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"A bright sword, held by its past, seeking for retribution"
Tabor gorilla

Tamo’ei Garif (ランナーガリフ;Ran'nāgarifu) is the member of the ancient tribe of Jahara, who used to live in the Mask Isle near the continent of Alikitasia. A superbly skilled swordsman and pious man, he used to have a peaceful life training and honoring his gods and family until the elders of his country decided to seize the power of the Blade of Ah Kin, the Mask Isle most holy and powerful artifact, to wage war against the Albareth Empire, whose politics were seen as imperialistic. Disgusted by such blasphemy, he stole the weapon from its site and fled from the Archipelago, just in time to be spared from a colossal cataclysm who wiped out its entire country from the maps. Alone in the world, he now wanders endlessly to find the one who destroyed his entire civilization and give to his people justice. His path is dictated by the light of the gods that resides in his blade, which he uses to defend the helpless and deliver divine judgment upon the wicked who torment them. His powerful weapon, alongside his relentless nature, has given him the epithet of Sword Juggernaut(剣ジャガーノート;Ken jagānōto), certainly one the most skilled and famed swordsmen who currently walks on Earthland.



Tamo'ei's full appearance

Tamo'ei is a tall and muscular man, whose physique is chiselled by years of rigorous training. His skin appears to be a tint of ocher; he told Amanda Croft that all Jahara have much darker than other men, and they reinforce it with a constant application of tintures. Tamo'ei wears a thick collar of brown fur, which seems to be hold on by a leather belt donned over his left shoulder and a smaller one on his other shoulder (though he seems to change shoulder time to time). He wears a larger belt on his waist of grey color, with a large, metallic, pentagonal clasp, which holds two cloths on every size. Tamo'ei lower body is dressed in a way somehow reminiscent of samurai, if much less protected: he wears large, black pants, Haidate like cuisses, painted in red lacquer, going below his knee and leather shoes. He has thick and dark armbands and faulds, where are painted tribal motifs in a tint of bright red.

However, the features that seems to characterize him the most are the sacred blade he uses to deliver his god's justice and a mask that always covers up the entirety of head, leaving visible on his neck and two bright, pupil-less eyes. The scabbard of the Blade of Ah Kin is not visible from the front, as it is connected with the smaller shoulder-belt and hidden by thick fur. As for the masks, they are usually, if not always, of light colors such as white, with red stripes all over the face, usually near the eyes.


An outstanding warrior, Tamo'ei strives to life in accord to the way of his ancestors. He is incredibly diligent, perceptive, loyal, steadfast and principled. For him, there was no greater honor than become a protector of his family and his culture, a scope to whom he dedicated all his energies and his life. Many among his peers did admired him for his immense skills and dedication, and some young swordsmen took him as a model to imitate. Tamo'ei was proud to set a positive example for his people, but he never cared that much for glory and recognition. For him, fighting meant only two things: to improve himself every day and to defend his loved ones. When he married and had his kids, the quiet life of a guardian and a hunter was all that he desired.

Tamo'ei has always been very humble, never boasting about his accomplishment and never feeling envy toward anyone better him. He thought that a great warrior his defined by three things: they recognize their limits, they learn from every source they find and they keep their mind vigilant all time. The only forms of pride he could have borne was for the Jahara culture, which he saw as a beacon of wisdom, simplicity and piety. His attachment to tradition made him somewhat disregard the way of life of the more technologically advanced continentals: he never hated them, but regarded them as a bit of foolish and dependent of luxuries. His down-to-earth and cool headed attitude prevented him to succumb to the wave of chauvinism that struck down his people when the Alvarez Empire started to asked more tributes in retaliation of an alleged murder of one of their delegates: not only he recognized their near insignificant chances of winning, but also believed that such expansionist policy was against the true spirit of his culture.


Tamo'ei praying Ah Kin to come out alive from another battle

What Tamo'ei valued above all was his faith to his tribal deities, especially their chief god, the sun deity Ah Kin. He even considered to become a part of the Cuantil, yet changed idea when he fell in love with the woman who would have become his wife. Regardless, his piety was outstanding among the Jahara, so much that he decided to go against the direct order of his chief and steal the Blade of Ah Kin rather than let it profaned by an unholy ritual. Tamo'ei left his home and the family he loved so much for god, though he advised his family that he was escaping from the island and pleaded them to follow. When the Mask Isle were destroyed by a magical cataclysm, his faith received a huge blow. He questioned why the god they were venerating so much would have allow this genocide, after the blasphemous plans of Supineru were thwarted. He tried to drown his pain in alcoholism, forgetting for the first the abstinence any disciplined warrior should take. He felt bitter and destroyed inside, yet he never cursed Ah Kin and jealously conserved the Sun Blade on his hands. It was only when he fought Vitious at Caracole Island that he felt his god giving strength again and his faith returned; however, sometimes he still questions Ah Kin's plans for humanity and the sorrow for the people he has lost still lingers.

Nowadays, Tamo'ei new goal in life is discover what caused the demise of his own people and to deliver upon the responsible divine judgement. He embraced his role as a tool of Ah Kin justice; his sword tells him of the inner soul of everyone he meets, and if anyone is founded with a wicked heart, Tamo'ei will kill him mercilessly. Tamo'ei will hunt evildoers like a hound from hell, following without rest or hesitancy and then swiftly butcher them. Tamo'ei will never suffer a truly evil man to escape justice, and will not be above using dirty tactics to do: his implacable nature and terrifying efficiency with blades have earned him the moniker of Sword Juggernaut. Despite this, Tamo'ei is not a crazed butcher: he is intelligent and perceptive enough to recognize and distinguish true evil even before sensing it, and he will give other chances to the ones who are truly repentant about their past deeds. However, his divine sword and his perceptive nature will always see through the soul of men and are almost impossible to fool. So, when his sword dictates him to kill you, don't hope for divine mercy, as the gods will not have any.

His uncompromising nature and violent methods may put him at odds with his friends and allies, yet the caring and noble nature that Tamo'ei demonstrated in older days is not lost. To good people, Tamo'ei will be respectful and polite, if a bit stoic, and above all a loyal ally. He will never turn his back on someone needing for help, even if that costs him his life and mission. Protecting the innocent for Tamo'ei is the most important thing in the world, somethings he puts even above hunting evil-doers. This not only derives from Ah Kin code of justice, where justice is something that defends good before it destroys evil, but also stems from his personal experiences: he knows well of pain and loss, and does not want anyone to feel like he did when his home was destroyed. For that reasons, he made a number of friends outside the world, to whom he is very devoted.

Being a wise warrior, Tamo'ei always tries to adopt a policy of diplomacy, solving his conflicts peacefully and using force only when that fails (unless there is a wicked man to kill, of course). Still, a part of him holds love for fights: whenever he meets a worthy opponent, he will politely challenge them to a non lethal match to test his skills. His blood still rushes when he practices his swordplay, and the Sun Sword itself will shines and rejoice to his love. During his travels, he has practiced countless style of sword fighting, and even taught his brand of martial arts to a few worthy people.

During his numerous travels, he picked up many things about the culture of other people. This has given him a greater sense of perspective and more appreciation of cultures outside of his own, even the one of the "continentals" that he used to look down. Regardless, Tamo'ei will be always proud of his roots, and still follows its most important traditions, like always wearing a Mask of Anima, even when it does put him at odds with others. Tamo'ie is and will always be a son of Jahara, and will defend his values and way of life 'till he gives his own last breath


"I do not know why my god did allow that to happen to my people. Maybe it was a punishment for their sin of hubris, for they have tried to embezzle a power that was only lent to them... Maybe I was the condemned, the accursed, the betrayer who left my people defenseless, and my love alone, while the calamity was falling upon them. I do not know: those thoughts are roaming endlessly through my head, they blow and disappear like wind in valley. I cannot quell them, any more that I could stop the waves of the sea. But I must forsake any doubt: Ah Kin Himself has spoken to me. The holy radiance of His sword guides me. He commands justice for my slayed kin... and a deadly penance."
— Tamo'ei, talking about his past and future

Born in the archipelago with just a few leagues Alikitasia known as the Mask Isle as Jahara, Tamo'ei lived his early life following the teaching of tribe. He showed is talent has a warrior very soon by hunting a Vulcan when he was only eight. When he gained his totemic mask and adulthood, it was already clear to him the destiny was to honor and protect the Jahara with his sword. For all of life he dedicated himself to way of the warrior with passion and dedication, mastering all than he could learn about the tradition of his people, from the legendary sword fighting technique that made the Jahara famous all over the continent to their religion and shamanic arts. Tamo'ei protected his people for years from pirates, criminals and foreign armies. He was strenuous, tenacious and unwilling to let just one evildoer set his own foot the land he called home. No menace, fortunately, was nearly dire enough that the martial prowess of Tamo'ei and the other warrior of his tribe could not have overcome; so he did live his existence in a relatively peaceful way, had a wife whom he loved which gave him two children.

Like any happy man, Tamo'ei thought that his quite life could have gone on forever; like every time, he was wrong. The first step to the tragedy became when an ambassador from the Alvarez Empire was found dead during a diplomatic mission in the chief Island. The continental power and the island were always on apparently good terms, with Alvarez adopting a policy of decentralization and respect toward the Mask Isle and their culture, while the Jahara always recognized the authority of the empire, paying their tributes, reporting smugglers and fighting every military expedition from foreign countries. However, the Jahara were proud people, who did not see well the lack piety from the continentals and their ambition, while many in Alvarez, including a few members of Spriggan very praetorian guards, believed the central government to be excessively lenient with the bizarre costumes of the Jahara and their considerable local autonomy. Every nationalistic feeling from both parties erupted, especially because the messenger, before he died, allegedly disrespected the sun god Ah Kin by insulting his name and unfavorably compared him to Emperor Spriggan. The Jahara assured the empire that it was an accident, though rumors were spread across the archipelago about the impiety of the dead and Ah Kin divine retribution, while in Alvarez they were sure their ambassador was murdered and demanded justice for their dead. Tamo'ei did learn about the incident, yet he never knew where the truth lied; he even thought he needed to investigate, but ultimately abstained from doing so since he still believed in the good faith of his chiefs and trusted what his tribe said. That was a choice he dearly paid for, and still regrets about it almost every day of his life.

This conflict had a turning point when Alvarez sent, without any message, a deep contingent of his forces, including one the Spriggan Twelve, to demand an answer. The powerful mages of the continent reached the island of Belite, home of the grand chief of Supineru. Tamo'ei still resided in one of the smallest island, far from the center of the archipelago, where was were warm even it rained, the climate yet he felt an ominous and terrifying force that almost chilled the tropical climate. He did not know about the negotiation until the next days, when the agents of Alvarez formally demanded all Jahara to paid the triple amount of sapphires, rubies, spices and even demanded some of their ritual masks for the scholar of the empire to study. Outraged, it was for the skin the teeth that all the Mask Isle did not immediately rioted against this act of arrogance; however, another message come soon from chief Supineru, containing a summoning order to all the Jahara in the archipelago. They all would have met in the ruins of Altun, where the most important ceremonies and most sacred offering to the god Ah Kin where held by at the midnight of the next third days, to discuss the future of their nation.

Tamo'ei reached Altun alongside his family and comrades in arms at the time where the ceremony was held. Those ruins were a conglomerate of tall palaces of conic shapes, obelisks almost lean and sharp as knives. They were ancient, so ancient that no Jahara story records more than myths on when and by whom were built, and still brimming with a soothing light that did illuminated the city all the nights until dawn. One thing they knew, and that at the very pinnacle of the ruins was conserved the Blade of Ah Kin, their holiest relic, the one the sun god has imbued the most with his gifts. The city was a warm, almost hot place, hotter than almost any place in the Mask Isle, but Tamo'ei felt colder than ever, with a lurking sensation of dangers to come. Supineru talked from the highest tower, just under the Sun Blade, where incenses were burned and blood was shed during the holy rites. His speech was passionate, lamenting the saddle the continentals where putting on their shoulders, the arrogance and the blasphemy of the Alvarez. He declared that the Jahara needed to fight to protect their culture and must reclaim absolute sovereignty over their land, by force if necessary. All the night Supineru praised the traditions of his people, their piety, simplicity and disciplined life, while he vilified to no end the continentals and their lust for power, calling them barbaric heathens whose greed was unquenchable. He remembered the death of their messengers as a just condemnation by Ah Kin, accusing them to use a scapegoat to increase their power over the Isle with no respect of law and loyalty. The crowd of Jahara was roaring with indignation, with the friends and the wife of Tamo'ei more than most. The warrior did only clap his hands once, at the climax of the speech: even if he did care about the pride and liberty of the Mask Isle, he did not like the spite and the fury from Supineru's words, more akin to a fanatic than pious leader seeking for justice.

Supineru went further in his plan, and explained his ideas to the all the tribe: during the winter solstice, the night the most important celebration of the sun god was held, all the people would have prayed to Ah Kin for battle, asking him to grant power to the Sun Blade. Meanwhile, the Jahara would have complied with every order from Alvarez, paid all their requests and maintaining the facade of diligent subject. Since their cause was moved by justice and piety, the mighty god would have certainly deliver them the strength to vanquish their oppressors. With that hope in their heart, all the tribe were dismissed. Only a few of the most powerful chiefs, shamans and warriors were ordered to stay, as Supineru had still something to say to them in private. All the important hosts entered in the holiest tower; Supineru was waiting for them, with the Cuantil, the order of knights who vowed to protect Altum and the Sun Blade at every cost, standing behind him in circle

The following words utter by his very chief were the most horrendously sacrilegious that Tamo'ei could have ever heard: he learned that Supineru planned to use the strongest totemic masks to initiate a ritual which would have, in his own words, "hijacked" the Sun Blade and allowed the Jahara to summon its power permanently. Tamo'ei opposed vehemently to this plan, thinking that it was a perversion of everything their religion meant to the Jahara, and warned them of the consequences of this act: in the best scenario, the ritual could not have worked properly and the Isle would have been engulfed by the sword power; in the worst, Ah Kin himself, in his own rage, would have struck the infidel people down. Very few paid attentions to his counsel, soon quelled by the many: it was especially among the elders and most respected that the humiliation of their servitude was burning hotter, and many were doubting Ah Kin would have actually helped them after that long. Among all the people, the Cuantil themselves sided wholeheartedly with Supineru: they convinced the present that their god would have certainly approve the rising of his chosen people: after all, what mattered to the gods most was faith, and faith can only exist and expand if the faithful are strong. Supineru in the end gained the approval of all the chiefs would have started the ritual during the Winter Solstice ceremony, giving his people the miracle they have been waiting for. Tamo'ei returned to his home saddened and worried, without telling anyone about the grand chief's plan, as he thought no one would have believed him since he didn't have any proof. He spent a whole night praying Ah Kin. His faith in his leaders was destroyed, and he found a new purpose: never let this folly happen.

After overhearing a conversation between some continentals, Tamo'ei learned that, within two days, an imperial merchant freighter was coming to Belite in order to reclaim spices for the tourists resorts of Caracole Island. Seeing a perfect opportunity for an emergency escape, he paid the merchant with rubies belonging to his family to smuggle himself and his family to the ship. The night of the departure he did not sleep: he wrote a letter to his wife where is explained the blasphemy of Supineru and the Cuantil, and prayed her to bring his kids to the merchant freighter the next morning as soon as she could, then kissed his family in their sleep. He left his home, took a boat and traveled to the ruins of Altum. There, Tamo'ei would have done what he has always considered unthinkable: he would have stolen the Blade of Ah Kin from its pedestals and left the Island with his family, far from the clutches of Supineru and his allies.

After three hours of sailing, he reached the island; then it took other two for Tamo'ei to reach Altum. When he entered in the ancient city, sunset was approaching. Tamo'ei moved swift and silent as a cat, so than even the vigil Cuantil did not notice him. Tamo'ei reached the holy tower and started to climb it without any harpoon, as he feared the sound of his instruments could have warned the guards. The tower walls were slippery, and his strength could alone could only bring to tenth floor: once he felt falling, he crept through the nearest window. He looked around, and he saw the grand chief Supineru waiting for him alongside four Cuantil. The chief smirked at him: Tamo'ei understood that he was expecting his move all along, and were waiting him to brutally execute him, like a traitor. The loyalist ganged up and attacked Tamo'ei; while he was possibly more skilled than any of them individually, against all of them chances were much more in their favor. So he activated his totemic mask, and fought like a demon while reaching the top of tower. The first assaults where, ironically, comparatively more difficult to dealt with, since the fused every opportunity to corner him and attacking in tandem; however, Tamo'ei still defended egregiously well, receiving only minor wounds in return while slaying two Cuantil. Without the overwhelming disadvantage, he took on Supineru and the remaining three with ferocity mixed with immense precision: another one fell easily against his blade. He moved and fought his way at the very top of the tower, where the brightness of the sword pierced their eyes like fire arrows. Tamo'ei was able to took advantage of this lack of visibility, and, with a single swoop took down the last of the lackeys.

Now only two Jahara warrior lasted, fighting for the right of the holy blade. Tamo'ei tried for the last time to reason with his chief, reminding of his Garif honor and the love for the gods of their ancestors, but Supineru was too lost in his desire to listen.The two flipped and crossed blades many time. Tamo'ei was the more skilled of two, yet in this fight they were founded to be evenly matched, with the chief having actually a slight edge. Tamo'ei felt his movement getting sloppier and sloppier by the time, while the opponent was gaining advanced with a serrated onslaught of attacks. He didn't take much for him to realize that those blades were poisoned, possibly lethally. In such a duel of endurance he could not have won by attrition; he had to take other tactics, more underhanded ones, to get the best of his opponent. So Tamo'ei adopted a defensive stance, focusing his remaining strength to parry Supineru's attacks as he slowly brought both of them near the edge of the tower. As he was mere inches behind the void, he threw is sword against Supineru; whilst the chief was busy parrying the blade, Tamo'ei grabbed his wrist and threw both of them from the tower. They both fell down in the void, but Tamo'ei had actually brought a harpoon for those circumstances, and saved himself from the fall. Silently praying to the son god, he started his climbing to the top. He felt his whole body dizzy, the poison was taking its tool, but his will was unbreakable and so his faith in Ah Kin. With the last vestige of strength, Tamo'ei reached the top again, now the Sun Blade fully within his grasp.

Dawn was rising, the blade reabsorbed its light into itself, leaving only a faint glimmer. Tamo'ei prayed again; for possibly the first time on his life, he felt lost, as his own mind still though as unthinkable of him to be pious enough to receive Ah Kin's highest gift. He heard from below Supineru screaming like a madman and uttering curses: maybe he was truly possessed by an evil spirit, but most certainly was still alive. Tamo'ei knew the time of doubt had ended long before, and touched the blade of Ah Kin. A vast light clouded his vision: he felt pleasantly warm, restored. In the time of a flash he was no more at the top on the ancient ruin, but in the beach near the freighter, the sun blade him in the palm of his right hand. Toma'ei was confused for a few seconds, but the warning of a sailor reported him to his senses and told him the ship was leaving. Toma'ei wanted to escape from the island, and asked to the company if his family had board; they all responded that he was the only Garif there. He implored more time and tried to search for his wife and children; he did not take long for him, as he found his wife standing at the top of a near hill, hidden in mangrove leaves. He prayed her to escape from the folly of their people, to give their children a better place to live, far the fury of gods and men. She did not answer: Tamo'ei realized that she came only to tell him goodbye. The pain that he felt was almost numbing; but the Sun Blade had go away from the island at any cost. Tamo'ei sailed alone.

The rest of the voyage was quiet and uneventful. Tamo'ei reached the Caracole island in a matter of a few days, then he settled there as fisherman. Every sunset he sat on a lonely beach and stared at the sea, where was his former. His heart was filled of nostalgia, mitigated only by the soothing energy from the Blade of Ah Kin, who remanded that he had fulfilled his duty. On day, however, he saw on south-west a light much brighter than the one of the sun: at was flare than almost blinded him. The blade felt also hotter than ever, in a way than nearly burned his skin. After this brief moment, Tamo'ei looked again at the sea: the cold that he felt was chilliest of life. The sword and his gut told him: his land was dead, destroyed in the flare. A plume of smoke from the island, visible for miles, confirmed everything.

Tamo'ei remained still for hours, without praying, until it was deep night. He heard then from the news a few days after the Jahara had accepted the empire requests, all volcanoes of the island had erupted at the same time, obliterating everything in lava and cinder. Tamo'ei spent all his nights onward in bars, wasting his rather meager incomes in alcohol. He went against the tradition of his ancestor, left Mask Isle all to save his own people, and yet they were not spared from their doom. He had no family, no country, no purposes: only the holy blade he was guarding gave him the strength of not taking his own life.

Destiny, however, had other projects for the disgraced warrior. One night spent getting drunk he was approached by a young woman named Amanda Croft. Amanda said she was an archeologist, and she recognized his ethnicity by the mask he was wearing. Incredibly excited about a close encounter with such a fabled population, especially since they went extinct not much more than a week before, she asked the warrior to teach him everything he could about his culture. Tamo'ei was reluctant, partly because of the natural seclusive nature of his tribe, but above all he did not want to reopen a wound so deep and fresh. Amanda insisted, telling him that his culture was something beautiful and worth preserving, that, while the Mask Isle were barren, the Jahara would have survived forever in the memory of the people, much like ancestors survive that to the memory of their descendant. Tamo'ei was moved, as he saw in the young woman an immense love for his culture and passion for the past. He gave his consent, and Amanda offered a place to live in the mansion she owned, since she was rather rich. Here he would have talked about everything concerning the Jahara, their their traditions, customs and deities; Amanda would have taught Tamo'ei how to write in the common tongue, and he would have taught her everything about their particular language.

The following months were spent in lectures given by both in the comfy and crisp Croft estate. Amanda was insatiably curious, she asked Tamo'ei everything about the Jahara, all aspects of their culture from the most trivial to their holiest practices. Tamo'ei felt her enthusiasm almost contagious, as he thought to have found a new keeper to everything he still held dear; for a while he was relieved, and even decided to quit alcoholism. A genuine bond was growing between the two, so much that Tamo'ei eventually told her his personal story, how he ended up in Caracole island and losing everyone he loved. When Amanda wept at his tale, Tamo'ei felt the burden over his soul much lighter. However, even as the two became friends, Tamo'ei always omitted an important aspect of the happening: he never revealed that the Blade of Ah Kin was in his owns hands, and took precautions to hid the sword from anyone sight. For Tamo'ei this secret was the most sacred and important, and he would have never done something to dishonor is own god, even by accident. Plus, from the very first glances at her physique he had realized she was a much more powerful fighter than your average bookworm: she soon learned she was actually a mage, and rather strong one, which convinced him further to keep his mouth shut. Not that Tamo'ei did not have faith in Amanda's, or, worse, he actually thought that she could have bested him in a fight: artifact with holy powers tend to bring lot of troubles, and people as curious and passionate as Amanda tend to welcome troubles. If Amanda knew about the sword, she would have certainly ended in a hornet's nest.

After a period of type, which, much like most of the happy ones, felt very short, Amanda finished to record everything that Tamo'ei revealed about his culture. With such material that could almost fill an encyclopedia, they celebrated their good work with a few drinks in the Croft private beach. The sun was full in the sky; the air pleasantly warm and still, with the only noise the cricket songs. Everything was so quiet; but it did not last. Advised by a few steps, the two recognized they were followed. Soon appeared roughly a dozen of guards, with the crests of Alvarez Empire. Amanda asked politely what they were doing in a private estate, and they answered they were searching for a sword with magical powers, and that the Jahara did possess it. Amanda assured that her friend did not have the sword and they were mistaken; the guards did not hear any reason, and told her to step, or they would have convicted her too. Tamo'ei was to talk and interview, but he realized from the body language of Amanda that she was impatient to take care of all those intruders by herself. The woman refuted everything and give the guards one last chance to retreat. They did not listen, so Amanda activated are magic and beat them unconscious in very short time. She was kind of thrilled; Tamo'ei was relieved that nothing worse had happened. And then the worse happened; under Alvarez armor was glowing a purple circle, like a mark. In less than a flash, Amanda was struck by an Organic link from the people she defeated. The soldiers all died, and the woman was lifted mid-air in a circle, powerless to do anything.

The responsible from this attack did not hold off his entrance: water rose in a column and soon appeared Vitious Dawlish, a mage who once worked under August himself and was considered one the strongest mages in the whole Alikitisia continent outside of the Shields themselves. The mage revealed that he had spied Tamo'ei for a long time and that he desired the Sun Blade for himself. The Blade of Ah Kin seemed to respond to the insult, and was almost scorching with fury. Tamo'ei cursed his own duller sense and his weakness as a warrior: he unsheathed the holy sword for the first time and called Vitious a traitor and a coward, challenging to fight him like an honorable. Vitious was proud, so accepted to fight head on. The Sun blade was just as bright as Tamo'ei saw her from the last time in the ruins of Altum: the power of Ah Kin was with him, to ask for justice. The two mages clashed head, both of them giving all in the fight. Vitious employed a his powerful hydrokinesis, attacking with big tidal waves and giant water whips and spears, mixed with magical blasts and construct to keep Tamo'ei away from him. The Jahara warrior attacked with relentless fury, giving Vitious no room for error. The light of the sun blade made him faster, stronger and more proactive as the battle progressed; his sword strikes were burning with magic, slicing down every spell the Alvarez mage sent to him. Tamo'ei was moving like lighting, gaining ground over Vitious. He came to verge of delivering a finishing blow when the Alvarez mage played dirty and teleported Amanda between the two as human shield. Tamo'ei did stop in time, but forced to retreat. Vitious threatened to surrender and give him his weapon, or Amanda would have died. Tamo'ei remained still, torn again between his duty and the person he cared about, frantically thinking of another path. Ironically, he may have even relinquished his weapon the opponent, if Vicious had pushed his game too far: he started to provoke Tamo'ei, mocking his skills as a warrior and accusing him of being a coward who had abandoned his people. Those insult to his own person would have slipped away over Tamo'ei like water; but Vitious denigrated the Jahara, calling them a tribe of barbaric morons who should have gone extinct much time before, and he thanked the person who wiped them out the geographical chart.

At the beginning Tamo'ei was cold, detached; he asked Vitious more at what has happened. The mage himself admitted that he did not really know everything, but that he was sure that the eruption that wiped out the Mask Isle caused by magical forces of enormous magnitude. Tamo'ei was shaken in anger more than in any moment in life, so livid that his skin became almost as pale as one of a cadaver. From the Blade of Ah Kin erupted gush of bright red light. Tamo'ei was soon engulfed by hellish light, and its mask deformed in the visage of demon. Vitious did looked at him worried at first, then terrified beyond belief. Tamo'ei Id-Out mask, The Face of Hellish Judgement, looked right upon him, gnawed by the burns of the mage sin. Vitious fell down breathless, his face black as charcoal and his eyes turned into burned embers; one minute after he had already been dead from pain. Amanda was free from the Organic Link and the battle was over, yet the woman was trembling more than ever. Understanding that she was terrified of the god's wrath, Tamo'ei reassured her, since the fury of god is only for the sinners, and she her heart was judged pure Ah Kin. He lifted her up, and told her to use her magic to dispose of the corpses. She asked what he was going to do next, and the warrior answered that he was searching for the one or ones responsible to the destruction of his tribe, to deliver them the fiery justice: his god would guided his hand. Amanda prayed him not to go, since this path would have made him a murdered or even. Tamo'ei knew he couldn't listen; he hugged Amanda, thanking her for all the things she had done for him and his tribe, and wished her a good and fulfilling life. The same night he took the first ship and left Caracole Island.

From this point, for years, Tamo'ei would have wandered all over the world, searching for answers. He traveled in Ishgar and Alikitisia, in hundreds of countries and more places than a man could count in his lifetime. In every place he has been, Tamo'ei used his sword to defend innocents from evil and punishing all evildoers with burning death. All over the world would stories were spread of relentless fight against and evil, and his tortured quest of redemption. Tamo'ei knows that his tasks his tremendously arduous, but he does not falter: with the sun god on his side, divine justice is only a matter of time.



Blade of Ah Kin[]


Blade of Ah Kin

The Sun Blade, bathed in its glory

'Blade of Ah Kin: (ああ金武の刃; Ā Kin no ha) Called also the Sun Blade (太陽の翼; Taiyō no tsubasa), this weapon was the most revered relic in the Mask Isle, the sign of the solar god Ah Kin favor upon the Jahara. It looks like a katana with a simple dark wooden handle. Its collar, made of wood painted, is unusually long, with a golden stylized spiral lacquered over it sides, not much dissimilar from the motif on Tamo’ei own mask. On the un-edged side of the Sun Blade, near the base, are engraved words of an ancient tongue, which can be translated roughly as “Justice” and “Knowledge”. Even when it rests, the sword is always glittered in soft light, which can be snuffed only by Ah Kin himself and other otherworldly powers.

There are many myths concerning the blade and its origins, stories that goes before the Jahara even called themselves with that name; as far as anyone knows, the Blade was always standing at the top of the Altun ruins, shining of a light bright like no other. Every year the Jahara offered sacrifices and libations to blade, hoping to gain the favor of the mighty god, and defended the blade with a special guard of pious and skilled warriors, the Cuantil. Ah Kin seemed to respond to this devotion by endowing the very blade with unimaginable holy power every time the fate of the Jahara was in peril. Many of the Mask Isle noblest heroes have wielded the blade in the past and saved the Mask Isle from peril; however, the power in the blade was always borrowed from Ah Kin himself, never truly possessed by the tribesman. Everyone who had ever tried to force the Blade will be left with bitter delusions and a great burn, as the god always watches His weapon and will scorch any imprudent user. In his arrogance, the grand chief Supineru tried to unlock permanently the blade power with a forbidden ritual, in the hope of winning a war against the Alvarez Empire. Tamo'ei saw folly in their act, but he was alone, for even the sacred guards have followed Supineru's blasphemous counsel: Tamo'ei had to steal the blade from those hands and bringing it outside the Island. Once faced with Vitious in the beach of Caracole island, Tamo’ei felt the god pouring its power again in the blade to defeat his enemies. There he did understood that Ah Kin has chosen him to bring His judgement, with his sword as the tool of His justice.

Tamo’ei follows what the sword “tells” to him with religious fervor, as it is the extension of the will of Ah Kin. However, the blade itself does not act entirely independently from the thoughts and feelings of his mortal user. The blade will respond in certain ways to the Jahara warrior, sharing the same anger and glimmering with the same feeling of triumph. While devised as tool of divine judgment, never to be used without consideration, it also has a “playful” side of it. The blade seems to reciprocate Tamo’ei love for training and a good fight, as it will let him use it during sparing sessions, where it glows much stronger every time the Jahara faces a worthy opponent. This trait seems to come from Ah Kin, who, for all temperance ans sens of justice, is told in many myths to be quite the lover of good fights. Regardless, Tamo’ei has meditated and fought so much with the blade that a connection between the has certainly been formed, so much that he did sensed the Sun Blade presence in the rare cases the two were separated. He knows everything the sword wants, and in turn it and granted him power beyond belief.


Sword Magic: The basic form of attacks from any magical sword, it simply consists of endowing the blade with energy and then, by swinging, creating a cutting edge with the properties of the magic used; it can also be used to cut enemies at larger distance, creating a "beam" of magical power. The strength of the technique is proportional to the power of the user and the magic applied. As a godly weapon, its cuts are of a power to behold: The Jahara have sung for ages the marvelous feats of this blade, as it once it was said to split the sea in two or to have defeated an entire army of invaders in a single swing. A user, however, cannot expect to achieve such destruction on their whims: the power of the Sun Blade belongs to Ah Kin, and he chooses how magic to pour in the blade on His divine will. Tamo’ei uses the blade power sparsely and carefully, employing only the necessary force to defend himself and others and never to hurt innocents. The light strikes are very subtle, glimmers so subtle than a human eye can barely see, yet so impossibly precise that can slice atoms in half. Everything cut by the blade will burn of holy fire, and can be further damaged by trail of fire obtained by the splitting of trails of hydrogen. The strength employed by Tamo'ei is often minimal, yet almost nothing in the world can withstand the slashes of the Sun Blade. That said, Tamo'ei can use a more durable aspect from the sun blade: godly weapons tends to be night-indestructible, they can be damaged on by powers of otherworldly level. The Sun Blade could take a strike from a weapon of Archenemy caliber without being even dented, then shattering it in match of force, providing the user is strong enough.

A greater amount of raw power can be summoned forth if the blade (though it will be correct to say Ah Kin) faces an opponent both immensely powerful and extremely evil. The Sun Blade will be engulfed by a crimson light, the same color of blood, boiling of the immense wrath of the god. This state, that Tamo'ei often uses in conjunction with his Id-Out mask, marks his transition from a artist of the sword to the executioner of god. The strikes will become wilder and much more deranged, with huge trails of sunlight following every swing. Here, the opponent, generally already left in pain by the Face of Hellish Judgement, will be sunk in such heat that his entire body will burn down and turned into ashes not much after. Demons are especially hurt by this kind of magic, since they are naturally vulnerable to holy magic.



Tamo'ei surrounded by Ah Kin's holy light

'Heightened Physical Abilities: The blessing of the god is given to the blade, yet it is not exclusive to it: every weapon needs an equally strong wielder, and the swordsmen worthy of the Blade of Ah Kin are rewarded of their piety with the light of the god Himself. Those users will have all their strength, speed and durability increased to significant degree. Their perception will be boosted even further, as they can perceive waves of the electromagnetic spectrum invisible to any normal and pinpoint details to a staggering degree. When Tamo'ei couples the light of Ah Kin with his Face of Insight, his abilities to grasp his surrounding goes to realm of gods. In this state he can focus on on weakness and details of microscopic size with ease, processing data in a supersonic speed and analyzing his opponents stance to deduce their next move with near perfection. In this state, almost no hope can hope to take him by surprise with normal means. As much as powerful this form is, there is a drawback: no mortal men can resists an intense holy light for long periods, and the greater the power the summon, the faster they burns out. Prolonged uses can wear out a sturdy individual like Tamo'ei to a much greater degree if he had enhanced himself with his own power. Also, since Sun Blade endows with godly power, God Slayer Magic becomes much more effective against any user.

  • Light Step (ライトステップ;Raitosuteppu): A technique Tamo'ei developed with years of training and meditating with the Sun Blade. After totally calming his mind, he reached a level of focus where he could feel "one" with the holy light. By being so attuned with his god power, Tamo'ei could tap in the power of the blade to transform is entire physical matter in pure energy for a fraction of second. In this state, Tamo'ei reaches the speed of light, and can travel so fast that human perception could no even fathom it. He cannot use this state for more than a incredibly small amount of time, so measly he cannot cover more than a ten of meters at step: however, he able to use his move in fast succession, keeping pressure over his opponents. it is always more than enough to avoid any enemy attack and covering any distance between them to strike, except when faced with opponents with a similar power, such as master practitioner of Light Magic, or that can manipulate space and time in different time.

Healing Factor: The light of Ah Kin, much like the like of the sun itself, does much more than destroy: indeed, the star is probably infinitely more important in his role to life-giver. The power of the god can do this too, healing wounds from light to deep one, regenerating lost limbs, purging one body from any kind of harmful toxin and exorcising dark magic. The power of Ah Kin sustains Tamo'ei both physically and mentally: it soothes his fatigue, allowing the warrior to fight at his peak for a longer time, both more importantly made him feel the presence of Ah Kin near him. The power of his faith has been the thing which has driven is immense willpower for most his lifetime; even if his body is going to fall and everything seems to be lost, Tamo'ei will fight to the bitter end against the worst opponent, knowing that his god is with him. However, even if used to heal, the Light of the Sun Blade still burns: every time Tamo'ei is healed it feel the same pain as his wounds were cauterized, which hurts almost as much as the injury itself. Regenerating too much in a raw can take such a Tamo'ei that Tamo'ei body may start to dehydrate and, possibly, even burn.

Astral Perception: bearer of the Sun Blade can see things that are not from this world and slay them. Tamo'ei can perceive beings from the astral plane, and his blade can cut down against enemies that are normally impervious to physical and magical damages; even beings which have no force can be cut down, effectively being exorcised.

Magic and Abilities[]

Natural Abilities[]

Ways of Combat[]

Tamo'ei(swordmanship murder)

Tamo'ei cutting down an evildoer

Grandmaster Swordsmanship Specialist: the Jahara were renowned in the country of Alikitasia for being superbly skilled swordsmen, with a unique style that mixes kenjutsu, Joseon era Korean style, Filipino Escrima with the acrobatic flares of Sylat and Kalaripayattu. Their style is based on overwhelming their opponents with speed and agility, using short blades or hwando and jiigum with fluidity and precision. Living in a jungle, they knew how high places by acrobatically jumping from tree to another while striking their foes below. Among them Tamo'ei was one of the most skilled, if not the most skilled, being able to best multiple of his peers without much effort, and dealing with several Cuantil, holy guards of tribe chosen among master-class swordsmen, even when they are attacking him on tandem. Once he left his home-country, his knowledge of the art only went deeper, as he carefully studied techniques from every place he traveled, picking moves from styles that a normal person could count.

Tamo'ei's movements are of swiftness that almost borders on supernatural, seamlessly parring they attacks of his opponents from all angles redirecting the flow of battle in his favor. He fights with incredible grace, aided by a lower body as mobile as one of a ballerina; many of the people actually described as a dancer, and, indeed, his movements are so elegant and well-choreographed than many people are in awe of fighting. That does not mean that Tamo'ei prefers style over substance, however: he rarely goes straight for the killing only because he is a man who does not enjoy taking lives without any reason, preferring swordsman as an art to perfect himself rather than a tool to kill. Every time his Blade of Ah Kin or the situation dictates him to kill, he became brutally efficient, slashing with longer sword with one hand while employing dirty grappling moves and knives attacks in the other. Much like many of the best swordsmen, he trained himself to be ambidextrous, to switch the dominant hand in a blink of a eye, though it seems that he prefers the right hand. During his wandering years, the Jahara warrior has carved a name in the tales of Alikitasia and Ishgar as ferocious swordsman who can cut down entire guilds before they could blink an eye, a Juggernaut which completely mastered the art of blades.

  • Sword Pressure (剣圧, Ken'atsu): a basic technique of swordsmanship, it just a current of wind created by an unusually powerful or fast slash, which can cut things at distance. The strength of the wind edge depends on the power and skills of the user: might swordsmen can create a pressure that can cut through a forest or column of foes. This technique can also be enchanted by infusing the blade with eternano or more complex spells (generally elemental ones), adding magic over might. Tamo'ei is certainly both skilled and strong enough to create currents sharp as razors, even without any kind of magical aid; he is however, very reluctant to use this technique, as his honor code prescribe him to avoid unnecessary damages to the environment or every people outside the target. In the moment he is forced to do so, however, he can cut down enemies en masse without any mercy or need to touch them.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: While much more renowned as a master of blades, Tamo'ei is far from defenseless while using his bare hands. He is a well versed combatant which can skillfully employs punches, grappling movements and take-downs, and can knock out normal people with a precise strike at the back of their head. He mostly uses kicks, to complement with his swordsmanship, usually to soften his enemies a bit before besting them with his sword. A hand-to-hand area where Tamo'ei absolutely excels, however, is how he deals against other armed fighter: he is a master on how to disarms people by taking advantage of leverage, and knows how to minimize damages from cutting attacks before he can find a blade to defend himself more properly.

Physical Abilities[]

Immense Speed and Agility: Without any doubt the reason why Tamo'ei is such a lethal swordsman, his speed and dexterity are nothing short of amazing. He can attack and retreat his blade in minute fractions of seconds, swinging and moving so fast than many people, including trained fighters, can barely follow his speed. Coupled with his spot-on mastery of the art of blade, Tamo'ei has proven than he could decapitate more than people at once in a flash; indeed, many guilds that were foolish enough to pick a fight against him have been decimated in an instant. Years of fighting in the jungle have endowed Tamo'ei of a sense of balance that almost rivals the one of a monkey: he is, in fact, particularly adept at taking advantage of higher grounds, climbing harsh surfaces and striking his enemies from above. His reflexes are, if possible, even more astonishing, as he can react in a flash while numbed by a soporific drug, drawing his sword and still decimating his assailants before they can respond. In a battle, even the strongest mages from elite guilds must be wary against Tamo'ei, as he can take advantage of their slightest mistakes to put them on the ropes.

Enhanced Strength: While he does not often use his raw strength, many of Tamo'ei feats actually require a great deal of force. He can cut steel with swords without using any kind of Sword of Magic or taking advantage of the supernatural powers of the Sun Blade, or break a normal person arm with a well placed kick. Also, he could not have pulled off all his acrobatic without considerable lower and upper-body strength; even his toes are incredibly strong, as they allow to balance his whole body for a considerable time while standing at the side of a rough vertical surface, digging through "soft" materials like woods. His strength was also shown in his days as fisherman of Caracole, when he gained some of a reputation by wrestling sharks with his bare hands. Aided by the natural durability of his own weapon, Tamo'ei can parry with ease attacks from S-Classes mages without discomfort.

Immense Durability: Tamo'ei boast an exceptional amount of durability. He is resistant to energy blast and can take punches from S-Classes level mages without much discomfort. Even though sword attacks can damage him, his muscle have a level of thickness that mitigates attacks from swords, with only material made of iron wielded by great swordsmen offers truly a problem. As a result, he once withstood a fall from a slide over one hundred meters tall and got back on his feet without much discomfort. He has also show great tolerance to hot temperatures, as he often trained near the active volcanoes of Mask isle. To compensate for the fact that is so accustomed by hot climate, he also started to trained in cold countries with his light gear to deal with this extreme of temperature.

Immense Endurance: With his speed, this is possibly Tamo'ei greatest quality. His warrior code has prescribed him a rigid conduct of life, with him training, praying and hunting all day with little time of rest, time that he spent with his family and in meditation. Such a lifestyle instilled in him a sense of patience and mental and physical endurance that only truly warrior can hope to achieve. Many, many times Tamo'ei has fought his battles with profound wounds and broken bonds; he endured lethal poison, third grade burns and multiple hemorrhages at once. Yet he never gave up, never succumbed to pain or going numb until every foe was defeated. His ability to keep forward no matter what has saved his life countless occasion, especially since Tamo'ei was never stiff or hasty: he always knew how to change his approaches, and was mentally fortuitous enough to execute any new strategy without fear or hesitation. More than anything, it is probably for this reason they called him a "Sword Juggernaut": once sets his mind to a purpose, he will never stop, only adapt his strategies.

Keen Intellect: Tamo'ei philosophy means that a warrior mind must be as sharp as his weapons. Tamo'ei is a quick thinker, a strategist who can keep his cool under the most stressful situation and come up on the fly with new ways to battle and survive. His ability to analyze is particularly excellent when it comes to his home field: when he comes to swordsmanship, he can analyze the fighting stance of every fighter and assess its strengths weakness almost immediately, and adapting himself to the fight. Despite never having a true formal education, Tamo'ei has proven to be a fast learned with encyclopedic knowledge of wild fauna, flora, natural medicine and at least basic understanding about the cultures of the many places he visited.

Magical Abilities[]

Mask of Anima

Mask of Anima: (アニマのマスク; Anima no masuku) an Holder Magic employed exclusively by the Jahara tribe. Since the Jahara are considered extincted, this can be regarded as a Lost Magic to all intents and purposes, with Tamo'ei as the only living practitioner. Mask of Anima is a name given to the particularly totemic masks used by Jahara people, which every warrior or shaman of the Isle must wear once they have completed a certain initiation rite to find the deepest manifestation of one self. While these concepts are anything but new- such “coming of age” ritual are integral part of the culture of almost every tribal civilization, and the animistic concept of totem is hardly less common- Masks of Anima are powerfully magical artifact which acts as catalyst between oneself consciousness and their own physical body, granting them powers which corresponds to their ideals and personalities. The amount of magic usable, however, is as always strictly dependent on the user emotional and physical state, with Mask of Anima giving only a “psychical” boost via the strong connection between the magic and his user. The most relevant surplus of this kind of Mask of Anima lies actually in how the derived magic are performed: since it comes from the user very soul, the holder will know how to performs spells related to the magic almost instinctively, as easy as the breath. Provided their limits in power, the user’s applications are bounded only by their imagination.

Before conquering a mask, all Jahara must find his own “role” or “purpose” in society and the world alongside him in an initiatory journey of self-discovery in the sacred near Altum. Sometimes this journey requires months of deep meditation or deep prayer, other times can happen through prophetic visions and dreams; to others, even an encounter with a revered spirit or the manifestation of a deity. Regardless of the path, any Jahara must understand his own vocation and what his is purpose in the life of a tribe. After being enlightened, the young adult must carve his own masks within the trial, then performing a ritual that involves a conspicuous blood sacrifice. One the sacrifice is completed, the Jahara returns to his tribe with a mask that looks different from the one of everyone else. That Mask would be the expression of the user soul- hence why the scholars of Alikitasia have called those masks of “Anima”, a word that means soul- so Jahara considers it as the new true face of any tribesman, the one the dictates whose life adults will live in society from this point onward. No Jahara will ever show his face to any living or dead being, except in two occasions: when he makes love with his spouse, has Jahara believes he becomes an entirely new being with his loved one; or whenever a priest tries to ritualistically channel the spirit of a god, as for the Jahara anyone must “empty” oneself to accept the true essence of a deity. One mask can also be removed by the elders if one Jahara is found guilty of horrendous crimes like treason of or blasphemy: in that case, he is disgraced and considered no longer part his people, and his faith of always death or exile from the Isle.

Aside from their anthropological values, its actually surprising how much actually those kind of magic are apt to be “classified”, thus as regarded by many mages as underwhelming or even “boring”, since people who performs the same profession will always have similar masks- but never exactly the same one-  and they will be endowed with similar kind of magic, often differing by some details and, of course, potency between user and user. This should not come as a surprise: Jahara have such a strong sense of community and connection to the nature that every tribesman regards himself mostly by his roles within society and the world outside, rather than giving emphasis to self-expression. That is not said that Jahara despise uniqueness, as they are all very perceptive of the subtle details that differences mask from mask; they just do not feel the need to stand out from the crowd.

Tamo'ei (mask)

Tamo'ei's mask, of the "warrior" type

Even before he reached adulthood, Tamo'ei always felt that his deepest vocation was the one of the warrior, the protector of his people, maybe matched only by his piety and devotion to the gods. Once he completed his rite of passage, he fully understood his path of life was defending in loved ones and honoring his deities by taking the path of the warrior. His mask reflected this choice of life by enhancing what a good warrior should be: swift as a snake, quick as lighting, observant as a hawk. Tamo’ei's mask is of a white color, with

a bright red incision that goes from its chin to his forehead, where it is carved in a way that reminisces an angular spiral. The mask is shaped in a rectangular form, though it a has horn-shaped protrusions at the side of their temple, markedly curved at their end; they continue with two ringlets at the back of his head. The Mask covers Tamo’ei entire face, with no apparent opening for his mouth: only his eyes are shown, marked by two bloody red lines that go down to his chin. Due to his magical nature, it seems that the mask can somehow phase at Tamo’ei command, acting like an opaque glass where everything that enters becomes invisible from the outside. This allows to Tamo'ei to eat or wash his face in public without removing his mask, something his culture is strongly opposed to.

  • Warrior Mask: Face of the Insight (戦士マスク:インサイトの顔;Senshi masuku: In saito no kao): The user is granted incredible clarity of perception of all five senses, enabling them to read lips, mimic movements and hearing faint sounds. Tamo’ei mask is so powerful that made him able to see on a cellular level or hear a drop falling behind a near bulletproof wall. In combat, this allows him to see fast-moving objects and, once fully developed, offers some amount of predictive capabilities: they can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept.  Although a Warrior Mask user can see these things, also need the physical ability to actually act on the information: if they input are too fast, the user cannot react. The perceptive abilities of this mask can allow the user to see through mirages and illusions, even the magic ones; in the latter case, the power of the mask must be in the same league of the illusion. For this reason, Face of the Insight is countered by Face of the Illusion.
  • Warrior Mask: Face of the Illusion (戦士マスク:イリュージョンの顔;Senshi masuku: Iryūjon no kao): The user is granted exceptional camouflaging abilities, that makes him almost totally untraceable by enemies. All light-waves, sounds and odors from the user are clouded by the magic, so that the user cannot be found using any senses except for the touch. All objects kept by the user are also hidden by magic, as long as the user touch them. This illusionary magic perfect for the people in the jungle, where perceiving everything without being perceived can be the difference between life and death. Jahara people become akin to chameleons, defending themselves like them or becoming deadly assassin, who can strike down an opponent before he could ever fathom. Such illusionary magic is the perfect opposite of Face of the Insight: when the two magic are faced, they cancel other. So, when two Jahara warriors fight against each other, they must entirely rely on the “normal” sense, without any kind of enchantment; it is said for this reason that only a true Jahara can fight against a true Jahara.
  • Id-Out Mask: Face of Hellish Judgement(それアウトはマスク:地獄のような審判の顔;Sore auto wa masuku: Jigoku no yōna shinpan no kao): There is concept, referred by anthropologist “Id-Out "(これはアウト;Kore wa auto), that happens to a Mask of Anima when a deeper self of a user emerges, radically alien on how they perceive them as members of the Jahara society. Whenever a Jahara faces great physical and emotional challenges after his adulthood, a facet of their personality of their own true desires come up. During those “epiphanies”, which generally bring the user to unleash an incredible amount of their own magical power, the Mask of Anima is radically altered, gaining abilities that are entirely new and often very powerful, though always with comparable level their normal capacity. Since the great amount of emotional stress coming from this awakening, mastering the Id-Out form is arduous task; to do so, someone must fully know that side of oneself and embrace him. Very few people have reached this status during the whole history of the Jahara civilization, since doing so means having two identities instead of one. Those "double-face" individual are venerated or feared by their clansmen, sometimes both; regardless, they are almost always legendary figures which have shaped the future of their people, either in good or in evil. In the case Tamo'ei, he gained his own Id-Out mask during his fight against Vitious in the beach of Caracole Island, where the Blade of Ah Kin unleashed its fury for the first time. This new mask embodies Tamo'ei rage toward any kind of evil-doer and his new vocation of a deliverer of Ah Kin justice. Once activated, his mask turns in a sinister, much more demonic visage. It also brims of the light of Ah Kin, though its brightness becomes of wrathful red, bright as blood. Working in tandem with power of Ah Kin, Face of Hellish Judgment bathes Tamo'ei in aura of fury which grow stronger over time, which will cause felling of terror creeping over even the strongest enemies. Every sinner which stares at the mast will be overwhelmed by a sea of crimson magic, with Tamo'ei burning at the center like fire; they will see it even they are blind, since visions from Ah Kin are always visible to the eyes of their souls. The mask of the Jahara will start to distort, looking like the face of every person who meet their gaze: people will find their brightness unbearable, yet strangely attractive, like fire attracts a moth, so that only will of iron will resist to this temptation. Every face represented by Tamo'ei will reflect all his crimes and nefarious deeds committed in their lifetime in all their evil nature, represented as horrible burns over the face; to the evilest sinner, they will see their eyes "frying" in the holy light and emitting dark smoke. After this horrid vision, every person face will be charred by the holy fire in the same way their mask is, scarred by burns that nothing but godly power could ever heal. Sinners will be left usually blind and screaming, their own life ripe to be took by Tamo'ei. People of good heart will not be burned, and sinners who are wholly and genuinely repent of their evil deeds will be spared by the brunt of the flame. Even innocents, however, will be left in awe and terror by this vision, as the divine justice is still a tremendous sight to bear. Indeed, it is a tremendous weight to bear for the user too: activating Face of is so costly both on physical and mental profile that even a strong individual like Tamo'ei does not think he can use this spells more than a few times a week.




  • Tamo'ei is a Samoan word: it means "runner", while Garif derives from the race of Final Fantasy XII whose members always don heavy masks. The characters himself, however, is more inspired by ancient Caribbean cultures rather than the Samoan ones.
  • The character is inspired by Yurnero the Juggernaut, from DOTA 2.