Hello everyone! TOM at the top. Wendy to the right. Feels like old times. So, this is not an official review of the series, at least not in the capacity that I used to review chapters in nearly half a decade ago. No, I suppose this is just a quickfire blog on my thoughts about Fairy Tail. I'll be brief, but I figured now is as good a time as any. Why, you ask?
Happy Halloween, everyone! This has been one heck of a year, but hey, try to enjoy this little holiday if nothing else. Enjoy Halloween however you wish to; I'm personally at that point where I enjoy giving out candy more than actually getting any, so that's my Halloween. What about you guys? Put your costume in the comments: I'm wearing my Hogwarts robes (#ProudHufflepuff).
Have a happy and safe Halloween!
Fourth of July 2016
To all our American users, Happy Fourth of July! To all the non-Americans — or Americans like me who just don't care — have a good day anyway.