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Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic



Takion no Metsurei Mahō


Caster Magic
Lost Magic
Slayer Magic
Molding Magic
Elemental Magic
Spirit Summoning Magic
Light Magic
Time Magic
Chaos Arts
Spirit Slayer Magic


Lisette Aznable

Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic (時空(タキオン)の滅霊魔法, Takion no Metsurei Mahō) is a Caster Magic, Lost Magic, obviously a Slayer Magic, and last, but not least, a Spirit Slayer Magic which is focused upon the transformation of the physiology of the caster's body into a spirit, an extremely powerful type of legendary creature that's classified non-corporeal substance contrasted with the material body; this includes those brought into the physical realm through the power of other magicians that can be categorized as belonging to the definition of Spirit Summoning Magic and are of an ethereal composition, but also encompasses a wide variety of terms, including ghosts and sprites, all attuned to this particular element, resulting in Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic revolving around the generation, manipulation, and consumption of the pseudo-element of tachyons, which are a hypothetical particle that always moves faster than light, and most physicists believe they cannot exist because they are not consistent with the natural laws of physics and potentially violate the laws of causality. While normally, it would be assumed that tachyons have no offensive purpose, due to the nature of their creation, they simply act as a massively augmented form of light with all of its attributes pushed to its absolute limit along with all properties that tachyons are assumed to possess. Because of the way it was obtained, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is a bit of an oddball in terms of how Slayer Magic is categorized – while God Slayer Magic can be said to be a White Magic and associated White Arts and Devil Slayer Magic is a Black Magic along with a pseudo-Black Art, even though Spirit Slayer Magic itself doesn't have any designation like that, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is, for all intents and purposes, a member of the Chaos Arts, with tachyons substituting for aether, which is the so-called "fifth element" and the unique essence that flows throughout most of existence, and as such in functions. A wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is known as a Tachyon Knight (時空光の先騎士(タキオン・ナイト), Takion Naito lit. Heralded Knight of Spacetime Light), a legendary term that strikes fear into the hearts of other wielders of Slayer Magic. However, unlike most forms of Slayer Magic, there can only be one Tachyon Knight - and thus, one wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic - at a time.

Interestingly, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is not a natural form of Slayer Magic, but rather, it is something that was previously fantasy, outside sources of the divine as detailed in the description section pushed the idea of manipulating these physics-breaking particles into reality whereas it was previously a pipe-dream for even the greatest of magicians. Additionally, because it is a Spirit Slayer Magic that's forged through the determination of mankind in conjunction with a number of outside forces such as Enchantment and manipulation of the Ley lines that are used to evolve a light-element Spirit Slayer Magic into this form, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, as an "artificial" form of Spirit Slayer Magic albeit one that surpasses all others, is incapable of being taught by any spirits; it's said that Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is one of a kind due to not only its properties, but also the circumstances of its creation. However, in the case of the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, Lisette Aznable, she learnt this almighty form of Spirit Slayer Magic by evolving her light-element Spirit Slayer Magic with help from Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth (太極帝の革命時空霊(フューチャー・スピリット・キング) ・ヤルダバオト, Fuyūchā Supiritto Kingu, Yarudabaoto lit. Supreme Ultimate Emperor of the Revolutionary Space-Time Spirits); the leader of the Future Spirits (革命時空霊(フューチャー・スピリット), Fuyūchā Supiritto lit. Revolutionary Space-Time Spirits), whom are known to be a group of steampunk-themed spirits that represent the industrial revolution, with an inclination towards the unknown, which is embodied in their manipulation of the hypothetical tachyon particles. Arriving from the future, the Future Spirits continuously transcend time and space to travel across all eras and dimensions. Referred to as "The Greatest Spirit Slayer Magic" (最強の滅霊魔法, Saikyō no Metsurei Mahō), Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic transcends not only space and time, but also what it means to be a Spirit Slayer Magic, using a superior power with direct links to the space-time continuum with none comparable to its might.


In order to learn the power of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic in the first place, the beginning stages of obtaining its power takes place in a similar manner to a wielder of First Generation Dragon Slayer Magic; being taught by a spirit itself; of course, it doesn't matter what kind of spirit it is, as long as it can be classified as "an incorporeal body with an existence composed entirely out of energy" as per most forms of spirits. A willing user can learn Spirit Slayer Magic from almost any type of spirit, as long as the spirit in question has the methods in order to teach the magician; though "Spirit Kings"; leaders of a spirit race cannot teach a magician, as if they were to attempt to teach a human their magic, they would be unable to accept the force of their magic - however, some exceedingly rare exceptions exist to this. Once a hopeful wielder of this incredible power has decided what spirit to have them teach this magic, the caster must forge a contract with spirits of any type, even ghouls hailed as Summon Spirits which are located within the world of Earth Land —usually one per town. These beings are part of a set created by the 'higher spirits' for the sole purpose of keeping order within Earth Land. First, the foremost requirement is to locate a spirit. Finding one isn't a walk in the park, that's for sure- the user must be knowledgeable in its habitat, its favorite kind of food, and what it wishes to make out of the contract. From here, the spirit and the caster work out a suitable deal with the target commonly asking for their heart's desire and the user asking for something important to the target in return; but once the deal has been completed, the spirit expels their supernatural energies outwards, engulfing the target in their malefic supernatural powers which seep into the target's body, reaching their soul itself in a ritualistic process. From here, the spirit utilizes their mastery over the arcane and the supernatural particles that are strewn about through this world of whimsy and wonder, engulfing the hopeful wielder with their arcane energies as they seep inside of the target's body, with the spirit reaching inside the humanoid's soul, searching for that otherworldly organ referred to as a Magic Origin and from there, making a few changes here and there as to alter the process of how the Magic Origin functions and its properties, therefore transmogrifying their Magic Origin into a strange hybrid between that of a spirit's Magic Origin and a humanoid Magic Origin, possessing the traits of the former but the arcane storage capacity of the latter, effectively causing their body to be bestowed with the magical powers of a Spirit - otherwise known as Spirit Slayer Magic. Continuing with this process, this magical power acts alongside the energy of the body in order to catalyze a variety of bodily processes, therefore allowing the morphing of their physiology to a point where the individual has adopted some physical traits, a myriad of abilities also shared with their teacher, as well as the element from the said spirit, which can be conjured from the magician's body for countless purposes; upon teaching the magician their form of Spirit Slayer Magic, the spirit enters the caster's soul in a manner not dissimilar to the Dragon Soul Seal and engraves their powers within the wielder, constantly boosting Spirit Slayer Magic to a level akin to Primal Dragon Mode. As one may notice, Spirit Slayer's mechanics are extremely similar to that of any other Slayer Magic; however, there's more than meets the eye.

However, as well as what's detailed below, what sets Spirit Slayer Magic apart from other forms of Slayer Magic, including Dragon Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic, Devil Slayer Magic, and Phoenix Slayer Magic is that the installment process of the user's spirit teacher's magical energies and subsequent change in their physiology results in an exceedingly beneficial mutation alongside the regular boosts in bodily properties a wielder of Slayer Magic receives during the learning process. Indeed, the Magic Origin of a Spirit Slayer becomes transmogrified into what can be semi-accurately described as a "pendulum", the caster's Magic Origin serving as the weight while their thoughts and feelings fulfilling the purpose of a pivot. Referred to as the Pendulum of Souls (振子の魂, Furiko no Damashī) once Spirit Slayer Magic has finally become integrated within the caster's existence, the user's Magic Origin, just like a pendulum when it's displaced sideways from its resting position is subject to a restoring force due to gravity that accelerates it back towards the resting position, seemingly bounds around the caster's body while dramatically enhancing their particle draw far beyond the likes of fellow Slayer Magics, swinging back and forth, this results in a greater output of magical energy at the wielder's beck and call, effectively enabling the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic to manifest a multitude of high-level spells and power-ups at once. While this does result in the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic having to charge their power up to enable this effect by invoking Trance, the ability to manifest countless varying-levelled spells and power-ups all at once still proves to be a powerful force in a battle, especially since this effect extends to other magics the caster possesses, and thus makes extremely powerful abilities such as Abyss Break and World Reconstruction Magic: Universe One far easier to pull off and can be unleashed in quick succession without any rest in-between their casting sequences, whereas even the most skilled of magicians would be exhausted from utilizing their power. Because their Magic Origin is swinging back and forth like a pendulum, as magic is fuelled by the thoughts and feelings of the wielder, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is known to have their emotions affect their elemental power on a much greater level and scope than ordinary forms of Slayer Magic, continuously surpassing itself as the user fights and progresses in power, adapting and evolving through a wielder's emotions, gaining certain abilities and qualities as the caster becomes stronger. Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is said to bring the potency of this pendulum of souls to its utmost limit, surpassing all alternative versions of Spirit Slayer Magic easily as the speeds that the pendulum known as the caster's Magic Origin swings back and forth at utterly defy the laws of casualty, allowing for an even greater particle draw and output than normal Spirit Slayer Magics. Additionally, as Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic incorporates the knowledge and power of the Future Spirits into the caster's Magic Origin in order to grant access to this almighty form of Spirit Slayer Magic, their pendulum of souls automatically generates the spell the caster wishes to utilize in even less than a fraction of a millisecond, the time space-changing properties of the spirits and the tachyons working in unison to immediately and correctly predict the spell the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic wants and manifests it instantaneously, whereas any other, more ordinary form of magic would take a time-span of one-to-five seconds to generate any type of spell the wielder desires.


Tachyons as manifested by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic.

However, in the case of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, it is considered an oddity among forms of Spirit Slayer Magic in that it is not taught per-se, but rather, it is obtained through the process of evolution that's achieved through the hands of mankind – thus, it could be said that the creation of The Greatest Spirit Slayer Magic is a feat created through teamwork between a human and the spirit whom taught them everything they knew. While it should be clear that Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic cannot be taught per-se, even by a member of a group of spirits with some connection with these hypothetical particles, it can evolve from a previous light-element Spirit Slayer Magic such as, well, Light Spirit Slayer Magic or anything else, as long as it is aligned with light and photons. As Magic is highly influenced by the concept known as emotions, which are the complex reaction of an organism to significant objects or events, with subjective, behavioral, physiological elements, it can be said that these supernatural powers are driven primarily by the thoughts and feelings of their wielder. Of course, Slayer Magic, specifically Spirit Slayer Magic in this case, is no different in those regards – the emotions experienced by the wielder of the light-element Spirit Slayer Magic are the catalyst for the transformation. However, to begin the transmogrification from light and photons into tachyons, an outside source and enabler is required. Applying Enchantment's power to alter the molecules, which are an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds that compose the entirety of existence, of anything to change it into anything else, thus granting the user the ability to manipulate the molecules of all matter and energy and thereby using this enchantment at its highest level, thus enabling the High Enchanter to modify atoms, which are the smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter that has the properties of a chemical element, upon their Magic Origin, the High Enchanter searches their arcane container and applies their thrall over atoms upon their light-element Spirit Slayer Magic such as Light Spirit Slayer Magic as taught by the Celestial Spirit known as Leo, using atomic fortification in conjunction with impeccable manipulation of the Ley lines, or rather, an unknown source which "lies beyond the Ley lines", presumed to be The One Magic, though obviously, this cannot be proven. Through the sequence of events that facilitates the evolution, the photons/light which obviously are able to move at the speed of light are taken a step further to enable them to move faster than light, thus forming the basis for the tachyons in the first place. The interaction between this power source effectively resulted in the bonding between the source and the light-element Spirit Slayer Magic through the application of Enchantment, invoking a miraculous transmogrification that's beyond the anticipation of higher forces, permanently evolving the elements of light and photons associated with light-focused Spirit Slayer Magics into one step beyond, such is the origin of this godlike, one-of-a-kind Spirit Slayer Magic. As of now, even for alternative forms of Slayer Magic, such a process is the sole method in which to gain the power over tachyons.

When inducing the activation process for Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and thereby performing the signature tachyon particle manipulation of the magic, the caster utilizes an activation sequence not dissimilar from light-element Slayer Magics such as Photon Dragon Slayer Magic, Light Spirit Slayer Magic, and much less notably due to its user being a loser belonging to a bigger group of losers, White Dragon Slayer Magic. This involves the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic focusing intently as they intensify the volatility of the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin as to excite them exponentially, before releasing the voluminous quantities of energy outwards from their body, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope. However, this is where the similarities between the activation sequences of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and any light-element Slayer Magic terminate, revealing it to be its own unique beast – their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; because the acquisition process of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic involved evolving a light-element Spirit Slayer Magic into this magic by using Enchantment to transmogrify what's considered the speed of light into faster than the speed of light, in layman's terms, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can be considered a light-element Spirit Slayer Magic taken up to eleven; but rather, while the similarities in combat use are there, the two are about as different as Platinum Games and Electronic Arts. Property-wise, when compared to photons, the tachyons that are manifested through this magic are of a darker texture than ordinary particles with currents of a light orange-red swirling around within these black particles, giving it a relatively eerie appearance that definitely indicates that Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is something completely otherworldly and so far from the norm from "ordinary" elements despite simply being an evolution of photons in this case, striking fear into the hearts of anyone whom stares at these miraculous energies. The mass of a tachyon particle is an imaginary number, are numbers that are made from combining a real number with the imaginary unit called i and can be represented by equations but refer to values that could not physically exist in real life. Of course, the user's opponents are more often than not incapable of seeing these tachyon particles as they would be rendered completely invisible to the naked eye; to any onlookers, it would appear as if the caster is downing their enemies with invisible strikes and the like – being a space-like four-momentum in contrast to ordinary particles that are time-like three-momentum, the tachyons only become visible to those in the vicinity if the caster deems it to be suitable – however, wielders of high-levelled Eye Magic or extrasensory perception are capable of witnessing the tachyons through their advanced gifts. Additionally, depending on the brightness and the heat that the tachyons emit when Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is being invoked, it is capable of blinding as well as burning an opponent or causing the surrounding area to explode in a brilliant surge of darkened light.

Effectively, this grants the user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic the ability to call upon the assets of a spirit even if their bodily structure isn't one-hundred-percent the same as the beings from which this magic originated, the caster is capable of inducing a metamorphosis of their body structure as to take upon traits of a spirit instantaneously which is done in conjunction with the activation sequence as mentioned above, bestowing upon the user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic the lungs and enhanced vocal folds of a spirit that are capable of spewing vicious torrents of tachyonic energy, a corporal body which is naturally laced with tachyon particles as to provide protection against anything thrown the caster's way, and fierce limbs, whether prehensile or not which are enshrouded with tachyonic energies, specifically attuned to dealing incredible amounts of damage, overall incorporating the pseudo-element of tachyons into their body – all of this combined, results in the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic transforming their entire existence into that of a make-shift weapon whose ownership is unique to them and them alone, wielding the pseudo-element of tachyons that evolved from the element of light that was harnessed by their spirit and passed down to them alongside the natural physical superiority of a spirit in combat, utilizing offensive ability, stamina, and vitality, to transmogrify themselves into the greatest weapon of all, thus dramatically increasing the damage inflicted upon anything that they come into contact with using the sheer force of their strikes in all ranges; though close-combat is where this form of Spirit Slayer Magic usually shines, as the magic massively bolsters the power of their unarmed blows with the user unleashing powerful close-range strikes that whip up innumerable destructive wakes of tachyonic energy which wreak havoc on anything and everything that they come into contact with. The tachyons generated by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can also be employed in other ways, with the user being capable of emitting it in vast amounts, enough to cover a wide area, and of shaping it into various forms; the caster possesses an absolute dominance over anything considered to be affected by tachyons and everything related to and dwelling within these energies – additionally, because it was evolved from a light-element Spirit Slayer Magic, a wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of exerting control over light and photons of any kind, turning them into tachyons from the very moment they come under the user's thrall. Interestingly, the imaginary mass of the tachyons are known to create an instability in the configuration – any configuration in which one or more field excitations are tachyonic will spontaneously decay, and the resulting configuration contains no physical tachyons. This process is a peculiar form of phase transition that's referred to as tachyon condensation, a process in particle physics in which a system can lower its energy by spontaneously producing particles. The end result is a "condensate" of particles that fills the volume of the system – thus, an infinite quantity of tachyons is constantly manifested with every waking second that the caster is utilizing this incredible magic, as many scientists believe that if one tachyon existed in the universe at any time, then the universe would be overrun by more and more tachyons. This is due to the fact that as they slow down, the tachyons increase energy.

The tachyonic energy emitted by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is known to simply be highly refined and evolved light as mentioned above – but its properties are something else entirely, completely blowing any form of Light Magic or photokinesis in general out of the water. Instead of simple focused beams of light as seen with most forms of light manipulation, the tachyonic energies produced by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is known to consistently possess properties that are not dissimilar to lasers, which are coherent beams of light on a level that far surpasses ordinary utilizations of photokinesis. Released as laser beams composed entirely out of tachyons which are able to be charged to increase their speed and power, and thus, unlike any other projectile-type spells released by any form of light-derived magic, including fellow Slayer Magics and Lost Magics, the blows of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic actually are actual lasers instead of a (comparatively) slow-moving projectile forged from light. As one knows, a laser is an amplified, single-colour source of light. The beam of tachyons from the laser does not get wider or weaker as most sources of light do; indeed, a laser is distinguished from other sources of light by its coherence, expressed through the output of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's strikes often being a narrow, almost-razor-thin beam rather than a gigantic light blast. As the laser is focused to an extremely tiny spot, it achieves a very high irradiance and a low divergence so that it does not lose power even after travelling a long distance. The blows of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic are known as a beam that burns through targets like a missile, causing everything metallic that they so much as glances through to disintegrate, vaporizing everything in its path, burning through clothing and melting defenses upon contact. Laser wounds are every bit as bloody as knife wounds, and upon connection with a flesh-and-blood enemy, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic causes the water in the body to boil, expand and rip the surrounding tissues apart, much like a high velocity bullet impact. The launching speed of any of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's attacks is faster than that of the speed of light, meaning that immediately after the sparse seconds that it takes to begin the attack, the strike has reached its target, impacting instantaneously with no way to dodge or defend; indeed, these tachyons are known to be extremely destructive and can bring grand amounts of destruction to everything that they come into contact with. At the moment of impact, the tachyons continuously attack anything they're set upon as to create a relatively quick 'damage over time' effect – for example, an attack like the Fire Dragon's Iron Fist of Fire Dragon Slayer Magic would count as a single strike, a similar attack for Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic would deal five hits, one after the other, which everything that it touches would recognize as a single strike whereas that really isn't the case. Indeed, the strikes of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic seem to repeat their own motions in a manner not dissimilar to a combo once they latch onto something, simulating the theoretical ability of the tachyon particle to travel back and forth in time, with the spell released by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic 'resetting' itself to a time where it had not yet struck the user's opponent.

As one may or may not have guessed already, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic completely blows all other forms of light-manipulating magics, no matter their status (whether they're Lost Magic or Slayer Magic) out of the water, possessing an intensity unmatched and unrivalled by anyone or anything; it can be said that even in the New Era and the fears of such unfathomable lights having been quashed as humanity has finally moved out of its divine obsession phase, there has never been anything like Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, both before and since. The sheer intensity and output released by each and every attack of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is more than enough to raze straight through any and every defense- it can be said that a spell such as Fairy Sphere would not remain unscathed through direct contact with tachyonic rays as released by the user. Indeed, the tachyonic energies unleashed with this magic can burn straight through all forms of magic-based defenses and other alloy-based structures, no matter the composition- upon contact with an opposing source of light, the tachyons released by this iteration of Spirit Slayer Magic devour them and use the miniscule amounts of energy (in comparison) in order to empower the speed and strength of the ongoing attack. Even then however, the sheer power of this power is monstrous, and many are easily defeated through one attack because of the speed and instantaneous effects this magic has as burns from Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic are extremely painful and are not wholly healable for people who are lucky, or unlucky enough to survive an assault by the wielder of this magic. Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can be said to be an embodiment of the concept of destruction itself, bringing mass devastation to anything that the tachyonic energies released by the magic comes into contact with without fail. Additionally, while moving through the atmosphere, all projectiles as released by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can momentarily turn intangible as to pass straight through structures that would serve as an obstruction; this is a reference to the idea that tachyons do not interact with other forms of energy or matter. The tachyonic energies that are unleashed by this magic seem to have a transcendent priority that's not dissimilar to God Slayer Magic, displaying the ability to transcend normal area-of-effect of close-range combat strikes, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic cannot collide with, clash with, cancel out, or be cancelled out by other attacks, even other priority-oriented attacks of a similar nature, constantly smashing through any other spell that would hope to put a stop to its movements- busting through everything and anything in its way, ripping through any chances of defense like wet rice paper, the tachyons released by this magic is truly an embodiment of "divine retribution", a single strike will land without fail and vaporize anything in its way in a split second; its most basic Spirit's Harangue attack can be considered equally powerful as the Magic Council's secret weapon, Satellite Square: Etherion, if not even more-so.

Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, as briefly mentioned above, is the form of Spirit Slayer Magic that represents the Future Spirits, whom are a group of spirits that represent a world of advanced machines and technology that they integrated into their existences in a manner not dissimilar to how cyborgs are formed, hailing from the future four hundred years from the present instead of a spirit world like the Celestial Spirits have the Celestial Spirit World, which is a dimension separate from Earth Land and Edolas. The Future Spirits come from an era which, while far more advanced than Earth Land in the present, never ascended beyond the Age of Steam as to seem permanently stuck within the Industrial Revolution. Using a mixture of magical power, steam power and the unknown in order to manipulate said power as to enable the ability to do anything with these advanced machines that are a natural part of their body fueled by coal and driven by steam, the Future Spirits are supposedly powered by steam and gears. Future Spirits resembling heavily stylized automations and mechanized dragons quite similar to the Machias of now that are inspired by the time period from 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840 as well as steampunk a fictional form of technology and/or aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery, their distinctive insignia patterned somewhere upon their bodies are gears referred to as Timegears (時空研歯車(タイムギア), Taimugia lit. Time-Space Grinding Cogwheels); which are rotating machine parts that mesh with another toothed part to transmit torque; visually, these Timegears are predominantly golden spurred gears with an emerald glowing gemstone in the very centers of their existences; while actual steampunk isn't about just gluing some gears on something and calling it a day, the Future Spirits sure do love their gears. Through a process akin to the function of the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine, which are said to be the very first computers in the world as developed by Charles Babbage and by using a brief burst of perpetual motion as a catalyst alongside their tachyonic energies, the Future Spirits are able to transcend the fabric of space and time even though it's a rendered as a single interwoven continuum. It's heavily implied that the Future Spirits are the Celestial Spirits as summoned through the power of Celestial Spirit Magic, hailing from not just four centuries in the future, but the alternate timeline in which the future Rogue Cheney casually conquered the dimension known as Earth Land, a horrific divergence from the time-stream occurring on 7/7/777 with something to do with the Eclipse Gate, a Magic Item that was created and used by combining Celestial Spirit Magic and a certain form of the Black Arts from the Books of Zeref; said bad future involved Gray Fullbuster killing some dumb cat under the influence of his Devil Slayer Magic, sending all alliances into chaos as the main timeline's Black Dragon effectively achieved victory by doing nothing, more or less. With the world thrown into disarray, the Lucy Heartfilia of this doomed timeline used some of the very last of her magical and physical strength in order to gather the familiars at her command using Celestial Spirit Magic out of the collapsing Celestial Spirit World and use the Eclipse Gate in order to send her spirits in their Celestial Spirit Gate Key forms as a collected group across the time-stream in hopes that they would be able to return eventually at a point before the divergence and restore everything to normal.

Descending abruptly from the Eclipse Gate after countless millennia of interdimensional travel to a myriad of alternate universes, different eras in the timeline, and of course, alternative dimensions in search of a world in which the tragedy had not yet occurred, during their seemingly endless journey, the Celestial Spirits underwent a continuous process of evolution as to adapt to the constantly-shifting environments and the ever-increasing power levels of the foes they went up against. At this point, after countless eons of travelling, the Celestial Spirits had become the Future Spirits, dramatically morphing over innumerable eons to accommodate for the changes within this universe. As the myriad of spirits travelled through possibilities, doubtlessly the newly-christened Future Spirits suffered several causalities, and as such were required to constantly restructure their hierarchy to accommodate to this – the Celestial Spirit King perishing in battle against an unknown foe whom is hinted to be the Sun Trilogy version of the Black Dragon, Níðhöggr, the charismatic Ialdabaoth, whom is said to possess the powers that are expected of the leader of a powerful group of spirits, possessing a scope of strength that is equal to, and some say even greater than, that of the Celestial Spirit King, taking up the mantle of Future Spirit King. Alongside their primary motifs, the Future Spirits have much less prominent design features that tie into the constellations of the zodiac, which is the circle of twelve thirty degree divisions of celestial longitude employed by western astrology, representing various astronomical constellations overall, and due to heavy causalities, the Future Spirits moreso resemble the Twelve Animals of the Chinese Zodiac, the classification scheme that assigns an animal to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle than the Twelve Signs of the Western Zodiac, grouping together Silver Keys and Gold Keys with no regard to social standing beforehand – all members of the group of spirits known as the Future Spirits were equal from that point onwards; powers and capabilities continuously moving forwards as they synchronized with space and time in order to gain the ability to lead this world into a perfect future, one where disasters are averted and peace can finally be attained. Due to more or less being an evolution of the constellation-derived Spirit Summoning Magic that was so common, the Future Spirits have gone from near-universal to a complete rarity in this day and age – while their past selves are still around and can be summoned by damn near anyone with access to the Celestial Spirit Gate Keys and a contract, the Future Spirits themselves are incapable of being summoned by anyone. The reason for which is because due to their existences being living temporal paradoxes, the events which spurred the Celestial Spirits into becoming Future Spirits actually having no point of origin due to time travel and that disastrous future being closed off from the time-stream. Additionally, due to the nature of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, the Future Spirits are only capable of being manifested upon the mortal plane by the Spirit Slayer whom has access to this peculiar form of Spirit Slayer Magic, summoned from the past and the future with the chronokinetic-type powers of full control over tachyons. Instead of being aligned with a single spirit as per the nature and mechanics of a vast majority of other forms of Spirit Slayer Magic, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic channels the immeasurable powers of all twelve of the Future Spirits and thus, the properties of the Chinese zodiac. Not dissimilar to the likes of a supplementary ability of the Chaos Arts known as Zodiac Siphon, as the Future Spirits are evolutions of the present-day Celestial Spirits, they are known to possess an incredibly high level of synergy with the powers and techniques that are associated with Celestial Spirit Magic, not limited to but including Celestial Cross Fuse (and the similar Star Dress spell), Urano Metria, and Gottfried, overall constantly attaining perfect synchronicity with the powers said to be the "sigils of the stars", wielding abilities associated with astronomy such as stars, planets, and a myriad of others, commonly by mimicking processes similar to Heavenly Body Magic. Not only this, despite not technically being a Spirit Slayer Magic derived from Celestial Spirits, they are capable of invoking the Constellation Spells (星座呪, Seizaju), which are a set of common spells among Spirit Slayers who were taught by a Celestial Spirit, twelve accommodating for the twelve spirits Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is aligned with.

As briefly mentioned above, the tachyons as produced by this form of Spirit Slayer Magic are known to move faster than the speed of light, and thus transmit information faster than the speed of light, which means that according to relativity, they defy causality, which is a fundamental principle of physics, leading to logical paradoxes of the grandfather paradox type, best illustrated by the tachyon telephone paradox, which is a hypothetical device in theoretical physics that could be used to send signals into one's own past. By the Spirit Slayer going about deriving power from the fact that an inherent property of all forms of Spirit Slayer Magic allows certain spirits to teach the user more abstract concepts which naturally accompany the element, by extending the property of tachyons which enables Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's hypothetical particles to utterly violate the laws of casualty while taking the association of tachyons with time and space into account, a wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, just like the Future Spirits associated with this peculiar form of Spirit Slayer Magic is able to utilize an arcane mathematical model to render it as a single interwoven continuum while using their tachyonic powers in order to grant them the ability of Spatio-Chronokinesis, which is known as the ability to control space and time, which is the fabrics of reality in which all exist in, and from there incorporate those powers into their fighting style; however, it only reaches its full potency in Nextage Trance. In its base state, the space-time properties simply manifests as a serial of disturbances that subtly affect their surroundings when manifested, only really noticeable when the higher levels of power are invoked, the power of Trance transmogrifying the wielder of this Spirit Slayer Magic into a walking dynamo of raw power, releasing tremendous amounts of innate energy on command while performing feats such as all of what's mentioned above, releasing mist that slightly distorts recognition, which could conceal their form, and collecting traces of space-time energies before unleashing the stored power as heat beams. A highly skilled wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to use these space-time-warping properties delicately enough to distort space in small centralized areas, such as around their fists or in midair, overall molding their control over time and space into a plethora of offensive and defensive moves and even using it to assist themselves in healing from injuries by bolstering the natural elemental consumption speed of Spirit Slayer Magic. This natural trait of theirs emerges as a secondary power of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, granting the wielder of this Spirit Slayer Magic this miraculous ability that plays a major part in explaining why Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is the strongest form of Spirit Slayer Magic with no equal as associating a Slayer Magic naturally would normally be impossible, whereas for Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, since Spirit Slayer Magic gains traits of the spirit group whom taught the wielder and properties of the particle used, such a fantasy is transmogrified into a reality. As the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has utilized an arcane mathematical model to render it as such along with general relativity to make both powers synonymous, this power over time and space is split into two subspecies, as detailed below.

The first power is achieved by the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic invoking the usual activation sequence for their Spirit Slayer Magic and from there rendering time and space as a single interwoven continuum in order to achieve a certain level of chronokinesis, the power to control time, which is known to be the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future, overall possessing a mastery over the flow of time. With chronokinesis at the ready, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has been observed to utilize these chronokinetic powers in order to speed up, slow down, outright freeze, leap through it, and evade attacks by speeding their reflexes up. This power also allows the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to warp one's perception of time; as seen when Elraine Ardygun first encountered Lisette Aznable; the former believed that the encounter had only lasted for a minute or so, but when she checked her watch afterward, she discovered that four hours had passed – however, a wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is known to overall incorporate the power of chronokinesis into their fighting style. On the other hand, the second power is activated by the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic invoking the usual activation sequence for their Spirit Slayer Magic and from there rendering time and space as a single interwoven continuum in order to achieve a certain level of spatiokinesis, the power of controlling space, which is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction, overall possessing a mastery over the form of space; such a feat is made possible due to the Spatio-Chronokinesis powers including both time and space, so naturally, a wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic would be able to manipulate both. With spatiokinesis at the ready, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has been observed to warp one's perception of reality by distorting and warping space in specific areas and achieve various effects, occasionally teleporting themselves and others around via wormholes by altering the distance between their desired location and their current location, this distance manipulation can also be utilized to decrease the distance between two spaces to crush everything in between and increase the distance in-between matter to bifurcate the target. Creating pocket dimensions is also possible with spatiokinesis, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic commonly banishing enemies to another dimension and manipulating the dimensions both created and natural and bending the curvature of the three-dimensional space to distort anything. Using their power over space to merge with another by overlapping the two objects' spaces, removing their separate boundaries, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of effortlessly forming Combination Spells and Unison Raids as well as create cracks in time and space for movement purposes as well as interdimensional attacks. By manifesting distortions and folds in space, the wielder of Tachyon Slayer Magic is also able to induce an effect not dissimilar to the likes of Crash or Destruction Magic, annihilating anything they come into contact with. Overall, just like chronokinesis, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to incorporate the power of spatiokinesis into their fighting style.

As one is capable of discerning from the above paragraphs, these powers of chronokinesis and spatiokinesis make the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to do battle with, even without taking their ability to strand one in another time and another place into account. With the power of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, by utilizing its spatio-chronokinetic properties alongside the powers of tachyonic energy, the wielder of this peculiar form of Spirit Slayer Magic has displayed that they are capable of charging the strength, speed, and scope of their spells simply by shrouding them in tachyons and instantaneously exciting their kinetic energy, thus increasing the power output of the proceeding strike. Even without Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's greatest ability, the Spirit Slayer whom harnesses these incredible hypothetical particles has been shown to move at velocities that are faster-than-light, surpassing even the Photon Dragon Slayer Magic spell known as Accellight, which itself is known to allow the wielder of Photon Dragon Slayer Magic to move about at the speed of light. Indeed, faster-than-light travel enables the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to move about as swift as ever and still retain their incredible power even when the fabric of space and time has been frozen, meaning that chronokinetic-type supernatural powers such as Time Magic, Age Seal, Slowing Magic, Chronos Rose, and many more are more or less useless against the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic – even alternate modes for other forms of Slayer Magic such as Annarose Antoinette's Kronos Mode which break the taboos of ordinary Slayer Magic and achieve the impossible are known to be affected by this transcendent movement power of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, effectively "overwriting" the frozen time and replacing it with a "spacetime" in which the Spirit Slayer isn't hampered by their power. Taking this property a step further, just like the Future Spirits themselves, by taking their power of Spatio-Chronokinesis to the absolute zenith, the incredible power of Spatio-Chronokinesis culminates in the ultimate technique of the Future Spirits and the Spirit Slayer whom wields this power over tachyons which is known as "Tachyon Transmigration", which grants them the ability to transcend the fabric of space and time even though it's a rendered as a single interwoven continuum, leaping through time and space in order to reach a future where victory is certain by using this power of time travel to rewrite history, knocking down any futures with even the slightest chances of defeat; though the maximum range of how far the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to move either back or forward is unknown; though the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can use Tachyon Transmigration to not simply move forward into the past or backwards into the future, but laterally, into different timestreams and realities which bear little to no similarity to one's own, worlds of what-ifs and could-have-beens.

Indeed, as one may have guessed from the name of this Slayer Magic, the purpose of Spirit Slayer Magic is to slay the existence referred to as spirits, and thus, the absolute greatest advantage that Spirit Slayer Magic has over the other Slayer Magics is that, unlike many other Slayer Magics, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can be utilized to kill all sorts of spirits, whether they be "summon beasts" (召喚獣, Shōkanjū), such as Celestial Spirits and its accompanying magic, Elemenian Spirits, Virago Spirits, Shikigami and its accompanying magic, Different Dimension Demons manifested through Lemegeton Spirit Magic, Planetary Spirits, Familiars, embodiments of the four fundamental elements, spirits who dwell in the atmosphere, souls of the departed whether reanimated or not, sprites, and even some demons and countless others as the term "spirit" is known to encompass a wide variety of terms, only loosely categorized as "doesn't fit in other races but definitely isn't human, also ghost as fuck". Thus, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has their attack and defensive power massively boosted against everything that can be considered to belong to the race of spirits - indeed, as the term "spirit" is open to a vast amount of interpretation, in a manner similar to Devil Slayer Magic, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic could be considered a rare gem in that it can be categorized as an extremely rare and powerful type of subcategory of magic known as a Semantic-Type (意味型, Imi-gata), meaning that it is a supernatural power that can be defined solely by the caster's interpretation of what it governs over, all depending on their wording rather than anything logical—because of this, Spirit Slayer Magic can theoretically affect anything that constitutes a "spirit", allowing for a great deal of stretching of what it is capable of. In that manner, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic could be considered a power akin to that of Memory-Make or Arc of Embodiment, in all three heavily rely on the caster's imagination in order to bring out its full potential- while the former two are simply confined to using the power of creation to forge objects and attacks from the magician's thoughts to do battle, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is only limited by the creativity of the caster, as mentioned before, anything that can be referred to as a "spirit" causes their maneuvers to power up; indeed, this simple concept can be applied to a near countless multitude of unconventional uses as to almost give a Spirit Slayer a distinct advantage in any situation. Interestingly, as one may notice in regards to the various high-tiered spells of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, when summoning higher levels of this magic's plethora of abilities, the caster has the power of the Future Spirits enshroud them in their entirety, transforming their existence into a form most suitable for the utilization of the might of this magic instantly.

Unlike any other form of Spirit Slayer Magic, during the process of learning Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and thus undergoing the requisite physiological alterations for their body, the Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth installed a special mutation within the Spirit Slayer's existence which is known as the Mikado Pendulum (並行天皇機関(ミカド・ペンデュラム), Mikado Pendyuramu lit. Concurrent Heavenly Sovereign Organ) – this special organ which spontaneously manifests within their bodily systems is composed out of pure spiritual power instead of anything considered to be Magic or a Curse in nature, an entirely different type of energy that's unseen within the triad of dimensions as of the current time. Due to the Mikado Pendulum being the only source of spiritual power in existence currently, the capabilities of this unidentifiable power is unknown, but what it does do is grant the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic a level of power and level of operation time that transcends most other magicians. However, even so, the Mikado Pendulum seems to resonate with aether, the so-called "fifth element" and the unique essence that flows throughout most of existence, and as such, it enables the Chaos Arts and all derivative styles as well as all star-type magics such as Heavenly Body Magic and Celestial Spirit Magic to synergize with Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic automatically. As such, consuming objects associated with outer space such as stars and meteoroids – whether they be artificially created or natural – allows the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to not only restore their stamina and magical reserves just like consuming tachyonic energies does, thus granting Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic a slightly more reliable way to rejuvenate from injuries, but also possess a certain level of dominance over the so-called "celestial element" – it isn't a proper element per-se in that a true aether slayer magic can never be formed, but rather, this power is a result of the Mikado Pendulum and the Future Spirits bringing about an incredible evolution. By consuming these divine pseudo-elements, the spiritual power that composes the Mikado Pendulum grows exponentially in both quantity and overall strength, saturating the Spirit Slayer's body with a godly power that transcends all that grants them the ability to reach higher levels of power as their fervent wishes resound throughout their entire existence as to induce an almighty transformation internally and externally. Additionally, due to being "The Strongest Spirit Slayer Magic", the incredible power of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic ensures that the Spirit Slayer whom harnesses its might is able to soothe all other wielders of Spirit Slayer Magic even when they have transformations such as an eclipsed Spirit Force or Eidolon's Outrage invoked, both of which are known to drive the users berserk. This certain dominance extends to the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic casually manifesting a tachyonic field with special properties that neutralizes any harmful powers another Spirit Slayer or magician in general may possess such as meteorological patterns including an unbearable amount of heat in a manner not dissimilar to the likes of Solar Dragon Slayer Magic's Sunny Day spell and an endless downpour of rainwater much like Water Dragon Slayer Magic's Rain Dance spell as well as the strongest Enchantment spell known as Universe One so long as the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has their magic activated. This also causes magic-cancelling powers such as Nullification Magic, Wave, Sealing Magic, Magical Drain and more to short-circuit when in the presence of the Spirit Slayer whom commands the power of tachyons.

As with all forms of Spirit Slayer Magic, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has virtually unlimited customization options in regards to the element formed through simple magical manipulation and reinforced through the power of a spirit – the colour of the gravitational energies that are produced by the magic is able to be altered freely, its properties which aren't limited to but include temperature, the smell that it emits, its taste, and overall "feel" is capable of being modified to the user's liking for countless different effects and powers, more often than not being attuned to the user's own personality and ambitions; the type of damage that the tachyons manifest inflicts upon anything that it comes into contact with is able to be changed at will; in its normal state, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic seems to have a blunt effect to it, seemingly causing severe blunt-force trauma; like all Slayer Magics, the user's element is much tougher than any other example of it; in the case of the user, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic seems to have a "piercing" effect to it, seemingly causing armour-ignoring damage alongside the user's burning ambition given a corporal form in their element as these dark energies surge forth, and the tachyons are stronger than any form of light, capable of bursting through anything in their path while shrugging off anything that's thrown their way. Of course, as the highest form of elemental manipulation around, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of harnessing their magic in any manner that they deem to be suitable, commonly changing between offensive, defensive, evasive, or supplementary potencies in accordance to the situation at hand; but generally, as long as the Spirit Slayer is able to imagine their element being used in a particular manner and it doesn't break the laws of physics or conflict with any established limitations, then the sky is the limit, more or less. As per the nature of Slayer Magic, a Spirit Slayer is immune to the effects of their own element, and in this case, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can consume external sources of tachyons to replenish their strength, both stamina-wise and magic-wise. They are also naturally immune to the effects of their own gravity that came from both their own person and to those from other sources, but must consume it through their mouths if they are to actually absorb it into their bodies; while they can't consume the tachyons when produced by themselves, it should be taken into consideration that Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic also bestows upon the wielder immunity to effects related to the tachyons and light as well such as granting them a complete immunity to sunlight and light in general such as sunlight, ultraviolet light, x-rays, cosmic rays, and many more. However, while the user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic does possess the ability to consume tachyons and the like, since tachyons are a rare, hypothetical particle that were brought into existence solely from this form of magic, they generally don't have the ability to consume their own element unless against another tachyon-using magician. Additionally, a wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of manipulating all pre-existing forms of tachyons and light while disregarding the tiers - Dragon Slayer Magic, God Slayer Magic, Devil Slayer Magic, Phoenix Slayer Magic - no matter the Slayer Magic that produced these energies, Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can immediately put it under their control - such is the will of The Greatest Spirit Slayer Magic, granting the wielder of this almighty power absolute dominion over the mere concept of "light-speed particles". Because of the power displayed by each and every aspect of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, it can be inferred that it is easily the strongest iteration of Spirit Slayer Magic to have ever existed, more than living up to its title of "The Strongest Spirit Slayer Magic".

Subspecies Abilities

  • NewSSSpell7

    Tachyshaper in action.

    Tachyshaper (偽性・時空の造形滅霊術(タチズシェイパー), Tachisheipā lit. Pseudo-Tachyon Forging Spirit Slayer Skill): Tachyshaper is a subspecies ability of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic that can be considered to be Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's equivalent to the Element Shaper that's entwined within a majority forms of Spirit Slayer Magic in that Tachyshaper revolves around the creation of objects which are forged from their element in a manner not dissimilar to Molding Magic – while "creation of objects composed from tachyons" is a power that's inherent within Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, Tachyshaper takes it a few steps further and it is a secondary usage of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic other than simply using it to bolster the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's close-quarters capabilities; of course, this being Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, it enables the wielder to forge constructs composed from tachyons, thus making it somewhat similar to Light-Make, and going even further, with Tachyshaper, the caster is able to infuse tachyons into anything. Considered equivalent to the Photonic Forge for Photon Dragon Slayer Magic, as an Element Shaper, Tachyshaper is virtually identical to the version of the ability referred to as Element Forge as harnessed by Dragon Slayer Magic. In any case, when performing Tachyshaper, the caster focuses for the briefest of moments, pulsing the magical energies dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the immediate area in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion, this portion of the sequence enables the user to tap into alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics as a major proponent of the sequence as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to harness the principles of convergence, with the caster inducing the activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic by pulsing the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin ever-so-subtly, washing it over the vicinity as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope. However, this is where the similarities between the activation sequences of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and any light-element Slayer Magic terminate, revealing it to be its own unique beast – their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; during this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning the creation of their choice and drawing power from the atmosphere; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of silvery energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling hurricane of tachyonic energy. The molding of these tachyons through the process of Tachyshaper acts as spatial coherence as to focus the lasers into a tight spot, enabling applications such as laser cutting and lithography; the process also allows the tachyons shaped through Tachyshaper to remain narrow through great distances. But, of course, no matter the activation method for Tachyshaper, the end result is always the same in that it sets up a perfect stage for the user to manipulate the shape of the tachyons that the stray eternano and other molecules within the atmosphere is transformed into in any way that they deem to be suitable at a whim. The process in which this takes place is oftentimes less than a second, and the tachyons can be formed into any object of the user's choosing: the only limitations are their own imagination, and occasionally, outside factors can determine how long their formed spell will stay functional- though the latter can be nullified slightly through liberal application of magical power manipulation; by using Tachyshaper, the user can supercharge the created constructs with tachyons and thus faster-than-light efficacy, granting overwhelming destructive power. Unlike most forms of Molding Magic, the user does not have to hold the tachyons physically with their hands in order to shape it; making them a cut above most other forms of structure-creation magic; indeed, the only limitations are the user's own imagination. Just like Molding Magic, there are known to be two types of Tachyshaper, each distinct from one another. The first one is called Static Tachyshaper. This type of Tachyshaper is characterized by the creation of inanimate objects, such as all sorts of weapons, or by affecting the environment around them. The second type is called Dynamic Tachyshaper. This type of Tachyshaper focuses on creating animate tachyonic sculptures, usually in the form of animals which act in a similar manner to that of familiars; though human body parts and the like can also be formed; in the case of Dynamic Tachyshaper when used by the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer with a Legion, the sequence is able to empower their Legions in order to invoke a wide variety of effects. Additionally, by nature of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, instead of being a "proper" Dynamic Element Shaper, while Dynamic Tachyshaper does enable the caster to create all sorts of tachyonic creatures to serve a myriad of purposes, it also functions as an indirect Spirit Summoning Magic by enabling the Future Spirits to enter this plane of existence as they use the created tachyonic energies as a host body, giving it a dramatic advantage over most other forms of Element Shaper. While both styles of Tachyshaper have their own pros and cons, there is no clear "superior", leaving the matter of which style is "stronger" up to the individual user. Like its original iteration, Tachyshaper is known to be completely unrestrained as to enable ultimate creativity, with the shapes created reflecting the personality of the user. Interestingly, unlike ordinary forms of Molding Magic, Tachyshaper does not possess a Tachyshaper Unlimited option; the reason for which is that the Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts effectively act as an equivalent.
    • Static Tachyshaper (具鍛・偽性・時空の造形滅霊術(スタティック・タチズシェイパー), Sutateikku Tachisheipā lit. Tool-Forging Pseudo-Tachyon Forging Spirit Slayer Skill): Static Tachyshaper is known as one of two mainstream methods with which to utilize the power of Tachyshaper; as one may suspect by the prefix, "Static" referring to how once created, it does not change unless through the interference of an outside source, Static Tachyshaper is characterized by the creation of inanimate objects that can be considered to be tools, physical items that can be used to achieve a goal, especially if the item is not consumed in the process; this usually consists of various forms of weapons of both close-range and long-range capabilities that suit the situation at hand. In any case, when invoking Static Tachyshaper, the caster focuses intently, before they pulse the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin ever-so-subtly, washing it over the vicinity in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to harness the principles of convergence, with the caster inducing the activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic by pulsing the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin ever-so-subtly, washing it over the vicinity as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope. However, this is where the similarities between the activation sequences of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and any light-element Slayer Magic terminate, revealing it to be its own unique beast – their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; during this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning the creation of their choice and drawing power from the atmosphere; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of silvery energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling hurricane of tachyonic energy, causing the tachyons and magical particles to shape themselves into said weapon. Static Tachyshaper is by far the most common method of harnessing Tachyshaper, because the constructs manifested are known to be relatively simple to maintain when compared to the numerous beasts of tachyonic energy created through its sister method; obviously, a sword made out of tachyons doesn't need further instructions once created as all the caster would need to do is use it to stab all kinds of things, whereas a polar bear forged from tachyons would require mental commands and directions to make the most out of it. Indeed, because of how basic their composition is, Static Tachyshaper also has a greater amount of customization without the need to create entirely new spells and it's less of a hassle to manifest and keep in-action for long periods of time in contrast to the summoning constructs of the Dynamic version of the subspecies ability. Static Tachyshaper can be utilized to form almost any weaponry such as swords, shields, cannons from tachyon manipulations for both close-range and long-range combat, and to cover their body with tachyons while imitating an armour in order to dramatically increase their defensive power, at the same time greatly boosting their offense as well; generally, each construct is capable of effortlessly exceeding a real steel weapon blow-for-blow without shattering, and the caster is capable of conjuring anything that could be referred to as a "weapon" from nothing with this sublime power.
    • Dynamic Tachyshaper (実降・時空の造形滅霊術(ダイナミック・タチズシェイパー), Dainamikku Tachisheipā lit. Entity-Summoning Pseudo-Tachyon Forging Spirit Slayer Skill): Dynamic Tachyshaper is the second method in which to harness the might of Tachyshaper; the prefix of "Dynamic" refers to how something is always in motion once created, and indeed, Dynamic Tachyshaper involves the user creating various animate objects forged from tachyons in order to assist them in battle, whether it be for backup, or for other purposes. In any case, when invoking Dynamic Tachyshaper, the caster focuses intently, before they pulse the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin ever-so-subtly, washing it over the vicinity in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to harness the principles of convergence, with the caster inducing the activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic by pulsing the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin ever-so-subtly, washing it over the vicinity as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope. However, this is where the similarities between the activation sequences of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and any light-element Slayer Magic terminate, revealing it to be its own unique beast – their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; during this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning a proper 'guardian' of their choice and drawing power from the atmosphere, focusing more magical energy into the formation of said arcane glyph; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of silvery energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling hurricane of tachyonic energy, causing the tachyons and magical particles to shape themselves into said familiar of sorts that's composed completely out of tachyonic energy; these tachyonic beings take upon a black-and-red colouration and emit a harsh glow. What a wielder is capable of manifesting is highly variable, even moreso than Tachyshaper usually is – this usually takes upon the form of numerous creatures, including vertebrates such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals as well as invertebrates such as mollusks, arthropods, annelids, cnidarians, and sponges; of course, at greater levels of skill, phantasms which are universally a cut above the rest, legendary creatures, can be manifested, two notable examples being dragons and phoenixes. While Dynamic Tachyshaper focuses on animals of tachyonic energy, human body parts and the like can also be formed; skilled users can manifest full humanoid beings which can serve the purpose of a distraction or just assist the caster in battle. Once brought into the current plane of existence, the creatures forged through Dynamic Tachyshaper function in a similar manner to Celestial Spirits and Familiars, as they're directed by the caster's mental commands and have their own abilities that are bestowed upon them by the wielder's thoughts. Dynamic Tachyshaper is said to be cast at a quicker pace than the tachyonic weapons of Static Tachyshaper; though they generally cost more magical power to maintain due to Dynamic Tachyshaper summoning beings which more often than not requiring the user to direct and command them; all tachyonic replications are said to have the exact same level of power as their originals, and the caster is able to bestow upon them any type of armament and magic that they wish. With Dynamic Tachyshaper and a good memory, the user has the ability to summon avatars of the foes that they've defeated, the stronger they are the better.
      • TachyonSpiritSlayerMagicFutureSpiritSummon

        Future Spirits being manifested through Future Spirit Magic.

        Future Spirit Magic (革命時空霊の召喚魔法(フューチャー・スピリット・マジック), Fuyūchā Supiritto Majikku lit. Revolutionary Space-Time Spirit Summoning Magic): Future Spirit Magic, in spite of its name, is not a Magic proper, but instead, it is an alternate usage of the Tachyshaper subspecies ability associated with Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, specifically that of the Dynamic Tachyshaper variant which allows the Spirit Slayer to create beings of tachyonic energy to serve the purpose of Familiars, taking this power one step further as to transmogrify its existence into calling the power of the Future Spirits exclusively associated with Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic into the mortal plane, thus summoning these creatures in order to assist them, oftentimes acting as per the caster's orders for all sorts of purposes whether it be for offense, defense, and other capabilities, functioning as a guardian for the wielder within the heat of battle. Indeed, this subspecies ability of a subspecies ability which is known as Future Spirit Magic is said to be a refinement of the Dynamic Tachyshaper power in that both center around the summoning of tachyonic beings; however, in the case of Future Spirit Magic, as one may or may not be able to tell by its name, it is a perfection of Dynamic Tachyshaper, dramatically amplifying the strengths of its nature as a pseudo-Spirit Summoning Magic while completely eliminating the drawbacks; directly bringing the Future Spirits associated with Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic into this world. When utilizing Dynamic Tachyshaper in order to summon a member of the Future Spirits from any point in the continuum of time and space, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic focuses the voluminous quantities of arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin, before they pulse said energies outwards ever-so-subtly, washing it over the vicinity in order to interact with the eternano that's saturated throughout the atmosphere, thus starting up the mainstay magical energy + eternano fusion as they utilize their willpower as well as their Magical Aura surging outwards from their body in order to harness the principles of convergence, with the caster inducing the activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic by pulsing the magical energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin ever-so-subtly, washing it over the vicinity as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope. However, this is where the similarities between the activation sequences of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and any light-element Slayer Magic terminate, revealing it to be its own unique beast – their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; during this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while focusing upon a specific and strong image of the power that they are seeking, the wavelength of the Future Spirit overlapping with that image to bring the futuristic spirit from a specific point in time, all whilst drawing power from the atmosphere, focusing more magical energy into the formation of said arcane glyph; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, storms of energy blowing violently in the surroundings as the energies within the summoned spirits and the caster's own body resonating visually as a pulse of silvery energy as the desired Future Spirit spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling hurricane of tachyonic energy, causing the tachyons and magical particles to shape themselves into a gateway for the Future Spirit to arrive; the tachyonic bodies manifested, unlike most dynamic creations, aren't really familiars in a way, but rather, their hypothetical particle bodies are catalysts, which is an object that possesses a connection to the next step, which can be anything of importance – these catalysts act as mediums for the almighty Future Spirits to project their consciousness and souls into once the caster engages Future Spirit Magic; upon entering the mortal realm, the husk of tachyons grotesquely morphs itself into an exact replication of the Future Spirit's body, possessing all of their power and strength. However, doing so seems to exhaust the caster more than ordinary Dynamic Tachyshaper, and thus, manifesting these Future Spirits are completely optional yet also recommended. As Future Spirit Magic deals with the summoning and command of the Future Spirits, whom, as stated above, are evolved forms of Celestial Spirits as summoned through Celestial Spirit Magic, the spirits manifested by this magic are primarily associated with the Twelve Animals of the Chinese Zodiac, the classification scheme that assigns an animal to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle, each spirit corresponding to an animal. Aside from the leader, Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth, whom is known not to represent anything, each Future Spirit is known to be the Dragon, the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, Pig, the Monkey, the Rooster, and the Dog. Of course, once manifested upon the mortal plane, the Future Spirit acts in a manner not dissimilar to the likes of a Familiar, following the Spirit Slayer's every command, and depending on how much of their magical energy that the user gives the Future Spirit, the futuristic spirit attacks and then leaves, or it will stay and continue to attack until defeated or its time runs out. The period of time in which the Future Spirit fights by the Spirit Slayer's side is predominantly determined by the level of synchronization between both the Future Spirit and the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic from different points in time – as the wavelengths of the summoner and the summoned remain superimposed, the Future Spirit is capable of stabilizing its existence in the current time. Upon dismissal of the Future Spirit, the exhaustion of the caster's magical energy causes the Future Spirit to return to their original timelines. Additionally, because it is still classified as a "Dynamic" method, even summoning these Future Spirits is much quicker than the generation of tachyonic weaponry. Because of the Static Tachyshaper scenario as mentioned above, the "Tachyshaper Spells" section is almost solely full of Future Spirit Magic spells with the exception of several standard tachyonic armament spells.
  • TachyonSpiritSlayerMagicSwitch2

    The Future Spirit King activating Switch: Chaotic Phase.

    Switch: Chaotic Phase (滅霊禁内魔導・数要素代霊力形態変化(スイッチ・カオチック・フェーズ), Suitchi: Kaochikku Fēzu lit. Spirit Slayer's Forbidden Internalized Magic Art: Multiple Elements Spirit Power Altering Morphology): Switch: Chaotic Phase is a special Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic subspecies ability that are exclusive to Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and this magic's version of the Switch: Spiritmorph subspecies ability, which is an exceedingly rare and overwhelmingly powerful ability that's associated with certain forms of Spirit Slayer Magic; to put it as simple as possible, Switch: Spiritmorph allows a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic to shift the properties of their element in order to take upon characteristics of other elements – extending their dominance over tachyons while invoking a Union Passive as to create a fusion between two arcane powers in a manner that's not dissimilar to a Unison Raid or a Combination Spell, both of which merge two or more arcane skills to produce a stronger result, obtained through specific tweaking and reimagining of what the magic can and cannot do to create a subspecies power referred to as a Union Passive; the caster combines their Chaos Arts with the Switch: Chaotic Phase. In the process of doing so, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic splits the aether of the Chaos Arts into their own interpretation of its constituent materials while keeping their tachyonic power, thus granting the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic the ability to create, shape and manipulate fire, water, earth, and air. In a way, Switch: Chaotic Phase can be said to be Spirit Slayer Magic's equivalent of Dragon Slayer Magic's Illegal Change: Multiscale in that it can be considered something that's similar to an "altmode" demonstrated by Iron Dragon Slayer Magic and its Steel Mode or Fire Dragon Slayer Magic's Black Fire Dragon Mode, yet at the same time, it can't really be placed within the same classification as those forms. Working through the concept of symbolism and placing a large emphasis upon scientific methods in regards to how the power that kills spiritkind is handled as a contrast to the "pure will and design" that regular usage of magic runs off of, Shift: Chaotic Phase incorporates alchemic theory, which is a philosophical and protoscientific tradition that aimed to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects into its mechanics, in order to function properly, Shift: Chaotic Phase requires the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to have a high level of skill in and use a transmutation-type magic (preferably Enchantment upon their element while exploring the scope and limitations of what their element is capable of achieving, not only turning to alternative forms of fiction, but searching for any meanings their element would have in different beliefs in order to transmogrify the core aspect of their power to an extent that fantasy undergoes the shift to reality; this ability can only be used by a Spirit Slayer whose physiology is similar to an organic adapter, a device that converts attributes of one electrical device or system to those of an otherwise incompatible device or system, but instead of allowing the Spirit Slayer's body to bond more easily with Lacrima when implanted within themselves in the vein of the strongest of the Four Gods of Ishgar, God Serena, the shifting of elements allows their Magic Origin to properly adjust to the switch in properties of power. Once this has been achieved, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic doesn't require the usual activation sequence of their magic, but rather, they simply focus, delving deeply into their mind as to subconsciously look at the contents of their Magic Origin and their Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic in particular. From here, the caster goes off of the fact that Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic focuses on hypothetical particles in general, it isn't limited to a single element like Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and Ice Devil Slayer Magic for example, which could be vastly more useful if they were "Heat Dragon Slayer Magic" and "Cold Devil Slayer Magic" respectively – indeed, through mental commands alone and the incorporation of alchemic processes along with invoking the activation sequence of both the Chaos Arts and Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic at once, the tachyons manifested by this magic have their particle composition rewritten from the ground up, transmogrifying into fire, water, earth, and wind, each of which represent the four fundamental states of matter, giving Lisette a variety of attacking methods to work with. Because the method of activation can effectively be referred to as a Combination Spell, which is, well, a combination between two magics, not dissimilar to that of a Unison Raid; however, it is notably somewhat weaker than a Unison Raid thanks to the user being the only magician who unleashes the spell. Through Shift: Chaotic Phase, the wielder is capable of shifting the properties of certain aspects of their element in order to wield more than one or two elements at once. In addition, the user is now able to transform their entire body into the shifted element, and dispel the element with ease. However, it is also not-well-known that Shift: Chaotic Phase is capable of being utilized by the user if they have a corresponding form of Elemental Magic, simply absorbing their own magical energies shifted to the element in question and undergoing the usual processes in a manner similar to Elemental Body. As such, Shift: Chaotic Phase allows Spirit Slayer Magic to function in a similar manner to Arc of Embodiment, meaning that it runs off of the ingenuity of the wielder. Through Shift: Chaotic Phase, the caster can also consume other elements depending on which type of element their Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has been attuned to; however, doing so results in the caster having strength and stamina restored at one fourth at the rate they would have if it were their natural element, and unlike their normal element, the user is still subject any secondary effects the attack would have. Going further in regards to this power's weaknesses; with great strengths, come great drawbacks. Utilizing Shift: Chaotic Phase is a terrifying and exhilarating experience; keeping the elemental energy in check is fairly difficult during the first manifestation it, as the different element reacts poorly to being manifested through the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic the very first time, threatening to implode in defiance and as such they will experience an enormous drain in their magical power and stamina—the reason for this is that most of their power is used to remain in complete control of the harnessed power; however, once an alternative form of their element has been developed, it is capable of being called upon on a whim with the caster simply bringing about this alternative phenomenon through their mental commands – because of Switch: Chaotic Phase, it's said that Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can be considered one of the most versatile magics in existence.
  • Icon: Lock-On Scan (眼魂・自働的と登録(アイコン・ロック・オン・スキャン), Aikon: Rokku On Sukyan lit. Eye Soul: Automatically Target and Record): Icon is a supplementary and uncategorized Spirit Slayer Magic subspecies ability which is a special insignia that's engraved within one of the eyes of the Spirit Slayer upon obtaining their magic, enabling them to perceive the "fault lines" in anything that they observe while enabling them to selectively insert minute traces of their element within these lines to tear them asunder. The iteration of Icon that comes automatically equipped within Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is known as Lock-On Scan; as the prefix and the kanji would indicate, it enables Lisette to visualize a target reticule upon the opponent, scanning them to learn their strengths, weaknesses, and abilities through the reticule revealing the opponent's weak points – while originally, due to their unfamiliarity with the power, the Future Spirits were unable to teach a hopeful wielder of their Spirit Slayer Magic this power, but thanks to her knowledge of the Chaos Arts, Lisette is able to access its power and it is exclusive to her. In order to perform Icon: Lock-On Scan, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic instantly sends the magical power dwelling inside of their Magic Origin into their eyeballs, causing the energies to interact with the ambient eternano saturated within the atmosphere, activating the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic version of Icon while utilizing the Chaos Arts to cause their eyes to become an additional medium through which æther can flow as their eye colour becomes a burning crimson in texture, shining brilliantly as their pupils appear to change shape into that of a burning fireball in each eye. Their sight blazing magnificently, the caster's perception of depth and stillness are bolstered with the intensification of what they can observe, causing their burning eyes to visualize the weak points of the opponent, which are areas in the body that constantly move as blood circulates and can deal immense damage to the targeted individual if hit- when Icon: Lock-On Scan is activated alongside the sensory dilution side-effect of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, to the caster, it feels as if the passage of time has been slowed to a mere crawl. These points are perceived by the wielder as a deep red Magic Seal shaped like reticule that possesses a constantly-burning flame in the center- while this sigil does not physically appear into the mortal plane, only the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can see it, serving as simple indicators and nothing more. Once Icon: Lock-On Scan is unleashed, the information being sent from the caster's eyes to their brain specifically point out the weak points of the target, which they can then strike to deal immense damage; additionally, it can destroy most projectiles- the entire process can be compared to the "iron sight" mode of modern first-person shooter games. The burning reticules are not used up when the caster strikes the opponent with other blows; and the targeting sights do not disappear over time. Additionally, when utilizing Icon: Lock-On Scan, the caster's attacks are drastically strengthened, enabling lethally powerful blows. Although it is primarily utilized with their unarmed blows, any weapon will work for the subspecies ability, making it an extremely deadly power as the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic aims their strikes at their enemy far more accurately- it is a given that their strikes will rarely, if ever miss when harnessing the power of Icon: Lock-On Scan. Weaker magicians can be cut to pieces with this power without issue, but in the case of more powerful opponents, Icon: Lock-On Scan functions as an advantage enabler. Every time the caster strikes an opponent's weak spot even with the weakest of blows, the pain that is a result of the user's fist landing upon the weak spot is magnified tenfold in comparison to a regular punch, and it can quite possibly end up being fatal to their opponent- additionally, repeated strikes at the same weak spot results in the affected weak spot on the enemy's body enlarging as their blood begins to clot until the user can simply knock them out with a single strike as their entire existence is registered as a "weak point". However, as a weakness for this subspecies ability, Icon: Lock-On Scan is incapable of being activated for more than three minutes at a time as the information directly sent to the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's brain can quickly overheat and cause major headaches, meaning that after deactivating the subspecies ability, they are required to rest for another ten minutes before activating it again to use it at its full potential.


Basic Spells

  • NewSSPerHarangue

    Tachyon Spirit's Harangue being unleashed by a member of the Future Spirits.

    Tachyon Spirit's Harangue (時空(タキオン)霊の説教, Takionrei no Sekkyō): Tachyon Spirit's Harangue is the a variant of the Spirit's Harangue spell which is the Spirit Slayer Magic's equivalent to the Dragon Slayer Magic's Dragon's Roar, God Slayer Magic's God's Bellow, and Devil Slayer Magic's Devil's Rage spells, attuned to the pseudo-element of tachyons - as such, it works best with Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and is considered a basic Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that involves the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic quickly gathering and releasing a vast quantity of tachyonic energy from their mouth in the form of an enormously powerful laser beam that annihilates everything in its path. In any case, when performing Tachyon Spirit's Harangue, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic utilizes their enhanced lung capacity in order to gather and condense ambient eternano from within the atmosphere and store it momentarily within their mouth- from here, the user attunes the eternano gathered by merging them with their energy in order to induce the usual fusion to being power into the current realm; this results in the user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic focusing the magical energies that are swirling around within their Magic Origin intently, before pulsing the immense quantities of arcane energy that are dwelling within their Pendulum of Souls-influenced Magic Origin outwards as to scatter throughout the atmosphere and integrate with the ambient eternano particles saturated within the vicinity, invoking the usual fusion of magical energy and eternano so universal in regards to the art of spellcasting in order to bring this calamitous power into the current realm – however, while releasing their magical energy, the caster harnesses mental commands and direction in order to invoke the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope. However, this is where the similarities between the activation sequences of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and any light-element Slayer Magic terminate, revealing it to be its own unique beast – their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; they draw more and more tachyonic energies into their jaws from which no flying, talking cats have ever seen the light of day until they have gathered enough to the point that just by propelling it outwards, they could cause a vicious bombardment of distortional energy that covers an entire continent; along with this, the user adds their own magical energy into the mixture to serve as a propellant to the tachyons that have been gathered, charging it up for a split second – visually, the charging process appears as their mouth beginning to glow red as their veins light up; glowing brighter and brighter by the second. Once this is done and an adequate quantity of arcane energy has been charged and thus the power of this spell has been bolstered to a level that the caster deems to be appropriate, Tachyon Spirit's Harangue is ready for utilization – in order to unleash the impressive quantities of energies that have converged within their mouth, breathing outwards harshly to imitate a furious preaching of a spirit medium, the release of these energies result in a powerful chain reaction akin to nuclear fission; as the magical energies in the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's mouth will rumble violently as they quickly spiral outwards before manifesting as upon release, the magical energy collapses in on itself then expands outwards rapidly towards the enemy as a contained release of energy that fully exposes the enemy to the source rather than blow them away from it after a while known as a flare; this exceedingly simple yet deceptively powerful spell is unleashed in the form of a black and red pulsing laser that goes beyond the mere concept of a laser befitting Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic being an evolution of a light-element Spirit Slayer Magic. As it is a "laser beyond a laser", Tachyon Spirit's Harangue is launched instantly and impacts instantly at velocities faster than light, meaning that immediately after the sparse seconds that it takes to prepare the attack and fire it forward, the spell has reached its target, impacting instantaneously with no way to dodge or defend- to onlookers, it appears as if that at the moment of the caster charging the spell, a brief flash of black and red light exists in the mortal plane briefly as everything before them has a hole punched in it no matter its composition, if not being disintegrated entirely – the time that this takes is less than a fraction of a second. It doesn't matter what comes between Tachyon Spirit's Harangue and the user's target, any obstacles will simply end up taking the same damage the target takes as the tachyon laser tears straight through any form of defense, no matter the origin or the composition like it was wet tissue paper, displaying immense pushing force as it blows away anything it so much as grazes while grinding any obstruction to dust like a drill eating away at bedrock. Unlike many other mouth-blast type abilities, Tachyon Spirit's Harangue can be used without the need for particular preparations, something which makes it notably faster to use, though it does slightly decrease the strength of the attack, and the user is capable of altering the trajectory of the attack to the point that it can undergo several complex maneuvers, which can, in extreme cases, allow the user to strike more than one opponent with relative ease. It goes without saying that the Tachyon Spirit's Harangue can deal a great amount of damage to any opponent with an enormous explosion upon contact, leaving huge mushroom cloud; similar a nuclear bomb; this effect spreads out to a fan-shaped area, and is easily capable of destroying several buildings in a single strike; reducing an entire desert to naught but a long-spanning sheet of molten glass; at full power, Tachyon Spirit's Harangue can completely eradicate an island, imprinting a giant crater into the ocean. Even so, along with its astounding destructive power, the attack has a delayed effect if the initial blast should fail, wherein the target will be blasted by residual effects left over by the beam; which manifests in the form of orbs of tachyon particles, which lock-on to the caster's opponents no matter their position, chasing after them. They can dodge obstacles in their way, never ceasing their hunt until they catch their prey –the caster has mastered the Tachyon Spirit's Harangue to such a level that they can modify its shape, range, etc. If they wish to focus it into a stream as per the usual form of Spirit's Harangue attacks, they can with frightening ease by spreading out the energy before it is kneaded and converted into tachyons; they can change the spell into a massive sphere of tachyons similar in appearance to Fire Dragon's Roar that can deliver pulverizing damage by grouping the tachyons together, and they can transform it into a chaotic set of spiraling tachyons akin to Sky Dragon's Roar by distorting and randomly converging and separating the energy that is required to create the spell. However, something that's consistent between all forms of the Tachyon Spirit's Harangue is that it requires a fraction of a second to cross a distance of ten thousand kilometers, impacting near-instantly; they can immediately utilize Tachyon Spirit's Harangue again after firing the attack and landing successfully; overall, Tachyon Spirit's Harangue seems to be leaps and bounds above any other form of mouth-blast type spell for Slayer Magic. Something that should be taken into consideration is that Tachyon Spirit's Harangue is capable of being adapted for almost any situation through being followed-up by a variety of attacks; which are all detailed below; these are known as Additional Attacks (追加攻撃, Tsuika Kōgeki) and are numbered as Additional Attack Number _ (追加攻撃・_号, Tsuika Kōgeki _gō), followed by the name of the spell; it is well-known that each attack can chain into another, most, if not all proceeding strikes involving the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic unleashing another attack with their interdimensional energy preaching; however, it should be noted that each of the additional attacks are able to be launched independently without any follow-up properties.
    • NewSSSpell10

      Additional Attack Number One: Zeroth Phantasm racing forward, annihilating all in its path.

      Additional Attack Number One: Zeroth Phantasm (追加攻撃・一号・幻夢零, Tsuika Kōgeki Ichigō: Genmurei): Additional Attack Number One: Zeroth Phantasm is a basic Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell, and as the prefix of "additional attack" probably indicates, Additional Attack Number One: Zeroth Phantasm is an extension or a follow-up to Tachyon Spirit's Harangue; however, at the same time, it really can't be considered a "follow up strike" but rather, an alternate method of utilizing it – in contrast to the regular version where the spiritual blast is unleashed as a powerful straightforward laser beam composed entirely out of tachyons, as the name would ever-so-slightly suggest, Additional Attack Number One: Zeroth Phantasm involves the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic firing the tachyonic energies in the form of nine clusters of destructive tachyonic energy which are released outwards in a fanned out manner, all aimed towards the caster's target, thus spreading the damaging effects out over a wide area. In any case, when performing Additional Attack Number One: Zeroth Phantasm, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic invokes the normal activation sequence for the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and the Tachyon Spirit's Harangue spell, where the user utilizes their enhanced lung capacity in order to gather and condense ambient eternano from within the atmosphere and store it momentarily within their mouth- from here, the user attunes the eternano gathered by merging them with their energy in order to induce the usual fusion to being power into the current realm; this results in the user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic focusing the magical energies that are swirling around within their Magic Origin intently, before pulsing the immense quantities of arcane energy that are dwelling within their spirit-enhanced Magic Origin outwards as to scatter throughout the atmosphere and integrate with the ambient eternano particles saturated within the vicinity, invoking the usual fusion of magical energy and eternano so universal in regards to the art of spellcasting – however, while releasing their magical energy, the caster harnesses mental commands and direction in order to take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope. However, this is where the similarities between the activation sequences of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and any light-element Slayer Magic terminate, revealing it to be its own unique beast – their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; they draw more and more tachyons into their jaws from which no flying, talking cats have ever seen the light of day until they have gathered enough to the point that just by propelling it outwards, they could cause a bombardment of distortional energy that covers an entire continent. Along with this, the user adds their own magical energy into the mixture to serve as a propellant to the tachyons, charging it up for a split second – visually, the charging process appears as their mouth beginning to glow red as their veins light up; glowing brighter and brighter by the second. Once this is done and an adequate quantity of arcane energy has been charged and thus the power of this spell has been bolstered to a level that the caster deems to be appropriate, the spell is ready for utilization – in order to unleash the impressive quantities of energies that have converged within their mouth, breathing outwards harshly to imitate a furious preaching of a spirit medium, the release of these energies result in a powerful chain reaction akin to nuclear fission; as the magical energies in the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's mouth will rumble violently as they quickly spiral outwards before manifesting as upon release, however, in the case of Additional Attack: Zeroth Phantasm, which, of course, as its name would suggest, is based around tachyons- moments before the wielder unleashes the attack, they separate the energies within their mouth before it is kneaded and converted into tachyons, resulting in the hyperresonance blow taking upon the form of a spray of a myriad of clusters formed from hyper-compressed tachyons which erupt from the caster's mouth in a fanned-out manner, shooting towards their opponent at impossible velocities that are almost invisible to the naked eye. This attack embodies the idea that quantity has a quality all its own; the clusters released can be mentally stopped and pointed in another direction if the opponent dodges, drawing a beautiful geometric curtain of death, smashing into the target and damaging them enormously. The curving aspect of this spell makes the clusters of tachyons miniature heat-seeking missiles, but instead of locking on to heat, they target whatever enemy they have; making it impossible to avoid or escape from; the projectiles are not only capable of going through walls - coupled with the fact that there are a multitude of them, providing a decent range - but they are also capable of destroying a majority of weaker enemies in one hit.
  • Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist (時空(タキオン)霊の殲拳, Takionrei no Senken): Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist is a basic Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that is the tachyon-derived equivalent to other punching Slayer Magic spells such as Fire Dragon's Iron Fist for Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and Photon Dragon's Glint Fist for Photon Dragon Slayer Magic – with Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist, the caster engulfs their fist with tachyonic particles and strikes forward with an ultra-fast punch that releases a surge of tachyons to decimate the enemy. In any case, when performing Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic shapes these tachyons in the form of a sphere around their hand, giving off the resemblance of their fist simply becoming immersed in tachyons, shining brightly with blacks and reds as to illuminate the vicinity and cause those who gaze upon the user to look away out of fear of going blind. Entering a state of continuous compression, the tachyons condense themselves over the caster's clenched fist as become hyper-compact, thus increasing the strike's speed and penetrative power. Once this process has been completed, the user thrusts their fist forward, jabbing towards the enemy at a speed left unequalled, theorized by some to actually be a velocity than the speed of light - it truly seems as if the user has used the tachyonic energies gathered upon their fist in order to extend their arm and strike their opponents at a longer range; the strike immediately reaches the opponent's body first, which from that perspective seems "zoomed in"; the amount of time in which these actions transpire make it appear as if the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has simply extended their arm and the opponent was overwhelmed by Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist. At the moment of the strike forward, Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist, when in close-range, enables the caster to induce a fa jin-type effect that's normally associated with the conscious control of the practitioner's qi that's ever so-prominent in Chinese Martial Arts; generating a truly astounding amount of explosive impact force, essentially transferring the caster's tachyonic energies into the opponent's body, causing a powerful surge that grievously wounds them from within. The motions and direct sequence of this attack is shown to be at such a velocity that it is said to be essentially invisible, and as such, it is near-impossible to evade or defend against this strike, which has been said to possess the force akin to that of a cannonball, creating a number of surreal shockwaves that impact upon the caster's opponents instantly alongside the burst of tachyons that are injected within the opponent's body, sending them flying away from the caster; the aftershocks can devastate the surroundings, uprooting trees and busting all categories of alloys to shreds in the blink of an eye. When the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is unable to make direct contact with their opponent using Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist, the thrust of their fist forward releases the tachyons that are compressed around their fist in the form of a blinding flash of tachyons that sears the opponent upon impact, and the velocity that Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist is cast is intense to a point that even the slightest of movements travel at speeds faster than anyone, even those with clairvoyance, cannot predict. Everything that is in the range of the caster is smashed to atoms like a bug, their feeble bodies shattered effortlessly even if they attempt to resist the radiant fury of tachyonic energies released before them; the combination of the user's overwhelming strength and their law-defying speed makes this attack ever-the-more deadlier, as the user strikes at such a velocity with Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist that more often than not, their opponents don't even realize that they've landed a killing blow until they become aware of the fact. The Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist can deflect both physical and supernatural-based attacks and attack at the same time, making it both an offensive and defensive technique that's extremely useful and impossibly powerful, being able to connect rapidly and accurately, which works well with each user's impressive speed and agility. As the caster's most basic offensive measure, Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist is capable of being launched in almost any way that the user of the magic deems to be suitable, whether it's just a simple fist forward in a similar manner to the standard short straight punch used in all Spirit Slayer punching techniques, an uppercut, a punch that travels along a vertical line at the opponent's chin or solar plexus (and from here, can be launched as a jumping uppercut similar to the Shōryūken (昇龍拳, Rising Dragon Fist) from Street Fighter), a jab where the lead fist is thrown straight ahead and the arm is fully extended - the moment of impact, the pronated fist is generally held in a horizontal orientation with the palm facing the ground, serving to attack opponents in the air by rocketing upwards towards airborne enemies, a rabbit punch, which is a blow to the back of the head or to the base of the skull, a cross where the caster throws a punch with the dominant hand the instant an opponent leads with their opposite hand, a overhand, a semi-circular and vertical punch thrown with the rear hand, a hook, a punch performed by turning the core muscles and back, thereby swinging the arm, which is bent at an angle near or at ninety degrees, in a horizontal arc into the opponent, aimed at the chin, and a swing, a variant of the hook where the arm is usually more extended; additionally, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to utilize Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist by creating intense, bursting quantities of tachyonic energy from their elbow, thereby boosting the striking power of the corresponding bare punch, which they then use to strike the target. No matter the way that the attack is released, when the caster is airborne, they are able to launch it at a downward diagonal angle – if the user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is seconds away from landing upon a solid surface, without costing them any more magical energy, they can repeat another Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist or from here, follow-up with an almost infinite uses that are capable of being adapted for almost any situation; which are all detailed below; these are known as Additional Attacks (追加攻撃, Tsuika Kōgeki) and are numbered as Additional Attack Number _ (追加攻撃・_号, Tsuika Kōgeki _gō), followed by the name of the spell; it is well-known that each attack can chain into another, most, if not all proceeding strikes involving the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic unleashing another attack with their tachyon-shrouded hands; however, it should be noted that each of the additional attacks are able to be launched independently without any follow-up properties. Through application of the Partial Manifestation ability associated with the Anima Annihilator which Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic possesses a certain level of synergy, Lisette is capable of charging the dark energies produced by the Arm of Nyx upon her hand while Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist is being cast, resulting in a much more powerful form, where she dashes forward with her Arm of Nyx engulfed in tachyons and Sacred Aether before she swing-claws forward and strikes the opponent with dark energy in the shape of one of the Goddess of Darkness' heads that bites forward, chomping down upon anything that it comes into contact with while its vicious fangs puncture everything with enough force to bust the opponents' defenses to shreds.
    • Additional Attack Number One: Tachyon Spirit's Raid (追加攻撃・一号・ 時空(タキオン)霊の連撃(レイド), Tsuika Kōgeki Ichigō: Takionrei no Reido; Raid meaning "Repeated Attacks"): Additional Attack Number One: Tachyon Spirit's Raid is a Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell, as the prefix of "additional attack" would indicate, a variant of the Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist spell that's not dissimilar to Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist as displayed by Fire Dragon Slayer Magic or Additional Attack: Ice Devil's Fist of Ice Devil Slayer Magic; though it can additionally serve as a follow-up to the initial Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist blow – Additional Attack Number One: Tachyon Spirit's Raid is a single-move combo-type attack where the caster unleashes a powerful flurry of punches towards their target with their hands enshrouded in tachyons, creating a series of tachyonic bursts that wash over the enemy after each subsequent contact, annihilating the caster's opponent. In any case, when performing Additional Attack Number One: Tachyon Spirit's Raid, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic shapes these tachyons in the form of a sphere around their hands, giving off the resemblance of their fist simply becoming immersed in tachyons, shining brightly with blacks and reds as to illuminate the vicinity and cause those who gaze upon the user to look away out of fear of going blind. Entering a state of continuous compression, the tachyons condense themselves over the caster's clenched fists as become hyper-compact, thus increasing the ensuing strike's speed and penetrative power. Once this process has been completed, the caster lets fly with a furious onslaught of over one hundred punches towards the opponent, striking at a speed beyond the sight of the untrained eye; as the user fuels more and more of their tachyons into the attack, more fists may strike, until they reach the speed of thunder crashing, or, in some cases, a velocity beyond even that, beyond any mortal comprehension. The fists land so fast that, after a volley, they seemingly connect simultaneously. The massive circles of air bursts from the punches surrounding the user resemble actual meteors, bombarding the opponent relentlessly as the tachyons focused around their fists impact viciously in the form of a serial of tachyon waves impacts that perforate the opponent and rend any defenses they may erect in twain, exposing them to the full brunt of the phenomenal properties of tachyons; the sheer force of Additional Attack Number One: Tachyon Spirit's Raid is capable of rendering the impressive defensive capabilities of an Iron Dragon Slayer's Iron Dragon Scales completely null and void and destroy an entire large-sized building; at its strongest point, Additional Attack Number One: Tachyon Spirit's Raid is capable of shattering a Gold-level Celestial Spirit to nothing to atoms and even a producing a force to rival that of the Celestial Spirit King's Meteor Blade attack.
    • Additional Attack Number Two: Tachyon Spirit's Wing Attack (追加攻撃・二号・時空(タキオン)霊の翼撃, Tsuika Kōgeki Nigō: Takionrei no Yokugeki): Additional Attack Number Two: Tachyon Spirit's Wing Attack is a Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell, as the prefix of "additional attack" would indicate, a variant of the Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist spell that's not dissimilar to Fire Dragon's Wing Attack as displayed by Fire Dragon Slayer Magic; though it can additionally serve as a follow-up to the initial Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist blow – when performing Tachyon Spirit's Wing Attack, the caster rushes towards their target and grabs them, before subsequently coating their hands in tachyonic energy, sending them flying. In any case, when performing Tachyon Spirit's Wing Attack, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic shapes these tachyons in the form of a compressed vast quantity of tachyons around their hands that is mainly focused around their palms, giving off the appearance of a black aura with an orange outline which are momentarily compressed – at this point, the caster rushes forward at high speeds towards their opponents, reducing the distance between the user and their adversary – while in the process of doing so, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic uses their impressive reflexes and flexibility in order to curl into a perfectly compact ball, enabling them to spin around at high speeds in a manner that can be likened to a continuous somersault that omits the ending portion of the move. The tachyonic energies compressed upon their extremities are then released in the form of an enormous stream of black and orange tachyons from each of their arms that whirl about at astounding velocities, dealing impressive amounts of damage to the surrounding environment as they expose the enemy to the laser-like properties of the tachyons while simultaneously sending them hurtling across the landscape due to the immense penetrative power of said produced tachyons – these streams somewhat resemble the wings of a cryptid, hence the name of the spell. Additionally, an alternate utilization method of Tachyon Spirit's Wing Attack can be invoked by grabbing the enemy by their skull and then producing vast quantities of tachyons to strike them in a manner not dissimilar to Additional Attack Number Three: Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike as listed below, or they can ascend to the skies while amassing dual streams of tachyons from their hands, subsequently swinging such streams at the opponent and blowing them away.
    • Additional Attack Number Three: Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike (追加攻撃・三号・ 時空(タキオン)霊の握撃, Tsuika Kōgeki Sangō: Takionrei no Akugeki): Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike is a basic Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell, and as the prefix of "additional attack" would indicate, a variant of the Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist spell; though it can additionally serve as a follow-up to the initial Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist blow; with Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike, the wielder grabs hold of their target with one hand and releases a burst of tachyonic energy from it at point-blank range. In any case, when performing Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic shapes these tachyons in the form of a compressed vast quantity of tachyons around their hands that is mainly focused around their palms, giving off the appearance of a black aura with an orange outline – these tachyonic energies constantly flow outwards and their specks of black scatter to the winds for the brief duration that the spell is in its preparation stage - this process can be initiated immediately after Tachyon Spirit's Annihilation Fist or by itself, but either method makes the compression of tachyonic energies exceedingly deadly while they are focused entirely around the caster's lower arms. The tachyonic energy continues to swirl around their hands, giving their phalanges the appearance of not being anything resembling an appendage, but rather, an enormous mass of orange and black tachyons which never ceases compressing until it takes upon the form of a neat orange and black outline that superimposes their hand. At this point, once the tachyonic energies have been fully compressed, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic rushes towards the opponent with a quick burst of speed and swipes forward with a clawing motion using their dominant hand, pulling them into their nasty-looking clutches for the briefest of moments. This grabbing motion is unable to be defended against, whether through attempting to block the attack naturally or through a supernatural means such as Defenser or Barrier Magic, completely ignoring the foe's attempts at protecting themselves and in some cases grabbing them out of their defenses, ensuring that a magician would be best advised to not overuse defensive-type spells against a Grip Strike Slayer Magic spell. While in the grabbing motion, Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike ignores spells that conceptually block attacks, such as those that provide launch resistance and most counterattacks. The Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike has the unique ability of allowing the user to grab onto an opponent in midair; but in any case, once grabbed, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of throwing the opponent in the four main directions, or rather, a sort of equivalent - up, down, and to both sides; while in the caster's clutches, the user is able to pummel them mercilessly with their free hand, their legs, or any other extremities, enabling the caster to rack up extra damage before a throw. However, a grabbed opponent is able to free themselves after a certain amount of time depending on their damage; enemies at higher damage percentages will be held for longer, and damage that's inflicted upon the grabbed foe will increase grab time - once the caster is ready to launch their opponent, they release a burst of tachyonic from their hand at point-blank range before throwing the enemy with an extravagant motion - if the user hits their enemies farther away, then their opponents will be sent upward with high vertical knockback. Hitting a foe with a grabbed foe tends to produce an incredible impact force that sends both the thrown opponent and the other opponent flying horizontally. This, along with the spell's generally fast startup, their ability to easily punish the foe for constant reliance on defense, and most throws that extend from the grab allowing the caster to execute diverse sequences of attacks, makes Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike exceedingly versatile. However, it's known that the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is incapable of grabbing more than one enemy at once with Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike, but similarly, a grabbed opponent is unable to be grabbed by another one until the assault ends; additionally, if Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike misses, they will suffer a considerable amount of time dispelling the tachyonic energies amassed around their hand, leaving the user open to any incoming strikes, making Tachyon Spirit's Grip Strike relatively risky in some cases, especially against a nimble opponent.
  • NewSSSpell11

    The user harnessing Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity to protect themselves from two incoming strikes.

    Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity (時空(タキオン)霊の反射防御帯(テンセグリティー), Takionrei no Tenseguritī; Tensegrity kanji meaning "Refraction Barrier"): Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity is a basic Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that can be considered equivalent to the similarly-named Photon Tensegrity of Photon Dragon Slayer Magic – when performing Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity, the caster manifests a semi-invisible barrier of tachyons around themselves that provides superb defensive potential. In any case, when performing Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic shapes these tachyons momentarily before scattering them – when scattered in the air, the repulsive forces between the tachyons generated through this magic cause them to spontaneously align; which the user can form into a regular cubic lattice structure; this is referred to Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity, which will slowly expand and scatter into the area. When tachyon particles are spread in large numbers in the open air or in open space, the particles disrupt metal. The tachyons also interfere with the operations of magic items due to the tachyon particles' high charge which act like a continuous electromagnetic pulse on metal objects. The disruption of metal is due to the small lattice of the spell creating fringes that long wavelengths cannot penetrate, and that diffract wavelengths that have similar distance with the fringes. This diffraction and polarization process disrupts the alloys. If controlled, the particles can form fringes of different widths and further interfere with alloys and machinery. Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity forms a semi-invisible barrier around the user, protecting them from incoming attacks whether they be physical or supernatural in nature, once the split-second activation sequence has been completed, the Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity displays its true worth as a "defense beyond defense", completely negating any and every attack that is thrown the wielder's way, defending them as an absolute shield, preventing the enemy from searching the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic out or attacking them with any and every form of physical or supernatural-based attack no matter the scope; the Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity is a shield of "absolute resistance and impenetrability", a trait which enables the user of this magic to shrug anything off by rending any forces behind an opponent's action null and void, negating them completely as incoming projectiles of all sorts that hit the barrier will deal no damage and simply push the caster back, dependent on how much damage and knockback it would ordinarily do; this is possible via its triad of wafer-thin layers that compose its existence which each possess their own ability – the first and outer layer possesses traces of Slowing Magic within its eternano composition, allowing Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity to slow down anything that came into contact with the shield, even if only touching it lightly; this is often mistaken as Time Magic; as everything that comes into contact with the barrier will instantly be deflated in terms of speed and kinetic energy, leaving the opponent and their magic helpless most of the time. The second layer quickly breaks down the eternano particles composing the opposing spell, enabling it to harmlessly bounce off of the caster with no harm done—the substance attacking the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic will be reduced down to the eternano that composes the spell, while attacks that are fueled by pure force are reduced to nearly nothingness—something which rendered them null and void. It is interesting to note that almost anything within the range of the second layer can be reduced to nothingness, albeit stronger opposing forces were only slowed down; making the second layer similar to Nullification Magic. Lastly, the final layer serves as a penultimate defense—it is rare that an offense would breach the both the first and second defenses. This layer functions similar to Wave, as it causes the attack to touch the third layer to become distorted and be reflected, causing almost everything to bounce off of the third layer and be returned to sender, regardless of how powerful the attack is in the first place. Interestingly, the Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity behaves more like membranes and as such, the barrier of tachyonic particles twists and tears when anything impacts upon it before the opposing attack slides off harmlessly like raindrops. Due to the membrane-like composition, anything that touches it will be slowed down to a crawl and it takes an extended period of time for it to break through, whether it be a weapon, the foe's body, or even opposing spells. Every single eternano particle that makes up the Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity barrier vibrates magnificently at nearly ten million times a millisecond, meaning that even a High-Frequency Blade is said to be incapable of tearing through it as everything and anything that is thrown the user's way with the intent of harming them is completely intercepted; very little is known about the limits of its defensive power, though it possesses a rather immense duration and durability, functioning as a shell of sorts, with the intensity of the tachyons emitted by the Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity having the psychological effect of causing enemies to hesitate to attack them. However, the Tachyon Spirit's Tensegrity is difficult to use has it can only manipulate so many photon particles at a time and it required precise timing; and, despite being far more advanced than any other barrier, it still suffers from magical draining. The barrier can only be used for a total of one hundred and five seconds and requires one hundred and twenty seconds to cool down. If the user has no other defensive measures this leaves a window of fifteen seconds where they have no defense against attacks.
  • NewSSSpell8

    The user harnessing Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing to pierce through dimensional gates at beyond-light speeds.

    Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing (時空(タキオン)霊の陽炎翼(フレア・ウィング), Takionrei no Furea Wingu; Flare Wing kanji meaning "Heat Haze Wings"): Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing is a basic Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that can be considered equivalent to Fire Dragon's Claw and Crystal Dragon's Claw of Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and Crystal Dragon Slayer Magic respectively, but more importantly, Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing holds its basis in the Accellight spell used by Photon Dragon Slayer Magic and Lunar Dragon Slayer Magic, being a direct evolution of this power – Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing enables the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to engulf themselves in a tachyonic field that takes the form of two wings erupting from their back in order to induce movement at velocities that are faster-than-light. In any case, when performing Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic shapes these tachyons around their body into the form of a tachyonic field, which is a quantum field with an imaginary mass; this tachyonic field converts all matter that it envelops into faster-than-light particles, including the user themselves. At that point, the user can take off at high speed with perfect timing, so the user could remain flying in the same place without any thought as Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing enables the user to move at a speed that nobody else can comprehend; all the user is required to do is utilize magical manipulation to serve as a kick-off point; granting them "true flight", moving throughout the air as free as a bird, or rather, in a "deeper" term, like a plastic bag in the wind, zipping around in the air at unimaginable velocities; waltzing around without any hindrances; when in motion, two enormous wings of tachyons manifest upon the caster's back, facilitating high-speed flight. In any case, Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing drastically augments their movements with the power of these beyond light-speed particles, allowing them to fly swiftly, or even shoot up vertical surfaces; moving millions upon millions of times faster than somebody using any form of high-speed movement spells while maintaining flight for extremely long periods of time. The user's speed appears to create up to eight doubles of themselves while in motion. These doubles are not illusory; they are moving at a speed between different positions that is vastly faster than the speed of sound. As such, were all the doubles to attack at once, it would mean that the user is attacking from all those positions simultaneously, giving them incredible destructive power. Similarly, because of this same speed, attacking the doubles would be futile as the user would have moved long before the attack even reaches them. The speed and after-images granted by Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing allow the user to effectively dodge all sorts of multi-directional attacks. Activating this spell causes a slip stream of moonlight effect that allows the user to achieve speeds normally impossible them in any location. By charging the particles with magical energy, this allows the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic an additional defensive measure as well as immense propulsion. Even if someone could detect the trajectory of their movements, it is considered to be nearly impossible to catch the user, as with their speed, the user is capable of assaulting their opponents with quick, but powerful, melee attacks; with the caster charging forward with immense force and at beyond light-speeds in a maneuver resiminent of a flying tackle, plowing through and destroying everything in their path almost effortlessly; the force of the impact upon the user's designated opponent additionally transfers the momentum generated by the caster's movements into kinetic energy through their entire body, imparting the kinetic energies that build up with their speed into each point of impact, releasing shockwaves that radiate across the contact surface accompanied by a small explosion that can send the opponent careening across the earth. Not only this, as Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing enables the caster to move about at the speed of light, once the user has struck the opponent even once, they have effectively locked their adversary into a cycle of hurting as they zip about, pulling off various charging attacks from all directions with the enemy unable to escape this vicious flurry of tackles. However, from the very moment it is activated, Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing will have already launched the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic hundreds upon thousands of miles away before she can even complete stop – even so, this weakness is capable of being mollified with enough time and training. When used in the heat of battle, Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing causes the user to appear as if they are simply flowing around their opponents without expending any energy at all, letting the opponent tire themselves out and thus creating exploitable openings. This conservation of energy, combined with their high stamina, gives the user an advantage in prolonged combat. Following Isaac Newton's first law of motion, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic when invoking Tachyon Spirit's Flare Wing will accelerate indefinitely as long as they keep moving.

Intermediate Spells

  • Tachyon Spirit's Refresh (時空(タキオン)霊の浄化(リフレッシュ), Takionrei no Rifuresshu; Refresh kanji meaning "Purification"): Tachyon Spirit's Refresh is an intermediate Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that can be referred to as the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic equivalent to Sky Dragon Slayer Magic's Sky Dragon's Healing Spell – Tachyon Spirit's Refresh enables the caster to invoke certain properties of the tachyons generated by this magic in order to reverse any injuries they have received in the blink of an eye. In any case, when performing Tachyon Spirit's Refresh, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic then transports them into their body, and through the tachyonic properties of space-time manipulation, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to accelerate the natural healing processes of their body to the point that it reaches the speed of thought, mimicking regeneration by recreating lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs through constantly reverting the state of the user's body back to where it was before the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic received damage due to the regressive traits of tachyons; indeed, the speed and efficiency at which the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic recovers from all sorts of injuries transcends the highest limits of human potential, granting them the ability to completely regenerate damaged and destroyed tissue and organs at a velocity that can be considered akin to that of traditional forms of Healing Magic. Their white blood cells and other aspects of their genetic makeup possess such an efficiency that they are capable of near-instantly defeating anything that could be considered harmful to the user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, banishing any microbes while keeping their healthy and bestowing upon them an immunity to all forms of disease or disorder no matter the form it takes upon, and whether or not it's supernaturally-transmitted, meaning that the user may or may not have a complete immunity to the dreaded Magical Barrier Particles, which are poisonous anti-eternano particles released by the Etherious – however, this can't be confirmed; but what can be confirmed is that the user is constantly in peak physical condition as their body is constantly and instantly reverting to a healthy state, granting them inexhaustible stamina and vitality. Additionally, the user is incapable of getting drunk no matter the strength of the drink, nor addicted or even take any form of drugs; impurities which are transmitted through the air, and they have displayed a complete immunity to hypnosis and Illusion Magic, which could quite possibly limit their focus. In terms of regeneration speed, the user is capable of regenerating all sorts of tissue within a few moments – even from terrible wounds such as getting an arm torn off, it can instantly regenerate good as new in the blink of an eye; furthermore, the user can instantly heal from severe third-degree burns that cover most of their body and regenerate missing eyes within a matter of seconds; as long as there's bone or even a single portion of cellular tissues there, it can regenerate – as the caster increases in power, this allows them to regenerate their DNA, effectively undoing genetic mutations and breakdown. Once the process of regeneration is complete, the caster's body will automatically adhere to the updated information and restore itself to before any harm was suffered. Such a remarkable ability makes the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic tricky to defeat, considering that, if the opponent doesn't manage to strike them down in a single blow, the caster can heal themselves and continue battling as if nothing happened. By using a lot of energy, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic can even revive people that are in a near-death state. The healing power granted by it is extremely high, having been described as capable of healing wounds inflicted by a real dragon as well as injuries dealt by a god. In all cases, the caster is capable of healing injuries in a matter of seconds, without the need for any preparation or particular stance. This ability is why Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is considered a healing-type magic on par with, if not greater than Sky Dragon Slayer Magic and Sky God Slayer Magic.
  • Shift Sway (時空力消失迎撃(シフト・スヴェー), Shifuto Suvē lit. Spacetime Energy Vanishing Counterattack): Shift Sway is an intermediate Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell where the caster sways back as tachyon particles trail around their body, dodging an opponent's attack and instantly allowing them to launch a powerful reactive blow that takes the form of a double roundhouse kick. In any case, when performing Shift Sway, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic then focuses these tachyons around their very existence as they shroud themselves in an air-tight layer of tachyons that seems to become an invisible armour of sorts for the duration that this spell is active, amassing the howling space-time particles that they manipulate through their Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic upon their hands, compressing them tightly for the briefest of moments as to amplify the output of the spell when it's released; while doing so, the caster prepares for an incoming attack; these tachyonic energies begin to swirl around the caster's body in a helix-esque formation as they perform a defensive tai chi-like stance while anticipating the attack about to be unleashed by their opponent- with their hands in a defensive stance, the caster begins to gather and condense particles of eternano that are strewn about throughout the atmosphere in order to augment their own protective capabilities drastically by transforming them into more tachyons. Once the opponent falls for the bait and their attack –no matter if it's from close-range or from a distance- makes contact with the caster's body while they're performing the required motions, Shift Sway is put into effect – a cascade of tachyonic energies spiral around the caster's frame; in a split-second after the opponent attacks, the caster then vanishes from sight, having been enveloped by the tachyonic energies and broke down into arcane particles, transforming into and moving at incredible speeds behind the enemy as they are instantaneously reassembled by the tachyons in said location, literally teleporting. At this point, the caster now in close-range and behind their opponent, strikes with two powerful roundhouse kicks in a row that deal moderate amounts of damage and can knock the opponent into the air instantly. When compared to most other counter-type spells, Shift Sway has the longest window of retaliating, being a few seconds in length, and the return strike comes out the swiftest due to the caster transforming into tachyons, teleporting behind the enemy, and striking. When compared to other forms of counterattacking spells, Shift Sway is notably different in that it does not change power depending on the countered attack; rather, it does a constant attack no matter what moves it counters. One of the most interesting features of Shift Sway is that when in the process of evading and teleporting behind the enemy, as the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has transformed their entire body into tachyons, they have become effectively intangible, leaving them completely unaffected even by attacks that cannot be countered. Additionally, if the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is hit during the process of Shift Sway, like other forms of Counter, they will not flinch and simply complete the process- though they will still receive damage; but they actually strike the location around where they were hit, just like regular forms of Counter do. If Shift Sway is used on a ranged attack or an attack that causes its user to move quickly, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic will most likely miss with their counter attack.
  • NewSSPerManifest

    A Tachyonic Circular unit.

    Tachyonic Circular (時空霊の双変使衛星(タキオオニック・サーキュラー), Takionikku Sākyurā lit. Tachyon Spirit's Paired Variable Usage Satellites): Tachyonic Circular is an intermediate Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's born from the caster's knowledge of the arcane working in conjunction with their tachyon manipulation in order to manifest several diamond structures that are actually composed of solidified tachyons around their figure which they are capable of modifying to suit almost any situation. In any case, when performing Tachyonic Circular, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic then uses their masterful magical energy control in order to keep these energies parted from the magnet that is their Magic Origin before they harness their skill at arcane manipulation to induce a process not dissimilar to Shape Transformation, resulting in the creation of a quarter of hand-size diamond-like structures of magical energy that are completely black and red in regards to their textures, albeit highly-stylized at the top with two spikes on each side protruding slightly towards at the top to give these drones the appearance of being almost pendent-like. Three gemlike-lights – red, blue, and white – glow illustriously in the center, and the whole unit possesses a dark-blue gild-job. The user can alter the shape of each Tachyonic Circular by thought alone in order to serve almost innumerable purposes, whether they be for offense, defense, and other supplementary uses- when they are not in use, the crystal-like diamonds of tachyonic energy float behind the caster's back in a circular formation; they are noted to be constantly on standby once willed into existence- though they can also be dismissed whenever the user deems it suitable. The user cannot create additional diamonds after the initial acquisition number; as four is the absolute limit; they follow the user around wherever they go; they never come into direct contact with the caster, but rather, they flank the user's body on each side- the drones can come in a variety of shapes and sizes; they are generally used for offensive measures, proving effective and flexible in purpose. The user is capable of controlling the units one-by-one or all at once- no matter the control manner, the caster can shape the spheres through mental commands alone in a similar manner to Arc of Embodiment or Molding Magic (specifically Light-Make) into countless forms- effectively the sky is the limit for what the units of tachyonic energy can be transformed into, often taking the form of various weapons such as swords, lances, cannonballs, and shields. No matter the form and composition, the tachyon diamonds manifested through the Tachyonic Circular spell are widely known to be exceptionally powerful- just by colliding with a solid, non-living structure; a single ball is capable of reducing it to dust. They can be directed as projectiles which close in on the user's targets like bullets, and if the caster deems it suitable, they can grant them explosive properties by having them rapidly expand- on the opposite end, they can be used to heal the caster's own injuries just by contact. Like Lacrima, the caster is able to charge their magical energies into the Tachyonic Circular to suit their uses. These then can be elementally charged in a similar manner to how Laxus Dreyar made Lacrima into Lightning Lacrima by charging it with his Lightning Magic, which are used for casting the Thunder Palace spell. Directed in accordance to their mental commands, the units of Tachyonic Circular often attack enemies from different angles, while the user utilizes their thoughts to send signals to mentally move them around the battlefield and make immediate changes in action during combat, making the drones' impressive power more of a joint effort than anything. The Tachyonic Circular drones are second-to-none in terms of long-range firepower, blasting countless enemies at once with their separate shots of pure magical energies; these shots become stronger and stronger the longer that they're chasing after the opponent, as the blasts continually absorb eternano strewn throughout the atmosphere to make each beam launched bigger and faster, laying the smackdown on all enemies from a distance – these pure magical energies are able to be substituted with tachyonic energies as per the nature of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, enabling the Tachyonic Circular drones to get the jump on the user's opponents and annihilate anything in their path with enormous waves of faster-than-light particles. When in close-ranged combat, the drones referred to as Tachyonic Circular continually move from their positions while spinning, smacking the opponent around. However, for all its strengths, the Tachyonic Circular drones are known to possess at least two weaknesses- for one, the caster is only capable of controlling the diamonds of tachyonic energy within one hundred meters of their own location, meaning that once either the user or the units are out of range, they will vanish. Additionally, each transformation into a different object can only last for a full minute before they revert back to their drone form.

Tachyshaper Spells

Static Tachyshaper Spells

  • LisettePerSummonedSwords

    A trio of Tachyshaper: Discutter being manifested.

    Tachyshaper: Discutter (偽性・時空の造形滅霊術・時空斬剣(タチズシェイパー・ディスカッター), Tachisheipā: Disukattā lit. Pseudo-Tachyon Forging Spirit Slayer Skill: Spacetime-Cleaving Blade): Tachyshaper: Discutter is a Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that originates from the Tachyshaper subspecies ability, specifically that of the Static Tachyshaper method, where the caster creates a sword composed entirely from tachyons for close-range combat. In any case, when casting Tachyshaper: Discutter, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; during this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning a sword composed entirely from tachyonic energies and drawing power from the atmosphere; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of silvery energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling hurricane of tachyonic energy, causing the tachyons and magical particles to shape themselves into said blade; a relatively simple-looking western short sword composed entirely out of tachyonic energy – of course, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of altering the composition and thus the appearance of said sword; while normally, it appears as a black and red sword with a crossguard that points upwards on both sides to resemble extra blades, it can be modified into alternate forms as long as it still counts as a "sword", such as a katana, rapier, longsword, cutlass, zweihänder, jian, and many more. The sword of that's composed entirely out of tachyons is known to be impossibly sharp and durable; as tachyons are focused through the construct, the beyond-light-speed properties are naturally inherent within Tachyshaper: Discutter, supercharging the blade with theoretical faster than light-speed efficacy, resulting in a sword-type Molding Magic spell that surpasses all others without any exception to this claim. The Tachyshaper: Discutter is capable of casually slicing through bog-standard Defenser barriers alongside the slightly more advanced Barrier Magic spells, and its slashes are capable of trailing large amounts of tachyonic energies in its wake, which can damage the opponent in a manner not dissimilar to a Sword Beam-type spell; generally, the Tachyshaper: Discutter is capable of unleashing untold amounts of destruction simply by being swung through the air. The sheer force and speed of the swings, when combined with the incredible power of this tachyonic blade allows it to disregard the concept of time and space, producing a force for which attempting to even try and defend against is naught but a pipe-dream for everyone and anyone skilled in weaponry- this swing is said to transcend speed, dexterity, feints, and many other elements in order to extend the already generous attack range of the Tachyshaper: Discutter so fast that battle-hardened warriors can't follow its path, swinging the sword with such force and dexterity with a power that turns the laws of physics themselves into an absurdity. The blade itself can endure even the strongest of attacks, making it quite effective in blocking and deflecting incoming attacks; and it can withstand getting crushed by force; inducing the properties of tachyons which cause them to not interact with energy and matter, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to cause Tachyshaper: Discutter to become completely intangible, rendering it invisible to the naked eye as it emits no secondary effect—not even sparks will fly off of it, and no clashing sound will be heard; even so, the tachyons will still shred anything it touches while they sear and blind anything it comes into contact with. The blade is shown to become as light or as heavy as the wielder wishes it to, thanks to its composition, and the power of Tachyshaper: Discutter is capable of inflicting a deep cut into the opponent's body, even if they had erected a magical defense beforehand, severely damaging them and annihilating them through its laser-like properties upon connection- it can defeat an Etherious compared to a member of the Ten Wizard Saints in power in a single strike. Lastly, the user is capable of channeling their other magic into the spell, endowing it with an aura and causing runic symbols to appear along its length—something that drastically increases its cutting power even more, if that were even possible. Like most forms of sword-type Molding Magic spells such as Ice Devil's Zeroth Long Sword of Ice Devil Slayer Magic and its weaker counterpart, Ice-Make: Sword of Ice-Make as well as Photonic Forge: Ame no Murakumo of Photon Dragon Slayer Magic, Tachyshaper: Discutter is known to possess several follow-ups which are known Additional Attacks (追加攻撃, Tsuika Kōgeki) and are numbered as Additional Attack Number _ (追加攻撃・_号, Tsuika Kōgeki _gō), followed by the name of the spell; it is well-known that each attack can chain into another, but more than three at once can exhaust the user quite easily.
    • Extension: Discutter, Wild Dance (追加攻撃・時空斬剣・乱舞の太刀(エクステンション・ディスカッター・ワイルド・ダンス), Ekusutenshon: Disukattā, Wairudo Dansu lit. Additional Attack: Spacetime-Cleaving Sword, Fervent Dancing Sword): Extension: Discutter, Wild Dance is a Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that originates from the Tachyshaper subspecies ability, specifically that of the Static Tachyshaper method, and as the prefix of "Extension" would indicate, a variant of the Tachyshaper: Discutter spell which uses the Ice Magic spell known as Ice Blade: Seven Slice Dance as an inspiration and that can be naturally extended from the initial strike; it is an impossibly fast sequence of bladed strikes with the Tachyshaper: Discutter ending in a swift straight slash downwards. In any case, when performing Extension: Discutter, Wild Dance, the user, while already gripping a Tachyshaper: Discutter within their hand infuses this tachyonic blade with their magical energy as the caster invokes the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic activation sequence, focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light – all this, focused upon their Tachyshaper: Discutter before they step towards the opponent with a burst energy, closing the distance between the two as the caster begins the attack, letting loose with a vicious flurry of strikes, with the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic attacking the target so viciously and rapidly with the sword that an illusion is generated so that multiple doppelgangers of the user appear to be striking the target from all directions, its vapor trails creating the image of a Magic Seal fashioned like a pentagram. After forming the pentagram, the caster ends the combo with a swift straight slash, finally ripping the helpless target into ribbons. Each of the first strikes unleash powerful bursts of tachyonic energy that are capable of destroying the landscape, while the next two inflict piercing, penetrating damage that tear through the sturdiest of defenses. However, the final blow discards all of the user's defense for one, massive, full-powered attack that destroys anything it touches instantly; after which, the tachyonic energies dissipate. The velocity at which Extension: Discutter, Wild Dance takes place is at tremendous speeds, the caster unleashing a swift sequence of sword slashes that are so fast that more often than not the opponent cannot keep up; to the untrained eye, it appears as if it is merely a single, godspeed sword slash that strikes eight times in quick succession. While the multitude of attacks are extremely powerful, the deadliness lies in how many strikes the attack deals. Because of the speed that the caster swings their blade, it seems as if they have unleashed these blows concurrently, enabling them to all impact upon the foe's body at the same time. The slashes close on the enemy from all sides to create a prison, allowing no chance for defense or evasion. It should be noted that if the foe deflects a single strike in the combo, then the others will surely hit, and due to the close range, if the opponent attempts to escape, the blades will quickly cut them down.
    • Second Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash (追加攻撃・二号・時空斬剣・星薙の斬艦刀(セカンド・エクステンション・ディスカッター・メーザーギア・スラッシュ), Sekando Ekusutenshon: Disukattā, Mēzāgia Surasshu lit. Additional Attack Number Two: Spacetime-Cleaving Sword, the Warship-Cutting Blade that Mows Down Stars): Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash is a Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that originates from the Tachyshaper subspecies ability, specifically that of the Static Tachyshaper method, and as the prefix of "Second Extension" would indicate, the second variant of the Tachyshaper: Discutter spell – it can be considered equivalent to the Karma Demon: Iron God Sword of Iron Dragon Slayer Magic – it's an almighty attack where the caster claps their hands together above their head while holding a Tachyshaper: Discutter sword, causing the blade of tachyonic energy to expand into an incredibly long beam of surging energy which the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic brings down upon their enemy, destroying a substantially large area in front of themselves. In any case, when performing Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash, the user, while already gripping a Tachyshaper: Discutter within their hand infuses this tachyonic blade with their magical energy as the caster invokes the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic activation sequence, focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light – all this, focused upon their Tachyshaper: Discutter. At this point, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, having fuelled more energy into their tachyonic blade, causes it to instantly expand extravagantly as tachyonic energies flow around the caster while their Magic Seal appears underneath them, from which even more of these miraculous particles erupt. The wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spins their Tachyshaper: Discutter around, compressing even more tachyons upon its composition as the arcane glyph sends a tornado of these particles upwards while the caster directs the radiance emitted by their blade upwards, finishing the process of Shape Transformation to transmogrify the tachyon blade into two "parts", with bottom part becoming pure light, and the second half highly resembling a feather; at this point, the cyclone vanishes, and Second Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash is ready to be launched. Despite it possessing a blade (as all swords do), it would be more accurate to say that Second Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash is more of a tachyonic slab than a true sword and the user can swing it like a mere knife; indeed, it is said to weigh at least five hundred kilograms, and its enormous size means that it is sufficiently large and thick that it can be used as a shield with ease, defending the caster from all sorts of attacks whether physical or supernatural in nature; the Second Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash is enough to act as a shield from any sort of projectile. Expanding to become several thousand kilometers larger than the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic themselves, the caster then swings the blade forwards, rending everything it comes into contact in twain; this sword is capable of unleashing untold amounts of destruction simply by being swung through the air, but the sheer force and speed of the swing, when combined with the incredible size of the Second Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash allows it to disregard the concept of time and space, producing a force for which attempting to even try and defend against is naught but a pipe-dream for everyone and anyone skilled in weaponry- this swing is said to transcend speed, dexterity, feints, and many other elements in order to extend the already generous attack range of the Second Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash so fast that battle-hardened warriors can't follow its path, swinging a seemingly useless slab of energy with such ease and dexterity with a power that turns the laws of physics themselves into an absurdity. The point of contact with Second Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash releases an uncountable flurry of propagating disturbances that echo throughout the skies and the land, stirring up countless earthquakes and tidal waves that home in on the enemies of the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic for the sole purpose of mass devastation. As the name would suggest, Second Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash incorporates the mechanics of a microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation device into its casting sequence, producing coherent electromagnetic waves through amplification by stimulated emission, said simulated emission being the caster's magical energies. This results in the release of an enormous quantity of electricity bolts which are created by amplified microwaves, crashing about throughout the atmosphere in a manner not dissimilar to a thunderstorm, resulting in Second Extension: Discutter, Masergear Slash being a cataclysmic power comparable to the likes of Etherion. After the initial strike, the tachyonic energies then spread out to deal one last strike before finally vanishing afterward.
  • Tachyshaper: Tachyon Spiral (偽性・時空の造形滅霊術・撃滅時空鏃丸(タチズシェイパー・タキオン・スパイラル), Tachisheipā: Takion Supairaru lit. Pseudo-Tachyon Forging Spirit Slayer Skill: Destructive Tachyon Arrowhead Bullet): Tachyshaper: Tachyon Spiral is a Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that originates from the Tachyshaper subspecies ability, specifically that of the Static Tachyshaper method, where the caster creates a bow and arrow composed entirely from tachyons; the latter of which is shaped like the head of an arrow and resembles lightning that is launched towards their opponent at astounding velocities, dealing incredible damage. In any case, when casting Tachyshaper: Tachyon Spiral, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; during this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning a bow and arrow composed entirely from tachyonic energies and drawing power from the atmosphere; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of silvery energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling hurricane of tachyonic energy, causing the tachyons and magical particles to shape themselves into said bow and arrow – indeed, what emerges is an intricate bow with a feathery appearance yet composed entirely of tachyonic energies, and thanks to the spell being a byproduct of their dominance over tachyons; the caster is able to change the properties and composition of the object through thoughts alone into alternate forms as long as it still counts as a "bow", such as a recurve bow, which is a bow with the tips curving away from the archer to add extra velocity to the arrow, a compound bow; a bow with mechanical aids to help with drawing the bowstring, and a crossbow, which is a type of weapon based on the bow and consisting of a horizontal bow-like assembly mounted on a stock. When this is done, the caster begins to rapidly expand and contract the tachyons gathered into the form of an extravagant lightning arrow-head-shaped bolt forged completely from tachyons, meaning that it does not possess a solid form; this arrow held transfixed upon the tachyonic bow shines to the point that it causes those in the vicinity to avert their eyes. The arrowhead constantly crackles with numerous bluish discharges of static electricity; which are a side-effect of the intensity of aether harnessed to manifest the bolt of gold. In any case, when manifested caster grasps Tachyshaper: Tachyon Spiral tightly, holding the weapon with their body being nearly perpendicular to the target and the shooting line, with the feet placed shoulder-width apart, upon seeing Tachyshaper: Tachyon Spiral, any characters in the user's line of sight seem to flinch as the caster launches the arrow towards their opponent. While in motion, the tachyon arrow possesses a certain transcendent priority, displaying the ability to transcend normal area-of-effect of close-range combat strikes, as the arrow cannot collide with, clash with, cancel out, or be cancelled out by other attacks, even other priority-oriented attacks of a similar nature, allowing the tachyon arrow to pierce through anything that could serve as an obstruction while in flight, even capable of striking a maximum of six targets but the damage and knockback weaken for each target hit; thus if used on many opponents, it may not destroy the ones in the back, even if the foes are still suffering from harm. When the blast lands, it blows the opponents away with tremendous speed and force; blasting through everything in it's path in order to assault the opponent ferociously as the arrow sends the opponents flying at a semi-spike angle, inducing tremendous knockback from which it is difficult to recover. If the opponents are too close together, they may collide with each other and prevent immense damaging from happening; using this spell, the caster has displayed that they can fight off numerous attackers, punched holes in the Magic Council's headquarters, and been able to tear the leg off of a demon, all with minimal effort. The attack seems to possess highly destructive power, having caused great damage to the area it affected, destroying the ground and piercing through buildings alike, and appears to have a long range, wreaking havoc wherever it passes, as shown when it crossed the entire distance of Hargeon, generating a large explosion. The trajectory of the frozen arrow is capable of being altered through minute application of the Enchantment supplementary ability known as Enchanted Telekinesis, allowing the caster to strike more than one opponent; they can change the direction the arrow will go while holding it; backwards, forwards, and upwards. The user's tachyon arrows move much more quickly than other, more ordinary arrows, and can be controlled in midair. However, the caster is incapable of holding the arrow back while attached to the bow for an indefinite period of time in normal use; however, if the caster keeps changing the direction the arrow will be released, they can hold onto it for a while. The tachyonic arrows can actually be curved around in a full circle if controlled properly and thus avoid veering off in random directions. The maximum quantity of tachyon-hewn arrows the caster is capable of firing simultaneously while utilizing Tachyshaper: Tachyon Spiral is two thousand arrows at once – after the initial volley is launched forward, this onslaught is capable of being fired once more without spending any time to rest, transforming the vicinity into a geometric curtain of absolute destruction. At higher altitudes, the user can reach to a high point to shoot arrows from the Tachyshaper: Tachyon Spiral. After the shot, the speed of arrow increases with gravity and air pressure, grievously wounding the enemy.
    • Extension: Ultimate Tachyon Spiral (追加攻撃・撃滅時空鏃丸・集束砲号(エクステンション・アルティメット・タキオン・スパイラル), Ekusutenshon: Arutimetto Takion Supairaru lit. Additional Attack: Destructive Tachyon Arrow Bullet – Focused Ordinance Edition): Extension: Ultimate Tachyon Spiral is a Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that originates from the Tachyshaper subspecies ability, specifically that of the Static Tachyshaper method, and as the prefix of "Extension" would indicate, a variant of the Tachyshaper: Tachyon Spiral spell, which the caster utilizes to create a bow and arrow composed entirely from tachyons, as well as intricate knowledge of the basic property of nature known rotation in order to fire phenomenally powerful arrows that act more like projectile drills which instantaneously accelerate the energy of all forms of matter if these arrows of tachyonic energy make contact with something. In any case, when performing Extension: Ultimate Tachyon Spiral, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic invokes the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; during this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning a bow and arrow composed entirely from tachyonic energies and drawing power from the atmosphere; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of silvery energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling hurricane of tachyonic energy, causing the tachyons and magical particles to shape themselves into said bow and arrow – indeed, what emerges is an intricate bow with a feathery appearance yet composed entirely of tachyonic energies, and thanks to the spell being a byproduct of their dominance over tachyons; the caster is able to change the properties and composition of the object through thoughts alone into alternate forms as long as it still counts as a "bow", such as a recurve bow, which is a bow with the tips curving away from the archer to add extra velocity to the arrow, a compound bow; a bow with mechanical aids to help with drawing the bowstring, and a crossbow, which is a type of weapon based on the bow and consisting of a horizontal bow-like assembly mounted on a stock. Grasping the bow tightly, the caster, while holding the weapon with their body being nearly perpendicular to the target and the shooting line, with the feet placed shoulder-width apart and manifesting any multiples of specially customized tachyonic arrows which have arrowheads that are fashioned to resemble drillbits, the wielder utilizes their phalanges, hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders, with the magician beginning to install a basic property of nature, rotation, which is a circular movement of an object around a center or point of rotation, resulting in the arrows rotating at astounding velocities while the caster is still readying to fire them - at this point, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic launches the arrows towards their opponent at astoundingly high speeds - while in motion, the arrows take upon the properties of a variant of the Magnus Effect, where in flight, a spinning object, by deflecting air flow, curves from its principal flight path, calculating potential trajectories with ease - shooting forth, the drill-bit arrowheads of the projectiles continue to twirl quickly as the vast quantities of energy collected by the tachyon arrows when launched using the rotation method continuously compress upon these icy structures in order to dramatically enhance the speed and power of the arrows in flight by the second - the ever-increasing speeds also afford Extension: Ultimate Tachyon Spiral a certain transcendent priority, displaying the ability to transcend normal area-of-effect of close-range combat strikes, as the arrow cannot collide with, clash with, cancel out, or be cancelled out by other attacks, even other priority-oriented attacks of a similar nature, allowing the tachyon arrow to pierce through anything that could serve as an obstruction while in flight at a level even greater than the original Tachyshaper: Tachyon Spiral. All forms of matter that the tachyon arrows unleashed by Extension: Ultimate Tachyon Spiral comes into contact with is subjected to an instant acceleration of activity within the atomic structure, affecting all particles and in the case of a living target, all of their cells, thereby encouraging the process of senescence, which is the gradual deterioration of function characteristic of most complex lifeforms, arguably found in all biological kingdoms, that on the level of the organism increases mortality after maturation - only in this case, the process of senescence affects everything, and as such, the tachyon arrows making contact with anything causes everything connected to the point of impact to crumble from its core in a similar manner to as if it had been exposed to a hundred years of aging, reduced to naught but dust, in addition to having a range of effects on humans, animals or the environment - when it hits muscle or a living being, within seconds, they age greatly in dramatic fashion before being reduced to dust as well. Through mental commands, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to move the arrow-shaped holes that are left behind by the arrows, dragging them along the surface of anything they wish and affect whatever is attached to said surface - when in motion, these holes leave a track behind them as they move which chase down any target that the caster wishes. While flying through the air, the tachyon arrows of Extension: Ultimate Tachyon Spiral rotate infinitely, and thus, if the caster wishes, the damage caused by the rotation is also infinite and will not end unless the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic deems it to be suitable, and it imbues targets with infinite rotation, making them spin internally until they are reduced to nothingness.

Dynamic Tachyshaper Spells

  • Tachyshaper: Projection (偽性・時空の造形滅霊術・時空二重身(タチズシェイパー・プロジェクション), Tachisheipā: Purojekushon lit. Pseudo-Tachyon Forging Spirit Slayer Skill: Spacetime Doppelgänger): Tachyshaper: Projection is a Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that originates from the Tachyshaper subspecies ability, specifically that of the Dynamic Tachyshaper method; it involves the caster creating a copy of themselves made out of tachyonic energies in order to avoid attacks or to create a distraction for a surprise attack. In any case, when performing Tachyshaper: Projection, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; during this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning a proper 'guardian' that's composed entirely from tachyonic energies and drawing power from the atmosphere; the caster's magical energies flow from their own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of silvery energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling hurricane of tachyonic energy while inducing an advanced form of meiosis, which is a specialized type of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half by forcing all of their cells and molecules to duplicate themselves at the exact same time from their Magic Seal, creating various clones – however, as they were created through tachyonic energies, there's no doubt that their molecular structure is that of the dubious substance; generally, in terms of appearance, there's no indication to allow onlookers to distinguish the replicas from the original. The various replicas of the user that are brought into the current plane of existence are capable of performing any of the caster's spells, including Tachyshaper: Projection once more in order to double the amount of copies that the caster has summoned in the heat of battle- however, by doing so, the clones drain magical energy from the original user of the spell's own Magic Origin – however, if the caster has skill with Enchantment the caster is simply able to manipulate the molecular structure of their icy replicas as to shape-shift a Magic Origin, thus circumventing the problem. To add to the deception pulled over the eyes of their enemies, these duplicates can bleed after being struck- though they will scatter into molecules if attacked by a sufficiently strong force; but before they do that, the caster can disperse them by will alone in order to gain back any of their magical power that they had used in their brief moments of 'life'; generally, they're so lifelike that it's near impossible to distinguish the Tachyshaper: Projection clones from the real deal, unless it's done only after a close, careful inspection, and thus coming in useful to avoid enemy attacks. Continuing onwards, Tachyshaper: Projection allows the caster to use these replicas to distract their opponents, which can be useful when it buys enough time for the user to find a weak spot on the enemy, even confusing users of psychic-type magics by causing their powers to detect the decoy instead of the user – the caster is also able to switch places with their clones to continuously confound their opponent. The duplications that are brought into existence through the power of Tachyshaper: Projection have displayed that because of their dubious nature, they are able to deceive all forms of Eye Magic with the exception of the Eyes of Arcus. In terms of durability, they're more than capable of taking more than one attack unlike most other forms of cloning spells, as their existences are reinforced through Enchantment, thus preventing them from being dispatched in a single strike; but of course, due to the fact that these clones are made of ice, after they have taken enough damage, they will crumble into tachyonic energies – however, by doing so, the caster is able to utilize their absolute dominance over tachyons in order to harness these streams of energy in order to direct them in accordance to their mental commands in a similar manner to Telekinesis as to induce a 'death of a thousand cuts' upon the enemy by having them wash over the enemy in the same manner that Tachyon Spirit's Harangue does so, or to successfully trap the opponent, even instantly reforming clones to restrain the opponent out of nowhere.

Armiger Arsenal

Armiger Arsenal (比闇翼陣・天下布武(アーミージャー・アーセナル), Āmījā Āsenaru lit. Peerless Black Wing Formation – All the World by Force of Arms): Armiger Arsenal is a powerful Chaos Arts and Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell which can be considered a Combination Spell, which is, well, a combination between two magics, not dissimilar to that of a Unison Raid; however, it is notably somewhat weaker than a Unison Raid thanks to the user being the only mage who unleashes the spell – in this case, Armiger Arsenal is a bit unique in that it incorporates several forms of Lisette's magic into its composition in order to forge a pseudo-fighting style that's exclusive to her and her alone, said to be the result of merging her knowledge of everything that can be done through the Chaos Arts with her regular methods of combat; specifically, it merges her Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and its Tachyshaper subspecies ability, Aetherial Translocation, and Lisette's own swordsmanship.

In any case, when inducing Armiger Arsenal, Lisette focuses intently, before she surges the magical energy within her frame outwards briefly, putting ambient particles of eternano suspended within the atmosphere under her thrall while siphoning the essence of her magical power into the environment in order to have that's classified as the properties of her energy hewn from her soul interact with the masses of magical particles in the vicinity as well as her own magical energy, and from here, through mental commands alone, Lisette focuses, installing within these energies her thoughts of what lies beyond the earth, space, and everything detailed within that region, enabling her to shift her own magical energies and other particles into the primary energy of Chaos Arts, Sacred Aether; during this process, Lisette invokes the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic activation sequence as to focus intently as she releases the arcane energies that are dwelling within her Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as she takes the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, Lisette, as the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with her modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; during this process, the caster projects their Magic Seal outwards while envisioning an endless trail of swords composed entirely from tachyonic energies and drawing power from the atmosphere; Lisette's magical energies flow from her own body and entwine themselves with everything else put into action through the activation sequence, resonating visually as a pulse of silvery energy as the desired creation spawns from the glyph of energy accompanied by a swirling hurricane of tachyonic energy, causing the tachyons and magical particles to shape themselves as Lisette's Arm of Nyx produces faint continuous release of dark energies that react to Lisette's thoughts and her attuned nature with crows and other creatures of the skies, resulting in the constant surging Sacred Aether, dark energies, and tachyon particles molding themselves into a seemingly infinite trail of feathers, which she then modifies the length and density of the feathers she has manifested while invoking the power of Tachyshaper Unlimited by synchronizes her emotions to the tachyons and thus her Magic Origin, resulting in a stronger kind of aether that is incapable of being banished and permanently remains in the physical realm even after being cast.

Going by the name and the motif of the Chaos Arts, the feathery blades are actually real stars, as in, they are luminous spheres of plasma fashioned in the shape of feathery blades which are held together by their own gravity. As the Tachyshaper: Discutter blades float around, they continuously fuse hydrogen into helium with high-temperature and high-pressure reactions near their very core in a similar manner to that of dwarf star as the helium in their cores steadily increase along with the rate of nuclear fusion in their cores, adding up to an ascension with the temperature and luminosity. Along with this, each of the feathers generates a stellar wind of particles that causes a continual outflow of gas. Once this particular Tachyshaper: Discutter blade set has been fully manifested into the mortal plane, the starry, feathery blades swirl around her in a circling formation upon being manifested, focusing the energy blades' explosive, glowy death into a protective ring around her resembling reverse shrapnel- the numerous Tachyshaper: Discutter blades spinning around the center they recognize as the "starting point" known as her body electromagnetically- these swords spin around at varying speeds which Lisette is capable of modifying to become any velocity that she deems suitable through thought- at its highest point, the swords whirl around her frame at speeds just below the speed of sound, or they can move as slow as molasses to allow Lisette to grab them and use the weaponry as swords as per normal Tachyshaper: Discutter blades. Because of Lisette's Magic Origin, she does not suffer any magical drainage when summoning swords and utilizing Armiger Arsenal, and Lisette can utilize these swords as projectiles by launching them at her enemies at high speeds or as shields- as well as anything else that crosses her mind. Ironically enough, alongside their close-range capabilities, the feathery blades have no difference in functionality from firearms, albeit they possess absolutely zero recoil, giving them a slight advantage over a gun. Once brought into the current existence after transitioning from the spiritual plane to the physical realm, the Tachyshaper: Discutter blades are instantly put under Lisette's thrall and are hers to command; first of all, however, is that any amount of feathery blades are capable of being summoned at once, depending on how much magical energy Lisette pours into their manifestation and how much of the atmosphere she focuses on to serve as a fulcrum to bringing them into the world, though Lisette more often than not simply prepares seven-to-ten at a time to keep things pressuring yet not totally overwhelming so she can still observe the opponent and their capabilities; after she fires the first batch, instead of recalling them, she simply readies more Tachyshaper: Discutter blades as shooting the weapons costs less time than recalling as she's constantly moving about in battle. The ring of blades orbiting her frame commonly serve as single-use barriers with a tensile strength greater than Defenser or Barrier Magic that can slice an opponent upon contact, damaging anything they come into contact with while slicing projectiles in half if they even so much as touch the blast homing in on Lisette's frame; however, upon contact with an existence that Lisette deems as a suitable target, the feathery swords vanish, making this utilization a decent short-term protecting her.

Additionally, thanks to the sheer velocities that the feathery swords move at, the kinetic energy released by their movements can produce enough force to occasionally reverse an opponent, leaving the enemy unexpectedly open which Lisette can immediately take advantage of. With a snap of her fingers and hand gestures or more simply, direction through thought alone, Lisette is able to launch these ghostly swords to anything she designates at a suitable target, being fired towards her targets with a velocity far higher than that of a bullet; the blades penetrate the air itself while in motion, ripping straight through the atmosphere without any pause; their flight paths guided to Lisette's will, and as such, they are capable of homing in on an opponent to land a certain hit. Furthermore, because summoning the spectral swords does not interrupt the current action, they can be used at any time- even when attacking, Lisette can launch spectral blades in order to pin an enemy in place or to augment the damage caused by her assault; while in motion, Lisette is capable of changing their corporeality through mental commands, changing the Tachyshaper: Discutter blades into a more energy-like form as to phase through any obstructions in their way if the blades just do not blast past them, and after passing any element that could stop them cold, she can change them back to their physical form to render their ability to deal real damage to anything that they come into contact with available once more. After the ghostly blades strike a target, they instantly pierce them as long as they land upon a physical surface, resulting in a release of all the supernatural energies that compose ghostly edge—the foe's own magical pressure serves to contain and amplify the destructive power of the Tachyshaper: Discutter blades, causing a large explosion of aether that can cause a large amount of destruction with each sword similar to a carpet bombing.

While Lisette approaches an opponent, the swords can whirl into an opponent, slicing them numerous times while she holds them still or is on a constant offensive. Through thoughts and a hand direction in a chopping motion, the rings of swords can thrown directly forwards from Lisette's direction as a long-range attack that appears as a group of ethereal swords still arranged in a ringed formation shooting forth like a wheel. While in motion, Lisette can still mentally direct the Tachyshaper: Discutter blades, granting her the ability to rip an opponent to shreds or turn them into a humanoid pincushion in the blink of an eye while breaking through anything no matter its origin- she can also use the Tachyshaper: Discutter blades for defensive purposes as they can suddenly zoom in and knock an opponent out of their attacking motion or just serve as a semi-physical defense for all sorts of attacks. The Summoned Swords can suspend themselves in midair around a target before firing at them; Lisette can also do a nasty alternate version where the ring of blades appears around the enemy and implodes instead, resulting in an instant hit that is borderline unavoidable unless certain precautions are taken to prevent being killed in the blink of an eye. Before being launched as the ring of spiky death orbits her body, Lisette is capable of moving around as normal with virtually no impediments to her actions, however, due to the downright miniature-sized spaces between the swords when they revolve around her body, the open areas are effectively undefended, creating an unexpected risk for Lisette. The implements manifested for Armiger Arsenal are capable of being offense, defense, and other supplementary uses by Lisette imbuing up to three different "properties" upon them at a time – for example, if she deems it to be suitable, she can grant the manifested swords explosive properties by having them rapidly expand- on the opposite end, they can be used to heal Lisette's own injuries just by contact.

She can use the Tachyshaper power in order to transform her weapon into any type of shape imaginable from multiple weapons of any kind to armour which can additionally function as replacement prosthetic limbs, all according to her will with an announcement that's either external or internal – effectively, there are very little limitations on what can and cannot be formed. Lisette herself makes the most of this property of Armiger Arsenal by utilizing the Tachyshaper power in order to manifest countless blades and have them assume various forms. Not only this, the Tachyshaper power enables Lisette to change the size of her sword (and any weapon formed through Armiger Arsenal), giving them even stronger power than they would have normally, as one slash can result in an enormous split in the ground. These forms include a chainblade which can function as a whip that lashes around at astounding speeds, a gauntlet or a greave which enhances the power of her punches/kicks or allows her to utilize a sword more than once which can further transform into a drill in order to deal powerful piercing damage that can bust straight through any defense, a pincer to cut clean through anything and grab an enemy, a scythe which can extend the reach of Lisette's slashes and be swung around to reflect an attack, a glider which is a quartet of swords transformed into a speeder which Lisette can utilize to fly around at high speeds, and finally, a cannon which is one of her swords transformed into a gigantic cannon that can fire highly-concentrated spheres of energy that can cause enormous amounts of damage. By engaging Armiger Arsenal at any time, multiple streams of magical energy begin to float around the vicinity of her body, which enables her to casually utilize the Tachyshaper power on them to bring out weapons at any time in order to switch from offense to defense in the span of a few seconds. Not only this, by gathering these streams upon her body and activating the Tachyshaper power, Lisette is capable of stabilizing the relative coordinates of the molecules in order to enhance the output and physical power, speed, and durability of her body significantly at any time in a split-second, allowing her to switch fighting styles on the fly- it is not uncommon to see Lisette manifest shields and the like before her to defend against an opponent's attack before activating the Tachyshaper power and charging forward in order to unleash a sure-kill blow of overwhelming speed.

Something to take into consideration is that each and every one of the weapons that Lisette manifests when Armiger Arsenal at any time serve as a "marker" of sorts for one of the better abilities granted to her by this fighting style, known as Warpblade (座標移動刀(ワープブレード), Wāpuburēdo lit. Move Target Blade) which itself is an Aetherial Translocation spell; where, upon launching a weapon and having it land in an area which isn't terribly close, the link between the weapon and Lisette's Magic Origin will resonate, causing it to release high purified Sacred Aether particle and tachyons concentrations; and in that instant burst, the magical energy envelops Lisette and reduces her body to elementary particles; contacting the space-time continuum in the location that she wishes to appear in; after that, she is instantaneously reassembled in said location, literally contacting the space-time continuum in order to teleport her to the location where the weapon landed- after teleporting to where the weapon landed, she automatically equips it upon reforming. Warpblade is a major part of her fighting style, with Lisette using the ability in order to travel over long distances in an instant while dodging her opponents' attacks, appearing where the enemy least suspects it, defeating them, and then teleporting away, making her movements near impossible to predict. Lisette is able to change the form of any of her swords into another blade or another weapon entirely once manifested, and Lisette can make a copy of anything, weaponry or not in her hand summoned into her other hand; though thanks to Tachyshaper, utilizing it frequently is unnecessary, as when needed, she only replicates the one in her hand. With Armiger Arsenal active, Lisette becomes a powerhouse who can take on and defeat almost any opponent by herself; transforming her very existence into a swift-moving whirlwind of pure annihilation whose movements appear to make her a simple flash of energy while she deals unsurpassable destruction all around- it is because of this fighting style, refined through several years of battle that she has become such a feared opponent, with the title of "Red-and-Black-Feathered Falcon" resonating throughout the lands.

Future Spirit Magic Spells


Individual Spells

  • Zodiac Sign (星星の憤脈(ゾディアック・サイン), Zodiakku Sain lit. Furious Pulse of the Stars and the Planets): TBA
  • TachyonSpiritSlayerMagicFusionForm

    The wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic when Celestial Cross Fuse is invoked.

    Celestial Cross Fuse (星歌・一心同体(セレスチアル・クロス・ヒューズ), Seresutiaru Kurosu Hyūzu lit. Celestial Elegy: Two Hearts Beating As One): Celestial Cross Fuse, oftentimes referred to as the "Star Dress" is a Celestial Spirit Magic spell that makes full use of a summoner's link with their Celestial Spirits in order to incorporate the power and Magic of the Celestial Spirits they summon through their contract into their existence, which manifests itself in the form of a change in attire and a tattoo of the Celestial Spirit's seal on their body; however, this iteration of the spell is an evolution of sorts brought about by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's synergy with the stars and the fact that the Future Spirits are evolved from Celestial Spirits, thus granting the Spirit Slayer the ability to perform this spell at a much greater scope than any other caster.
  • Striking Disobey (超越反旗の霊逆鱗(ストライキング・ディスオベイ), Sutoraikingu Disuobei lit. Transcendent Wrath of the Spirits' Revolt Banner): TBA
  • Spirit Triburst (十二獣の会局(スピリット・トライバースト), Supiritto Toraibāsuto lit. Elemental Triangle of the Zodiac Beasts): TBA
  • Uranometria

    The wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic unleashing Urano Metria.

    Urano Metria (星の究極魔法(ウラノ・メトリア), Urano Metoria lit. Ultimate Magic of the Stars): Urano Metria is an uncategorized spell that enables the user to bring down the power of the eighty-eight constellations upon their enemies. Urano Metria is an exceedingly powerful uncategorized spell; said to be on a similar level to that of Abyss Break by some people. While it is technically uncategorized, some theorize it to have something to do with Heavenly Body Magic due to the Magic Seals of both being rather similar, or Celestial Spirit Magic; as the only people who have cast the spell are Celestial Spirit Magicians; however, this iteration of the spell is an evolution of sorts brought about by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's synergy with the stars and the fact that the Future Spirits are evolved from Celestial Spirits, thus granting the Spirit Slayer the ability to perform this spell at a much greater scope than any other caster.
  • Gottfried (十二獣の方合(ゴットフリート), Gottofurīto lit. Seasonal Direction to the Zodiac Beasts): Gottfried is a technically uncategorized spell which is commonly associated with Celestial Spirit Magic which grants the magician the ability to launch an overwhelmingly powerful beam of celestial energy towards their opponent; however, this iteration of the spell is an evolution of sorts brought about by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's synergy with the stars and the fact that the Future Spirits are evolved from Celestial Spirits, thus granting the Spirit Slayer the ability to perform this spell at a much greater scope than any other caster.
  • Galaxia Blade (銀河像力瞬天殺(ギャラクシア•ブレイド), Gyarakushia Bureido lit. Galaxy-Hewn Power: Immediate Killing by Heaven's Blade): Galaxia Blade is a Sword Magic spell seemingly exclusive to the Celestial Spirit King which involves the wielder pointing their sword towards the sky in order to release a huge pillar of light that covers an immensely large area, dispels every dark enchantment inside the area and turns the enemy that used it into a statue of stone; however, this iteration of the spell is an evolution of sorts brought about by Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's synergy with the stars and the fact that the Future Spirits are evolved from Celestial Spirits, thus granting the Spirit Slayer the ability to perform this spell at a much greater scope than any other caster.



The Legion of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic – Legion: Arkbrave Knight.

Legion: Arkbrave Knight (双闘・覇王時空黒騎士(レギオン・アークブレイブ・ナイト) Region: Ākubureibu Naito lit. Paired Battle: Tyrant King's Spacetime Black Knight): The Legion: Arkbrave Knight is a Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic and as the prefix may or may not indicate, the Legion of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, which is a semi-common Spirit Slayer Magic subspecies ability that's accessible by all wielders of Spirit Slayer Magic; dissimilar from a universal power-up skill, the function of Legion is known to be more strategic in nature - it enables the caster to manifest a perfect replication of themselves (or in any other appearance that they wish) which follows their each and every movement, performing the exact same actions of the original; interestingly, Legion is virtually identical to the version of the ability as harnessed by God Slayer Magic, only the God Slayer iteration was derived from a preexisting magic known as Angel Magic and that version obviously solely summons angels. In any case, when invoking Legion: Arkbrave Knight, the Spirit Slayer focuses the energies that are dwelling within their frame intently, as they begin to surge the arcane powers within themselves outwards while inducing the activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; from here, after obtaining enough magical power to transform, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic focuses their magical power, using the tachyons that have been gathered; beginning to glitter as a multitextured aura shines from the Spirit Slayer before it ascends to the heavens, where these energies transmogrify into a serial of sparks that flow outwards, scattering throughout the atmosphere; these sparks become classified as a vector, which is a quantity having direction as well as magnitude, especially as determining the position of one point in space relative to another; the Magical Aura released outward doing the job of modifying the vector values of the caster's released magical energies to enhance and reinforce the effects that these arcane energies would have in a manner that could be said to be akin to recreating the effects of a jet burst.

As the sparks of energy surge outwards, anything that they wash over has a connection established between them while taking eternano into the equation, the caster further invoking the activation sequence of their element before the caster induces an advanced form of meiosis, which is a specialized type of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half by forcing all of their cells and the like to duplicate themselves at the exact same time at the areas where the caster's Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic affects, while invoking a process that's not dissimilar to the creation of a Familiar, with the wielder using their imagination not dissimilar to how a wielder of Arc of Embodiment would manifest a Sacred Guardian Beast such as Belcusas the Thunderclap or Belfast the Hurricane, scouring through countless options at hand such as appearance, personality, abilities, and Magic for this Legion to possess (though as detailed below, the Legion is usually a perfect replica of the caster); these options, when combined, form a Catalyst (触媒, Shokubai), crystallized as a focus for its creation. Once the creation process has been perfectly optimized, the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic creates a single clone that's a perfect replication of the Spirit Slayer by activating their powers upon the Catalyst, flawlessly imitating their composition, including those of hair, connective tissue, fats, apatite in bones, carbohydrates such as glycogen and glucose, DNA, dissolved inorganic ions such as sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methanethiol, many other small molecules, such as amino acids, fatty acids, nucleobases, nucleosides, nucleotides, vitamins, cofactors, and free radicals such as superoxide, hydroxyl, and hydroperoxyl, plus many more substances (and sciencey terms).

The Legion: Arkbrave Knight takes the form of a relatively stylized medieval suit of armour, specifically that of gothic plate armour; it appears positively demonic in comparison to many of the other forms, possessing a rather hard-to-notice crow/raven motif – the majority of the armour is a shade of black that's darker than the night skies, while the various golden-orange trimmings represent the stars which shine within the darkness, creating a perfect mixture of light and darkness, befitting the Chaos Arts themselves – When it comes to describing the Tachyshaper: Knight, it's impossible to really know where to start; for one, it possesses vaguely techno-organic features that are as clear as day and looks like a black avian mixed with a rather traditional black knight as seen in fiction. In any case, the Tachyshaper: Knight possesses a rather humanoid structure, with rounded pauldrons that are somewhat flat in appearance and have various golden lines engraved upon their black steel; connecting the pauldrons to the rest of the arms are a dark-grey chainmail-esque mesh; the gauntlets that cover the majority of the lower arms are additionally black and appear almost serrated with numerous folds that resemble curved spikes around the elbows and a pair of iron belts that are linked together by a triad of spikes; but at the very end of each gauntlet are golden claws which seem to possess incredible cutting force. The leg portions of the Tachyshaper: Knight are similarly stylized, with a unique set of knee-guards on its legs; the upper portions of the knee-guards are similar to the armour's pauldrons and the lower ones jut outwards slightly with a symbol vaguely resembling a fleur-de-lis at the bottom. The rest of the knight's greaves are gilded in a winged pattern at the front with two rows of upwards-curving protrusions ascending from the portion of the legs where the knee-guards terminate and the greaves begin; finally, the boots of the knight's legs resemble flat and two-toned sandals more or less with the addition of high-heels of a sort. The body armour of the black knight has its lower portion of the chest armour which is a lighter shade of black than the rest engraved with various golden riveted gemstones that shine illustriously; above this is a vaguely-metallic plumage of black feathers with purple and gold towards the tips, held up by two larger metallic pins on each side of the upper chest armour. Finally, the helmet of Tachyshaper: Knight slightly resembles the head and beak of a crow, with a multi-riveted neck armour and a black faceplate which is overshadowed by the beak-esque dark-grey visor with sharp eye slits from which spiky and wild "hair" of black metal which is gold at the ends protrudes.

As per most forms of Legion, the Arkbrave Knight can even move and fight like the user as well, with the similar amount of strength as its wielder; due to the user's magical power giving it extra strength. The Legion: Arkbrave Knight has such an immense destructive power that the user is capable of defeating weaker opponents in a single blow; though stronger foes are capable of counterattacking. Indeed, a testament to the Legion: Arkbrave Knight's enormous strength is that it is capable of wielding its large, two-handed sword with a single hand, swinging it around as if it were a twig while still maintaining the force of a two handed blow. The construct itself is highly durable, able to withstand a blast from an Abyss Break; as the construct sustained only a few injuries. The user can also summon and recall their Legion clone; however, the doppelganger is also automatically summoned through many of Spirit Slayer Magic's more powerful spells. Once an exploitable opening presents itself, the Legion and Spirit Slayer fighting as one can and often will lead to lengthy and unbelievably high-damage combos. The user of Spirit Slayer can use their Legion as a pressure and confusing tool, forcing the opponent to switch between dodging and blocking until they make an unfortunate mistake. When Legion is active, the user is almost impossible to counter or predict without the use of clairvoyance, as the clone does nothing, remaining in a hunched position, until commanded, meant to be as close as possible to the opponent. Many of the user and their clone's attacks chain together; capable of dealing tremendous damage to the foe via numerous heavy blows; dodging many attacks as well as faking out the opponent, disorientating them even more. The Legion's absolute limit as to how far it can move away from the caster is five meters, meaning that it has a rather narrow range of activity. However, in comparison, it's speed, strength, and durability is one of the strongest of its type, if not the strongest – its physical parameters can be considered almost superhuman, displaying astounding amounts of agility as it commonly takes opponents down with swift flurries of sword strikes of all kinds in a split second before the enemy is able to even perceive what had just occurred; not only that, it displays a certain awareness and reaction speed which grants it the ability to protect the caster even when them themselves seem to be unaware of danger, while its strength is to the point that it can single-handedly stop a collapsing house from falling on the caster. Additionally, the Legion: Arkbrave Knight is able to survive being hit with a point blank Dragon's Roar and come off no worse for wear. The main purpose of the duplicate of the user is to add damage to the user's combos and to force disorientation on the opponent if they block. However, the main weakness of Legion is that when utilizing this, for stronger attacks, the user cannot use or move their body and has to have someone guard them so that they won't be harmed. A wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic, depending on the quantity of magical energies dwelling within their Magic Origin, can make as many Legion as they wish, with most ordinary wielders of Spirit Slayer Magic only possessing a single legion that they are able to manifest and recall at any time, but Spirit Slayers with a magical energy total equal to a member of the Spriggan Twelve have shown to own up to fifteen Legion.

Switch: Chaotic Phase Spells

  • Phase: Burning Red (別要素化・猛る烈火力(フェーズ・バニング・レッド), Fēzu: Baningu Reddo lit. Turn into Another Element: Ferocious Raging Flame Power): Phase: Burning Red is a relatively advanced Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's derived from the subspecies ability of Switch: Chaotic Phase – as the name might suggest, it enables the caster to transform their base element of tachyons into the element known as fire, which is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, thereby enabling the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to generate, manipulate, and presumably consume and absorb all types of fire when Phase: Burning Red is invoked.
  • Phase: Aquatic Azurite (別要素化・揺蕩う水力(フェーズ・アクアティック・アズライト), Fēzu: Akuateikku Azuraito lit. Turn into Another Element: Shaking Water Power): Phase: Aquatic Azurite is a relatively advanced Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's derived from the subspecies ability of Switch: Chaotic Phase – as the name might suggest, it enables the caster to transform their base element of tachyons into the element known as water, which is a transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes, oceans and rain; additionally, water is the major constituent of the fluids of living organisms, thereby enabling the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to generate, manipulate, and presumably consume and absorb all types of water when Phase: Aquatic Azurite is invoked.
  • Phase: Earthen Ochre (別要素化・唸る大地力(フェーズ・アースエヌ・オーカー), Fēzu: Āsuenu Ōkā lit. Turn into Another Element: Howling Earth Power): Phase: Earthen Ochre is a relatively advanced Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's derived from the subspecies ability of Switch: Chaotic Phase – as the name might suggest, it enables the caster to transform their base element of tachyons into the element known as soil, which is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids, and countless organisms that together support life as well as most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state such as a mountain, a boulder, sand or dirt, and many more, thereby enabling the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to generate, manipulate, and presumably consume and absorb all types of earth when Phase: Earthen Ochre is invoked.
  • Phase: Gusty Green (別要素化・吹きゆく風力(フェーズ・ガスティー・グリーン), Fēzu: Gasutī Gurīn lit. Turn into Another Element: Blowing Wind Power): Phase: Gusty Green is a relatively advanced Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's derived from the subspecies ability of Switch: Chaotic Phase – as the name might suggest, it enables the caster to transform their base element of tachyons into the element known as the the layer of gases that surrounds Earth Land and is retained by the planet's gravity as well as wind, which is the flow of gases on a large scale, thereby enabling the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to generate, manipulate, and presumably consume and absorb all types of air and wind when Phase: Gusty Green is invoked.
  • Phase: Shocking Purple (別要素化・走る雷力(フェーズ・ショッキング・パープル), Fēzu: Shokkingu Pāpuru lit. Turn into Another Element: Galloping Thunder Power): Phase: Shocking Purple is a relatively advanced Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's derived from the subspecies ability of Switch: Chaotic Phase – as the name might suggest, it enables the caster to transform their base element of tachyons into the element known as lightning, which is a sudden electrostatic discharge during an electrical storm between electrically charged regions of a cloud, between that cloud and another cloud, or between a cloud and the ground, thereby enabling the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to generate, manipulate, and presumably consume and absorb all types of lightning and electricity when Phase: Shocking Purple is invoked.



Ultimate White, Lisette's Manifesto-Type Trance.

Trance: Ultimate White (謎霊幽力演・獄時空我巨人保護者(トランス・アルティメット), Toransu: Arutimetto Howaito lit. Mysterious Spirit Ethereal Power Amplification – The Refined Space-Time Colossus Defender): Trance, formerly referred to as Geist Charge (開眼態(ガイスト・チャージ), Gaisuto Chāji lit. Spiritual Awakening State), is an uncategorized Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's an Magic-amplification technique and equivalent to Dragon Slayer Magic's Drive; Trance brings out the true power of their capabilities as a user of Spirit Slayer Magic, excluding the power boost granted by Spirit Force, yet, at the same time, seemingly enhancing the user's physical prowess to a rather extreme degree. Indeed, as there's only one generation of Spirit Slayer Magic so to speak, unlike its draconic equivalent, Drive, which is exclusive to Third-Generation Dragon Slayers, due to Spirit Slayer Magic being incompatible with Lacrima, the magic crystalline substance found on both Earth Land and Edolas which can be used to implant various forms of magic, Trance is known to be capable of being harnessed by any user of Spirit Slayer Magic as long as they possess the power necessary to induce its effects and the knowledge of how to do so. The iteration of Trance that comes equipped with Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is referred to as Trance: Ultimate White. In any case, when invoking the power of Trance: Ultimate White, the caster focuses the energies that are dwelling within their frame intently, as they begin to surge the arcane powers within themselves outwards while beginning to surge the arcane powers that are dwelling within their Magic Origin ever-so-subtly, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; from here, after obtaining enough magical power to transform, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic focuses their magical power, establishing a connection with their spirit teacher, or rather, the allegorical being whom allowed them to gain this miraculous power whom is known as Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth, no matter the distance between the two and the dimensional differences before the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic summons the Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth to the current dimension using their spiritual link. Once this is done, the user utilizes their spiritually-attuned Magic Origin as a medium for their spirit teacher – Ultimate White is a Manifesto-Type (幽傀儡型(マニフェスト・タイプ), Manifesuto Taipu lit. Ghost Puppet Type); a Trance in the form of the user's elemental power that is manifested in a physical form that acts on its own; because of this, the user does not need to lift a finger to strike; their tachyonic energies will do it for them. While the Manifesto-Type resembles any sort of summoning magic, it's an extension of the user rather than a separate entity; the Manifesto-Type hovers around the Spirit Slayer in a similar manner to that of a wraith; hovering behind and above the user while usually being invisible to those unaware of them. The Manifesto-Type can attack in tandem with the user, bolstering their strength significantly while working as a medium to cast higher-powered spells.

Ultimate White takes upon the form of a large demonic humanoid which is, well, a pristine white in texture. Its large arms also function as white claws, and its body glows with a bright heavenly blue light which constantly seeps out from its gigantic body. Its feet and arms are covered in sleek, silver machinery, and its head is fashioned into the shape of a mask of sorts, along with glowing red eyes – between the two large pillars emanating from Ultimate White's back is a small black hole that never seems to go out of control; this black hole is a regular for aether and tachyons. Ultimate White is the sixth member of the Grimoire Five (五大現巨人保護者(グリモア・ファイブ), Gurimoa Faibu lit. Five Great Elemental Embodiment Colossus Defenders), which are, well, as the designation would indicate, Manifesto-Type Trances whom are an embodiment of the five fundamental elements of nature. They are known to manifest only in exceptionally powerful and determined individuals, with, as their sub-name would indicate, there only being five in existence- once a previous owner dies, their Trance will reincarnate in somebody else. However, Ultimate White is an anomaly in the whole Grimoire Five class, as it is the monstrous divine spirit whom created the other five, and thus could be considered their leader. Ultimate White hailed from a world whom had mastered the power over time and space through tachyonic manipulation – the Grimoire Five rebelled and cast Ultimate White into a gap in space-time from which it could not escape, but only after it had already destroyed a countless number of worlds. As the strongest of the Grimoire Five, many feared Ultimate White's return, with the hosts for the Grimoire Five meeting up every ten years and reapplying the seal on the space-time gap to prevent it from breaking free. Even so, that came to a halt as Lisette Aznable awakened her Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic after evolving it from a light-element Spirit Slayer Magic with her Chaos Arts, the space-time powers of her Spirit Slayer Magic resonating with Ultimate White, whom was able to use it as a leverage to break free and link itself to Lisette. The power of the Grimoire Five is unmatched by any other Trance type and even summon spirit, except for spirit king-class beings – but in the case of Ultimate White, it's said to easily surpass a vast majority of other spirit king-class beings such as the Celestial Spirit King. They have the ability to consume their element to further enhance their own power; this can be from any source, such as Lost Magic and Slayer Magic. Ultimate White copies the movements of the user to devastating effect, allowing it to deal out colossal amounts of damage; and in addition to its overwhelming strength, despite its enormous size, it is also deceptively fast, as it instantly copies all of the user's movements. Additionally, having a Grimoire Five Manifesto-Type for a Trance allows a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic to also equip an Attack-Type and a Supplement-Type Trance, making it by far the strongest form of Trance around. However, in regards to Ultimate White, as Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has the Tachyshaper subspecies ability which grants Lisette the ability to create and shape both animate and inanimate objects out of her tachyonic energies as a feasible replacement for Attack-Type and can use Tachyon Spirit's Refresh to heal herself as well as possesses numerous spells which serve the purpose of Supplement-Types, and while adding the sheer power of Ultimate White into the equation, instead of granting Lisette an Attack-Type and a Supplement-Type Trance, Ultimate White utilizes its amazing power in order to fashion a Clad-Type Trance for Lisette which she is able to equip alongside summoning Ultimate White to assist her in battle, thus granting her incredible power.

  • Enhanced Chaos Arts (混沌泰の星々(カオス・アーツ), Kaosu Ātsu lit. Chaotic Authority over the Stars and the Planets): Incidentally, when Trance: Ultimate White is active, Lisette's Chaos Arts are enhanced to the point that she can devour any kind of darkness and light, and as long as she can put her mind to it, her power essentially functions as an imagination-based magic- akin to Arc of Embodiment; when Trance: Ultimate White is in effect, Lisette has become a physical manifestation of darkness and light- effectively, she has become the Goddess of Darkness Nyx reborn. She can draw power from the negative energy in the world and the night itself, allowing her power to grow stronger and stronger until it reaches apocalyptic levels of power; she can also turn her demonic body into a shadowy light that cannot be touched by normal means. As the creator of the other Grimoire Five, it should come as no surprise that each of the other members are installed with a portion of Ultimate White's power – indeed, Ultimate White's main element is aether, which is the fifth element and celestial power through which life flows – while it isn't a Slayer Magic element per-se, since the Grimoire Five existed before Slayer Magic, they wield ordinary magic. Since the Chaos Arts are Lisette's main fighting style, Ultimate White has only been able to synchronize with Lisette due to their powers more or less being one and the same. Going further than this, as Ultimate White wields the power of aether alongside tachyons, the sixth of the Grimoire Five is able to split the Sacred Aether of the Chaos Arts into its own interpretation of its constituent materials as to manifest fire, water, earth, and air and thus through the mechanics of the subspecies ability known as Switch: Spiritmorph, infuse these elements into Lisette's body in a manner that causes their fighting style to resemble Fire Spirit Slayer Magic, Sea King Spirit Slayer Magic, Gravity Spirit Slayer Magic, and Wind Spirit Slayer Magic respectively, specifically mimicking the other Grimoire Five, giving both Ultimate White and Lisette a variety of attacking methods to work with – this is from where the sheer power and versatility of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's Switch: Chaotic Phase originates. With Trance: Ultimate White, Lisette has displayed the ability to unleash enormous amounts of aether as gigantic rocket-esque bullets which can rip an entire skyscraper straight in half and use the time-space manipulation properties of Sacred Aether in order to bend time and space to her will which grants her almost countless advantages in the heat of combat. No darkness or light-based Lost Magic, Slayer Magic, or even a Curse is safe from the absorption ability of Lisette's Chaos Arts; as for the latter, the moment that the demon particles that compose the Etherious ability come into contact with her Chaos Arts, her dreadful aura converting the particles into eternano before absorbing it and using it to enhance her next attack. What should be noted is that Lisette's aether is unable to be consumed by any element Slayer, no matter how powerful they are or any outside factors. When a foolish Slayer attempts to consume the aether, it will seep into their bloodstream and then possess them. There is no actual way to consume Lisette's aether; a fact that will never change; making Lisette inherently superior to many other elemental users and her level of control over her magic is regarded to be nothing but a pipe-dream for other magicians to achieve.
    • ChaoticWhitePerSpellOne

      Ultimate White using Solar Flare.

      Solar Flare (迅速陽力放(ソーラー・フレア), Sōrā Furea lit. Swift Solar Energy Release): Solar Flare is a powerful Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell exclusive to Trance which is derived from the fact that this incredible form of Spirit Slayer Magic was awakened through the Chaos Arts with application of Enchantment – in any case, Solar Flare involves the caster generating, well, an actual solar flare, which is a sudden flash of brightness observed near the Sun's surface in order to release a highly damaging, wide-range attack. In any case, when performing Solar Flare, Lisette surges the magical energy within her frame outwards briefly, putting ambient particles of eternano suspended within the atmosphere under her thrall while siphoning the essence of her magical power into the environment in order to have that's classified as the properties of her energy hewn from her soul interact with the masses of magical particles in the vicinity as well as her own magical energy, and from here, through mental commands alone, Lisette focuses, installing within these energies her thoughts of what lies beyond the earth, space, and everything detailed within that region, enabling her to shift her own magical energies and other particles into the primary energy of Chaos Arts, Sacred Aether; during this process, Lisette invokes the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic activation sequence as to focus intently as she releases the arcane energies that are dwelling within her Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as she takes the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, Lisette, as the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with her modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; from here, Lisette invokes the Zodiac Siphon passive application of the Chaos Arts, allowing her to tap into spells normally used by Heavenly Body Magic, and its association with celestial objects in order to generate high-temperature streams of charged particles known as solar winds and a vast quantity of densely-concentrated radioactivity around her body which is then converged at a singular point – before Lisette herself. The brilliance exuded by these energies illuminate the area, causing those in the immediate vicinity to avert their eyes lest they become blinded. At this point, Lisette launches these energies forward in the form of a powerful solar flare that's a sudden flash, rumbling violently as they quickly spiral outwards before manifesting as a crimson sphere of energy which collapses in on itself then expands outwards rapidly towards the enemy; a flare is a contained release of energy, which fully exposes the enemy to the source rather than blow them away from it after a while. This results in a powerful explosion of pure solar energy that rains down from the skies—where the crimson sphere activates, it covers a wide range, almost five kilometers in diameter while creating a massive firestorm over a large area to do heavy damage to all enemies. This attack creates an enormous explosion upon contact and leaves a huge mushroom cloud; similar a nuclear bomb; this effect spreads out to a fan-shaped area; resulting in Solar Flare being an extremely powerful and wide-ranging spell.
    • ChaoticWhitePerSpellTwo

      Ultimate White using Comet.

      Comet (彗星砲撃( コメット), Kometto lit. Comet Bombardment): Comet is a powerful Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell exclusive to Trance which is derived from the fact that this incredible form of Spirit Slayer Magic was awakened through the Chaos Arts with application of Enchantment – in any case, Comet involves the caster manifesting, well, a comet, which is a ball of mostly ice that moves around in outer space which they then launch downwards upon the target, devastating everything within its area of effect. In any case, when performing Comet, Lisette surges the magical energy within her frame outwards briefly, putting ambient particles of eternano suspended within the atmosphere under her thrall while siphoning the essence of her magical power into the environment in order to have that's classified as the properties of her energy hewn from her soul interact with the masses of magical particles in the vicinity as well as her own magical energy, and from here, through mental commands alone, Lisette focuses, installing within these energies her thoughts of what lies beyond the earth, space, and everything detailed within that region, enabling her to shift her own magical energies and other particles into the primary energy of Chaos Arts, Sacred Aether; during this process, Lisette invokes the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic activation sequence as to focus intently as she releases the arcane energies that are dwelling within her Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as she takes the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, Lisette, as the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with her modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; from here, Lisette invokes the Zodiac Siphon passive application of the Chaos Arts, allowing her to tap into spells normally used by Heavenly Body Magic, specifically that of Sema, the strongest Heavenly Body Magic spell. From here, both Lisette and Ultimate White bow down and point their hands downwards, with all the fingers closed except the index and middle fingers – while they're posing, tachyonic energies and Sacred Aether begin to form around them. Lisette and Ultimate White then begin to slowly move their right hand until it points upwards, causing the clouds above them to begin circling around, forming a cyclone as the skies darken; this signals a pulse of Sacred Aether and tachyonic energy to ascend upwards into the darkened skies, forming into a gigantic orb of gold as the energies gather and converge and from there, emit a pulse of gravity that affects space, dragging a rocky/metallic body which travels through outer space known as a comet under its thrall. Emitting immense gravitational forces, Lisette and Ultimate White begin to drag the meteor downwards – in the process, coating it with a layer of Sacred Aether as to prevent it from suffering from a reduction in size while descending, falling quickly to earth from the upper atmosphere down towards a specific location on the ground. As it descends along a linear trajectory, it moves at such a speed that evasion is near impossible; as even though it is extremely telegraphed, the meteor is so large that it is extremely difficult to dodge it. As the meteoroid descends upon the vicinity, it very quickly picks up speed until it reaches terminal velocity, which is the highest velocity attainable by an object as it falls through the air – thanks to the powers of the Sacred Aether, as the meteorite descends, the aether which coats the meteor rapidly expands air particles, causing those in the vicinity to have difficulty breathing. As well, due to the decrease in the scalar pressure of the air, all forms of matter held together by that pressure (which includes living bodies) begin to break apart. telegraphed, the meteor is so large that it is extremely difficult to dodge it. Lisette and Ultimate White can also summon another meteor which will then collide with the first, ensuring that they crash into their intended destination. When the meteor hits, the force is strong enough to create a large explosion, which engulfs a wide area and releases a strong hurricane of air, also leaving a large impact crater in its wake; the impact forces millions upon millions of rubble debris to hit the ground, in a method similar to even more meteors; with the resulting tremors being felt as far as an entire town away.
    • GravitySSGeistChargeGravMagic

      Ultimate White using Black Hole.

      Black Hole (超重力球(ブラック・ホール), Burakku Hōru, lit. Super Gravity Sphere): Black Hole is a powerful Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell exclusive to Trance which is derived from the fact that this incredible form of Spirit Slayer Magic was awakened through the Chaos Arts with application of Enchantment – in any case, Black Hole involves the caster manifesting, well, a black hole, which is a gravitational field with such an incredibly high density that even light cannot escape. In any case, when performing Black Hole, Lisette surges the magical energy within her frame outwards briefly, putting ambient particles of eternano suspended within the atmosphere under her thrall while siphoning the essence of her magical power into the environment in order to have that's classified as the properties of her energy hewn from her soul interact with the masses of magical particles in the vicinity as well as her own magical energy, and from here, through mental commands alone, Lisette focuses, installing within these energies her thoughts of what lies beyond the earth, space, and everything detailed within that region, enabling her to shift her own magical energies and other particles into the primary energy of Chaos Arts, Sacred Aether; during this process, Lisette invokes the Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic activation sequence as to focus intently as she releases the arcane energies that are dwelling within her Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as she takes the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, Lisette, as the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with her modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; from here, Lisette invokes the Zodiac Siphon passive application of the Chaos Arts, allowing her to tap into spells normally used by Heavenly Body Magic, specifically that of Altairis, which results in Lisette's tachyons and aether condensing gravitational energies at a singular point to shape it into the form of a dense black sphere which itself affects the surrounding gravity even more than usual by causing gravity within a certain range to collapse inward, pulling in objects and eradicating them – unlike the regular Gravity Magic spell known as Black Hole as displayed by Bluenote Stinger, this spell generates an actual black hole, using the star in-between the pillars protruding from Ultimate White's back as a focal point. Within the center of this black hole lies a gravitational singularity, a region where the spacetime curvature becomes infinite – the orb appears to be incredibly dense, holding a tremendous amount of gravity to crush the opponent as it rapidly grows in size and also gains small white lights inside it, similar to the night sky. The orb creates a gravitational field around itself, drawing in everything in the vicinity, gradually getting larger, as well as growing stronger and stronger. The Black Hole possesses immense attraction force, and is thus capable of attracting everything in a wide area towards itself, gradually getting larger, as well as growing stronger and stronger, drawing them in via overwhelming gravitational pull which never ceases, only becoming more and more powerful as moments pass, creating a swirling vortex that pulls in and "devours" any and all objects in the vicinity, subsequently sucking it up, before the user takes aim at their true target, unleashing the orb towards them at high speeds, tracking the foe's magical energy signature before it impacts; grinding into the foe. Within the spell's range of pull, loose magic energy of a lower level than the caster is unable to escape being pulled in and destroyed considering the gravitational pull of Black Hole is directly proportional to the amount of magic energy that is placed within the spell – at its highest point, everything within a four kilometer radius is affected by the thrall of Black Hole, being sucked up like a vacuum and absorbing present within the surrounding area, trapping it inside with no possibility to break free of their own accord – at this point, anything that's been put under the effect of Black Hole is rent asunder by the immense gravitational collapse.

The user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic when Nextage Trance is invoked.

Nextage Trance (謎霊幽力演・時間上時空歯車竜現(ネクステージ・トランス), Nekusutēji Toransu lit. Mysterious Spirit Ethereal Power Amplification - Time-Jumping Spacetime Gear Dragon Embodiment): Trance, formerly referred to as Geist Charge (開眼態(ガイスト・チャージ), Gaisuto Chāji lit. Spiritual Awakening State), is an uncategorized Spirit Slayer Magic spell that's an Magic-amplification technique and equivalent to Dragon Slayer Magic's Drive; Trance brings out the true power of their capabilities as a user of Spirit Slayer Magic, excluding the power boost granted by Spirit Force, yet, at the same time, seemingly enhancing the user's physical prowess to a rather extreme degree. Indeed, as there's only one generation of Spirit Slayer Magic so to speak, unlike its draconic equivalent, Drive, which is exclusive to Third-Generation Dragon Slayers, due to Spirit Slayer Magic being incompatible with Lacrima, the magic crystalline substance found on both Earth Land and Edolas which can be used to implant various forms of magic, Trance is known to be capable of being harnessed by any user of Spirit Slayer Magic as long as they possess the power necessary to induce its effects and the knowledge of how to do so. The iteration of Trance that comes automatically equipped within Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is known as Nextage Trance which is actually another Trance the power of Ultimate White grants Lisette; as the prefix and the kanji would indicate, Nextage Trance involves the caster synchronizing their mind and body with the "embodiment of spacetime" and allowing this allegorical spirit to encompass their existence. When invoking the power of Nextage Trance, the caster focuses the energies that are dwelling within their frame intently, as they begin to surge the arcane powers within themselves outwards while beginning to surge the arcane powers that are dwelling within their Magic Origin ever-so-subtly, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; from here, after obtaining enough magical power to transform, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic focuses their magical power, establishing a connection with their spirit teacher, or rather, the allegorical being whom allowed them to gain this miraculous power whom is known as Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth, no matter the distance between the two and the dimensional differences before the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic summons the Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth to the current dimension using their spiritual link. Once this is done, the user utilizes their spiritually-attuned Magic Origin as a medium for this phantasmal existence, whom 'overlays' their magical power over their student, combining the two, actualizing the knowledge and memories of an apparition, granting the user an enormous boost in power, engaging in a physical change.

The Nextage Trance of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is activated by the incantation, "I'll show you…the power of the true chaos! I'll show you fear. There is no hell, only nothingness. This is the power of darkness." (見せてやるよ…真の混沌の力を! 恐怖を教えてやる。地獄はねぇよ、あるのは無だけだ。これが、闇の力だ, Miseteyaru yo… shin no konton no chikara wo! Kyōfu oshieteyaru. Jigoku wa nē yo, aru no wa mu dake da. Kore ga yami no chikara da.); once having chanted this aria, a black aura surrounds the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic leaps into the air as a bright blue light shoots out of their chest, shrouding them in aether and tachyons before those dual energies solidify and is molded and fused with their own body and magical energy into an entirely new form. Nextage Trance is a Clad-Type (満鎧型(クラッド・タイプ), Kuraddo Taipu; lit. Full Armour Type) Trance, which is the most elusive of the Trances - as the name indicates, the Clad-Type results in the spirit teacher forming a full body armour to encase the wielder's body in; essentially shrouding their form in power; and thus, the augments on the caster's body involve the Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth, whom enabled the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to gain their amazing power enshrouding their body and overlaying it as to serve as the ultimate protection. The convergence of the spirit known as Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth and the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic results in the user growing by a considerable amount, becoming twice their own height and many times their own weight as they transform into a vaguely-humanoid and mechanized dragon that fits the style of the Future Spirits that are so strongly associated with the might of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, possessing a predominantly golden colour scheme with some reds and purples thrown about here and there - overall, the caster's new form seems inspired by the time period from 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840 known as the Industrial Revolution, as well as steampunk a fictional form of technology and/or aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery, the distinctive insignia of the Future Spirits, which takes the form of predominantly golden spurred gears with an emerald glowing gemstone in the very centers of their existences are focused around their upper legs to the sides and the portion of their bodies connecting their arms to their shoulders – the reason why Nextage Trance involves the caster taking upon a form more associated with a completely different serial of Summon Spirits is unknown; however, the Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth whom enabled the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to gain their power is shrouded in mystery, so there may or may not be a connection between the two.

Like most other forms of Trance, activating Nextage Trance increases the strength, speed, and potential that the user possesses tenfold, allowing them to take on even foes much more powerful than themselves; entering a state of enhanced awareness and peak physical ability as their element of tachyons cloaks around them. While in this state, the user demonstrates heightened reflexes and extremely quick information processing, and it amplifies the powers of their Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic without exhausting themselves. This state grants the user the ability to perform new spells with the tachyons made manifest through this power becoming stronger than any other form known to man; as well as making their pre-existing spells far more powerful, though the power boost granted by activating Trance is proportionate the amount of magical energy used to link student and teacher, as well as the magician's level of concentration. As per its link with the Chaos Arts, activating the form results in the caster's eyes becoming an additional medium through which æther can flow, thus enhancing their speed, power, and perception, utilizing their sight as a way of manipulating the scalar quintessent field and lower their opponent's internal energy supply, temporarily disabling their ability to use magic. After transforming into Nextage Trance, all of the caster's attributes have been boosted to their limits and going even beyond any limitations she would have had normally, far surpassing their already incredible capabilities – considering that without any power ups, this wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic displayed the ability to take down two entire squadrons of Rune Knights as well as five of the Ten Wizard Saints, that's saying something rather impressive. As the caster has effectively fully synergized with the spirits associated with Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, Nextage Trance enables the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic to tap into the ultimate skill of the tachyons that's known as chronokinesis, the power to control time – more detail is below. Interestingly, Lisette is the sole holder of Arcane Mode, another "evolution"/"transformation"-type Chaos Art that further enhances her abilities through granting her access to the parameters and memories of all previous wielders of the magic, alongside her ordinary Nextage Trance. Since they are all of the same magic type, she is capable of "stacking" the two magics upon one another to combine all of their positive effects and enhancements that they bestow upon her while sidelining the negative effects in order to bolster the power of her Nextage Trance even further to a level that could be considered beyond the comprehension of mortals. However, just with all other forms of Trance and like other forms of Slayer Magic amplification-type spells, the uprise of magical energy could easily obliterate the user or severely damage their body if Nextage Trance is harnessed for too long.

  • Enhanced Capabilities: With Nextage Trance activated, all of Lisette's capabilities, both physical and supernatural, are increased all across the board and then some- indeed, while they are pushed to their absolute limits, their limitations are eradicated and raised to a point that when in this form, Lisette can be considered more a force of nature than a 'magician who has received a large power boost'. Her speed has been increased tremendously, nearing ten times the speed of sound, she can jump much higher than usual, and she has improved reflexes to match her improved movements- she shows the ability to leap distances larger than across a town in the blink of an eye, and she generally dodges and blocks almost every strike, both supernatural and physical, aimed at her, retaliating with just as much speed and at twice the ferocity. Her physical strength is also increased vastly, allowing her to smash through large demons, break enormous metal restraints without effort, and even stun a God with a single punch while shrugging off anything and everything that's thrown her way. When the Nextage Trance is active, Lisette is capable of using the powerful wings of the demonic form bestowed upon her in order to initiate flight at a velocity far beyond what most other people can properly comprehend. Lastly, the power of the Nextage Trance transformation enhances all of Lisette's regular spells and standard attacks, greatly increasing their area-of-effect as well as improving their damage significantly- her Arm of Nyx drains magical energy from the enemy much quicker and at a higher amount to the point that almost any fight can end in a few seconds, even if the enemy was previously stronger than Lisette.
  • NewSSSpell3

    The user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic putting Chronokinesis to work.

    Chronokinesis (全時制御力(クロノキネシス), Kuronokineshisu lit. Ultimate Time Control Power): Chronokinesis is a sub-ability of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic that's only available when Nextage Trance is invoked – as the name probably suggests, Chronokinesis grants the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic the ability to manipulate time. In any case, when invoking Chronokinesis, the caster activates the power by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic draws them into their very being, bestowing upon their body tachyonic properties which are further fortified before releasing these overwhelming amounts of tachyons which takes possession of the ambient eternano saturated within the environment closest to themselves which somehow affects the immediate vicinity and brings the eternano particles within the area to a complete halt. The vicinity freezes, sans for the user; and all projectiles that the opponent utilizes are brought to a complete stop, including any magical projectiles. With Chronokinesis, the user can manipulate the flow of time of the vicinity in various manners, the basics revolving around accelerating, slowing, stopping and even rewinding or looping. The range of area affected is proportional to the mastery of this magic; it can be even used to stop an object's "time" by freezing it in midair. The user can also rewind a damaged object's "time" to restore it to its original state, just like turning the ice back into water and vice-versa; with this magic, the user is able to pause time and then manipulate objects affected by this to their liking while time is in this paused state. The wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is also able to use this in order to speed time along, allowing them to be capable of seemingly accelerating at a rapid pace, often causing those around the user to view their movements as something akin to teleportation. Additionally, the user can harness Chronokinesis in a similar manner to that of Arc of Time, by manipulating the "time" of objects and non-sentient living things, like a tree. The user can fast forward an object's "time" into the future, making it decay rapidly or rush to attack an opponent. This Magic can be even used to stop an object's "time" by freezing it in midair – normally, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to speed up time, slow down, outright freeze, leap through it, and overall incorporate those powers into their fighting style, and thus, the user when Nextage Trance is invoked, is far beyond the likes of Time Magic, Arc of Time, and even God Soul: Chronos, even though the latter form is empowered by a god of time.
    • NewSSSpell4

      The user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic using Tachyon Transmigration to rush through the timestream.

      Tachyon Transmigration (時翔(タキオン・トランスミグレイション), Takion Toransumigureishon lit. Time Flight): Tachyon Transmigration is an advanced Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic spell which is only available in Nextage Trance that enables the user to move themselves ahead in time by transmogrifying their existence into tachyonic particles; it's said to be the strongest chronokinesis-based ability of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, and without a doubt, the trump card of this magic. In any case, when performing Tachyon Transmigration, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light. These mystical particles now generated, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic draws them into their very being, bestowing upon their body tachyonic properties which are further fortified before releasing these overwhelming amounts of tachyons which takes possession of the ambient eternano saturated within the environment closest to themselves, freezing the particles before accelerating them while picking out the points in the environment where their own energies would be at any point in the battle, focusing their thoughts and magical aura upon those points, allowing them to access a "bubble" of time that show the various potential things that the user could do and then pick one of the timelines whenever they want to. While time travel is possible in this world, as demonstrated by the Eclipse Plan and Tachyon Transmigration is a power that's extraordinarily similar to it, Tachyon Transmigration is limited to localized, individual time travel, but even so, those whom are aware of its existence cannot believe that's the true nature of Tachyon Transmigration. Once the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic has chosen an action they wish to perform, the true power of the spell is engaged. All particles in the vicinity begin to heat up exponentially until it appears that the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is engulfed in a glowing light; their voice reverberating throughout the atmosphere, the volume of which causes countless cracks to rush across the continuum of time and space, echoing magnificently through the very dimension like a collapsing tower. The gears of time grinding to a halt as to shut themselves off from the light and the countless stars suspended within the heavens, the user's darkness submerges them as the power of The Strongest Spirit Slayer Magic manipulates the time of the universe as to cause a dramatic change in the world around the user and their opponent that's signified by a black and red tornado composed entirely out of tachyonic particles that swirls up, signaling the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's swindling of Earth Land. The world around the caster's existence seemingly undergoing an effect that's not dissimilar to Universe One, the earth surrounding them vanishes as blades of emerald grass erupt from the soil below as day turns to night repeatedly while waves crash endlessly – this sequence of events is actually not terraforming, but rather, the world is being rewritten into a different landscape. As time changes in accordance to the caster's will, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to immediately make an action in battle that would do later on without any start-up or magical drain as the wielder of Tachyon Dragon Slayer Magic uses Tachyon Transmigration in order to transform themselves into the "completed version" of themselves some time in the future by effectively creating a space that deletes anywhere from zero-point-five to ten seconds worth of time with only the user being able to maneuver in this realm of missing time, leaving only the results of actions that would've normally occurred. It's worth noting that the user cannot directly interact with people during the time skip, because, what they see are just projections of people, and not people themselves- however, they can set-up their attacks by throwing items and casting spells towards the place the enemy will end up in. The primary use of Tachyon Transmigration seems to be limited to mobility, such as readying a position from which to attack, creating sneak attacks, and teleportation, as well as and defense, such as skipping the impact of attacks, thus preventing wounds- as the user is never seen attacking during this pocket of missing time- though since Tachyon Transmigration can access a "bubble" where the user attacks with their strongest spells, the user could unleash one of their most powerful attacks as presumably a finishing move.

Advanced Spells

Of course, like every other Slayer Magic, a Spirit Slayer has access to "finishing moves", which are categorized as the Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts (滅霊奥義, Metsurei Ōgi), the classification that's bestowed upon highly advanced Spirit Slayer Magic spells, being some of the most powerful of their kind – referred to as "finishing moves" since more often than not, breaking out a Spirit Slayer's Secret Art signifies that the conflict is about to come to an end, the Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts are generally much stronger than the basic Spirit Slayer Magic spells. All Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts boast overwhelming power, being dubbed the "ultimate spear" of a Spirit Slayer; however, they usually cost a large amount of magical energy to properly cast; the absolute limit in regards to the Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts that a wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic can possess is up to five, after which, the Spirit Slayer will be required to delete a few Secret Arts from their Magic Origin to make room for brand-new ones. Additionally, as one may or may not have suspected already, Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts are capable of being combined with other forms of magic the caster possesses through Combination Spells, which are, well a combination between two magics and Enchantment in order to give them an extra bit of oomph and added effects. However, in addition to these "finishing moves", when in any powered up state, a Spirit Slayer can harness Oversoul Arts (滅霊奥義・改(オーバーソウ・アート), Ōbasōru Āto lit. Spirit Slayer's Revised Secret Arts), which is a branch of Spirit Slayer Magic spells which are leagues beyond the likes of bog-standard Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts – doubtlessly the most powerful form of their Spirit Slayer Magic's utilization, the Oversoul Arts are single-shot spells which are apocalyptic in nature if they're to be unleashed upon the mortal plane, and thus must not be harnessed unless the Spirit Slayer's very life depends on it; said to be equivalent to the Ultimate Arts of Dragon Slayer Magic as the end-be-all option for a Spirit Slayer, the Oversoul Arts are capable of smashing through anything unfortunate enough to be in their path. In any case, while preparing one of these almighty attacks, the caster's entire body glows as the runic markings patterned upon their body begin to shine illustriously in the elemental colour that's associated with the respective form of Spirit Slayer Magic before enveloping their existence in a shroud of their element that swirls around their body while they induce the activation sequence of the attack. The Oversoul Arts are noted to be a series of exceptionally powerful attacks that possess absolutely zero equals in the history of Slayer Magic, a power beyond all compare that embody the concept of elemental power while swimming with the power of the legendary creature that was channeled by invoking the respective Spirit Slayer Magic's power. These attacks are highly variable in nature, and thanks to the vast quantity of options for spirit teachers on hand as well as the imagination-based developmental process of a Spirit Slayer Magic, each Oversoul Art is unique to the wielder, and a Spirit Slayer can only possess a single Oversoul Art at a time unless multiple elements are involved. However, immediately after performing an Oversoul Art, any power-ups the caster might possess at the time as well as their Trance are disengaged and the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic is required to momentarily rest in order to catch their breath, meaning that unleashing these mighty blows drains a remarkable quantity of magical energy from their Magic Origin. Thus, the Oversoul Arts are best suited for finishing moves or if the wielder of Spirit Slayer Magic wishes to wipe out vast amounts of enemies in a single attack. The advanced spells of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic are directly stated to be leagues beyond any other Secret and Oversoul Arts, as well as the Dragon Slayer's Ultimate Arts (滅竜極義, Metsuryū Gokugi) and Dragon Slayer's Forbidden Arts (滅竜禁義, Metsuryū Kingi) of Dragon Slayer Magic; harnessing all properties bestowed upon the wielder by tachyonic energies, these almighty attacks can erase everything in sight.

  • NewSSSpell5

    The user of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic unleashing Chronos Rose: Edge of Eternity to annihilate their enemies.

    Chronos Rose: Edge of Eternity (全時制御・時空滅陣(クロノス・ローズ・エッジ・オブ・エターニティー), Kuronosu Rōzu: Ejji ofu Etānitī lit. Ultimate Time Control: Tachyon Destruction Array): Chronos Rose: Edge of Eternity is a powerful Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic which is one of the Spirit Slayer's Secret Arts, the strongest spells of a Spirit Slayer – in the case of Chronos Rose: Edge of Eternity, it's an existence that's similar to the Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade of Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, Sasō: Danhenjin of Crystal Dragon Slayer Magic or Illuminator: Over Flash of Photon Dragon Slayer Magic in that it involves the caster unleashing a powerful twin-sided torrent of tachyonic energies towards their opponent which blast at them mercilessly before blowing the opponent away through pure pressure and incredible tachyonic currents, an attack which is best suited for terrible destruction. In any case, when performing Chronos Rose: Edge of Eternity, the caster activates the spell by invoking the usual activation sequence of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; focusing intently as they release the arcane energies that are dwelling within their Magic Origin outwards into the vicinity, from here inducing the usual fusion of eternano that's ambient within the atmosphere and said arcane energies as they take the concept of magic equaling the feelings of the magician to its absolute zenith – fuelling the fused energies with positive emotions, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope; continuing further, with their modified Spirit Slayer Magic revealing its true nature to the mortal realm, instead of projecting light through photons, the activation sequence projects tachyons, a hypothetical particle that's faster than light; after the sequence is completed, the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is able to focus these tachyonic particles solely around their hands, forming them into a compact state for the briefest of moments, before expanding them into long torrents of tachyonic energies. Now that the activation sequence has been completed and Chronos Rose: Edge of Eternity is ready to be unleashed, the user swings their arms around rather dramatically, launching a powerful two-streamed blast of tachyonic energy towards their designated target. Like all projectile-type spells of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic, Chronos Rose: Edge of Eternity is known to possess properties that force it to accelerate forward at velocities that could be considered to be a "laser beyond a laser", meaning the moment this Spirit Slayer's Secret Art is released, it impacts upon the caster's target before they can properly react. The torrents of tachyonic energy expand vertically as they move away from the user; and as the streams move away from the user, opponents that come in contact with the vortex are knocked slightly to the side, and are thus forced to travel with it. Opponents that are in the center of the vortex are more easily trapped by it. The user recoils slightly when they perform the attack, but they are unaffected by gravity unless forced to be the likes of a high-powered form of Gravity Magic such as Gravity Spirit Slayer Magic until this almighty strike finishes traversing the world before the caster, so this recoil is more or less mostly insignificant. Chronos Rose: Edge of Eternity is capable of hitting about two million times a second in spite of the fact that the speed the streams spin at beyond-light-speeds and the knockback delivered, with each connecting strike generating a powerful, piercing effect as anything that just so happens to be in the epicenter of this maelstrom of absolute annihilation is laid bare before the vicious onslaught of tachyonic particles, which pierce through their feeble bodies endlessly like a barrage of lasers rending their existences in twain – it cannot be said that one or ten tachyons impact upon the target's form for every second that passes, but rather, millions perform such a feat- these tachyonic energies are sharper than actual metallic swords, and they cut so deeply that they are capable of causing damage on a cellular level, cutting off the Magic Pathways and removing the methods of casting spells from the enemy's existence. Finally, an enormous explosion ends the barrage - the blast radius of the final explosion looks like a huge sphere of negative space fifteen hundred feet across, with neat slices taken out of surrounding buildings, pavement, cars, hillsides, et cetera; there appears to have been no actual heat, let alone shockwaves, emanating from the explosion at all - the only result is that a massive spherical section of the area appears to be missing. Despite being a powerful attack, it has one major flaw: if the opponents are far away from the user, they can avoid the attack by jumping over it. However, it makes it up by inflicting damage on a wide range of multiple enemies and pushing them back quite some distance without allowing recovery, possibly even dragging opponents off the side. Along with its astounding destructive power, the attack has a delayed effect if the initial blast should fail, wherein the target will be blasted by residual effects left over by the volley of tachyonic strikes, absolutely obliterating the opponent.
  • NewSSPerTimeTyrant

    Future Spirit King, Ialdabaoth unleashing Chronos Rose: Time Tyrant to freeze time.

    Chronos Rose: Time Tyrant (全時制御・運転停止の万象(クロノス・ローズ・タイム・タイラント), Kuronosu Rōzu: Taimu Tairanto lit. Ultimate Time Control: Suspension of Operations of All Creation): TBA
  • Chronos Rose: Paradigm Ascension (全時制御・討神魂撃(クロノス・ローズ・パラダイム・アセンション), Kuronosu Rōzu: Paradaimu Asenshon lit. Ultimate Time Control: Soul Strike Against the Conquering Deity): TBA
  • Chronos Rose: Zodiark Clamation (全時制御・十二獣霊多秘術合・座標撃の全可能性(クロノス・ローズ・ゾディアーク・クラメーション), Kuronosu Rōzu: Zodiāku Kuramēshon lit. Ultimate Time Control: Twelve Beastly Spirits Secret Art Fusion: Coordinated Strike of All Possibilities): TBA
  • Oversoul Art: Akashic Nova (滅霊奥義・改・時空退行超新星(オーバーソウ・アート・アカシック・ノヴァ), Ōbasōru Āto: Akashikku Novua lit. Spirit Slayer's Secret Art Revised: Space-Time Regression Supernova): The Oversoul Art: Akashic Nova is the absolute strongest spell of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic; it can be considered one of the strongest light and time-space spells to ever exist; if not the strongest—its power unparalleled throughout the ages. It's power is such that it is unable to be consumed by any Slayer Magic; instead overpowering the foolish magician trying to take its power for their own and devouring their magic in retaliation. Oversoul Art: Akashic Nova involves the wielder of Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic accessing the Akashic Records through Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic's close ties with the Chaos Arts in order to entrap their enemy within an irregular area of the space-time continuum via removing select portions of the flow away around the user before allowing them to regenerate, effectively completely erasing the enemy from existence.

Alternate Modes


  • The characters used for "tachyon" are the katakana overlaying the kanji which means "spacetime" – while it technically doesn't involve the manipulation of space and time through a traditional method, certain elements are still there.
  • Tachyon Spirit Slayer Magic is unique in that its spells are named using katakana glossed over kanji - this only serves to highlight how strange the power is.
  • "Tachyshaper" is a portmanteau between "Tachys", the meaning of which is detailed below, and "shaper", referring to the Element Shaper subspecies ability of all forms of Spirit Slayer Magic.
  • The term "tachyon" is derived from the Greek word tachys, meaning "swift, quick, fast, rapid"; additionally, it was coined by Gerald Feinberg in a 1967 paper titled "Possibility of Faster-Than-Light Particles".
  • The Mikado Pendulum refers to "emperor" (帝, mikado), which is another name for the Emperor of Japan, or the "heavenly sovereign" (天皇, tennō).