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Twilight Magic
Twilight Magic



Hakumei no Mahō


Caster Magic
Subspecies Magic
Elemental Magic
Light Magic
Darkness Magic
Ancient Spell



Twilight Magic (薄明の魔法, Hakumei no Mahō) is considered to be one of the earliest forms of magic in existence and a powerful magic in its own right, despite being labeled as a Lost Magic; it's considered to be a Caster Magic, and classified as a Subspecies Magic — being composed of Light Magic and Darkness Magic respectively. This would also make it a form of Elemental Magic, one of the advanced forms to-date one should add. It's age led it to be classified as an Ancient Spell, denoting to its "superiority" over recently discovered or invented magics.

It's alternatively referred to as "Cosmic Dual-Forces Magic" (陰陽の魔法, In'yō no Mahō) — making reference to the aforementioned elements being combined together in such way and alluding to the two primary "forces" that make up creation as a whole. As only a few know about the existence of this magic, it has only a few practitioners; also, its the only form of magic that's not considered to be a form Combination Magic, despite holding such properties — acting as a standalone magic.


"Didn'tcha know? The most powerful elemental combination is light and darkness; it's considered to be the first elements in existence, predating all others. Everything in creation comes from these two in some way. This is something many in humanity have known for nearly eons. Now, this magic brings the two together to create an unbridled destructive force. Think you can handle it?"
— An opponent concerning the nature of this magic before its eventual usage.


  • Permission to take over this page was granted by Per. All thanks goes to her and her awesomeness :P
  • The mechanics of this magic is based on the powerful effects of two combined elements, displayed in nearly every anime.
  • For further understanding of this magic, go here for more details.
  • The coloration for this magic is meant to be gray, but the author hasn't found any gray-colored screenshots or images to use, thus had to settle for purple, which is another color associated with the element in-question; however, this doesn't mean the former isn't involved in any way.