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"Allow Me To Cut Through Those Words!"

This article, Theodore Vroman, is the sole property of Blackdagger, and as such you are not allowed to use or edit it without asking for my consent. If you wish to use this article, please ask me on my talk page and, if you use this article in any way without my permission, there will be consequences.

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Theodore Vroman
セオドア フローマン
Seodoa Furōman
August 26th, X775
Crocus, Fiore
Gender Identity
Blood Type
Mastery of magical studies from a private institution
Hair Color
Eye Color
Medical Concerns & Ailments
Attention deficit disorder
Guild Mark Color
Guild Mark Location
Right Shoulder
Professional Status
Previous Affiliation
Crocus Institution of Magical Arts
Previous Occupation
Previous Partner(s)
Base of Operations
Personal Status
Marital Status
In a relationship with Samarra Inari
Powers & Equipment
Signature Skill

Theodore Vroman (セオドア フローマン, Seodoa Furōman) is a young man from Crocus, born into and raised in the Vroman house hold as the younger twin brother of his sister, Alice Vroman. Like all children born into the Vroman family, Theodore was well regarded for his intelligence, quickly advancing in his studies. After graduating from Crocus' academy of magical arts at the age of Nineteen, Theodore, along with his sister, set out into the world to pursue their own separate goals. Theodore wished open a legal guild, while his sister simply wished to further pursue the advancement of her own magical knowledge. It would be Theodore who got his way as the two opened the legal guild known as Galdrabók, though it would Alice would was given the position of Guildmaster, being the more fitting of the two for such a position. Theodore, like his sister, is a user of both Earth Magic, and Fire Magic. Though, unlike his sister, Theodore chose to advance in fire magic rather than earth.


Theodore Better Full body BD1

Theodore is a handsome man, sporting the signature red hair of all those within the Vroman family. His hair is short and straight, extending down just past the lobes of his ears. Several pieces of hair often hang down but he pays them little mind as they aren't often long enough to obscure his vision, hidden beneath these bangs is a small widow's peak. His hair is rarely greasy unless you catch him right after a workout, being very silky to the touch. Theodore's face is triangle shaped and consists of sharp features, a pointed chin and a captivating pair of upturned, almost cyan colored eyes. A thin nose sits in the center of his face just above a pair of thin, pale pink colored lips and below them rests a moderately strong jawline. Theodore possesses a muscular neck of moderate length with a not so well pronounced Adam's apple.

Theodore possesses a lean, mesomorphic body with little to no hair covering his broad chest. While he is far from what some would call "ripped" his torso consists of strong, well-defined muscles gained from hours of physical activity and training. His arms are long, extending down to his thigh and his longest finger stopping just above the knee. His arms are also quite muscular though the muscles in his arms are not as well defined as the ones in his torso, only becoming so when flexing. His hands are of average size for a man of his height and body type, having somewhat longer fingers than most. The skin on his hands are rough, callouses having formed in several places on his palms from both his training and the manual labor he does around the guild. His fingernails are cut short, a choice made by Theodore himself for he knew that if he kept them at a long or even average length he would end up biting on them. Theodore's lower body consists of a pair of lean, well-toned legs possessing little hair, his legs are long and thin, their skin being slightly paler than that on the rest of his body due to their lack of exposure to sunlight outside of activities such as swimming.

He can be seen wearing a variety of different clothing, during the spring, summer, and fall months he prefers a white button up or t-shirt under a black or green hooded jacket with a pair of jeans of various colors and sporting various patterns much like his shirts. He has two different pairs of shoes, a pair of sneakers used when training and a pair of dress shoes often worn casually around the guild or when out on business. During the winter, Theodore trades his light hooded jacket for a much heavier dark gray one, often wearing a red or green scarf around his neck if it is cold enough. He continues to wear his jeans albeit with a pair of thermals underneath. While he'd personally like for his footwear to remain the same he often trades them out for a pair of boots if it has snowed too much to risk damaging his other pairs.


Theodore Personality BD1

Much like his sister, Theodore tends to come off as snobby at first glance, appearing to be little more than a spoiled rich kid. He radiates an intellectual aura that some tend to find somewhat intimidating, making it look as though he is looking down on others. Asking anyone close to him would reveal that this is far from the case. Theodore is, in fact, a humble individual who simply tends to carry himself with an air of confidence that seems to make others think otherwise. He takes pride in his intelligence but does not like to show off as he knows he is not the most intelligent person in the world, letting others take center stage as he tends to stand back from a short but appropriate distance. Despite his actions it would be wrong to say that Theodore is not a confident person as he does have a high opinion of himself, though, this high opinion simply falls onto others as well. His relationship with his sister being a prime example of his having a high opinion of others, praising her greatly, having always looked up to her even from a young age.

Theodore Serious Personality BD1

Being raised in a highly prestigious household, it is not uncommon for Theodore to display gentlemanly tendencies, bowing and greeting others respectfully, especially women. This has earned him a reputation as a bit of a flirt, though, it can be noted that his intentions in doing so are purely innocent. Theodore is simply an inviting and charming individual that some may call a bit overly friendly, this being a trait his sister lacks severely, the two being nearly complete opposites of one another. That being said, Theodore has been known to become quite serious when he needs to be, his charming smile fading away to be replaced by a scowl very reminiscent of the one worn by his elder twin sister, becoming what some who have seen him like that would call a "terrifying" individual, returning to his normal cheery self once what it was that made him that way was taken care of. Despite his somewhat jokester like tendencies, he has also been described as a protective individual, caring deeply for his family and friends, often going out of his way to ensure their safety.

Theodore Personality Three BD1

Theodore is an intelligent individual, having graduated from a well-regarded university with a masters degree in magical studies at the age of nineteen. While his somewhat child-like tendencies tend to overshadow this, it should be noted that Theodore is never one hundred percent relaxed. He uses his senses to constantly absorb information about the world around him making him a very perceptive person, often noticing the smallest of changes from something as obvious as a new person entering a room to something much less so such as someone he speaks to frequently changing their hair or body wash. While this can be a good thing it also has lead to Theodore often having a hard time concentrating on a single thing for long periods of time.



Gale force reading glasses BD1

Gale-force Reading Glasses: Alice possesses a pair of Gale-force reading glasses which allow her to read at a far superior speed than the human eye could ever hope to achieve, something someone in her line of work must be able to achieve. The glasses themselves have no real unique features aside from a wing-like accessory which extends off from the left frame of these glasses. On this wing can be seen heart shapes being featured near the bottom of the last of the three feathers. The glasses are a mildly dark shade of red, not unlike the pair Alice normally wears, possessing elongated oval shaped frames. These glasses can be worn over prescription grade glasses as the glasses themselves are not meant to improve the users vision, meaning those who require glasses would not be able to see through them without the use of their own prescribed pair. There are several different types of gale-force glasses of varying quality, the lowest only allowing the user to read at twice the speed of the average human. The highest quality allowing the user to read at over one hundred times faster than an average human. This astounding feat is achieved by infusing the glasses with a wind Lacrima.


Tomes: Tomes are books infused with different elemental magics, allowing user's to wield and utilize these magics at will, similar to a magically charged Lacrima. The pages of the tomes themselves are filled with spells holders can utilize, these spells often being written by powerful mages and wizard scholars who have devoted their lives to writing these large books. While these tomes can indeed be utilized in battle, their original purpose being to further the magical knowledge of mages all over the world, each spell being accompanied by said spells history and a list well known user's from the past. A several page table of contents found at the beginning of the tomes help wielders quickly locate spells. Any damage caused to these tomes renders them completely useless, leaving the wielder defenseless. Damage caused during a wielder's casting of a spell will result in said spell backfiring on the user. This is the risk users take when wielding these items. This item is best utilized alongside Gale-force reading glasses to make for quicker reading and casting. In a safe place such as a library, tomes can last upwards of four to five hundred years before degrading. However, constant usage on the battlefield causes these tomes to degrade rapidly, only lasting a few months to a year at best. These Tomes cannot be infused with lost magic of any kind, many powerful mages have tried only to fail. These failures often resulting in damage done not only to the tome but the mage themselves.


Hayate (颯, Hayate): The sister sword to Alice's Shinatobe and it Theodore's go to weapon for combat, Hayate is a foil sword measuring in at around one hundred centimeters in length from the bottom of the hilt to the time of the blade. This is a powerful weapon often used for thrust attacks, however, slashes can cut through clothing and skin in a similar manner to a whip. The blade's name meaning "Sudden sound of the wind", is infused with powerful wind magic that enhances the sword's deadly abilities. Pressurized wind can add to the power behind each thrust and wind slashes allow it to cut things just beyond the reach of its blade. The foil is made out of Maraging steel with a rubber grip on the handle. The blade's guard also has the Vroman Family's crest carved into it on either side. Theodore normally carries this sword in a sheath on his left hip, drawing it with incredible speed and accuracy, sometimes ending battles literally on the draw.

Magic & Abilities[]

Mental Abilities[]

Genius Level Intellect: Theodore is an incredibly gifted man, like all those in the Vroman family he possesses an exceptionally high IQ. While he is indeed gifted, he spent a great deal of his younger years studying much harder than the others in his family, his A.D.D making it hard for him to concentrate on his work which led to poor grades early on. He overcame this struggle through hard work and practice, eventually catching up with the others and then surpassing them. His hard work paid off as he was able to graduate from a prestigious university at the age of nineteen, only one year after his elder twin sister. While it may take Theodore a little longer to pick up on certain subjects than others, once he has it down he will never struggle in it again. His IQ is 140

Photographic Memory: Theodore possesses what one would describe as good memory. This is a bit of an understatement as Theodore has never once forgotten a conversation he has had with anyone, being able to quickly recall their exact words. The same can be said for faces, especially women's, he is able to remember their features in such detail that an artist could easily recreate the face in the form of a drawing based solely on his description. Despite his incredible memory, he has a tendency to forget the little things, often leaving his wallet or keys at home or forgetting to turn off a light when leaving a room. He laughs off these events, having a habit of joking about how he would forget to breathe if his body didn't do it automatically.

Physical Abilities[]

Peak Physical Condition: Theodore spends a great deal of his time training and exercising, working out as a way to relax and have fun. This tendency has shaped his body into one of peak physical condition. His body is one of a lean muscular build which allows him the stamina and endurance to continue long after most have run out of energy. His muscular strength allowing him to lift over four times his own weight. His top running speed exceeds forty miles an hour, however, Theodore is more of a distance runner as he prefers to conserve his energy so that he can make it further rather than simply going fasting. The only problems he has comes from his asthma which sometimes requires him to take a break for a bit during strenuous activities. He does not let this small bump in the road get him down however, jumping back in the game the second he feels up to it.

Hand to Hand Combatant: Theodore is skilled in hand to hand combat. Choosing to take lessons in a few different martial arts but ultimately deciding on two that fit his preferred fighting style. He has spent several years training in both Krav Maga and Judo, two forms of martial arts heavily centered around countering and taking down the opponent as quickly as possible before any harm can be done. Theodore's incredible grip strength allows him to grasp and hold on to targets, preventing them from moving away or escaping as he brings them down to the ground, often trying to pin them rather than hurt them,

  • Krav Maga (連絡先の戦闘, Renrakusen no sentō): An extremely efficient form of combat known for its brutal counter attacks. This form of self-defense consists of several different techniques taken from Aikido, Boxing, Judo, wrestling, all alongside realistic fight training. The combat style's philosophy focuses on neutralizing the threat, offensive and defensive maneuvers coupled with aggression. Attacks and counter-attacks delivered by users of this form of self-defense target the most vulnerable parts of the human body, eyes, throat, groin, ribs, kidneys, knee, and liver. Those who practice this form of self-defense are also taught to be situationally aware of their surroundings, identifying potential threats before said threats have a chance to attack. The basic purpose of Krav Maga is to end a fight as quickly as possible. Unlike Aikido and Judo, Krav Maga concerns itself little with the safety of the threat being neutralized.
  • Jūdō' (柔道, Jūdō): Judo, meaning "Gentle way" is a martial art in which the objective is to throw or take down the opponent to the ground in an attempt to immobilize or otherwise subdue them. This can be done in a multiple of ways including joint locks, chokes, strikes, and arm thrusts. Defense against weapons is also taught in this form of martial art, disarming, and countering opponents. Users of this martial art are known for their ability to knock opponents off balance, grappling their opponents before throwing them to the ground with ease.

Expert Fencer: Based on the traditional skills of swordsmanship, Fencing involves the use of rapier-style swords such as foils, Sabres, and épées. While this style of swordsmanship is normally only used for sport, the techniques taught those who choose to excel in this form of sword fighting can be utilized in battle to wound or even kill opponents. Fencing consists of several different techniques, both offensive and defensive. Offensive techniques consist of thrusts, a technique in which an opponent thrusts their sword-wielding arm forward toward the opponent in an attempt to hit what would in the sport be considered an opponent's "valid" area. A riposte, an offensive technique performed after the wielder successfully parries an opponent's attack, the wielder will then counter in an attempt to possibly take away the opponents weapon. A feint is an attack made by the wielder in an attempt to provoke the opponent into attacking. A lunge is an offensive technique that involves the wielder thrusting their blade forward toward the target, extending their arm while kicking their front leg forward to propel themselves using their back leg. A parry is a basic defensive technique in which the wielder blocks the opponent's blade with the intention of quickly countering, pushing the opponent's blade away from themselves in order to give the wielder the right of way. Parries are normally followed by a riposte.

Magical Abilities[]

Theodore Vampyre Enhancement BD1

Theodore's Vampyre Enhancement

Vampyre Enhancement (血液宣揚, Ketsueki Senyou): A strange ability that can be triggered by those who have the blood of a Vampire running through their veins or somewhere in their lineage. Those who could activate this ability were once known as Hunters, humans with the ability to take on vampire-like power for a short time. Today those who possess the ability to activate this do not know where it is that this ability comes from as vampires have faded into obscurity and the need for hunters died out. This state is fueled by the adrenaline produced during combat. So long as they remain in combat, they can use this ability for approximately seventeen minutes. It is during these seventeen minutes that the ability is activated that the user will experience its effects. The most notable of these effects being a severely heightened pain tolerance, users often shrugging off broken bones and mortal wounds as they continue doing all they can to finish off the target of their bloodlust. This ability allows them to remain conscious even after experiencing pain that would force most other to pass out. There are several other abilities that come along with this ability. These extra abilities include enhanced durability to go along with their enhanced pain tolerance. This ability allows them to easily survive and continue fighting even after suffering severe physical impact or falling from several stories, the durability of those under the influence of this ability is said to be three times that of when they are not under its effects. Enhanced speed and strength are also part of this ability, the user being able to push their muscles to the max to perform extraordinary feats. Their stamina and endurance are increased as well, users being able to run at great speed or lift heavy objects for the full amount of time the spell is in effect. Their reflexes are also greatly enhanced by this ability, being heightened three times that as a normal human, thus allowing them to easily dodge attack delivered by those with magic that effects an objects rate of movement such as High Speed or Slowing Magic.

Telekinesis BD1

Telekinesis (テレキネシス, Terekineshisu): Telekinesis is a form of Caster Magic that allows the user to manipulate both the ethernano within themselves as well as the ambient ethernano that can be found in the surrounding area to appear the move objects with their mind. Users do not need to move whatsoever when casting spells, spells being registered to single verbs and the need to visualize the object they wish to move as well as how they wish to move it. The object will then proceed to follow this visualization, moving as the user had imagined it. Users can lift both organic and none organic objects including themselves, allowing them to levitate themselves if they so choose. The weight limit for objects in which telekinesis users can lift, push, or pull is currently unknown, believed that the limit is different for everyone based on practice, talent, and magical prowess. Those with higher intelligence and cognitive function normally have an easier time learning and progressing in this magic. Alice is highly skilled in the casting of this magic, several tons with little difficulty though in cases in which she has lifted over five tons she has claimed to experience severe headaches for several days after. These headaches mean little, simply a side effect of the mental strain lifting so much at once causes.

Magical Prowess: Theodore was trained in the usage of both Fire and Earth magic from a young age like all magic using members of the Vroman family. Theodore chose to advance in the usage of fire magic, only later picking up earth magic and earth make as his secondary magic. Theodore has advanced in both of these magics, mastering them at the at of twenty-three. He is a master of ethernano control within his own body, possessing the knowledge and ability to get the most out of every spell he casts, never wasting more magic than he has to.

  • Magical Aura (魔力の霊気, Maryoku no Reiki): A magical aura is the exertion of magical energy around the user's body. Encapsulating the user in an aura of a color befitting their personality. Colors and potency of Magical auras are various. This aura is normally accompanied by a pressure of sorts, the strength of this pressure depends on the level of magical aura the user wields. Depending on the level of one's own magical aura as well as their control over it, it may also be used as an intimidation tactic or even as a way to negate weak attacks. Magical aura come in three different forms, a standard aura which is exhibited by those of weak or average magical power. These auras are often weak, only being able to intimidate none mages. The second of these auras is an S-class aura which is exhibited by those whose level of magical power is equal to or greater than that of an S-class mage. This aura emits and overwhelming pressure that most anyone might find intimidating. The final and most powerful form of aura is the monster aura which is only exhibited by those whose level of magical power is equal to or exceeds that of a guild master or wizard saint. These auras encompass a large area around the user, releasing an incredible amount of pressure. This pressure may even completely immobilize some opponents. The user is replaced by a phantom-like apparition as they are completely enveloped in their respective color. Theodore possesses an S-class aura of a deep green color.
    • Second Origin (二原, Nigen): The second origin, due to the nature of the magic origin, is wrongly named as it is simply the full extent of a mages power. Therefore, the activation of the second origin is simply the unlocking of the mages total possible magical reserves. There are a few different ways in which a person can go about unlocking their second origin. The first of which is through a sudden surge of willpower during a moment or time of immense stress. The body's natural instinct to survive causing a sudden increase in magic power and forcing the second origin open. The second way in which one might be able to unlock their second origin is through the usage of Arc of Time, aging the origin until it has unlocked. This suggests that if left alone, the second origin will eventually open on its own. Regardless of how it is opened, there are several passive effects that immediately take place upon its unlocking. In the case of Slayers, their physical prowess and magical potency will dramatically increase. In the case of standard mages, an immeasurable burst in magical power will occur, allowing them access to magic and items that have the ability to rewrite the laws of magic. However, it should be noted that such statements are still up for debate. If one wished to activate their second origin without suffering the passive effects for whatever reason, they need first place a seal on a portion of their magic origin. Due to the fact that magical energy is so intertwined with one's own emotions and willpower, this must be done via a method know as the pact. The pact is made once the user has reached the full potential of their magic origin, something that is known to take a considerable amount of time of emotional distress. The pact seals away a portion of the mages magical power behind several magical seals that can only be unlocked once the pact has been fulfilled. In past cases, this has happened when a mage feels their life or the lives of those they care about are being threatened. This sudden burst of magical energy, while extremely useful, leaves the mage utterly drained immediately after its use. Once the pact has been met and the seal having been broken, it can never be recreated again. The full potential of the origin now being accessible to the mage at any time, increasing their magical reserves and base stats by a considerable amount.


Fire Magic Spells[]

Fire Magic BD1

Fire Magic (火の魔法, Hi no Mahō): is a form of caster and one of the most basic forms of elemental that, as the name suggests, allows the caster to create and manipulate the element of fire. Despite how basic the magic truly is it is also the most destructive and difficult to control as fire as a tendency to go out of control. Users are able to create fire through the manipulation of kinetic energy ethernano particles to spark these fires, from there the user can grow or extinguish these fires with little to no effort. It is only once they have used these flames to set other objects ablaze that the controlling of this element can become complicated as the flames no longer require the user's own magical energy to burn, instead feeding off of whatever object or objects they have come in contact with. This can result in the creation of nearly unstoppable, raging infernos that have the possibility to cause major damage to the environment around it. While these types of situations normally turn people away from the usage of this form of magic it can be noted that the complications stated above do not extend to those well versed in the usage of this magic, advanced users begin able to pour their own magical energy into flames that have found other sources of energy and have grown to strong for weaker fire mages to regain control over them to the point of even being able to completely extinguish them with little to no effort.

Fire dragon's Flicker BD1

Users also have the ability to create explosions from long distances up to around six to seven hundred feet. Manipulating the kinetic energy of the ethernano particles in the air, forcing them to heat so quickly that they ignite with enough force to cause massive explosions capable of causing a great deal of damage to anyone standing near the site of the blast. Little more than the size of the explosion and intensity of the heat can be controlled by the user meaning that fires normally break out after the usage of the explosion technique. While some may consider this a good thing, it prevents the usage of it in places where collateral damage must be kept at a minimal. Advanced users can create controlled explosions where the flames only appear for the duration of the explosion before quickly disappearing, causing the same amount of damage while limiting the amount of damage caused to the environment. Though, witnesses have seen scorch marks left as a result of its usage by even some of the most advanced fire magic users meaning that regardless of ones own level of skill, because of the unpredictability of fire, damage to the surrounding area may be unavoidable.

Blue flame fist

Fire magic has always been linked to the users own emotions, anger and willpower can be harnessed by users to increase the power of their flames and the intensity of its heat. Fire magic users can manipulate their flames in any nearly any way, allowing them to change its color though the color of these flames does not change its effects the way flames found in the subspecies magic, Rainbow Fire. The shape and solidarity of a users flames can also be changed, allowing users to beat and bludgeon opponents with their flames. Flames utilized by fire magic users can also be molded into different shapes and forms, allowing users to create rudimentary shields or weapons, unable to create the finely shaped and detailed objects users of the subspecies magic, Fire-Make can create. A cutting effect can also be given objects meant to be utilized as swords or other sharp objects, allowing these flames to slash opponents though wounds caused this way are normally cauterize instantly meaning opponents cut in this manner will most likely not bleed but instead simply be burned.

Hellflame Voice (ヘルファイアいっせい, herufaia issei): One of the most basic spells of fire magic as well as one of the most entertaining, the hellfire voice, often called fire breath, is an offensive spell that has the potential to melt iron as adept user's fire can reach upwards of 2,800°F. The user can initiate this spell by taking in a deep breath through either the nose or mouth, the actual intake being the only important part before exhaling loudly through the mouth. A magic circle will then appear in front of them, the air exiting their mouth becoming a blast of fire after passing through this circle. While absolutely deadly at close range, this spell can also be used at mid-range, having an approximant range of around one hundred and twenty feet, though, its heat is enough to singe off hair five feet past the range of the flames which means that simply avoiding the fire will not always spare you from damage.

Infernal Strike (地獄のストライキ, Jigoku no sutoraiki): An incredibly basic spell of fire magic that utilizes a fire magic user's ability to withstand high temperatures without getting burned as well as the bludgeoning effect. The user will begin casting this spell in one of two ways, the first being to place their hand over their other, casting fire over one or both of them. The second being to simply set their foot ablaze. The user will then enter close combat with their target, utilizing the flames as weapons to bludgeon and burn their opponent. The actual strength of this attack is dependent on the user's own skill in hand to hand combat, the flames only seeking to act as a buff to their attacks in a similar manner to how brass knuckles might.

Flicker (ちらつき, Chiratsuki): A basic spell of Fire magic that allows the user to create explosions from a distance with the snap of their fingers. This spell requires a bit of marksmanship, the user picking a spot in the air they wish for the explosion to take place before snapping their fingers toward said target. At which point the air within a two-foot radius of that single spot will become superheated in the matter of a few moments before a sudden flashover will take place, causing a massive explosion with enough force behind them to cause internal damage to those standing near it. The flames caused by this sudden explosion burn at a temperature of around one thousand six hundred degrees Fahrenheit, causing horrific third-degree burns to those who make contact.

Demonic Wingburst (夜叉爆破, Yasha bakuha): A basic spell of fire magic that allows the user to create flaming wings capable of firing several projectiles at targets with pinpoint accuracy. The user begins the casting of this spell by focusing their magical energy into their back. This magical energy is then ejected from the body from the shoulder blades in the form of flames that will take the shape of wings, the exact shape and size of those wings depending on the user's own preferences. These wings normally hover two to three feet away from the user's back, preventing any damage to their clothes. They can burn nearly any color depending on the emotions of the user upon the spells casting. The temperature in which these burn at can reach anywhere from five hundred degrees to two thousand degrees Fahrenheit, capable of causing third-degree burns after only a few seconds of contact. They can be used to physically attack their opponents, becoming large blunt objects that can bludgeon opponents. It can also be used as a long to mid-ranged attack, shooting flaming, arrow-like projectiles from the massive wings which can fly toward opponents at tremendous speeds, often exploding on impact. These objects can be fired a few at a time but may also be rapidly fired in a hail of continuous fire bullets until the flames that make up the wings are expended.

Flame Circus (ほのお サーカス, honoo saakasu): A basic spell of fire magic that allows the user to bombard the target with several flaming spheres capable of causing horrific burns. The use begins the casting of this spell by gathering his magical energy into six different spots surrounding them, causing the air and ethernano within those small spaces to explode into a roaring flame which he quick molds into the shape of six perfectly round spheres. Thanks to the flames being charged with their own ethernano, the user can add a bludgeoning effect to them allowing them to slam into opponents with great force. These spheres can be used both offensively and defensively as they circle around the caster, keeping enemies at a distance while allowing them to launch an attack from any direction around them. When launched toward the opponent the flames grow a flaming tail, similar to that of a comet as they barrel toward their target with enough force to crack ribs if thrown at maximum speed. Upon impact, after inflicting their blunt damage, the flaming spheres begin to burn the opponent, catching all clothing on fire before retreating back to its position in the ring around the caster. Several of these spheres can be shot off at once if the user so wishes, completely overwhelming the opponent with a brutal barrage of burning spheres. While normally thrown, the spheres are capable of many things, such as expanding to become a rudimentary shield to protect the user, or shooting own a flamethrower-like blast when enemies get too close. The user may also detonate the spheres at will, turning the flaming spheres into explosives capable of knocking opponents off of their feet. It should be noted that the name of this spell comes from the circus trick in which the performer would juggle fire, the ring looking very much like the circle produced while juggling when it takes a position behind the caster.

Burning Rain (バーニング・レイン, Bāningu rein): A basic spell of fire magic allows the user to rain down fire upon their target. The user begins the casting of this magic by creating a magic circle, whether this circle is large enough to cover the entire battlefield or just the area above the target depends on the user's own personal choice as well as their magical ability. Once the desired magic circle is created, the user can then begin sucking air into the skyward facing part of the circle which is combusted and shot down toward the ground from the other side in the form of a flaming sphere the size of an average softball. These softball sized balls of fire can rain down rapidly onto their opponents, allowing for severe burning and blunt damage as the target is bombarded with the flaming spheres which explode on impact. It is a destructive spell that can be very dangerous in the hands of a novice user as the flames can spread quickly if not kept under control. The exact length of the spell is up to the user, however, the average length for a single volley is about three seconds. During this time, over fifty flaming spheres can be launched from the circle.

Hellfire Twister (ヘルファイアツイスター, Herufaiatsuisutā):

Flame Pillar (炎の柱, Honō no hashira):

Lion's Kick (ライオン キック, raion kikku):

Advanced Spells

Flame of Rebuke (咎の炎, Toga no Honō):An incredibly rare and power spell of Fire magic that allows the user to create golden flames.To unleash the Flame of Rebuke, the user raises the motion of a target's Ethernano through telekinesis in order to ignite it; adding in their own magical power in order to cause the generated flames to take upon a golden colouration. These flames are highly versatile, and upon contact with normal beings, the flames suddenly become alive, so to speak, and latch onto them, sucking up their energy which allows the fire to intensify; and the user can shape the flames into numerous structures in order to attack. These flames are unable to be extinguished nor are they able to be taken control of by a secondary-source; they move and burn according to the will of the user. The flames act completely separately to regular flames, and pursue an enemy relentlessly with great speed, accuracy, and strength. They are also hard to douse, as they continue burning even when struck with a large amount of water. When faced with opposing fire spells, the flames consume them in order to boost their strength and quantity. What is interesting to note is that the golden flames known as the Flame of Rebuke are said to be as powerful as the Magic Satellite: Etherion, something that was revealed later on with another magician harnessing their power. The Flame of Rebuke, while simultaneously leeching magical energy from the opponent upon contact, also pulverizes them viciously, leaving them with the feeling as if they had been hit by Etherion point-blank, as the flames destroy anything that they touch in a wide sphere-esque formation, literally tearing holes in anything that the flames come into contact with. However, as a drawback to this immensely powerful spell, the Flame of Rebuke sucks up virtually all of the user's magical power, meaning that it should be advised that they are used as a last-resort against powerful enemies. Last, but not least, if a Slayer Magic who practices fire consumes the Flame of Rebuke, they will immediately enter their respective "Force", as they will become supercharged with magical energy and stamina.

Phoenix Tears (おおとり なみだ, ootori namida):

Heavenly Arrows (てんらい うちゅう, tenrai uchuu): An advanced spell of fire magic that allows the user to create incredibly powerful volleys of flaming arrows capable of burning through heat resistant metals and even banishing darkness from an area for a short time. The user can begin casting this spell in several ways, mentally, allowing them to stand there while several flaming white magical circles will appear behind them in a circle, five in all from which volleys of white flaming arrows can be shot. The magic within these arrows is different from that within regular fire magic spells, the fire being closer to pure ethernano than they are to being flames, similar to that of the flame of rebuke in a weaker form to allow for a barrage capable of devastating opponents rather than a single attack that could possibly miss. The second way to cast this spell involves the user changing stances, the user holding their hands close as if they were holding a bow. Upon drawing the nonexistent string back a bright light will appear in the user's hand as both a bow and arrow will form, this allows for the user to aim directly at a single opponent, firing a shot with pin-point accuracy and limiting the chances of any collateral damage that could possibly occur from shooting several volleys at a target at once. The reason these arrows can banish darkness for an area is due to the bright light emitted from them, pushing back darkness and even shadows as well as having the possibly of blinding opponents who stare at it. This forces opponents to look away and be unable to tell exactly where the arrow is aimed at.

Earth Magic Spells[]

Earth Magic BD1

Earth Magic (土魔法, Tsuchi Mahō): Earth magic is a form of Caster Magic that allows the user to utilize the element of earth to cast powerful spells. This "earth" can mean a variety of different types of stone, mud, sand, and even magma, making this magic highly versatile in combat. Users can cause powerful earthquakes or create and throw "earth" at targets at high speed through the use of their own magical energy. Users of this magic can tunnel through most forms of dirt and rock with ease, allowing them to escape sticky situations and strike the target from below.

Earth magic users can create things such as dirt and stone, allowing them to smash and hurl these heavy, sometimes massive objects at targets with great ease as their magic allows them to lift these objects telekinetically. Earth magic users magic effects any and all types of stone and dirt, including but not limited to Limestone, Granite, Marble, Soapstone, Slate, Clay, and even the many gemstones found in the earth such as diamond. This ability to manipulate earth also extends to things such as mud and sand. As mud is simply "wet dirt", earth magic users can manipulate this soggy soil into devastating attacks such as whipping the mud at opponents to slash them. Because this dirt is also filled with water, earth magic users can drown opponents in mud similarly to how a water magic user might do with their water. In muddy environments, earth magic users also have the ability to harden the mud, banish the liquid from the earth they intend to use. Advanced users can do this on a large scale to turn a swamp areas into plains or deserts if they so choose, but doing so requires a lot of magical energy despite how simple the task sounds.

Sand manipulation BD1

Because sand is simply ground up siliceous (as well as several other kinds of) rocks caused by erosion, earth magic users are able to take control of the tiny grains, turning them into a truly destructive force as they can be crashed down onto enemies from above to bury opponents alive. In sandy environments such as deserts, earth magic users can easily create powerful sand storms and twisters known as sand devils, giving the sand a cutting effect to completely rip apart opponents. Users can also use these sand storms to hide or disorient enemies, using their earthen sense to locate and take out the blinded opponents.

Molten Earth BD1

Due to the fact that magma is made up of molten and semi-melted rocks, earth magic users can also take advantage of that form of earth, manipulating it with ease just as they can do to mud and sand. This is arguably the most dangerous and destructive form of earth that earth magic users can utilize. With the temperature of magma being anywhere between 700 °C to 1300 °C, the hottest ever recorded being 1600 °C, earth magic users can use magma to burn through metals such as steel and quickly burn targets to a crisp. Due to the fact that magma can be thousands to millions of times more viscous than water, said magma can also be used in blunt attacks, smacking into the opponent with more than enough force to break bones rather than washing over them like a wave of water. It is this combination of things that makes earth magic user's ability to manipulate magma one of their most dangerous abilities.

Earth-Make (土の造形魔法, Easu Meiku): Earth-make is a form of Molding Magic that allows the user to utilize the element of earth to create objects. These objects can range from simple things such as swords and shields or even armor to protect them, to much more complicated things such as clones and other moving creations that appear as though they are alive, such movement only being possible through the ethernano infused into the earth utilized by the user. These creations can cause devastating blunt force damage to enemies, cracking bones with unbelievable ease. Creations such as swords and other bladed weapons can so take on a cutting effect, their edges being molded to a sharp edge.

Earthen Sense BD1

Earthen Sense (地球感, Chikyū-kan): Earthen sense is an incredibly basic spell, usually the first mastered by those practicing earth magic. This spell allows users to track and locate others that are touching the ground, making this spell utterly useless against flying opponents. Users can initiate this spell in multitude of ways, so long as a part of their body is striking the earth in some way, shape, or form. Upon striking the ground the user will send out a pulse of their own ethernano into the ground. This pulse will spread out in every direction for several hundred feet with a maximum range of eight hundred and forty six feet. The pulse will move outward from the target until it comes in contact with other objects such as rocks or trees, or other vibrations created by objects moving along the earths surface. Upon coming in contact with objects, the pulse will return to the user, giving them an incredibly detailed map of the objects and individuals around them, even allowing them to determine the heart and breathing rate of their opponent, making it easy for those who use this ability to tell when an opponent is tried and even when they are lying.

This spell also penetrates three feet into the ground, allowing users to easily find landmines and other hidden traps in the ground. This spell makes hiding from earth magic users nearly impossible, opponents who attempt to do so are easily discovered and dispatched. While this spell can be used while wearing shoes, most prefer to use it without them as the spell is normally much more accurate when the user maintains skin to earth contact. Users also tend to close their eyes when using this spell as the clash between their visual interpretations and the information obtained through the use of earthen sense has a tendency to confuse and disorient the user. This spell works very similarly to echolocation, the vibrations sent out are returned to the user with information about the environment they are in.

Earth Cutter BD1

Some pick up this technique much quicker than others

Earth Cutter (地球カッター, Chikyū kattā): An incredibly basic spell, normally the second learned by those who chose to practice earth magic. This spell allows users to cut and dig through solid stone no different than one would be able to do to fresh powdery snow. The user is able to achieve this ability by wrapping their body or the body part they wish to use, which in most cases is either the user's hands or feet, in the ambient ethernano found in the air around them. The user will then send out a blast or wave of ethernano into the ground or stone they wish to cut through, the ethernano blast sent through the stone of dirt will break apart the molecular bonds that keep the object together, effectively breaking it down and allowing the user to easily cut or smash through. While this was originally created to be used for the purpose of things such as construction and therefore, unable to be used any further than close range. Those utilizing this technique in battle have discovered a way to make this a mid-ranged attack, condensing the ambient ethernano pulled from the air round them into an invisible, flat, disk or blade-like object which can be thrown. This object will have a similar effect to the pulse of ethernano the spell normally takes the form of, when it comes in contact with something such as stone or any other form of earth it will cut through it. More advanced users have found a way to utilize the pulse as a long ranged attack, creating a "wall" from the ambient ethernano around them before sending it flying forward. This allows users to quickly and easily punch large holes in the ground or wall to make trenches or doorways, however, it can also be used to negate projectile attacks. For example, if a rock of some kind is throw at the user and said object comes in contact with the ethernano pulse fired by the user, the rock would quickly turn to dust. These earth cutter techniques allows users to easily cut and tunnel through dirt and stone, the showing of this ability is normally enough to intimidate most people as they watch someone crush solid rocks to dust as though it was nothing. While these pulses can be devastating to earth based attacks, it is completely harmless to humans. People who come in contact with any of these pulses will simply feel as though they had been hit by a quick gust of wind possibly strong enough to knock the hat off of someone.

Earthquake Slam BD1

Earthquake Slam (地震スラム, Jishin suramu): A basic yet devastating spell utilized by earth magic users. This spell allows users to cause large tremors that leave behind large fissures in the earth. The user initiates this spell by concentrating a large amount of ethernano into either their hand, normally curled into a fist, or their foot before striking the ground with incredible force. The ethernano that had been concentrated into either the user's hand or foot with be instantly released into the ground upon impact. The sudden release of such a large amount of ethernano into the ground causes a sudden violent explosion to occur deep under the earth, the shockwave cause by this explosion will cause the ground within a twenty meter radius of the user to begin shaking violently, knocking opponents off balance. The explosion is also released upwards, causing the ground to crack and push skyward, normally resulting in the rising of several spike-like objects from the ground which can further damage opponents. This attack also has a tendency to uproot trees, causing them to fall every which way causing further damage to the environment. Advanced users can concentrate this attack for better accuracy and to cause less collateral damage to the environment around them. They will concentrate the condensed ethernano they have gathered into their hands into a form of a blast sent into the ground and toward their opponent with great speed causing fissures of earth to form along the surface of the ground before a larger explosion of earth occurs once the fissure has either reached the target or exceeded the spells range of exactly two hundred and fifty six feet. This explosion will bring with it one of four things, it will normally be three large earth spikes that will jut from the ground in an attempt to knock the opponent skyward. This is normally the go to thing because it is the most basic and normally the first learned by users who begin practicing this spell. The second is a large amount of mud that will shoot up into the air and then crash down onto the opponent in an attempt to disorient them. The third may be a large fountain of sand that will blast straight from the fissure and into the opponent's face, this is meant to achieve the same effect as the mud, to disorient the enemy long enough for the user to cast another, more damaging spell. The third and arguable the most powerful object that may come from these is magma, which is simply molten rock and therefore easily controlled by earth magic users. This magma will be released in a large wave which will crash down upon the target in an attempt to burn them. All four of these variants of earthquake slam are known as Earthen Geyser (地球ガイザー, Chikyū gaizā).

Earth Armor BD1

Earthen Armor (地球アーマー, Chikyū āmā): A basic spell of Earth magic that allows the user to create an armor made from earth around them to increase their defensive capabilities in combat. This armor can be made from a variety of different forms of stone, the strength of the armor depending heavily on the type of stone the armor is produced from. While it is possible for users to create these armors out of sand, mud, and magma, these choices are not highly recommended as both mud and sand are weak materials that tend to break fairly quickly when physical damage is dealt to them. Magma is not recommended for obvious reasons, while cooled magma may make for a good temporary armor, hot magma will have the same affects on the user as it would the target as earth magic users are not resistant to heat the way fire magic users are. Therefore, the magma would cause horrific burns and possible death to the foolish user. Diamond is considered the strongest material in which users can create armor from as it is nearly impossible to cut or shatter. While diamond armor is indeed considered the strongest of the possible armor sets earth magic users can create, the creation of said armor uses more magical energy than some would deem worth the effort. Though higher level mages have no qualms with using the magical energy required as their reserves are much larger than most others. Regardless of how strong or weak the armor may be, it will always suffer from the same weaknesses that have plagued all armor wears for thousands of years. In order to allow the user mobility, the joints, waist, groin are not entirely covered by the armor and thus are the weakest points. A user can trade mobility for total defense by completely wrapping themselves in the armor including the aforementioned areas which would normally be the weakness of the armor sets. The user can of course free themselves from the self created prison at any moment though they cannot move a single step in any direction while inside the armor. This is why this form of earth armor is rarely used unless the user is sure that reinforcements of some kind are on their way to help them, meaning said total defense is more of a time stalling mechanism than anything else. These "armors" can be placed around enemies though in a sub spell known as Earthen Prison (地球刑務所, Chikyū keimusho), trapping their foes. Users can also become their armors using the sub spell, Earthen Embodiment (だいちたいげん, Daichi taigen), which allows the user to become their element which in this case would be earth. Like all of the armor sets, users can become any form of earth, including diamond if they so choose. While this sub spell is basic and incredibly easy to cast, done so by even the weakest of elemental magic users, it is maintaining the form that some have problems with as the form quickly drains the users magic energy before forcing them to reform into their regular body. While in this form, users will feel no pain and be granted a massive boost in strength. The variety of different types of earth that users can become makes this sub spell highly versatile in combat. Becoming sand allowing users to completely fade away into the air, spreading themselves out around the target to keep their exact location hidden even to those who are highly sensitive to the presence of magical signatures.

Earthen Spikes BD1

Gaia's Reach (ガイアリーチ, Gaia riichi): A basic offensive spell of earth magic that allows the user to create one or more hands made any of the different substances earth magic users can manipulate such as mud, sand, gemstones, and magma, not to mention the several different types of dirt and stone. These hands can be created in large numbers to unleash a barrage of powerful punches down upon opponents or as giant hands that can be used to crush several opponents at once, making this spell versatile for both one on one fights, and as a crowd control attack. The user can initiate this spell is several ways, from placing their palm on the ground or striking it with their foot. So long as the user is striking the ground in some way, shape, or form. The user creates said hands by pumping their own ethernano into the ground, infusing the earth in the area around them with their own magical energy, allowing them to manipulate and transform said earth, this is normally done at the beginning of battle, before any fighting takes place as this infused earth is used in many other spells.These hands, while normally shot from the ground, can be shot from walls or other surfaces. Hands created through the use of magma can also cause severe burns to opponents, giving hands made from this material and added effect. Using a sub spell to Gaia's reach known as Earthen Spikes (だいちかすい, Daichi Supaiku), users can also sprout spikes from the ground to knock back and impale opponents, these spikes can be as thick or thin as the user sees fit. The spikes may take on different shapes depending on their opponent, for example, blunt spikes can be used to cause blunt damage, pushing opponents back or possibly breaking bones. Blunt spikes can also be used to create pillars of earth that can be used to push opponents skyward or set up future attacks, and even for defensive measures, giving the user and their allies cover as well as changing the environment to suit the user's needs. Pointed spikes can be used to cut or impale enemies, usually causing mortal wound and damage to internal organs depending upon where the target is pierced. Jagged, or serrated edged spikes can also be created to further the damage caused by these spikes and are normally used when the user has the intention of killing their opponent. The jagged, or serrated edges make them nearly impossible to pull from an impaled opponent without causing more damage to both the organs the spike has impaled and the tissue that surrounds the opponents entry and exit wounds. These spikes can also be made into pillars similar to the blunt spikes, cutting those who brush by them on their way to the user. Spikes are also able to be combined with earthen armor to increase the armors offensive capabilities, jutting out from the armor's forearms and shoulders. All three different types of spikes can be turned into projectile attacks, the user being able to shoot them from the ground toward their opponent which cannot be done using the hands of its mother spell, but instead through the use of another sub spell known as Earthen Bullet (だいちだんがん, Daichi dangan). The projectiles can be fired a great speeds, normally reaching up to around fifty to seventy miles an hour though advanced users have been able to reach speeds upwards of ninety to one hundred miles an hour.

Earthen Twister BD1

Earthen Twister (ちたつまき, Chi tatsumaki): A basic spell of earth magic that allows users to create large tornadoes out of the various materials that users are known to be able to manipulate such as stone, clay, magma, sand, and gemstones. The user does this by infusing the earth they wish to utilize with their own magic energy which allows them to manipulate it. The stone twister is the most basic and common of the several different types, normally consisting of several different types of stone in various sizes. These twisters can vary in size depending on how the user intends to utilize them, both large and small twisters can become prisons if the twister is created around the opponent. If the opponent is foolish enough to attempt to break free from said prison, they will be met with a barrage of rocks, inflicting heavy blunt damage to opponents, rocks can also be filed down through the users own magical energy to allow them to cut opponents. The twisters have similar qualities when used against those outside of them, chasing down opponents in an attempt to bombard them with a hail if rocks. Rocks can also be shot from the twister at high velocity similar to earthen bullet described in the spell above. Sand twisters, also known by many as "Sand Devils", can also inflict massive blunt damage to opponents, possibly burying them alive under several feet of sand. These sand devils can also be used to blind the enemy through a sub spell known as Sandstorm (砂嵐, Sunaarashi) which allows the user to create a massive sand devil to kick up all sand and dirt in the area into the air, disorienting opponents. The deadliest quality that these sand twisters exhibit is the ability to suffocate enemies, the sand forcing its way into their mouths and nostrils, blocking the opponents airways. These sand particles, like those of the rocks used in the stone twister, can be used to cut opponents. Each grain acting like a tiny blade that can slash and cut into opponents as they are caught up in the attack. A magma twister, while not having as many abilities as its sandy cousin, is also considered one of this spells deadliest attacks. Though, due to the wind created by the spinning force of the lava, this attack may only last a few moments, cooling into solid rock. That being said, this spell can cause massive damage to opponents and the surrounding area, the hot liquid earth causing fires and burning nearly everything in its path. This hot liquid can then be quickly solidified around an enemy to trap them.

Quicksand BD1

Quicksand (流砂, Ryūsa): This is a spell that can be considered basic or advanced depending on how the user chooses to go about utilizing it. The most basic way to go about casting this spell is by collapsing the ground around the opponent so that the force of the fall is enough to lodge them into the small hole. The user will then begin to slowly push the earth around the opponent upwards while the earth that makes up the hole itself will begin to flow downward, pushing the opponent further down until they are submerged beneath the earth. At that point the earth which had been raised will collapse over them to fill in the hole, burying the victim alive. This process is incredibly painful for the victim, the rocks grinding all over their skin and causing large gashes and cuts to form as they are also slowly crushed by the earth pulling them downward. It is because of this that the spell is normally considered quite inhumane and therefore rarely used and is instead replaced with its sister spell, Pitfall (落とし穴, Otoshiana). Pitfall is very similar in the sense that it begins the same way, the ground beneath the target collapsing, however, the ground will collapse in a circle much larger than the one used in Quicksand, allowing it to affect multiple opponents at a time. The victim or victim will then fall into this hole. Depending on how deep the user has decided to make the hole the victim may die instantly, however, this spell is normally used to trap opponents for short amounts of time until backup can arrive to deal with them. There has been cases in which someone has been trapped by this spell and left to starve, but those cases are few and far between, normally being the result of a wounded mage dying before they could release the spell or call for backup.

The second way to go about casting this spell requires that the user have mastery over Earth Magic as the ability granted to one who has mastered it allows the user to control the viscosity of the ground itself so long as it fits into the number of different types of earth that users can control. The user, as in all spells utilized by earth magic users, infuses the ground with ethernano and then takes control of it, turning solid stone to a liquid state in mere seconds if the user sees fit. The opponent will then begin to sink into the now liquid earth similar to how one might sink into quicksand, though, it can be noted that the tricks involved with escaping quicksand will not work against this spell. Even if the opponent decides to remain still they will continue to sink as it is the user that controls this process rather than the movement of the individual or individuals involved. The opponent will sink until the user sees fit to halt the process, possibly resolidifying the earth as to trap the opponent. The user may also wait until the person is completely submerged before solidifying the ground again, completely crushing the opponent in an instant.

Earth vessel BD1

Earthen Vessels (地球船, Chikyūsen): A basic spell of earth make-magic that allows the user to create stone golems that can be used both defensively and offensively depending on how they are utilized by the mage. The user creates these creatures by infusing the ground around them with ethernano, the user will then mold the stone around them into the desired shape. This spell is incredibly versatile as the number of shapes and sizes the user can create is limited only by the user's imagination. The creatures created this way can be tankish brutes made for the sole purpose of completely destroying the enemy or slim, fast creations created for quickly and efficiently cutting down foes. These creations can be used as simple puppets, the user moving them as they see fit but this is not required as these creations can be infused with a mind of their own to some degree. This is not to be confused with giving them sentience as the user simple implants a goal into them for the creation to complete such as "move this" or "kill the enemy" the creation will then do what it needs to do to accomplish this goal in the fastest way possible even if it means its own destruction because, as stated before, these creations do not possess free will nor do they possess any form of sentience and therefore have no sense of self-preservation as they are simply unfeeling puppets created to do their master's bidding, fading away once said bidding is done.

As stated before, these creations can take on several different shapes and sizes. These can range from clones of the user which can become an exact match, its color changing to fit that of the user, though, it can be noted that these clones cannot speak because they resemble their creator in appearance alone, not possessing the necessary organs to allow for speech to occur. Despite this, they are much more durable than humans, easily taking monstrously powerful attacks head on and continuing their fight. This is the same way with all earthen creations, all of them being able to take and deal massive amounts of damage. That being said, some are stronger than others, animal-shaped vessels normally embody traits of the animals they were modeled after. This is the case with all of them, Earth-Make: Rhino charges opponents head on, using their massive armor-like bodies to easily withstand attacks as they close the distance between them and their targets in an attempt to either trample or impale them on their horns. Earth-Make: Wyvern and Earth-Make: Eagle take to the skies in an attempt to swoop down onto their opponents, cutting them down with their razor sharp talons or biting them in half with their powerful jaws, Earth make: Eagle being able to shoot needle sharp feathers from it's wings, raining death from above. Earth-Make: Serpents is a much more versatile spell that adapts to the user's needs, the serpents easily being large or small depending on the task at hand. Larger serpents can crash down upon the target(s), crushing them instantly while smaller serpents can be used to stealthily sneak up on enemies by moving underground before emerging from behind to wrap around foes, slowly crushing them as they attempt to escape. These smaller serpents can also be used for recon, the user simply needing to close their eyes to be able to connect with any of their creations to see what it is that they see.

Earth Cannon BD1

Earth-Make: Cannon (地球メイク:キャノン, Chikyūmeiku: Kyanon): A pretty basic offensive spell of earth-make magic, normally the first learned by new users gives them the ability to create different sized cannons that can be, and normally are, used for long-range projectile attacks against enemies. These cannons can take on several different shapes, normally modeled after the types of cannons used by the military of the country the user was born in for obvious reasons. These cannons, as stated above can be created in varying sizes depending on the need for them, large cannons being able to fire large projectiles capable of crushing small units of enemies fairly quickly. Small cannons being far more accurate at pinpointing single targets, it's firing and reload speed being exceptionally faster than its larger counterpart. The projectiles fired from this weapon normally take the form of stone cannon balls, shot at high enough speed to tear off limbs and shatter bones, though, it should be noted that different types of ammunition can have different effects on the target, magma rounds can be shot out to catch the target and nearby objects on fire, sand rounds do well to create large dust clouds that hang over areas for several minutes, allowing the user cover to attack or retreat depending on the situation they find themselves in. Mud rounds can be used to blind enemies or put out fires, making them versatile round types.

While these cannons are indeed powerful, it has been discovered that full sized cannons are not the most practical weapons to use in fast paced battle. It was this amount of common sense that led to the creation of the sub spell Earth-Make: Hand Cannon. Working very much like the technique of casting its parent spell, the difference being that the user gathers the stone in their hand, creating one of two different types of hand cannons. Guns are the quickest and easiest to create, firing pebbles at incredibly high speeds, normally being enough to punch through the skull and come out the other side. The second type of hand cannon is one that encases the arm from the elbow down to create a much more cannon looking weapon. This weapon has much more power behind it than the gun due to the fact that, because of where it is located, the user is able to withstand a much larger kick than before, shooting out larger fist-sized rocks that can easily crush bones when contact is made.

Lava Breath BD1

Lava Breath (溶岩ブレス, youganburesu): An intermediate offensive spell that allows the user to shoot a wave of lava from their mouth. This spell utilizes earth mage's ability to manipulate lava to create this devastating attack. Like with any breath attack the user will begin the casting of this spell by taking in a deep breath. A magic circle will then appear before them. This is where this particular spell begins to deviate from that of regular breath spells as earth magic users cannot simply create lava from nothing. Within the magic circle there will be several chunks of rock which will spin around and rub up against one another at high speed until it reaches a molten form, this normally only taking three to five seconds. The user will then exhale into the magical circle which will respond by expelling the lava contained within it at high speed toward the intended target. This spell has a maximum range of twenty-five feet, the molten rock being far too heavy to continue moving forward after reaching that far.

Magma Manipulation BD1

Lava Flow (溶岩流, youganryuu): An intermediate spell that utilizes lava to create a large wave capable of completely consuming a number of enemies at once. The user will begin casting this spell by holding a hand out in front of them toward the ground. At which point a magic circle with a radius of around six feet will appear before them as the ground begins to crack. The loose rocks from the cracked ground will then enter the magic circle. The user will then begin moving their arms in a circular motion that will cause the magical circle to begin spinning. The pressure and friction within the magic circle will melt the rocks and stone into a molten form before the user thrusts their hands toward their target. An enormous wave of lava will burst forth from the circle before crashing down on to the opponent which normally results in almost instant death not from the heat but from the crushing weight of the lava being slammed down on top of them. The wave will then spread out from the point of impact to cover the ground, pooling in front of the user for several minutes before eventually cooling and hardening.

Magma Disk BD1

Magma Disk (溶岩円盤, youganenban): An intermediate spell of earth magic that allows the user to create a projectile weapon from magma. The user will begin the casting of this spell by placing several small rocks or one medium sized one into the upturned palm of their hand before placing the other hand slightly above it and casting a magic circle just above the rocks. The rocks will begin to float into the circle at which point the rocks will begin spinning in a similar manner to this casting stage of every earth magic spell involving the manipulation of lava. The circle will heat and pressurize the rock until it enters a molten form. Because the disk continues spinning after its creation a thin layer of ethernano is placed around it to keep the magma from spilling out everywhere. The user will then aim at their target before thrusting their hands forward, releasing the disk and allowing it to become a deadly projectile. The user can slightly alter the disk's course by tilting it, allowing the disk to curve if the user wishes it to.

Lava Shot BD1

Lava Shot (溶岩弾丸, yougandangan): Another intermediate spell of earth magic that allows the user to fire lava at opponents in a similar manner to that of bullets. The user will initiate this spell by holding out their hands over a rocky or dirt covered terrain. Several small magic circles with a radius of about six inches will appear across the battlefield, it is within these circles that the lava necessary for this spell is formed. Once the lava within these circles are formed the mage need simply to pull it from the circle and toss it at the opponent. This is normally done from above, the mage pulling the lava out of the circle at an angle to create an arched shot at their opponent. These shots are meant to slam into their opponents head or chest, relying on the blunt force to stagger their opponent just enough to ensure that their next attack can end the fight. The burns caused by this attack can be horrific and life threatening, this being the second phase of this attack, catching whatever clothing or skin they come in contact with on fire.

Advanced Spells

Earth Titan BD1

Earthen Titan (地球タイタン, Chikyū taitan): Considered an advanced spell based on scale alone, Earthen titan is very similar to its parent spell, Earthen Vessels, taking the idea of creating golem like creatures to an entirely new level as the user creates a sixty meter tall (nearly two hundred feet) humanoid creature made entirely of stone. The user begins the casting of this spell by placing the palms of their hands together before slamming the into the ground. Once this has been done the ground will begin to shake before rocks and stones of several different shapes and sizes will begin to rise from the ground and converge on the location either behind or in front of the user depending on the user's wishes. These rocks will quickly create the large golem-like creature, the absolute longest amount of time this process will take is ten seconds. The final piece of the golem to be created is it's head, activating with a loud roar upon its completion. The golem will then be able to move, its steps shaking the very earth itself as it attempts to fulfill whatever goal was installed in it during its creation. The golem is a virtual tank, shrugging off large amounts of damage as it moves forward toward its target. Its strength is incredible, picking up and throwing large boulders with relative ease.

This creature's appearance can vary depending on the user's preferences but it seems that most keep it on the bulky side which is to be expected, the extra rock layers helping to act as armor to raise the creatures durability. This creature towers over its foes, it's long, rocky arms being capable of crushing through most barriers with ease, its punches leaving large craters in their wake. It can be made deadlier still by combining it with the other earthen elements earth magic users are capable of manipulating, diamond or magma fists making fitting accessories for the creature. When the goal is met or the mage is no longer capable of keeping the spell up, the golem will lie down on the ground and crumble into small pebbles.

Stone Maze BD1

Stone Labyrinth (ストーンラビリンス, Sutōnrabirinsu): Another earth make spell that is considered advanced based on scale alone. Like with all earth make spells, the user will begin casting this spell by placing the palms of their hands together before placing them on the ground. At this point, the earth will begin to rumble and walls will begin to form around both the user and its target, separating the two as it creates a massive labyrinth of winding corridors and dead ends. The design of the maze being made to disorient and confuse the target, upside down staircases, doors that lead to nowhere, and walls that move from time to time do a good job of this. The maze is also riddled with traps of all kinds, pitfalls and spike traps furthering the danger of venturing around inside of it.

Many fools believe that, due to the fact that the maze is indeed so hard to navigate, it would be best for them to try to smash their way out, breaking down walls as they try to make their way out. This is something any intelligent person would avoid, being that the maze is indeed an earth make creation, it is given a task it must achieve. This task being to keep the target trapped in the maze for as long as possible, meaning that it will retaliate if it feels it is coming close to failing that task. Normally this would simply mean an increase in traps but in the case that it is being attacked directly it will begin to directly attack the target, spikes forming out of nowhere and walls suddenly slamming together in and attempt to crush them where they stand. This task is also the reason why no path is ever truly safe even if you have walked it before, the maze being able to set up new ones whenever it would like.


Wind Magic BD1
  • Gale-Force: Gale-Force is one of many tomes infused with elemental magic. This particular series is infused with powerful wind magic, written by an expert in its usage and history. Like all tomes utilized in combat, this one is infused with a lacrima containing the magic the book specializes in. Wind magic is a form of elemental and caster magic that allows the user to manipulate the element of wind to cast powerful offensive and defensive spells. Wind magic users use the air around them, combining it with their own magic power to change its properties which allows it to be utilized as a weapon. It should be noted that wind infused with a mages magic tends to take on a less transparent form, making it visible to others for a short time. The most notable change comes in the form of sharp and blunt wind, users of this form of magic being able to utilize the wind as though it were a physical object. This allows users to bludgeon or cut opponents depending on their choice of spell, quick slices of pressurized air bring as sharp as a razors edge which allows these dangerous attacks to cut through flesh with relative ease. Wind magic users also have the option of utilizing simple wind to create powerful gusts upwards of one hundred and seventy miles an hour to sweep opponents off of their feet before they even knew what hit them. Wind magic users also possess the ability to alter the temperature of the wind they are using, creating warm or freezing gusts. The temperature of the wind cannot be heightened or lowered enough to burn or completely freeze a human being but prolonged exposure to cold wind can begin freezing water. Burns are also possible but not because of the winds temperature, friction burns can be caused by exposure to the incredibly high speeds of wind utilized by these mages.
  • Bellow of the Mountain Giant (青嵐, aoarashi): A powerful yet basic spell of Wind magic that, like most breath based attacks, begins when the user draws in a large breath of air into their lungs. A magic circle will then appear in front of them that they will proceed to blow into, the circle acting to enhance the attack, turning a simple breath of air into a hurricane force winds reaching speeds upwards of one hundred and seventy miles an hour, though, it should be noted that this spell can be weakened by the user to keep damage to the target at a minimum as well as preserve magical energy. These winds are normally powerful enough to knock most people off of their feet, sometimes even throwing them several feet back. This spell normally lasts between five and ten seconds, having a maximum range of sixty feet. A blunt or cutting effect can be applied to this spell, having a wall of wind slam into the target or several tiny sickle-like wind blades cut the target to shreds. The name of the spell itself was given to it by its creator due to the extremely loud, sometimes echoing noise that is created during it.
  • Breath Taker (息吹盗賊, Ibuki touzoku): A basic spell of wind magic that allows the user to create a vacuum via the creation of a vortex around the opponent or opponents. The user will begin casting this spell by holding their hands out toward the intended target if they are indeed targeting an individual before making a pulling motion to extract the air from their lungs before using that same air to create the vortex, spinning it around the victim's head at high speed until a vacuum is achieved. At which point the user will continue to let the wind rotate around to the point in which the victim is left either dead or unconscious. This spell may also be used on a group of enemies, creating a literal tornado around them to create the necessary vacuum needed to incapacitate them. In order to escape this spell, a target must either reverse the winds direction to nullify its rotation thus destroying the vacuum or escape its range if it is the larger scale tornado which, thanks to the high wind, can be an incredibly dangerous task. The radius of this spell can reach a maximum of eight feet.
  • Fade: A very basic spell of any elemental magic is the ability to transform and completely embody their respective element. Taking the phrase, "Flow like the wind" to a whole new level, this spell allows the user to completely break down their body into the element of wind. The user does this by focusing their magic throughout their body until they have a thin veil of magic over them similar to their aura, the process of doing this taking under a second, being almost instant as the veil of magic covers the body and infuses with the user's own cells. The user will then use that magic to convert their body to that of wind, the user becoming completely invisible and impossible to trace as they spread themselves out into the air, perfect for covert missions that involve the use of complete stealth. When in this form the user is untouchable by any magic or physical means outside of consumption by a wind or sky slayer of some kind. Even heating up the air will have no effect on the user as they do not feel pain. The user can reform rather quickly as well, normally reforming body parts such as the appendages first allowing for them to exit the spell swinging. While this spell does allow for the user to quickly and easily get the upper hand in most fights the transformation from wind back into their physical body and vice versa uses up a lot of magical energy and it is recommended that one not abused the ability unless absolutely necessary.
Water Magic BD1

Suijin's Current: Suijin's Current is a tome written by an unknown author who appeared to be an expert in the usage of water magic which the book in infused with, allowing the user to utilize it via lacrima. Water magic is a form of Caster and Elemental magic that allows the user to manipulate or create water to caster powerful spells. This water can be created via the user's own magical energy or simply manipulated from preexisting sources such as bodies of water. Mages who use this type of ,magic are connected to their element, being able to sense and feel its flow around them in all three states. Users can manipulate the pressure of the water they are using to attack, making cutting through steel an easy task for those who utilize this incredible magic. Users also possess the ability to control the temperature of the water they are utilizing, sending down barrages of freezing cold or boiling water onto enemies. They can raise the temperature to the point that water becomes steam, allowing them to burn opponents, though it can be noted that they cannot control water in this form, only changing it between the states of matter. They may also lower the temperature of the water to the point that it becomes ice, though, they cannot manipulate this ice beyond its simple creation and destruction in a similar manner to their restrictions when it comes to steam as they are able change its state of matter but only manipulate it in its liquid form. Despite this, the ability to create ice is one that is not to be underestimated, frozen projectiles, slippery surfaces and icy prisons are deadly possibilities when dealing water mages. Masters of this form of magic have also be rumored to be able to take control of others using the water found within the bodies of humans and other animals, possibly even ripping the very water from their body to cause rapid dehydration and ultimately death.

  • Boiling Breath (ボイリングいぶき, boiringu ibuki): Boiling breath is a slightly more advanced version of one of the most basic water magic spells in existence, hydraulic Screech. The difference between the two simply being that boiling breath utilizes a water mage's ability to control the temperature of the water they are using. In this case, the water is scalding hot, leaving third-degree burns on human flesh if the opponent is exposed to it for two seconds. The user casts this spell similarly to how any breath attack works, they will take a large breath of air before exhaling into a magic circle that will use the mage's own ethernano to transform the air into scalding water that will fly toward the opponent in a straight line at high speed as if the water were pressurized. This can also be turned into a spit attack if the user substitutes air for actual water (this can include their own spit), spitting water into the circle which will heat and pressurize it into a water bullet and thus allowing for rapid fire as well as a much more accurate firing system. This spell's range varies depending on several factors. more concentrated streams will go farther than a single large breath. The latter normally only reaching about twenty feet while the former can reach up to one hundred. Rapid fire spits are fast, clashing against gravity with its forward momentum which allows it to travel much farther, having a range of three hundred feet.
  • Shark Fin Barrage (サメヒレ攻め, samehire seme):Another basic spell of water magic that allows the user to throw sickle-shaped projectiles at targets. The user often begins the casting of this spell by either creating water in the palm of their hand or manipulating the pre-existing water around them. Either way, the user will focus their magical energy as well as the water into their hand where it will begin to spin rapidly, during this time the user may utilize the water as a melee weapon, using it like a circular saw to cut through different objects. This has come to be known as a sub spell created through the usage of its mother spell called Hydro Saw. Once the water has reached the desired speed the user may throw the object. The speed and force in which the object flows causing the circular object to bend out of shape, taking on the shape of a curved blade. These are normally fired rapidly, three or four being released at a time. The water sickles will fly at the target with great speed, the curved blade being sharpe enough to cut through solid rock. Once the blades have made contact with the object it will regain its circular form and begin to rapidly around the opponent in an attempt to cut through armor or damage the target in some way. The duration of this spell normally only lasts around five seconds from the moment the blade makes contact but the sharpness of the blade means that it doesn't need much time to have the possibility of causing serious damage to anyone hit by them.
  • Kraken's Reach (クラーケン巻鬚, kuraaken makihige): A basic spell of water magic that allows the user to create a pair or several water tentacles that can be used to whip, grab, and crush enemies depending on their size. The user begins casting this spell by covering their arms in water and attaching spheres of water on the locations they wish for the tendril to sprout from. The user will them manipulate the water, letting the water move outwardly to grow in length to create long, whip-like appendages capable of breaking the sound barrier when swung to whip and smack at opponents. These tentacles can vary greatly in length depending on the user's own magical power and wishes. The whip-like tentacle is capable of extending and retracting at will, it's sharp, drill-like tip making it the perfect tool in impaling opponents as they water becomes very blunt on impact with any other object. Each tendril is capable of producing enough force to crush an average human, acting very similarly to an anaconda in the sense that they coil around the target before beginning to squeeze down on them. However, unlike an anaconda that tries to slowly suffocate their prey, the tendril loosens and then tightens its grip on its target rapidly, letting it go for only a moment before tightening around it again with more force than it had the last time as it attempts to crush bones and organs to cause a quick death for victims.
  • Posiden's Current (ポセイドン流れ, Posiden's nagare): A basic spell of water magic that allows the user to create a wave capable of knocking opponents off of their feet and dragging them underwater. The user begins the casting of this spell by taking control of the water in the area or by creating the water themselves, collecting a large amount until a giant sphere of water is formed. The user will then direct this sphere at their opponent, watching it collapse into large wave that will rush at the opponent with great speed before crashing down on top of them and often sweeping them off their feet to be carried along with the wave which will often continue to move for another hundred feet. The damage caused by the wave crasing down on opponents can range from getting the air knocked out of them, crushed bones, and even getting completely knocked out if their head hits the ground due to the force of the wave. More damage can be expected if the wave smashes into a wall or other objects after sweeping away the opponent as the opponent is thrown into objects with bone crushing force.
  • Maelstrom Fury (渦中激情, kachuu gekijou):
  • Freezing Needles: An intermediate spell of water magic that allows the user to create shards of ice to impale opponents using their ability to lower the temperature of the water to its freezing point and lower. The user casts this spell by holding their hand into the air above them. At this point, several small magic circles will appear above the user of surrounding the opponent. These circles will produce several pointed ice needles created from the ambient moisture in the air that will be shot from said circles at high speeds. These shards of ice can vary in length, some can measure upwards of three to four feet while others can be as small as six inches to a foot long. Giant shards called javelins may also be created with the intention of completely destroying a target's internal organs. Needles are often aimed at strategic points on the opponents body, seeking to inhibit muscle movements by cutting through important tendons of cutting directly through joints. They have also been know to rip through Ethernano channels, the magic inside of the shards disrupting the ethernano travelling through the opponents body and making it difficult for them to cast spells for a time until the point can be repaired.

Indra's Wrath:Indra's Wrath is a novel written and published by the Guild master Samarra Inari, set on teaching those the basic and advanced spells of Lightning Magic. It goes into detail of the manipulation of the Lightning element, while also giving basic exercise drills to improve accuracy and skill needed to advance a mage's abilities.

  • Luminous Cloak(発光マント Hakkō Manto): The user coats themselves in a shroud of lightning that increases the damage of their attacks, as well as greatly increases her speed. This is due to the increased synaptical transmission speed in the action potentials caused by the electrical current surrounding her body. Their speed has been noted to increase six-fold, giving the appearance that they are merely floating on the earth, for their feet only touch the ground for milliseconds before exploding into another powerful stride. When wearing this cloak the light given off by the lightning can help blind the enemy, making it extremely useful, especially in close combat. The photobleaching of the opponent can last for over 2 minutes depending on the exposure, and direct visual contact with the cloak for over 3 minutes can cause permanent retinal damage. Although those who have an affinity towards Light or Lightning Magic are immune to its visual effects, as the ethernano that flows through their body has altered the physiology of their rods and cones, making it possible to withstand such intense lumens. An added benefit of this form is the resistance to lightning based attacks, as they become integrated with the luminous cloak, reinforcing it's properties. The strength of a punch in this lightning clad form is able to easily break through brick, stone, and weaker metals; but given the output of ethernano into the cloak, the power of a mages physical skill can be increased.
  • Raiton Dance(レートンダンス Reeton Dansu): The user will concentrate their ethernano into the palm of their hand, causing a small glow to spread out as this technique is activated, encircling their hand in a crackling blue lightning as multiple streams of lighting are sent out to attack the enemy.The spread of these beams can cover a distance of 260 feet straight, and 35 feet across, making it one of most widespread and threatening attacks in a mage's arsenal. The beams themselves are always connected at the point of origin, allowing the user to alter the beam's direction after being shot by the aid of expert ethernano manipulation. This makes it possible to strike multiple enemies with pinpoint accuracy, even bypassing hostages held in close proximity. The beams start off at a thickness of 8 inches from their point of origin, and gradually get more thin as the travel down their path, ending at a mere quarter inch thickness at their maximum length. A unique trait about this spells is the ability to increase the number of beams to a substantially large amount, splitting them in half in the process. An initial attack can generate 15 different beams, each which can easily be controlled by the user. But should she desire to split them up towards their 480 beam maximum, the maneuverability of the arrows lessens, turning the attack into more of a barrage, rather than a pinpoint attack.
  • Electroblade(エレクトロブラド Erekutoroburado): Molding lightning into the users hands, they are able to manifest a blade of lightning that is extremely durable, inhumanly sharp, and having the capability to simply cleave through even the toughest of materials, magical and non-magical in nature. This spell is easily able to pierce steel and destroy rock to rubble. Through advance manipulation and ethernano output a user's blade would be able to slice cleanly through a building of 10 feet across. The blade itself can extend up to a distance of 25 feet, with a thickness of 4 inches. The shorter the blade, the thicker it can become, as well as the more concentrate the electricity can become. When it comes into contact with a living subject, the lightning will cause immediate muscle contraction, triggering the voltage-gated channels on the targets muscles. These contractions can last for 8 seconds for every second of exposure from the blade. This is only a byproduct from the actual cutting power of the blade, as the high frequency of the lightning ethernano can easily cut through flesh. Should the user desire the need, they can even branch out the blade to impale multiple enemies at once. A maximum of 10 "branches" by increasing the ethernano output and concentrating on the points of output on the blade itself.
  • Static Detection(静的検出 Seiteki Kenshutsu): Users are able to detect all types of electricity: including electricity produced from living organisms, static, lightning, and electrical signals. A living being emits a constant, yet barely detectable wave of electricity through the air, allowing users to passively located creatures while maneuvering through the field. This has proven useful in darkened areas where sight is not easily used, and the user can rely on this to locate their target or evade their movements. The greater an object is moving, the more electrical impulses are sent off in their body to tell their muscles to contract; this makes tracking a target easier than searching out a stationary one, as the moving target will release a greater electrical “cloud” to make them easier to see. This power can even extend to predicting movements during a battle, as the muscle emits an electrical signal right before it contracts. With quick enough reflexes, they are able to evade typical combat moves from that of mages, even going so far as to evading S-Class combat attacks through the combination of their Static Detection and heightened reflexes. They are also able to do “active detection”, which is done by generating an electrical field and detecting any distortions within it. This gives them a clear image of the surrounding area that they can use to detect opponents or any other anomalies within an area of 35 feet. This comes across like a 3-D outline, giving a user the general shapes of masses, but not being able to draw out fine details. This is where the ability lacks, as it is useful in finding large objects, but should they try and use it to find an item smaller than 2 inches in diameter, like a trip wire for example, it will require a great deal of ethernano to focus on such a small object, sending out multiple pulses of the electric field to better reflect off all objects in the area.

Unison Raids[]

Plasma Gale Unison Raid

Plasma Gale: A powerful unison raid created by Theodore and Ebisu Zakat in the months leading up to the x805 Grand Magic Games. After several weeks of hard work and training together the two were able to combine their magics to create a powerful unison raid that allows them to create a powerful blast of Plasma via the combination of Ebisu's Thunder Devil Slayer Magic and Theodore's fire magic. The two begin the casting of this unison raid by standing together shoulder to shoulder with their open-palmed hands extended outward toward their target. Their magic aura will then begin to leak out from their bodies, combining into a purple cloak that surrounds them as their magic as well as their thoughts and emotions syncronize. The entire process happening in just under three full seconds before a blinding purple and white light along with several pulses of electricity suddenly forms in their hand. This sudden creation of plasma will then shoot forth from their hands in the form of a powerful beam capable of knocking opponents off of their feet and even breaking bones if hit directly, easily smashing through walls and barriers both magical and otherwise. The primary effect this beam has, however, is the ability to burn targets. Cold plasma being known to burn at several thousand degrees Celsius, easily burning through clothing and damaging skin. The duration of the beam is approximately nine seconds with a range of just over twenty meters.




Sparks Seeking to Ignite The Flame

A Dance of Devils and Dragons


Appearance based off of Lind Tachibana from Dance With Devils.
