties of certain aspects of their element in order to wield more than one or two elements at once. In addition, the user is now able to transform their entire body into the shifted element, and dispel the element with ease. However, it is also not-well-known that Shift: Spiritmorph is capable of being utilized by the user if they have a corresponding form of Elemental Magic, simply absorbing their own magical energies shifted to the element in question and undergoing the usual processes in a manner similar to Elemental Body. As such, Shift: Spiritmorph allows Spirit Slayer Magic to function in a similar manner to Arc of Embodiment, meaning that it runs off of the ingenuity of the wielder. Through Shift: Spiritmorph, the caster can also consume other elements depending on which type of element their Spirit Slayer Magic has been attuned to; however, doing so results in the caster having strength and stamina restored at one fourth at the rate they would have if it were their natural element, and unlike their normal element, the user is still subject any secondary effects the attack would have, such as a poison-based Spirit Slayer Magic possibly poisoning them. Going further in regards to this power's weaknesses; with great strengths, come great drawbacks. Utilizing Shift: Spiritmorph is a terrifying and exhilarating experience; keeping the elemental energy in check is fairly difficult during the first manifestation it, as the different element reacts poorly to being manifested through the Spirit Slayer Magic the very first time, threatening to implode in defiance and as such they will experience an enormous drain in their magical power and stamina—the reason for this is that most of their power is used to remain in complete control of the harnessed power; however, once an alternative form of their element has been developed, it is capable of being called upon on a whim with the caster simply bringing about this alternative phenomenon through their mental commands. Additionally, with Switch: Spiritmorph, unlike Illegal Change: Multiscale, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic can alter their particular element to the type of element they had just been struck with, enabling them to adapt to the situation and confound their enemies. This property can also kick in before using any spell, with the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic changing their type of element to be the same type as the spell they are using. Because Switch: Spiritmorph activates prior to executing a spell, the user will receive same-type attack bonus on every spell it uses regardless of the spell's element. However, in the case of users whom harness Dual-Element Spirit Mode, this has the effect of disengaging their transformation to become a single-element form.
  • SpiritSlayerLegion

    A duplicate being manifested through Legion.

    Legion (双闘(レギオン) Region lit. Paired Battle): Legion is a semi-common Spirit Slayer Magic subspecies ability that's accessible by all wielders of Spirit Slayer Magic; dissimilar from a universal power-up skill, the function of Legion is known to be more strategic in nature - it enables the caster to manifest a perfect replication of themselves (or in any other appearance that they wish) which follows their each and every movement, performing the exact same actions of the original; interestingly, Legion is virtually identical to the version of the ability as harnessed by God Slayer Magic, only the God Slayer iteration was derived from a preexisting magic known as Angel Magic and that version obviously solely summons angels. In any case, when inducing Legion, the Spirit Slayer focuses the energies that are dwelling within their frame intently, as they begin to surge the arcane powers within themselves outwards while inducing the activation sequence of their particular element; from here, after obtaining enough magical power to transform, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic focuses their magical power, using the elemental energies that have been gathered; beginning to glitter as a multi-textured aura shines from the Spirit Slayer before it ascends to the heavens, where these energies transmogrify into a serial of sparks that flow outwards, scattering throughout the atmosphere; these sparks become classified as a vector, which is a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, especially as determining the position of one point in space relative to another; the Magical Aura released outward doing the job of modifying the vector values of the caster's released magical energies to enhance and reinforce the effects that these arcane energies would have in a manner that could be said to be akin to recreating the effects of a jet burst. As the sparks of energy surge outwards, anything that they wash over has a connection established between them while taking eternano into the equation, the caster further invoking the activation sequence of their element before the caster induces an advanced form of meiosis, which is a specialized type of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half by forcing all of their cells and the like to duplicate themselves at the exact same time at the areas where the caster's Spirit Slayer Magic affects, while invoking a process that's not dissimilar to the creation of a Familiar, with the wielder using their imagination not dissimilar to how a wielder of Arc of Embodiment would manifest a Sacred Guardian Beast such as Belcusas the Thunderclap or Belfast the Hurricane, scouring through countless options at hand such as appearance, personality, abilities, and Magic for this Legion to possess (though as detailed below, the Legion is usually a perfect replica of the caster); these options, when combined, form a Catalyst (触媒, Shokubai), crystallized as a focus for its creation. Once the creation process has been perfectly optimized, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic creates a single clone that's a perfect replication of the Spirit Slayer by activating their powers upon the Catalyst, flawlessly imitating their composition, including those of hair, connective tissue, fats, apatite in bones, carbohydrates such as glycogen and glucose, DNA, dissolved inorganic ions such as sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methanethiol, many other small molecules, such as amino acids, fatty acids, nucleobases, nucleosides, nucleotides, vitamins, cofactors, and free radicals such as superoxide, hydroxyl, and hydroperoxyl, plus many more substances (and sciencey terms). This clone can even move and fight like them also, with the similar amount of strength as its wielder; due to the user's magical power giving it extra strength. When this is done, the replication is linked to the user's mind. The eternano that's ambient throughout the atmosphere solidifies with the help of the caster's magical power, transmogrifying into an ethereal body for the Legion while giving them the ability to cast magic, both of which are sustained by the magician's power meaning that the Legion cannot stray from the creator's side; the two share a single heart, meaning that their lives are linked together. Each of these Legion are capable of all sorts of abilities, and some are created solely for combat to serve as the magician's bodyguard, though most are simply used to assist their masters in various tasks, be used for information gathering and relaying messages, as well as perform any other odd jobs that their masters could think of; though they're usually utilized to gather information or carry messages. Mostly they perform janitorial work and odd jobs for their master, and although they're considered a different entity, Legion are more often than not seen as an extension of the magician they are bound to as there is both a mental and physical connection between the two. Despite having the ability to cast all sorts of magic, a Legion is incapable of producing magical energy independently unless they have a few Lacrima lodged within their bodies or the user of Spirit Slayer Magic utilizes something similar to Enchantment in order to forge a makeshift Magic Origin for them - but if they don't, the magical energy is required to be supplied by their creation through their life link. Thus, a Legion requires a master to maintain both their powers and life; to reiterate, because of this, a Legion cannot stray from their master's side- as the master could easily cut off the life link between them and the Legion would waste away in a matter of days. The user can also summon and recall their Legion clone; however, the doppelganger is also automatically summoned through many of Spirit Slayer Magic's more powerful spells. Once an exploitable opening presents itself, the Legion and Spirit Slayer fighting as one can and often will lead to lengthy and unbelievably high-damage combos. The user of Spirit Slayer can use their Legion as a pressure and confusing tool, forcing the opponent to switch between dodging and blocking until they make an unfortunate mistake. When Legion is active, the user is almost impossible to counter or predict without the use of clairvoyance, as the clone does nothing, remaining in a hunched position, until commanded, meant to be as close as possible to the opponent. Many of the user and their clone's attacks chain together; capable of dealing tremendous damage to the foe via numerous heavy blows; dodging many attacks as well as faking out the opponent, disorientating them even more. The main purpose of the duplicate of the user is to add damage to the user's combos and to force disorientation on the opponent if they block. However, the main weakness of Legion is that when utilizing this, for stronger attacks, the user cannot use or move their body and has to have someone guard them so that they won't be harmed. A wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic, depending on the quantity of magical energies dwelling within their Magic Origin, can make as many Legion as they wish, with most ordinary wielders of Spirit Slayer Magic only possessing a single legion that they are able to manifest and recall at any time, but Spirit Slayers with a magical energy total equal to a member of the Spriggan Twelve have shown to own up to fifteen Legion.

Universal Spells

  • Spirit's Harangue (霊の説教, Rei no Sekkyō): The Spirit's Harangue is the signature spell of a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic – seen as Spirit Slayer Magic's equivalent to Dragon Slayer Magic's Dragon's Roar, God Slayer Magic's God's Bellow, Devil Slayer Magic's Devil's Rage, and Phoenix Slayer Magic's Phoenix's Screech, Spirit's Harangue involves the wielder Spirit Slayer Magic gathering and condensing a notable quantity of their personal element within their mouth before releasing outwards in a powerful blast of energy attuned to their particular form of Spirit Slayer Magic. In any case, when performing Spirit's Harangue, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic utilizes their enhanced lung capacity in order to gather and condense ambient eternano from within the atmosphere and store it momentarily within their mouth- from here, the user attunes the eternano gathered by merging them with their energy in order to induce the usual fusion to being power into the current realm; this results in the user of Spirit Slayer Magic focusing the magical energies that are swirling around within their Magic Origin intently, before pulsing the immense quantities of arcane energy that are dwelling within their spirit-influenced Magic Origin outwards as to scatter throughout the atmosphere and integrate with the ambient eternano particles saturated within the vicinity, invoking the usual fusion of magical energy and eternano so universal in regards to the art of spellcasting in order to bring this calamitous power into the current realm – however, while releasing their magical energy, the Spirit Slayer invokes the activation sequence for their particular form of Spirit Slayer Magic, thus generating their element in vast quantities as they draw more and more of their element into their jaws from which no flying, talking cats have ever seen the light of day until they have gathered enough to the point that just by propelling it outwards, they could cause a serious cataclysm that covers an entire continent; along with this, the user adds their own magical energy into the mixture to serve as a propellant to the element gathered, charging it up for a split second. Once this is done and an adequate quantity of arcane energy has been charged and thus the power of this spell has been bolstered to a level that the caster deems to be appropriate, the Spirit's Harangue spell is ready for utilization – in order to unleash the impressive quantities of energies that have converged within their mouth, breathing outwards harshly to imitate a furious preaching of a spirit medium, releasing their elemental energies in the form of an enormous wave of elemental power, annihilating everything that the Spirit Slayer targets without remorse, reducing defenses and structures of any strength level to ash and causing an explosion that echoes outwards for several thousand kilometers or more, the impact of the powerful surge causes a large mushroom cloud to quickly rise upwards at the point of casting the spell, leaving naught but scorched earth and darkened skies in its wake. Of course, just like Spirit Slayer Magic in general, the properties of a Spirit's Harangue can be modified as much as the user wishes, meaning that no two hyperresonance beams are the same; even at its weakest, a Spirit's Harangue is capable of blasting through even magical forms of defenses, as the movements of the spirit's preach swaths through the barriers, and supernatural defenses erected in vain to protect them, striking the foe with formidable might.
  • Spirit Fist (霊拳, Reiken): Spirit Fist is an exceedingly basic and uncategorized Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's hard-wired into a vast majority, if not all forms of Spirit Slayer Magic, possessing an incredible amount of synergy with Spirit Slayer Magic in general – effectively, just like Dragon Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic, and Devil Slayer Magic's versions which are known as Dragon Fist, God Hand, and Devil Palm respectively, Spirit Fist is classified as a magical power-collection-type blow (魔力集束打撃, maryoku shūsoku dageki) as it involves the user gathering their element and compressing them upon one or more of their fists before unleashing a powerful punch, a striking blow with the fist that deals elemental damage alongside the brute force of the punch. In any case, when performing their personalized form of Spirit Fist, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic focuses the voluminous quantities of arcane energy dwelling within their Magic Origin intently as they begin to surge the arcane powers within themselves outwards ever-so-subtly while inducing the usual fusion of magical energy and eternano; from here, the Spirit Slayer invokes the activation sequence of their particular element; once complete, the Spirit Slayer amasses their element around one or more of their fists, giving their clenched hand the appearance of being a mass of elemental energy instead of something resembling a human limb; oftentimes appearing as a mass of elemental energy swirling around their arm like a hurricane. At this point, the user intensifies their magical power and focuses it at a singular point; their fist, with the transference of energies to the balled hand; the high concentration of magical energies produces an ear-piercing sound before the user thrusts their fist forward, unleashing a devastating blow at either close-to-mid range that inflicts a noticeable amount of damage, the properties of which all depend upon the caster's element – for example, the Wind Spirit's Sky-Severing Fist spell of Wind Spirit Slayer Magic slices into the caster's opponent with the incredible quantity of wind blades amassed around their hand, while the Gravity Spirit's Heavy Fist spell of Gravity Spirit Slayer Magic crushes everything in its path. Of course, in many a case, a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of personally modifying their form of Spirit Fist to attack the opponent from within in any form as there are countless ways to throw a punch, encompassing the basic types of punching as well as punches thrown in the art of boxing in addition to more exotic methods such as rising uppercuts not dissimilar to the Shōryūken move in Street Fighter. The release of the Spirit Fist spell projects the fist with energies condensed composed from magical energy using the concept of supernatural energy itself –both magical energy and eternano- as the ultimate fulcrum for transference of energies, even if the energies used as a medium for the attack does not belong to the user, or if the energies are in the vicinity of their Magical Aura's upsurge. Because of this property which ensures "complete domination of the supernatural", there are nada, zero, zip, and zilch chances of there ever being any kind of supernatural defensive technique that is capable of withstanding or even attempting to defend against the Spirit Fist spell.
  • Constellation Spells (星座呪, Seizaju):The Constellation Spells are known to be a common classification of spells, utilized solely by wielders of Spirit Slayer Magic whom were taught their particular form of this power that slays spiritkind by Celestial Spirits, spirits brought into the physical plane from the Celestial Spirit World using Celestial Spirit Magic. These spells are unlike any other type of Spirit Slayer Magic spell and are often confused for a Heavenly Body Magic spell because of their immense power and astronomical abilities they grant the user's element. These abilities are used in tandem with the Spirit Slayer's spiritual traits to give them the ability to spells that reflect on the physical and conceptual attributes of their teacher's star, constellation, or significant asterism. When using a Constellation Spell a Spirit Slayer, like a Heavenly Body Magic user, will siphon their magic power into atmosphere. By opening themselves up to their teacher's astronomical side and connections they are able to fill their magic power with stellar energy directly from the stars within seconds. From here, the Spirit Slayer uses the ethernano around them to pull the dense and stellar energy-filled magic power back into their body so the spiritual energies that reside in them can modify and mold the stellar energy-filled magic power to turn into what could be classified as their star or constellation's very life-force or essence. Afterwards, they allow their element to fill their souls for a brief second so their element can inherit this essence in order to turn into their unique cosmic element before using the element to perform the desired Constellation Spell. The key to using these spells is to be open-minded. Spirit Slayers who view their Celestial Spirit teacher as only spirits will never be able to use a Constellation Spells and attempting to do so could have disastrous results for the user. On the other hand, the easier it is for a Spirit Slayer to view their Celestial Spirit teacher as both a spirit and a physical representation of a star or constellation the easier it becomes to use Constellation Spells and the more powerful the spells become.  
  • Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts (滅霊奥義, Metsurei Ōgi): The Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts are a classification that's bestowed upon highly advanced Spirit Slayer Magic spells, being some of the most powerful of their kind – referred to as "finishing moves" since more often than not, breaking out a Spirit Slayer's Secret Art signifies that the conflict is about to come to an end, the Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts are generally much stronger than the basic Spirit Slayer Magic spells. All Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts boast overwhelming power, being dubbed the "ultimate spear" of a Spirit Slayer; however, they usually cost a large amount of magical energy to properly cast; the absolute limit in regards to the Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts that a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic can possess is up to five, after which, the Spirit Slayer will be required to delete a few Secret Arts from their Magic Origin to make room for brand-new ones. Additionally, as one may or may not have suspected already, Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts are capable of being combined with other forms of magic the caster possesses through Combination Spells, which are, well a combination between two magics and Enchantment in order to give them an extra bit of oomph and added effects.
    • Oversoul Arts (滅霊奥義・改(オーバーソウ・アート), Ōbasōru Āto lit. Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts – Revised) is a branch of Spirit Slayer Magic spells which are leagues beyond the likes of bog-standard Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts – doubtlessly the most powerful form of their Spirit Slayer Magic's utilization, the Oversoul Arts are single-shot spells which are apocalyptic in nature if they're to be unleashed upon the mortal plane, and thus must not be harnessed unless the Spirit Slayer's very life depends on it; said to be equivalent to the Ultimate Arts of Dragon Slayer Magic as the end-be-all option for a Spirit Slayer, the Oversoul Arts are capable of smashing through anything unfortunate enough to be in their path. In any case, while preparing one of these almighty attacks, the caster's entire body glows as the runic markings patterned upon their body begin to shine illustriously in the elemental colour that's associated with the respective form of Spirit Slayer Magic before enveloping their existence in a shroud of their element that swirls around their body while they induce the activation sequence of the attack. The Oversoul Arts are noted to be a series of exceptionally powerful attacks that possess absolutely zero equals in the history of Slayer Magic, a power beyond all compare that embody the concept of elemental power while swimming with the power of the legendary creature that was channeled by invoking the respective Spirit Slayer Magic's power. These attacks are highly variable in nature, and thanks to the vast quantity of options for spirit teachers on hand as well as the imagination-based developmental process of a Spirit Slayer Magic, each Oversoul Art is unique to the wielder, and a Spirit Slayer can only possess a single Oversoul Art at a time unless multiple elements are involved. However, immediately after performing an Oversoul Art, any power-ups the caster might possess at the time as well as their Trance are disengaged and the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is required to momentarily rest in order to catch their breath, meaning that unleashing these mighty blows drains a remarkable quantity of magical energy from their Magic Origin. Thus, the Oversoul Arts are best suited for finishing moves or if the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic wishes to wipe out vast amounts of enemies in a single attack.


  • SpiritSlayerTrance

    Trance being invoked.

    Trance (謎霊幽力演(トランス), Toransu lit. Mysterious Spirit Ethereal Power Amplification): Trance, formerly referred to as Geist Charge (開眼態(ガイスト・チャージ), Gaisuto Chāji lit. Spiritual Awakening State), is an uncategorized Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's an Magic-amplification technique and equivalent to Dragon Slayer Magic's Drive; Trance brings out the true power of their capabilities as a user of Spirit Slayer Magic, excluding the power boost granted by Spirit Force, yet, at the same time, seemingly enhancing the user's physical prowess to a rather extreme degree. Indeed, as there's only two generations of Spirit Slayer Magic so to speak, unlike its draconic equivalent, Drive, which is exclusive to Third-Generation Dragon Slayers, due to Spirit Slayer Magic being incompatible with Lacrima, the magic crystalline substance found on both Earth Land and Edolas which can be used to implant various forms of magic, Trance is known to be capable of being harnessed by any user of Spirit Slayer Magic as long as they possess the power necessary to induce its effects and the knowledge of how to do so. When invoking the power of Trance, the caster focuses the energies that are dwelling within their frame intently, as they begin to surge the arcane powers within themselves outwards while inducing the activation sequence of their particular element; from here, after obtaining enough magical power to transform, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic focuses their magical power, establishing a connection with their spirit teacher, no matter the distance between the two and the dimensional differences before the magician summons their spirit teacher to the current dimension using their spiritual link. Once this is done, the user utilizes their spiritually-attuned Magic Origin as a medium for their spirit teacher, whom 'overlays' their magical power over their student, combining the two, actualizing the knowledge and memories of an apparition, granting the user an enormous boost in power, more often than not engaging in a physical change. The augments on the Spirit Slayer's body are composed entirely of magical energy and being so, there is no actual matter. While any spirit can be molded into any shape or form the magician desires when their student uses Trance, their attributes depend solely upon the spirit's attributes. Activating Trance increases the strength, speed, and potential that the user possesses tenfold, allowing them to take on even foes much more powerful than themselves; entering a state of enhanced awareness and peak physical ability as their element cloaks around them as they seem to transform into their element in a manner not dissimilar to the Elemental Body ability of Elemental Magic, which allows the user to let physical and magical attacks pass harmlessly through their body when they're transformed; the activation of Trance has a notable amount of startup invincibility, so if their opponent is attacking the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic while they are activating the skill, the user will be capable of counterattacking immediately as to turn the tides instantly. While in this state, the user demonstrates heightened reflexes and extremely quick information processing, and it amplifies the powers of their Spirit Slayer Magic without exhausting themselves. This state grants the user the ability to perform new spells; as well as making their pre-existing spells far more powerful, though the power boost granted by activating Trance is proportionate the amount of magical energy used to link student and teacher, as well as the magician's level of concentration. Generally speaking, the form granted by Trance can be divided into four categories, which are as following in dot points as explained below. When their Trance is activated, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is able to summon any number of their Legion replications - as detailed below - with their respective weapons equipped already in order to assist the caster in battle, often overwhelming the opponent through numbers alone. Strictly speaking in terms of practicality, the classification of the user's Trance isn't a complete indication of its power, meaning that the effectiveness of a Trance form is largely based on the magician's own preferences. Additionally, like other forms of Slayer Magic amplification-type spells, the uprise of magical energy could easily obliterate the user or severely damage their body, if harnessed for too long.



An Attack-Type Trance in the form of a sword.

Attack-Type (攻撃型(アタック・タイプ), Atakku Taipu lit. Offensive Type): The Attack-Type is one of the many forms that a Trance for Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of taking upon – as both the kanji and katakana which compose its name may suggest, it's suited for dealing damage. The Attack-Type Trance is by far the most common form of Trance for Spirit Slayer Magic, not only out of lack of skill on the part of many magicians, but because they're relatively simple to maintain when compared to the numerous alternate forms of Trance – however, because of this, they are oftentimes considered to be 'generic'. While stronger in terms of damage output than Supplement-Types and Clad-Types, an Attack-Type Trance isn't very flexible – indeed, the Attack-Type Trance commonly takes the form of offensive-based weaponry of both close-range and long-range capabilities that suit the situation at hand, not limited to but including swords, guns, spears, hammers, and many more. From their weapon form, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is more than capable of shifting the type of weapon manifested through their Attack-Type Trance, such as changing their ordinary sword into a katana, rapier, longsword, cutlass, zweihänder, jian, and many more. The Attack-Type focuses solely on sheer brute force or overwhelming attack power, as its ability is to simply take the concept of "empowering one's strikes with one's element" to its utmost limit, resulting in their manifested tool constantly being coated with a hyper-condensed layer of their element, allowing the wielder of an Attack-Type Trance to constantly strike away at their opponents, dealing copious quantities of powerful elemental damage that can easily annihilate any defenses in their path as well as grievously injure their enemy with only a few attacks.



An Supplement-Type Trance in the form of a shield.

Supplement-Type (応援型(サプリメント・タイプ), Sapurimento Taipu lit. Support Type): The Supplement-Type is one of the many forms that a Trance for Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of taking upon – as both the kanji and katakana which compose its name may suggest, it's suited for invoking supportive effects on both the caster themselves, their allies, the environment, and perhaps even their adversaries. Slightly rarer than the Attack-Type yet still relatively easy to get ahold of and the second-most common form of Trance overall, the Supplement-Type is a Trance form that primarily revolves around supporting those in need, effectively boosting the efficiency of anyone the caster chooses to affect with their Trance while constantly possessing a good control over the territory. Generally, Supplement-Types take upon the form of defensive weaponry such as shields and staves, which, while rarely used for offensive measures (though they still can, albeit to a very limited extent), are automatically imbued with a vast quantity of properties to increase their teammates' (or their own) survivability with regenerating health through an element-based application of Healing Magic or downright impenetrable elemental barriers and shields to defend their allies, applying buffs in a manner not dissimilar to Sky Dragon Slayer Magic to damage, their own natural healing or speed, and can keep allies in the fight, allow them to reenter battle quickly, or turn one or more teammates into a whirling engine of destruction. In addition, they can be used for numerous other tasks. It should be taken into consideration that in terms of special abilities, a Supplement-Type can possess such powers as augmenting magic, healing, manipulating aspects of the mortal plane, and many more. Through territory control, the user of a Supplement-Type Trance is able to corner the enemy from a safe distance and make them think twice before advancing, additionally specializing in area denial and adding suppressing fire. While a Supplement-Type Trance may not be overly flashy or damage-wise powerful, when utilized correctly, it can easily change the course of a battle.


Clad-Type (満鎧型(クラッド・タイプ), Kuraddo Taipu; lit. Full Armour Type): The Clad-Type is one of the many forms that a Trance for Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of taking upon – as both the kanji and katakana which compose its name may suggest, it's suited for both offense and defense via encasing the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic in specially-created armour. Much more elusive than both the Attack-Type Trances and Supplement-Type Trances, a Clad-Type Trance effectively combines the best aspects of both opposing forms while eliminating the weaknesses, more or less. Indeed, as the name indicates, the Clad-Type is a Trance form that primarily involves the spirit whom taught the Spirit Slayer their specific form of Spirit Slayer Magic forming armour to encase the wielder's body in; essentially shrouding their form in power as indicated by the caster's element of choice composing almost the entirety of said armour. While normally, a Clad-Type Trance covers the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic from head to toe in heavily stylized armour, the design of which takes obvious cues from the spirit that taught the caster, as well as their own personal preferences and their element, various portions of the armour are capable of being summoned to cover the user's body on their lonesome, such as gauntlets, greaves, helmet, the body armour, and more if the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic deems it to be suitable or in accordance to the situation at hand. This provides a significant increase in speed, strength, and durability, in addition to the ability to replicate the spirit's personalized abilities to a smaller extent. However, a Clad-Type Trance has a relatively short range as it simply encases the caster; but even so, this short range is compensated by high damage and survivability, oftentimes engaging the front lines at close range or pick off or engage those in hiding. The Clad-Type, because of this, is regarded as an all-rounder between the Attack-Type and the Supplement-Type.


Manifesto-Type (幽傀儡型(マニフェスト・タイプ), Manifesuto Taipu lit. Ghost Puppet Type): The Manifesto-Type is the last of the four versions of Trance that a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of taking upon – as both the kanji and katakana which compose its name may suggest, while it isn't really suited for a particular purpose, a Manifesto-Type involves the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic manifesting a thoughtform that's their element given a corporal form which acts in accordance to the caster's thoughts and feelings. Possessing the exact same level of elusiveness as a Clad-Type Trance, the Manifesto-Type Trance has this elemental energy given a physical form act in a manner not dissimilar to the likes of Celestial Spirits and Familiars, as they're directed by the caster's mental commands and have their own abilities that are bestowed upon them by the wielder's thoughts. While the Manifesto-Type resembles any sort of Spirit Summoning Magic, it's an extension of the user rather than a separate entity; the Manifesto-Type hovers around the Spirit Slayer in a similar manner to that of a wraith; hovering behind and above the user while usually being invisible to those unaware of them. Each of these Trances are capable of all sorts of abilities, and some are created solely for combat to serve as the magician's bodyguard, though most are simply used to assist their masters in various tasks, be used for information gathering and relaying messages, as well as perform any other odd jobs that their masters could think of; though they are commonly utilized to gather information or carry messages. Unlike most magical constructs, a thoughtform created through a Manifesto-Type Trance is able to fix and restore itself after being damaged or broken, in reflection to how much the user has healed. Just like their summoner, each and every Manifesto-Type Trance which is given life through Trance is capable of utilizing magic and as ethereal beings, they possess physical might beyond regular humanoids. Typically, the Manifesto-Type hovers around the Spirit Slayer in a similar manner to that of a wraith; hovering behind and above the user while usually being invisible to those unaware of them; more often than not staying behind them at all times and floating in various directions in order to perform various maneuvers such as striking the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic's opponent in tandem with the user, bolstering their strength significantly while working as a medium to cast higher-powered spells as to not exhaust the caster, though, as mentioned above, they can be directed to act independently – however, larger Manifesto-Type Trances anchor the caster to the ground, leaving them effectively immobile for the duration of its time in the mortal plane. Because of this, the user does not need to lift a finger to strike; their elemental energy given a physical existence will do it for them.

Grimoire Five


The Grimoire Five.

Grimoire Five (五大現巨人保護者(グリモア・ファイブ), Gurimoa Faibu lit. Five Great Elemental Embodiment Colossus Defenders): The Grimoire Five, unlike all the Trance types mentioned above, are not a particular 'type' of Trance, but rather, a classification of Manifesto-Type Trances which are stated to be the absolute strongest of their kind. While referred to as "thoughtforms" just like the other Manifesto-Type Trances, it would perhaps be correct to distinguish them from said similar beings by calling them actual spirits that are not dissimilar to elementals, which themselves are a mythic being described in occult and alchemical works that embody the classical elements, which are the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which nature consists and were proposed to explain the nature and complexity of all matter in terms of simpler substances. Not only this, they also possess properties of the divine, and are likened to an existence similar to gods. Four of the Grimoire Five represent one of the four fundamental states of matter, with fire representing plasma, water representing liquid, earth representing solid, and air representing gas – but electricity is a mid-point. The Grimoire Five, as pseudo-elementals, manifest themselves in Spirit Slayers whom wield forms of Spirit Slayer Magic that focus upon the primary elements, and are as such exclusive to certain magicians; they are known to manifest only in exceptionally powerful and determined individuals, with, as their title would indicate, there only being five in existence- once a previous owner dies, their Trance will reincarnate in the next Spirit Slayer to gain their particular form of Spirit Slayer Magic. Of course, the power – both physical and supernatural – of the group is unmatched by any other Trance type and even other spirits brought into the mortal plane through various forms of Spirit Summoning Magic, easily overpowering the likes of the Celestial Spirit King, whom is the greatest of the Celestial Spirits summoned through Celestial Spirit Magic. They have the ability to not only generate their own element in immeasurable quantities, but also to consume their element to further enhance their own power; this can be from any source, such as Lost Magic and Slayer Magic. Additionally, having a Grimoire Five Manifesto-Type for a Trance allows a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic to also equip an Attack-Type and a Supplement-Type Trance, making it by far the strongest form of Trance around. Originally, there were known to be exactly five, Burning Red, Gusty Green, Aquatic Azurite, Ochre Earth, and Shocking Purple. However, what's kept under wraps is the fact that a monstrous divine spirit created them, said spirit hailing from a world who had mastered the power over time and space through tachyonic manipulation – this being was Ultimate White, the sixth of the Grimoire Five and the absolute strongest. The Grimoire Five rebelled and cast the being into a gap in space-time from which it could not escape, but only after it had already destroyed a countless number of worlds. In terms of who has what, Marta Rayhunton with Fire Spirit Slayer Magic is host to Burning Red, Olympe Xygen with Wind Spirit Slayer Magic hosts Gusty Green, Momoko Sitri with Sea King Spirit Slayer Magic hosts Aquatic Azurite, Alyssa Lucifuge with Gravity Spirit Slayer Magic is host to Ochre Earth, and so far, Shocking Purple, associated with a lightning-element Spirit Slayer Magic is lost. Finally, Lisette Aznable, wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, hosts Ultimate White.

Spirit Force


A wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic having finished transforming into Spirit Force.

Spirit Force (霊の力(スピリット・フォース), Supiritto Fōsu lit. Spirit's Power) is the most advanced state that an ordinary Spirit Slayer is capable of taking upon - it can be seen as the equivalent to Dragon Slayer Magic's Dragon Force in that both are powered-up forms that amplifies their prowess all across the board by tenfold the amount and essentially transform the wielder of the Slayer Magic into the creature their magic was created to kill in the first place. When a Spirit Slayer enters Spirit Force, they effectively turn into a miniaturized, humanoid form of the spirit that taught them their Spirit Slayer Magic, resulting in the Spirit Slayer undergoing a rather major physiological change, resulting in the caster gaining traits that are associated with the spirit, which means the change is highly variable, but some common alterations include wings of elemental energy growing from numerous portions of their body, which is usually from their back, as well as a variety of runic patterns becoming automatically engraved across their frame. However, as their power grows, a Spirit Slayer in Spirit Force will fully transform into a perfect replica of their spirit, no matter the size.

In this state, all of their physical attributes are bolstered enormously, making them far stronger, more resistant to damage, and faster; the Spirit Slayer now has access to upgrades or even additions to their normal abilities like flying or hovering; spell-wise, a Spirit Slayer in Spirit Force is capable of utilizing more advanced, powerful attacks, and the transformation enhances all of the user's regular spells, greatly increasing their area-of-effect as well as improving their damage significantly. Tapping into this power which is said to be the "true power of a Spirit Slayer" also drastically enhances the user's physical prowess, making them far stronger, more resistant to damage, and faster, to the point that with Spirit Force activated, the caster's strength and speed have increased to the point that they are able to punch an Etherious with enough force to shatter their body by just having their fist come into contact with the artificial devil while sending the demon careening across the landscape, knowing them down the road with little effort in doing so. Their strength has been enhanced to the point that with a simple clap of their hands, the caster is capable of manifesting a violent tremor that obliterates the ground it comes into contact with and knock their foes away; in addition, the strikes unleashed both unarmed and with a weapon are positively overwhelming and can be bone-shattering. The sudden boost in strength upon activating the form allows the caster to break free of binding-type spells which would normally restrict their bodies and impair their movements through nothing but sheer force of will. With Spirit Force, the caster can grab a blade with their bare hand without feeling any of the exerted force, though said force could do considerable damage to the surrounding area. In addition, their endurance has been upped significantly; enabling them to receive damage like it was nothing and ignore all senses of pain—though it should be noted that this varies on the factor of how powerful the blow is. Finally, the user's naturally immense swiftness is augmented to the point that they can forgo any need for speed-enhancing techniques, enabling them to outstrip almost anyone in a contest of pure speed. Spirit Force increases the user's moving pace to one high enough where simple melee attacks can have great power, a Spirit Slayer using Spirit Force the ability to move at a rate of acceleration and maximum speed in excess to that of normal optimal human capacity. With their speed, the user has plucked an arrow out of the air from a standing start, and has dodged machine gun fire; and the user has created cyclone-like gusts of wind regardless of their actual element, which are able to knock a hoarde of wyverns off of their feet.

While in this state, a user of Spirit Slayer Magic demonstrates heightened reflexes and extremely quick information processing, and it amplifies the powers of their signature magic without exhausting themselves; activating the skill, however, has a notable amount of startup invincibility by using the boost in magical energy gained by invoking its power as a rippling aura that shrouds their body from all conceivable directions while inducing a similar effect to Nullification Magic as it renders anything and everything that could count as doing damage to the caster null and void by reversing the energy output and freezing the motion of the energies, so if the caster's opponent is attacking them while they are activating the skill, the caster will be capable of counterattacking immediately as to turn the tides instantly. Activating Spirit Force results in a rather considerable amplification of the magical power dwelling within the body of the user, causing the energies and the caster's Magic Origin to effortlessly replicate the magical energies and the Magic Origin of the phantasmal crpytid that taught them everything they know about fighting like a spirit, causing the powers exuded by their body to reach critical levels in both output and potency, thus causing their magical energies to take upon a violent corporeality fashioned into the visage of an actual spirit that, when exuded at its fullest potential, becomes visible and begins to interact with all sorts of particles that are saturated throughout the atmosphere, causing a multitude of chemical reactions in regards to what's compatible with their element - for example, a user of a fire-inclined Spirit Slayer Magic will have their flames superheat the surrounding air; the heating of the air causes the particles to split due to reactions; thus causing a combustion with the atoms of hydrogen to induce a serial of explosions that they can shape in any way that they wish; this also allows the user to let physical and magical attacks pass harmlessly through their body when they're transformed, with their structural makeup transmogrifying into that of their element more or less. As the Spirit Slayer Magic user's entire body turns into their element, after activating Spirit Force they are virtually immune to physical harm; they can allow any attack to simply pass through them or simply absorb the attack. Activating Spirit Force also allows the user to constantly absorb magical energy and ambient eternano suspended within the atmosphere and convert it into their element, further boosting their power- this ability also works on the foe's magical power and element, but only if it is the same type of element in the latter case. For a Spirit Slayer to activate Spirit Force, they must absorb a large amount of magical power attuned to their element; after this is done, they can activate it at will without any drawbacks, though in all forms, Spirit Force consumes a large amount of the user's magical power. Unlike ordinary versions of the "Force" ability, such as Dragon Force as harnessed by a wielder of Dragon Slayer Magic, God Force ability of God Slayer Magic, Devil Slayer Magic's Devil Force, and Phoenix Force for Phoenix Slayer Magic, a Spirit Slayer is capable of pushing the power gained by the invocation of Spirit Force beyond the levels of might gained by the transformation into other versions – however, they're simply variations of the traditional Spirit Force", not enough to be categorized as their own unique beast despite the power increase.

  • Advanced Spirit Force (霊の力・超越形態(アドバンスド・スピリット・フォース), Adobansudo Supiritto Fōsu lit. Spirit's Power – Transcendent Form): Advanced Spirit Force is a variant and "second level" of the standard Spirit Force transformation which is only capable of being invoked by a Divine Exorcist, which is the term used for a Spirit Slayer whom possesses a quartet of elements at their every beck and call. Advanced Spirit Force is activated by the Spirit Slayer taking the whole Magic = emotions concept to its absolute zenith, surpassing even the likes of photokinetic-type magics of all tiers as their powerful desire to gain absolute victory kicks into overdrive. Noted to be a "power that exceeds Spirit Force" as the name would indicate, it is a simple form change where the Spirit Slayer transforms once more while the ordinary Spirit Force is still in effect, resulting in the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic invoking a specific mechanism of the Rei no Lacrima (霊の魔水晶(レイ・ノー・ラクリマ), Rei no Rakurima lit. Magic Crystal of Spirits) which has been infused within their frame; this Rei no Lacrima gives individuals artificially increased spiritual powers when implanted into their body; unlike Ryū no Lacrima, these Rei no Lacrima do not have Spirit Slayer Magic captured within, but rather, these Rei no Lacrima are actually the postmortem remains of a spirit, their essences crystallized within these magic stones. This means that unlike the the Dragon Slayer equivalent, this does not make a hopeful user of this power a wielder of Second Generation Spirit Slayer Magic, but rather, it can be considered akin to stacking Arc of Embodiment on top of Memory-Make, only bolstering the user's power but not really making any noticeable changes to their power-set; in the case of a non-Spirit Slayer, implanting a Rei no Lacrima would not grant them the power and knowledge necessary to use an artificial form of Spirit Slayer Magic, meaning that Spirit Slayer Magic is only available to those whom have learnt this unfathomable power from an actual spirit. However, a mutation that's inherent within one in a million magicians, the Hybrid Origin, is capable of taking the idea of implanting a Slayer Magic Lacrima within the user's body up to eleven and perhaps even further. Through said mutation, a magician is granted a unique physiology which enables them to bond more easily with Lacrima that is implanted within their body, the user's organs and the like synchronizing with the energies flowing throughout her dainty frame to have their body function as an organic adapter, a device that converts attributes of one electrical device or system to those of an otherwise incompatible device or system, with this adaptability tied to the separation of the power stored within the magical crystals, essentially making them a walking Lacrima in the vein of the strongest of the Four Gods of Ishgar, God Serena - up to a triad of Rei no Lacrima are capable of being installed within the user's frame, and upon the completion of the process, the remains of the spirits stored within the Rei no Lacrima awaken and attune themselves to the arcane frequencies of the user's original Spirit Slayer Magic, forming a "Spirit Resonance" which can be turned on and off at any time. Once the spirit resonance has been established, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic focuses the voluminous quantities of arcane energy that are swirling around within their Magic Origin, and with a single mental command, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic forces the spiritual arcane crystal within their body to distribute magical energy that has traces of spiritual power that was previously stored within the crystalline orb at a velocity that's much quicker than usual, accelerating the output and flow of magical energy from the Lacrima to the user's body, evenly spreading it throughout their body while a continuous release rapidly magnifies the quantities of energy dispersed, reaching the user's arms, legs, torso, head, and neck in order to dramatically enhance all of their physical fortes - all the while, the caster focuses the energies that are dwelling within their frame intently, as they begin to surge the arcane powers within themselves outwards ever-so-slightly while inducing the activation sequence of their particular form of Spirit Slayer Magic's elemental might, resulting in a tremendous upsurge of arcane power as their element becomes infused with their bloodstream before reaching their brain, resonating with adrenaline they are experiencing during combat, entering a state of enhanced awareness and peak physical ability that easily surpasses the likes of Drive, Dragon Force, a vast majority of Dragon Slayer Magic power-ups, and many more "enhanced states", enabling the invocation of Advanced Spirit Force. Physically, not much changes in terms of appearance, though their ordinarily white sclera turn pitch-black and their irises become extremely small and completely white, the Magical Aura that's constantly surging from the body of a Spirit Slayer becomes more violent, taking upon various properties of the four elements the Divine Exorcist is capable of using, such as setting things alight with Fire Spirit Slayer Magic, stirring up gale-force winds with Wind Spirit Slayer Magic, electrocuting anything in the vicinity with Lightning Spirit Slayer Magic, and washing things away with Sea King Spirit Slayer Magic. Other than this, the appearance of a Spirit Slayer with Advanced Spirit Force can vary, but generally take upon a mixture of features of their respective elements' Trance forms as well as their Spirit Force equivalents. Tapping into their power as a Divine Exorcist, which is a one-of-a-kind Spirit Slayer with four elements at their every beck and call, instead of being limited to two elements at once, when Advanced Spirit Force is invoked, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic can combine all four of their elements in any number to produce a vast variety of powerful spells that have a myriad of effects, all in accordance to their will. The Advanced Spirit Force retains a similarity to the Spirit Force's original form but has new attacks and a clear increase in power as they temporarily reach the limits of their abilities through the invocation of the form; indeed, this incredible transformation surpasses the ordinary Spirit Force's strength, speed, and power by four times the amount and possesses quadruple the power of any regular Spirit Force, thus eliminating any need to balance between various attributes with other derivative transformations such as Eidolon's Outrage except for Overstride – however, overuse of Advanced Spirit Force seems to be taxing on the Spirit Slayer's lifespan, thus making it dangerous to use.
  • Eclipsed Spirit Force (霊の力・悪道霊改(エクリプセド・スピリット・フォース), Ekuripusedo Supiritto Fōsu lit. Spirit's Power: Tainted Spirit Revision): Eclipsed Spirit Force is a variant of the standard Spirit Force transformation which is only capable of being accessed by Spirit Slayers whom were taught their particular form of Spirit Slayer Magic by the Celestial Spirits, a special classification of spiritkind that are oriented towards the element of light and embody numerous constellations of the zodiac, which is the circle of twelve thirty degree divisions of celestial longitude employed by western astrology, representing various astronomical constellations overall whom are summoned through the Spirit Summoning Magic known as Celestial Spirit Magic – it is a corrupt form of the regular Spirit Force. In any case, after being corrupted by the Eclipse Gate, a Magic Item created by merging the Books of Zeref with Celestial Spirit Magic to enable time travel for those whom pass through it as an indirect side-effect of the Eclipse Project, the Zodiac Celestial Spirits were briefly corrupted into Eclipse Spirits, twisted mirrors of their ordinary selves whom serve the tyrannical despot known as the Eclipse Celestial Spirit King. Even though the spirits were returned to normal, some evil influences still remained dwelling within their souls – while the ordinary Celestial Spirits are able to keep this dark power in check with ease, the ones whom were taught Spirit Slayer Magic by the Celestial Spirits aren't so lucky. Their minds clouded with anger, this fury and overall negative emotions allow the dark power dwelling within their souls inadvertently passed down to the Spirit Slayer to bubble to the surface, resulting in black energies swirling around them and consuming the Spirit Slayer's own Magical Aura, the power of the eclipse subjugating the celestial might as a terrifying transformation is born. Their irises vanishing as their eyes, sclera and all become pitch-black in texture, and their Magical Aura becomes darker than the night, burning anything it comes into contact with and subjecting everything the caster deems suitable to a tainted form of their magical power. With Eclipsed Spirit Force activated, the Spirit Slayer's mindset reverts from something resembling sentience into a savage beast that perceives naught but an insatiable urge to bring about destruction, becoming an erratic, power-crazed berserker whom battles on instinct, their sanity and reason scattering to the winds. As they battle in a manner not dissimilar to the berserkers of Norse legend, a Spirit Slayer whom has invoked the power of Eclipsed Spirit Force strikes at their adversary mercilessly, their motions and attacks unaffected by any emotion but pure instinct – completely ignoring even the most grievous of injuries, the Spirit Slayer will continue to charge in over and over until their foe is cut down. Additionally, as a result of the eclipsed power overriding their usual element, their particular form of Spirit Slayer Magic also turns their element black, such as the light that's normally produced by a wielder of Light Spirit Slayer Magic gaining properties not dissimilar to Dark Regulus, allowing the blackened light to burn through anything in its path at a level that's beyond ordinary photokinetic-type magics, including other forms of Slayer Magic. However, as a result of its activation method, the Eclipsed Spirit Force transformation is only temporary and eventually will disappear.

Spirit Slayer Abilities

Subspecies Type Users Creator Free Use
Dual-Element Spirit Mode Alternate Mode All Spirit Slayers User:Perchan Free Use
Overstride Alternate Mode All Spirit Slayers User:Perchan Permission Needed
Eidolon's Outrage Alternate Mode Divine Exorcist User:Perchan Permission Needed
Specter Stream Supplementary Spell All Spirit Slayers User:Perchan Free Use
Wraith Scramble Supplementary Spell All Spirit Slayers User:Perchan Free Use
Spiritsphere Supplementary Spell All Spirit Slayers User:Perchan Free Use


Name Magic Spirit
Lisette Aznable Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth
Marta Rayhunton Fire Spirit Slayer Magic Red Overlord
Alyssa Lucifuge Gravity Spirit Slayer Magic King Belial
Olympe Xygen
Aura Skyfreed
Wind Spirit Slayer Magic Unknown(Olympe)
Evolved (Aura)
Momoko Sitri Sea King Spirit Slayer Magic La Sirene
Lena Water Spirit Slayer Magic Aquarius
Estel Pacheco Gómez Ochre Spirit Slayer Magic Unknown
Kagumizaka Gunjomaru Pyre Spirit Slayer Magic Unknown
Grom Jidzenroq Deluge Spirit Slayer Magic Unknown
Ajisai Higanbana Nightfall Spirit Slayer Magic Unknown
Lucy H. Fiore Luminous Spirit Slayer Magic Unknown
Kanami Caust Lightning Spirit Slayer Magic Deneb
Hayden Chance Eclipse Spirit Slayer Magic Leo
Rick Winchester Light Spirit Slayer Magic Leo
Gai Diyos Black Spirit Slayer Magic The Black Spirit
Unknown Ice Spirit Slayer Magic Unknown


  • Despite gaining Spirit Slayer Magic in March 17, 2015, the author didn't create their very first Spirit Slayer Magic, specifically Gravity Spirit Slayer Magic, until July 15, 2016. Never forget that the author is a ridiculous procrastinator.
  • Spirit Slayer Magic, at first glance, seems to be an unholy combination of various aspects of the other forms of Slayer Magic, with Dragon Slayer's ability to utilize Subspecies Abilities, Phoenix Slayer's multi-hitting and regenerative capabilities, God Slayer's ability to summon familiars, and Devil Slayer's nature as a semantic-type - the trait Slayer Imitation is a nod to this. However, unlike the others, Spirit Slayer Magic possesses a drawback in that the wielder needs to enter the Drive equivalent, Trance, to get it to this level of power, otherwise it's as effective an ordinary form of Elemental Magic.
  • As a side note, it's known to be relatively easy for any form of Slayer Magic to evolve into Spirit Slayer Magic – all a wielder of any other form of Slayer Magic has to do is die and become a ghost, and from there, through intense concentration and a surging of arcane energies, their Slayer Magic will adapt to the caster's current situation and become a Spirit Slayer Magic. It should also be noted that Spirit Slayer Magic is the only form of Slayer Magic that any other form of the classification is capable of becoming, as everything dies eventually.
  • The colour that's associated with Spirit Slayer Magic is silver, just like how Devil Slayer Magic is associated with purple and God Slayer Magic is associated with black.
  • While there is no tier list for Spirit Slayer Magic - and it'll stay that way - Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is universally recognized as the the strongest Spirit Slayer Magic out there with no proper equal.
  • Per was given this magic by the previous owner.
  • Constellation Spells were created by Kas, and as such, all credits goes to her.