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Trinity Whiteheart



Toriniteii Howaitohaato


The Opposite
The Elementalist




March 14th


Female Female







Eye Color


Hair Color


Blood Type


Guild Mark Location


Professional Status

Fate zero rider by tseon-d520zt3The Infinity Three

Previous Affiliation

Dark Guild


Wandering Mage

Previous Occupation



Fate zero rider by tseon-d520zt3The Infinity Three

Previous Team



Shiro Kirusaki
Rin Irving

Previous Partner


Base of Operations


Personal Status


Marital Status



Un-Named Parents (Decreased)


Chaotic Good


Archard Glacebreaker


Fire Magic
Water Magic
Shadow Magic
Light Magic

Signature Skill




Trinity Whiteheart (トリニティーホワイトハート,Toriniteii Howaitohaato),  is one of the female protagonist of Fairy Tail: Enchanted. In an unknown incident, Trinity seemly lost everything in a fire with burned down buildings and corpses around her. After waking up from the wreckage, she was sold to slavery to a dark guild with other kids. However, the dark guild decided to teach a few of the kids magic so when they grow up, they can become assassins that do their biding. Trinity was one of the chosen few, and there, she learned her magics that she uses today. But after three years, two people suddenly destroyed the guild, The two, suddenly picked Trinity up and left. The two introduced themselves as Rin Irving and Shiro Kirusaki. Asked Trinity if she was a survivor at a fire, which she responds yes. They proceeded to ask if she knew what cause the fire, which the answer was no. Shiro then invited her to join him and Rin to travel around Earthland.

Throughout the world of Earth Land, Trinity is known under the alias of The Opposite and The Elementalist due to her usage of element based magics and how the elements are opposite of each other, like fire and water for example. However, for some reason, the Magic Council and another mysterious group is trying to kill them. The Magic Council says that they is dangerous and should not be living, the other group's reason remains unknown.


Trinity is of average height and weight, but isn't as nimble and swift as Rin. Trinity has white hair and burning scarlet colored eyes that reflects all light off it. Her hair is tied up in a ponytail by a red and white ribbon that reaches down to the waist. Her bangs are all sort of sizes, ranging from to her eye-line, above her eyebrows, or down to her jawline. Along her hair, there are two more ribbons near the end of a strand of hair. She wears a purple and white flower on her head because it was a gift from Shiro as a present. Other accessories include a gold ring with a emerald on the top and a silver necklace with a ruby on it.

When it comes clothing, Trinity tends to prefer a mixture of both dark and bright colors. Her standard attire consists of a white colored shirt that is a little bit tight. He also wears a red skirt with white trimming and a set of brown boots with black socks as well as a black jacket with white and silver trimming jacket. Trinity also has two brown leather straps on her arm.

After a year after the events of Fairy Tail: Enchanted, Trinity has significantly changed in clothing and a little bit of appearance. It is noticeable that she grew a little taller, like about a couple of inches and her skin is a bit tanner. Her hair is now a bit longer and Trinity totally changed her hair style, from a ponytail to straight hair. When it comes to clothing, Trinity now wears a complete different set of clothing. She now usually wears an outfit that consists of red pants, with several tag-like markings on it, a white shirt with long sleeves, and red suspenders. Her shoes also changed, her shoes now is a pair of red shoes with black laces.


Trinity is carefree and reckless in nature, and, despite her consistent bickerings with Rin, she is quite a protective friend. She is willing to go down fighting for her friends, regardless of how futile it might seem. Trinity has a straightforward and stubborn mind, and often tackles issues with a without a plan, and believes the solution is always in violence. Even when disrespected or faced with obvious hostility, Natsu rarely ever reciprocates the feelings, she doesn't care what people think of her, except for Shiro. She occasionally shows compassion and mercy for her enemies, however, she does send them away with a threatening note. Many times, Trinity tries to prove that she is stronger than any of the Ten Wizard. At various points in time, she would train for any hours straight without any breaks to try to increase her strength. Due to her reckless nature, Trinity's fights usually ends with a widespread of destruction. Trinity's love of fighting has allowed him to develop a rather strategic mind, helping him to, on various occasions, find weaknesses in his opponent's techniques, or simply weaknesses his opponents themselves possess. Natsu has also defeated his opponents with pure wit, rather than brute strength. She would never turn down a challenge and is proved that Trinity is rather competitive.

When Trinity first joined Zero-to-Infinity, she was quite quiet, weak, and scared. She would be scared of fighting, bloodshed, just any kind of violence, due to this, she trained herself to be the opposite of the way she was, and now, she is. Trinity now through away the feelings of fear and terror.

As much as she hates it, she is quite close to Rin. Though the two do argue a lot, the two are almost like the relationship of Natsu and Gray, the two hate each other but still care for one another. When the two team up and fight, Rin and Trinity often hold mini competition to see who can beat the most enemies.  For Shiro, the other teammate, Trinity is in love with him as well as Rin. Trinity is always turning to win over Shiro from Rin, but like all main harem protagonists, Shiro doesn't understand what Trinity feels about him, often resulting Trinity betting up Shiro. Trinity is something you would call a tsundere.


In an unknown incident, Trinity seemly lost everything in a fire with burned down buildings and corpses around her. After waking up from the wreckage, she was sold to slavery to a dark guild in the country of Sin with other kids, about a hundred. There, she was miserable and terrified everyday, wanting to escape from the guild, but can't. One day however, the dark guild decided to teach a few of the kids magic that had the potential of learning magic so when they grow up, they can become assassins that do their biding, which Trinity was chosen because of her abnormal amount of magical power, however, even with her new magic, there is no way she can escape from the guild.

One day, a couple of kids decided to escape from the dark guild, so they called all of the salves to hatch a plan of escape. Many times they can up with a plan, not none of them worked. The end results were the same, failure and torture to those who came up with the plan.

But after three years, two people suddenly destroyed the dark guild single handily, leaving Trinity shocked. All the salves escaped joyfully and lleft, but the two, suddenly picked Trinity up and left immediately. The two introduced themselves as Rin Irving and Shiro Kirusaki. Asked Trinity if she was a survivor at a fire, which she responds yes. They proceeded to ask if she knew what cause the fire, which the answer was no. Shiro then invited her to join him and Rin to travel around Earthland.


Begin Arc


Ring of Odds and Evens[]

Ring of Odds and Evens (リングオオッズ アンドイーブン Ringu of Ozzu Ando Iibun)

The Ring of Odds and Evens is the name Trinity gives to her ring because it provides "good luck sometimes and bad luck the other times" randomly. Despite Shiro's protests against it having that name, she still uses the name. The ring was given by a mage after Trinity helps her with a mission. The mage says it is a good luck charm and hope it's useful to Trinity even though, according to Trinity, it provides bad luck as well. The Ring seems to be able to provide extra mana to its wielder for more spells, which Trinity uses to her advantage. The ring is gold with an emerald in it.



Clarent, or known by it's other name, The Sword of Destruction is the sister blade to Rin's Sword of Rebirth and one of the Trinity Excalibur Blades. This sword was originally found in a deep cave along with Arondight, the Sword of Rebirth. The sword is midnight black with trims of gray and has a black handle connected to a hand guard that drops down on the left side. Attached to this is a black leather grip. A tiny cross is seen on the flat of the blade, beneath the tip. The nature of this sword is that cannot be neither destroyed nor repair by all means. Like the Sword of Rebirth, it is made of a rare metal, called Etera, which is a type metal that could harden itself, this is to show that the sword's durability and endurance. The weapon itself is capable of receiving physical or magical attacks without suffering any backlashes such as damage for example. If a person really wants to destroy the weapon, they need to wipe out the user's source of magic and not kill the current owner in the process. While the Sword of Rebirth's concept of needing the owner to destroyed it or the current owner being killed.

Pocket Watch[]


Pocket Watch (ポケットウォッチ Poketto Uocchi) Is a pocket watch that Trinity carries around, which was a gift from a music box maker after saving him from a bandit. The pocket watch has a memorable, but sad tune to it and Trinity can be heard humming it. The music will start playing once she opens up the watch, and stops playing after closing it. She sometimes uses it to check the time as well.

Powers and Abilities[]

Physical Abilities[]

Ways of Combat[]

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combat:  When it comes to close combat, one would assume that Trinity is not that good at fighting up close and they would be one hundred percent correct in thinking such a thing. Despite being forced to undergo conditioning by Shiro, Trinity is not the best close ranged fighter as she is very reckless in how she fights, often throwing things such as form and focus out the window to go for a free-flow style that has many holes and leaves her wide open to be taken out by a foe that is clearly more advance than her. In attempt to make up for her lack of combat style or experience, Trinity tries to make it so that she cannot be hit easily, moving from one spot to another in a fast and quick movement. This often leads to her opponent finding a distinguished pattern in how she moves and they can eventually find a pattern before coming in close and striking with a great punch, if they are smart enough to do so.

As time goes on, Trinity begins to dive into a unique form of fighting that involves a user that is in possession of elemental caster magic to use said magic in collaboration with how they fight. While Trinity is still very new to the idea, she does understand the premise of it, as she will utilize a combo of the following, fire, water, shadow, and light to enhance the force of her attacks and therefore unleash more damage onto her opponent.

A couple of months before Fairy Tail: Enchanted, Trinity has changed not only in body and mind but in how she fights as well. Trinity is no longer the anti-violence girl that things she can win by hoping for miracles or pure luck to rain down on her. She now fights utilizing her greatest asset her brain, making sure to notice everything about a person and exactly how they fight. She does this by analyzing how they move, react, and even speak at times. By doing so, she can notice certain things about her adversary and take full advantage of it, turning their strength into a weakness.

This way of fighting revolves around Trinity making swift and accurate strikes that have a good amount of power to them as well as using her flexibility to keep out of the grasp of her opponent, moving around them as though she is a current that is constantly moving. By making use of this style, Trinity is able to keep up with her fellow teammates and even fight against opponents. She makes great use of her enhanced strength, delivering powerful strikes which are then augmented with her either one of her Magics, much like she would do in the past. However she is now able to manipulate the rotation, density and other factors of her magic which can make her attacks devastating when they are taken head on. Her reaction time and speed allow her to move around deadly strikes and retaliate with another quick strike that can change the entire battle.

Master Swordsmanship Specialist:  Trinity is known to be an incredibly talented master of the art of sword fighting; as she attacks very quickly, leaping through the air to strike enemies with her sword, carving a trail of destruction through the area. Trinity has shown great skill in utilizing the reverse-grip of swordsmanship as well as the normal grip. Her swordsmanship is enough for her to slash through intangible airspaces, and to deflect hundreds of bullets which were shot at him by a Rune Knight with relative ease. In addition, her sword slashes possess so much force behind them that they are able to slice through metal using only the air pressure from the swings. Running, jumping, and spinning are all emphasized in his style, allowing Trinity to move at high speeds and rain strong blows, jumping and attacking through the air. Powerful and quick spinning attacks are utilized from all angles, either from ground or air, appearing like a flash of lightning to her enemies, attacking from all directions—the front, the sides, overhead, or behind. Trinity specializes in swift, multi-hit combo attacks that rapidly drain the opponent's magical energy. Her melee attacks have low range, but execute quickly and do heavy damage. Considering that she was capable of battling powerful foes and many dark guilds without break, it can be assumed Trinity is one of the more powerful and dangerous characters in Fairy Tail: Enchanted.

Physical Attributes[]

Immense Strength: Trinity is surprisingly known for possessing a great amount of strength, shocking those that happen to the chance to see her in action. Trinity is able to make use of this great strength to lift and carry objects several times her own body weight, which is surprising that such a small girl is able to do such a thing. By using her strength to boost her attacks, she is capable of causing cracks to make small dents appear on metal plating, though she does state that it does hurt her fist at times when she does so. She can use her strength to kick herself off the ground as a makeshift booster, launching herself towards her opponent at surprising speeds and proceed to deliver a powerful punch, though this method does not often work as it is rather predicable. Her punches and kicks now are more powerful as Trinity is now able to dent Etera, a form of metal which could harden itself. She can also launch herself into the air by using her impressive leg power, catching her opponents that are able to fly off guard.

  • Elemental Martial Arts (諸元の乱闘流 (エレメンタル・マーシャル・アーツ), Erementaru Māsharu Ātsu lit. Fighting Style of Various Elements) is a unique fighting style that involves conventional Caster Magic that revolves around the use of elemental magic bolstered by traditional, or modern, Martial Art methods. Though it is generally used with a single magic, some practitioners are capable of using two or more elements. Elemental Martial Arts revolves around the principle that one is able to seamlessly showcase Magic as an expression of one's physical prowess. This is achieved through what is known as "internal balance". This internal balance involves rigorous physical and magical conditioning, as well as knowledge; one must be capable of incorporating various styles of elemental magic in order to bolster their overall prowess within the magic. However, with general users, their specialization in this form of magic makes it difficult to utilize elemental magic in its conventional way, though the versatility makes up for this.

Immense Durability/Endurance: Trinity's major prove of her Immense durability is that, she is able to withstand a hundred of explosive mine and only suffer a minimal injury from it. Even when smashed through a mountain's stone and brick house, she still stand firmly to fight with her opponent into a stand-still and even defeated them eventually. She also can withstand a brutal multiple Sword Assault without the sign of being bothered by the assaults at all. Even when she is attacked with a 20 punches-5 seconds speed, Trinity can co-ordinate with the attack and wait a chance for a very hard counter attack. Impressive or not, Trinity's fortitude is a reckoned wall of defense to be thought about twice;- she might be able to destroy one's swords by just blocking it with a notable brute force. She has been thrown through wall in the past and was able to get back up. This skill is incredibly useful as Trinity has been seen to be able to resist some forms of magic as she was able to charge through a powerful Air Magic spell with no trouble and came out with a few scratches. Despite receiving that damage, Trinity was able to get back up and continue fighting, showing her astonishing endurance which is fueled by her willpower and sometimes, anger. She is also still battle after long periods of receiving damage as she was able to continue fighting after being stabbed a great amount of times.

Immense Reflexives and Speed: As befitting her light frame, using any particular type of movement-enhancing technique, Trinity usually moves at speeds rivaling those that use High Speed. Her movements are so tremendously swift that few would be likely to see an attack take place. Trinity can dash and propel herself in large distances through short bursts of energy expenditure, moving at supersonic speeds, so swift that more often than not her opponents are unable to track her movements, merely appearing as a flash that bursts through the air, she has also shown on several occasions that she can jump incredibly long distances, up to several hundred meters by applying speed to her jumps. She is capable of moving so fast that she can decapitate an entire army of foes without them even having time to react. This incredible speed gives her an edge in battle against slower or close-range fighters. Excelling in hit-and-run tactics, Trinity has been shown to be able to evade many a combatant in both long and close-range; her movements are so tremendously swift that few would be likely to see an attack take place. Not only that, but her movement is fluid and precise, and rarely will she exert effort in movements. Trinity also possesses tremendous reflexes, agility and speed; which, despite her being severely battle worn, usually enables her to dodge many a powerful projectile while balancing herself on one hand. She is also able to skillfully and acrobatically dodge a barrage of blasts; even by performing a side jump, and if the foe knocks her off a building, she is able to launch herself off of a few small falling rocks back towards her foe with ease. Small and spry, Trinity is known for being highly flexible in battle- able to perform one-handed backflips, somersaults, and mid-air cartwheels with little effort in terms of physical strain. Trinity is also known for rolling around on the ground to evade foes' attacks, as well as being able to perform multiple spins and tricks in mid-air.

Assorted Others[]

Element Resistance: ???

Magical Abilities[]

Immense Magic Power: Befitting for a powerful warrior of her stature, Trinity's magical power is nothing to laugh at. In fact, like her physical strength and hier astonishing speed, it's something to be highly feared, as the mere levels of magical power affords her certain advantages over most opponents that could easily earn certain victory. In fact, most of her opponents noted that Trinity's amount of magical powerful is considered to unnatural, especially to a person her age, 17. No one knows why though. Such an example is casting a string of highly-taxing magical spells with minimum depletion on her reserves, most of them performing it with one hand effortlessly. Initially, before the events of Fairy Tail: Enchanted, Trinity's magical power tended to run wild in certain situations, especially those dealing with powerful opponents, though she had minimum and sub-par control over it. The reason for this is that both her body and magical power levels didn't link up quite properly at the time, the latter outweighing the former, thus more energy was expended than it had to. This was seen when she faced a dark guild years prior to the storyline, using her magical power in such a way that the guild members didn't stand a chance, albeit she suffered some backlash from her own immense power, as it damaged her body to minor extents, it appears like a faint scar. It was only during the timeskip, with proper training regiment and personal guidance that Trinity gained complete control in her vast amounts of magical power. It should be properly noted that by this point, she can contend with the most dangerous opponents for days on end, using her magic in a myriad of ways that always have the opposing end on their toes. In short, Trinity's levels are mind-staggering, being on par with her physical prowess. The color of her magical power is a silverish-white color, though the color tends to change when she uses certain brands of magic, like redish while using fire magic, or blueish when using water.

  • Magical Aura (魔力の霊気, Maryoku no Reiki): is a common term given to the exertion of magical energy into a form outside of the user's body that isn't used in the formation of spells. It has been demonstrated by various mages of varying potency, and is a common means of intimidation. A magical aura is created when the body's container of Eternano particles exceeds the limits of what it contains, or is purposefully released by the user. Upon doing so, the magical energy surges around the body and is exerted outwards in the form of an aura, which holds considerable pressure surrounding it. Depending on the level of magical power one possesses and the control behind it, it can be used as a means to intimidate another individual, or as a preparation for a powerful spell. A single magical aura can have a wide variety of effects dependent on the power an individual exerts, which will be outlined in the following sections. There three types of Auras, Standard, S-Class, and Monster, which Trinity has the S-Class aura, but Trinity says that she will archive the monster aura. An S-Class Aura (大力の魔霊気, Dairyoku no Mareiki; Literally meaning Magical Aura of Great Power) is one demonstrated solely by S-Class mages or above in potency, and generally are reserved to the stronger S-Class mages as a consequence of their sheer magical strength. When exerted, the S-Class aura takes the form of an overwhelming level of pressure that surrounds the user in a color that best represents their personality. It generally encompasses them in a certain radius, and demonstrates a level of strength that leaves most mages unable to react to it unless they've had continual exposure or exert an aura of similar potency. However, the problem with this aura is that if it used continuously, it can tire an individual. Though considering most S-Class' level of magical power, this is rarely the case. The variety of effects achieved by this aura are noted to be quite high, as it can take the form of different shapes and can be used to repel magical and physical assaults alike.
  • Second Origin Activation : (二原解放, Nigen Kaihō) is a spell exclusively mastered by those mages who possess the control and power to summon their Second Origin without it passively inducing its effects. The rumored Second Origin (二原, Nigen) is, in fact, wrongly named. When considering the nature of the Magic Origin (魔原, Magen), the Second Origin and its activation is simply unlocking the full extent of one's Magic Origin and power. There are a number of ways one can go about unlocking it: it can be a natural process that takes a considerable number of ways, a sudden surge of willpower during a situation of crisis or accelerating the process through magic such as the Arc of Time. In order to unlock one's Second Origin without inducing its passive effects all the time, one must firstly impose a sealing condition onto the said portion of the Magic Origin. Due to magical energy being so closely aligned with one's willpower and conviction, this is done so through a rather unique method: the Pact (盟約, Meiyaku). The Pact, in this case, is one that the user makes upon reaching the full level of potential within one's Magic Origin, which in itself takes a considerable amount of time, or emotional upheaval, to achieve. When doing so, the Pact automatically causes this portion of one's magical power to be sealed in a series of magical seals that can only be unlocked with the fulfillment of the Pact. However, due to the strain of the sudden outpour of magical energy within the body, this state causes one to be heavily drained following its immediate use, despite causing a notable increase in the capacity of one's magical power.However, considering that the sudden outburst of magical power within one's body is caused due to the extreme sealing caused by the Pact, one is since unable to recreate the same seal due to the strictness of the requirements. As a result, the portion of magical power sealed is then assimilated to the natural reservoir of magical energy they can access within themselves. While this causes a considerable increase in their base capabilities, given that they can induce the passive effects of the Second Origin "state", they are since incapable of such a large outburst of magical energy through natural means.

Fire Magic[]

Fire Magic: (火の魔法 Hi no Mahō) is a Caster Type Magic which is utilized by various mages. It utilizes the element of fire. Fire Magic allows the user to control and manipulate the kinetic energy of magical particles to generate, control or absorb fire, being able to manipulate it for general purposes. This is induced by the user raising the motion of a target's magical particles through telekinesis in order to ignite it. They can excite or speed up an object's magical particles, increasing their thermal energy until they ignite, not necessarily objects, but also air particles. They can control and move the flames, including the shape, heat and even colour. With this in mind, the user is able to create fire-based attacks which can be used both in melee and as a ranged form of offence and is immune to being burnt. The generated flames can be manipulated in a wide variety of ways, their "type" can be changed at will, and they can even be given a material consistency by manipulating the magical particles in the air. The user can form fire into long streams, spheres, or even more complex shapes like letters in skywriting. These flames-objects will only remain their shapes as long as the user concentrates upon them. The objects will only burn about 3 minutes before expiring unless the user continues to infuse them with energy. The temperature of these fiery projections is generally around 2,800 F, near the melting point of iron. Fire Magic seems to be unaffected by water, as the user is able to create flames even when submerged in water. In short, the user of this Magic can release fire from their body and manipulate it. User can also change the properties (such as heat, smell, and taste) of his/her flames for different effects, which corresponds with a different flame color and generates them by first summoning a Magic circle with his/her hands, from which the flames soar outwards.

Trinity is a very skilled user of the Fire Magic. She learned it after some harsh training with a mage who taught her magic before Trinity joins Zero-to-Infinity and couldn't summon fire when ever she needs it. She first used this magic for the very first time when a humongous beast attacked her and almost killed her during her wake. Thanks to this, Trinity can now use Fire Magic whenever she needs it by her side. She is extremely destructive and powerful when using Fire Magic, even reaching the boiling points in which she destroys many buildings, fields and any other objects. Although Trinity's mastery over Fire Magic was already advanced in general, she keep focusing on making it stronger untill she is really excel at the usage of it. She wanted to make her magic to be either stronger or at least on par with Jura Neekis, one of the Ten Wizard Saints. She were able to do so by training and travelling at the same time, thus, increasing her magic potent day by day.

  • Flame of Rebuke: (咎の炎, Toga no Honō) is a specialized Fire Magic spell that is extremely rare, and also highly powerful; creating golden flames. When unleashing the Flame of Rebuke, the user raises the motion of a target's eternano through telekinesis in order to ignite it; adding in their own magical power in order to cause the generated flames to take upon a golden coloration. These flames are highly versatile, and upon contact with normal beings, the flames suddenly become alive, so to speak, and latch onto them, sucking up their energy which allows the fire to intensify; and the user can shape the flames into numerous structures in order to attack. These flames are unable to be extinguished nor are they able to be taken control of by a secondary-source; they move and burn according to the will of the user. The flames act completely separately to regular flames, and pursue an enemy relentlessly with great speed, accuracy and strength. They are also hard to douse, as they continue burning even when struck with a large amount of water. When faced with opposing fire spells, the flames consume them in order to boost their strength and quantity. What is interesting to note is that the golden flames known as the Flame of Rebuke are said to be as powerful as the Magic Satellite: Etherion, something that was revealed later on with another magician harnessing their power. The Flame of Rebuke, while simultaneously leeching magical energy from the opponent upon contact, also pulverizes them viciously, leaving them with the feeling as if they had been hit by Etherion point-blank, as the flames destroy anything that they touch in a wide sphere-esque formation, literally tearing holes in anything that the flames come into contact with. However, as a drawback to this immensely powerful spell, the Flame of Rebuke sucks up virtually all of the user's magical power, meaning that it should be advised that they are used as a last-resort against powerful enemies. Last, but not least, if a Slayer Magic who practices fire consumes the Flame of Rebuke, they will immediately enter their respective "Force", as they will become supercharged with magical energy and stamina.
  • Crimson Overcharge (退紅喚起 (クリムソン・オーバーチャージ), Kurimuson Ōbāchāji lit. Faded Scarlet Awakening) is a "super mode" of Fire Magic, considered one of the most powerful Fire Magic spells to exist. Crimson Overcharge is activated when the user absorbs and harnesses a moderate amount of flame –whether it be from themselves or from opposing sources-, spreading it through their own magic origin. This replaces the user's regular eternano with that of the fire-element for thirty minutes at the most—as any longer could quite possibly destroy the user from the inside out. By vibrating flames at supersonic speeds as they absorb the flames into their body, the user causes friction, setting them ablaze as it causes an explosive reaction that spreads through the user's entire body; essentially, it inflames their body and causes the flames to rise from their body and converge; this forms an aura which has a jagged, fierce flame-like appearance. Because the sheer energy output and radiation, the aura pulses at a high frequency. This has the added effect of causing their attire to take upon a vibrating form, causing the flames to surround their body in a continually rippling manner, whirling around their body all the while. This essentially creates an extremely sturdy defensive armor around their body that allows the user to not only increase their defensive power, but also their physical power as the flames are constantly surrounding the user's body and flowing in and out as well as spinning around them. In Crimson Overcharge Mode, the user's physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, and durability dramatically increase, pushing them to their utmost limits; as they can transform their body into fire, and manipulate it to its greatest extent, even surpassing that of a Fire Dragon Slayer or a Flame God Slayer; making their fires that are not consumable to any Lost Magic or even beyond. The user's usage of this technique is shown through the increase in density of their magical energy; as when alight, the user's arms and legs deal twice the damage they would normally output; they can also unleash waves of fire up to and including fireballs that cause a large amount of damage from their hands and feet on a whim at a rapid pace, allowing them to constantly bombard their foe with a seemingly never-ending shower of flames. When in Crimson Overcharge Mode, the user is capable of avoiding regular attacks, both magical and physical, by undergoing an elemental transformation into flames and purposely enabling the attack to deal less damage. Turning into the element of flame additionally has the effect of burning the opponent if the opponent strikes them; though it should be noted that those who possess an advantageous element –such as Water Magic- can bypass the user's transformation and strike them. The heat that these flames give off is great, and people seem to feel dehydrated just by being near the user when Crimson Overcharge is in use. The flames are malleable, bending to the user's mind and can take whatever form they will them to, even "grab" a target, though naturally, this damages them greatly. Despite the heat, the flames do no damage to the user themselves, and thus they refer to this as a "perfect defense".
  • Flaring Up (めらめら Meramera) is a Fire Magic spell. The user builds up magical power and subsequently causes flames to erupt from their entire body only a few centimeters away from them. The user is then able to control these flames, including their size, intensity and the like. It is a highly versatile spell with many applications.
  • Flash Fire (閃光火 Senkōka) is a simple, highly effective Fire Magic spell. Its function is slightly different when compared to the general paradigm of Fire Magic spells. Through emitting the magic at one's finger, using it the point of focus, the user charges, and subsequently compresses Fire Magic at their finger tips. Mimicking that of a gun, the user fires the spell from the tip of their middle finger, emitted in linear path, similar to that of a bullet, however, unlike a bullet, this spell is laser-like when projected. Even without mastering the spell, it moves at speed that most opponents cannot perceive. This spell serves as means to attacking Mage's using speed enhancements, and to efficient method rendering defenses useless, due to its speed. If a user manages to master the spell to the point where they can manipulate this spell into different shapes, rather that the general circular beam, one can render nearly all magical defenses useless, seemingly regardless of its potency. If a user manages to penetrate a defense, even slightly, that is all that's needed. For when the defense is damaged, even a little, the user can expand this spell outward, literally destroying said defense from the inside out, and anyone within it. The weakness to this spell is that one cannot change the trajectory of this spell, while still retaining the precision, and accuracy. This spell can also be projected through weaponry, in the same exact manner as it is expressed through the fingers.
  • Rising Sun (旭日, Kyokujitsu) is a Fire Magic spell. Rising Sun is a spell that requires considerable accuracy in order to invoke the entirety of its scope. By concentrating magical power at certain locations within the ground, and subsequently releasing it as a combustive pillar of flame, one can damage multiple enemies simultaneously without any need for extensive preparation. It should be noted that the explosions caused are somewhat mild and inaccurate through quick casting, and as such, it is much more effective for the spell to be used as an ambush for immediate and potent injury towards an enemy.
  • Tempest Skin (荒れ肌, Arehada) is a Caster Magic that allows the user to unleash powerful blazes and is a Subspecies Magic of Fire Magic. Tempest Skin allows the user to manifest extremely strong fires that wrap around their body and limbs. This provides a powerful "armour" of sorts; taking upon a vibrating form, causing the flames to surround the user's body in a continually rippling manner, whirling around their body all the while. This essentially creates an extremely sturdy defensive armour around the user's body that allows them to not only increase their defensive power, but also their physical power as the flames are constantly surrounding their body and flowing in and out as well as spinning around them. The user's usage of this technique is shown through the increase in density of their magical energy. When alight, the user's arms and legs deal twice the damage they would normally output; they can also unleash waves of fire up to and including fireballs that cause a large amount of damage from their hands and feet on a whim at a rapid pace, allowing them to constantly bombard their foe with a seemingly never-ending shower of flames. The flames normally take upon the form of tornadoes of fire; extending to the skies and expanding widely. This magic can also be used to provide transportation, enveloping the desired body components in significantly rapid flames capable of wrecking anything within its range, and granting unto the user increased speed and defensive properties.
  • Scorch : By enclosing fire around her hands and feet with a small amount of fire. Trinity, can use these fires to attack enemies with punches and kicks. Trinity often uses this against one or a few dark mages to avoid damage. She can also use this to melt ice, metals, or other attacks that was aiming for her. Sometimes, Trinity uses Scorch in order to produce light or to start a fire for camp. On the earlier stage of this spell, Trinity must gather heats around the said parts by concentrating on her Eternano, something which should take around a mere 3 seconds before occurence. Once the heat has gathered on one spot, the heat can be felt just by looking at it. Scorch technically was just used as a mean of hand-to-hand combatant combats, and therefore, quite useless in a long-range proficiency. However, it can be denied that this spell can be effective when used as an offensive-supplementary means.
    Trinity using a spell

    Trinity using Scorch

  • Fire Ring : Fire Ring is often to trap a mage inside a fire circle around them so the target can't escape. Basically, this is just an additional spell casted by her, with no real affect on both offensive and supplementary, but instead, focusing more on the offensive-defensive aspects. Trinity usually did this went going against 1 mage, but it can actually be used to trap several mages that she wants to attack. If a mage steps on the fire, it can cause burns and damage, so in order to escape it, one must pulverize the spell by using a wide-based attack or simply use certain Ring Magic to deflect and shatters it. Due to the fact that Fire Ring is an offensive-defensive spell, it can be considered as the weakest in Trinity's arsenal.

    Scorching Hurricane

  • Scorching Hurricane : By raising her hand and then forming a fist, Trinity could summons the Scorching Hurricane to rain down on her enemies. This attacks proves to work well against multiple foes as it's consume large area and have a wide-based attack. Scorching Hurricane is similar to raindrops but it rains fire and faster. In addition for that one, Scorching Hurricane is much more devastating than any other element's "drops" due to the fact that it was made of fire. And FIRE, focuses on damage for the foes. This spell's process were technically a Molding Spell in general, as Trinity, actually create Scorching Hurricane "droplet" out from the thin air. Usually, a significiant amount of heats were required to make this spell's works clearly in progress, something which literally means, the more heat were gathered, the stronger Scorching Hurricane become. Once the spell is casted, a fire Magical Aura will emit from her surrounding and blast through her opponents.

Water Magic[]

Water Magic (水系各種魔法, Mizu Kei Kakushu Mahō) is a type of Caster Magic which utilizes the element of water. Water Magic is the manipulation of water conjured through magical power outside of the body, directed through limbs; in addition, Water Magic could be manipulation of existing water bodies. In order to harness Water Magic, the user must project their magical power outwards, using it to manipulate the temperature down to the level that allows water to manifest, before combining their magical power with the ambient eternano within the atmosphere in order to make that water a reality. In order to manifest Water Magic, the is required to surge their magical energy into the equation so that the atoms rearrange to fit together; the process is dangerous, both requiring and releasing substantial amounts of magical energy. In addition, when forming water, the user's magical aura will contain it, making sure there is no overflow or such. It takes much more ability to create the water outside the body than to manipulate what is already available; but thankfully, the user is capable of generating water from nothing as long as there is hydrogen and oxygen in the vicinity. A Water Magic magician is able to manipulate water pressure, allowing their spells to grasp other objects or cutting through without simply parting around them. Since water is incompressible, it can be used as a semi-solid while being able to move and flow like a liquid. Water Magic, when harnessed in an offensive manner, seems to inflict harm from the sudden force that the spells exert, which would cause massive internal damage to a human. Depending on its use, the physical properties of water can be manipulated to the user's advantage; large masses of such liquid are shown to possess remarkable force, being usable to inflict blunt damage upon targets by sweeping them away with water.

  • Water Lock (水流拘束, ウォーターロック, Wōtā Rokku) is a Water Spell. The user creates a large sphere of water that can be used to both attack, and trap, their target. The water can be frozen, allowing the one trapped inside to escape.
  • Water Slicer (水流斬破, ウォータースライサー, Wōtā Suraisā) is a Water Spell. By swiping their arm, the user sends scythe-like blades of water at their intended target, which are powerful enough to cleanly slice through solid rock. It can also be used as a form of defense to intercept an attack.
  • Water Nebula (水流昇霞, ウォーターネブラ, Wōtā Nebura) is a Water Spell. Two waves of water rush up and blast the opponent into the air with tremendous force. However, the number of waves may vary as shown when Juvia Lockser utilized the attack as part of a combination attack with Team Tenrou against Acnologia.

Light Magic[]

Light Magic : (光の魔法, Hikari no Mahō): Light Magic is a Caster Magic which draws on the positive emotions of the user and manifest it in a physical form, the element of Light. While Light Magic is not inheritably good in a sense as seen by users of the magic with malefic intentions such as Crux Kouga, it does give off a feeling of hope to the user's allies which in turn inspires them to do better in combat due to this magic releasing the benevolent nature of the user back into the world. It should be noted that Light Magic was intentionally created to be used as a counter against Darkness Magic and later Black Arts, two types of Magic that feed on negativity and cause massive destruction. This is triggered by going by the opposite of the 'magic = feelings' concept—by fueling their magic with positive feelings, the user is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a light and benevolent nature; this is known as natural Light Magic, drawing from the inner feelings of the humanity to purify the world off all its evils and mistakes, like a beacon of hope. This version of light magic is more commonly known and used by Legal Mages as they are often encouraged to use their emotions when it comes to fighting, being taught it will increase the overall power of their spells, though this is just a rumor and has not yet been official confirmed.However a recent discovery has just been made revolving around Light Magic; a group of scientist have discovered a new way to utilize Light Magic without having to go through the process of converting their own feelings into magic. This is considered incredibly difficult for a mage to successfully pull off and as such, there are only a small number of Mages that are capable of using this method of Light Magic. To do this, the user will manifest and modify their very eternano and magical energy, entwining it, into that of protons which the user can then alter the movement of them, allowing them to be able to use virtually any light based power; being granted the ability to control, generate, and absorb light as well as utilizing said element as a form of offense and defense. Users of, what has now been dubbed, natural Light Magic have taken note that the light that is manifested through this specific procedure is not capable of being sense as it does not have any feeling in it, making most mages feel uncomfortable around a mage that is capable of using this variation of Light Magic. Due to this fact that this Light Magic does not use any emotion and is based on science, this variant of the magic has been named artificial Light Magic. It has been rumored that more and more Dark Mages are gaining the ability to use this form of Light Magic, disguising themselves and spying on Legal Guilds. Light Magic can be utilized in a multitude of different ways, ranging from offensive to supplementary applications. Occasionally, a certain technique will usually involve the use of hands to cast a spell, though an experienced user can preform said spell without having to go through such an approach. It can be used to destroy and pick up various objects, defend various enemies' attacks and unleash devastating beams of light with immense power behind them. Light Magic can also be used in the most basic way possible which can still lead devastating results; by emitting light from the caster's body, depending on the brightness and the heat that the light emits, it is capable of blinding as well as burning an opponent or causing the surrounding area to explode in a brilliant light. The user can create constructs and weapons made of the element, and even teleport themselves away via transforming into light; being capable of taking out a horde of opponents in a flash of light and rendering them unable to fight, blinding them with radiance. Similar to other elemental magics, Light Magic allows the user to transform their entire body into the very element that they use to fight: by transforming into pure light, the user is able to negate and avoid attacks, and gain the added advantage of traveling at incredible speeds and causing significant damage to their opponent and everything that they come in contact with, like a ray of divine light coming to unleash its judgment.

Trinity is a skilled user of the Light Element, even reaching the boiling point in which she can easily fend off a powerful Darkness Magic's user such as Riki Tormentor during their battle in Fairy Tail: Enchanted. Unlike a regular user of Light Magic, Trinity can unconditionally generate, emit, consume and even manipulate surrounding light as long as they were Solar Energy around her, in fact, she can easily use a floating and frail lights as a mean of combat, it is shown at some point in which she team-up along with Hi-Ki to perform a Unison Raid. Thus, proving her worth as a solid and proficient mage.

  • Milky Way (天の川 Amanogawa) is a Light Magic spell. The user weaves light particles into a single, extremely potent whip, which possesses exceedingly high cutting power. Though fragile, the user is able to regenerate it through use of Light Magic. The user has shown the ability to effortlessly cut through most substances through this spell, and can even manipulate its structure enough to make it hold his opponents and tie them in a rope of sorts.
  • Helios (ヘリオス Heriosu) is a Caster-type Light Magic spell. Due to the simplicity of the spell, and the easy customization it affords, it's considered a staple in the arsenal of fighters who lack talent at learning complex spells. To form Helios, the user gathers their own magical energy, imposing their will on it and crafting it into the shape of a sphere. Immense and powerful rotation is added to the sphere, creating a swirling vortex of magical energy encased in an outer shell to contain the eddy of magical energy. Forming Helios is often likened to holding the sun in the palm of ones' hand. Through the rotation of incredibly dense magical energy, the sphere's contact with a human body creates a powerful and extremely painful 'shredding' effect on the body, ripping into target at the point of contact and in the case of targets with durable skin, it causes intense internal damage. One of the key points of Helios is how easy it is to change on the fly; by changing the volume of magical energy used to form the sphere, the size can be enhanced to create truly gargantuan spheroids. The power of Helios also depends on the amount of energy that creates the cyclone held within the sphere; larger amounts of magical energy create stronger 'drills', so to speak, while weaker amounts of magical energy do little more than rattle a target. Skilled users, in addition to modifying the size, can also modify the quantity; sufficient control over the rotation of the magical energy allows a user to manifest Helios in both hands, and wield is flawlessly. This effect is referred to as Twin Suns (二つの太陽!!, Futatsu no Taiyō), due to the image created from wielded Helios in this manner. As if someone had a macabre sense of humor, Helios can also serve well to its name; the sphere gives off a brilliant light that can be used as a makeshift lantern or torch when in a dark area, creating an everyday tool from a powerful weapon.
  • Star Lily (姫百合 Himeyuri) is a Light Magic spell. A very potent Light Magic spell. Through manipulating light particles, the user is able to enhance every single cell in their body with Light Eternano, causing their body to take upon an aura of pure light around it. This in turn increases their physical abilities extremely, capable of instantaneously traversing distances in a matter of seconds, leaving a white trail behind them after every movement.
  • Australis (極光 Kyokkō) is a Light Magic spell. The user, finely weaving light particles around their person, they release them in an aura surrounding them. Through this, they can manipulate the light particles as they ever so wish, making them into any shape they desire: including an all around shield of light, an optical illusion by refracting light particles or even manipulating them into his standard threads for an omnidirectional assault and defense, making this a highly versatile spell.

    Sun Beam demonstration

    Sun Beam : This spell is often used for one specific target, but can annihilate anything that crosses it's path. The result of being hit can be very deadly. People that have been hit can be burned three-fourths of their body. Trinity activates this spell by reaching out her arm and forming light into a small ball, just two inches away from her hand. And when the ball starts to crackle, Trinity shoots the beam right at the target.
  • Heaven's Storm
  • Lost Halo
  • White Knight

Darkness Magic[]

Darkness Magic (闇の魔法 Yami no Mahō) is a Caster Type Magic which utilizes the element of darkness. Darkness Magic is a Caster Magic which draws on the negative emotions of the user and manifest it in a physical form, the element of Darkness. While Darkness Magic is not inheritably evil in a sense, it does give off a feeling of despair to opponents that fight against a user of this magic due this magic releasing the malefic nature of the opponent out into the world. It is said that this magic was the one of the first attempt at creating a Black Art, though it was later used as a base for later Black Arts that came to exist. This Magic allows the user to utilize destructive abilities; it is triggered by going by the opposite of the 'magic = feelings' concept—by fuelling their magic with negative feelings, the user is capable of initiating the usual fusion of eternano and magical power, only manifesting magical power in a dark and malefic nature; this is known as Darkness Magic.

With this type of magic, the user has absolute dominance over the element of shadows; and thus, darkness, night, and any dark-related elements. This Magic has a physical form used for destroying objects, blocking enemies' attacks and picking up objects; consistently, it is a pulsating crimson. When using it, the user more often than not shapes their attacks into the form of waves or arcs of shadows, which they can use in various ways. The shadows can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create a variety of constructs and weapons and, teleport themselves through massive distances via shadows; being able to take out multiple opponents with just one attack and capture people, sinking them into the depths of their shadow.

  • Dark Capriccio(常闇奇想曲 Tokiyami Kisōkyoku lit. Capriccio of Eternal Darkness): A beam of darkness is fired by hands, meant to be used as a drilling offensive attack that can pierce through defenses.
  • Zero Slash: User uses Dark Capriccio as a whip to attack the enemy.
  • Dark Gravity(ダークグラビティ Dākugurabiti): A spell that amplifies the gravity in a certain area to make everything in the area fall.
  • Dark Rondo(常闇回旋曲 Tokoyami Kaisenkyoku lit. Rondo of Eternal Darkness): When cast, dark Magic with horror-stricken faces swirl around the user's hands, becoming more and more condensed.
  • Dark Delete: Several spheres of darkness are fired continuously from the user's hands
  • Dark Barrier: User uses darkness Magic to protect himself from an enemy's attack.
  • Genesis Zero(ジェネシス・ゼロ Jeneshisu Zero):Trinity's strongest Magic attack. She first charges green darkness energy on his fingers and summons thousands of black phantoms to strike at his foes to the point of them being engulfed completely by their sheer numbers alone. This technique has been claimed to be capable of erasing a person's soul and their very existence.
  • Dark Wave: User dashes towards his target, jumps and from his fist a giant wave of darkness appears, which pushes the target to the ground.
  • Demon Blast: A large sphere of dark energy is charged between the user's hands. From it, a beam is subsequently fired at the target.
  • Darkness Stream: User extends his/her hand towards the opponent and summons forth his/her Magic Seal, from which a multitude of large hands composed of dark energy is formed, which move to try and catch the opponent. The one targeted by the spell when it was first casted was shown evading it, so its full effects unknown.




  • F And A helped White in writing the Physical Attributes, she is going to continue it as time pass by.
  • Trinity's first name is actually based off of Trinity Seven
  • Appearance is based off of Fujiwara no Mokou from Touhou.
  • Trinity has a liking toward classical music
  • Her birthday is actually Pi day (March 4th = 3/14 = 3.14)
  • Trinity's Sting and Slash are from Fate Stay Night's Archer's duel blades
  • A lot about Trinity was changed.
  • Trinity's stats are: