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Victor Crassus is the extensive property of Black Dwarf Star. This is my property which means no touching, no referencing and no alteration whatsoever. You wanna show your grammar skills? Good. Go somewhere else. But seriously, edit this and there will be consequences. Peace!

"Are you trying to intimidate me? If so, this is a poor attempt. Let me show the true terrifying power of a Monster"
— Victor before assuming one of his Monster Soul forms

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Victor Crassus





The Monster of Dragon Gunfire




Male Male


26 (X805)




167 lbs


May 3rd

Hair Color


Eye Color


Blood Type


Professional Status

Dragon Gunfire

Previous Affiliation


Guild Mark Location

Back of Right Hand



Previous Occupation

Dark Mage

Previous Team

Team Dragon Gunfire


Matthew Drakon
Lela Crawford

Previous Partner(s)

Drake Doomkaiser
Jacqueline Darner

Base of Operations

Muspelheim Guild Hall (Former)

Personal Status



Surtr (Adoptive Father, Deceased)


Sword Magic
Spatial Magic (Requip)
Take Over (Monster Soul)
Fire Magic
Unison Raid


Blood's Gem
Adamantine Blade
Black Steel Blade
Adamantine Shuriken

Victor Crassus is a Mage of Dragon Gunfire, and a former Mage of the Dark Guild Muspelheim guild. Under, Nether and Watcher, he was the strongest member of his former guild. He later left after being disillusioned from the ideals of Surtr, and wished to find a guild of true friends instead of a false family. This quest eventually led him to Dragon Gunfire, where he formed a fierce rivalry and close friendship with fellow guild mate Matthew Drakon; as well as meeting his girlfriend, Lela Crawford.


Victor has short, shaggy, black hair, His hair is long enough to have bangs, but it doesn't normally grow long enough to obscure his vision. He has dark, green eyes, which he normally wears with a cool and calm expression. He has light skin, often appearing rather pale, especially when in his restrained Vampire or Ghost form. He dresses in all black. His usual attire consists of black boots, pants, gloves, a black jacket, and a black long-sleeved shirt. Under his shirt, he also sports a large scar on his chest from previous experimentation under Surtr's knife. Victor often wears his Shadow Bar Armor underneath his jacket.


Victor was initially a quiet individual in the orphanage he grew up in. He never spoke to anyone, and believed that his quietness would prevent him from ever being adopted. When he was taken in by Surtr, this somewhat changed. He became much more talkative, and seemed to enjoy the company of his "siblings" in Muspelheim. Although, he maintained an aggressive rivalry with Dead Skull. He has demonstrated indomitable will, allowing him to survive Surtr's experiments, and power through even the most dangerous of attacks from his comrades, not willing to lose. However, he also has a great deal of morality. When he realized that Surtr was only acting like his father to make him, and the other Muspelheim Mages more compliant, Victor attempted to convince all of his guild mates to leave with him, and did flee by himself when they tried to kill him. At Dragon Gunfire, Victor became an even kinder individual, often taking jobs that revolved around protecting innocents, or simply being helpful. Although, he's somewhat awkward around new people, he is very comfortable around his guild mates, even joking around with them when spending time at the guild hall. However, he does know when to get serious, and never underestimates an opponent. Any taunts he does is to cause them to make mistakes. He also sports a competitive attitude, forming a rivalry, and lifelong friendship, with fellow Dragon Gunfire Mage Matthew Drakon. Their personalities often contrast, as Victor is more cynical than his friend, but the two get along well nonetheless.


Victor was born and raised in poverty. At a young age, his parents succumbed to disease, and he was raised in an orphanage. Although he though he would never be adopted, eventually he was proven wrong when Surtr found Victor and raised him as one of his children. With Victor's consent, Surtr did experimemts on him, increasing his healing factor and magical prowess. He worked his way up the hierarchy of Muspelheim, earning him the third spot in the guild's top mages.

Eventually, Victor left the guild in secret in order to find a better life for himself other than experimentations, finding out that Surtr had only pretended to act as his father to make him more compliant. Victor ultimately found himself at the Dragon Gunfire guild, and made a life for himself there, striking up a friendship, and rivalry with Matthew Drakon.

Magic and Abilities[]

Sword Magic: As he is a master swordsman, Victor is also capable of using this simple, yet highly effective magic. As the name implies, this is a type of Magic which revolves around the use of swords. Through the use of this Magic, Victor is capable of using his swords to perform different magical attacks. He can imbue his swords with his magic, increasing the power of his sword strikes, or even fire off pressurized air blades by simply swinging his sword, and giving him enhanced range with his blades. He is not capable of telekinetically lifting his blades with this magic however, instead he focuses on always having his swords in hand.

  • Sword Pressure: A skill where Victor slices his blade creating slicing winds. This skill makes up for Victor's lack of long ranged attacks in his normal form. First, Victor imbues his sword of choice with his magical energy. He then follows through by swinging the blade, sending off a pressurized blade of air, having the same cutting power and properties of whatever sword he was utilizing at the time. The strength of the air blade is also proportionate to the strength of whatever form Victor's in. The more physically powerful the transformation is, the more powerful the Sword Pressure. Also, as this attack is made from air, this attack is almost invisible, with only slight distortions in the air being visible when he swings his sword. Victor can use multiple blades at once to send off multiple blasts of Sword Pressure at once, or can send several blasts of Sword Pressure towards his opponent in rapid succession, overwhelming them with the high amount of cutting blades. The blades from his Sword Pressure have proven strong enough to easily cut through reinforced steel doors, and even damage Adamantine.
    • Turbine: A variation of the normal Sword Pressure skill. This spell is generally used as a defensive measure against those either above or around him. Victor moves his swords to either side of his body before slicing them around his sides. This generates a tornado-shaped blade of Sword Pressure, which both cuts and pushes back anyone who attempts to cut it. Even those with hardened skin will at least find themselves thrown back by this technique, if not still cut. This spell was effectively used on Japetus Telarum, sending him flying backwards, despite him using his Hardening Magic to block it.

Requip: Victor is capable of using Requip. He generally uses it to equip his armors, and keep him from carrying around his swords for long periods of time. He can also combine the abilities of his armors by equipping portions of his armors instead of the full suit. However, the portion of the suit is less when in comparison to the full set. The combined aspect of these armors allows for Victor to compensate for this weakness however, possessing a variety of abilities as opposed to just one. Victor has an immensely fast Requip speed, allowing him to near instantly equip a new set of armor or more weapons.

Take Over: Victor is capable of using Take Over magic, which he uses to transform into various monsters with his specific variation: Monster Soul. Most noticeably all the monsters are ones often characterized in popular media. He often combines the power of his Take Over spells with his armors to increase their powers, most noticeably speed using his Shadow Bar Armor. Even in his normal form, he shows some traits of his transformations. Victor can also undergo partial transformations with his Take Over, either undergoing a low level transformation (as he does with his Vampire form), or just transforming one part of his body, similarly to Elfman Strauss' Beast Arm technique. His Take Over speed is just as fast as his Requip speed, having the added benefit of having his armor and weapons changing size to accommodate whatever form he has taken on.

  • Monster Soul: Victor's first transformation, wherein he transforms into a seven foot tall, incredibly muscular, green monster, with bolts coming out of his neck. Victor has stated that this form is usually slower, in fact it is his slowest transformation, but he compensates for this with his Shadow Bar Armor and Lightning Magic.
    • Lightning Magic: Victor can use Lightning Magic while transformed using Monster Soul. Victor is capable of using blue-colored lighting for a variety of effects. Through electromagnetism, Victor can lift incredibly heavy objects, as long as they can conduct electricity, and cause paralysis to those struck by his lighting. On top of that, Victor is immune to lighting and electricity based attacks. As a matter of fact, Victor can actually absorb lighting to increase his own power. While Victor can fire powerful blasts of electricity, he can also imbue his body with electricity, increasing his melee power and his somewhat meager speed and reaction time.
      • Shocking Bolt: A punch imbued with Lightning Magic. This spell is powerful enough to create medium sized craters in the ground when attacks miss, and deal great amounts of shocking damage through direct blows. Combined with Victor's sheer physical might makes this a devastating attack if it connects. The Lightning Magic of this spell also makes it incredibly fast, allowing him to strike opponents in rapid succession in order to deal a great amount of damage.
      • Thunder Cannon: Victor begins this spell by holding his hands out in front of him, cupped, and charging his Lightning Magic in them. This causes lightning to discharge from the area as a sphere of lightning forms. Victor then fires a large blast of lightning from his hands, destroying everything in his path with its immense heat and power. Victor states that this spell has enough power to destroy a building, and compares it to Orga Nanagear's Lightning God's Charged Particle Cannon, which did exactly the same thing. If someone is able to survive the spell and remain conscious, the one struck will often find themselves unable to move due to the paralytic effect of Victor's lightning, and will be too numb to feel their body.
    • Enhanced Strength: Victor has immense strength in this state. This form is the strongest out of all of Victor's transformations in terms of sheer physical might. It can block attacks effortlessly, and even create wind pressure from the swings of his arms, redirecting attacks back towards his aggressor. His strength rivals that of Julius Kaizar, someone considered the strongest man in the world, and he can topple a giant in one strike.
    • Enhanced Durability: As this form this form has the highest muscle mass of Victor's transformations, Victor's Monster Soul also possesses the greatest pure, physical defense. He can take direct blows to the gut or face without showing any signs of discomfort, not even flinching in some cases. Most physical attacks won't even make him budge. Even when he can be moved from the force of an attack, more often than not he can simply brush it off like it was nothing, and continue fighting like there was no issue.
  • Monster Soul: Vampire: Victor transforms into a vampire, with pale skin, red eyes, and enlarged canines. This form has razor sharp fingernails, being capable of blocking bladed attacks, and easily cutting through flesh. This form increases his strength to casually be able to block powerful physical blows, even magically enhanced ones. Most notably this form is able to drink blood from his victims, allowing him to increase his strength, heal injuries, and weaken opponents. He is also capable of entering his full-powered form, appearing as a large, humanoid bat.
    • Vampire Physiology: Victor's physiology changes to match that of a Vampire. His razor-sharp canines can easily tear through flesh and bone, and even most metals, in order to get to the blood of Victor's target. He can even leave puncture wounds in metals such as Adamantine and Black Steel. Through drinking blood he can heal his injuries, increase his physical capabilities, and restore stamina, almost like a Dragon Slayer. Unfortunately this thirst for blood causes him to lose control of his actions in this state, constantly searching for the fluid until he deactivates this transformation. This hunger can be sated, but it's a problem nonetheless. As Victor is not a true vampire, he cannot turn others into vampires. He is also capable of flight, and possesses claws just as sharp as his teeth, if not sharper. In the daylight, Victor's power is somewhat weaker in this form, but that can be remedied by consuming blood. Unfortunately he goes through the energy the blood would give him much faster during the day, forcing him to search for more to return to full strength.
      • Full-Powered Form: Victor can enter a full-powered form, giving him characteristics akin to a humanoid bat. This increases his already natural strength, as well as giving him razor-sharp wings to cut opposition with. Despite the increase in size that comes with the form, he is not any slower. As a matter of fact, he gets even faster, becoming more aerodynamic due to the changed shape of his body. Unfortunately, the increase in power comes with another side effect: Victor's blood lust increases even further. This once led to him to brutally beating Dead Skull within an inch of his life, almost killing him, and drinking his blood. If it wasn't thanks to Matthew Drakon's timely intervention, he would've gone through with the deed. This power also proved capable of fighting evenly with, and somewhat overpowering the Dragon Slayer. Victor has since gotten more of a handle on this form, but also gives samples of mercury to certain individuals in order to force him out of this state (the full vampire form has a weakness to mercury, but not the weaker state), just in case Victor were to go on another rampage. Even after Dead Skull's Svartalfar hybridization process, this form still proved capable of matching him in combat, and then defeating him.
        • Sound Magic: While in his full-powered form, Victor is able to release high pitched ultrasonic waves capable of rupturing internal organs. He can use the screeches to even shatter steel and other dense metals. Victor can even use this skill to vibrate on the frequency of an intangible foe, allowing Victor to even harm Dead Skull's Shadow Form, and other similar forms. His attacks are silent, vibrating opponents, and heavily injuring them, without his magic itself even making any noise. This allows Victor to discreetly take out foes. These sounds can also be used for echolocation, even allowing him to fight blindfolded, or in total darkness as if he could see everything around him. This magic, overall makes him more attune to his Vampire, or bat instincts.
    • Enhanced Smell: Victor's sense of smell in this form is second only to his Lycanthrope form. He can easily sniff out, and discern different scents, recognizing even the faintest of scents from certain individuals. The fact that this form has a sense of smell somewhat inferior to the Monster Soul: Lycanthrope form, makes this sense somewhat more difficult to overwhelm.
    • Enhanced Strength: Victor's strength in this form is incredibly high. He can easily block attacks from physical blows, and snap a weak man's neck in one punch. Even light jabs to the back of the neck are enough for Victor to knock someone unconscious. Victor was able to stop Luke Gandor's sword swing with one hand, and deliver crushing damage to him and preventing him from getting away. This was only at Victor's base level of power in the Vampire Form.
    • Enhanced Speed: Victor has high degrees of speed in this state. He's capable of reacting to attacks aimed at his back in no time at all, and retaliate before his opponent has a chance to block or launch another attack themselves. He can even move so fast that he leaves behind afterimages. He was able to close a substantial gap between himself and Luke Gandor in an instant in order to stop one of his sword swings at his base level of power in the Vampire Form.
  • Monster Soul: Lycanthrope: This form takes the appearance of a large wolf-human hybrid, complete with a large amount of brown fur covering him from head to toe. He stands with a somewhat hunched back, as this form is generally built to run on all fours. He's still capable of effectively moving on his hind legs, and all fours however, not suffering from any ill effects.
    • Lycanthrope Physiology: In this state, Victor possesses razor-sharp claws and teeth. The claws are capable of cutting through steel like butter, while his jaws can crush objects that are even sturdier, even crushing Adamantine. Victor's even capable of catching swords with his teeth, and break them in half in an instant. As Victor is not a true Lycanthrope, he can not turn others into Lycanthropes.
      • Wolf Ball: Victor curls into a ball, and, by bouncing off of walls, he can increase his body's velocity to easily outmaneuver and deal great damage to opponents. He can repeatedly bounce off of objects in order to continue to gain more and more momentum. When moving fast enough, almost nothing can stop him. Through blunt force alone, when this attack has reached optimal speeds, it can even break through Adamantine or crystal barriers, and tear straight through gooier defenses, such as those created from Dog Whistle or Slime Magic.
    • Enhanced Smell: Possessing the sense of smell of a Lycanthrope gives Victor a highly advanced sense of smell in this state. He can track better than a bloodhound, and use his sense of smell in order to fight blindfolded. This sense of smell is so advanced that it is considered equal to, if not superior, to the sense of smell of Dragon Slayers. His sense of smell is the greatest in this form.
    • Enhanced Hearing: Victor also has a highly advanced sense of hearing, superior to that of all dogs. He can hear things in frequencies that only animals can hear, and can use this skill, alongside his sense of smell, to fight blindfolded. His sense of hearing is the greatest in this form.
    • Enhanced Strength: Victor has a high degree of physical strength in this form, around the same amount as his Vampire transformation. His jaw strength alone is enough to crush masses of steel with ease, and he can even catch or shatter swords with his jaws. This form also possesses a great deal of leg strength, allowing him to easily jump off of different objects and attack opponents from multiple angles.
    • Enhanced Speed: This is Victor's fastest transformation. His speed is so great that he creates afterimages of his body. He can even move so fast that he appears to be teleporting. By jumping off of solid objects, Victor can propel himself even more, growing faster and faster the more objects he jumps off of. This is especially effective due to the unique build of his legs, appearing somewhat similar to a kangaroos to allow for enhanced jumping and running capability. Only a rare few can keep up with the speed of Victor's Lycanthrope form, even exceeding that of High Speed and Lighting Magic users, and counteracting the effects of Slowing Magic. Even those who can propel their bodies with Light Magic have trouble keeping up with the speed of this form, finding themselves suddenly struck by powerful blows, sending the hurtling towards the ground. He was even able to use this speed to completely outmaneuver Dead Skull, and dodge a multitude of spells launched at him by Surtr and Ragna in his respective battles against them.
  • Monster Soul: Lagoon Beast: A monster reminiscent of a beast from a swamp. It possesses muddy-brown and turquoise scales all throughout its body, as well as fins on its head (forming a crown of sorts), back, and elbows, as well as webbed feet. The primary weakness of this form is its aquatic adaptability. If removed from a water source, Victor can only survive for a short time before being forced to revert back to his normal form. Fortunately, through the usage of his Black Lagoon, this is rarely an issue.
    • Black Lagoon: This form can create large quantities of water for Victor to swim in. The water it creates can also nullify magical power, but Curses are exempt from this. This water also can't be frozen through magical means, as the water nullifies any magic sent at it. This ability has been described as being similar to Torafuzar's Tenchi Kamei, but without the poisonous effects. The depth of the lagoon can be changed in order to increase pressure at lower depths. As Victor is the one who created the lagoon, he is also capable of changing pressure at will, and damage his target by crushing their internal organs. When used in a non-enclosed space, instead of simply filling the entire area, it forms of a sphere of black water that encompasses both Victor and his opponent. Other than creating his normal spheres, or filling an area with the Black Lagoon, Victor is also capable of generating standard waves of his water, similar to standard Water Magic. These waves still possess the same abilities as his normal casting of this spell.
    • Underwater Breathing: This form can breathe underwater, having fish-like qualities. He can spend an extended amount of time under water with no discomfort. He can breath in any depth of water, regardless of pressure. Victor's Black Lagoon even allowed him to gain a form of immunity to the effects of Torafuzar's Techi Kamei.
    • Master Swimmer: This form is also Victor's fastest swimmer. It's capable of swimming so fast that only those who don't suffer from the slowed speed of being submerged in water, have any chance of matching his speed. No matter what changes in a water current occur, it will not affect him in the least. He can even swim unhindered in the Waters of Techi Kamei.
    • Enhanced Strength: Although not built to fight on land, the Lagoon Beast's strength is still twice as great when compared to that of normal humans on the surface. In the water, this power is doubled, allowing Victor to deal even more damage to his opponent. His strength is comparable to that of the Atlantean Cartilage, in and out of water.
  • Monster Soul: Boogeyman: This form is the strangest of all of Victor's transformations. Although not normally visible due to his magic, it appears as a, relatively speaking, short, green, goblin-like creature. This creature is based off of the Boogeyman's inability to be found (as in hides under the bed or other dark locations) as it is portrayed in popular culture.
    • Spatial Magic: This magic allows Victor to phase through the regular world, and another pocket dimension. While in his alternate dimension, Victor's magic cannot be tracked, or seen in any way, allowing for amazing stealth, although the small portals he opens up can be seen by someone who can see magic, as they give off a magical signature. Victor can still see what's going on in the regular world while in his dimension and can act accordingly. However, through the small portals Victor creates, he can still be pulled out of his dimension if someone grabs, and pulls him out.
  • Monster Soul: Ghost: When in use, Victor's physical appearance doesn't change, but he becomes translucent. This can be useful in battle, allowing his comrades to be able to see through him in order to defend against attacks. Victor can also voluntarily make his body opaque, preventing opposition from seeing through him. Victor considers this his most difficult form to use.
    • Intangibility: Victor cannot be harmed by normal physical attacks while in this form. Although nothing can touch him, he can't touch anything directly either. He can also still be struck by Devil Slayer Magic or any other magic or Curse that harms the supernatural. Another magic that can affect his intangible body is Stealth, which has proven to be capable of harming the ethereal. Anyone that passes through his intangible body feels cold until they exit it. So cold in fact, that it's completely debilitating. Unlike an actual ghost however, Victor can not use his intangibility to control people. Victor's intangibility also proved to be immune to energy-draining attacks, such as those utilized by Dead Skull's Withering. When Victor is fighting someone who can bypass his intangibility, Victor's physical capabilities of his physical body transfer over to those of his intangible body, allowing him deal punishing physical blows with his strength to those that can touch him.
    • Telekinesis: When using this form he's capable of turning invisible and has a limited ability to use Telekinesis. This can be used to throw objects at his opponent, and injure them. This requires physical movement on Victor's part, and whatever he's moving needs to be within his direct line of sight.
    • Invisibility: As a Ghost, Victor's final ability is to become voluntarily invisible. This makes him completely invisible to other individuals, with the only exception being Devil Slayers, Stealth users, or other ghosts or ghost-like entities. This form can be used as an effective cover for stealth operations. Victor can combine his intangibility and invisibility to make for an impressive, near undetectable combination. Victor can also use this in conjunction with his Telekinesis in order to strike opponents with objects, without individuals being able to pinpoint the source of the moving objects.
    • Undetectable Magic Signature: When in this form, Victor lacks life energy in the traditional sense. As such, Victor cannot be tracked through magical sensing. Even the very effective Qui, a magic capable of tracking almost all forms of magic and life enery, is ineffective at sensing the magic power of Victor as a ghost. Having an undetectable magic signature should not be confused for having no magic power however, as it is magical energy that transforms him into this state in the first place.

Fire Magic: All members of Muspelheim know Fire Magic, even if it is not their primary magic, so they can enter the Muspelheim guild hall with no issues. As a former member of the guild, Victor has access to this skill. Victor is skilled enough to move the lava surrounding the Muspelheim guild hall without hurting himself, and can coat his weapons or body in flames in order to increase the power of his strikes. The fact that he uses this magic to gain immunity to a volcano demonstrates that his flames are just as hot. Victor can alternatively use this magic to walk through or on flames or magma. His body is naturally much more resistant to fire-based magic, but in the cases where his own, more meager usage of the art, is overwhelmed (as it has been many times in battles against Surtr, Watcher, and even Matthew Drakon), he still exhibits an enhanced regeneration rate against spells inflicted by burns, despite spending a great deal of his life never really being harmed by them to begin with.

  • Flame Pressure: Victor can also use his Fire Magic in conjunction with his Sword Pressure to generate powerful blasts of fire, fueled by the oxygen in the wind. Unlike the original variation of Sword Pressure, which is invisible, this variation of the attack is much easier to see. The flame blades will do one of two things: 1) they explode on contact, dealing great burns to the area of effect, or 2) they will have an even easier time cutting through whatever Victor's target is, as the Sword Pressure air blade is being augmented with flames equivalent in heat to lava. Other than this, the Flame Pressure spell has the exact same properties as Sword Pressure, with the same minimal cutting power.

Unison Raid: An extremely powerful ability that allows two Mages to unite two kinds of Magic, similar in nature, together, thereby creating an even stronger attack. Although a seemingly difficult ability to master, Victor is easily capable of doing a Unison Raid, seemingly, whenever he wants to. Although, it is evident that whenever he activates one, he is fighting with someone close to him, or at least someone he respects.

  • Deo Thunder Cannon: A combination of Victor's Thunder Cannon, and Drake Doomkaiser's Deo Cannon. As he utilizes his Thunder Cannon, Victor can only use this spell when in his Monster Soul form. While Victor charges his Thunder Cannon in the normal hand position, Drake charges his Deo Cannon as well. The two Mages then fire their respective spells at the same time, which combine into a rotating vortex of magic and lightning. This spell has the shocking and paralytic effects of the Thunder Cannon, while also having the dangerous effects that the Deo Cannon's Qui is infused with, allowing it to simultaneously internally and externally damage the target with both the shocking damage, and the Qui's normal effects.
  • Flame Pressure Debris Flow: A combination of Victor's Flame Pressure, and Drake Doomkaiser's Lustful Run (with him wearing his Planet Suit, as the spell is actually that of the Behemoth Efrit). First Drake casts the Lustful Run, sending out a large stream of difficult to control magma from his body towards his target. Victor then follows up with his Flame Pressure, collecting the magma in Victor's spell, which then proceeds to carry it towards the target at an accelerated pace. The heat of the two spells also combines, making this spell not only more dangerous to the target, but much simpler to control for the two casters than the ordinary Lustful Run, which is ordinarily a very difficult to control flow of lava, even to the spell's original creator Efrit.
  • Umbral Storm: A combination of Victor's Shadow Magic and Drake Doomkaiser's Shadow Magic. This Unison Raid can only be performed while Victor is wearing his Shadow Bar Armor, as that is the only medium through which he can use Shadow Magic. Victor and Drake transform into their Shadow Forms simultaneously, moving across the ground at a breakneck speed, before ending just below their opponent. They then reform, shadows collected on their hands, and move their arms in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction, respectively. This generates a massive tornado of shadows, bombarding the target with multiple lacerations from the shadows, and forcing the target high into the sky.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Victor has an enhanced healing factor, due to experimentation by Surtr, allowing him to easily recover from mortal wounds. He's capable of repairing any damage to his skin, and even reattaching lost limbs. This does not make him invincible however, as he can still be killed by major damage to vital organs, and is susceptible to bleeding out if his wounds don't close fast enough. Victor's healing factor is tied to his level of fatigue, the more damage he has taken, the harder it is to heal. When in his Vampire and Lycanthrope forms, his regenerative capabilities increase even further. He can even regrow and replace body parts as opposed to simply reattaching. The rate at which he regenerates tissue is also much faster, regrowing a limb in a few seconds, as opposed to the much longer amount of time it previously took to heal a puncture wound. In a matter of minutes in his base form, Victor is completely capable of regenerating form major burns all over his skin induced upon him by Matthew Drakon's Purgatory Dragon's Soul Flash, and spells fired upon him by Surtr's Fire Giant, but this could be attributed to his own Fire Magic. The more times Victor experiences injuries from certain stimulus, the faster he is able to regenerate from the type of damage. Most notably are his ability to regenerate from cuts and bruises (as he has taken many punches, puncture wounds, and slashes from his days in Muspelheim), heat-based attacks, Wind or Air Magic, Darkness Magic, Eclipse Beams from the Lunar Eclipse Eyes, Earth Magic, cold-based attacks, Shadow Magic, and basic energy blasts. Similar stimulus to something he's felt before is also relatively easier for him to regenerate from. Unfortunately, this regeneration only affects his physical body, so attacks directly made towards his magical container, or emotional trauma are not affected by this.

Master Swordsmanship: Victor is an excellent swordsman, being capable of easily wielding large swords, or dual wielding. His swordsmanship was the strongest of the Dark Guild Muspelheim, even exceeding that of Dead Skull. Even Aether Cade, a master swordsman in his own right, has voiced how excellent a swordsman Victor is. His skill allows him to effortlessly keep up with fellow swordsmen Matthew Drakon and Luke Gandor, and even get the edge over them with only one sword. Victor has some of the best swordsmanship skill in Dragon Gunfire. No matter what form he's in (with the exception of his Ghost Form, as he can't hold his blade), Victor can fluidly wield his blades, changing his style, as necessary, based upon whatever creature's features he's taken on. He can even wield swords of different lengths and weights in an incredibly effective dual wielding style. He can even effectively dual wield two longswords. Victor also has an extra ability that makes his swordsmanship more deadly: through limited study of other swordsman (watches their fighting style), Victor is capable of copying their sword style, and implementing it into his own technique.

Expert Weapons Specialist: While not as skilled with other weapons as he is with swords, Victor still has no problems wielding them in combat. He doesn't often carry them into battle, but can wield the weapons of his opponents if he picks them up, or other equipment laying about the battlefield. He can easily wield spears, bows, and, most notably, the shuriken that he keeps on his person. His accuracy with his skuriken is so great that he could pin a fly to a tree by the wing.

Expert Hand to Hand Combatant: Victor has good hand to hand combat skills. In his Take Over forms, Victor generally relies on sheer physical force as opposed to swordsmanship, being capable of fighting in many different mediums, and overpowering enemies. He can fight on the ground, in the air, or in water with no problems due to training with his various transformations. His hand to hand skills allow him to keep up Matthew Drakon during sparring sessions, and on some occasions, defeat him in brief clashes of fists.

Immense Strength: Victor was easily capable of carrying and wielding a sword his height, and about half the width of his chest, whether it be Surtr's blade or his own. He also has quite a high degree of overall strength, allowing him to lift incredibly heavy objects. He was capable of competing with the strength of Luke Gandor, one of the physically strongest members of the Spartoi, as well as a Dragon Rage enhanced Matthew Drakon for some time. His strength is also much greater in all of his different forms, as well as his Enchanted Adamantine Armor. This stems from the experiments Surtr had conducted on him as a child.

Immense Durability: Victor has incredible durability and can take vast amounts of punishment when injured. He can even take impalement and still shrug it off, even when not transformed. His overall pain tolerance makes him a very difficult individual to put down. He could even withstand a large variety of attacks from Alexander Doomkaiser and Luke Gandor with seemingly no issue. His different transformations and his Enchanted Adamantine Armor increase his physical capabilities. Like his strength, his durability stems from the experiments Surtr conducted on him as a child.

Immense Speed: Victor has such high natural speed that he often cannot be seen by the naked eye, utilizing his superior speed to deal blindingly quick strikes before giving his opposition the chance to react. His Shadow Bar Armor increases this already inhuman speed even further, reaching limits far greater than his body would normally allow. He's even capable of matching Matthew Drakon in terms of speed when the latter is propelling his body with his Fire Magic, and blocking several light beams from Matthew's Holy Elemental Magic, while in his normal state. This, like his strength, stems from the experiments that Surtr had conducted on him in his youth.

Immense Magic Power: Victor has enough magic power to be labeled as one of the top Mages of Muspelheim, weaker than only the Fire Giants. He's capable of equipping all of his weapons and armors, one after the other, and using them in conjunction with any and all of his Take Over transformations without showing any sign of fatigue. He was even above Dead Skull (pre-Svartalfar Hybridization) in terms of magic power, and was easily able to face him in battle. Since joining Dragon Gunfire, Victor's power has increased to be above that of Watcher, the current guild master of Muspelheim, and the former top mage of the guild, as well as being capable of defeating Surtr himself. His power is also about equal with Matthew Drakon, someone reputed as the "Embodiment of Heaven and Hellfire", and his lifelong rival. While not capable of defeating him, Victor also demonstrated immense power in a battle against Jason Gaebolg, forcing him to activate his Dark Eyes, and was capable of defeating Luke Gandor, one of the strongest members of the Spartoi, in a duel. In his full Vampire Form, Victor managed to easily overwhelm and defeat Dead Skull, an elite mage of Underworld, and now a complete Svartalfar Hybrid, after Dead Skull was previously capable of evenly fighting with Victor (in normal form), Lela Crawford, and Jacqueline Darner. Victor's even stronger than Ragna (the fifth strongest member of the Legion Under the Black Sun, and someone who is considered superior to Surtr in terms of magic power and skill), while Victor had, in the past, had trouble in battles against Surtr. When exerting large amounts of magic power, his aura is colored white, and in some instances, purple.


Blood's Gem: A red blade that Victor uses most often in combat, as it is his preferred sword. It is capable of draining the bodily fluids of those it impales, as long as it maintains contact, in order to increase its own strength or repair it. This is because it is made from the rare material of Blood Stone. This by absorbing the metals present in the blood stream, such as, but not limited to, iron. Prolonged contact with the blade can cause death, and if even further continued, mummification. Victor can even sacrifice his own blood to the sword in order to repair or enhance it. Due to his regenerative healing factor, his own blood cells are replaced at a much faster rate, preventing blood loss. Due to it's abilities, Victor has described it as unbreakable. While in his Vampire form, Victor can also use the sword as a medium to drink blood through, preventing him from needing to bite his target. This blade seems to have a similar effect on magical energy as it does on blood, absorbing it into the blade, but without the repairing effect that blood has on this weapons temperament.

Adamantine Blade: A light green sword made from the aforementioned material. It is the same length as the Blood's Gem, and Victor generally uses it when dual wielding with the red blade. Out of all of Victor's blades, this one has the strongest natural durability, and the sharpest edge. Its strength is even greater than his Black Steel Blade, and the Blood's Gem must absorb a large quantity of bodily fluids before it can match the strength of this sword. However, it's lack of extra effects makes it one of Victor's less favored weapons.

Black Steel Blade: A black longsword Victor wields, generally when combating normally intangible targets. It's very cold, causing frostbite on the opponents it touches. It is made from Black Steel-Ice Stone alloy, the former material being one that's just as strong as Adamantine, while the latter is what gives the blade its freezing abilities. This also gives Victor a weapon to counteract intangibility and magical defenses, as this material nullifies those effects. With this sword, Victor has no problems cutting through magical attacks, as this weapon is somewhat resistant to them. As it is a longsword, Victor doesn't normally duel wield with this blade, instead opting to use both hands on the blade, but he is still capable of duel wielding this longsword alongside any of his other blades.

Divine Blade: A golden longsword made from an unknown material, and is imbued with Holy Elemental Magic from Matthew Drakon. Like with his Black Steel Blade, Victor generally wields this sword utilizing both hands, but can also fight using just one, or even dual wield with two swords. From time to time, he'll even dual wield both longswords at once. As this sword is imbued with Holy Elemental Magic, it has the same purifying effects, allowing Victor to strike ghosts, and deal debilitating damage to Demons and Etherious. On top of that, Victor is capable of sending sharpened waves of light at his opponent in a manner similar to his Sword Pressure technique, but with the same power and appearance as the Infinite Cutting Blade. This allows it to cut through magical attacks and Curses as well. Victor actually copied this swordsmanship style from Constantine Noble. This is Victor's strongest sword.

  • Holy Blade: Star of David: The strongest technique of Constantine Noble, which he learned from copying Constantine's own Infinite Cutting Blade style. Victor moves his sword through the air, drawing the Star of David with his light. He then moves his hand out, seemingly pushing the Star of David in whatever direction he wants it to go. This spell is a combination of a cutting attack, and a magic seal. The Star of David itself is incredibly sharp, cutting through whatever is in its path, but the magic seal puts up a barrier around the Star of David that absorbs all incoming magical attacks and defenses, which it then adds to its own power, making this spell unable to be blocked.

Adamantine Shuriken: Victor has ten shuriken made from the strongest material in Earth Land. This allows them to shred through nearly anything they make contact with due to their own spin and speed, and the strength of their thrower. Unlike a normal shuriken, these ones only have four points, but are also much larger (approximately the size of Victor's palms). Victor is the only one that's trained well enough to accurately use these shuriken. Through his Requip Magic, Victor can call them forth, and then send them back to his Requip Dimension, even if he's already thrown them away from him.

Shadow Bar Armor: A powerful black armor that Victor dons as his primary suit. It is lightweight, allowing for great flexibility in combat, and not restricting his range of motion whatsoever. He covers most of his body, excluding his joints and head. It also bears an appearance similar to chain-mail, but is much denser than the more flimsy material. The metal this armor is made out of, Shadow Steel, is also incredibly dense, and possesses several unique properties. It is Victor's second most durable armor after his Enchanted Adamantine Armor.

  • Shadow Magic: Victor can also use this armor to transform into a shadow, and traverse the battlefield undetected and unharmed. He cannot be touched while in this form, but will need to solidify in order to strike his opponent. In his shadow form, all of Victor's senses are enhanced, allowing him to effectively maneuver around the battlefield as a shadow, and even be immune to the effects of Sleep Magic. Victor can even touch others using a Shadow Form while in his own, and attack opponents who use one. This even allows him to drag others out of their Shadow Form. Victor can also coat his body in shadows in order to increase the power of his physical attacks, on both his weapons and his own body, but he cannot use ranged attacks outside of coating his Adamantine Shuriken in the material.
  • Enhanced Speed: This armor also increases his speed to levels that anyone without an aided eye can't see his movements. It can outpace a High Speed user, and even counteract the decrease in perception from Slowing Magic. The speed can even compensate for some his normally slow transformations, such as his Monster Soul, or even make his quick forms much more faster than before.

Snowflake Armor: A white armor, bearing similar characteristics to his Shadow Bar Magic. This armor also sports a helmet, providing more head protection unlike the Shadow Bar Armor. It is made from, a material known as Ice Rock, giving it unique properties as well. It is not quite as durable or flexible as his other armors, but is not weak nonetheless, still maintaining great durability. Also the flexibility is still greater than many other armors utilized by other mages.

  • Ice Magic: Victor is capable of freezing opponents on contact when wearing this armor. The speed in which Victor freezes his opponent is so great, that he calls it "Flash Freezing", near instantly encasing his opponent in ice. This freezing power also allows him a greater form of defense with this comparatively weaker armor, as it can freeze objects in a manner similar to the magic Hell Freezer, causing them to shatter upon the slightest bit of pressure. Victor can also hold back this armor's freezing power, allowing him to coat his weapons in ice so cold that it burns. He was able to use this armor to freeze Matthew Drakon, Dead Skull, and Jason Gaebolg. Although all three of them managed to escape without any major damage to their person, it still quite impressive he could freeze them to begin with, especially considering that two of them were accomplished Fire Mages (Matthew and Dead Skull), and the other was, in fact, stronger than Victor (Jason). All three times however, they were forced to ascend to a higher level of power in order to break free (Matthew with his Holy Elemental Magic, Dead Skull with his Svartalfar form, and Jason with his Dark Eyes).

Enchanted Adamantine Armor: Victor's strongest armor. It appears as a sturdy light green armor, covering him from head to toe. Despite the appearance however, it is somewhat elastic, allowing for Victor to maintain his full range of motion as with his other armors. As the name implies, it is made from Adamantine. It was also imbued with Enchantment, increasing its abilities even further. In terms of defense, this armor is Victor's strongest. Using just the gauntlets, Victor has no trouble blocking sword swings from equally as strong materials.

  • Maximum Defense Seal: Similarly to Erza Scarlet's Adamantine Armor, Victor is capable of creating powerful defensive seals using this armor. These seals are capable of blocking a shot from something as powerful as a Jupiter Cannon (although it is notable that blocking something so powerful drains a lot of energy without proper preparation). Victor can simply erect a seal by holding out his hand, or he can generate a massive shield from joining gauntlets of his armor together, so powerful that it can block even the most powerful of spells and attacks.
  • Magic Resistance: The Enchantment use on this armor also gives it enhanced defense against magical attacks. On contact, magical attacks will be diffused over the surface of the armor, effectively nullifying them. This even effects magics that focus on internal damage, such as Qui and Shockwave Magic. The only weak points of the armor are the joints, and face area.
  • Enhanced Strength: This armor also increases Victor's physical strength to incredibly high degrees, almost as much of an increase as Victor's Monster Soul. This is due to its special Enchantment. Victor's strength is so great that he can even shatter Adamantine and Black Steel with only a few punches, and hold up large metal columns with minimal effort. He is even capable of using his fingers to block sword swings from incredibly powerful blades such as Adamantine or Black Steel weapons, or other magical weapons. When combined with his Monster Soul transformations, this strength becomes all the more dangerous.


Crassus was a Roman general from Ancient Rome, and was a member of the first triumvirate during the age of the Roman Republic.

Victor was initially conceived when Black Dwarf Star considered combining the magics of Erza Scarlet and Mirajane Strauss.

Victor's stats are:

Difficulty to Kill